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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Biden Draws Parallels Between Second World War and Today's War; World Leaders Commemorate Allied Invasion; Israel Hits School Sheltering Civilians Without Warning; At Least 40 Killed in Israeli Strike on School; Hamas States Latest Proposal Differs from Biden's Layout; U.S. and Allies Warns China is Trying to Recruit Western Ex-Military Pilots; ECB Cuts Rates for the First Time; NVIDIA Center of Attention at Taiwan's Computex; AstraZeneca CEO Discuss Precision Drug Therapy; AstraZeneca Reveals Data for New Cancer Drugs; North and South Korea's Balloon Battle; Boeing Starliner's Successful Docks ISS; SpaceX's Starship Completes Fourth Test Flight. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 06, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET



JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: It's 6:00 a.m. in Beijing, midnight in Normandy, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley.

And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

Welcome once again to "First Move," and here's today's need to know. Defending democracy. President Biden drawing parallels between the Second

World War and today's war in Ukraine on the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Aviation anxiety. The U.S. and allies warn that China is trying to recruit western ex-military pilots to train their own.

Helium hiccup. Boeing Starliner successfully delivers two astronauts to the International Space Station, but not without concerning gas leaks.

And combating cancer. The CEO of AstraZeneca discusses precision drug therapy, making weight loss drugs cheaper, and hiring more workers, not

less, thanks to A.I. That conversation and plenty more coming up.

But first, world leaders gathered in Normandy on Thursday for the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Twenty heads of state attended,

including U.S. President Joe Biden, French President Emmanuel Macron, and King Charles III. They connected the bravery and sacrifice of 80 years ago

to the war being fought in Ukraine today, characterizing both not just as a fight to save lives, but also a clash of ideals. President Joe Biden

reiterating that democracy needs defending.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: We're not far off from the time from the last living voices of those who fought and bled on D-Day will no longer be with

us. So, we have a special obligation, we cannot let what happened here be lost in the silence of the years to come. We must remember it, we must

honor it, and live it. And we must remember the fact that they were heroes here that day does not absolve us from what we have to do today. Democracy

is never guaranteed. Every generation must preserve it, defend it, and fight for it.


CHATTERLEY: And we will remember more than 4,000 Allied troops were killed on D-Day. The harrowing campaign ultimately though led to the liberation of

Europe and the end of World War II. Nic Robertson has more.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Heroes 80 years ago, soldiers in their hearts again today. Honored by not one, but

two presidents.

EMMANUEL MACRON, FRENCH PRESIDENT: And you are back here today, at home, if I may say.


ROBERTSON (voice-over): Survivors of an era and a battle unparalleled in history, telling their story, a cautionary tale.

JOHN DENNETT, BRITISH VETERAN: When you go home, tell them of us and say, for your tomorrow, we gave our today.


ROBERTSON (voice-over): The sea's calmer, the stinging bursts of bullets gone. So, too, the life ending explosions. This June 6th, more than a

carefully crafted commemoration of the 156,000 allied troops, 5,000 ships, 13,000 aircraft in the D-Day landings. A warning, dangers are back on the


KING CHARLES III: Three nations must stand together to oppose tyranny.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): U.S. President Joe Biden also connecting then and now. Today, Vladimir Putin's Russia, the threat.

BIDEN: The United States and NATO and a coalition of more than 50 countries standing strong with Ukraine. We will not walk away. Because if

we do, Ukraine will be subjugated. And it will not end there. Ukraine's neighbors will be threatened. All of Europe will be threatened.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Ukraine's president, not Russia's, invited this year a break with tradition and an instant hit with the vets.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, you're the savior of the people.

ZELENSKYY: No, no, no. You're the savior of Europe.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Yet even here, celebrating unity, Europe's emerging divisions on show, British paratroopers re-enacting D-Day

airdrops, getting passport checks. Not needed before Brexit.

For these young performers, a new world, not bounded by the post-World War II rules-based order, the vets watching them fought for. This 80th

anniversary, their baton passed.

LT. CMDR. KATHERINE MIYAMASU, U.S. NAVY: American World War II veterans, you stand relieved. We have the watch.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): A watch that has a price, the account for this generation now settled.

Nic Robertson, CNN, London.


CHATTERLEY: Now, many these veterans are already over 100 years old, and this could be one of their last opportunities to mark the moment. In fact,

one of them passed away en route to Normandy. Robert Persichitti was 102 years old. The U.S. navy veteran served in Iwo Jima, Okinawa, and Guam. He

exemplified his generation's dedication to serving right up until the end. May he rest in peace.

