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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Princess of Wales Making Progress in Her Cancer Fight; Princess of Wales to Attend Kind's Birthday Event; Princess of Wales Chemotherapy Ongoing; Pope Francis Call Action Against A.I.; Pope Francis; Historic Visit to G7 Summit; G7 Leaders United in Support of Ukraine; China's Heat and Flood Raise Food Security Concerns; Germany Beats Scotland in Euro 2024; Fed Officials Reducing Rate Outlook This Year; Bank of China Announcing Numerous Stimulus Measures; Domestic and Foreign Firms Helping China's Economy; Hezbollah Fires Targets in Northern Israel; Biden Adviser Hochstein Expected to Go to Israel; Supreme Court Strikes Down Trump-Era Ban on Bump Stocks; U.S. Nuclear-Powered Sub Arrives in Guantanamo Bay; Craftsmen Behind Top-Tier Japanese Knives; Pope Francis Hosts Comedians at the Vatican. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 14, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET



JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: It's 6:00 a.m. in Beijing, 7:00 a.m. in Tokyo, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley, and

wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

A warm welcome to "First Move," as always. And here's today's need to know. Royal return. The Princess of Wales says she's making progress in her

cancer fight and will attend the king's birthday celebrations this weekend.

Supreme Court strikes the highest U.S. court removing a Trump-era ban on rapid fire bump stocks used in the deadliest mass shooting in American


A.I. pontificating. Pope Francis calls for action against artificial intelligence at the G7 Summit in Italy.

And Germany's glee, Scotland's sorrow. Germany winning 5-1 in the Euro 2024 tournament in Munich. All that and plenty more coming up.

But first, a royal relief. Catherine, the Princess of Wales, announcing she's well enough to attend King Charles's birthday festivities this

weekend. Kensington Palace also releasing this new photograph taken earlier this week with her surrounded by greenery in Windsor. It will be

Catherine's first public appearance since she announced her cancer diagnosis earlier this year. The princess saying in a statement released

just hours ago that she is making "good progress."

Max Foster joins us now on this. Max, good to have you with us. It is cautious optimism here because she said we're still not out of the woods as

far as her recovery and her fight goes. What more did the statement say?

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, it talked about having good days and bad days and wanting to spend time with the kids as much as

possible. So, we're going to see her tomorrow. She hopes to appear here tomorrow, outside Buckingham Palace, in a carriage, up on the balcony for

the king's birthday parade. Trooping the Colour as it's known.

But again, she's taking each day as it comes. So, if she feels like she's having a bad day or the doctors say you can't do it, then she may not

appear. And that's really going to be the way forward for the next few months. We've been told that she's receiving chemotherapy. It continues and

it will continue the treatment for several months more.

But it was a really personal message. She talked a lot about the children. It was quite heartfelt. And I think this is her really saying, you know,

I'm being really honest with you. I want my privacy. I understand I'm also a public figure. I need to appear in public. I'm going to take it each step

at a time. But don't expect to see a lot of me. But I'll come out when I can. And tomorrow is going to be that big reveal, if you like. There are

already royal fans out here camping out. Because they haven't seen her since last year.

CHATTERLEY: I mean, the media is going to be -- never mind that the people that are watching and of course, those that just want to wish her well and

provide support. I fear it's going to be a bit of a circus tomorrow, even in a positive sense, Max, and the comparison will be made to, of course,

the joy and the humor last year when Louis, her youngest son, stole the show with his faces, of course, on the balcony as well.

You and I were chatting about this earlier on CNN. Is the media behaving? Because social media always has a field day with the royal family, never

mind the situation today.

FOSTER: Well, she's certainly aware of all the conspiracy theory that blew up on, you know, around the disappearing princess when she came out of

hospital and there wasn't an update for months. I think their view very much is they don't have to respond to the media all the time. And it's --

it is really all about the kids, you know, the day that she announced that she had cancer. She had that cancer diagnosis was the last day of the kid's

term, so they wouldn't have to deal with all of that social media at school again.

All the optics of tomorrow will be her with the kids. You'll see them all the time. Louis will have ample opportunity to make funny faces. And I

think, you know, if that can loosen the mood all good, but she sees as part of her treatment, as I understand it, getting back to normal life at home

first, building that up, hoping to go out and live an ordinary life, you know, in the local town, going to the school without pap pictures being

published in the mainstream media. And largely they are doing that.


They are now looking at social media as separate pretty much. Of course, we're on there as well. But when it comes to the conspiracy theorists who

make money just from saying things that people want to view, they're ignoring that and focusing, you know, on the networks where they know will

be delivering factual news and don't speculate.

