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First Move with Julia Chatterley

China and Philippines South China Clashes; South China Sea Escalation; Russia Signs Several Agreements with Vietnam; Extreme Weather Around the World; Southern China Face Torrential Rain and Flooding; Tropical Depression Alberto Makes Landfall in Mexico; New York Social Media Restrictions; Hochul: New Social Media Law Will Save Lives; Biden and Trump CNN Presidential Debate; LinkedIn Co-Founder Speaks Against Trump; Billionaire Worried of Trump Retaliating; Kenya Tax Protests; Iceland Unlocking the Power of Volcanic Energy; Frustration for England in Euro 2024; Copa America; Donald Sutherland Dies at Age 88. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 20, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET



RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: 5:00 a.m. in Hanoi, 6:00 in the morning in Milan on Friday, 6:00 p. m. Thursday here in New York. I'm

Richard Quest in for Julia Chatterley tonight. Wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

A warm welcome to "First Move." Here's your need to know for today. There are clashes in the South China Sea. The Philippines say the Chinese Coast

Guard has launched a brutal assault using bladed weapons on their soldiers.

Millions of people around the world are struggling under extreme heat waves and flooding as a new report shows we're burning more fossil fuels than

ever before.

New York has become the first U.S. state to restrict the use of addictive algorithms on children's social media.

And a potential energy explosion. Companies in Iceland are trying to harness the power of volcanoes, providing clean energy for millions. That

and a great deal more as we continue.

We begin in the South China Sea where escalating tensions between the Philippines and China are threatening to drag the United States into

another conflict.

Beijing and Manila are blaming each other for a violent clash this week off the heavily contested Spratly Islands. Manila claims China's Coast Guard

was responsible for a brutal assault with bladed weapons. What happens in the South China Sea has profound implications for the United States, which

has a mutual defense treaty with the Philippines, which it's had since the 1950s. CNN's Ivan Watson reports.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A high seas confrontation that could ignite a war. In the middle is a boat

belonging to U.S. ally, the Philippines, sandwiched by the China Coast Guard in the heavily contested South China Sea on Monday. Footage released

by the Armed Forces of the Philippines shows its uniformed sailors attempting to fight back, some Chinese Coast Guard personnel armed with

axes and knives. But Beijing says the Philippines started it.

LIN JIAN, CHINA MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS (through translator): Law enforcement measures taken by the China Coast Guard at the site were

professional and restrained.

WATSON (voice-over): China says it seized guns and ammunition from the Philippines ship, which was enroute to the Second Thomas Shoal. It is in

Manila's exclusive economic zone, but Beijing claims almost all of the South China Sea for itself.

In March, I was on board a Philippine Coast Guard ship on one of these routine trips. Chinese Coast Guard ships swarmed the Philippine ship.

WATSON: It is just after sunrise, and as you may see, there is a large Chinese Coast Guard ship directly in front of this Philippines Coast Guard


WATSON (voice-over): A Chinese Coast Guard ship blasted another Philippine boat with water cannons.

Monday's clash marks a clear escalation with multiple Philippine servicemen injured. Just last month, the Philippine President drew this red line.

FERDINAND MARCOS, JUNIOR, PHILIPPINE PRESIDENT: If a Filipino citizen is killed by a willful act, that is, I think, very, very close to what we

define as an act of war, and therefore, we will respond accordingly.

WATSON (voice-over): If that happens, the United States could be called to help the Philippines, and some experts argue Manila already has grounds to

invoke its mutual defense treaty with the U.S., which has increased its military presence in the Philippines, angering China.

RAY POWELL, GORDIAN KNOT CENTER FOR NATIONAL SECURITY INNOVATION: The Philippines would be perfectly within its rights under the treaty to go to

the United States and say this meets the terms of Article Three. We need your help, and enter into those formal high-level consultations about what

is to be done.

WATSON (voice-over): In a call with his Filipino counterpart this week, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the U.S. commitment to

defending the Philippines is ironclad. This simmering maritime dispute now threatens to boil over with all the potential for a much greater contract.

Ivan Watson, CNN.



QUEST: Now, with me, Oriana Skylar Mastro joins me at the center for -- hello -- for the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies at

Stanford University. This is very nasty, isn't it? You're also the author of "The Upstart: How China Became a Great Power." This is very nasty. This

is a dispute over the Spratly Islands in the South China Sea that threatens to get worse in every possible way.


CHINA BECAME A GREAT POWER": Absolutely. And we talk about it being a dispute over the islands. But honestly speaking, it's a dispute over the

maritime rights. The South China Sea, which is the size of half the continental United States is home to a vast amount of trade in which these

countries rely on as well as fishery, in which a lot of Southeast Asian countries rely on. China wants to control these waterways. And if they did,

they would basically be able to hold hostage most countries in the region economically and have a huge impact on the rest of the world.

