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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Biden Campaign Crisis; Biden Holds Rally in Wisconsin; Biden Vowing to Stay in the Race; New British Prime Minister Appoints His Cabinet; France prepares for Sunday's High-Stakes Runoff; Biden: "I Am Running and Going to Win Again"; Biden Sits Down for His First Major Interview Since Debate; President Biden to Give Interview on ABC News; China's Corruption Probe; Two China Former Defense Ministers Purged from Communist Party; France and Spain Through to Semifinals; Portugal and France Lock Horns in Euros. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired July 05, 2024 - 18:00:00   ET




PAULA NEWTON, CNN HOST, FIRST MOVE: It's 6:00 a.m. in Beijing, 11:00 p.m. in London, and 6:00 p.m. here in New York. I'm Paula Newton in for Julia

Chatterley. And wherever you are in the world, this is your "First Move."

And a very warm welcome to "First Move." Here's today's need to know. President Biden says he's running and will win ahead of his first TV

interview since his disastrous debate performance.

The new British Prime Minister Keir Starmer appoints his cabinet following Labour's landslide victory.

And Spain and France through to the semifinals of the Euros as hosts Germany crash out all that and much more coming up.

But first, U.S. President Joe Biden is trying to reset his campaign as some Democrats consider throwing their support for Trump. Behind Vice President

Kamala Harris. Now, the president sat down in Wisconsin for his first TV interview since last week's debate. It's set to air in about a couple of

hours from now. He was in the key swing state to rally supporters and he told them he's not going anywhere.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT: We had a little debate last week. Can't say it was my best performance. But ever since then, there's been a lot of

speculation. What's Joe going to do? Is he going to stay in the race? Is he going to drop out? What's he going to do? Well, here's my answer, I am

running and going to win again.


NEWTON: Now, it remains to be seen if Biden's efforts are working. Boris Sanchez spoke to the Democratic Congressman Gerry Connolly. And he asked if

the president is still the party's strongest candidate. Listen.


REP. GERRY CONNOLLY (D-VA): I don't think we know that yet. I think the -- I think everybody is waiting for the dust to settle from the aftermath of

the debate. And I think this next week is going to be critical.


NEWTON: Now, it's possible Biden's campaign revamp may be too little too late. "The Washington Post" is reporting that at least one Democratic

senator wants Biden to step aside. For more on this, I'm joined by Wall Street Journal reporter Sabrina Siddiqui, thanks for joining us again,


I mean, it was quite an afternoon there again. Biden gave a rousing speech, about 15 minutes on prompter, but yet, we just heard from Gerry Connolly as

well. What do you think it's going to take for Democrats to actually believe that look, Joe's got what it takes to stay in this race?

SABRINA SIDDIQUI, WHITE HOUSE REPORTER, THE WALL STREET JOURNAL: I think based on what we're hearing from Democratic lawmakers, donors, and other

party leaders behind the scenes, is that they'll need to see a lot more of President Biden or this version of President Biden that you saw in that

rally and Wisconsin today in the coming days and week ahead.

You know, President Biden is also going to travel to the battleground state of Pennsylvania. He has a number of other events slated for next week. And

the president himself has privately acknowledged that how he performs or appears at those events is going to be very important as he kind of faces

this make-or-break moment in his campaign. And you saw him speak with a lot more vigor, embraced his performance in -- his lackluster performance in

the debate and kind of try to turn the page, focus on the fact that, you know, that was 90 minutes, not reflective of his 3.5 years in office.

So if he can kind of keep up with that same energy, and I think that same tone and message, then maybe he could, you know, prevent some of these

Democratic Party -- well, Democratic lawmakers from more defections in public. So he -- you know, it just remains to be seen how he does in these

upcoming events, as well as this highly anticipated televised interview this evening with George Stephanopoulos on ABC.

NEWTON: Yes. And we -- we await the -- you know, some inkling about that because that's one-on-one, no script, no prompter. We'll see how he does.

