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First Move with Julia Chatterley

President Ruto Vows to Restore Order; Deadly Protests in Kenya; Nairobi's City Hall Set on Fire; Kenyan Police Contingent Arrives in Port- au-Prince; Julian Assange Arrives in Saipan for Plea Deal; Assange Arrives at Court for Hearing; Wegovy Approved in China; E.U. Regulators Targets Microsoft; Microsoft's Teams Breaching Antitrust Rules; North Korea and South Korea Balloon Feud is Back; Chang'e-6 Completes Historic Mission; Sharing Vietnam's Coffee Culture Around the World; England advance at Euro 2024. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired June 25, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET



JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: It's 1:00 a.m. in Nairobi, 7:00 a.m. in Seoul, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Julia Chatterley. And

wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a warm welcome, as always, to "First Move." And here's today's need to know, Kenya chaos. President Ruto vowing to restore order following anti-

tax rise protests that left the parliament building alight and five people dead.

Flight to freedom, Julian Assange arriving in Saipan to formalize a plea deal before returning to Australia and ending a 14-year legal battle.

A Wegovy win. The weight loss drug approved for use by overweight and obese citizens in China, according to reports.

And a battle of the beans. East meets west as we speak to the CEO bringing Vietnamese coffee culture and their climate conquering brew to the world.

That conversation and plenty more coming up.

But first. Kenya's president is criticizing what he calls "treasonous events" after demonstrators stormed parliament and a fire was started both

there and at Nairobi's City Hall. Kenyans are protesting government plans to raise taxes during a cost-of-living crisis. CNN journalists witnessing

disturbing scenes in the nation's capital with police firing live rounds at protesters.

At least five people were shot and killed and more than 30 wounded. President William Ruto says the nation had been hijacked by criminals.


WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: I hereby put on notice the planners, financiers, orchestrators, and abettors of violence and anarchy that the

security infrastructure established to protect our republic and its sovereignty will be deployed to secure the country and restore normalcy.


CHATTERLEY: Larry Madowo has been covering the protests in Nairobi for us. Larry, good to have you with us. The president didn't even mention the

climate bill that, at least, in part catalyzed the anger that the protesters were feeling. What did the protesters say to you today?

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: The protesters, Julia, said that life has become too expensive for them. They're frustrated by the high cost-of-

living. And the finance bill that's been proposed by President William Ruto's government would make their life even more expensive.

The president's statement appears to set the stage for an even more violent suppression of protests, which have been called for Thursday again. That is

a fear among so many in the country that he would not even mention the finance bill, which precipitated these street demonstrations, not just here

in Nairobi, in the capital, but also across the country.

One of the most extraordinary scenes was the half-sister of Barack Obama, the former U.S. President. Auma Obama was speaking to me live on CNN when

we were tear gassed repeatedly. She had to take a breath just to be able to collect herself and be safe before we continued talking. She was out here

to support the young people of Kenya.


AUMA OBAMA, ACTIVIST AND HALF-SISTER OF FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA: Young Kenyans are demonstrating for their rights. They're demonstrating

with flags and banners. I can't even see anymore. We're being tear gassed.

MADOWO (voice-over): This is the moment the half-sister of the former U.S. president, Barack Obama, was tear gassed while live on CNN. Auma Obama, a

Kenyan British activist who lives in Nairobi, among crowds of protesters on Tuesday.

Kenya, in the grip of a "total shutdown" in response to a controversial finance bill, which includes proposed tax hikes on basic goods, including

sanitary products, amid a cost-of-living crisis.

A. OBAMA: These young people need a future. They have no jobs. Over 50 percent of our population who are under 35 have no jobs. We can't start

taxing them when they have no jobs. We're taxing the jobless.

MADOWO (voice-over): The protests are part of the country's "seven days of rage." Tuesday's events turning deadly, with policemen hitting and

detaining demonstrators. Even resorting to live rounds to scatter those who want their voices to be heard.

MADOWO: The bill which sparked these protests and led to this destruction is seen as an added barrier for those already burdened by the high cost-of-

living. The anger and tension is felt across the country with people like a woman standing up for what they see as injustice.


MADOWO (voice-over): Auma Obama has long used her voice to protect the rights of others. Building a Kenya based foundation, Sauti Kuu, from the

ground up to help orphans and young people poverty. Her voice became elevated after her younger half-brother, who she first connected with

during her 20s was elected to the white house in 2008.

She was born in Kenya, the second child in Barack Obama Senior's first marriage before he moved and remarried in the U S. Barack Obama often spoke

of their close relationship, reflecting in his book about the trips that Auma thoughtfully organized for him, allowing him to introduce his

daughters to his father's ancestral homelands, homelands that Auma also welcomed him to as president.

BARACK OBAMA, FORMER U.S. PRESIDENT: It was Auma who first guided me through Kenya almost 30 years ago.