What really upsets her is when people speculate specifically about what type of cancer it is. She does feel she's allowed to keep that private and

she's been quite open actually for a royal in terms of what information she has given out.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and if she feels ready at some point in the future, she can tell us or not, quite frankly, because this is the deeply personal. And

I think everybody should understand that. I'm glad they've chosen a family occasion, Max. And actually, it is the king's celebration. So, hopefully,

as much as the spotlight will be on them and the family and on Kate and Catherine, we should call her herself. Yes, let's hope she gets the space

and continues to get it that she needs to recover.

Great to have you with us, Max. We look forward to tomorrow. Fingers crossed. Max Foster there.

Now, Pope Francis made history on Friday, becoming the first ever pontiff to attend as well as address a G7 Summit meeting. The pope joined G7

leaders and officials from other nations on day two of their three-day summit with migration too, a main topic of conversation as well, of course,

as the wars in both Ukraine and Gaza.

The pontiff, who also knows a thing or two about higher intelligence, also making an important remarks on artificial intelligence, urging leaders to

protect citizens from the destabilizing, as well as the positive effects, of course, of the new technology. MJ Lee joins us now from Bari in Italy.

MJ, a unique G7 experience to have the pope there. How did the leaders respond to the message from the Pope about the importance of, I think,

regulating and understanding the downsides as well as the positives of A.I.?

MJ LEE, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Yes, a really unique guest to be featured at the G7 Summit. He was the first pope to ever attend that


But President Biden is now wheels up on Air Force One, headed back to the States, where, of course, we are in the middle of an election year. His

first stop is going to be Los Angeles, where he is going to be attending a campaign fundraiser featuring actors like George Clooney, Julia Roberts,

and Former President Barack Obama.

There's no question that the President is going to be touting all of the work that he did this week at the G7 once he is back on U.S. soil.


LEE (voice-over): U.S. President Joe Biden and his fellow world leaders showing a united front of support for Ukraine this week at the 50th G7

Summit and sending a collective message to Vladimir Putin.

JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: He cannot wait us out. He cannot divide us. And we'll be with Ukraine until they prevail in this war.

VOLODYMYR ZELENSKYY, UKRAINIAN PRESIDENT: Thanks to every American heart. That does not betray freedom and supports us.

LEE (voice-over): In their final day of working meetings on Friday, the group focused on ways of kneecapping China's economic dominance as well as

Beijing's support for Russia's defense industrial base.

BIDEN: We discussed our shared concern about countries like China resupplying Russia with materials they need for their war machine.

LEE (voice-over): Other top items on their agenda, the situation in the Middle East and climate change. The leaders of the world's richest seven

nations also graced by a historic visit from Pope Francis. The pontiff attending the G7 Summit for a session focused on artificial intelligence.

POPE FRANCIS (through translator): It's up to each to make good use of it. And it's up to politics to create the conditions whereby this good use is

possible and fruitful.

LEE (voice-over): The pope himself has been the subject of so-called deep fakes like these viral images from last year featuring him in a white

puffer jacket. The world leaders hoping to make headway on ways of regulating the proliferation of A.I. technology in responsible and ethical


Biden meeting with the pope separately on the sidelines of the summit. The private audience marking at least the fifth time the two men have met.

Their last sit down in 2021 at the Vatican around that year's G20 gathering.

BIDEN: The most significant warrior for peace I've ever met.

LEE (voice-over): A devout Catholic, Biden has credited the pope for bringing him comfort and solace after one of the toughest moments of his

life, the death of his son, Beau.

The president reflecting years later on his family's private visit with Pope Francis in 2015, just months after Beau's passing.


BIDEN: He knew what a man he was, and it had such a cathartic impact on his children, and my wife, and our family that it meant a great deal. He's

everything I learned about Catholicism from the time I was a kid going from grade school through.


LEE (on camera): And one dynamic that made this G7 quite unique is that if you look at the roster of the G7 leaders, President Biden included, a

number of them are facing elections back at home, and almost all of them are facing really serious political challenges.

One senior official telling me today that the U.S. presidential election actually didn't come up explicitly, at least in any of the working sessions

that they were a part of. Another official said that Donald Trump and the possibility of his second term also didn't come up. But nevertheless, there

was certainly a recognition this year that the makeup of the G7 next year could look very different. And that, of course, could have some serious

ramifications for all of the work that the leaders did this week. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, that's such an important point. I mean, all of the -- just about all of their approval ratings in the doldrums, quite frankly, I

think actually the Italian prime minister is the most popular at this stage. Fascinating point to make. MJ, good to have you with us. Thank you.

MJ Lee there.