You know, he had some really spontaneous moments. He cracked a lot of jokes. Do you think sometimes we tend to just pigeonhole ourselves when

we're looking at these political campaigns? I mean, Joe Biden's staff would say, look, he can do this. And he's got a NATO Summit next week. They're

planning a lot of events in July.


Heck, we could even be close to some kind of a ceasefire agreement in the coming weeks between Israel and Hamas. Do you think maybe by the end of

July that all of these things put together could mount a turnaround?

SIDDIQUI: Well, we've seen the way that presidential campaigns can fluctuate. And I think what you've heard a lot from President Biden and his

team is that he's been counted out many times before, including when he was seeking the Democratic nomination back in 2020 only to bounce back and to

comfortably do so.

But, you know, I think one key point that you mentioned is there's a difference between when he's standing in front of a teleprompter and

delivering his lines versus in these more unscripted moments, which is why, you know, the interview will be very important because, you know, there's

not going to be a prompter for him to read from, certainly if he participates, as he plans to, in another debate with Former President Trump

in September, that would be a critical test just before the election.

So, I really do think that, you know, yes, there is the totality of his record. But at the same time, the challenge for President Biden is that he

had probably one of the largest audiences he has had in the course of this campaign at last Thursday's debate. And they saw him, you know, in an

unscripted environment where he was really struggling. So, that's really what they have to come back from.

But I think, you know, at the same time, you know, you are seeing a lot of Democratic voters still kind of rally behind him if he is ultimately at the

top of the ticket. The question will be whether, you know, he potentially loses support from independents or just other Democrats, you know, key

coalitions who constitute the Democratic base who already were not particularly enthusiastic about his campaign in an election where, you

know, as we know, battleground states are often separated by tens of thousands of votes.

NEWTON: Yes, all good points. And the bottom line is he isn't getting any younger over the next few months in this campaign. Sabrina Siddiqui, thanks

so much. Really appreciate it.

SIDDIQUI: Thank you.

NEWTON: Now, in the U.K., a new prime minister, Keir Starmer, is making his first move, assembling his cabinet after a landslide win for the Labour


Minister Starmer is vowing to reset Britain after 14 years of Conservative rule. Labour took more than 400 seats in the general election, handing the

Tories their worst result in modern history. Keir Starmer is making his message clear saying change starts now. Nic Robertson has more on a

momentous shift for British politics.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Britain's new prime minister, Keir Starmer, and his wife, Victoria, taking their

long-awaited steps to number 10 Downing Street, 14 years since his Labour Party was last in power.

KEIR STARMER, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: Whether you voted Labour or not, in fact, especially if you did not, I say to you directly, my government will

serve you. Politics can be a force for good. We will show that.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): His party securing a massive landslide majority in parliament. They needed 326, got 412.

STARMER: With respect and humility, I invite you all to join this government of service in the mission of national renewal.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): A hard reality, though, only around 35 percent of voters supported Labour and turnout was low, less than 60 percent. Many in

the U.K. losing faith in their politicians.

Outgoing PM Rishi Sunak stepping down as PM and Conservative leader.

RISHI SUNAK, FORMER BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: I have heard your anger, your disappointment, and I take responsibility for this loss.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Sunak's Conservatives handed a long anticipated, humiliating blow. 365 seats won at the last election shredded to less than

half that this time. Significantly, Liz Truss, who served a disastrous 49 days as prime minister in 2022, became the first former British leader in

nearly 100 years to lose their seat. This election, not so much an endorsement of the left as a rejection of incumbents.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I am very sorry.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): The pro independent Scottish National Party cut from 48 seats to nine. Nigel Farage, a major Brexit advocate and friend of

Donald Trump, winning a seat for the first time, along with a record four additional seats for his anti-immigration party.


