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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Hajj Pilgrimage Death Toll Soars; Millions Suffer Extreme Heat and Rain Across the Globe; People Dead in China's Flash Floods and Landslides; Record-Breaking Fires Ravage Brazil; Apple Delays A.I. Features in Europe; Supreme Court Upholds Law Banning Domestic Abusers from Owning Guns; Supreme Court Ruling on Gun Ownership; Putin Says NATO Creating a Threat for Russia in Asia; Caring for Our Pets During the Summer; France and Netherlands Lock Horns at Euro 2024; Sumo Wrestlers Comes to New York. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 21, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET



RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: It is already Saturday morning, 6:00 a.m. in Beijing, still Friday at 7:00 in Sao Paulo, and 6:00 in the

evening right here in New York City. I'm Richard Quest in for Julia Chatterley. And wherever you are in this world, it's your "First Move."

And a warm welcome to "First Move." This is what you need to know. Hundreds of people have died in this year's Hajj Pilgrimage as extreme heat and

weather is soaring around the world.

The tech giant Apple is delaying the launch of its A.I. features in Europe and blaming E.U. regulations.

And the U.S. Supreme Court is upholding a law that bans domestic abusers from owning guns.

Sumo sensation. The famous Japanese wrestlers have come to New York as they take the U.S. by storm. We'll have that and a great deal more.

We begin with the extreme weather that's being suffered around the world. Fires in Brazil, a heatwave in Saudi Arabia, flooding in China. Those are

the pictures, and we'll get the details in just a moment.

And we begin with the severe heat. 44 degrees Celsius in Mecca, 37 in Washington, and 29 in Rio de Janeiro. Those are the highs expected for

Saturday. And keep in mind, in the case of Mecca and Washington, summer's only just begun in the Northern Hemisphere.

The extreme heat is behind a soaring death toll during this year's Hajj Pilgrimage. The Muslim pilgrimage drawing almost 2 million people. Now, the

official number gathered by CNN is about 480, but widely believed it will be much more than a thousand by the time all the accounting has been done.

Indeed, we're seeing as many as 600 additional Egyptian worshippers may have died on the route to Mecca.

CNN's Scott McClean reports. And I must warn you, some of the report is disturbing.


SCOTT MCLEAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The stoning of the devil, one of the key rituals of the Hajj pilgrimage. It's a symbolic rejection of

evil. But with temperatures unusually high, even for this time of year, the temptation here, a much simpler one.

Water only goes so far when it's 120 degrees Fahrenheit. Azza Hamid Brahim found out the hard way. Like many, she gave up on the way there.

AZZA HAMID BRAHIM, EGYTIAN PILGRIM (through translator): We thought we were about to die. We didn't even have the strength to reach the steels due

to the extreme heat.

MCLEAN (voice-over): The soaring temperatures making this year's pilgrimage exceptionally deadly. Videos shared on social media showed

bodies on the sides of roads, their faces covered. In some cases, they looked simply abandoned.

ARZU FARHAJ, PAKISTANI PILGRIM: Most of the people, they died on the roadside and some were -- fainted due to the heat and heat stroke. So, they

should make such arrangements that during the summer season, when Hajj season is in the summer, they should arrange a bit of transportation for

the whole.

MCLEAN (voice-over): Saudi Arabia says it did make some arrangements to deal with the heat, deploying 1,600 soldiers along with 5,000 volunteers,

installing dozens of air-conditioned tents and overhead water sprinklers to cool down crowds.

But many are traveling on tourist visas, rather than Hajj specific ones that don't get access to these amenities. They add to the nearly 2 million

pilgrims expected officially. The sheer scale and the heat a deadly combination.

BRAHIM (through translator): A lot of people died. The ambulances were overwhelmed. You would talk to someone and suddenly they would die. It was

a very hot day.

MCLEAN (voice-over): Hajj may be officially over but with Saudi Arabia yet to release any numbers, be that injured or dead, the number of victims may

still yet sharply rise.

Scott McLean, CNN, Istanbul.


QUEST: Now, as parts of the world are burning, others are suffering from a deluge. In Asia, it's the rainy season. So, in Southern China, at least 55

people have died as a result of floods.


Torrential rain is triggering flash floods and landslides, according to the Chinese state media, and more than 55,000 people may have been affected by

the heavy rainfall. The economic loss is in the millions, hundreds of millions, up to perhaps a billion U.S. dollars. Steven Jiang reports from



STEVEN JIANG, CNN BEIJING BUREAU CHIEF: As torrential rains continue to pound Southern China, flash flooding and mudslides have turned increasingly

dangerous, and in some cases deadly, for millions of residents in multiple provinces across this large area of the country.