Now, from battlefields in Europe to a war zone in the Middle East, at least 40 people were killed in an Israeli airstrike on a U.N.-run school in a

refugee camp in Central Gaza. That's according to local hospitals. The school is believed to be housing thousands of people. The head of the U.N.

condemning the attack, but the Israeli military is defending it, saying it has identified nine alleged Hamas militants there. CNN has analyzed video

from the scene, finding that U.S.-made munitions were used.

Meanwhile, Hamas says the latest ceasefire proposal does not match the terms outlined by President Joe Biden last week, saying it falls short of

Hamas demands. Jeremy Diamond has more. And I must warn you, some parts of his report are disturbing.


JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Mohammed Farjala (ph) is still picking through the rubble of the airstrike that killed his brother.

And alongside the blood-spattered walls, he is still finding pieces of flesh. He believes they are his brother's.

May his soul rest in peace, he says. I wish I died instead. There is no hope in this life at all.

Mahmoud (ph) is the second brother Mohammed (ph) has lost during the war. His third brother is in the hospital in critical condition. His skull

fractured in the blast. Mohammed (ph) is not the only one sifting through the rubble. The Gaza Health Ministry says at least 40 people were killed

when the Israeli military struck this building overnight.

But this is no ordinary building. It's a U.N. school, converted like so many others into a shelter for thousands of Palestinians displaced from

their homes. The Israeli military says it carried out a precision and intelligence-based strike targeting 20 to 30 Palestinian militants who it

says were sheltering in the school and preparing attacks on Israeli troops. An Israeli military spokesman said the IDF was unaware of any civilian


Hospital records tell a different story. Nine women and 14 children as young as four years old are among the dead delivered to Al-Aqsa Martyrs

Hospital. Those who survived also accuse Israel of targeting civilians.

Netanyahu is killing the civilians, he is not killing militants, Shaber Abu Dahr (ph) says. It's innocent people asleep in an UNRWA facility. What did

children and the elderly do? What did they do to him?

The school is one of at least 180 UNRWA buildings to be hit since the beginning of the war, according to that U.N. agency.

But the devastation goes beyond U.N. facilities. Scenes like this have been playing out all week in Central Gaza, and had a clear uptick in Israeli

airstrikes. Bloodied and covered in soot, survivors and victims alike have been arriving at Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital at a rising clip.

As one wounded child cries for her mother, another arrives at the morgue to say goodbye to his. Mama is going to visit grandpa, this father tells his

son. Don't cry, you're a man, he says, but he is the one who breaks down.



CHATTERLEY: OK. Turning now to a case of aviation anxiety on the part of Washington and its allies. They warn China is intensifying efforts to hire

western military experts to train new pilots and make up for Beijing's relative lack of air operation expertise. Their new intelligence bulletin

says China is recruiting through private companies that often hide their ties to the People's Liberation Army.

Marc Stewart is on the story for us. Marc, what surprised me actually in this warning was the sheer lengths that China's apparently going to in

order to recruit these ex-service personnel. Just walk us through the details.

MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Right, Julia. Good morning. This is a very smart and sophisticated scheme by the Chinese government to recruit

western pilots to teach not at Chinese flight schools, but in-flight schools in other countries, yet, the students are Chinese military

officials. The western pilots, including those from the United States, have flight skills that are the envy of the Chinese military.

There's no question that Chinese military is very strong and really robust, but is lacking, according to some analysts. When it comes to flight

operations, that is where these western instructors come into play, teaching Chinese pilots everything from combat techniques, how to land on

an aircraft carrier, but perhaps even more valuable insight into the western ideology of military play, the western technique, the western

thinking when it comes to air operations.

It is believed the number of western pilots involved in all of this, it numbers into the dozens. This is been an ongoing concern. In fact,

recently, NATO and the United States held a conference, a meeting, to discuss this type of recruitment. Obviously, the United States is going to

get a lot of attention with all of this, but it's not alone. It's the United States, it's Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand,

these five eye nations that are also collectively raising these alarms. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, these skills are clearly very important, but there needs to be due diligence on where they go to work afterwards. Marc,

very quickly, what are the Chinese government saying about these accusations?

STEWART: We did reach out to China's ministry of foreign affairs very late last night. Of course, it's early in the morning here in Beijing. Perhaps

we'll get some response later today, perhaps at a daily briefing that takes place. But in the past, China has brushed this off as politics and as a way

to suppress the Chinese government.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I know you're on the case, Marc. We shall reconvene if you hear anything. Marc Stewart there. Thank you, sir. All right. Straight

ahead. Lagarde, en garde. The European Central Bank chief beats Fed chair Jay Powell to the punch with her first rate cut in five years. The ECB's

next move, however, highly uncertain. All that and more in our "Money Move."