And so, they're trying to promote those claims, and in this particular case, the Philippines are fighting back.

QUEST: Let's just look at both sides of the equation. How justified, in your view, is China's claim to essentially most of the South China Sea?

MASTRO: The claim is not really justifiable. What China does is they misapply international law, and I won't bore you through all the details,

but it's not necessarily the case that they just claim the South China Sea. They build this argument based on interpretations of what they think

internal waters are, which are kind of like rivers in other countries, waters that countries are not allowed to sail in.

The Chinese have said that waters between islands are internal waters. They claim that territorial seas have to be measured from the outskirts of those

islands versus just individual islands themselves. Anyway, they use all these arguments to basically build this position that other countries have

to ask them permission to sail in water -- international waters, as well as the exclusive economic zones of other countries in the region. And

obviously, giving Beijing that level of control is something that countries don't feel comfortable with. It does hurt stability in the region and hurts

the security of Asian countries.

QUEST: Are we just one slip away from a battle?

MASTRO: So, I think I'm a minority opinion on this, but I'm not particularly concerned about a full-blown war right now in the South China

Sea. Of course, the president of the Philippines has said that, you know, any activity that led to the death of a soldier or sailor of the

Philippines, a marine, would be perhaps an act of war.

The United States has issued several statements saying that the defense treaty could possibly be called into play. But the Chinese military is not

really ready to project power across those distances yet. And so, in my mind, they do believe that there is a ceiling in terms of how much this

could escalate.

So, I think the Chinese would probably back down before it reached a full- blown war, but they could miscalculate as well.

QUEST: But why do I always feel with these situations, Like with Taiwan, it's not a case of if, it's when.

MASTRO: Well, I think if you take a long enough timeline, you're probably correct. Even with Taiwan, you can see an increase in Chinese military

activity, aggressive and dangerous behavior as the military gets more capable and more confident.

It's important to point out that this is not just happening to the Philippines. The Chinese military and Coast Guard have been engaging in

dangerous activities and dangerous maneuver is against a lot of countries, Australia, Vietnam, India along the border. So, this is a pattern

deliberate --

QUEST: Right.

MASTRO: -- part of China.

QUEST: One final thought occurs to me, the ability of all those other countries to gang up together back against China, is that feasible,

realistic, or just nonsense?

MASTRO: Militarily, I think it wouldn't be undiplomatic to say nonsense, but if you put together the aggregation of forces, without the United

States country is really don't stand a chance. I mean, the most capable military, the largest military is potentially that of Japan, but even then,

they have a hard time going up against China.

And for Taiwan, I don't even like to say Taiwan self-defense because there's no scenario under which Taiwan can defend itself without direct

military intervention on the part of the United States.

QUEST: All right. I'm very glad to have you in the program tonight. Thank you. Good report.

President Putin has wrapped up his first visit to Hanoi after his North Korean state visit. In Vietnam, he met his counterpart, and the two leaders

signed several agreements, including an energy and nuclear science. President Putin has become more isolated, of course, since the war in

Ukraine. Now, he's looking to strengthen the few friendly relationships he has left.

Summer is finally here, though much of the world's been breaking heat records for weeks. This map currently showing the heat waves occurring over

America's, Africa, and Europe. Absolutely boiling hot. And millions of people are under heat advisories in the United States.


A heat wave in Saudi Arabia has killed more than 300 people during the Muslim pilgrimage of Hajj. According to official numbers, and there are

worries that that number will go considerably higher.

A new report says last year's humanity consumed more fossil fuels than ever before. Oil, coal, and gas produce carbon emissions which have significant

effects on global warming. The extreme heat contributing to wildfires in New Mexico where at least two people have died and thousands of people have

had to leave their homes.

Ed Lavandera is with me with the situation. We talked an hour or so ago about what was happening. I mean, it's just brutal at the moment.

ED LAVANDERA, CNN SENIOR U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes. Right now, since so many people have evacuated the mountain village area known as

Ruidoso and the communities around it in the last several days, many people just kind of dispersed in other parts of the state anxiously awaiting for

the chance to get back to their communities and their neighborhoods. But it's not exactly clear when that is happening.

The -- these two wildfires that have been raging since Monday are still 0 percent contained. Firefighters are still up in the mountains, in the

canyons, you see behind me, trying to put out these massive wildfires. But what we have seen, Richard, in the last 24 hours is some significant

rainfall that, according to fire officials, has helped the beginning of -- the beginning process of slowing the spread of these wildfires. But still,

officially it is 0 percent contained.