OK. Let's head to China now and talk about the impact of extreme weather, severe drought, and record temperatures that are scorching the north while

heavy rains batter the south. It's raising concerns too about food security in the world's second largest economy. Kristie Lu Stout has more.


KRISTIE LU STOUT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Rushing floodwaters in southern China. Drought and extreme heat to the north. It is no wonder some

people feel their fate is in the hands of the gods.

These villagers in Shandong Province are praying for rain. Their farmlands are part of a precious food bowl for China, helping to feed millions across

this vast country. But the hot, dry weather has left little water for crops. It's so hot and dry across parts of China's north, east, and central

areas, the government has issued an emergency alert across seven provinces.

This farmer in Shanxi says authorities have supplied him with medication for heat stroke as he presses on with his work.

I need to drink 15 to 16 bottles of water a day, he says.

Spring in China was the hottest on record. That has now given way to a scorching summer. In the capital Beijing, the temperature is predicted to

reach 39 degrees Celsius, 102 Fahrenheit by Monday and Tuesday, that's almost 10 degrees Celsius over the average temperature for this time of

year. And while drought grips many parts of China, torrential rain lashes the south.

In Fujian Province, the wet weather has caused landslides. The landslides have been powerful, this local official says. With heights exceeding 20

meters, we closed the road on June 11th.

The rain appears related to the seasonal monsoon pattern, but climate change is making extreme weather events more frequent and intense, and

bringing different but equally dangerous challenges to people across the same country.

Kristie Lu Stout, CNN.


CHATTERLEY: Our thanks to Kristie there. Now, football fans, prepare to be excited. Euro 2024 finally kicking off, literally, in Germany. 24 nations

are competing in six groups. And in the opening match, the host nation beats Scotland with five fantastic goals. My team, England, will face

Serbia this weekend and Ukraine will have their opener on Monday against Romania. Ukraine's football team has become a beacon of hope for people

still suffering under the shadow of war.

Now, Fred Pleitgen is in Munich where all the action today was. Fred, great to have you with us. Oh, my goodness, and you're at the stadium, you should

be out somewhere drinking. Congratulations.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: We should actually. That -- normally we should be. Unfortunately, I have to tell you

this, Julia --


PLEITGEN: -- it's funny that you mention it because the Scottish fans in Munich, in the city center, apparently drank so much and the -- a lot of

the bars ran dry. And you've been to Germany, you know how hard it is in the capitol of beer to actually drink a place dry. But the Scottish fans

did manage to do that. Left a great impression though, on the city.

And you're absolutely right, we are right in front of the stadium. We just came out of the stadium. We watched the first match. It was absolutely

amazing. And I think for the folks who are organizing this tournament, for them, this tournament could not have gotten off to a better start.

You, first of all, had a beautiful opening ceremony, but then you also had a really exciting match with some very good football, especially from the

German side going up three-nil in the first half. The Scots, of course, also down because they lost a man because of a red card. And then two more

goals for Germany in the second half, only tarnished by an own goal from Antonio Rudiger in the closing stages in the game.


So, you had six goals in this game, all of them scored by Germans, but not all of them for the German side. But again, I think for the folks that are

organizing the tournament, for the Germans and for Europe, it was a very good start to this tournament. The Scottish fans were absolutely world-

class in the city center of Munich today. They were loud, they were fun, they were good value, and they were exactly the same way in the stadium.

We spoke to some of them. Here they are. There's some Scotland fans. As you can see, even after that -- you're still happy, right?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Happy it's over.


PLEITGEN: But I heard no Scotland, no party.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Germany have extinguished the party.

PLEITGEN: It was a good game though, wasn't it?


PLEITGEN: They're still happy, don't listen to them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For Germany, it was. For Germany.

PLEITGEN: No, it was very good game.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What game did you watched?

PLEITGEN: I was in a stadium here. It was a very -- it was definitely a good match. If you were a Germany fan.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's a very exciting match if you're a Germany fan, but if you're a Scotland fan, it was pish.

PLEITGEN: Yes. So, there you have it, Julia. I think that pretty much sums everything up right there. It was -- but it was definitely the start to the

tournament that the organizers would have wanted. The stadium was loud. The stadium was full. The fans were all getting along really great with each

other. And the Scotland fans and the Germany fans in the center city center of Munich, almost a legendary vibe that was going on there. The German

media is full of it.

So, from what we saw here, the football was good. The fans were good. The organization is also working as well. And I think everybody who's here is

now looking forward to a very exciting tournament going forward, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and thank you to those Scottish fans for emphasizing your point about the Scottish success in drinking Munich almost dry.


CHATTERLEY: I was going to make a comment, but they did it for me, Fred. I was going to ask you briefly if you've done the maths yet, who the favorite

is for the tournament. I guess it has to be France.