Dramatic footage from state media showing both urban and rural areas submerged in muddy water as emergency responders rushed to rescue trapped

residents using speed boats, rafts, and in some cases, carrying elderly citizens on their shoulders away from their submerged houses. Choppers have

also been deployed to send in supplies as many people have found their access to roads, electricity, and communication being cut off.

Now, one of the hardest hit regions is the province of Guangdong, an economic powerhouse and home to more than 100 million people. While

Guangdong is no stranger to these annual summer floods, scientists have said the effect of climate change has amplified extreme weather, making it

more frequent and deadlier.

With continued flooding in some regions, the worst in over two decades, wreaking havoc on people's lives and livelihood, some local authorities

have raised the level of flood warning to the highest, as Chinese Leader Xi Jinping has called for all out efforts to safeguard lives and property.

With the floods and rains continuing to pound Southern China, many parts of Northern China have been facing severe drought and extremely record high

temperatures. All the while, with the National Weather Service now warning that heavy rainfall is expected to move northwards in the coming days to

impact more provinces, including the financial center of Shanghai.

Steven Jiang, CNN, Beijing.


QUEST: The misery seems never ends. In Asia and Bangladesh now where monsoon rains have displaced more than 45,000 people. The government is

saying at least 10 people have died by mudslides and rainfall in the Rohingya refugee camps.And state media's reporting thousands of people have

taken cover in shelters. More rain is expected in the coming days. Bangladesh is itself bracing for extreme weather as the climate crisis gets

ever worse. Elisa Raffa reports.


ELISA RAFFA, CNN METEOROLOGIST (voice-over): Along the coast of Bangladesh, Abdul Aziz (ph) watches waves crash on land his home once stood

on. After a cyclone hit the fisherman's home here in 2007, he packed up his bags and moved inland.

ABDUL AZIZ (PH) (through translator): My land is inside the sea. The Hilsa fish are swimming there in the water now, on my land.

RAFFA (voice-over): Bangladesh is among the countries most impacted by climate change, says its government. Officials say an increase in global

temperatures and a rise in sea levels will lead to flooding in large areas of the country, causing a displacement of an estimated 40 million people by

the end of the century.

AZIZ (PH) (through translator): Where else can we escape? If the seawater reaches my current home, then I'll be in danger. I won't have anywhere left

to go.

RAFFA (voice-over): A study led by a professor in Bangladesh found that sea levels on the country's coast are rising 4.2 to 5.8 millimeters a year.

Compared to the global sea levels rising at an average rate of around 3.5 millimeters a year.

ISMAIL HOWLADAR, FARMER (through translator): We are experiencing more storm surges now. And when the surge is higher the seawater intrudes into

our houses and land, it damages the houses and also the crops. It brings only loss for us. Sometimes it takes away from the houses also. If it takes

the soil away from the base of the pillars, how will a house stand?

RAFFA (voice-over): The government has announced several measures to combat rising sea levels and is calling for notably bigger, richer

countries to curb their own emissions.

Elisa Raffa, CNN.


QUEST: So, from floods in China and in Bangladesh and to fires in Brazil, where even the wetlands are burning, the Pantanal region is home to the

world's largest tropical wetland, an ecosystem that is fragile. And the situation has been made much worse by a long period of dry weather and

lingering drought that's been worsened by El Nino climate pattern. You're getting the picture. You're getting the picture of just how bad things are.

Julia Vargas Jones has joined me to speak to conservationists and firefighters on the front line. She joins me now. Whichever way we look at

this, this is grim.


JULIA VARGAS JONES, JOURNALIST: Yes, Richard. And if it seems like it's deja vu, it's because we've been here before. This very wetland, which is

about the size of all of England burned by about 26 percent in 2020. And this year, we're already seeing more fires at this time of year than we saw

four years ago.


JONES (voice-over): The world's largest freshwater wetland scorched. Aerial footage captures the true scope of the blaze. What should be green,

now turned to ash. This month alone, authorities detected 1,729 fire sources in Brazil's massive Pantanal wetlands. And nearly 1.3 million acres

have already burnt this year. Along with them, some of its precious fauna, like the approximately 10 million crocodiles that call this place home.

Over the crackling of the fire, you can hear the animals trying to escape, this woman says. Last week, children had to be evacuated from a school in

Mato Grosso do Sul State when the fire got too close. And residents tried to continue to make a living as if life is normal, under a blanket of ash,

smoke hovering over the rivers in a glowing orange sky.

