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First Move with Julia Chatterley

U.N. Security Council Backs Gaza Ceasefire Proposal; Israel Police Release Hostage Rescue Video; Blinken Visits Middle East For Ceasefire Deal; Gantz To Meet With U.S. Diplomat On Tuesday; U.S. To Ratchet Up Pressure For Gaza Ceasefire; U.S. And World Leaders Will Stand Behind Ceasefire Proposal; Apple's A.I. Catch-Up; Musk: New Apple Operating System A Security Threat; NVIDIA's Stock Split; Hunter Biden Jury Begins Deliberating; Shaking Up The Solar Power Industry; Far-Right Parties Projected To Win Record Number Of Seats; Landa Group Transforms Traditional Industries; Lumet Helping To Bring Down Solar Panel Costs; Alcaraz Wins French Open; Jannik Sinner Becomes Number 1 In Men's Tennis. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 10, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Basketball decided to not invite the rookie to the Olympics this year. But Clark says, hey, no sweat.


CAITLIN CLARK, GUARD, INDIANA FEVER: Honestly, no disappointment. Like, I think it just gives you something to work for. You know, that's a dream.

Hopefully, in four years, when four years comes back around, you know, I can be there.


TAPPER: Classy way to respond to disappoint. The news continues on CNN with both blitzer in "The Situation Room." I'll see you tomorrow.

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: It's 6:00 a.m. in Shanghai, 8:00 a.m. in Sydney, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome to "First Move" as always, and here's today's need to know. Security Council consensus. The United Nations Security Council

passing a U.S. drafted ceasefire deal aimed at halting eight months of war. Hamas welcomes it.

Jury judgments, deliberations have begun in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial.

Apple intelligence. Tim Cook unveiling their new A.I. push, including a deal with open A.I. to integrate ChatGPT.

And what do you lab grown diamonds, permanent hair straightening, cheaper solar panels, and advanced wound healing technology all have in common?

Well, I can tell you, the one company that's developing them. That conversation coming up.

But first, the U.N. Security Council passing a U.S. proposal for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. It also calls for the release of all hostages.

The resolution says Israel has accepted the terms and urges Hamas to do the same. And we've just received reaction from them. It says it welcomes that

resolution and is ready to engage with mediators.

Let's go straight to Richard Roth now at the United Nations. Richard, good to have you. Let's talk about the significance first of this vote, which

does set out conditions for a full and complete ceasefire and a positive reaction too from Hamas. But of course, words speak louder than actions or

vice versa. Tell us more.

RICHARD ROTH, CNN SENIOR UNITED NATIONS CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I don't think this resolution might have passed six, seven months ago or eight months

into this war. The U.S. has come a long way. They were supporting Israel. And now, this resolution is the big one, the big broad, here's what

everyone has to do.

It follows up on President Biden's Middle East recommendations. The U.S. keeps saying Israel has accepted it and thus is accepting this resolution.

The U.S. ambassador to the U.N., Linda Thomas-Greenfield, Hammered the point that Hamas has to agree to this resolution.


LINDA THOMAS-GREENFIELD, U.S. AMBASSADOR TO THE U.N.: Now, we're all waiting. We're waiting on Hamas to agree to the ceasefire deal it claims to

want. But we cannot afford to wait and wait and wait. With every passing day needless suffering continues.


ROTH: Now, this resolution calls for different phases. The first step, an immediate, full, and complete ceasefire. Then the release of hostages and

Palestinian prisoners, the reconstruction aid, full withdrawal of Israeli forces from Gaza, and a multiyear reconstruction.

I have a hunch there could be some skeptics, but this resolution brought as many Security Council members together as possible. Only Russia abstained.

It had concerns before the vote. It let the resolution pass. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: I have doubts that there's just a few skeptics here. I think there's going to be a lot of skeptics, Richard, to your point. And the

problem, of course, as always with the Security Council is even when we get a vote, what's the follow through if you don't get follow through from the

participants like Hamas, even if they're ready to negotiate or at least talk with mediators?

ROTH: Well, there --

CHATTERLEY: What's the consequences?

ROTH: They're a sturdy gang here. Diplomacy is what works. And if the two sides -- and that goes for this conflict or any other, when they're finally

ready to call the halt, that's when these resolutions suddenly become more important. They're always drafted at the height of the crisis or


I want to add, Hamas has welcomed the resolution saying it's willing to meet with all mediators. The Palestinian U.N. ambassador here a short time

ago said the proof's in the pudding, but we welcome this resolution. We're always willing to talk. Proof's in the pudding. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Proof's in the pudding. Actions speak louder than words. Richard Roth, great to have you. Thank you, sir.