And the centrist liberal democrats, 71 seats. 63 seats up on the last elections.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is a Labour landslide.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): But nowhere were the celebrations bigger than among Labour supporters.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sir Keir Starmer, Your Majesty.

STARMER: Your Majesty.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Keir Starmer, known by some as No Drama Starmer, a lawyer and former director of public prosecutions, came late to politics.

Now, the hard work of governing begins. Ministers arriving to be handed their new portfolios. Rachel Reeves, the U.K.'s first female finance

minister or chancellor of the Exchequer. David Lammy, once very critical of Trump, the new foreign secretary.

ROBERTSON: Yet, despite all the change and what it may mean inside the U.K., U.K. foreign policy is unlikely to change significantly. Lammy has

reversed his comments about Trump, the party promising to work with whomever is in the White House on NATO, Ukraine, and Israel.

Nic Robertson, CNN, London.


NEWTON: We want to get more now on what this election means for the U.K. and for the world. Geopolitical strategist Tina Fordham joins me now from


Good to see you, on yes, a momentous 48 hours in Britain. As Nic was pointing out, a little more than one in three British voters actually cast

their ballot for Labour. Does that explain Starmer's rather humble speech and perhaps his cautious approach to come?

TINA FORDHAM, FOUNDER, FORDHAM GLOBAL FORESIGHT: Well, I think that the tone of Sir Keir Starmer's speech upon taking over in number 10 has been

very welcomed by the country. It's been a contentious period for British politics. 14 years, four prime ministers. The upheaval of Brexit. Of

course, the pandemic, a number of scandals. The references to public service and also to a kind of a calmer tone are really resonating with

people here.

NEWTON: Now, when we talk about it resonating, that's likely a good thing because turnout was low. I would say somewhat enthusiastic, but I think

it's more a general sense of malaise, if I read it right in Britain. What is it going to take to take Britain out of that funk, especially


FORDHAM: Well, we can't ignore the fact that that Brexit has set back economic growth in the country, but that wasn't the only thing on the minds

of British voters. Public services are very important to people here. That's in the top three and the National Health Service is a beloved

institution across the political spectrum, and I think that probably accounts for a good deal of support for Labour.

The other thing that's happened, of course, is the -- is a fracturing of the political rights. And it's important to bear in mind that compared to

the U.S. system, the U.K. system rewards and allocates votes in quite a different way. So, we have a system that is, you know, designed to give a

majority and to make the country more governable, but harkens back to a day when there weren't so many parties. And, as Nic Robertson mentioned, we've

got Nigel Farage and his Reform Party. Lib Dems doing well.

So, kind of a -- you know, an interesting result, a landslide. But as one commentator said, it's a landslide for labor, but kind of loveless.

NEWTON: Very interesting to have to go into a mandate with those kinds of words. I have to ask you, Nic also touched on it a little bit in terms of

what allies can expect from this Labour government. What I want to ask you is what will be different? And that includes not just the United States,

but also Europe and Britain's relationship with Europe.

FORDHAM: Well, this is extremely important, given the number of elections in the world this year, France going to its second round on Sunday, we

might have a new French prime minister also representing the country at the NATO Summit.

And this NATO Summit in Washington next week is going to be in focus for all kinds of reasons, not least of which the problems that President Biden

is facing. But when it comes to what the British refer to as the special relationship between the U.K. and the U.S. one thing that we can expect

from the new government here is continuity, particularly with regard to the military support for Ukraine. The U.K. has been very involved on that front

and the participation within NATO. So, that continuity is going to be very welcomed by the White House.


NEWTON: Yes, it will be quite an international stage next week in Washington for that NATO Summit, again, with so many changes in so many

countries. Tina Fordham for us. Thanks so much. Really appreciate it.

Now, tensions are running high in France, where Friday marked the last official day of campaigning before the country's legislative elections. The

government saying it will deploy 30,000 additional police as results are announced. The far-right National Rally is trying to capitalize on its

strong first round showing CNN's Saskya Vandoorne.