PLEITGEN: Well, yes. Well, it could be France. I mean, apparently the England manager said that he believed that England was the favorite. There

are certain -- there are some people who think that I think France is on a lot of people's list.

I think after tonight, the Germans have definitely risen for a lot of people. It was interesting because some of the Germany fans, before this

game happened, they had some second thoughts about their team. They said they have a lot of really good players, but not necessarily the kind of

team cohesion that they were looking for yet. But I think they're on a lot of people's radars now as well. And then, of course, there's some other

teams also, like, for instance, Portugal. That's certainly a lot of people think can go very far.

Nevertheless, if you look at the groups, and I encourage everybody to do that, in this tournament, there really aren't very many weak groups.

There's a lot of groups where you could see that one or the other team could be one that has what it takes to go very far in this tournament,


CHATTERLEY: Yes. Apparently, if the English win their group and the Germans win their group, Fred, we will see you in the final. Now, that

could be an exciting final.

PLEITGEN: Oh, yes. Yes, that would be great.

CHATTERLEY: There's a lot of games to come before then though. Great to have you with us. Get out there, my friend. Celebrate. Perhaps not with

those Scots though. That could be dangerous. Thank you. Fred Pleitgen there.

All right. We're going to take a break here on "First Move." Coming up, Beijing bargains. Restaurants, automakers, and big tech doing their part to

help cash strapped, price conscious consumers in China. We'll have all the details and much more coming up. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And TGIF to everyone in the U.S., U.K., and across Latin America. And to all our First Movers in Asia,

we hope you're having a very wonderful Saturday morning.

Now, there was a bit of Friday fatigue, I think, on Wall Street in today's "Money Move." The Dow and S&P softer, but the NASDAQ, the tech heavy sector

rising to fresh records again. It rallied 3 percent this week and is now up almost 20 percent year-to-date. New data on Friday showed U.S. consumer

sentiment, though, falling to its lowest level this year. However, import prices fell for the first time since May. So, that actually is another

encouraging sign on the easing of prices.

A down day though in Europe. French stocks fell more than 2.5 percent amid the country's ongoing political and economic uncertainty. The CAC

(INAUDIBLE) Index in Paris down more than 6 percent this week and now, flat or unchanged on the year. The French finance minister warning Friday that

the country could face an economic crisis if the far-right or the far-left win the upcoming legislative elections.

And Asia stocks were, well, a mixed bag. The Nikkei in the green, though, after the Japanese Central Bank held rates steady and said it could start

tapering its huge government bond purchases next month. That BOJ meeting capping off a busy week for central bankers around the world.

Fed officials on Wednesday also making news by reducing their rate cut outlook this year from three potential cuts to just one. Loretta Mester,

the outgoing Cleveland Fed President, told our Richard Quest that she's actually encouraged by the latest inflation trends, but just like Fed Chair

Jay Powell, she says patience is needed. Take a listen.


LORETTA MESTER, PRESIDENT, FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF CLEVELAND: Things are moving in the right direction. I mean, we've made a lot of progress in the

last two years. Inflation is down from its peak. Remember, it peaked between 7 and 9 percent, depending on what measure you're looking at. Right

now, we're below 3. That's a great, you know, bit of progress there. We're not there yet though because our goal is 2 percent.

At the same time, labor markets are very healthy. And that's a really good thing. We have a dual mandate. So, we're making progress. We need to see

continued progress and I think that's where the statement is trying to convey that we've made progress. We want to see that progress continue.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN BUSINESS EDITOR-AT-LARGE: Right. But, then of course, what is the sign for you that there will have been sufficient progress to

make the cut?

MESTER: So, what I'm looking for are a couple more months of good reports. You know, we got a pretty good report, CPI report the second day of our

meeting this week. That was great -- that was a great gift for my last meeting at the FOMC, I have to say. But we just need to have -- I would

like to see a few more of those reports.

And as inflation comes down, and as one year ahead inflation expectations come down, then I'm -- I would be thinking that it is appropriate to think

about, you know, taking off some of that restrictiveness in our policy.

QUEST: Would you never just think, oh, God, the markets are -- just give them a quarter, keep them happy, throw a bit of red meat, give them a

quarter, and then don't do anything for the next six months and while we bend down?

MESTER: No, I think we always have to be looking at what the economy is doing, where it's going, and what the risks are, our dual mandate goals.

So, I mean, that's kind of the evaluation I do before every FOMC meeting is, OK, you know, this is what the incoming information tells us, the data

as well as all the reports that we get when we talk to contacts all across the fourth district, in my case.

And then, that tells you something about, OK. this is where the economy is right now, this is where it's headed. There are risks to both parts of our

mandate at this point, and we need to take those into account. That's how we set policy.