Now, in the run up to that vote, Israeli police released this video, too, that appears to show moment -- the moment, three male hostages were rescued

during Saturday's operation. Now, CNN cannot verify the authenticity of the video.


A total of four hostages, three men and one woman were freed. A witness telling CNN some members of the Israeli military were disguised as Hamas

fighters and Palestinian civilians. Now, more than 270 people were killed during the operation, according to Gaza's health ministry. Israeli

officials putting the death toll lower, blaming Hamas for holding hostages in civilian areas.

Meanwhile, U.S. State Secretary Antony Blinken is in the Middle East. He met with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Monday. He's also

expected to meet with Former Defense Minister Benny Gantz in the coming hours.

Gantz resigned from the war cabinet on Sunday after reaching his self- imposed deadline for the prime minister to provide a new plan for the war. Paula Hancocks has the latest.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): New video from the Israeli military shows the rescue of Israeli hostages from Central Gaza. It says

hundreds of personnel were involved in this rare daytime operation. Three hostages locked in an apartment in one multi story residential building,

another held in a flat 650 feet away in a densely populated neighborhood. Models of the buildings were built weeks before to train forces.

This is how Israel's hostage rescue mission looked from the ground. Airstrikes, explosions, residents running to find safety that does not

exist in Gaza. Hostages were flown by helicopter back to Israel. And to emotional reunions with family who had dreamed of this moment for eight

months. Families who only heard about the mission once their loved ones were safe.

ORIT MEIR, MOTHER OF ALMOG MEIR JAN: I haven't stopped smiling. Since my Almog was returned to me, but the remaining hostages need a deal to get

home safely. There is a deal on the table. We asked the Israeli government to move forward with the deal.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): The doctor who has treated the hostages since they arrived tells me, despite appearing in good condition, all four are


DR. ITAI PESSACH, TREATING RESCUED HOSTAGES: Their masses are extremely wasted. There is damage to some other systems because of that.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): He says they were moved frequently and beaten by their captors.

DR. PESSACH: It was a harsh, harsh experience with a lot of abuse almost every day, every hour. Both physical, mental, and other types. And that is

something that is beyond comprehension.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Dr. Pessach also treated some of the hostages released in November, and says the psychological damage of these four is

significantly worse.

DR. PESSACH: All of them had faith. But losing that faith, I think, is where you get to the breaking point. And I'm happy that these guys are

here. But there are others losing the faith in us, in humankind.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Residents in Nuseirat, Central Gaza are in a state of shock, struggling to deal with the aftermath of Saturday, which

neighboring countries and the E.U.'s top diplomat have called a massacre.

This woman says most of those trapped under the rubble are women and children. Houses are filled with displaced people. Israel committed a


Hospital directors and Gaza officials say more than 270 were killed, hundreds more injured. The IDF says there were fewer than 100 casualties.

There's no breakdown of civilians versus fighters, but this hospital is filled with women and children.


CHATTERLEY: Meanwhile, Secretary Blinken reiterating that the best way to bring American hostages home is through the ceasefire proposal currently on

the table. This comes as U.S. officials downplay reports that the Biden administration might consider negotiating a separate hostage deal with

Hamas. Telling CNN this is not something they plan to pursue at this time.

And Paula Hancocks joins us now from Tel Aviv. Paula, where are those negotiations now at this moment with the visit by Secretary Blinken? We've

also had the Security Council, the U.N. Security Council, of course, voting for that ceasefire proposal and Hamas now welcoming at least negotiations

with mediators.

HANCOCKS (on camera): Well, we do know that this is one of the main reasons that the U.S. secretary of state has come back to the region to try and

push this deal over the line. It was some time ago that the U.S. president, Joe Biden, publicized it, saying it was Israel's proposal and they had

agreed to it, but they were waiting for Hamas to agree to it.

Now, we have heard from the Israeli prime minister as well, some public statements, which do raise some questions as to how much he actually does

agree with this proposal. But we've certainly been waiting for the official response from Hamas.


Now that response, we understand, does have to come from one man, and that is Yahya Sinwar, and he is the Hamas leader, who is believed to be inside

Gaza, believed to be in one of the tunnels, and has not been seen since October 7th.

So, this is what the wait is at this point. Hamas has made positive sounds that they would potentially accept this proposal. And we have heard

certainly from the opposition leaders in Israel that they support this proposal as well. We have heard less definitive words from the prime

minister, but this is really the main reason we believe the secretary of state is here now to add his weight, to try and push this deal forward.

We know U.S. officials have been asking Qatar and Egypt, for example, the two main mediators when it comes to this deal, to put more pressure on

Hamas to try and make this happen. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and no sense of what Hamas' role will be in future as part of this negotiation as well. We'll see. Paula Hancocks, thank you for that.