SASKYA VANDOORNE, CNN SENIOR PRODUCER (voice-over): A dramatic move no one saw coming.

EMMANUEL MACRON, FRENCH PRESIDENT (through translator): Tonight, I am dissolving the national assembly.

VANDOORNE (voice-over): Following his party's stinging defeat in the European Parliamentary elections last month, French President Emmanuel

Macron said he had no choice but to call snap elections. The stakes for the second round on Sunday could not be higher.

The far-right anti-immigration National Rally Party and its allies came out on top in the first round. Eurosceptic and Russia friendly, its doyen,

Marine Le Pen, claims to have detoxified the party, whose early ranks included members of an SS military unit commanded by the Nazis. The left-

wing new popular front block came second, leaving president Macron's centrist alliance trailing in third place.

National Rally leader and aspiring Prime Minister Jordan Bardella has leaned heavily on identity politics.

JORDAN BARDELLA, PRESIDENT, NATIONAL RALLY PARTY: I think that the public opinion are very tired of Macron power during seven years of insults, of

increasing immigration, increasing taxes.

VANDOORNE (voice-over): The 28-year-old has vowed to reduce immigration, end free medical assistance for undocumented people, and strip citizenship

rights from those born to foreign parents on French soil.

VANDOORNE: After the first round, an unprecedented number of candidates qualified to move forward. Worried this would split the vote, two-thirds of

the contestants from Macron's camp and the left-wing alliance dropped out. Their goal, to block the National Rally from getting the 289 seats they

need to form an absolute majority.

VANDOORNE (voice-over): Fearful of the paralysis that would come from a hung parliament, Bardella said he would refuse to govern unless he commands

such a majority.

KEVIN ACRENEAUX, POLITICAL ANALYST, SCIENCES PO: One of the things or one of the big concerns that I think we should all have is that looming over

all of this is a presidential election in 2027. And one possibility is that in anticipation of those elections, all of the parties in the parliament

will see reasons to block each other, elect -- that they will get electoral advantage for doing so.

VANDOORNE (voice-over): Le Pen, meanwhile, has made a historic advance. Though it's yet unclear if that road will lead her all the way to the

presidency in 2027.

Saskia Van Dorn, CNN, Paris.


NEWTON: We do want to return now to our top story on U.S. President Joe Biden. Now, he spoke to reporters in Madison, Wisconsin, just moments ago.

Let's listen in.


BIDEN: Completely ruling that out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. President, how can you (INAUDIBLE) democracy is at risk that you are the best candidate to beat Donald Trump?

BIDEN: Because I've beaten him before and I've gotten more done than any president has.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you spoken --

BIDEN: No -- you've been wrong about everything so far. You're wrong about 2020. You're wrong about 2022, that we're going to get wiped out. Remember

the red way? You're wrong about 2023. You said all the tough race. We're going to -- we won them all but two. So, look, we'll see.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Have you spoken to members of Congress?

BIDEN: I have.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have you spoken to?

BIDEN: At least 20.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What are you telling you? What are you telling you, sir?

BIDEN: They're telling me to stay in the race.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the people who (INAUDIBLE) to step aside? (INAUDIBLE).

BIDEN: Well, (INAUDIBLE) is the only one considering that. No one else has called me to do that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you value the thoughts of the officials in your --

BIDEN: I hope they'll debate me. I wouldn't be surprised if --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And if he's in, will you commit to debating him?

BIDEN: I'm committing now, absolutely. Whether he's in or not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you value the thoughts of members of your own party when it comes to your decision to stay in the race?

BIDEN: Sure, I do. That's why they've said -- you guys saw the governors. Every one of them in that room. All those governors said, stay in the race.


BIDEN: Maura Healey didn't say anything when I was in the room. OK.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sir, will you make changes to your campaign staff at all after the debate fallout?