CHATTERLEY: Now, speaking of central banks, the Bank of China has announced numerous stimulus measures this year to help support economic

growth, but it's yet to announce direct help for consumers. And in the absence of some stimulus in that direction, a whole host of domestic and

foreign firms are rushing in to lend a helping hand. As Marc Stewart reports.


MARC STEWART, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The Chinese economy is in a slump. Families are changing the way they spend money, businesses are adjusting.

It's around 7:30 in the morning and we found a lot of people coming here to this Chinese chain, Nanshan Xian (ph), and it's all you can eat breakfast.

For less than 50 cents U.S., you get a refillable bowl for soup, porridge, milk, and juice.

When making a decision about a purchase, how much does price play a factor?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Maybe over 50 percent. It depends on what I'm buying.

STEWART: You're being more careful about how you spend your dollars.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sure. Yes, of course. Yes, everyone, I think, right now.

STEWART: It's not just Chinese brands slashing prices, western brands are too. McDonald's is offering a new round of meal deals. And Apple cut the

price of some iPhone 15s because of increased competition from Chinese companies.

There's also a big battle in the E.V. market. Tesla has faced fierce competition here and has reduced prices in a fight for market share.

Beijing wants people to spend money, but it's not giving away nationwide cash handouts. Instead, it's focusing on infrastructure and high-tech

sectors that may take some time to stimulate the economy. For many western brands, that means lowering expectations, but not leaving China altogether.

Marc Stewart, CNN, Beijing.


CHATTERLEY: Our thanks to Marc there. Now, we were talking earlier about China's extreme weather challenges. It's not the only nation, with India

and Nepal also hit by heavy rainstorms, resulting in the deaths of at least 10 people and stranding thousands of tourists. For more, we're joined by

Elisa Raffa. Elisa, the question is, is it set to continue?

ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes, the weather service in India, their weather department is warning about heavy rain possible for the next four

to five days. You can see some of the damage from the landslide, trees and debris, rocks covering roads, that water flowing down as well, because when

you have heavy rain that hits some of these mountainous regions that can send that land, you know, really sliding with some of that debris.

Look at the rainfall since Tuesday, 46 -- I'm sorry, 466 millimeters in parts of India. So, just incredible amounts of rain just in a couple of

days and hours near Bangladesh. 190 millimeters of rain since Tuesday. And when you look at the next three days, you notice that it's looking pretty

similar, right? We still have a lot of moisture coming in from the south and southwest, and that will keep some of these heavy downpours in the

picture. Some lightning and gusty winds possible as well.

For rain accumulation, additional rain this region here. We're looking at 150 to 250 millimeters possible on top of what we've already gotten. So,

again, that heavy rain threat will continue through the next couple of days in parts of India.

In the U.S., we're watching this dome of heat that was out west for so many days. And now, that's starting to move back into the Central Plains,

eventually getting into the Midwest and the Northeast. As these above average temperatures start to slide east, we're looking at places like

Chicago really starting to feel the heat by the weekend.

I mean, look at these temperatures in Chicago, getting up to 97 degrees Fahrenheit by Monday. Temperatures, middle and upper 90s in St. Louis

through the weekend. Same thing in Little Rock, approaching some triple digit temperatures this weekend.

And then, as we go into the work week, the extreme heat risk, again, starts to spread into some big cities in the Great Lakes like Chicago by Tuesday,

by Wednesday, starting to spread into parts of Ohio and New York. That extreme heat risk means that we need to watch out for symptoms of heat

sickness because these temperatures are just unbearable, especially on the overnight lows.

Look at the temperatures for Chicago. Your average daytime high is 80 degrees, and we're looking at these temperatures getting up towards 100 by

Sunday and Monday and Tuesday. Overnight lows, though, will be nearing 80 degrees, which is closer to those daytime highs. So, again, not really

getting relief at night, which is where that heat sickness problem becomes especially important to pay attention to because we just not finding those

temperatures cool off at all. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: No, people have to keep hydrated, certainly. And watch for those signs. Elisa Raffa, thank you so much for that. And have a great


We'll be right back. Stay with us.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Hezbollah says it fired at targets in Northern Israel Friday. The Israeli military telling CNN it

responded by hitting Hezbollah infrastructure in Southern Lebanon. The exchange causing fires on both sides of the border. The two sides have

ramped up cross border attacks ever since the October 7th attacks in Israel by Hamas. Ben Wedeman has more on the escalation from Beirut.


BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah are teetering on the edge of the abyss as both sides redouble

strikes and counter strikes in the most dangerous escalation between the two sides since the war in Gaza began.