Plus, Taylor Swift. Harry Styles, Jensen Huang, the CEO of NVIDIA, achieving rock star status at a Taiwanese trade show thanks to expensive

pieces of heavy metal, aka A.I. chips. All that and what it's like to converse with a virtual A.I. bellboy or bellhop, next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And to all our viewers just waking up with us in Asia, TGIF. Now, topping today's "Money Move," a

sluggish pre-jobs day display on Wall Street. U.S. stocks little changed on Thursday with the S&P and NASDAQ pulling back slightly from records reached

in the previous session, a bit of nervousness, perhaps ahead of Friday's all important U.S. jobs report. I'd call it profit taking actually. In tech

stocks too, investors expecting to see further signs of labor market cooling, which could boost hopes for a Fed rate cut.

Now, speaking of interest rate cuts, ECB glee in the Eurozone after the first quarter point rate cut there in five years. But the timing of future

cuts is now deeply uncertain with the Central Bank raising its growth and inflation forecasts for this year and next, which leaves their next move

very data dependent as Christine Lagarde made clear.


CHRISTINE LAGARDE, PRESIDENT, EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK: I'm sure that you will be asking, you know, what about next time? Yes. And I will invariably

tell you the same thing, which is what is included in the monetary policy statement. We shall be data dependent and we shall decide meeting by



CHATTERLEY: So, ECB and Christine Lagarde not waiting for the Fed to cut first and wearing a necklace saying in charge. Yes, I definitely need one

of those. Now, the upshot is European stocks were higher across the board on Thursday. So, some great optimism there.

Now, if you've ever wondered what it was like to live through Beatlemania, look no further than NVIDIA mania. The A.I. chip giant, whose market cap

briefly surpassed $3 trillion dollars on Wednesday, is the center of attention at a trade show in Taiwan this week called Computex.

Taiwan is also having its moment in the sun as more chip giants boost investment there. NVIDIA CEO Jensen Huang calling Taiwan a pillar of the

artificial intelligence world. All well and good, so long as no one gets a chip on their shoulder. Will Ripley joins us now.

Will, no room for chips on your shoulder. You need chips in development, quite frankly. Will, as trading shows go, this must be the hottest ticket

around. I think I've even seen video on social media of the NVIDIA CEO signing autographs, although I probably should have checked that they

weren't A.I. created, and I didn't. Will, save me.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: No. I can attest. They were very much real people by the thousands.


RIPLEY: It was just incredible. It's interesting, Julia, you've interviewed a lot of these tech titans. And so, seeing them interacting

with them here at Computex, including like the CEOs of AMD, Intel, Qualcomm, these are all incredibly smart, brilliant people. But when it

comes to NVIDIA founder Jensen Huang.

Yes, you know, he's worth, by some counts, a $100 billion dollars. NVIDIA has a massive market share, but it goes beyond that. He has this almost

cult-like following, especially here in Taiwan. He was born here. He moved to the U.S. as a young child, and he speaks about science with an almost

religious fervor, talking about how humanity has essentially now created a new form of intelligence, A.I.

And his words, they move markets, especially here in Taiwan, which he said was key to A.I. infrastructure. He called Taiwan an unsung hero in the

global supply of semiconductors, which power A.I. That caused stocks to skyrocket here. So, I can tell you, he said Taiwan's the unsung hero. But

for many Taiwanese, he is their hero. Take a look.


RIPLEY (voice-over): A Hollywood welcome in Taiwan for a trendsetting tech superstar. From throwing the first pitch, to visiting his favorite food

stands. The travels of Taiwanese-American Jensen Huang, NVIDIA's founder and one of the world's richest men, dominating the island's news and social

media. Even more than China's massive military drills last month, just before Huang began his highly anticipated trip ahead of this major tech

conference in Taipei.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you feel about the tensions in the region? Is that a cause for concern?

JENSENG HUANG, CEO, NVIDIA: I don't think it's either. We've been doing technology and doing engineering and conducting business here in Taiwan for

almost three decades. And so, we're going to continue to do that. We're investing in Taiwan.

Our next generation platform is called Rubin.

RIPLEY (voice-over): All of NVIDIA's next generation artificial intelligence chips made in Taiwan. The island democracy, the world leader

in advanced semiconductor manufacturing. One reason NVIDIA and its competition are investing big here. AMD CEO and Jensen Huang's cousin, Lisa

Su, brushing off concerns about Beijing's military moves.

RIPLEY: The bigger picture in the region with China, both the chip makers in China and also the military drills.

LISA SU, CEO, AMB: Our product goes through every part of the globe. Taiwan in particular is very, very important to the semiconductor

ecosystem. We do a lot of our manufacturing here. I think the bottom line from our perspective is it's really important to have a global ecosystem.