But experts warned that the worst may be yet to come as the region is bracing for an impending heat wave. Isabelle Bueno is part of a

conservation group trying to protect the Pantanal.

She says too much heat, not enough rain, lots of wind, and extremely low water levels on the main river of the biome have created the perfect storm,

and only six months after the last fire season.

One firefighter telling CNN the scenes look apocalyptic. They've been battling the fire for 10 days, going into remote, hard to reach areas day

and night. But the area is vast and resources scarce. This fire chief of a nonprofit brigade thanks a local farmer for giving his crew a ride to the

fire line. Otherwise, he says, it would be two days walk.

What Pantanal urgently needs, experts say, is airplanes to drop water on the burning patches.

We do the impossible with very little and we need help, she says.


JONES (on camera): And Richard, this is why a group of NGOs is asking Brazil's federal government to ask for international aid. They say that

this disaster is too massive and it's greater than the national capacity for response.

QUEST: Now, Brazil's president, Lula da Silva, now his state his reputation on protecting the environment. So, this is particularly

troublesome. What's he said?

JONES: Well, Richard, not much on this issue. Although, it is federal and local authorities fighting these fires together on the front lines, but

Lula is under a lot of pressure. As you said, he staked his reputation on protecting the environment, but he's been facing many different

environmental catastrophes.

He saw both now the Pantanal on fire again. The Amazon saw more than -- the largest number of fires ever earlier this year. Even though he's had some

wins, he did diminish the number of deforestations in the Amazon by almost 63 percent last year. He is pushing for a very controversial plan to dig

for oil at the very mouth of the Amazon River, which has angered environmentalists and has led people to question if he really is

prioritizing protecting the environment like he said he would.

QUEST: Thank you very much. In the U.S., more than 100 million people are entering the weekend under heat alerts. The capital, Washington, D.C.,

could see its first day of temperatures reaching 100 degrees Fahrenheit since 2016. In new money, that's about 38 degrees Celsius. Chad Myers is at

the Weather Center. This is brutal.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: It is. But I love your new money, old money thing. I really do. I get a kick out of it. 38 degrees. The way that I

think about it is that 98.6 is your body temperature and that's 37. So, you kind of can go from there. That's kind of a baseline.

But it has been hot across North America, Asia, obviously into parts of Europe. Even from Italy all the way over toward Budapest and then, of

course, back toward the Hajj, which we've been really talking about now for a couple of days.

During the day, in the shade, in Mecca, it was 51.8 degrees C, 125 Fahrenheit, if you're old money. So, the problem here was that people were

walking in the sunshine not in the shade and they were walking on parched ground which was also baking in the heat. So, temperatures there were

likely, where they were walking, certainly could have been 55.


And even for the next couple days Kuwait City, you're going to approach 50 degrees in the afternoon. Budapest, this is hot for you, 36 already. And

it's this time of year -- we're not talking July and August, we're talking the middle of June. It's cold to the north on up well north of the jet

stream, but everyone here that we're talking about is south of the jet stream. More than 50 more record heat records going to be broken across the

eastern part of the U.S. over the next couple days.

99 for D.C. I don't know where you split 99 to 100 in old money, but that gives you a dollar back. That's just about it. And heat index is going to

be around 105. The core of the heat is over what we call the Ohio Valley. There's a river right through there called the Ohio River -- called the

Ohio River Valley. Temperatures get hot in the valley. They don't cool off in the valley very much. And you don't get many clouds this time of year

when there's a big piece of high-pressure ridge over the area.

This heat is going to sink to the south, because for most of the week, Richard, you in New York, were warmer than us in a place nicknamed

Hotlanta, but now that's all going to change. The heat is going to release itself from the Great Lakes and the Ohio Valley, and get down here where

Atlanta will be 97. And there's never a dry, non-muggy day in Atlanta. It seems like not even in the winter sometimes. So, that heat index is going

to be well over 100 degrees.

QUEST: Oh, my goodness. Chad, thank you. I was going to say have a good weekend, but have a cool weekend.

MYERS: I hope. Stay inside.

QUEST: Stay inside, absolutely. Jump in the pool. Thank you. Coming up, let's talk about staying cool. Now, it's very important for us, but it's

also more important for us to make sure that our pets are safe, cool, and, well, don't suffer. How you can care for dogs during the heat waves in just

a moment.

Apple's Brussels backtrack. The tech giant says you won't find its A.I. -- new A.I. features on phones sold in Europe this year because of other

features on the DMA, Digital Media. We'll talk about that in just a moment.



QUEST: Welcome back. It's "First Move." Julia's off. I'm with you. And this is our "Money Move." Global markets finishing the trading week with a

real whimper. In fact, they are so unexciting, it's barely worth you and I spending a moment talking about it.