Tuesday night, an Israeli strike killed a senior Hezbollah field commander. Hezbollah retaliated the next day with the largest barrage of missiles

since October. Thursday evening, Israeli warplanes struck a building 20 kilometers north of the Israeli border, killing two women and injuring at

least 10 others, according to Lebanon's national news agency.

By Friday evening, Hezbollah had claimed around 20 strikes on Israeli troops, positions, and communities, while the Israeli military announced

artillery and airstrikes on targets inside Lebanon. The fighting has ignited extensive fires on both sides of the border.

The United States and France are trying to head off a full-scale war. White House Senior Energy Adviser Amos Holstein, the U.S. point man for Lebanon,

is expected early next week to go to Israel to try to find ways to defuse tension. But the Israeli government is under growing pressure to restore

quiet on its northern border to allow tens of thousands of people to return to their homes. More than 90,000 Lebanese have also fled their towns and

villages along the border.


Now Friday, Israeli Channel 12 reported that the Israeli military is prepared to launch a broad attack on Lebanon and is just waiting for a

green light from the country's political leaders. Diplomacy could avert a war, failure to do so will have catastrophic consequences for both Israel

and Lebanon.

I'm Ben Wedeman, CNN, reporting from Beirut.


CHATTERLEY: Our thanks to Ben Wedeman there. All right. Coming up on "First Move," the U.S. Supreme Court striking down a federal ban on bump

stocks. One dissenting justice says the ruling will have "deadly consequences." We'll discuss what next. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at some of the international headlines this hour. South Africa forming a multi-party

coalition government. The African National Congress signing a last-minute deal with its longtime rival, Democratic Alliance, for an unprecedented

coalition. It ends 30 years of the ANC Party's political dominance in the country.

South Korea and the United States are concerned over a potential trip to North Korea by Russia's Vladimir Putin. Their officials discussed the

possible visit in an emergency phone call on Friday. In a press release, they said Putin's visit should not undermine stability in the region and

warned that North Korea should not deepen military cooperation with Russia, which would violate resolutions by the U.N. Security Council.

And the U.S. Supreme Court has now struck down a federal ban on bump stocks. The device allows a shooter to convert a semi-automatic rifle into

a weapon that can fire hundreds of rounds a minute. Then-President Donald Trump had pushed for the ban after a 2017 mass shooting which killed 58

people at an outdoor music festival in Las Vegas.

Evan Perez is following the story for us now. And of course, Evan, as I mentioned, the U.S. Supreme Court deciding by majority rule to overturn

that ban. Just explain to us the implications of this and the importance of this moment.


EVAN PEREZ, CNN SENIOR JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: Well, the big concern that you have from the U.S. administration and from the federal agencies is that

the use of these devices, these are going to be back on the market as a result of this ruling the use of this device is essentially turns what is

already a pretty deadly weapon. These are semi-automatic firearms. With the use of these devices, you can fire off hundreds of rounds per minute. And

they say that this essentially turns them into machine guns, automatic weapons.

Now, what you heard from the conservative majority of the Supreme Court, the 6-3 majority, and it was led by Justice Clarence Thomas, it was a very

technical ruling. They were focusing on the fact that they said the way the mechanics of these devices work, it's not exactly an automatic weapon. It's

not a machine gun. And they're right in the technical sense. But for the people who suffered during that massacre, obviously in Las Vegas in 2017,

there is not much of a difference.

If you see the videos of these things going off, you can see how much faster and how many more rounds are fired because you use these devices.

And so, that's why you saw from Justice Sotomayor, you saw a reaction. She said that this ruling will have deadly consequences as a result. And you

can see also that part of the reason for this is that, you know, in 2017 when President Trump signed this, it was a way to avoid having Republicans,

the Republican Congress having to vote on this.

It was a rule that was passed by a federal agency and not by the members of Congress. And that's what the Supreme Court essentially was ruling on

today, saying that if you want to do this, essentially, you have to go to Congress and pass new laws, which, Julia, you and I know is not going to

happen in the United States anytime soon.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and that's the sort of crying problem here is that Congress is impotent where stronger gun laws are concerned And I think your

point about this being a technicality is an important one because as you said, even with this majority decision from these justices, they were

saying, look, Congress has to act if they want to restrict this they must.

My question refers now to -- I think, it's 17 states that in light of that federal ban that we saw put in place on these bump stocks, 17 states said,

OK, we are going to do the same. Evan, what happens in those cases? And I guess it's different depending on who runs the state. But with those rules


PEREZ: Yes. I mean, again, because this was a technical ruling, it really only applies to the federal regulation that was passed by the ATF, the

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms. What happens to those laws that were passed by other states, those can stand for now?