All right. Turning now to the event that the entire tech world is chatting about. Apple unveiling how it intends to incorporate artificial

intelligence into its products and help revitalize the iPhone. Those plans include a deal with ChatGPT creator OpenAI to power new generative A.I.

tools like personalized emojis and more. OpenAI will also incorporate ChatGPT into Apple's digital assistant, Siri. And Apple will also build

other third-party A.I. models into its upcoming iOS 18 operating system. CEO Tim Cook calls it a logical new progression for the firm.


TIM COOK, CEO, APPLE: We've been using artificial intelligence and machine learning for years to help us further that goal. Recent developments in

generative intelligence and large language models offer powerful capabilities that provide the opportunity to take the experience of using

Apple products to new heights.


CHATTERLEY: Call this, if you will, Apple's attempt to finally get a Siri- ous about A.I. See what I did? Apple shares, though, falling 2 percent on the news, but context is key. Shares have rallied some 16 percent since

reports in mid-April that the A.I. strategy was coming into focus.

One person who's not happy about what took place today, Elon Musk. He says he will ban employees who work at his companies from using Apple devices if

A.I. is part of the new operating system, he's calling it a security violation.

OK. We need some clarity on that. Peter Kafka is chief correspondent of Business Insider and he joins us now. OK. Peter, let's start in a nutshell.

What does A.I., on this case, Apple intelligence and access to ChatGPT on phones actually mean for users of the ecosystem? What do you make of what

we got today?

PETER KAFKA, CHIEF CORRESPONDENT, BUSINESS INSIDER: We're not going to know until this stuff rolls out until people have devices that can accommodate

this stuff. It's only going to work on the sort of top-of-the-line newest iPhones, newest iPads, newest Macs. So, if you've got an older phone, you

won't be able to use this stuff at all.

Some of it seems pretty incremental. You can access ChatGPT on your iPhone right now. I don't know how much more important it is to have ChatGPT

available directly in your phone. The stuff that Apple spent a lot of time talking about were sort of incremental and potentially really helpful


The example they used was what if you could just on the way to pick your mom up from the airport, go to Apple and -- go to your phone and say, hey,

Apple, when am I picking my mom up? And where's our restaurant reservation? And you wouldn't have to go through both your e-mails and your calendar and

your texts that Apple's A.I. will be smart enough to go through all that, synthesize it, and give you one answer. If you've used a Siri right now on

an iPhone, you know, it's nowhere near that. So, it's a big step in terms of what Siri has been able to do for a long time. And the big question is,

is that enough to make people go buy a new iPhone?

CHATTERLEY: Is it, Peter, in your mind? You're posing the question for me.

KAFKA: Yes, I don't -- the thing that I was really torn by, I was really -- I thought was compelling was sort of that Apple, in this presentation, says

A.I. is great. It's the future, but they also didn't do some of the bells and whistles that we've seen some other A.I. demos saying this can answer

any question you have, anything in the world. This is a bot that can speak to you like an actress, like Scarlett Johansson.

They sort of downplayed what this A.I. can do. And I don't know whether that's because they think they can only sort of do limited things with it,

or they don't want to scare users off. They don't want them to think that their phone is now this sentient device that can act against them.

But, you know, again, like I've been saying, the issue is that people have stopped buying iPhones with the regular they used to. Sales growth has been

slowing for a long time. Last quarter, iPhone sales actually declined for the first time in quite some time.


People hang on to their iPhones. They work really well. So, you need a compelling reason to go buy one. So, I think there'll be a lot of

curiosity. And I think what people will want to see is they'll want to see this stuff demonstrated in the wild by their friend who has a phone. Oh, if

that works, maybe I will buy one.

CHATTERLEY: So, I mentioned Elon Musk's criticism, or at least concerns about this. He put out a post on X saying, it's painfully absurd that Apple

isn't smart enough to make their own A.I., yet is somehow capable of ensuring that OpenAI will protect your security and privacy. Apple has no

clue what's actually going on once they hand your data over to OpenAI. They're selling you down the river.

I mean, we know that OpenAI requires enormous amounts of data in order to train the models that are used for generative A.I. And of course, when you

look at Apple, they have monster amounts of data, but they've always been very cautious and careful with privacy. What do you make about -- make of

Elon Musk's concerns here in the risk that perhaps in doing this deal, Apple is in some way doing a deal with our data?

