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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Putin To Visit North Korea; Putin's Two-Day Visit In North Korea; More Than 20 NATO Allies Spending At Least 2 Percent Of GDP On Defense; China Is Fueling The Conflict In Ukraine; Israel Disbands War Cabinet; Israeli Airstrike Kills Key Hezbollah Operative; Chinese Premier Li Visits Australia; Australia And China Relations Are Back On Track; China's Anti- Dumping Probe On E.U. Pork Imports; Surgeon General Calls For Social Media Warning Label; Thailand's Stray Dog Crisis; Injuries At The Euros Football Championship 2024. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 17, 2024 - 18:00   ET



JAKE TAPPER, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: Parts of South Texas and Northeastern Mexico, five to 10 inches of rain are possible, perhaps more.

In just 10 days, President Joe Biden and Former President Donald Trump have their first debate of the general election. I will moderate that discussion

along with my colleague Dana Bash. That's next Thursday, June 27th on CNN, streaming on Max and elsewhere.

The news continues on CNN with Wolf Blitzer right next door in a place I like to call "The Situation Room." See you tomorrow.

JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: I'm Julia Chatterley. And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome to "First Move" once again. And here's today's need to know. From Russia with love, North Korea welcoming Vladimir Putin this

week, his first visit in more than 20 years.

Panda persuasion, China's fluffy gift to Australia, as visiting Chinese Premier Li Qiang says relations are "back on track."

Social media scrutiny. The U.S. surgeon general pushes Congress to demand a warning label on social networks in a similar approach to both alcohol and


And puppy protection. The founder of a sanctuary in Thailand who's made rescuing neglected and injured dogs his life's work. That conversation and

plenty more coming up.

But first to a partnership in Pyongyang. In the coming hours, Russian President Vladimir Putin will arrive in North Korea for a two-day visit. As

I mentioned, his first trip there in more than two decades. Moscow says the pair will sign a new strategic partnership. Both South Korea and the United

States have accused Pyongyang of supplying weaponry to Moscow in exchange for help with a military satellite program. Both nations have denied North

Korean arms exports.

Will Ripley has reported extensively in North Korea and joins us now. Will, great to have you with us on this story. You can correct me if I'm wrong, I

think it was 2000, the year 2000 when Putin was last there. Kim Jong Un was a teenager and his father was still alive. Just give us perspective on the

importance of this relationship now, actually, for both sides.

WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think the biggest thing to note, Julia, is how much the power dynamic has changed since the

last time Vladimir Putin traveled to North Korea. And as you said, it was July of 2000. So, next month, it'll be 24 years.

And at that time, Kim Jong Il and also his predecessor, North Korea's founder, Kim Il Sung, they really felt like when they met with Putin, when

they would meet with Russian leaders, they were an accessory, they were an afterthought.

It's very different today. Putin went to Kim Jong Un, and then, of course, you know, Kim sees the opportunity to travel to Russia because he needed

Kim's help to supply weapons for the war in Ukraine, not just, you know, things like artillery, if I can speak this morning, but also ballistic

missiles that are made, by the way, with American parts.

And so, what North Korea has been doing is they've been sending this steady stream of weapons, including ballistic missiles, that are being fired,

according to Think Tanks in the U.K. that have actually analyzed debris and they're killing people, including civilians in Ukraine. And what North

Korea gets in exchange might be perhaps the most valuable to Kim.

Not only do they get paid for these weapons, but they also, according to the U.S. and South Korea, are getting this valuable intelligence that could

perfect Kim's military satellite and ballistic missile program. And that is why the White House is saying that they are extremely troubled by this

growing alliance between Pyongyang and Moscow.


RIPLEY (voice-over): The North Korean capitol Pyongyang, preparing a super- sized socialist welcome for Russian President Vladimir Putin, a pariah in the free world, and Kim Jong Un's world, an invincible comrade in arms.

Korean propaganda praising Putin's first Pyongyang trip in 24 years. He met Kim's father in 2000, months after becoming president. Kim Jong Un was

still a teenager.

Moscow-Pyongyang ties today, the strongest since the Cold War, a grave and growing threat say Seoul and Washington. They accuse Kim of supplying

weapons to Putin's army in Ukraine in exchange for advanced military technology. Possibly boosting Kim's ballistic missile and spy satellite

programs, which could make Kim's growing nuclear arsenal more accurate, experts warn.

For years, North Korea has been threatening to use nukes against the U.S. in the event of war. In April, Kim was quoted in state media, now is the

time to be more thoroughly prepared for a war than ever before.

SCOTT SNYDER, PRESIDENT AND CEO, KOREA ECONOMIC INSTITUTE OF AMERICA: The relationship really is built on a transactional relationship, not on mutual



RIPLEY (voice-over): The North Korean leader's lavish armored limousine, a gift from the Russian strongman, a symbol of Kim's strategic pivot away

from failed U.S. diplomacy with Former President Donald Trump, which experts say left Kim furious and humiliated.