BIDEN: Look, we just added another 120 staffers. We have the most extensive staff operation in the states.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And are you pleased with your advisers in how they're seeing you through this moment in your campaign?

BIDEN: Any mistake made is my fault. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you confident you can serve another four years?

BIDEN: I'm positive.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You always talk to young people. You're so committed to talking to young people. Why not let someone younger take the country

forward? I have to ask? Now, why not let -- like every CEO has a succession plan.

BIDEN: But what do I need a succession plan? But why do I need a succession plan for now? And by the way, you know, I mean, anyway --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, no, no. Go ahead.

BIDEN: Thank you.


NEWTON: You see a more energetic and defiant Joe Biden there speaking to reporters as he leaves Madison, Wisconsin. And we will be right back with

more news in a moment.


NEWTON: And welcome back to "First Move." A solid finish to Wall Street's holiday shortened trading week tops today's "Money Move." U.S. stocks

finishing firmly in the green on Friday and in fact, with fresh records for both the S&P and the NASDAQ. Stocks getting a boost from the latest jobs

report which shows growth moderating in June. 206,000 jobs were added last month, a bit more than expected but fewer in fact than the numbers we saw

in May.

Now, the unemployment rate also ticked up to 4.1 percent, you see it there. That is, in fact, the highest level in more than two and a half years. Wage

growth, though, also slowed, all these boosting chances for a Fed rate cut later this year.

In Europe, meantime, the FTSE pulled back after the Labour Party's historic win Thursday's elections. The CAC Quarante also lower ahead of France's

runoff vote on Sunday.

Now, it was a mostly lower close in Asia, the Nikkei touching all-time highs before pulling back and closing flat. Chinese stocks also closed


Now, Tropical Storm Beryl is heading toward the U.S. State of Texas after crossing over Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Now, the storm is now responsible

for at least nine deaths and a trail of damage right across the Caribbean. It's expected to regain hurricane strength over the Gulf of Mexico and

reach Southern Texas later this weekend.


Now, as the threat grows, grows along the U.S. Gulf Coast, the West Coast continues to swelter under a dangerous heat wave. CNN Meteorologist Chad

Myers is tracking all of this for us. I want to get first to the storm, obviously, as you and I have discussed, just the storm that won't quit, and

then the U.S. also dealing with that heat wave.

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: You know, some of the heat, Paula, in the west is just what we haven't ever seen, like breaking all-time records, not

even for the day, but for the entire population density that we've ever had there at times on any month. So, we're not talking just little records

here, we're talking big heat waves out here, and fires to boot.

Here's what Beryl looks like right now. And I know you're saying, wait, which one? Well, this one down here. This little one is Beryl. That up

there is not a circulating system. The Hurricane Hunter was just in it. They found no rotation whatsoever. That's good because we don't need

something that far in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico.

So, we'll keep watching this that actually does have a spin. And where does it go? Into some very warm water. Into temperatures in the middle 80s

Fahrenheit here. Well, warm enough to cause the storm to get stronger. In fact, it forecast to be all the way to 90.

I could easily see a 100 miles per hour, 160 kph with this. No problem whatsoever if it stays in the water any longer. What we've been dealing

with over the past couple of days is a forecast when it was, you know, over by Jamaica all the way into Mexico. That does not look likely now because

the storm is beginning to turn to the right -- to the north as they typically always do.

But now all of the models, especially the European model, even east of Corpus Christi, and possibly just west of Houston on some type of landfall,

these are all different models of the same model, but they're just different little perturbations that they put into every model to see what

happens. And you look for the cluster.

And so, kind of, here's the cluster, right through here, and that would be right along the Texas Coast with rip currents. This going to be a dangerous

day for rip currents. Also, storm surge. With all of that wind blowing the water on land, three to five feet, one to two meters, without a doubt, if

the storm gets stronger, as I expect, those numbers will in fact go up.