A. OBAMA: We have to do it for ourself, no matter how little you have, no matter how difficult your circumstances, you can still succeed.

MADOWO (voice-over): Her words from nearly a decade ago, translating once again into action on Tuesday.

A. OBAMA: Look at what's happening.

MADOWO (voice-over): Her anger and determination felt by many.


MADOWO (on camera): CNN has reached out to the police for comment about today's protests that we have not heard back yet. But we saw young men,

unarmed, protesting, and being shot dead in front of our eyes in front of Kenya's parliament. We saw two bodies lying for hours in front of Kenya's

parliament. These men were armed with only banners and flags. Many of them had been singing the national anthem.

But when they got close to Kenya's parliament, police were using live rounds and led to this tragedy. President William Ruto blaming it on

criminals. But many of these young people were already reacting on social media, Julia, saying, we were only armed with water bottles. They were

armed with live bullets. Who are the criminals? That is a question that President Ruto and his team have to deal with in the days ahead.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and it's a question that the protesters face too, Larry, you mentioned that the plan was to be out there again on Thursday. Are they

still planning to do so, even in light of what the president said earlier on Tuesday?

MADOWO: That is still the plan. They had called -- that called these seven days of rage. Today, was supposed to be a total shutdown. And on Thursday,

they expect to go and occupy statehouse. That is where President Ruto lives and works from. And after today, the Kenya Defense Forces were deployed.

The military deployed within Kenyan territory. And President Ruto's statement appears to set the stage, like I mentioned, for an even more

violent suppression of these protests on Thursday.

But right now, as we speak, it's after 1:00 a.m. in Nairobi, there are protests. There are some people claiming on social media that there are

bits of the city where there's still police cracking down on protesters, having followed them back home in places like Githurai and in Juja. So,

that is a stage for what President Ruto was talking about, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, Larry, I'm grateful to have you live to hear about your experiences today so you can tell it to us. Get some sleep, please, and

stay safe this week. Larry Madowo there in Nairobi for us. Thank you.

Now, while the violence continues in Nairobi, a group of Kenyan police have arrived in Haiti, according to a source. The source says at least 200

security personnel and around 12 high level Kenyan officials have reached Port-au-Prince. Haiti made the request to deal with out-of-control gang

violence. The U.N. authorized the force last year.

Now, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has touched down on a remote Pacific Island that's part of a U.S. territory and walked into a federal court

where he's expected to enter a guilty plea. Assange is then expected to fly onward to freedom in his native Australia, ending a legal ordeal that's

lasted more than a decade. Nic Robertson has more on his plea agreement.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): On his way to apparent freedom, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange bailed from

British jail. And now hours from completing a plea deal with the U.S. Department of Justice, accused of playing a role in one of the biggest

security breaches in U.S. history.

Assange was essentially on the run from the day his Wikileaks first published U.S. secrets in 2010. Initially, about the war in Iraq, including

this video of a U.S. Apache gunship killing Iraqi civilians and two journalists. His next release, thousands of secret documents about the

Afghan War. Then a massive data dump of sensitive global U.S. diplomatic communications, tens of thousands of secrets. In the wind, lives of spies

potentially compromised.


ROBERTSON (voice-over): Perhaps most consequentially, while on the lam in London in 2016, publishing leaked e-mails from the Democratic National

Committee and Hillary Clinton's campaign manager during her presidential election campaign against Donald Trump.


For 14 years, Assange was a fugitive, first fleeing Sweden following a 2010 arrest warrant linked to rape allegations, which he denied. Landing in the

U.K., soon facing extradition back to Sweden. Eventually jumping U.K. bail in 2012, taking asylum in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

JULIAN ASSANGE, FOUNDER, WIKILEAKS: And a courageous Latin American nation took a stand for justice.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Ultimately wearing out his welcome, expelled seven years later, promptly arrested, taken to the U.K.'s maximum security

Belmarsh Prison, facing and fighting extradition to the United States.

His wife, who is also his lawyer, and mother of his two children, who was outside his U.K. jail just a few days ago, now waiting for him in


STELLA ASSANGE, WIFE OF JULIAN ASSANGE: It will be the first time that I get to see him as a fully free man. All this is -- it's so alien to the way

we've -- it's been until now for the past 14 years.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): His freedom, it seems, in part due to diplomacy.

ANTHONY ALBANESE, AUSTRALIAN PRIME MINISTER: Regardless of the views that people have about Mr. Assange's activities, the case has dragged on for too

long. There's nothing to be gained by his continued incarceration and we want him brought home to Australia.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): In recent weeks, Australia's prime minister increasingly advocating for Assange's return. The White House denying it

had any involvement in the plea agreement. Ironically, Assange's get out of jail deal a better kept secret than his historic leaks. He was on the plane

heading towards home, hours before the news broke.

Nic Robertson, CNN.