RIPLEY (voice-over): A remarkably fragile ecosystem, as we all learned from supply chain disruptions during COVID, pushing nations like Japan,

Germany, and the U.S. to develop their own semiconductor hubs, the kind that took Taiwan decades and billions of dollars to create.

RIPLEY: Can you update us on how efforts are going to replicate some of that success in the United States?

RIPLEY (voice-over): Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, one of several tech titans trying to take chip making back to the U.S. A huge hurdle, banking on

billions in government subsidies.

PAT GELSINGER, CEO, INTEL: So, we've clearly seen A manufacturing resurgence as a direct result, I believe, of the Chips Act. Our projects

are on track. You know, what we're doing across our four manufacturing sites are on track. And we're proud of the momentum that we're seeing for

that. But we also have great respect for the ecosystem here in Taiwan. But the world needs more geographically balanced and resilient supply chains,

and I think that's starting to take shape.

RIPLEY: A steady supply of chips crucial to creating the next generation of A.I. powered tech. Tons of it on display here at Computex in Taipei.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Drawing some of the biggest names in tech and tens of thousands to the Taiwanese capital.

AI RENDERING OF UNIDENTIFIED MALE'S VOICE: Have you explored the hotel's amenities?

RIPLEY: I haven't. What's your favorite?

AI RENDERING OF UNIDENTIFIED MALE'S VOICE: Definitely the rooftop pool. It's the perfect spot to relax after a long day of conferencing.

RIPLEY (voice-over): This is my slightly awkward conversation with an A.I. bellhop, perhaps the future of hospitality.

RIPLEY: Maybe they can go to the rooftop pool.


RIPLEY: I still prefer a real human though. What's wild too, is that a year from now, this will seem like ancient history when we're talking


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely. I mean, a year ago it was ChatGPT, it was just text. Now, we have voice animation. It's running locally. It's not in

the cloud anymore. So, it's advancing really quickly.

RIPLEY (voice-over): None of this possible without advanced chips from Taiwan. Some call the island's vital role in global tech its silicon

shield, making it too important to attack. Here, geopolitical tensions seem far away, even with the Chinese military making moves miles from the

Taiwanese coast.


RIPLEY (on camera): You know, being someone who covers geopolitics and we focus so much about the Chinese military, it was surreal and, in some ways,

refreshing to be in an environment where, even though we're here in Taiwan and there's a lot of talk about what China has planned down the road, but

this was not on the radar at all for the people who were here at Computex.

The overarching theme was one of optimism and excitement about the arrival of the A.I. era. That A.I., whether you like it or not, is going to be in

our devices everywhere. You probably will have to interact with A.I., you know, hotel concierge, or an A.I. customer service rep that you call on the


And they're going to be -- there's probably going to be a point, Julia, where there is even A.I., dare I say it, you know, journalists, news

presenters. I mean, it's pretty scary how quickly --

CHATTERLEY: Don't dare say it.

RIPLEY: -- you know, this technology is, is evolving. But you know, we might get to a point. Right now, there's the uncanny valley where you can

still tell it's like this is a -- well, this is weird. It looks like a human, but it's not. But maybe there will be a point where it's hard to

differentiate. I mean, this is totally uncharted territory. And it just makes you think about things. It makes you think about artificial

intelligence and what this really means. And I think the answer is we don't fully know what it means, but it is an extraordinary time for tech, and you

could feel that energy here in Taipei all this week, Computex wrapping up later today.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, beyond our wildest imagination, both for good and potentially for bad, which is why getting that balance is going to be so

important. But I couldn't agree more with you, it is the epicenter of a confluence of politics and economics.


It was interesting to see the NVIDIA CEO sort of side swipe that question in your report when he was asked about the politics and he said, look,

we're investing in Taiwan. We don't think about it. Perhaps not always going to be such an easy and diplomatic answer.

Will, great report. Thank you. Have a great day.

All right. Moving on now to our weather move. Parts of the western United States are in the grip of a scorching heat dome. It's reaching peak

intensity this Thursday too, with thermometers up to 25 degrees Fahrenheit, or around 14 degrees Celsius higher than normal for this time of year.

Warnings are in effect for more than 18 million people in California, Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. Chad Myers at the World Weather Center for us.

When is relief coming, Chad?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: For California, maybe a little bit tomorrow, especially for San Francisco, for Sacramento, but not until

Tuesday or Wednesday for places like Phoenix. 111 degrees Fahrenheit tomorrow in Phoenix, about what it was today. 109 in Vegas tomorrow. So,

yes, 42.

These temperatures continued to go up because the pictures that you were just showing had absolutely blue sky, not a cloud in the sky. And that's

what happens under a heat dome. It's a piece of high pressure. It pushes the air back down like putting the lid on our frying pan, it just keeps it

all the way down in there.