KAFKA: So, start off by saying what Apple says, which is, they say, you know, all the important stuff about what's on your phone stays on your

phone. A lot of the processing happens on your phone, that when you specifically want to work with ChatGPT, you'll always be asked, do you want

ChatGPT involved in this transaction, and this question that you will be able to decide whether or not the data you're asking ChatGPT to look at

will go to ChatGPT? So, you've got a trust apple there, but they're -- they've they made a point of highlighting that multiple times, that sort of

what's important to you and private on your phone stays on your phone.

As far as Elon Musk goes, Elon Musk says a lot of things. He's in a feud with OpenAI. You may recall that maybe in the first few months after he

bought Twitter that he was complaining about Apple not being supportive enough to his plans and they're going to take too much money from these

subscriptions he was going to sell and he was going to sort of like rain hell down on Apple.

And then Tim Cook invited him to the Cupertino campus. So, they had a walk, and Elon Musk announced that everything was now solved with Apple. So,

maybe this is something that involves another walk. Maybe this is something Elon Musk is really going to dig his heels in. I don't think it's going to

affect Apple one way or the other.

CHATTERLEY: OK. Peter Kafka, thank you so much for your insights on this.

KAFKA: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Great to have you on the show. Thank you. All right. straight ahead, your latest weather and sport.

Plus, shares of the red hot A.I. chip maker, NVIDIA, were much more affordable Monday, but no reason for investors to panic. Details on

NVIDIA's stock price slimdown, next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Monday, momentum on Wall Street topping today's "Money Moves." U.S. stocks finishing high with the S&P and

the NASDAQ both closing at fresh records. It's also a busy week for investors, including a key U.S. consumer inflation report and new

projections from the Federal Reserve about how many rate cuts might come this year, if any.

Also, A.I. chip giant, NVIDIA, rising nearly 1 percent on Monday for its 10-for-1 stock split. That means investors who own one share of NVIDIA

stock now actually own 10. The company hoping to make stock more affordable for employees and everyday investors, as Matt Egan explains.

MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Julia, NVIDIA's share price is finally shrinking, but believe it or not, that is actually a sign of success. NVIDIA's been on

fire for the past year or so. It makes the computer chips that power artificial intelligence, and demand has been through the roof.

The company's been so hot that it just completed a 10-for-1 stock split. That means for every one share owned, investors will now own 10. Now, the

per share price has gone from above $1,200 on Friday to around $120 today.

The goal of any stock split is to put the share price within reach of small investors. When a stock skyrockets into the thousands of dollars, as NVIDIA

did, it can be hard for retail investors to buy more than one share or even that much. So, this is a fix designed to make it more accessible. It's

important to remember, though, that the fundamental market value is unchanged. It's just spread across more shares. This is something that

Apple, Amazon, Tesla, and others have done in the past when their share prices spike too.

NVIDIA was long known as the company that makes computer chips for video games. But, about a decade ago, NVIDIA made a bet that it could become the

brains for A.I. And that bet paid off massively, because now A.I. is exploding, and NVIDIA is cashing in. The share price has enjoyed a meteoric

rise that's rarely been seen before by a major company.

Last month, NVIDIA revealed that its revenue tripled, profits soared more than sevenfold. This company is now worth about $3 trillion. Some context,

that's more than Starbucks, Boeing, City, AT&T, J.P. Morgan, Tesla, Exxon, Home Depot, and Walmart combined. NVIDIA is now one of the most valuable

companies in America. It's worth more than Amazon and Google owner Alphabet. Last week, it even surpassed Apple. It's not far behind

Microsoft, which of course is another A.I. player.

Microsoft has invested billions of dollars in OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. But guess whose computer chips power ChatGPT? NVIDIA. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Thanks to Matt Egan there and some great context on how much that company's now worth.

Now, the European session also worth noting too, some kneejerk selling as far-right groups gained ground in the European Union elections. French

stocks falling more than 1 percent -- one and a quarter percent actually, and French bond yields also rose on President Macron's shock decision to

dissolve Parliament and hold snap elections after his party's weak showing against the hard right National Rally Party.

Now, no matter the outcome, Macron remains president. But if the National Rally win an absolute majority, he could be forced to share power, which

will complicate new reforms. His choice of prime minister, not to mention government finances and the budget.

OK. Right now, more than 20 million people in parts of Southwest U.S. remain under heat alerts. While things are not expected to be as intense as

last week, Las Vegas and Phoenix are still in the grip of extremely high temperatures. In fact, Las Vegas is currently experiencing its hottest

start to June on record. Allison Chinchar has more on that for us too. Allison, give us the details.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Set up across the southern tier of the U.S. is really what's causing most of those temperatures to spike. You can

see here, all of these colors, the red, the pink, even the orange, this is where we have those excessive heat alerts. And they stretch from New Mexico

all the way back into Northern California. So, a lot of people impacted by this particular heat.