SNYDER: So far, it seems like the door is shut. And I would say that for North Korea and for Kim Jong Un the real message is beware betrayal.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Leaving President Joe Biden with very little leverage to pursue the fading prospect of North Korean denuclearization. Satellite

images of Pyongyang in recent days show possible preparations for a massive celebration.

The Kremlin, unfazed by western warnings, claiming it has every right to create closer kinship with neighbors. The stakes are high. The symbolism

powerful. Observers say Putin and Kim's dangerous alliance is bigger than politics. A defiant message from two leaders determined to take down the



RIPLEY (on camera): And this crossed just a few minutes ago, Julia, Vladimir Putin wrote this glowing article that was published in North

Korean state media. He talked about their historical bond, their joint struggles, their diplomatic milestones.

And then, he gets to the crucial part where he thanked North Korea for supporting Russia's, in his words, special military operations in Ukraine,

and he talked about how they together will trade more, how they're going to basically form this partnership in defiance of the western bloc that they

feel -- both of them feel has been trying to suppress their country's growth. And they're going to be signing this new strategic partnership

agreement that will replace the previous documents signed 1961, 2000, 2001.

We probably won't see the specific wording in that agreement that has the United States and Seoul and other U.S. allies the most worried, of course,

which is what's going to be happening on the military cooperation side, but they're also going to be sending more Russian tour groups into Pyongyang

and we're going to see a lot more interaction for the time being between Russia and North Korea.

Now, of course, experts say that if, all of a sudden, there's a ceasefire in Ukraine, then Kim becomes less valuable to Putin and all of that -- all

of this kinship that they're touting right now could fade away. So, we really don't know what the future will hold.

But at least for right now the clear message on the Kim side and the Putin side is the U.S. be damned. They're going into this headfirst. And we'll

see what happens. Should be a huge spectacle. You know, Russia can do socialist pomp and circumstance and pageantry very well, but North Korea

will give them a run for their money, that's for sure. They can get hundreds of thousands of people out in the streets who will be dancing and

cheering and make Vladimir Putin feel like a king as he's rolling through town with Kim Jong Un.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Will, and you'll be back to share it all with us, no doubt. But to your point, this kind of individual leaders make friends

where they can get them. And obviously, the threat that that then poses on both sides is increasingly concerning to the west. Will Ripley for now,

thank you so much for that report.

All right. President Joe Biden met with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the White House just a short while ago. The NATO secretary

general announcing that more than 20 members of the 32-nation alliance will now meet defense spending targets of at least 2 percent of their GDP this


Now, NATO defense spending has become a contentious issue in recent years, though the war in Ukraine has stimulated more focus. And in the same vein,

Stoltenberg had stern words for Beijing about their support for Moscow.


JENS STOLTENBERG, NATO SECRETARY GENERAL: Publicly, President Xi has tried to create the impression that he's taking a backseat in this conflict to

avoid sanctions and keep trade flowing. But the reality is that China's fueling the largest armed conflict in Europe since World War II. And at the

same time, it wants to maintain good relations with the west. Well, Beijing cannot have it both ways.


CHATTERLEY: Alex Marquardt has been following the meeting from Washington for us. Alex, two very important themes here. The fact that what we've

seen, even since 2014, when they agreed to raise defense spending to 2 percent of GDP, this accelerated focus on doing so in light of the recent

war in Ukraine, and then, of course, that message from Stoltenberg towards China, the sort of implication or the inference there is, or what? What if

they continue to do this? What will be the repercussions?

ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN CHIEF NATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Well, he didn't lay it out specifically, Julia, but he certainly said in no uncertain terms

that the west should consider imposing a cost because of this conflict that they continue to fuel.

He says that Russia has helped -- sorry, that China has helped Russia escape sanctions that they are helping them get around economic controls,

propping up their defense industry, that some 90 percent of the microelectronics that have imported into Russia are coming from China, and

those go into missiles, and aircraft and other weapons.


And so, he is certainly indicting China, if you will, for their participation in this war, though we should say China has been very careful

at not crossing the line to directly providing lethal aid or weapons, but they are certainly giving Russia the capability to continue fighting this


On the North Korean front, as you were just discussing with Will Ripley, Stoltenberg also said in that speech at the Think Tank here in Washington,

that North Korea has provided some 1 million artillery shells to Russia. And in return, Russia is giving supplies and expertise to North Korea to

enhance their technology.