We've had records from Texas all the way to California, and they will continue from today because it is, in fact, still the afternoon in

California and Arizona. And then tomorrow, 100 or more reported new record high temperatures. And look at this Phoenix, yes, 44. That's a 111 degrees


Shifting a little bit toward China and also toward Taiwan, where our Ripley is. We will see some clearing skies tonight, but we will have an awful lot

of rainfall starting for the weekend. Some of these places across southern China, everywhere that you see red, will get 150 millimeters of rain.

That's six inches of rain just in the next 72 hours.

But then, go north where it will not rain, you see Beijing in the upper 30s, 26, 37. That's 96 degrees Fahrenheit. So, kind of a tale of two

different countries there, to the north where it's sunny, it's hot, and where it's to the south, it'll be wet. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Like putting a lid on a frying pan.

MYERS: Really. A sizzling report, as always, from Chad Myers. Thank you for that. We'll see you tomorrow. And we'll be right back. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more of the international headlines this hour. Hunter Biden was in court again today as

part of his federal gun case. It's the first time the child of a sitting U.S. president has faced trial. Day-four focused on testimony from Hallie

Biden, the widow of Hunter Biden's late brother, Beau. She says she found the firearm and threw it away before it was recovered by a retiree.

Former Trump adviser Steve Bannon ordered to begin serving his four-month prison sentence by July 1st. He was convicted of contempt of Congress after

defying a subpoena from a House Committee investigating the January 6th riot. Trump saying on social media, Bannon going to prison is a "American


A group of Russian naval ships, including a nuclear-powered submarine, will visit Cuba next week, according to Cuba's foreign ministry. Havana says the

visit is part of the historically friendly relations between the two nations. Cuba says none of the ships are carrying nuclear weapons, thus the

stopover poses no threat to the region.

AstraZeneca stealing the spotlight at the American Society of Clinical Oncology's annual meeting. The British pharma giant has revealed promising

new data for its cancer drugs that significantly slow the progression of lung cancer as well as breast cancer during trials. Shares of AstraZeneca

reaching a record high this week. The stock is up 18 percent so far this year on the NASDAQ.

Now, I sat down with AstraZeneca's CEO to talk the future of cancer therapies, his view on how to make weight loss drugs more accessible, and

the impact that A.I. is already having on their research and development. Take a listen.


PASCAL SORIOT, CEO, ASTRAZENECA: The excitement comes from the fact that the day when cancer will be cured is not that far and you can actually see

that it is on the horizon. I don't want to give people too much hope, of course, it will take another few years.

CHATTERLEY: How far away is it?

SORIOT: Another few years, and it will really depend on what cancer and it also depends on how quickly we can diagnose people. So, one of the things

we do as a company is we work hard to put in place policies with governments and campaigns to identify -- to screen patients and identify

cancer early.

CHATTERLEY: It's so important. You and your drugs come later. It's finding the cancers, and that message that you send there I think that's vitally

important for anybody watching. But there's a precision now about the medicines that you're already producing and you're looking at, whether

that's sort of antibody drug conjugates, or it's even in the radio pharmaceuticals. People may have heard these phrases used. What do they

mean in practice?

SORIOT: Yes. So, the future of cancer really is about combinations and it's about precision. So, what do we mean by precision? For instance, the

use of antibody drug conjugate, this is when you take an antibody and you combine it with a toxin and the antibody will deliver the toxin to the

cancer cell and kill the cancer cell, but not the healthy cells.

We also want to do it with radiotherapy. So, we want to deliver radioisotopes to cancer cells and kill the cancer cells, just like you do

with radiotherapy. And it's also about combining this with immune-oncology products. So, it will stimulate the immune system so your own body can take

over and fight the cancer by themselves.

CHATTERLEY: So, part of what you've announced is that you're intending to double sales at AstraZeneca by 2030. That would take you to $80 billion. I

think the cancer part of the business is around 40 percent of sales today. Is that going to be the primary driver?

SORIOT: Cancer will be a very important part of our portfolio and our growth in the future. But outside of cancer, we have products for

cardiovascular disease, respiratory disease, immunology. We're also using cell therapy to treat immune diseases. And finally, rare diseases.

CHATTERLEY: Can we talk about probably the most sexy drug that's being discussed today. You're smiling already because I know what -- you know

where I'm going with this, and that's weight loss drugs. And you've made a couple of important points that resonate, I think, with a lot of people

that are either hoping for this or wishing that they could afford it. And that is that it needs to be more accessible. The price needs to come down.

The delivery has to change right now. It's injections and the big names, it's -- it needs to be in pill form.