Fire officials say that they're working on some of the edges of the fire to prevent it from spreading in those areas that are the closest to homes and

vital infrastructure in the area, but that work continues. More rain is expected later today. So, hopefully, that will really help firefighters.

But, Richard, it's also created other problems in terms of the water and the rainfall has fallen already scorched ground, which creates landslides

and flash floods. So, that's been another treacherous thing that the first responders inside this fire zone have been dealing with as well.

But it's also just a simply tragic story. You talked about the two victims that have been killed in these wildfires. From what we have and the

information we've told by officials here in New Mexico, both of those people died, perhaps as they were trying to escape from the wildfires as

they erupted on Monday. So, it just kind of goes to show you just, A, how dangerous all of this is and just also how tragic and sad and devastating

this is for thousands and thousands of people in this region.

QUEST: I'm aware, of course, that today is summer solstice. And we're just at the beginning of the summer. It does not bode well, and particularly in

the areas that you cover for us, in New Mexico, Texas, that whole southern border, it doesn't bode well as we move into, really, the heart of the heat

of the summer.

LAVANDERA: Absolutely. You know, and this is kind of the reality that so many people are dealing with, especially here in the Western United States,

these wildfires from California to Colorado and other places as well, and New Mexico, obviously, that we're dealing with these fires here. It's just

the intensity and the reality of what so many people across this country here are dealing with now.

QUEST: Ed Lavandera, who's in New Mexico, grateful to you, sir. Thank you.

To China, where too much heat and too much rain. Parts of Northern China are suffering a heatwave, while Southern China is experiencing flooding.

Steven Jiang has more from Beijing.


STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: Torrential rains in Southern China forced officials in the City of Guilin in Guangxi province to issue their

highest level of flooding on Thursday morning, shutting down public facilities, including the city's train station, where social media video

showed, at one point, was inundated with muddy water in the passenger waiting area, stopping people from getting in and out of the station.

Now, Guilin is usually a popular tourist destination known for its natural beauty of its mountains and rivers. Now, this flooding is affecting not

just tourists, but local residents with roads flooded and closed, disrupting traffic, and many residents stranded in their flooded homes had

to be rescued in rafts by emergency responders.

Now, the picture is also very alarming in the neighboring Province of Guangdong, where in the City of Meizhou, at least five people have been

killed by flooding with more than two dozen people missing according to state media. And fatalities were also reported in another province in the

region, Fujian, and those deaths caused by landslides because of flooding and many villages are also experiencing power and communication outages.

With all this flooding and heavy rainfalls happening in Southern China, a heat wave continued to sweep through much of Northern China, including here

in the capital City of Beijing, where early this week, the authorities issued heat advisories for local residents several days in a row.

Steven Jiang, CNN, Beijing.



QUEST: Alberto has made landfall in Mexico and has now weakened to a tropical depression. It's the first named storm of this year's Atlantic

hurricane season. It may be the first, Chad Myers, I'm pretty certain it won't be the last.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: No. Not at all. I mean, the forecast for this hurricane season is off the chart because the water is at record

temperatures already and still going up because it's still getting warmer. And then the La Nina that's going to park itself out there in the Pacific,

both of those two things getting together and this is likely to be a well above normal season.

This is Surfside Beach in Texas. That's the beach down there. This is the breakwater and this is where the houses are. Well, that's not water is not

supposed to be there at three-and-a-half-foot storm surge on top of a very high tide because of the full moon. We're still seeing some rainfall.

Now, Northern Mexico needed the rain and so did Texas. Many spots picked up between two and four inches of liquid fresh water, but these areas here

picked up three to four feet of saltwater inundation as the wind just pushed it right on shore.

Now, luckily, earlier in the week, Richard, we talked about this GFS, the American model, potentially putting down 10 to 15 inches of rain. The good

news is, so far the biggest number we can find is seven, because 10 to 15 would have made an absolute disaster.

There's a lot of water in Northern Mexico, I've seen some rivers that are running right through Monterey right now, and they are high. Not out of

their banks yet, but they are certainly high.

Talking about high, here's the temperatures. Heat dome still in place for the eastern part of the U.S. Well, everybody really wants this to go away.

98 degrees. I mean, 37 for Celsius. 98 degrees in Boston yesterday, breaking a new record high. And right now, the heat index is 103.

Yesterday, at this time, it was 107. Congratulations. You feel four degrees cooler.

But the good news is this is over for a couple days for Boston. Certainly not down for D.C. where it's going to feel over 100 over the next couple of

days. But look at you, Boston. Very, very nice. The cold front gets through you. Atlantic Canada, Newfoundland, all the way up to Nova Scotia, yes, you

get some of that cooler air too. But Philadelphia, D.C., all the way down to the deep south, right through the Ohio Valley, as we call it here, just

south of the Great Lakes, still very hot weather, still to come, for days on end. Richard.