And yes, Phoenix is one example. They've actually had 14 consecutive days of those temperatures reaching triple digits. But they're not alone. Other

areas have also seen that extreme heat take Las Vegas, for example, 11 consecutive days of temperatures into the triple digits.


But what's interesting about Las Vegas specifically is when looking at the forecast, they have about a 70 percent chance of maintaining those triple

digit temperatures at least until June 20th, possibly even later than that, meaning they could end up getting pretty close to that record of triple

digit stretches over the next few weeks, especially when you look at the forecast, their average this time of year only 98 degrees. But every single

one of the next seven days is expected to make it into those triple digits.

Here's a look at the forecast. Yes, you can see those highs for Vegas, Phoenix, but it's also Albuquerque, Denver, well above average, even

Sacramento, California, looking at their temperatures 15, even 20 degrees above normal.

It's not only a problem in the U.S. China also experiencing extreme heat temperatures since the last couple of days, and it's likely even going to

continue as we make our way forward. Looking at Beijing specifically, the average high this time of year should be right around that 30-degree mark,

but you can see Tuesday topping out at 37. We do see at least a little bit of a drop back. But even when we drop back towards the end of the week,

it's still going to be above normal, just maybe not quite as above normal as we've been seeing the last few days.

Here's a look at the satellite. Again, you can see all of that rain, which in turn would mean some cooler temperatures, but it's focused a little bit

farther south. The plum rains have not quite yet made it up to the northern tier and likely won't for several more weeks, which in turn means we're

likely going to continue to see a lot of those extremely hot temperatures stick around for a lot of places, not just Beijing, but really for much of

the northern tier in general.

Here again, this is where all of that rain is going to be located, at least in the short-term timeframe of the next couple of days. So, certainly,

something to keep an eye on. Now for those areas, you are talking a pretty tremendous amount of rain. Widespread, these areas looking at about two to

four inches, maybe as much as about 100 millimeters, and then a few isolated spots that could pick up a little bit higher than that once you

get a little bit closer along into the East Coast region.

CHATTERLEY: Allison Chinchar, thank you so much for that. All right. The jury deliberations have begun in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial. What you

need to know after this short break. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more international headlines this hour. Ukraine claims to have damaged one of Russia's most

advanced fighter jets on Sunday. Just one of these SU-57 fighter jets is estimated to cost between $35 and $54 million. This suspected drone attack

took place deep in Russian territory, some 600 kilometers or almost 375 miles behind the front lines.

European leaders speaking out after a rise in support for the far-right parties in the E.U. parliamentary elections. Hard right groups, including

Germany's AFD, scored big gains, although centrists did maintain a clear majority overall. Germany's chancellor says nobody should be advising that

it's business as usual anymore.

As we've mentioned, in France, President Emmanuel Macron made a stunning move by dissolving the lower house of parliament and calling a slap

election after his party's defeat.


EMMANUEL MACRON, FRENCH PRESIDENT (through translator): This is a situation that I cannot come to terms with. The rise of nationalists, of demagogues,

is a danger for our nation, but also for our Europe, for France's place in Europe and in the world.


CHATTERLEY: Australian Airlines is blaming a hailstorm for major damage to the nose of one of its planes on Sunday. The Airbus A320 carrying 173

passengers and six crew members was travelling from the Spanish island of Majorca when it hit a thunderstorm. Nobody was injured, fortunately, and

the plane landed safely in Vienna.

Donald Trump started off the week by meeting with a probation officer. The former U.S. president had to attend a virtual pre-sentencing interview

after his conviction last month on 34 counts of falsifying business records. His sentencing is scheduled to take place on July 11th.

A jury in Delaware has begun deliberations in Hunter Biden's federal gun trial. Jurors were dismissed for the day a short while ago and will meet

again on Tuesday. The jury must decide whether the president's son is guilty of three charges related to his purchase of a gun in 2018.

Prosecutors say he violated federal law because he was addicted to crack, cocaine at the time. He pleaded not guilty.

Former Federal Prosecutor Gene Rossi is standing by for us now. Great to have you with us, Gene. I'm struggling to pronunciate and enunciate today

with all these technical terms. I apologize to our audience and to you. What do you make of this case, first and foremost? We had closing arguments

earlier today, too.

GENE ROSSI, FORMER FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: Well, Julia, it is a unique case. I was a prosecutor with the Justice Department for almost 30 years, and this

is the rarest of gun cases. This case should not have been brought, but here we are, and there are three charges. One is, he was an unlawful user

of a narcotic, either cocaine or crack. And then two of the charges relate to false answers that he allegedly gave on an ATF form to purchase a gun in

October, a few years back.