CHATTERLEY: Thanks to Nic Robertson there. Now, shares in the Danish drug maker Novo Nordisk, the maker of Wegovy, jumped to over 4 percent on

reports the company's weekly injectable weight loss treatment has been approved for use in China.

Earlier this year, the company said it would initially target patients willing to pay out of pocket for the drug. China is a huge market for

weight loss treatments. The number of overweight adults in China is expected to reach 540 million by 2030.

Evan Seigerman is Managing Director and Senior Research Analyst for Biopharma Equity Research at BMO Capital Markets. Evan, good to have you

with us. The data on this varies. I think China's own health administration said that around half of their 1.4 million population is either obese or

overweight at this stage, so it could be even higher number. How big is this opportunity?

EVAN SEIGERMAN, MANAGING DIRECTOR, BMO CAPITAL MARKET: I mean, it could be a massive opportunity. You're correct. China has about 1.4 billion people

with about half of that overweight or obese. Of course, you have to look at those who are in the middle class that can afford to pay for these

products. So, we estimate that to be, say, about 50 percent of their population.

So, there's a decent population that could pay for these products. We forecast peak sales of this product for in China at about a billion.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. OK. Break that down because the key question and I think for our viewers in China, they'll be wondering what's it going to cost,

particularly if they've read reports of the enormous divergence in levels of price of this drug, depending on where you are in the world. How

expensive are you expecting it to be there?

SEIGERMAN: So, I don't expect it to be the list price of about $1,100 per patient per month in the United States. It's hard to say actually. Novo has

not been very forthcoming about pricing. I think they're still trying to figure that out. I do assume that it's probably, you know, somewhat in line

with what we might see in Europe. So, let's say a couple hundred dollars per patient per month. But it's still wait and see. We need that info from


CHATTERLEY: Yes, and as you said, they're being very tight lipped. The approval comes as the patent, though, on the drug's active ingredients, and

I'll hopefully, get the pronunciation right, Semaglutide, I believe, is set to expire in China in 2026. And there's all sorts of competition. I think

it was Reuters that reported last month that there were 15 generic versions of both Ozempic and Wegovy that are being worked on and being developed in

China at this moment.

So, is this a short window despite the sizable opportunity or is there enough space for all?

SEIGERMAN: Well, a few things to think about. One, we know Wegovy is in global shortage. So, clearly, you know, Nova needs to prioritize where they

want to put this product. They will probably sell some in, you know, Mainland China.

It's hard to say what the exact impact of biosimilars will be. You know, I think that the Chinese population may want the branded product and maybe

willing to pay for it. Which could buoy, you know, the Chinese market into the end of the decade.


CHATTERLEY: OK. And to your point, given the shortage everywhere, it seems, they have announced, Novo Nordisk, that they're expanding

manufacturing capabilities or at least investment in the region. Just how much of this perhaps would be at a loss or not being sold elsewhere in the

world, be it Europe or the United States, in order to feed the Chinese market, or are you -- are we saying that actually they'll produce there for

the Chinese customer?

SEIGERMAN: Well, it's hard to say exactly because clearly supply is a moving target, and of course they want to be able to supply the U.S.

market, and they are committed to supplying their international markets where they are present, right? That's a big difference between them and

Lilly, for example. Lilly's more focused on the U.S. market, it seems, right now.

So, I do expect them to provide supply to the Chinese market in line with the demand, especially, you know, given this large population of, you know,

600 million folks who could potentially pay for it out of pocket. So, I think that they will end up, you know, making sure that there is


CHATTERLEY: And what's your price target, very quickly, Evan, on Novo Nordisk? Because I think after this conversation, if people haven't

invested in this stock, I'm sure they'll be wondering whether they should.

SEIGERMAN: Very good question. So, I covered the ADR. So, the U.S. listed version. I'm at about $163 per share. I'm closed in the mid-140s. So,

there's still a decent amount of upside, even with the stock being up 40 plus percent year-to-date.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, they're flying. Evan, great to chat to you. No doubt. We'll speak soon.


CHATTERLEY: Thank you.

SEIGERMAN: Thank you so much. Have a great day.

CHATTERLEY: You too. BMO Capital Markets there. All right. Coming up for us here on "First Move," all the latest footballing or soccer action from

Euro 2024.

Plus, bundle fumble. Microsoft, the latest tech titan targeted by E.U. regulators. They say it lacks the appropriate Team's spirit. I'll explain,

don't worry.

Plus, Vietnamese coffee veneration. We'll speak to the U.S. firm ready to share Vietnam's coffee culture around the world. And the secret is one very

mean bean.


CHATTERLEY: -- up more than 1 percent with the blue chips giving back all of Monday's gains. It was a very mini rotation. That's it. The NASDAQ bulls

celebrating one tech win in particular. NVIDIA reversing three days of declines, finishing the session up more than 6.5 percent.