SORIOT: Our strategy is always to try bring as -- our medicines to as many people as possible. And if you have this in mind, then an oral agent is

much easier, because it's cheaper, it's a small molecule, you don't have to inject yourself, and it's much more accessible. So, our strategy has been

to really develop an oral agent that we can combine with other products for cholesterol, hypertension, diabetes, to really treat the patient, help them

lose weight, but also treat the cardiovascular risk.

CHATTERLEY: So, it's, I guess, a bigger market as well if you're targeting overweight people and the associated illnesses with that versus just pure

obesity, for example, because the market's arguably bigger, significantly bigger.

SORIOT: Yes. Actually, the bigger and most, I would say, important market from a health viewpoint is the people who have risk factors. And of course,

obese people also have cardiovascular risk factors, but the people who are overweight are much -- it's a much bigger number of people because most

people only have a few too many kilos to lose. So, this is one group.

The second group of people who need to lose more weight, here, we are really trying to combine this oral agent with other agents that will

improve the quality of weight loss. So, instead of losing a fat, but also muscle, we want to work on products that will help people lose more fat and

less muscle.

CHATTERLEY: You have three weight management drugs moving to phase two trials within the next 12 months. If all goes perfectly, how long before we

could see those available on the market? And can you give me a hint on price?

SORIOT: We never comment on price.

CHATTERLEY: You don't have to hold yourself to it.

SORIOT: But oral agents will be lower, because our target will be really the people who need to lose a little bit of weight, manage their

cardiovascular risk factors. And we need to bring this to people around the world, not only in the U.S., not only in Europe, where people can pay

higher prices, but everywhere. So, prices will be lower.

And the first wave will actually be very soon. In the next three, four years, we will have the first wave of products, hitting the market here in

the U.S., but around the world with not only weight loss, but also measurement of risk factors.

CHATTERLEY: You also struck a weight loss pill deal or developer in China, Eccogene. Talk to me about that, if that would be potentially an option for

Chinese consumers, because you are being quite calculated, I think, in terms of your supply chains.

SORIOT: Well, first of all, I think it's important to keep in mind that in our industry innovation comes out of the United States and China.


SORIOT: In the last five years, innovation in China has exploded in biopharmaceuticals. And so, and there's a lot of reasons to be in China not

only to help Chinese patients but also to source innovation. And that's why we did this deal with Eccogene.

And if you look at Asian patients, whether it's China or Japan, people don't always look overweight, but they have abdominal fat. They have fat

inside their abdomen. And that's really bad fat, because that's really what leads to metabolic disease hypertension, diabetes. So, delivering products

to these people is, of course, very critical.

RIPLEY (on camera): If we look at China today, it's, what, 15 to 20 percent of sales. Japan around 15 percent. If we go back to that number

that we were talking about, that $80 billion worth of sales, what proportion of that is Asia, Southeast Asia, do you think whether that's

innovation or, to your point --

SORIOT: Sn Asia, of course, is a very large population. So, if you look at Asia together, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China, our expectation is that it will

represent probably 35, 40 percent of our sales by the end of this decade. Yes.

The other thing that is happening is -- that is happening in many of these countries is that they're becoming richer. They have a greater ability to

access our medicines and pay for them. So, they want innovative products.

CHATTERLEY: If I said A.I. to you, how would you respond?

SORIOT: Oh, we use it everywhere.


SORIOT: In research of course, managing data in our factories. So, we have intelligence factories in running our clinical trials, running the company.

So, we use it absolutely everywhere these days.

SORIOT: Is it collapsing the time that clinical trials take?

SORIOT: Yes. So, you know, it's really interesting you should ask because sometimes people say, well, you'll be able to do -- you'll be able to

reduce your head count. My answer is no. My answer is, we will -- what will happen is we'll produce more medicines faster and we'll have more solutions

for people with the scientists we have.

Because their ability to develop a new molecule, an antibody, a protein, a small molecule is really accelerated. I was in one of our labs the other

day and they're able to do hundreds of thousands of tests in a day, when before it would have taken them weeks and months.


CHATTERLEY: So, actually you could end up hiring more people as a result of A.I. because you simply have more solutions.

SORIOT: Absolutely. Absolutely.

CHATTERLEY: Final question. First investor day in 10 years, you had a message for investors.

SORIOT: We want to be a growth company, a long-term growth company driven by science and innovation. And we want to bring our medicines to as many

people as possible in the world.

CHATTERLEY: So, you're a growth company and you're just getting warmed up.

SORIOT: Exactly, just started, yes. Thank you so much.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you, sir. Great to chat.


CHATTERLEY: The CEO of AstraZeneca there. Now, if you've missed any of our interviews today, they'll be on my X and Instagram pages. You can search

for @jchatterleyCNN.