And I got to stress this, Julia, he only had the gun for 11 days. He never used it, never loaded it. It was in a lock box. So, I think there is

possible reasonable doubt here. Because at the time he filled out the form and was interviewed by the gun seller, did he have the criminal mind to

answer falsely?

He thought in his mind, this is the argument of the defense, that he was a recovering addict and that, at that time, he was an abuser or user of

either cocaine or crack. So, we may have a hung jury. We may have guilty. They put on a lot of evidence about his past, way too much evidence,

excruciating evidence, painful evidence, and we'll see what the jury does.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. So, the question is, to your point, did he knowingly lie on the form when he signed that he wasn't addicted to drugs or using drugs

and the form that he used when he purchased this gun, or did he think that he was a sort of recovering addict and was over it? In a way, this is what

the jury's now having to deliberate and decide over.

What's your gut sense, Gene? And I know it's difficult to put you under these situations and we're not watching live video. We're -- again, we're

looking at transcripts. What's your sense?


ROSSI: Well, I got to confess, I wasn't there during the trial, but I can just tell you this. I tried a ton of cases. This one's kind of tricky. If

the jury feels that at the -- Julia, at the moment he filled out the form that, in his mind, he did not think he was an addict or a user of drugs,

then you could have an acquittal or a hung jury. But if they feel that he had to have been using drugs, given all the witnesses, and there were a lot

of witnesses that said he abused crack or cocaine or both, then the jury's probably going to say, well, you know what, he probably should have

answered yes. And we're not going to give him a break.

So, it's in the jury's hands. If they're sympathetic, Julia, we could have an acquittal or a hung jury. If they're applying the law and being really

strict, they may say, you know what, around that time, he was abusing crack, cocaine or cocaine and that's enough for us. He's guilty.

CHATTERLEY: Does it make a difference that he's a president's son that's being tried here? Does it make a difference that a lot of family members

and friends were there to support him, including the first lady, Jill Biden, by one day? And does the sentencing too, in this case, if he has

found guilty, make a difference? Because that's what the jury's grappling with each time they come together on any one of these cases. And if he's

found guilty of all three charges, it's, what, up to 25 years in prison. How do these all play into their decision making?

ROSSI: Well, I can tell you this, juries look at the audience, they look at things that they're not supposed to look at. And you're right, Julia, this

is the son, the sole surviving son of the current president of the United States. And the president, they talk about the weaponized Biden Justice

Department. The president has allowed, if you will, his son to be prosecuted and convicted possibly. And the president has said, I'm not

going to pardon him. So, that says a lot about Joe Biden.

Well, let's get to the jury. They cannot possibly be unaffected by all the dignitaries, if you will, including the first lady of the United States in

the audience. They can't possibly put that completely out of their mind. And when they go into that jury deliberation room, I got to tell you, those

emotional appeals that the defense has been making, either subtly or expressly during the trial, including oral arguments, closing arguments,

that has to somehow affect the jury.

But, Julia, if the jury is applying the law to the facts. They may say, forget about it. We don't care if he's the son of the pope. The law is

applied to him and the facts as we see it, he's guilty of beyond a reasonable doubt, or they may say, you know what, he's not guilty.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, smart, perhaps as the president to say this ahead of the decision by the jury that you're not going to pardon him in any

respect because it makes the sentencing real. And that's what they have to consider. There's no literal get out of jail free card in this one. Gene,

we'll see. Former federal prosecutor, Gene Rossi. Great to have you, sir.

ROSSI: Thank you.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you. All right. Coming up, we'll introduce you to a company disrupting traditional markets, including the solar power industry,

the health and beauty industry, and much, much more. My talk with the Landa Group founder, Benny Landa, after this break.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And to the results of the E.U. elections now, where a strong showing by far-right parties has sent

shockwaves across the European political landscape. Far-right groups, including Germany's AFD, scored major gains and are set to win around 100 -

- 150 of the Parliament's 720 seats.

Now, centrists did maintain a clear majority, however. But in France, President Emmanuel Macron made a stunning move, as we've discussed, by

dissolving the lower house of French Parliament and calling for snap elections. He made the announcement after his party was out routed by the

far-right National Rally Party. Melissa Bell has more.

Oh, OK. That didn't work. OK. We're going to take a quick break here. I'm going to get my teeth back in and we'll try and get that package working

for you. Stay with us. There's more to come.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And we're back on track, I believe. What do lab grown diamonds, anti-aging face creams, permanent hair

straighteners, and wound healing technology all have in common? That's a good question. I'm asking it. Well, I'll tell you. The answer is that

they're all products made or under development by the multifaceted Landa Group.