And an electric vehicle jolt coming after the market closed too. Rivian shares rallying more than 50 percent in afterhours trade on word that

Volkswagen is on board with a $5 billion investment. Airbus, meanwhile, a big loser in Europe, falling almost 10 percent after a profit warning. It

says supply chain issues will lower the number of planes it can deliver this year.

In Asia, a mostly higher Tuesday close, the Nikkei in the lead. The Broader Topics Index over in Japan hitting a three-week high, too.

And to quote Taylor Swift, it's been a cool summer indeed for big tech firms targeted by the E.U. Regulators were back in action on Tuesday,

charging Microsoft with antitrust violations tied to its Teams conferencing tool. The E.U. calling the Teams scheme anti-competitive. Hefty fines could

follow. Clare Duffy has all the details.

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER: Yes, Julia, the E.U. is clearly not wasting any time here when it comes to trying to enforce this new Digital

Markets Act. Yesterday, it was Apple, today it's Microsoft. The E.U. is accusing Microsoft of abusing its market power by bundling its Teams

workplace communication software with its Office 365 software services.

In most cases when a business buys Office 365, they're getting that Teams workplace communication software along with it. And the E.U. says that that

is an unfair advantage for Microsoft and could harm competition in this space.

Now again, if these findings are confirmed, because they're preliminary at this point, Microsoft could be looking at a massive fine, about $21 billion

or 10 percent of its global annual revenue.

But I want to just take a step back here because this is the second of these actions that we've seen in two days. And I think there's really two

interesting elements to look at here. The first is that Microsoft says it's already made changes to come into compliance with the DMA. This is similar

to what we heard from Apple yesterday.

And I think it'll be interesting to see if the E.U. is willing to buy that, if it's willing to say, OK. these companies have done enough in the month

since we began this investigation and let them continue operating or whether it believes there is more work to be done.

The other thing I think we may start to see from these kinds of regulatory actions in the E.U. is a fracturing of tech services by country. We're

already starting to see some of this with Apple, it's saying it won't roll out its Apple Intelligence A.I. tools in the E.U. because it's worried that

it won't comply with the DMA. I think we may start to see more companies doing that, offering different services or bundles in the European Union

because it wants -- they want to comply with the DMA than they do in the U.S. or elsewhere, which I think could lead to some frustrated consumers in

some areas as well as potentially challenges for businesses that operate across all of these different countries. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Thanks to Clare Duffy there. Now, a significant win tonight for billionaire and philanthropist Ken Griffin, founder and CEO of Citadel.

And also, a win for U.S. taxpayers in general. The IRS issuing a rare apology to Griffin over the release of his tax returns, as well as the

returns of other high profile business figures, including Former President Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and Jeff Bezos.

An IRS contractor had leaked the data to a news outlet around three years ago. Griffin then sued the IRS over the breach, and Tuesday's apology comes

after Griffin agreed to withdraw the suit. The IRS says it will continue to address the data security lapses. Griffin says he's grateful for the

settlement and believes it will help the better protect all American taxpayers.

All right. Turning now to Southern China, where authorities are warning people of even more flooding. The National Weather Service issuing the most

severe rainstorm alert. Meanwhile, the north continues to bake under a heatwave. For more, we're joined by Chad Myers, as always. Chad, great to

see you. Give us the bad news.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. Good to see you. Well, I mean, there never is good news in weather, right? I mean, I always can find something

bad going around the world.

CHATTERLEY: You're the good news.

MYERS: So, today, the roulette wheel falls on China, I'm afraid. Yes, more rainfall in the forecast in places that have already seen enough. I mean,

we're talking about towns and villages and cities that are really not underwater, but certainly up to about all they can take. And more rainfall

is on the way for today, tomorrow, and even into the weekend.

Same area here, maybe a little bit farther to the north, not into Hong Kong, but there you see Shanghai and all the way over, really, able toward

Kyushu, into parts of Japan, there are areas here that will pick up 250 to 500 millimeters of rain in the next five days. That's a half a meter of

rain. That's about 19 and a half inches, if you're keeping score without the metric system.

Heat wave. Yes. Talk about that. Temperatures will be above normal, but not in the 40s. Beijing, you'll be in the upper 30s.


Something else that's happening around the globe. The flooding that's happening in places like the Upper Midwest, the corn belt of America, where

24 river gauges are completely out of control into the major category. All of these farm fields are completely flooded. The more we get into the

purple, the more farm fields that actually get flooded as well. And also, towns are in the way here.

110 will be the heat index across parts of the U.S. for tomorrow and into the weekend. The heat has kind of shifted a little bit farther to the

south. Imperial, Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, where I went to school, 105 and 103 degrees there respectively. That's above 40 degrees Celsius. So,

not in the 50s like we saw in Mecca or Saudi Arabia or Kuwait City, but it is hot for this time of year, certainly.