Now, coming up here on "First Move," propaganda in the skies along the Korean border. A war of words has become a war of balloons. More on that,



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to a ballooning battle. North Korea recently sent balloons filled with waste into South Korea. Well, now, South Korean

activists are again floating their own versions filled with what some might call waste, others might call wonderful. I'm talking about thousands of $1

bills and USB sticks full of K-pop music and South Korean TV shows.

Just to be clear, balloons have been crossing the border for years, though some South Koreans are getting tired of it. Mike Valerio has more from



MIKE VALERIO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): In a place that blooms with life, a serene and stunning setting, 60-year-old farmer Kim Young-bin cares

for his giant onions with water flowing from North Korea. It's part of a beautiful, and he says, inseparable bond between North and South now

fraught tension once again.

There used to be a time when we talked about peace, he says. But it's all changed now. We only hear difficult situations between the Koreas. So, we

farmers are very uncomfortable.

Kim tells us he's farmed this land in Cheorwon, South Korea for 36 years, and he disagrees with this.


VALERIO (voice-over): Activists from South Korea sending balloons northbound filled with American dollar bills, K-pop and K-dramas downloaded

onto thousands of USBs. There's also 200,000 leaflets in bags tied to the balloons denouncing the regime of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. Park

Sang-hak is the founder of the group behind this latest launch, Fighters for a Free North Korea.


He's been doing this since 2006, and his latest balloon deployment is in direct response to about 1,000 trash filled balloons from North Korea.

PARK SANG-HAK, FOUNDER, FIGHTERS FOR FREE NORTH KOREA (through translator): We send money, medicine, facts, truth, and love. But to send filth and

trash in return? That's an inhumane and barbaric act.

VALERIO (voice-over): Park defected from North Korea in 2000, and he remembers in the early '90s when a balloon similar to one of these popped

above him, and he secretly collected a leaflet from South Korea. It told him of a better life, and he says it told him the truth.

SANG-HAK (through translator): South Korea is not an American colony or a wasteland of humanity like I learned in North Korea. North Koreans are

filled with anger and hatred and only sing military songs, but South Korea is a gentle country.

VALERIO (voice-over): Kim tells us while touring his fields, the new aerial tit for tat should stop, and if it doesn't, his life and his farm

could be upended.

VALERIO: Now, once you get up into the hills, you can actually see into North Korea. We're not talking about the fields in the foreground. We're

talking about way in the background. The DMZ, about four kilometers, two and a half miles away from where we're standing.

Now, farmer Kim has told us that during moments of heightened tension in the past, the South Korean army has kept him from entering about half of

his property because it is so close to the DMZ, in order to keep him and others safe.

VALERIO (voice-over): The question now, how will North Korea respond, especially after a show of force by the United States? A B-1B bomber on

Wednesday, flying over the Korean peninsula and for the first time in seven years, engaging in land target practice with live munitions.

We asked Kim if he wants to leave. His answer --

KIM YOUNG-BIN, SOUTH KOREAN FARMER (through translator): I want to move to somewhere else, but I can't afford it. We're very upset that the balloons

are making our daily lives inconvenient in our areas seen as a war zone. It's very unfortunate. There's nothing we can do. If I could, I would want

to stop them, but it's difficult.

VALERIO (voice-over): So, for Kim, there's no choice. Staying in his field, surrounded by waters from the north. Longing for a time before new

heights for tensions in the sky.

Mike Valerio, CNN, Cheorwon, South Korea.


CHATTERLEY: Thanks to Mike Valerio there. All right. Coming up next, the final frontier in focus for Boeing as its Starliner capsule docks with the

International Space Station. And then there's SpaceX. We've got a lot to discuss, next.


CHATTERLEY: Great hair. Starliner success in the past few hours. Two NASA astronauts made it on to the International Space Station from Boeing's

Starliner spacecraft. Their capsule docked earlier with the mission successfully navigating issues that arose during its final approach. The

new arrivals said it was a case of teamwork making the dream work.



BUTCH WILMORE, ASTRONAUT: Hey, thank you all for the great work. And thanks to ULA got us going. Boeing kept us going. Mission Control M.O. kept

us going and got us here. What a great, wonderful team effort. I mean, team, team, team. This organization -- these organizations are the epitome

of teamwork. And it is a blessing and it's a privilege to be a part of it.


CHATTERLEY: What a moment for those astronauts. Now, not to be outdone, SpaceX also marked a major milestone Thursday, too, successfully completing

a test of its massive new Starship rocket. Let's bring in Tariq Malik, editor-in-chief of Welcome to the show.

It's been a space spectacular this week. How are you doing? You must be exhausted.

TARIQ MALIK, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, SPACE.COM: Yes, Julia. It has been an exhausting but exhilarating day in space. I'd have to say not only --

usually you get one big event. Today, we got two, including the world's most powerful rocket that you mentioned there, SpaceX's Starship. So, it's

pretty exciting.