No doubt much of the focus today between Stoltenberg and the Biden administration, President Biden was about the war in Ukraine. Stoltenberg

expected to stay here in Washington for several more days and then come back in three weeks' time, Julia, for the NATO Summit. It is the 75th

anniversary of the NATO alliance. Two new members, Sweden and Finland, have joined in the past year. And of course, the war continues to rage in


And that is why, as you say, this 2 percent number has been such a focal point over the past few years because it is so important for NATO allies to

keep up their defense spending, NATO argues, but also to continue helping Ukraine fight its war.

On the political side, it has also become a real focal point because Former President Donald Trump has accused NATO allies of not paying their way. And

earlier this year, he said that if a NATO country, a NATO ally was attacked by Russia that hadn't paid that 2 percent, that Russia "could do whatever

the hell it wants."

So, here is Stoltenberg in Washington saying that some 23 of the 32 NATO allies are now spending 2 percent of their GDP on defense, that is twice as

many, he said, as four years ago. So, that's also important in terms of American politics, because next week, right here on CNN, we have that

debate between Former President Trump and President Biden, and you can be sure that Trump is going to bring that up.

And as we get closer to this NATO Summit, we have seen moves by NATO and NATO countries to Trump-proof, if you will, the alliance and the support

for Ukraine. As we get closer to this election, the NATO allies are trying to come coordinate better, streamline the coordination of support for


We saw just last week at the G7, President Biden signing a defense agreement for 10 years with Ukraine. That is something that president --

that if Trump were to be re-elected, he could do away with. But it is more difficult to take away something to -- than it is to impose it.

And so, we will see these various points of discussion. The support for Ukraine from the U.S., from NATO, North Korea, and China, all discussed in

great detail, you can imagine, three weeks from now at this NATO Summit here in Washington, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, certainly. And the leadership in the world could look very different in a year's time. So, it's fascinating to see what they can tie

down at this moment. Alex, great to have you with us. Thank you. Alex Marquardt there in Washington.

Now, there are new questions today, too, over who Israel's prime minister will consult about the war in Gaza after Benjamin Netanyahu dissolved the

nation's war cabinet. That six-member cabinet was formed just days after the Hamas terror attacks and included centrist Benny Gantz. The decision

coming after Gantz left the government last week. An Israeli official says the prime minister also expressed frustration over the tactical pause that

Israel's military announced on Sunday to get more aid into Gaza.

And in Lebanon, an Israeli airstrike has killed a key operative in Hezbollah's rocket and missile department, according to the IDF. Cross-

border attacks between Hezbollah and the Israeli military have ramped up since October 7th, uprooting lives on both sides of the border. Oren

Liebermann has more. From Northern Israel.


OREN LIEBERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): On the main drag in the city of Kiryat Shmona in Northern Israel, Amatsya Dahary works alone,

taking orders from customers who won't come in person.

AMATSYA DAHARY, NORTHERN ISRAEL RESIDENT: There is no people here in the city. My customer don't come to my gallery. And I feel alone here.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The stores and restaurants near his frame shop are closed. The city is nearly empty under constant threat of rocket attack

from Hezbollah in neighboring Lebanon. But Dahary shows up to work here every day.

DAHARY: I think it's wrong to leave Kiryat Shmona. I think everybody had to be here.


LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The first launches fell in this city soon after October 7th.

LIEBERMANN: This was the safety room, the security room, and the mortar tore right through it.

LIEBERMANN (voice-over): The city was evacuated two weeks later. The charred remnants of a life hastily, abandoned, visible inside.

Mayor Avichai Stern says less than 10 percent of the people here have stayed.

Since the 8th of October, we've been attacked every day, Stern says, I don't think there's any nation in the world that would be prepared for its

citizens to be fired upon every day.

At a nearby location, the mayor shows us a much larger rocket that hit the street. It's shrapnel tearing into nearby homes.

Also, this, Stern says, this is shrapnel. Look and hear. You'll find them in every place.

Along Israel's northern border, once thriving villages have become ghost towns. In Shlomi, the spirit of the country may be strong, but its people

have left. Approximately 60,000 people have been evacuated from the north to hotels across the country.

According to Israel, Hezbollah has fired more than 5,000 rockets and drones since the start of the war. Israel has carried out strikes against

Hezbollah targets and commanders amid fear of a simmering conflict boiling over into a war.

We are approaching the point where a decision will have to be made, says Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, and the IDF is prepared and very ready for

this decision.

In recent weeks, the North isn't just under fire, but on fire, sparked by Hezbollah attacks and missile intersects. Locals caught this video of an

interceptor explosion, which rained burning shrapnel on the area.

Firefighters are still coping with smoldering embers that reignite in the dry conditions. A fire that keeps burning on a border that threatens to do

the same.

Oren Liebermann, CNN in Northern Israel.


CHATTERLEY: Our thanks to Oren there. To Australia now, where the Chinese premier is wrapping up a four-day visit. His message, relations are back on

track. It's the first visit to Australia by a Chinese premier in seven years after relations deteriorated during the coronavirus pandemic and led

to a host of restrictions on products ranging from timber to Australian wine.