But, Julia, you can tell what's going to happen next is that in those states there's going to be gun groups, conservative groups are going to

challenge that and it won't be very long before we're back to the Supreme Court challenging the validity of those because, you know, the Second

Amendment has certain restrictions that are allowed and the conservative majority does not view very many -- of the many of these things as passing


So, you can bet that it will be just very, very short order before those bans are also challenged and it'll be back before the Supreme Court.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, watch this space. Evan Perez, great to have you on the show. Have a great weekend. Thank you.

Perez: Great to see you. Thanks.

CHATTERLEY: Now, an American nuclear-powered submarine has surfaced in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, just a day after a Russian one arrived at the island.

The USS Helena is now at an American naval base on Cuba's southern coast. Russian warships docked in Havana, if you remember, this week to conduct

some drills.

Patrick Oppmann joins us once again from Havana. Patrick, just a couple of days ago, we were saying, and you were discussing the intended message that

perhaps Russia and the Cubans, in this case, were sending upon that Russian arrival, a different message perhaps now being sent by the Americans.

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: A counter message arriving --

CHATTERLEY: A counter.

OPPMANN: -- about 500 miles away --


OPPMANN: -- from where I am. And you have to think, Miami is much closer to Havana than the U.S. Navy Base in Guantanamo, but of course, you just

have the psychological effect of there are now, probably for the first time since the Cold War both a Russian nuclear sub, it's just right behind me,

and then the attack submarine, also nuclear-powered that the U.S. has sent to the navy base in Guantanamo, both in Cuban waters.

So, it is potent symbolism for the only country in the world in the Western Hemisphere, at least, where Russian nuclear weapons were based briefly some

60 years ago. And, of course, everyone remembers the outcome of the Cuban Missile Crisis and the terror that it caused around the world, that you

would have Russian nuclear missiles based just off the United States. No one expects that to happen.

Of course, the boats behind me, the ships behind me came here, according to the Cuban defense ministry, without the nuclear warheads that they perhaps

would usually carry. So, the Cuban government is saying these ships here are a peaceful visit that other navies from around the world pay port of



But it is very unusual to have a nuclear-powered submarine like the one behind me and then have the U.S. one of theirs, that just doesn't happen.

And as well, to have these ships behind me be open to the public as they have been for the last two days. And we've seen hundreds of Cubans going

aboard and getting a look at something that is usually very much off limits of Russian warships.

So, certainly part of that message of power and strength that Vladimir Putin is trying to broadcast not only to the U.S., but here in Cuba, an

ally that he is essentially trying to get back on his side after so many years after the end of the Cold War.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, that's fascinating, Patrick. So, you're saying it's almost like a bit of a tourist attraction for Cubans because ordinarily

they wouldn't get this kind of access. What are they actually saying, though, to your point about the sort of symbolism of the moment, given the

broader backdrop that I think that everybody's pretty aware of?

OPPMANN: It's very potent symbolism because, of course, you know, here in Cuba, people spent decades thinking that they were on the right side of

history, that the Soviet Union was going to beat out the west. And then, they were banded when the Soviet Union collapsed, and the economy really

has never recovered since then.

So, on one side, you have a lot of nostalgia amongst Cubans of a certain age that remember the relative prosperity of life under the Soviet Union.

But then you have much younger Cubans, relatives in the United States in South Florida that receive remittances that follow U.S baseball, music, and

culture, and they really look at their future as being there. And, of course, a historic migration out of more than 500,000 Cubans that have left

over the last several years to go live in the U.S.

So, while some people look back with a lot of longing to what life was like under the Soviet Union, I think most people here realize the Russians are

not going to come back. They're not going to flip the bill. Billions of dollars are not going to come flowing in because Russia simply can't afford

that anymore.

And so, whatever this is behind me, it really is not the future. But if you're a Cuban government official, you're mostly interested in keeping the

lights on and Russian oil is helping to do that. And so, they're certainly not turning down any gestures of goodwill right now. They don't have enough

of those.

CHATTERLEY: No, follow the money, find the answers. Patrick Oppmann in Havana, great to have you on. Thank you, sir.

All right. Coming up, as the old adage goes, a man is only as good as his tools. Richard Quest puts that to the test as he visits artisan knife

makers in Japan and works on his kitchen skills. That's coming up.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Japanese knives are some of the most sought after in the world. They're razor sharp and crafted by artisans

who have spent decades perfecting their trade. Richard Quest was just in Osaka, Japan, and he saw a step by step on how these cutting-edge knives

are made.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don't have a machine to check the temperature. It's all by eye.



QUEST: How many years has he been doing it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Forty years. Forty years of experience.