One of the businesses under the Landa umbrella is called Lumet. It offers a way to dramatically reduce the cost of manufacturing solar panels and could

potentially help makers compete with cheaper Chinese alternatives. Now, Landa's history goes back to 1993 when a firm called Indigo, headed by

businessman and inventor Benny Landa, developed the world's first digital printing press. He actually sold that firm to Hewlett-Packard less than a

decade later, and then founded the Lander Group, which he still heads today.


Now, some of the group's businesses have been so innovative, they've been acquired by firms like L'Oreal and the German conglomerate Henkel. And I'm

pleased to say Benny Lander, founder of the Lander Group, joins us now.

Benny, fantastic to have you on the show. You are a serial entrepreneur, but it was, first and foremost, Lumet that caught my attention and I want

to start there. Just explain what technology you're innovating and using there that's bringing down the cost of solar panels and could be pretty


BENNY LANDA, FOUNDER, LANDA DIGITAL: Well, Julia, first of all, thank you so much for having me. Lumet solves one of the big problems in solar cell

economics. You know, solar panels are sold on dollars per watt. So, the industry has had a relentless drive to increase the watts and decrease the


So, one of the key costs of solar panels is the solar cells, which make up the panels. Now, on those solar cells, you print metal conductors, metal

collectors of the current, and these are printed today, unbelievably, despite the fact that the industry is extremely technologically advanced,

these are today printed with a technology that's 1,000 years old. It was first developed in China 1,000 years ago. It's called screen printing. Of

course, the original silk screens have been replaced with metal meshes. But nevertheless, the technology is really primitive.

And so, it produces a relatively wide fingers. Now, the problem, these wide fingers is twofold. First of all, they mask a lot of the light. And

secondly, they're made of silver. They must be made of silver in order to give the cells a 30-year life.

And so, these wide fingers reduce the amount of light actually reaching the solar cell. And secondly, they use a lot of silver. And so, what we have

developed is a very advanced printing technology that enables us, instead of having wide, thick fingers of silver, we have very narrow, highly shaped

fingers, triangular shaped fingers, so they mask much less of the light. They use a lot less silver. And even the light that falls on the triangular

shaped fingers gets reflected back into the cell. So, it's simultaneously increases the efficiency and reduces the cost.

CHATTERLEY: How much of a reduction in cost? The efficiency point I take. But just if we're talking about one solar panel, for example, that people

would recognize on their roof, in percentage terms, how much cheaper? Because we all know how expensive silver is. So, if you can use less

silver, that's a good thing. But how much of a reduction in cost are we talking?

LANDA: Well, I can't talk about the reduction in cost of the panels themselves because we provide the technology to the producers of the cells.

So, I can talk about the reduction -- and the cells of the biggest -- of course, the biggest cost component of the panels.

So, this technology reduces the cost. It's the -- it's not -- the cost reduction alone, it's the cost per watt. So, it enhances the cost per watt

by about 17 percent. So, it reduces the cost per watt by about 17 percent. Of course, there are additional cost to producing the panel other than the

cells. So, you will never see a 17 percent reduction in the cost of the panels.

And hopefully, with competition, much of this saving, which is a saving of the cell producers, will eventually be felt by the end consumers.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I know that was a tough question to ask, but even incremental decreases in cost matters. I know you're working with Hanwha

Group in South Korea, that's obviously very excited about this technology. I mean, this could be crucial as well for those nations that are looking at

potential barriers to trade tariffs with the Chinese, who obviously are super low-cost producers of this.

Are you talking to other U.S.-based companies, and would you potentially sell this technology to the Chinese, too?

LANDA: Well, the announcement that was made last week is that to handle our Qcells will be the first company in the world to adopt Lumet technology.

So, they'll be the first ones to benefit from it. And I can't speak on their behalf, but in the press, it has appeared that they have made -- they

are making the largest investment in U.S. solar history in producing vertically integrated solar manufacturing operations in the United States.


And so, we certainly expect to be providing this technology to hand mock Qcells. But the solar market is gigantic and the benefit to the entire

industry. A few years from now, when the industry moves from about half a terawatt today to 1.4 terawatts, which is expected per year. That's the

incremental power capacity added each year. The contribution of Lumet's enhanced technology will be about $7.5 billion a year to the industry, but

that's worldwide. So, yes, we do expect to be providing to all cell producers.

The thing in this industry is that, the history is that because the margins are so thin for the cell producers, when a tech -- when one of them has

even the slightest advantage of 10 to 1 percent improvement in efficiency, they all have to have it. Otherwise, we're not competitive. So, we fully

expect that the Lumet technology will be adopted universally in the industry.