Now, in a sign of warming ties, Li Qiang said Beijing would send a new pair of giant pandas to Adelaide Zoo after its current return to China later

this year. It's a new day in Canberra where we join Charles Croucher, the chief political editor for 9News Australia. Charles, fantastic to have you

with us.

The impact of the deterioration in relations over the past few years hit whole swathes of the Australian economy and certainly small businesses.

What are ordinary people saying today about this visit and the hopes for improved relations going forward?

CHARLES CROUCHER, POLITICAL EDITOR, 9NEWS AUSTRALIA: Morning, Julia. Ordinary Australians are apprehensive when it comes to China. Certainly,

they've seen the impact of that deep freeze that existed for the past four years.

As you mentioned, everything from timber to crayfish, Australian beef, and then our wine industry. This was targeted by Beijing to have a great impact

on Australia. And there are industries and jobs and livelihoods that have been impacted by that over these past few years.

What we are seeing now in this visit, that is seven years in the making, is a turning of the tide and a step in the right direction. However, there is

apprehension. Australia know the importance of China as a trading partner and an economic lifeboat to Australia over the past decades when it comes

to mineral sales as well as products. But also, they know that China is a new China for the one that Australia was dealing with decades ago.

This is a Beijing that is looking to expand, particularly into our region using some of our nearest neighbors and expand its influence all over

Australia, increases in cyber-attacks, increases in foreign coercion here in Australia and then effectively saber-rattling in the South China Sea

that has impacted not just Australian troops and Australian naval vessels, but also vessels from our allies, from the U.S., from Japan, from the

Philippines and some of Europe.

So, whilst this is a welcome visit and any talk is good talk, there is that apprehension that still exists, that knows that tap can be turned off once

again, and if Beijing's mood changes, it will impact all of our region, the stability of the globe, and certainly, it will impact Australia. President

Biden advised Australia to trust but verify when it comes to China. I think trust begins with talk, and the good news is those talks are now underway.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, you very eloquently put it though, increased economic ties can bring certain benefits, but they also make you far more vulnerable to

your economic partners if the mood shifts. Charles, we'll have to leave it there. Great to have you on the show. Thank you. Charles Croucher there.

CROUCHER: Thanks, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you. All right. Straight ahead. A bacon brawl. How a tip over Chinese E.V. tariffs could end up hurting European pork producers and

chop sales in their number one export market.


Plus, the inspiring story of Happy Doggo, the organization helping feed and care for thousands of Thailand's neglected street dogs. How the founder

found his life calling saving the lives of vulnerable animals in need of a home.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And we hope all our viewers around the globe are having a great start to the new week and a profitable

start to the week on Wall Street tops today's "Money Move." Another record- breaking day for the S&P and the NASDAQ with tech up almost 1 percent, even the Dow was able to break a four-day losing streak too, a pretty good start

to Europe's trading week. To Citigroup, however, downgrading European stocks due to the risks surrounding the upcoming French legislative


Meanwhile, Adidas falling 2 percent -- or over 2 percent actually in European trade. The German sportswear giant is investigating whistleblower

allegations that senior Chinese staff carried out a multimillion-dollar embezzlement scheme. We'll bring you any further headlines on that when we

get them.

In the meantime, when Europe imposed sizable new tariffs against Chinese electric vehicle imports last week, many worried how Beijing might

retaliate. Well, the answer may have come Monday on news that Beijing has begun an anti-dumping probe into E.U. pork exports to China. At issue is

whether the E.U. is exporting pork at below market prices, hurting Chinese domestic producers. Sound familiar? Beijing has already launched a similar

investigation into E.U. brandy exports to China.

Hanako Montgomery joins us now on this story. So, this investigation, I believe, could take up to a year, but it's going to really hurt farmers in

Europe, in Spain, the Netherlands, Denmark, Germany, France included in that, Hanako, and it's politically a very sensitive time.

My question for you is, is China justified in claiming that there might be an issue here of dumping? And what's the impact?

HANAKO MONTGOMERY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good to see you, Julia. You know, as you mentioned, right, when you ask the Chinese government whether this

potential tariff and this investigation on pork products imported from the E.U. is justified, well, they'll probably answer yes. But when you ask

European pork producers, they will definitely say no.

And in fact, this has really increased risking, you know, trade tensions between the E.U. and China. We're seeing this tit for tat play out from

last week when we spoke about E.U. tariffs on Chinese E.V.s, and tensions seem to be ratcheting up.


And of course, this latest investigation into E.U. pork imports has really stoked fear among European exporters that China could go after their goods

in retaliation for the E.U. imposing those tariffs on Chinese E.V.s.