There's a lot to talk about here. A lot of precipitation. People in Houston have this fear of something called Harvey. Harvey putting down more than --

well, it was two meters of rainfall over about five days. That's not going to happen. This storm is going to continue to move, and in fact, it will

put down maybe 10 inches of rainfall. So, somewhere in the ballpark of 250 to 300 millimeters, but this not Harvey. This a wind and a surge event,


NEWTON: Chad, thank you so much as we continue to also watch those temperatures across the United States.

Now, coming up, U.S. President Joe Biden sits down for his first major interview since last week's debate, as he tries to rescue his campaign.

That's next.



NEWTON: And about an hour and a half from now, ABC News will be airing President Biden's first major interview since last week's debate. It's a

critical moment for the president, his campaign feeling the heat from both inside and outside the Democratic Party as he tries to prove the president

is comfortable speaking off the cuff. And we're expecting a preview of that interview soon.

I'm joined now by White House correspondent Arlette Saenz, who's really been by the president's side for most of the afternoon there in Madison.

Listen, Arlette, what you saw was a different president that we saw in the debate. What did you see? And what do you think was most crucial about what

was a fairly steady performance there, albeit in front of a teleprompter.

ARLETTE SAENZ, CNN WHITE HOUSE CORRESPONDENT: Well, President Biden came out much more fiery, much more defiant than he did on the debate stage just

last week. He really pushed back on those who are calling him -- calling on him to step out of this race. He didn't say specifically who was calling on

him to step aside, but it does come as there have been some concerns both publicly and privately expressed by top Democratic officials and also some

donors to his campaign, who simply say the president needs to leave this race after that debate performance last Thursday.

Now, President Biden did sit down for that high stakes interview with ABC News. A critical test as he's trying to show voters that he is up for

serving a second term in office. We expect the first clips of that interview to air at any moment.

But the president really used his speech here before a crowd in Madison, Wisconsin to make the case that he will remain this race, that he is up for

a second term and also tried to frame the debate and the talk about his age in a different way. Take a listen.


BIDEN: So, let me ask you, what do you think? You think I'm too old to restore Roe v. Wade, the law of the land?


BIDEN: Do you think I'm too old to ban assault weapons again?


BIDEN: Do you think I'm too old to beat Donald Trump?


BIDEN: I can't hardly wait, anyway.


SAENZ: Now, the president did, as you noted, speak from -- off of a teleprompter for a little over 15 minutes. Then afterwards, he actually

went into another overflow room where there were some more supporters. There he spoke without a teleprompter and told those supporters that he is

not backing down from this race.

It's part of the effort by the campaign to try to put Biden in situations where he is engaging in more off the cuff moments. So, you have him there

in that overflow room. You have him answering questions from reporters on the tarmac before he departed here from Madison. You have this unscripted

interview with ABC News.

It comes as many of the Democratic allies have really essentially told Biden to step up his game, saying that he needs to have these impromptu

moments, needs to do these interviews, needs to travel more all in order to make the case to American voters that he can serve a full term as president

and also make it through this campaign.

Now, it all comes at a very critical time within the Democratic Party, as there are some who believe that it is the moment for President Biden to

step aside. So, far, he really has shown defiance amid those calls, insisting that he is remaining in this race through the end.

NEWTON: Arlette, thanks so much as we continue to track the president, especially through an all-important weekend as well.

Now, for more on all of this, I'm joined by the Boston Globe's Washington Bureau Chief, Jackie Kucinich. So, we spoke, then the speech happened, then

we had those off the cuff remarks. What did you make of all this?

JACKIE KUCINICH, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST AND WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF, BOSTON GLOBE: Right. So, I think the -- this part of a larger plan by the Biden

campaign to really come back after this debate.

Now, the question is, and you really can't express how important this George Stephanopoulos interview is. The bar is rather low, to be honest, he

really just needs to get through it and actually answer these questions.