QUEST: Chad, thank you. Chad Myers with a hot weekend.

Coming up, Silicon Valley is starting to pick sides in the presidential election. Reid Hoffman, one of its most influential figures, says the

choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden is crystal clear. The LinkedIn co-founder spoke to Matt Egan.

And New York State says the time has come to give parents more control over what their children see on social media. It's a growing movement in the

United States. We'll hear from a leading advocacy group arguing for children's online safety.



QUEST: Welcome back. "Money Move" for today. Stocks in the United States closed mostly lower. Tech began the day high of a reverse course. NVIDIA

was off some 3 percent. In Europe, there were green arrows. The Bank of England held interest rates steady as expected. And that let the door open

for a cut in August. Switzerland cut rates for the second time this year. And trading in Asia, the Chinese Central Bank left its benchmark rates

unchanged. This is how Asia will start the day.

There's a growing effort in the United States to protect children from the harmful effects of social media. The governor of New York signed a bill on

Thursday that restricts social media firms from pushing content to children using algorithms. It's practice that critics say keeps people glued to

their screens.

Instagram and TikTok will now have to display content chronologically to people under 18, rather than by some algorithm that might go to their

tastes or previous searches. The governor of New York says the change will shield the children from dangerous messages.


GOV. KATHY HOCHUL (D-NY): We have a moral responsibility to protect young New Yorkers from harm and from addictive forces. They're trying to

transport them from happy go lucky kids into teenagers who are depressed, isolating themselves from human contact, and in some extreme cases,

contemplating ending their own lives.


QUEST: The governor also signed a separate bill that restricts websites from collecting and sharing personal data of children under 18. And earlier

during the week, the governor of California said he would restrict and support restrictions on students using their cell phones at school. And of

course, the U.S. surgeon general has proposed a warning label on social media saying they're contributing to a mental health crisis. The tech

companies argue that many of these measures violate their First Amendment speech protections.

Kris Perry is with me, the executive director of the Children and Screens Institute of Digital and Child Development. Right, Kris, look. Let's just

look at this New York measure. Is it -- A, is it workable? However desirable, is it workable? And do we not end up with a hodgepodge of

regulations which simply makes it all unworkable across the country?

KRIS PERRY, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR, CHILDREN AND SCREENS: I mean, these New York bills will protect millions of youth by both protecting their data,

but also, giving them a chronological feed that will hopefully make it much, much easier for them to avoid some of the pitfalls and dangers of

being on the platforms, which research has shown, leaves them feeling depressed, anxious, in many cases, they're being fed harmful content.

So, no, we believe that when states take matters into their own hands and set guidelines for the platforms to protect children and their privacy,

we're moving in the right direction. And other states have already taken steps. So, this is an important next step that New York has taken.

QUEST: But you know very well, of course, that these steps are circumventable by VPNs and the like. Is there not really a call that this

needs to be done at the federal level? That actually, instead of having a patchwork quilt, you really need a single authoritative direction and


PERRY: Yes, we do still need comprehensive federal legislation. And in fact, there is strong bipartisan support for the Kids Online Safety Act,

which, in many ways, would mimic the two New York bills that the governor signed into law today, and would go a long way in restricting what the

platforms can collect from children, how they can use the data that they've collected to feed their algorithms, and how those algorithms are

intentionally designed to keep children engaged really for the profit of the platforms rather than what's ultimately best for the children and their

optimal development.


QUEST: Assume -- you know, I read the book, I've forgotten the name of the author, but, yes, "How to Break Up with Your Phone," which gave me a

fascinating insight into the mechanisms and the reward dopamine serotonin aspects of these apps and these algorithms. But are we inevitably always

going to be one stage behind the promulgators of this?

PERRY: We don't have to be one step behind. Legislation, like in New York, or the Kids Online Safety Act, or the efforts that have been made in

Vermont, California, Maryland, all point to the fact that whether it's A.I., social media, video gaming, television shows, short videos, those can

all be improved with strong guidance that centers the child's wellbeing rather than the profits of the platforms.

We know that right now, because we are without federal legislation, that states are stepping into the void, and we are anxious to see whether or not

a non-algorithmically driven experience like will be better for kids. One that's more chronological. Kind of like when they first launched those


QUEST: The ability to put the genie back in the bottle is what we're really talking about to a large extent. And I do question the role of the

parents in all of this. And even accepting that parents do have a legitimate and major role. Are parents helpless in the face of this


PERRY: Parents are experiencing some of the same impacts that children are when they're online. They're experiencing their own, you might say,

problematic use with the platforms or other programs. And so, again, guidance, regulation, insight into what the companies are doing, allowing

researchers to better study the development, the intentional design so that we have products that, in fact, help people live healthier lives versus

placing them at such risk.