QUEST: Oh, wow, he's pulling the -- he pulls the coals over it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He can make 15 or 16 knives a day.

QUEST: Right. What's the next step?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Next step, he will polish it. He will polish a few, yes.

QUEST: It's getting shiny.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. It's shiny because when we warm the metal, there is like a rust, a kind of rust on the metal. When we beat it, we can

take off the rust and make it smooth.

QUEST: So, he's made it, somebody else is going to sharpen it, and then it'll go to?


QUEST: To the handler?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. The handle maker, it's different people. Yes, so the handler, yes. The seller. The seller who buy a handle. Buy a blade from

a sharpener, he put it together and sell it.

There is a different grind of a stone. If the number is really big, it means it's pretty fine stone. So, 1,000 is like middle grind stone.

QUEST: Right. But I keep -- hang on, hang on. He keeps testing it. But why does he not cut himself?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you touch you -- do you -- no, no, no. It's OK. You don't get -- you flat, just flat.

QUEST: Right. Does he ever cut himself?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. No. Yes, sometimes he cuts himself.

QUEST: He's touching the blade.

This is very sharp. Seriously sharp.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You push a few and you slice. You push and you pull after. You push a few, yes.

QUEST: Push.


QUEST: Look at that. So, now, we want to move up a grade. It's like a dream.


CHATTERLEY: Now, in our faith move, scripture says to everything there is a season, including a time to laugh. Pope Francis invited dozens of

American comedy legends to the Vatican, including Jimmy Fallon, Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien, and Whoopi Goldberg. Chris Rock even photobombed

the pontiff.

Now, as Tom Foreman reports, the pope had a little fun himself, too, basically saying, God jokes are allowed. Phew.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please, we're just here to see the Pope.

TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It was a meeting made in comedy heaven, as a hundred big name comics lined up to shake hands with

Pope Francis, including Jimmy Fallon, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Whoopi Goldberg, Stephen Colbert.

STEPHEN COLBERT, COMEDIAN: Am I excited? Is the pope Catholic?

FOREMAN (voice-over): The pope's goal, to underscore the importance of humor in a troubled world. In the midst of so much gloomy news, he said,

you have the power to spread peace. You unite people and make God smile.

Mike Birbiglia, currently touring with a hit show on Netflix, loved the pope saying it's important for comedians to call out hypocrisy.

MIKE BIRBIGLIA, COMEDIAN: I mean, I was raised Catholic. And so, I never heard that kind of message from the church. And so, to hear it from the

person highest up in that same church, it was unexpected, and I thought overall really positive.

FOREMAN (voice-over): Plenty in the audience, like Jim Gaffigan, have long included religion in their routines.

JIM GAFFIGAN, COMEDIAN: I'm not a good Catholic. Like, if there was a test for Catholics, I would fail. But then again, most Catholics would fail,

which is probably why there's not a test.

FOREMAN (voice-over): Some of their material may strike strict churchgoers as a little wicked.

CONAN O'BRIEN, COMEDIAN: Yes. Two Pulps, a musical. Coming soon.

FOREMAN (voice-over): But the pope showed no sign of being troubled, keeping cool even when Chris Rock photobombed him. And the assembled comics

were not looking for controversy either.

TIG NOTARO, COMEDIAN: And then, in the darkness, this little voice, I have two mommies.

FOREMAN (voice-over): Big figures and allies in the LGBTQ community, such as Tig Notaro, while not approving, seemed willing for the day to press

pause on reports of the pope using a homophobic slur in private.

WHOOPI GOLDBERG, ACTRESS AND COMEDIAN: Callin now around the world, are you ready for a brand-new beat.


FOREMAN (voice-over): In the end, even comics who shared many laughs at religion's expense were delighted to share a few with the pope. And he said

it's OK to laugh at God. We play and joke with the people we love.


CHATTERLEY: Just not too much. And finally, on "First Move," call it the end of an era, or should we say Aras, for Taylor Swift, the U.S. pop

superstar, announcing at a concert in Liverpool, England, Thursday, that her wildly successful Eras Tour will come to an end in December. Swift has

now performed 100 shows on the tour, giving an economic boost to virtually every city she's visited.

Now, Investment Bank TD Security says her U.K. shows could give such a big shot in the arm to the British economy that the Bank of England may be

forced to delay cutting interest rates in September as a result.

Now, one of the Swifties that will no doubt be spending wildly in the U.K. the next week is our very own Swiftly -- Swiftie, Producer Kelly Burns, who

you can see on the upper left there. She's already seen Taylor perform in Portugal. And now, she's off to a London show too. Kelly, have fun, spend

liberally, just please don't upset the Bank of England.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. Have a great weekend, and I'll see you on Monday.