On Wall Street, the NASDAQ did fall for a second day, so did NVIDIA, down 3 percent, but please do not get too excited by that. It has been up so much

that this is just a pause and breath, if you will. The Dow was flat at the best week of the month.

Weakness in Europe, where French stocks and Italian stocks were hit hardest. And in Asia, everything finished the week lower. The latest

numbers show Japanese inflation ticked just up marginally last month. Still, though, below fund analyst forecasts.

On to other business news. And Apple says it will delay the rollout of its new A.I. features in Europe. The three new features were set to come out

later this year in the United States.

Now, Apple says the E.U. delay is because of the E.U.'s Digital Markets Act. And there are concerns its regulations might compromise Europe. CNN's

Clare Duffy reports.

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yes, Richard. Apple is now saying that it doesn't believe it's going to be able to launch its Apple Intelligence

A.I. services in the E.U. until at least 2025. And it's blaming the portion of the Digital Markets Act that requires interoperability. The law requires

that certain tech services must be interoperable with third-party services. That's why, for example, iMessage is now talking to Android messaging so

much better.

But in the case of A.I., Apple says that interoperability could cause privacy and security risks for its users. Remember, that part of the draw

of Apple Intelligence is that it can use a lot of users' personal information, their text messages, e-mails, photos, things like that to be

able to give them a more personalized response as this A.I. digital assistant. So, it sort of makes sense that Apple wouldn't want to be

handing over all of that personal information to third party services if its service is interoperable.

But Apple says it is in conversation with the European Commission to try to come up with some kind of solution for this, because Apple is really

relying on these A.I. services to get users to upgrade to the latest iPhones when they launch in the fall. Apple hasn't really given users a

good reason to upgrade their going to upgrade their phones in about four years, and that's caused iPhone sales to slip.

iPhone sales were down about 10 percent in the first quarter of this year, which is a real problem for this company. This is its real bread and

butter. So, Apple is going to have to hope that it can come to some sort of agreement with the European Commission for how to roll out these A.I.

tools. Otherwise, it could have a real problem. Richard.

QUEST: Clare Duffy. Now, Apple may also have trouble rolling out the new features. for A.I. on time in China. According to "The Wall Street

Journal," Apple's looking for a Chinese A.I. partner before the rollout. It's because OpenAI's ChatGPT, which helps power the Apple intelligence, is

banned in China. Apple has not reportedly found a new partner. There will be many more twists and turns in that tale, and we'll follow it.

We'll tell you in a moment. A major victory for gun control advocates. A ruling by the Supreme Court on firearm ownership in the United States.



QUEST: Welcome back. It's "First Move" with a look at more international headlines at the hour. Police in France are investigating the alleged rape

of a 12-year-old Jewish girl. The prosecutors say three boys, aged 12 and 13, have been taken into custody. The case has led to an outcry over

surging antisemitism in France ahead of this month's parliamentary election.

The U.S. Federal Aviation Administration, the FAA, is investigating the commercial plane that plunged us hundreds of feet above the ground as it

approached Oklahoma's main airport. This is security camera footage from nearby school. It was a southwest plane, and it triggered an altitude

warning, though it was able to make a safe landing.

Researchers say they found a 3,000-year-old ship wreck in the Med. It was discovered about 50 miles offshore by the Israel Antiquities Authority.

It's the oldest shipwreck ever discovered, they say. Loaded with hundreds of jars still intact. Not sure what was in those jars. Some of it will be

displayed in Jerusalem this summer.

A mass shooting in Arkansas has left three people dead with 10 people hurt, including two police officers. State police say the incident took place at

the -- at a grocery store. The suspected gunman was injured and taken into custody. A store employee has told us that the man walked into the store

with a shotgun and ended up in a shootout with police.

Now, talking with guns, ruling on gun ownership from the highest court in the United States. The Supreme Court has upheld a law that bans domestic

abusers from owning a firearm. It was eight to one, and the only dissent was Justice Clarence Thomas. President Biden has applauded the decision,

saying it helps protect survivors of domestic violence and their families.

Now, the ruling, and in terms of what it means, Areva Martin is an attorney and legal affairs commentator, and joins us from Los Angeles. At one level,

this was a fairly sort of straightforward, eight to one. They chose not to put it within the ambit of the Second Amendment, But they took the

opportunity to clarify what they meant by a previous and older case in the Second Amendment. What do you take away from it?