Children, teens are reporting that that, in many cases, they're on their phones far more than they want to be and they're feeling a lot worse when

they're on them. Parents can do just as much as parents can do to help protect their children from the products themselves, but we need both. We

need families to take control, but we also need to take control of the products themselves and make sure they're safe.

PERRY: Kris, I'm very grateful for your time. Thank you for joining us from Los Angeles tonight. Thank you.

There's a week until President Biden and Former President Donald Trump meet each other in their first debate of the 2024 election cycle. A key part of

President Trump's marketing position is that he positions himself as the pro-business candidate. Not all executives agree.

Reid Hoffman has played significant roles at PayPal, Facebook, OpenAI, and he co-founded LinkedIn. He says a second Trump term will be an imprudent

investment. Here's what he told Matt Egan.


REID HOFFMAN, CO-FOUNDER LINKEDIN: I literally talked to business leaders who are fearful about speaking out against this because they're fearful of


MATT EGAN, CNN REPORTER: Are you concerned that Trump could retaliate against you?

HOFFMAN: Of course, I'm concerned.


QUEST: Matt Egan with more.

EGAN: Richard, it's fascinating to hear a billionaire flat out say he's concerned the former leader of the free world will retaliate against him

simply for speaking his mind. But it also says a lot about where we are right now.

Remember, some CEOs who were critical of Trump after January 6th have suddenly changed their tune. They're back on the Trump train. Hoffman, on

the other hand, he wrote an op-ed for "The Economist" titled "American Business Should Not Empower a Criminal." And that piece argues that CEOs

are making a mistake by backing Trump.

Hoffman, who's now a director at Microsoft, he told me that in the end, Trump is going to hit corporate America where it hurts them the most.

They're bottom line. He's arguing that it's President Biden who's actually more pro-business than Trump. Because he says Biden respects the rule of

law and Trump does not.

It's a somewhat counterintuitive argument especially given that Trump views himself as the CEO president. He's the one pushing for lower taxes. He's

the one pushing for less red tape. But Hoffman told me that none of that stuff matters if in the end there's no respect for the rule of law. Take a



HOFFMAN: The rule of law is what has made America very special. It has made an environment for business that has been spectacular and a glowing

beacon to the entire world. It's the trust that other countries have in us and our system and how we interact, which allows our industries to export

and allows the dollar to be the reserve world currency of the world. And that's the reason why Biden is fundamentally, no matter what, more pro-

business than Trump.



EGAN: The Trump campaign responded by providing a statement attacking Hoffman as "a protege of George Soros, making other attacks on his

character, but the Trump campaign did not directly address any of Hoffman's arguments.

At the end of the day, of course, it's not up to the CEOs, it's going to be up to the voters. And one major factor in November will be who Americans

view as the strongest on the economy. Richard.

QUEST: Matt Egan. Again, we are hosting the first presidential debate, a week from now, a week from today. it starts at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, and

that's 9:00 a. m. in Beijing. And you can watch it live on CNN and on Max. And I assure you, you won't miss it because it'll be repeated several


As you and I continue this day, anti-tax protests are spreading across Kenya. Young people say they've had enough of President Ruto's economic

policies, in a moment.


QUEST: Julia is away. I'm at the helm. Hold on to your hats. The news headlines this hour, senior White House official says Ukraine has jumped to

the top of the list for U.S. air defense deliveries. Official describes the policy adjustments as extraordinary, but it's unclear which countries have

now been given lesser priority. Ukraine's civilian infrastructures come under relentless attack from Russian airstrikes.

Mark Rutte, the outgoing Dutch Prime Minister, very likely the next secretary general of NATO. He'll replace Jens Stoltenberg after Romania

dropped a long-held objection and its own candidate for the job. NATO's racing to bolster its own security while supporting Ukraine's defense

against Russia's invasion.


Kenya's government says it's rolling back some of the tax hike proposals that have led to violent protests in Nairobi and other cities in the

country. Hundreds of people turned out in the capital on Thursday for a day of demonstrations that ended with clashes with police. CNN's Larry Madowo

is in Nairobi with this dispatch.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Chaos unleashed on the streets of Nairobi as Kenya's Gen Z has had enough. What started out as

anger on social media about a controversial finance bill exacerbating the country's ongoing cost of living crisis has now morphed into a self-

organized revolt with protests taking place across several cities nationwide.