Now, just for some context about this specific investigation that we're hearing about. As you mentioned, it could last at least a year. It could be

a little bit longer, and it would specifically look at pork and pork byproducts meant for human consumption. According to the Chinese

government, this probe was first prompted by a complaint launched by the China Animal Husbandry Association on June 6th on behalf of the domestic

pork industry.

Now, if this investigation does dampen domestic consumption of pork in China, this could really hurt European pork producers. We know that China

is the world's largest consumer of pork products and is also a main destination, a main place for European pork producers.

Just in 2023 alone, China imported actually about $6 billion worth of pork products, and over half of that came from the E.U., according to the

European Commission Consumer Data.

Now, on part of the European Commission's response, they said that they were not very worried about this investigation. In fact, in a statement on

Monday, the European Commission spokesperson said, and I quote that "the E.U. will follow the proceedings very closely in coordination with E.U.

industry and the member states."

Now, of course, right, the E.U. is worried that this could potentially launch another trade battle, much like they saw back in 2013 when they

launched tariffs on Chinese solar panels and China responded by threatening tariffs on European wine imports. So, it remains to be seen whether we'll

see those exact events from 2013. But again, this is a real concern.

Now, we can say, however, that this was at all a surprise, right? We discussed last week that China was seen and was expected to retaliate in

some way, right? We were expecting China -- Beijing, to take some measures to dissuade E.U. officials from making those tariffs on Chinese E.V.s


Last week, the E.U. launched tariffs of up to 38.1 percent, and even though domestic brands in China, because they're doing so well financially, can

absorb those additional costs, it's still ruffled a lot of feathers and Beijing.

Now, again, it remains to be seen how this will play out. We still have a couple of weeks, you know, for the for the E.U. tariffs to see if they will

be permanent in in China. But for China's part, again, we will see just whether or not there will be tariffs on pork products. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I think Beijing's hoping to pressure some of those individual European governments put pressure on the European Commission

before that confirmation happens on July 4th. It's going to be an interesting few weeks. Hanako, good to have you. Thank you. Hanako

Montgomery there.

All right. Let's move on. Much of the U.S. is suffering an intense heat wave stretching from Maine to Texas. Heat will reach dangerous levels in

many areas, and the humidity won't help, making it feel that much hotter. For more on this, we're joined by Chad Myers. Chad, I have to admit, I love

the toasty weather, but this is pretty extreme.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Well, today is the coolest day of the rest of the week.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, get used to it.

MYERS: So, here you go. Get used to it. It's going up from here. Big high pressure across parts of the East Coast. Yes. I mean, we're talking about

82 percent of the United States population at 90 degrees or higher, that's 32 Celsius or higher for the next five days.

This is a long duration, high heat event. 150 records will be broken. Some records may be the hottest of all time. Now, those typically happen in

July, not in early or mid-June. Temperatures are going to be in the 90s, 94, 95, 34, 35 Celsius.

Also, now, we're looking at some tropical weather here, mainly into Mexico for this storm here, but still maybe the East Coast for the next potential

storm there. Potential tropical cycle number one will likely become tropical storm Alberto in the Gulf of Mexico, and it's been Alberto before.

But because it's an A storm, usually they don't get very big because it's not that long into the year. The A is usually the first storm. Obviously,

it is. A lot of rain, though, into parts of Texas.

The American model putting down 20 inches of rain. So, what is it? 750 millimeters of rain, but the European model putting down three inches of

rain. So, this is a battle of the models. We'll see which one wins here. This is a huge discrepancy. How's the forecast three to 20? I don't know,

but we'll see as it gets closer.


Also, rain in the parts of China. It has been raining for days now. This is what the pictures looked like over the weekend. People trying to get out of

the way of the rain. And, Julia, it's still raining, and it's going to continue to rain all the way through Friday. That will cool down Beijing.

But look at some of these spots. 250 millimeters of rain, 10 inches in some places. That could put down some flooding too, but it will cool down

Beijing from 39 to 29. Take it if you can get it, just don't get too much. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Toasty. I'll describe it like that again. And I'm still perplexed by the discrepancy with the European model. Let's hope that one's


MYERS: We'll see.

CHATTERLEY: But I have to -- yes, avoid rolling my eyes. Oh, dear. Chad Myers, thank you for that. We'll be back after this.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." The U.S. surgeon general is raising the alarm about the impact of social media on young people's mental

health. Dr. Vivek Murthy wants Congress to put warning labels on apps similar to cautions on products like cigarettes and alcohol. Researchers

have expressed concern over children's social media use now for years.

Meanwhile, Congress has questioned tech CEOs on Capitol Hill, but it remains to be seen if they'll act on Dr. Murthy's advisory.

Meg Tirrell joins us now. Meg, my honest answer in question is what on earth does it take actually for action some of these social media apps?