Nice day in New York City all the way to 88 today, and it stays cool for the most part for the rest of the weekend. So, we'll continue to watch the

excessive rain. Julia, we know that as the climate heats up, it's climate change. The air holds more water. If the air can hold more humidity,

there's more rain to fall out, and that's why we when we set something up like this when we set a front up that just won't move, that's why places

pick up all of this excessive rainfall.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, we see a combination, high heat and more rainfall. Chad, good to have you with us. Thank you.

We'll be right back. Stay with "First Move."


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more international headlines this hour. Israel's Supreme Court has ordered the government to

draft ultra-Orthodox Jews into the military. Israel's deputy attorney general says 3,000 men must be recruited immediately. The ultra-Orthodox

usually serve in special units. The military is working to expand those units, which will seriously take time.


Now, just hours ago, a north -- New York judge lifted parts of a gag order on Donald Trump ahead of sentencing in his hush money case. The parts

involved what the former U.S. president could say about witnesses, including Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels. The ruling comes just two days

before the first presidential debate here on CNN.

Japan's emperor and empress began a three-day state visit to the U.K. Tuesday with a welcome from King Charles. The royals inspected the Guard of

Honor and ceremonial before a lavish banquet at Buckingham Palace. It's the first state visit to the U.K. by a Japanese head of state since 1998.

North Korea launched an unidentified ballistic missile a short while ago according to South Korea. The missile was headed towards the east coast of

the Korean Peninsula. They say the launch appears to have failed. We'll bring you more details about this story as soon as we get them.

And the balloon feud is back over the Korean Peninsula too. South Korea's military says it detected about 350 waste balloons sent from the North

Monday night into Tuesday. But new today, we're showing you an inside look at what's being called a smart balloon operation. It's run by a North

Korean defector who lives in Seoul. And unlike the usual balloons, South Korean activists send North, which randomly drop money or leaflets often

when they crash or pop, these smart balloons have their deliveries automated or controlled by a team in Seoul.

These next gen balloons are also tracked by GPS, sometimes for hundreds of kilometers. Mike Valerio is joining us live now from Seoul. And, Mike, I

was just taking a look at you. I think you actually have one of those smart balloon components in your hands. Just explain -- Wow. It looks like a

butterfly. Just explain exactly what we're looking at and how this works.

MIKE VALERIO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: OK. So, Julia, this looks like our own technicolor camping lantern, but this is actually a component of the

balloon feud. This is a speaker coming from the South Korean side. It would normally be attached to a balloon, but the balloon would be too big for us

to fit in our studio here in Seoul.

So, what happens, it's attached to a giant balloon, and then it's released, it uses this parachute, right here, to gracefully -- more gracefully than

we are now, come down to the ground, land on this cushion right here of Styrofoam. It's powered by a battery pack in the middle of this little

sandwich. And then, this yellow part is the loudspeaker that will begin to play an anti-Kim Jong Un anthem.

So, again, this is just one part of the balloon row and one group's quest to win what it calls the information war.


VALERIO, (voice-over): In a small Seoul apartment, spitting out of what looks like a pint-sized printer, or an unstoppable ATM, this is the payload

of a new South Korean smart balloon. Flyers filling the floor, but soon scattering across the skies of North Korea.

MR. CHOI, CO-FOUNDER, COMMITTEE FOR REFORMING AND OPENING NORTH KOREA (through translator): I believe North Korea can change when the

deification of Kim Jong Un is cracked, and sending these smart balloons is the way to achieve that.

VALERIO (voice-over): CNN is identifying this man simply as Mr. Choi. He's a North Korean defector and the co-founder of the group called the

Committee for Reforming and Opening North Korea. Choi asked for his identity to be concealed because of the ever-elevating drama surrounding

balloons crossing between North and South Korea.


VALERIO (voice-over): For years, activists in the South have sent balloons north, filled with K-pop music, money, and leaflets describing life outside

North Korea. North Korea calls those deliveries trash. And for about a month now, it's sent more than a thousand trash balloons South.

This is Choi's compact command center. Wind direction and GPS routes of his balloons all at his fingertips.

MR. CHOI (through translator): Our smart balloons are preset to start distributing the leaflets at a specific point after calculating wind speed

and direction. This way the leaflets will be distributed within the planned area. We can cover 300 to 400 kilometers this way.

VALERIO (voice-over): He works his day job, comes here, 3D prints parts and assembles them for five to six hours a day.

MR. CHOI (through translator): With our system, we can control the leaflets to fall every 300 meters or every kilometer, making sure more

people can see them.

VALERIO (voice-over): As for his motivation, Choi is a North Korean defector with family still trapped there. He majored in engineering at a

North Korean university and watched YouTube videos to get a better idea of how to build next generation balloons. As for his critics calling for the

balloon tit for tat to stop, Choi says, these are striking a nerve.

MR. CHOI (through translator): To those who criticize our activities, it's like saying, let's help maintain a dictatorship in South Korea.