Young Kenyans battling through water cannons, clashes, and tear gas. Wishing for their rally cries to be heard.

LYON OPIYO, 18-YEAR-OLD PROTESTER: We don't have jobs. We are young. (INAUDIBLE). Our parents are suffering in this Kenya.

MADOWO: It's not clear why they're getting tear gassed. They're peaceful. As they keep saying, they're peaceful. They're not doing anything. But they

keep getting tear gassed and creating all this.

MADOWO (voice-over): The chokehold of Kenya's escalating living costs has been felt for decades, with some protesters saying they are starting what

their parents didn't.


DAISY OLOO, PROTESTER: I'm here because I want to protest because our parents didn't have the guts to stand before and protest against the

minister (ph). But what he's doing is bad governance. And we're here to protest and show him that if our parents can't do it, we can do it.

MADOWO (voice-over): On Tuesday, dozens of demonstrators descended outside Kenya's parliament, forcing the government in Nairobi to amend the bill.

Some of the suspensions include a 16 percent value added tax on bread and a 2.5 percent tax on motor vehicles. But some citizens were unhappy with the

changes, calling for it to be scrapped completely.

In response to the unrest, police arrested hundreds, signaling outrage to human rights groups who said their right to protest has been violated.

MADOWO: Is this your first time protesting?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, we were here on Tuesday. They were doing the exact same thing. They still arrested us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will do it again, and again, and again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We come in peace. We are not fighting. We are very respectful.

MADOWO (voice-over): With tensions mounting and protests showing no sign of slowing down, Gen Z has proven they have risen like never before.

Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.


QUEST: In a moment, magma magnificent, the scientists working to unlock the energy stored inside Iceland's iconic volcanoes.



QUEST: To Iceland now, and a drive to generate energy for one of the country's most dramatic natural wonders, the country's volcanoes. The

scientists there are currently working to try and harness the vast power stored beneath the Earth's surface. The scientists believe it could hold

the key to a greener future. CNN's Fred Pleitgen reports from Berlin.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The awesome power of nature on full display in southwest Iceland. The

Reykjanes Peninsula, close to the capital, suffering a string of violent volcanic eruptions in the past years. Iceland's massive activity both a

burden and a blessing for those who live here.

The town Grindavik, close to the eruption site, evacuated -- a fissure running right through the streets and the houses.

Klara Halldorsdottir, one of the more than 3,000 residents evacuated last November, says she's had enough and will never move back.

KLARA HALLDORSDOTTIR, FORMER GRINDAVIK RESIDENT: I get goosebumps when I talk about it because it was really, really strange. Just long lines of

cars exiting town. It was like in a terrible movie or something.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): When things appear to get more calm, a few months later, another violent eruption occurs as the Reykjanes Peninsula seems to

have entered into a period of high volcanic activity that could last months, years, or even centuries, experts say, keeping the specialists at

Iceland's Meteorological Office tasked with predicting eruptions busy round the clock.

SARA BARSOTTI, ICELANDIC METEORLOGICAL OFFICE: The GPS station, they're telling us if the ground is changing, it deforming. We are maintaining the

gel (ph) chemical monitoring that is telling us which are the kind of gases that are leaving the volcanoes.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): While volcanoes often have an impact on life here in Iceland, the Icelanders have found ways to harness the power of our violent

Earth. Geothermal power plants, feeding off the heat, providing emission- free energy in abundance and leading companies from around the world to move energy-intensive manufacturing, like aluminum production, to Iceland.

Our team traveled all the way to the northeast of Iceland to the Krafla Geothermal Plant. When drilling a new bore hole here at Krafla, they

accidentally hit a shallow magma chamber and now are working on harnessing the Earth's energy almost directly from the extremely hot magma.

The project's director says this technology could provide clean energy for hundreds of millions of people.

HJALTI PALL INGOLFSSON, KRAFLA MAGMA TESTBED: We have a very big part of humanity living close to a volcano. And if we are able to harness the

volcano directly, reducing the risk by lowering the pressure and lowering the tension in the volcano, then, of course, we have a win-win situation.

PLEITGEN (voice-over): Using the Earth's natural energy with burning fossil fuels. The scientists acknowledge there is still a long way to go

and a lot to be learned, but they also believe the potential energy supply could be virtually limitless and totally clean.

Fred Pleitgen, CNN, Berlin.


QUEST: I truly admit, I want to see a volcano someday. As we continue, the three lions lick their wounds after a disappointing day. Frustration for

England in the Euros.



QUEST: A frustrating day for some of the biggest names in world football at the Euros. England gave a disjointed performance against Denmark. Harry

Kane's opening goal was quickly equalized by the Danish team to bring the final score to 1-1. While an own goal by Italy gave Spain a 1-nil victory

in their Group B match. Coy Wire has more on the day's results.