Just explain his warning, because I know you interviewed him earlier today and he told you all kids basically are using social media. This is a

desperate need to act.

MEG TIRRELL, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. You know, I spoke with the surgeon general earlier and asked him about the previous times there have

been these warnings put on products. They've been on cigarettes and they've been put on alcohol. And this would be the third time ever to put one of

these warnings on something that people use. And he said he does think that the risk is as profound because this concerns children's mental health. And

as you pointed out, he also said this is nearly ubiquitous.


It's also staggering to look at some of the statistics around how much kids are on social media. In his opinion piece calling for this warning, the

surgeon general cited a Gallop survey that showed that kids on average are looking at social media for almost five hours per day. He also cited a

study in the journal, JAMA Psychiatry that showed that kids who use social media for at least three hours per day have double the risk of feeling

symptoms of depression and anxiety, and almost half of kids in a separate study, he cited, said that they felt worse about their bodies after looking

at social media.

And so, he is calling for these warning to put into place. But it would require an act of Congress. And I asked him if he knew of any legislators

who are preparing that kind of legislation, and he said he didn't yet. He is feeling optimistic, though, he said.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, but that's the problem, isn't it? We've seen time and time again when we've had the Facebook CEO publicly apologizing to parents on

Capitol Hill for the damage that his platform's doing, and yet, no one seems to act. It's terrifying.

What would he like Congress to do? And, Meg, sort of as part of that answer, what can parents do in the interim? I mean, kids should not be on

social media for this length of time a day.

TIRRELL: Yes, he's calling in addition to legislation that would create this warning, additional regulation of these companies, really protecting

kids from harassment and extreme content, trying to protect kids from having really private, personal, sensitive data collected about them, also

to limit features like auto scrolling, auto playing, infinite scroll, things like that. And also, to require these companies to share data about

any of the health impacts that they collect themselves so that independent scientists can audit the safety.

Now, in terms of what parents can do, this is something that can happen immediately. Our Dr. Sanjay Gupta has talked with a surgeon general about

this, and together, they put out sort of some guidelines. The first one is talk to your kids. Make sure you're having that conversation. Another is to

create tech free zones around really important times, like bedtime or dinner time, times when you're socializing. And then, the third is to get

together with other families in your community so that your kids don't think you're the only one doing this.

If you guys can try to create some guidelines, and the surgeon general suggests not before finishing middle school should kids be on social media,

that can really make a big step to helping all kids do this more healthfully.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I have to say, I think a lot of adults could use this advice too. The number of times in a restaurant where there's people and

they're just all on their phones. You're like, wow, that's really quite frightening. Meg, good advice. Let's hope Congress follow it. We need some

proper regulation and legislation. Meg Tirrell, thank you.

All right. Coming up on "First Move," --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Up we go. Come on, everybody.


CHATTERLEY: Yay, dogs. How one man on a moped has become a true guardian angel for the thousands of street dogs struggling to survive in Thailand.

You'll meet the man whose mission is to care and feed hundreds of dogs daily, and how it changed his life, too.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Now, you can call him the man who's fed and cared for the likes of Taylor Swift, the Spice Girls, Cindy

Crawford, and even Ryan Gosling. His name is Niall Harbison. He's the founder of Happy Doggo, a sanctuary for malnourished, neglected, and abused

dogs in Southern Thailand.

He named some of the stray dogs he saved after celebrities. But let's be clear, all the pooches are true superstars in their own right. The stories

of how Harbison and his team have fed, sheltered, and nursed vulnerable animals back to health are truly awe-inspiring, and they're a testament not

only to the amazing resiliency of dogs, but also the care Niall and his team give each and every one.


NIALL HARBISON, FOUNDER, "HAPPY DOGGO": So, it's 6:00 in the morning. I'm out here waiting for Billy to come back and Mario. Two little dogs who both

suffered from abuse. Billy actually had a very horrific start in life. He was attacked. We found him like a little fluffy ball that had been slashed

across his head. He actually ended up having PTSD, the same as humans has.


CHATTERLEY: Now, Harbison started Happy Doggo three years ago after a near- death experience from substance abuse made him re-evaluate his life. Today, his organization feeds hundreds of street dogs every single day. Its

mission to save the lives of 10,000 strays a month.

And now, Harbison, the founder of Happy Doggo and the author of "Hope: How the Street Dogs Taught Me the Meaning of Life," joins us now.

Niall, it is an honor to have you on the show. I know that was a lot of information. Some of your videos give me a frog in my throat and it was

starting there. Just talk to me about how beginning feeding dogs became something so much bigger.