VALERIO (on camera): OK. So, Julia, these are some of the flyers that come out of the "flying ATM machine." And even though for people outside of the

Korean Peninsula, it may seem like a light topic, this is some pretty heavy stuff for all of our Korean speakers and readers watching us who can, you

know, look pretty closely at the screen.


These flyers are talking about the current -- the North Korean people needing to rise up against the Kim regime. It says in so many words in the

first paragraphs, like, are you tired of starving? Are you tired of all the unnecessary deaths? This does not need to happen. This is coming from the

outside world. You can rise up and overthrow the regime.

So, you know, when was it, around 11:00 last night, we get more cell phone alerts on our phones across the sole metropolitan region that more balloons

are coming. We had that missile test, as you mentioned, at the top of the segment. So, tensions are pretty high. It is a strange moment. So, watch

this space. This is not over yet, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: No, and you can understand why the North Korean government are upset about it if the suggestion in some of these leaflets is that

ultimately people need to break free or, in some way, hinting at overthrowing them. Mike, very quickly, who's funding that operation, the

smart balloons?

VALERIO: It's private donors and this man is using, I believe, part of his savings to help get this off the ground.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. What a fascinating story. Great to have you with us. I was going to ask you to perform the parachute drop again because you did

such a good job in the introduction. Oh, there we go. Oh, fabulous. Yes. And you're certainly not missing those. That's one thing. Great to have you

on. Thanks, Mike. Mike Valerio there in Seoul. Thank you.

All right. Continuing with our theme of what goes up must come down, China celebrating the return to Earth of its unmanned lunar probe. The capsule

filled with a very precious cargo that has scientists pumped up, or should we say, ready to rock. Ivan Watson explains.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Floating back down to earth, China's lunar module returning from a mission to the

furthest reaches of the moon, named after the Chinese moon goddess, the Chang'e-6 spacecraft lands safely in the deserts of China's Inner Mongolia,

and makes history.

BRAD TUCKER, ASTROPHYSICIST/COSMOLOGIST, AUSTRALIAN NATIONAL UNIVERSITY: So, the only country that's landed on the far side, that side facing away

from us, is China. So, the fact that they've landed now two missions on that side of the moon and one of which has actually returned stuff back to

earth, is a pretty big deal.

WATSON (voice-over): For Chinese leader Xi Jinping, this marks a giant leap towards what he calls his eternal dream, establishing China as a

dominant space power. The probe collected up to two kilos of dust and rocks, which could help scientists better understand the origins of the

solar system. Treasure drilled from the South Pole-Aitken basin, a 4- billion-year-old moon crater not visible from Earth. To do this, China had to create a way to communicate with its robot on the other side of the


TUCKER: The China has built a series of satellites in orbit around the moon. You essentially are building a communication network for the moon.

WATSON (voice-over): Beijing's bigger plan is to put an astronaut on the moon by 2030 and later build a moon base. But China's race to space

sometimes gets messy. On Saturday, suspected debris from a separate Chinese rocket frightened villagers in southwestern China. Experts say this is the

booster of a Chinese Long March-2C rocket belching toxic smoke. And it's not the first time Chinese space debris landed dangerously close to

civilians. Beijing's main space rivals at NASA are closely watching.

BILL NELSON, NASA ADMINISTRATOR: China has made extraordinary strides, especially in the last 10 years. I think, in effect, we are in a race.

WATSON (voice-over): But unlike the Cold War version, today's space race has lots of players.

TUCKER: We've seen India land on the moon. We've seen Japan land on the moon. The UAE has sent a rover. Mexico had a rover on a private U.S.


WATSON (voice-over): A crowded competition with China confidently displaying its flag on the moon.

Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.


CHATTERLEY: All right. Coming up for us, a taste of Vietnamese coffee culture, freshly brewed in Brooklyn. The CEO of Nguyen Coffee, next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." And if like me, you're partial to a delicious cup of coffee to start the day, then you may be aware of a

shift in the battle of the beans that has some connoisseurs choking on their cappuccinos. I'll explain.

On the left, you see Arabica beans, which are known best for having a deliciously refined sweet flavor. On the right are Robusta beans, which

crank up the caffeine, but also at times the bitterness and have often been destined for instant coffee jars. Well, not anymore. The Vietnamese who

produce roughly half of the world's Robusta supply are taking the lead by delivering new flavors suited to western palates. This is where Nguyen

Coffee comes from.

They export Robusta beans from Vietnam and roast them in America. Climate change is also pushing up demand as unpredictable weather damages fragile

Arabica crops. Now, the Brooklyn-based firm sells Robusta beans and drinks online around the world and in grocery stores here in the United States,

with major retailers like Whole Foods and Target embracing the underdog.

And behind the sales push is founder and CEO Sahra Nguyen, the one-woman force driving a Robusta revolution. And she joins us now. Sahra, fantastic

to have you on the show. Now, people may or may not know that Vietnam is, what, the second largest coffee producer in the world. Just explain your

inspiration behind the brand.