COY WIRE, CNN WORLD SPORT: Thursday saw two heavyweights of European football going head-to-head. Four-time World Cup winners and defending

European champions Italy taking on three-time European champs Spain. Between them, they've won three of the last four Euros. And it would be

Spain who would strike first, albeit courtesy of a little luck.

Italy's Riccardo Calafiori can't get his legs out of the way, sending the ball into the back of his own net. LaRoya had a chance to double their lead

when Nico Williams almost found the back of the net with his beautiful solo effort, but it's denied by the woodwork. And that is how it would end. One-

nil Spain on the night.

So, with one game remaining Spain, the second team to book their spot in the round of 16 after host Germany, Italy in second, and they'll want to

book their spot against Croatia on Monday. Spain's final group game against Albania. It's all still to play for in Group B.

In group C, England were hoping to win their first two games in a European championship for the first time ever, and it looked like it might just

happen. Facing Denmark, England Captain Harry Kane striking first. No European player has scored more goals in the last four major international

tournaments than that man.

But then, Danish delight. Watch this laser for about 30 yards out. Morten Hjulmand ripping it through the England defense. That leveled it up at one.

And that's how it would end. England on top of the group, three lions' fans certain to be less than thrilled with the result, but Canaan Crew, they'll

take it.

HARRY KANE, ENGLAND CAPTAIN: There's no easy game in major tournament football. And I think that's showing for sure. We've got levels that we can

breach and we can be better in both with the ball and without the ball, and there's no question. But I think the sign of a good team is when you're not

playing at your best and you still find a way to get results like we have done in the last two games.

So, we're top of the group. We're all but qualified, which is what I said in the press conference before is -- that's the number one objective. And

yes, we know we can improve. So, yes, I know there'll probably be loads of noise and a bit of disappointment back home about the -- but we experienced

this in the last year as well when we drew to Scotland. So, it's just a time to stay calm, a time to reflect and try and improve for sure. But step

by step, we'll get there.

CHRISIAN ERIKSEN, DENMARK MIDFIELFER: I don't think England surprised us in any way of how they wanted to play. Of course, we know they have

exceptional players. But I think today we hurt them on the chances we had another possibility we had in the game. I just think we should have won

instead of getting a draw.

WIRE: Earlier in the day, the other Group C game, Slovenia facing Serbia, and it was very nearly a major upset. Slovenia going up 1-nil courtesy of

Karnicnik. Hammering home the cross, sliding and sending Slovenia fans into a frenzy.

But in the 95th minute, with the last chance of the game, it's a goal for Serbia. Luka Jovic off the corner kick is the equalizer for Serbia in the

most dramatic fashion. 1-1 is the final. Look at the see of red getting rowdy.

So, two games down one to go, and England are on top of the group but not guaranteed a spot in the next round just yet. They have Slovenia in the

next round with Denmark facing Serbia. Remember, the top two go through along with the best third place teams into the round of 16. Back to you.


QUEST: Now, on the other side of the Atlantic or this side, I should say, we're about an hour away from the start of the Copa America.

The reigning champions Argentina will take on Canada, Lionel Messi's side. Favorite to lift the trophy again for the record-breaking 16th time. Canada

will need all the luck it can get. Argentina's starting lineup betters them in almost every position. The tournament is being held in the United

States. It's only the second time Copa America has not been played in South America.


Don Riddell's with me at the Mercedes Benz Stadium in Atlanta, where the opening match will kick off. How hot is it there?

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: It's very hot, Richard. Although, there's a bit of a breeze, which is very pleasant. But 90 degrees here on what is

officially the first day of summer. But most people in the United States will tell you that summer began about two months ago.

A lot of heat and a lot of hype and a lot of excitement around this Argentina team. Of course, they are the defending champions. They are the

reigning world champions. And if you look at most of the shirts around the stadium, I would say that almost everybody has come to cheer for Argentina

and Lionel Messi in particular.

This is the twilight of his career. There's no doubt about it. He's going to turn 37 next week. He has indicated, in a roundabout way, that this will

be his last international tournament because he said in an interview in China last year that he will not be playing in another World Cup. He said

Qatar was his last. So, this could be his last dance. And that is why there is going to be so much excitement and why the tickets for these games are

going to be at such a premium because we could be looking at Messi's last five or six games for his country.

Argentina are the favorites. They've definitely got the easy side of the draw. Richard, I'd be surprised if they don't make it to at least the

final, if not the trophy as well.

QUEST: And remind me how long and how far this contest goes?