In the past, we've seen --


LANDA: -- these minor improvements. Within six years, 100 percent adoption in the industry. So, we expect that to happen with Lumet as well.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, they have a transformative effect. And I did read their press release, and I love one of the points that was made, which was trade

barriers actually aren't the answer, innovation is, which is the point you're making.

Now, there's good news, and there's bad news. The bad news is we've run out of time. The good news is you have to come back and talk about some of the

other innovations that are going on with the Lander Group, because you have, as I mentioned in the introduction, all sorts of things going on.

Ultra UV blockers for skin, wound healing technology. So, Benny, you're invited back. Thank you so much for your time.

LANDA: Thank you very much.

CHATTERLEY: Exciting to chat.

LANDA: Thank you so much, Julia. It's been delightful. And --


LANDA: -- thank you for having me.

CHATTERLEY: You'll be back.

LANDA: Thank you so much.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you, sir. Benny Lander there, the founder of Lander Group and the CEO of Lumet there.

All right. Spain's Carlos Alcaraz winning the men's final of the French Open for his third Grand Slam title at the tender age of 21. The victories

made him the youngest man to conquer all three tennis surfaces. Clay, grass, and hard courts.

Now, despite his historic win, Alcaraz isn't the world number one at the moment. The man he beat in the semifinals, Jannik Sinner, made his debut at

the top spot on Monday. Don Riddell joins us now. Don, I don't think he's too worried about that at this moment. He's too busy celebrating an awesome


DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes. And remember, he's only 21, and he's already been on top of the world rankings for about 36 weeks So, yes,

Alcaraz is just doing it all in a real hurry. And it was just so wonderful to see the way he played this tournament and to see him win an event that

means so much to him because so many Spanish players have triumphed at Roland Garros on the Paris clay, and he is just the latest superstar from

Spain to add his name to that list.

Of course, he's playing in this tournament, which could well prove to be the last time that Rafael Nadal ever plays Roland Garros. He went out in

the first round. And there was Alcaraz beating Alexander Zverev, the man that knocked Nadal out. A terrific achievement.

You've mentioned the fact that he's the youngest man to win on all three surfaces. He is the first man to win his first three majors on three

different surfaces. Remember, the hardcourt U.S. Open two years ago, Wimbledon on grass last summer. Now, this. And he's just got, what, three

weeks to turn himself around and go and try and defend his Wimbledon title in London. But as he told CNN World Sport earlier on today, he's pretty

beat at the moment.


CARLOS ALCARAZ, 2024 FRENCH OPEN CHAMPION: Honestly, first of all, I'm a (INAUDIBLE). Basically, he was really tough one. But, you know, I feel like

it is a dream come true for me. I really wanted to leave this trophy one day and then be able to do it. It's a great feeling, you know.

And being in the same court, in the same bench as yesterday's match, you know, it's a flashback from yesterday. It's great.


RIDDELL: Carlos Alcaraz speaking with Amanda Davis earlier, Julia. By the way, he has confirmed that he will be getting a celebratory tattoo to mark

the occasion. He's already got tattoos to commemorate the U.S. Open and Wimbledon. He got a strawberry for Wimbledon. He says that this is going to

be remembered with an Eiffel Tower on his ankle when he has time to get to the tattoo parlor to get the ink.

CHATTERLEY: Where did he put the strawberry?

RIDDELL: See, I don't know where he put the strawberry.

CHATTERLEY: Not to ask.

RIDDELL: Not sure I want to know.

CHATTERLEY: Neither do I. I don't know why I do that. It just comes out. Don Riddell, thank you for that. Someone should control me. You can try.

And finally, on "First Move," Apple's slick A.I. presentation may not have wowed shareholders, but compare today's technology to what was on offer

back in 1977.


Now, on this day, 47 years ago, the company started shipping Apple II computers. And as for the advertising, here are a few snippets we put

together from back in the day.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Watch what you can do with this Apple II personal computer and any color TV. You can store over 100,000 pieces of information

and find a single piece instantly. You can print your own reports. Talk to other computers and get information like Dow Jones reports. Chart your

biorhythms. Teach your children math. Improve your chess game.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I think someone in management would be very interested in looking at that one.


CHATTERLEY: Good grief. And with the green monitor and a tape deck for storage, the Apple II originally cost $1,298 in 1977. Now, if you adjust

that for inflation, that's more than $6,700 today. And that will allow you to buy eight new iPhones. But most excitingly, that Apple II computer had a

four kilobyte RAM. And today's iPhones have up to 64 gigabytes.

So, we did the math on that. That's 16 million times bigger memory sitting in the palm of your hand. Mind blown.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us and we'll see you tomorrow.