SAHRA NGUYEN, FOUNDER AND CEO, NGUYEN COFFEE SUPPLY: Yes, absolutely. Julia. So, Vietnam is the second largest, but also Vietnam is the largest

producer of Robusta coffee in the world, which we're going to get into.

So, the inspiration behind the brand, I am a daughter of Vietnamese refugees and my parents were the only ones who made it to America. And so,

growing up, I had the privilege and opportunity to visit Vietnam very often to see my family over there. And so, at a young age, I just really fell in

love with Vietnamese food, culture, and of course, coffee.

And so, I had noticed that Vietnamese coffee culture and what -- Vietnamese coffee culture was distinctly different from coffee culture in America, in

the flavor, in the coffee species, and even the brewing culture. And so, eventually, when I became a big coffee consumer myself, I noticed that I

couldn't find a real Vietnamese coffee bean that was locally and fresh roasted anywhere in the United States. And that began my journey to go

build a direct trade relationship, begin importing and roasting here in Brooklyn, New York.

CHATTERLEY: Oh, so there's a lot in there. There is a -- we'll call it a snobbery, but it might also be ignorance that I sort of mentioned in the

introduction about coffee beans. And I think people will be familiar, certainly, in the United States, but I think elsewhere as well with the

Arabica bean. Robusta is generally around half the price. And I think we can show that. It's -- I also mentioned it goes into instant coffee.

What is it that the Vietnamese know about bringing out the flavor and brewing these beans that perhaps others miss, and they're only just

learning, right?

NGUYEN: Right. Yes. So, even though robust, a coffee and a lot of Vietnamese coffee out of Vietnam has historically and systemically really

been pushed into the instant coffee channel, which is wonderful for a lot of consumers on the world. Coffee culture in Vietnam is changing. It's been

changed for the last couple of decades where a lot of Vietnamese coffee growers, post-harvesting producers, and exporters are really innovating on

Robusta coffee as a species.


And that's where a lot of our work comes in as a specialty coffee importer roaster. For us, we've experimented with anaerobic fermentation with our

Robusta coffee beans that made all the way to the national stage at a U.S. Barista Championships. We also transition from a natural processing method

to a full wash processing method with our Robusta beans. We've also started employing a lot of the specialty coffee practices that were historically

applied to Arabica beans, such as handpicking the beans when they're fully ripe versus grab them all at once and process them with -- processing them

with care and then roasted them with care in the United States.

And so, if you're producing a low-quality product for a low-quality product on shelf, you're going to get a cheap product. However, our mission is to

really expand the Robusta coffee experience by investing these communities, innovating, and producing a high-quality coffee, high quality robust

products that people can expand their experience and their perception of Robusta coffee.

CHATTERLEY: When you say, I've seen in the notes, two times more caffeine, two times more antioxidants, and 60 percent less natural sugars than

Arabica coffee, just very quickly, if someone's drinking your coffee, and I tested some earlier actually and I didn't taste a bitterness at all, what

will they taste? It's a little more chocolatey, I think. That's one of the things I noticed.

NGUYEN: Yes, absolutely. Yes, absolutely. I'd say Robusta coffee definitely has a really beautiful, bold, chocolatey aroma. Because it has

60 percent less fats and sugars. It skews more nutty and chocolatey versus more fruit forward and acidic, right? So, it's not to say that one is

better than the other. It's simply offering consumers more variety.

CHATTERLEY: Mr. Ton (ph), let's talk about him. Fourth generation farmer in Vietnam, which is where you get your beans from. Just explain what a

difference your business has made to him.

NGUYEN: Yes, Mr. Ton (ph) or I call him auntie in Vietnamese. Yes, we've been working with him since 2018. It's been really beautiful to grow

together. Our very first order together was one pallet of coffee beans. It was 10 bags. And now, we order containers at a time, which is 320 bags. And

actually, through our work over the last couple of years together, he's actually purchased a second farm for his family. And now, we talk about the

future together. We talk about growth plans together.

And so, this is where the investment and the collaboration really comes in, to not just improve the quality of the crop, but also to advance the

livelihoods of the communities behind the bean.

CHATTERLEY: OK. So, fast forward to last month where Target, which is huge in the United States, announced that they're going to be selling your ready

to drink coffee. I know you already ship all over the world. I mean, I can mention a few places, Australia, Canada, France, Germany Ireland, Singapore

as well, and the U.K.

What did your parents say? As you said, they were they were Vietnamese refugees. What did they say about the business that you're building?

NGUYEN: Oh, my gosh. They -- well, in a lot of ways my mom was very like stereotypical Vietnamese. Sometimes like she didn't say too much. She'd be

like, that's nice, right, which is like so expected. But my dad is a little different. He's like, super excited. He's like, that's amazing. And I think

for them, because it's elevating their culture, a product from their homeland, and also like my family name, it definitely brings a deep sense

of pride. At least I would think so.