HARBISON: Oh, thanks for having me. Well, I started off just feeding one dog actually. It was a stray dog that I found on the streets of Thailand

and then it quickly grew to sort of four and 10. And we're up to the stage now where I've got a small team and we feed 800 street dogs every single


CHATTERLEY: I mean, it's just incredible. I mean, for people that perhaps haven't gone on a website or on a social media platform to see what you've

done, some of the stories are really poignant. One for some of the tragic abuse that these dogs suffer, but also the happy side of this is how

quickly in a matter of weeks, and I know it feels long for you, you sort of bring them back.

Stella, for me, it's one of the stories that, yes, my team had me crying. But also tears of happiness, because you really made a difference with her.

Just talk about Stella, to give our viewers an example of what you do.

HARBISON: Yes. Well, it's -- a lot of your viewers might not be from Southeast Asia and, you know, understand the street dog problem. I mean,

there's 8 million street dogs in Thailand, for example, if you've been to, you know, any of these countries, maybe like India or Sri Lanka or

Indonesia, there's street dogs everywhere.

But little Stella was a dog that we got a call from the member of public from and she had a string tied around her neck, basically a tiny piece of,

you know, nylon string, but she had it put there when she was a puppy. So, maybe three or four months old. God knows why it was there, but it had

stayed on her. And as she grew the string got tighter. So, it was effectively choking her to death very, very slowly.

And if you look at the videos, it's meshed into her skin. So, first of all, we had to catch her, which wasn't easy, because she was very wary of

humans. And then, we were able to, under sedation, get the string off there. But if you look at the video, her wounds were horrific.

And we've slowly been able to rehabilitate her. She didn't understand why her world was so painful and scary because she was only a puppy. But now,

she plays all the time and she's coming around. Dogs have wonderful resilience. It's the thing that I've learned.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, incredible resilience. I encourage people to watch it because we were showing it there and she would physically jump away from

you because she was clearly just terrified of being touched. And I know you have a -- it was a battle for a long time with that.

The point that you made though is vitally important and we don't understand the scale of the problem. And one of the things that you do with these dogs

when you bring them in other than care for them, love them, feed them is sterilization. Because you say, and you say it a lot in the videos,

preventing these female dogs having 10, 12, 15 puppies of their own saves those 10, 15 future puppies suffering the same fate.


HARBISON: Yes, it's -- so, sterilization, just -- it's a word that people might not be familiar with. It's like neutering or spaying dogs. It's

basically -- yes, it's what everybody should do. But we've actually sterilized 12,000 now, which means we've stopped probably 100,000 puppies

coming into the world.

And my whole mission is, I started off thinking feeding the dogs was really important, and we still do that, but actually, to stop the suffering, you

need to kind of turn the tap off, which is the new baby's, big puppies being born into the world because they have no chance and we can't keep up

with fixing all the broken ones when there's millions of dogs.

So, our big push is sterilizing. There's 500 million street dogs around the world, which is an insane stat, but I'm pretty determined to fix the

problem globally. That's my mission.

CHATTERLEY: Talk to me about homes for these dogs. Because as you said, there's too many of them to try and provide homes for, to care for, to

provide support for. What can people do if they're watching and they either live in Thailand or perhaps they live somewhere else and think, I want to

help? I know it's, difficult to adopt a dog, certainly in a different country, but you do have some on your website that I was looking at

earlier, and I take them all if I could. But yes, you do try and adopt them.

HARBISON: Yes, we do. And it's -- we do about 50 every year. And it's more to raise awareness. And obviously, for those 50 dogs, it's amazing. And

they have a wonderful lifestyle. We pick them a good home.

But like, for example, we have one dog, I couldn't believe it, like Liam Gallagher, who's the first man up Oasis. He adopted one of the dogs and he

genuinely followed on Instagram, and I couldn't believe it because he was kind of one of my heroes growing up. So, it was -- we get the interest from

all over the world. And adoptions are fantastic. But yes, there's -- fixing the problem at the source level is even more important.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, I think it's something that we actually don't understand until you start digging into the details of this. You know, it's funny, my

dog isn't a rescue dog, but when people ask me where I got him from or what he is, I say he sort of rescued me. So, he is a rescue dog because they

bring such unparalleled joy.

And given the beginnings of what you were struggling with and I think how dogs helped you and rescuing other things and helping other mammals,

animals helped you, how are you doing now?

HARBISON: Well, actually doing fantastic.


HARBISON: Like I mean, I've made no secret of the fact that I was an alcoholic and I ended up in hospital. I nearly drank myself to death. And I

was lucky enough that I had some money saved and I just needed to find something that gave me a new purpose in life, and it was the dogs and I --

like -- I know, like, it doesn't feel like I worked the days in my life. It's just fantastic.

The only thing I'm trying to figure right now is, it's quarter to 6:00 in the morning here. I'm going to be maybe 10 minutes late for the dogs

feeding them this morning. I don't know.


HARBISON: I don't know if you know what. They don't even know what CNN is, but I'm going to have to explain that to them when I go back.