CHATTERLEY: I know it's tempting to compare them and I was not going to, but now I am. What is the bigger deal? Because Boeing has been playing

catch up, but what Elon Musk team achieved today is huge.

MALIK: Yes, it is. It is really hard to pick. If I had to pick, because I'm a human spaceflight reporter at heart, I would pick Boeing Starliner

arrival with actual astronauts. Because it has been an immense slog for Boeing. Five years since their first uncrewed test flight failed. And then,

they had to fly that mission again, two years -- three years later. And then, they had more issues, including today. I mean, it has not been a

spotless flight. But they managed to do it.

And the astronaut said that it was -- it's been fairly comfortable, and Boeing seemed confident in an afternoon press conference that they can work

through these issues for their next flight.

CHATTERLEY: I mean, just gives a reminder of what this helium is used for. I mean, I was reading earlier, and this is used to pressurize the

spacecraft's thrusters and allows them then to fire. So, when they're going to try and return back to earth in eight days' time, we're not sort of

worried about any complications here, I guess, at least they're not?

MALIK: And, Julia -- and that's what we heard this evening from Boeing directly. They had a helium leak before they launched. They knew what it

was. They had plenty of supply for this mission.

Late yesterday, after launch, they detected two more helium leaks. And then, another one actually, after reaching the space station. What they

were doing in the meantime is they were shutting off those systems to conserve all of that. And then they would turn them on when they needed the

thrusters. So, it all worked fine. They still want to know exactly what's going on with those leaks, why they keep happening.

And at the same time, they had a separate issue. They lost five thrusters on the spacecraft's propulsion system on -- just during docking itself.

They were able to recover four of them, delayed docking by about an hour. Required some manual control by the astronauts. But they want to figure out

what that was about too.

Again, they said that it's no issue for the rest of the mission. And now, it's on-board testing throughout.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I mean, it's awesome news for them. But we do need to draw a line into this because I went -- the moment I heard helium leak, I

remembered from May 25th and the launch there that was scrapped. So, I think once we have more information on this, and we should certainly

discuss it.

Let's jump back to Starship now and what SpaceX has got going on. Because I think the key point and the design is so important of this monster rocket

too. It was designed to be fully reusable. So, just underscore for our viewers that may not be up to speed on this, what was so important about

what was achieved today?

MALIK: That's why it was so hard to pick between these two events. What SpaceX did today was one of the most exhilarating and nail-biting test

flights I have ever seen. Starship is the world's biggest and most powerful rocket. It stands 400 feet tall and both components, this massive booster

that it's -- that carries the spacecraft and the spacecraft itself are designed to be reusable.

In three test flights, SpaceX, first of all, couldn't reach space. And then, when they did earlier this year, they couldn't bring the spacecraft

all the way back to earth for a splashdown on the ground. Well, that's exactly what happened on this flight. The super heavy booster splashdown on

a controlled landing in the Gulf of Mexico. And then, this Starship vehicle, with visible damage on the way down, as you watch the flap burning

away, it would -- the camera would go out, it would come back. There were cheers from SpaceX.

The camera cracked at one point, blacked out, came back again, and it executed what appears to be a good splashdown there too. A big, big

milestone for SpaceX and a very exciting mission to watch.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, I was watching all of that and I'm getting excited again listening to you. I mean, Elon Musk put on X despite a loss

of many tiles and a damaged flap to your point, Starship made it all the way back to a soft landing in the ocean. And for those viewers that have

been watching this, and we've covered it each time, the three previous flight demos have basically exploded in various spectacular form.

So, yes, I shouldn't show my bias, but -- and it's important as getting astronauts up into space is, this does feel like a monumental moment too.



MALIK: It is, Julia. And this is the spacecraft that is going to land American astronauts on the moon, on NASA's Artemis 3 spacecraft. So, maybe

I should change my mind a bit. It was a big leap for them. And NASA has a lot riding on this. SpaceX has sold trips around the moon with this



MALIK: So, getting to the point is one thing. They still have a long way to go. They have to reuse the vehicle. They have to land it on land. They

want to catch it with these chopsticks on their launch pad. They have to try that. They have to refuel it in space, and then they have to equip it

to have people on board, too. So, still a long road, but I think they got a lot of the way there.

CHATTERLEY: So, our general enthusiasm has just blown up the end of the show, which I love doing, Tariq. Go get some sleep, my friend. Exciting


MALIK: I absolutely will.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you.

MALIK: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: All right. And that just wraps about -- just about wraps up the show. Now, I can't get my words out either. Thank you for joining us,

and I'll see you tomorrow.