AREVA MARTIN, ATTORNEY AND LEGAL AFFAIRS COMMENTATOR: Well, what we've seen, Richard, is a court that seems to have schizophrenia when it comes to

the issue of guns. We've seen this court two years ago seemingly expand the rights of gun owners and then just recently see the same court say that the

federal government does not have the right with risk to ban bump stocks, those parts that are attached to guns that can make them a fire more


So, there was a lot of concern about how the court would rule on this case. And although, it is eight to one, and it seems fairly straightforward, it

wasn't clear at all that the Supreme Court, given its prior decisions on gun rights, would, in fact, rule that someone with a domestic violence

restraining order, someone that has a history like the plaintiff in the lower case in this particular case before the court, that they would be

prohibited from having access to guns.

So, this is a significant win for gun control advocates, but again, it wasn't a guarantee.


QUEST: All the justices -- or a large number of the justices all weighed in, even those who were -- who concurred. They weighed in with their own

views on this, largely for that very reason. Because, you know, the conservative justices who voted in favor did so under a very tight wrap, if

you will. The more liberal ones were far more concerned. And interestingly, we can always rely on Clarence Thomas to want to take the most conservative

view. And he wouldn't have allowed it.

MARTIN: Yes, we can definitely, as you said, Richard, count on Clarence Thomas to be the loudest voice in the room to support the most expansive

view of the Second Amendment and of, you know, gun owners, giving gun owners almost carte blanche under any circumstances, and he dissented. He's

the lone dissenter in this case.

And you're right, the conservative justices that agree that a domestic violence or someone with a history of domestic violence that's under a

restraining order should not have access to guns were very careful, careful because they did not, I believe, want to see this decision used by others

to suggest that gun control is going to be the order of this court.

QUEST: Now, as I read the decision, this is coming back to the age-old problem. You know, they talked about in the two-year -- in the case in

2022, the need to look at the historical precedent, or the historic precedent, pre-constitution, post-constitution, not to create policy. But

how can -- I mean, even the chief justice talked about sabers and muskets. How can you look back, pre-constitution, and divine something that is

completely irrelevant to today's social environment? How do they justify that?

MARTIN: Well, some would say not very well, and they do it by twisting themselves in knots and not making very sound legal arguments and looking

at that history as a way to expand the Second Amendment in ways that it has not been expanded before.

Ketanji Brown Jackson, the sole African-American female on that court, talks about the second amendment and the very different interpretations of

what that amendment does and what it does not do. And I think justices like her, the liberal justices, are very concerned when the conservative

justices do this deep dive into history and try to, you know, suggest that somehow that historical narrative gives them justification for their very

expansive reading of the Second Amendment and of the rights of gun owners.

QUEST: We've got some more blockbuster decisions next week before the end of the term. If you look at the judgments we've had so far, we know the

court is split. We know the ranker is deep. I would imagine that will continue right the way to the end of the term.

MARTIN: Well, you know, there's some interesting reporting out about Amy Coney Barrett suggesting that she may not be as aligned with the

conservative justices on the court as we heretofore believe that she might find herself in many of these blockbuster decisions really siding with the

more liberal justices.

Obviously, the biggest case we're waiting on is the case around immunity. Can Donald Trump, a former president, be held accountable for his actions,

if those actions are deemed criminal, is he above the law? That's the biggest decision that we all are waiting for next week.

QUEST: Are you hinting, are you suggesting that maybe Justice Coney Barrett might be turning into a swing vote?

MARTIN: I think we always -- historically, there's always been a reliable swing vote. And from all accounts, she might be that swing vote. And I

think there's a lot of reasons for that. I mean, some of these issues before the court, I think, there's reason for her to side with the liberal

justices over the more conservative justices.

QUEST: Good to see you. I'm very grateful. Thank you.

MARTIN: Thank you.

QUEST: Well, the Russian President Vladimir Putin has wrapped up his two- day visit to Vietnam, and as he left, there was a parting shot at NATO. President Putin is accusing the military alliance of creating a threat for

Russia in Asia. And he warned South Korea it would be a very big mistake to supply weapons to Ukraine.

CNN's Will Ripley reports from Hanoi.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): If not for the flags all over Hanoi, Vietnamese and Russian, you might not notice

there's a state visit. These streets are always buzzy.

Russian President Vladimir Putin flying directly to Vietnam from North Korea, getting a more subdued welcome here. Not like that supersized

socialist spectacle in Pyongyang.


Vietnam is also a socialist republic with a single-party system. That means we always travel with a government minder. But unlike isolated,

impoverished North Korea, Vietnam is emerging as an economic powerhouse of Southeast Asia.