And I think, you know, in so many ways, whether they verbally express it or not, they are very proud, but more so, they're just so inspired by the

possibility of what we can achieve in this world.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, one generation in. Sahra, I'm sure they're very proud. Even if your mom says, that's nice. Do they drink the coffee, by the way?

That's -- now that's the real test.

NGUYEN: They drink the coffee every day. Yes, that's the real test. They drink it every day, which I'm so happy about. Because, you know, Julia,

when I first -- when my parents first came to United States, you know, the Vietnam -- Vietnam and U.S., they weren't doing a lot of trades together.

And because Vietnamese coffee is such an integral part of everyday life in Vietnam, I know my parents really missed the flavor of Vietnamese coffee.

And now, they could drink it every day.

CHATTERLEY: Awesome. Great job. We'll get you on and track your progress. World domination I can see is on the cards. Congratulations on what you're

building so far. Sahra, great to chat to you. The CEO of coffee supply there.

NGUYEN: Thank you so much, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Thank you. Now, if you've missed any of our interviews today, there will be on my X and Instagram pages. You can search for


Still to come, an underwhelming performance from one of the favorites in this year's Euros. More on England's nil all draw against Slovenia, next.



CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Into the Euros now, where England have just secured the top spot in Group C with a goalless draw

against Slovenia on Tuesday. Another underwhelming performance throws up more questions about the team's status as one of the favorites to win the


Meanwhile, Denmark and Serbia drew nil all. The red and whites finishing second in the group. Let's get to Patrick Snell now. I'm like laughing as I

refer to England as some of the favorites. Walk us through it, Patrick. Good to have you with us.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes. Hi. Thanks, Judy. Yes. I will say not really impressive on the pitch, the three lines, but still finishing top of

their group. So, hopefully, things can only get better from now on in.

Tuesday bringing with it a total of four matches at the Euros in Germany. Two from C and two from Group D. Spain's win on Monday, it allowed France,

Holland and England to just know in advance going into these games that they were already through to the last 16.

Ralf Rangnick's Austria, what a story here, Julia. Austria needing a point against the Netherlands to reach the last 16. But why settle for a point

when you can potentially have all three. Austria ahead in Berlin following an own goal. But the Dutch leveling up a wonderful strike in the second

half from Cody Gakpo there for one all.

Just before the ala mark the Austrians ahead again when Romano Schmid powering home the header for 2-1. There were more goals though in this one.

It was a wonderful contest. 15 minutes from time, Memphis Depay with a wonderful technique and volley there from close range for two all. Now,

Austria's fans, by this point, daring to dream and their faith is rewarded 10 minutes from time. Marcel Sabitzer firing it into the roof of the net

for 3-2. Austria, a really impressive win for the Austrians. You can see just what it means to them, their players, and their fans. And their head

coach there, Ralf Rangnick.

Let's get to Dortmund now. Where France facing already eliminated Poland at the old Westfalenstadion Le Bleu. Welcoming back -- there he is, Kylian

Mbappe back after a broken nose in his team's first match, wearing a protective mask. And it would be he, early in the second half, who makes no

mistake from the penalty spot for 1-nil France. Mbappe sending the keeper the wrong way. That's his first ever goal, by the way, at the Euros.

The Poles stayed in the game, though, just over 10 minutes to go. Robert Lewandowski seeing his spot kick saved by Mike Maignan. But the French

goalie, correctly, a judge to have moved. It gets retaken and the prolific Pole making no mistake for one all there. One all the final score. But

Poland already eliminated.

That point in the end, not enough for France to take top spot because you know what? Austria did. Austria finish up as group winners. What an

achievement for them. They will next face the second-place country from Group F, that one in Leipzig next Tuesday. France ending up in second

place. They go through. The Netherlands are also through, as I said at the top, as the best third place nation.

And let's weave it back to England, Julia, because in Group C, they do top the group, there's confirmation, despite the goalless draw with Slovenia.

Slovenia also advancing as a third-place team. Serbia, though, they go out after a goalless draw with Denmark. The Danes advancing to the last 16 in

second place. Back to you, Julia.


CHATTERLEY: Yes, it could go any way from here. Patrick Snell, thank you for that. And finally, on "First Move," we all know Snoop Dogg is a man of

many diverse talents. He's a superstar rapper, actor, and businessman, just to name a few of his accomplishments. But who knew that the man with an

affinity for smoking a certain substance would be a smoking hot track star too, aka runner?

Snoop Dogg laced up his trainers in Eugene, Oregon, for a 200-meter Olympic exhibition race on Monday. And he finished with an impressive time of just

over 34 seconds. Even more amazing, given his age, he's 52 years old. So, instead of Snoop Dogg, you can now call him Top Dogg, perhaps, and after

that race, probably just Dogg Tired.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. I'll see you tomorrow.