CHATTERLEY: Blame me. Someday I'll come and give them all a hug to say sorry. Very quickly then, because you have to go feed them, if people want

to help, if people want to provide support, make a donation, where do they go? How do they do that?

HARBISON: The charity is But also, just follow it on social media is good. I mean, there's a lot of bad news out there in the world,

you know, at the moment between wars and politics. And I just try and -- this is not an especially happy subject, the street dogs, but I try and

make a positive content that just gets people smiling. Like the dogs are unbelievably -- comebacks are just incredible. They're so resilient. So,

just, yes, following on social media. I think it will put a smile on your face.

CHATTERLEY: Some of these dog smiles are truly priceless. And despite me crying over some of the stories, at the end, they were happy tears, too.

So, thank you for all the work that you're doing. Amazing job. And stay in touch, please. Niall Harbison, CEO of Happy Doggo.


CHATTERLEY: You're a hero, my friend. Thank you. All right. It was a jam- packed day at the European Football Championships, and not without injury. We'll have all the details after this.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more of the international headlines this hour. Four Russian naval vessels have started

to make their way out of Cuban waters. It comes after a six-day visit that was part of a historically "friendly relations" between the two nations,

according to Cuba's government. It was the largest convoy to visit the island in years, and it's unclear now where the convoy is headed.

Thailand's upper house is expected to pass a bill legalizing same sex marriage on Tuesday. It passed the lower house in March. If approved, it

would go to the king for endorsement and then become law. Thailand would then join Taiwan and Nepal as the only places in Asia to allow for marriage


Now, it's been an eventful day at the European Football Championship in Germany. France kicked off their tournament with a 1-nil win against

Austria. Kylian Mbappe missed a chance to double France's lead in the 55th minute. That wasn't the only trouble for the French superstar. He also

bloodied his nose on a missed header.

Senior Analyst Darren Lewis is here for us now. Darren, always fantastic to have you on the show. I wanted to talk about Ukraine, but now, we have to

talk about broken nose gait. Is it a broken nose?

DARREN LEWIS, CNN SPORTS SENIOR ANALYST: We think it is. He has gone to hospital. Actually, it's a developing story because one of the world's best

players, yes, Kylian Mbappe, on his way to hospital as we speak to have surgery on what we believe to be a broken nose. That could mean one of two

things, either he plays in the remaining group matches and the tournament in a mask or he will miss the next couple of games, which could spell huge

trouble for France.

And just to give you a couple of the reasons why, Julia, scored 45 goals in 79 appearances for his country, shot the goals, scored the goals that shot

them to the World Cup in 2018, lifting the trophy. And of course, he hit the hat trick in the final a couple of years ago in Qatar. So, that's how

important he is to his country. And of course, if you have him in the sweepstakes as well, you're in a little bit of trouble at the moment too.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. I mean, I'm just -- I'm cringing in my seat, imagining him trying to play in a mask and trying to head a ball or forgetting or

something or -- oh, I'm too squeamish for that. How long have we got? Am I allowed to talk about something else? I don't know how -- oh, I've got one

minute, Darren. Wow. We have to make it good.


CHATTERLEY: Should we talk about England or should we just skip that embarrassment?

LEWIS: Well, I'll tell you a little about Belgium because they are the golden generation.


LEWIS: So, many good players, but they always let themselves down. Beaten again today by Slovakia. They are ones to watch in this tournament. Look

out for that.

CHATTERLEY: OK. And Ukraine lost as well, but fingers crossed for their next match too.

LEWIS: Indeed.


LEWIS: Well, Romania, they're very impressive. Indeed. Some of the parts very impressive, indeed. And I've got a feeling you and I will talk on this

show much more about them in the group stages. Ukraine came to really make a statement given as we know, and you've reported, Julia, the problems that

there have been in their homeland that have been motivating their sportsmen, but they came up against a father-son partnership in Edi and

Anghel Iordanescu who are in charge of the Romanian team and are bringing them back to some of the past glories of 30 years ago.


And these goals, you can see them here, really symptomatic of a stunning performance from them. A brilliant day for them and a brilliant day of

stories at the European Championship Day.

CHATTERLEY: What a goal. Darren, pulling a very late one in London for us. We do hope to speak to you again on this subject. Great to have you with

us. Darren Lewis there. Thank you, sir.

All right. And finally, on "First Move," an inflatable dragon. has landed on the Empire State Building. The large lizard following in the footsteps

of King Kong is part of a promotion for HBO's "House of the Dragon." HBO is part of Warner Bros. Discovery, the same parent company as CNN.

The show's second season premiered Sunday, almost two years since its last episode aired. "The Game of Thrones" spin off debuted back in 2022,

averaging close to 30 million viewers an episode. Wow. But I think King Kong wins. And that just about wraps up the show. I'm going to get into


Thanks for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.