In less than a year, Hanoi has welcomed U.S. President Joe Biden, China's President Xi Jinping, and now Putin, a pariah in the West, but not here.

NGUYEN QUANG HUY, 12TH GRADE STUDENT (through translator): I feel excited because within a short term, all three leaders from the three superpowers

visited Vietnam.

RIPLEY: Do you weigh either of them as, like, more important of a relationship, either Biden or Putin?

TRUONG NGUYEN XUAN TUNG, FOOD DELIVERY DRIVER (through translator): This is the diplomatic way of Vietnam. We call it bamboo diplomacy. We don't

pick sides. We stay neutral.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Bamboo bends back and forth, he says. As he's talking, we notice a distinctive Russian limo rolling by.

RIPLEY: Right in the middle of our interview, Putin's motorcade just passed by. And, yes, people are just kind of patiently waiting. They're

used to this sort of thing here in Hanoi.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Putin and Vietnam's president, To Lam, signing agreements on education, science, technology and energy.

LE THE MAU, RETIRED VIETNAMESE COLONEL: I know I've been in contact with Putin.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Retired Vietnamese Colonel Le The Mau was at a private event with Putin just before sitting down with us. He also speaks

Russian and wrote two books about Putin.

RIPLEY: You were in the room with Vladimir Putin. Did he strike you as someone who is nervous about how few allies he has these days?

THE MAU (through translator): I felt Mr. Putin was completely comfortable. I felt he was completely unconcerned about the idea that he had no friends.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Vietnam's friendship with Russia goes back decades to Soviet support during the Vietnam War. Hanoi still buys about 80 percent of

its weapons from Moscow. Landmarks built with Russia's help are everywhere, from the Ho Chi Minh Mausoleum to the Thang Long Bridge.

There's also a brand-new bridge built by Japan. Tons of new construction, development and foreign investment. And this, the John McCain Memorial,

honoring the late U.S. senator's time as a prisoner of war, symbolizing U.S.-Vietnam reconciliation and friendship.

RIPLEY: Do you worry that Vietnam could alienate the United States, Japan, South Korea by hosting Putin?

THE MAU (through translator): That's not the case at all. Because as you know, Vietnam's foreign policy is to be friends with every country,

regardless of their socio-political stance. Vietnam does not pick a side.

RIPLEY (voice-over): A delicate balancing act in these polarized times. Vietnam partnering with Moscow, Beijing and Washington, testing the limits

and flexibility of bamboo diplomacy.

Will Ripley, CNN, Hanoi.


QUEST: "First Move" continues. Now, you and I may be sweltering in the heat, but what about these poor chaps and chapesses. The four-legged

friends after the break. You need practical advice, if you haven't got an ocean or a sea, what you can do to help your four-legged friend stay cool.



QUEST: The record-breaking heat provides additional headaches and challenges for pet owners. Every year, we report on distressing incidents

involving dogs suffering from heat strokes. They're trapped inside cars, caravans, homes, and the like. It doesn't have to be that warm outside for

a car to become dangerously hot.

According to the Humane Society of the United States, 22 degrees Celsius outside, the temperature within the car can heat up to 46 Celsius within an

hour. When it's 27 Celsius outside, the temperature inside can hit 37 within 10 minutes. Now, what's interesting is rolling down the window has

been shown to have little effect on the inside temperature.

The veterinarian, Dr. Julie Buzby, is with me. I'm interested by that. I'm interested by that fact. So, people always think, well, leave the door --

leave the -- you know, the window open and all will be well, but that's not the case.

DR. JULIE BUZBY, VETERINARIAN: under no circumstances should a dog be left in a car. People just don't realize that it turns into an oven very


QUEST: So, in that case, first of all, what are the signs of a dog who's getting heat stroke or over overcome with temperatures? How do we know it's


DR. BUZBY: So, it occurs on this continuum of heat stress and then heat exhaustion and then heat stroke. So, it starts with the dog panting

heavily. They can have drooling that's ropey and thick, and it can progress to disorientation and vomiting and diarrhea, which can be bloody. And then,

it affects the neurologic system. So, they can collapse. They can have seizures. And like I said, this can happen so quickly and be life-


QUEST: Now that's -- what were you saying quickly? What are we talking about here?

DR. BUZBY: In 30 minutes, a dog can go from normal to a life-threatening heat stroke.

QUEST: And the dog -- I mean, I'm trying to sort of get a grasp on this. Are -- as animals go, are dogs that much more susceptible than say cats or


DR. BUZBY: It's a good question. I think dogs are at more risk based on their lifestyle. Some would argue that cats are smarter than dogs about

self-preservation. But I think it's really important to point out, I think there's this misconception that it's irresponsible pet parents that leave

their dogs locked in a hot car that this happens to. And this can really happen to anyone.