RIDDELL: Yes, it's, well, about three and a half weeks, I think. Six games would get you the trophy. So, three in the group stage and then three

knockout games. There's no round of 16. There are 16 teams in this competition. It's basically everybody from South America. That's 10 plus

the best six from North America. and Central America. So, Mexico here, of course, the United States are here. They are the host country.

This tournament is going to be something of a -- I mean, it's a major international tournament in its own right, but it's also going to be a

dress rehearsal for the World Cup in two years' time. This American team, when they get going, a lot of expectation around this team because they've

got a lot of very talented players who are now playing for big clubs overseas in Europe.

Their coach is in an interesting situation because it didn't go so well for him at the World Cup. He was given a second chance, I would argue, that if

it does not go well for the U.S. here, then Gregg Berhalter might be looking for a new job and the U.S. might be looking for a new coach to lead

them into the World Cup.

But, of course, football or soccer, as it's called on this side of the Atlantic, is absolutely booming at the moment here. And so, a lot of

excitement and interest in this tournament.

QUEST: Go wash your mouth out with soap. Mr. Riddell for that -- football.

RIDDELL: Football, football, football. Thank you. Thank you. I'm still British.

QUEST: And don't you forget it sir. Don Riddell, always love you. Thank you.

Sad news, and tributes are being paid to the award-winning actor Donald Sutherland, who died at the age of 88. The news was announced by his son

Kiefer, who called his dad one of the most important actors in the history of film.

Donald Sutherland was perhaps best known for his roles in "MASH," "Don't Look Now," and "The Hunger Games." His agency says he passed away after a

long illness. Stephanie Elam now reports on the life and career of Donald Sutherland.


DONALD SUTHERLAND, ACTOR: I'm waiting for reports from some of you.


SUTHERLAND: I'm not joking. This is my job.

ELAM (voice-over): Heartbreaking.

SUTHERLAND: I don't know if I love you anymore.

ELAM (voice-over): And casually cruel.

SUTHERLAND: Contain it.

ELAM (voice-over): With his distinct voice and appearance, Donald Sutherland played scene stealing characters throughout a career that

spanned more than half a century.

SUTHERLAND: I think of myself as an artist, and I take it very seriously.

ELAM (voice-over): Sutherland's artistic pursuits started while attending college in his native Canada. He moved to London in the 1950s to continue

studying drama and began landing small roles in British TV and films.

The success of 1967's "The Dirty Dozen" launched the actor to Hollywood.

SUTHERLAND: They're very pretty, Colonel. Very pretty. But can they fight?

ELAM (voice-over): More military movies followed, including "Kelly's Heroes."

SUTHERLAND: Well, the tank's broken and they're trying to fix it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Then why the hell aren't you up there helping them?

SUTHERLAND: Oh, man. I only ride in them. I don't know what makes them work.

ELAM (voice-over): And a starring role as Hawkeye in the 1970 film classic, "MASH."

SUTHERLAND: I think you will find these accommodating, they're quite dry.

ELAM (voice-over): Next, Southerland teamed up with Jane Fonda on screen in "Clute."

SUTHERLAND: What else do you remember about the man who beat you up?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Captain, I have a dream.

SUTHERLAND: I have a dream.

ELAM (voice-over): An off screen to produce a documentary protesting the Vietnam War.

SUTHERLAND: There go the 20mm cannons, there go the rocket pods, there go the anti-personnel fragmentation bombs, and I count 12. Water buffalo down

and kicking.

ELAM (voice-over): Sutherland's versatile talent kept him busy in roles ranging from a pot smoking professor in "Animal House."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I won't go schizo, will I?

SUTHERLAND: It's a distinct possibility.


ELAM (voice-over): To a man desperately trying to hold his family together in the Oscar winning "Ordinary People."

SUTHERLAND: I want a really good picture of the two of you, OK?

ELAM (voice-over): In recent years, Sutherland's audience of fans became multi-generational when he starred as President Snow in "The Hunger Games."

SUTHERLAND: Hope, it is the only thing stronger than fear.

ELAM (voice-over): The actor liked the message of the successful franchise.

SUTHERLAND: It's an opportunity to catalyze the revolutionary potential in young people. And given the mess this world's in, that's really important.

ELAM (voice-over): Sutherland passed on his love of creating entertainment to his son, Kiefer, as well as four other children who all work in front or

behind the camera.

When he received a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2011, Sutherland reflected on his extensive career.

SUTHERLAND: What you're doing at my age is you're looking for your marker. And why I am so filled with happiness and joy is because you guys have

given me my marker.


QUEST: That's our report for this evening. I'm Richard Quest. Julia should be back with you at the helm. Sanity returns. I'll be back with "Quest

Means Business." In the hours ahead. I hope it's profitable.