There was a study in the U.K. of over a thousand cases and more than -- the majority of them were caused by exercise induced heat stroke, not by being

locked in a hot car. So, it's something that everybody needs to be aware of. It needs to be top of mind this time of year.

QUEST: All right. We've been seeing pictures of dogs frolicking in water and seas and oceans. So, if you think that your dog is potentially at risk

or is actually starting to suffer, what should you do? How do you keep them cool?

DR. BUZBY: Four things. Number one, move them to a shade and a cool area. Number two, get them wet. It's evaporative cooling. That's really

important. And then, you can promote that, by number three, putting them in air conditioning, adding a fan to just get that evaporation speeding up.

And then, number four, really, it's important to get them to an emergency veterinary hospital or to your veterinarian because this is one of those

things where people don't realize the magnitude of damage that's done to the internal organs.

QUEST: So, final thoughts -- or final question. It's a -- you know, we're coming up to the weekend. The temptation is to take the dog for a walk.

Take them to the park where there's a nice lake that they can frolic in or down to the beach where they can roll over in the surf. Is that what you

should do? Is that wise?

DR. BUZBY: In these sweltering hot temperatures, you can do that, but it should be early in the morning or late in the evening when the sun is not

so bright. Being in water will help keep them cool, but use common sense.


Exercise in the hot temperatures, especially heat of the day. And the sun shouldn't happen. It should be more of like that potty walk. And if you

want to do those fun activities together, like I said, do it in the early morning or late in the evening when the sun and the temperatures aren't so

much of a factor.

QUEST: I'm grateful. Thank you so much. Give us a chance to talk and to see some lovely dogs. Thank you.

DR. BUZBY: My pleasure.

QUEST: As you and I continue on this Friday, Saturday, a superstar stalemate at the Euros, two football favorites fail to produce a goal.

We'll bring you the roundup of the action as we continue. "First Move."


QUEST: To sports now. And a clash of the titans and a goalless draw the Euros. France and the Netherlands locked horns. The superstar captain

Kylian Mbappe was on the bench after breaking his nose on Monday. Poland are now on their way home. They lost 3-1 to Austria and finished bottom of

Group D. And a key win for Ukraine as they earned a 2-1 victory over Slovakia. Patrick Snell has watched the Euros and brings us the action.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Hi there, Richard. Yes, thanks for joining us. Yes, on Friday it was all eyes on one man, you named him, Kylian

Mbappe, and his nose at the Euros in Germany. Superstar football, he's won the World Cup before in 2018.

A bit of context here, he was forced off during Monday's 1-nil win over Austria after breaking his nose, but the Les Bleus skipper did take part in

training on Thursday, wearing a mask featuring the French tricolore. That led many to believe that he might well start the match against Holland on

Friday, but as it turned out, he would start it on the bench as a sub in Leipzig.

The game far from a classic. There was a big moment of contention though, Richard, with just over 20 to go. It's Xavi Simons with a superb goal for

the Netherlands or so he thought, but it was chalked off. The assistant ref had his flag up. There was a VAR check and the decision, no goal. Simons

was on the side, but it was Denzel Dumfries many feel that was blocking the keeper's line of view. That meant. The first nil-nil of a tournament.

And a 50-game run of Euro Championship matches with a goal now at an end. A really emotional story, Richard, featuring the Ukraine match in Group E on

Friday. A vital win for the Ukrainians. Remember they're playing in their first major tournament since Russia's invasion of their homeland in early

2022. The Ukrainians suffered as well. A shock 3-nil defeat to Romania in their tournament opener.

And they fall behind in this match too against Slovakia. Slovakians taking the lead through Ivan Schranz header there just past the 15-minute mark.

But what a response from Ukraine, the blue and yellow looking rejuvenated in the second half, and it's Mykola Shaparenko who keeps his cool to level

the match in Dusseldorf. 10 minutes from time, and a wonderful moment for everyone connected with Ukraine. Roman Yaremchuk finding the winner.


Now, in the build up to this tournament, Ukraine's head coach, Sergei Rebrov, telling us he wanted his team to lift the spirits of Ukrainians

worldwide during this Euro tournament. And on Friday, Ukraine doing just that. They're now second in Group E. Richard, they play Belgium next. And

what a story it would be if they can advance to the last 16 of these Euros. Back to you.

QUEST: Patrick, I'm grateful. Thank you, sir. Have a good weekend yourself.

Back in the 1980s, an American sumo wrestler took Japan by storm. It was the Hawaiian born Konishiki who made it big and he reached the sport's

highest levels. He was literally big, obviously, and he broke the record for the heaviest sumo wrestler.

Now, Konishiki is back, working with the Seattle based SE Productions to bring sumo to the U.S. The sumo and Sushi Tour is wrapping up its stop in

New York, and it looks to balance entertainment with respect for tradition.


SAM MINKOFF, PRESIDENT, SE PRODUCTIONS: These guys all are professional sumos, they all had incredible careers and this is what they're doing

following their careers in pro sumo to kind of bring the show on the road. And to try and educate people about what their lives were like.

We've got a really nice diverse group of guys from sort of your -- what the Americans would perceive as the stereotypical big guy, all the way down to

some of the smaller and more agile sumos.

A lot of people think that sumo is all about weight, it's all about big boys, just kind of trying to hit each other around and fat guys, right? But

these guys are incredibly, incredibly strong and they're incredibly athletic and incredibly talented.

KONISHIKI YASOKICHI, HOST, SUMO + SUSHI: People walk in into the events with a mindset already that they think it's just two big guys in diapers

hitting each other. But as we go on in the show, as they explain the lifestyle and how hard it is to become a sumo and not even know, 99 percent

of us don't make it.

MINKOFF: I can't even begin to describe what it's like to work with Konishiki. I mean, it almost makes me emotional thinking about it because I

do feel so truly lucky to be able to work with him. Konishiki does the best possible job of that because he's the first ever foreigner to reach

champion and sumo.

Our goal is to make sure that when they go watch a match on TV or when they eventually go to Japan and attend a tournament, that they see these

matches, which are often 10, 15 seconds, very fast, and they understand the mechanics of what's actually going on.

YASOKICHI: It's not what we do on the ring that's important, it's how we carry ourselves off the ring. Sumo is the only contact support that I know.

You get your ass, and you have to say thank you for getting my ass.

If you're watching this event, it's so important for us to show respect for each other, no matter what the outcome is. That's why they call it Rei Rei

Hachimitsu Rei Rei Wataru (ph), meaning we start with a bow and we end with a bow, no matter what happens.

Sumo is -- it has this special essence in it where it's beautiful. The more you watch, the more you love it's beauty.


QUEST: Fascinating. Absolutely. From heavyweight wrestlers to king-sized deals in the music industry. The venerable English rock band Queen is

reportedly selling its entire song catalogue to Sony Music. The deal's worth one and a quarter billion.

Variety magazine says Sony outbid another major player for the catalogue. That includes also, of course, "Bohemian Rhapsody," "Another One Bites The

Dust," and "We Are the Champions." Jem Aswad of Variety told me what they'll do with it.


JEM ASWAD, EXECUTIVE MUSIC EDITOR, VARIETY: There's still a lot of material in the archive that they can release or repackage. And most of

all, included in the deal is name and likeness, which means that they get to create Broadway musicals and jukebox musicals and anything else they can

think of to go with it, and you've got Freddie Mercury's life story, and as the biopic "Bohemian Rhapsody" showed, there's a lot of interest in Queen's


QUEST: Right. So, if that is the case, why would they not just keep it themselves, do all those things to a third-party, pay them a fee, but keep

the rights? What's the merit in capitalizing the asset?

ASWAD: Well, there's a number of reasons. Number one, we're at absolute top of market still for a big catalog. For other catalogs, top of market

was a couple of years ago, but for something like this, like Pink Floyd, a Beatles, a Rolling Stones catalog, something like that, really, this is top

of market.


But also, you're dealing with estate issues here because Brian May, Roger Taylor and John Deacon, the three surviving members of Queen are all in

their mid to late 70s. They're thinking about their inheritances. Do their kids want to deal with something as complex as music rights, which have to

be pitched and packaged and really need to be done by professionals in order to maximize the value of them? And in a lot of cases, their heirs

just maybe saying, you know, dad, I don't want to deal with it. Just give me the money.


QUEST: And finally, tonight, call it U.K. royalty paying tribute to U.S. pop royalty.




QUEST: Well, it's different. It's a version of "Shake If Off" from music superstar Taylor Swift. The Royal Guards played it outside Buckingham

Palace on Friday. It'll mark the first night of Taylor Swift's sold out shows at London's Wembley Stadium. Authorities say that the eight-concert

run is expected to bring in more than $350 million, with 700,000 people likely to attend the shows in one shape or another.

And that's our report for tonight. I'm Richard Quest. Thank you for joining us. Whether it be your Friday or your Saturday morning, have a great

weekend ahead.