But I don't know -- the real question is what this will do to calm the fears of Democrats and Democratic donors. Elected Democrats, one by one,

you're seeing them trickle out, and some of them are saying outright he should go. Others, like Governor Maura Healey of Massachusetts, saying

that, you know, this his decision and it didn't explicitly say it's time to move on, but it -- I think the best word to describe it was yikes after you

read it, because there is just so much concern and skepticism that he can not only beat the former president, Trump, but serve four more years.

NEWTON: You know, we just saw President Biden as well speaking again, you know, quite lucidly and strongly as he was about to board Air Force One

after the events in Wisconsin. He basically seemed to blame reporters for all of this, saying that reporters were wrong about 2020. They were wrong

about 2022 and the red wave. Obviously, insinuating reporters will be wrong again, except it isn't reporters saying this, as you point out, it's people

from within his own party. But he also crucially said that he didn't need a succession plan.

How do you think Democratic voters who've heard for so long now that his candidacy was about being a bridge to the new generation of Democrats, how

do you think they're going to take that in?

KUCINICH: You had someone at that Wisconsin rally that had, I believe, a sign that said, pass the torch, Joe. So, I think the -- there's a couple

things going on here. You're absolutely right. You know, when we're out in the field and we're talking to voters, voters are the ones bringing up his

age. Voters are the ones concerned about that. And it just depends on, you know, whether some of these voters would either stay home or, the ones that

are independents, would go for the former president over Joe Biden because they don't think that he's up to the task.

But you have to -- one of the thing you have to know about President Biden, he really does dismiss the political class. He really does dismiss the

media behind closed doors. And he likes to be -- he's someone who likes to be the underdog and loves to talk about how he was counted out. The

difference here is this was a very self-inflicted wound. That's what happened at that debate.

I don't think anyone expected it, particularly in the president's camp, expected it to be that bad. And there was a very deep hole from which to

dig out of. And I mean, you had governors very concerned after their call with him, and he was talking about needing more sleep and need to being in

bed by 8:00. That's not some -- that's not a winning message at this juncture after what we've seen happen.

NEWTON: Yes, and given the fact that so many Democrats are now stepping up, he's been very forceful saying, I am not stepping out of this race, and

the inner circle around him says the same thing. What is it going to take then, because this party cannot push him out? I mean, we should be very

clear about that.

KUCINICH: They cannot. You're absolutely right. It is -- and that's what you see. A lot of these statements that won't go as far as to say he should

step down, they will say it's his decision. And it is. There's also -- but time is running short. The Democratic Convention is right around the

corner. It's in August.

So, he needs to make a decision. He needs to make it soon because -- or he -- if he's going to decide to step aside, he's going to have to do it soon

because there's just going to be a big mess going into the convention, no matter what happens here, if he's not the top of the ticket.

NEWTON: Yes. And as you were speaking, we were showing President Biden looking at his watch. We'll see what he's keeping time of right now,

because I'm not sure it's time for the convention. Jackie Kucinich for us. Have a great weekend. Really appreciate your insights.

KUCINICH: You do the same. Thank you.

NEWTON: Now, despite his best efforts, as we were just speaking, to ease concerns and prove he is fit and well enough to serve another term,

President Biden's debate performance continues to raise some very serious questions on the delicate topic of his health.

Now, some doctors, including our own Dr Sanjay Gupta, a top neural specialist, we should say, have been weighing in. Dr. Gupta now joins me

now. Sanjay, look, I was relieved to just see you weigh in one way or the other. And you bring with the essay, which I encourage everyone to read on or on their app, you bring with it not just your experience, but you were saying that many doctors were reaching out to you about this.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I mean, you know, I actually watched the debate from overseas and it was interesting. I got

so many texts and e-mails and phone calls from other neurospecialists from the states and all over the world. A lot of people, Paula, had an opinion

on this and these were medical opinions.

Opinions, I want to be clear. I mean, nobody is saying there's anything diagnostic or certain at all, but a lot of people paid attention to that

debate. And while I think what they saw wasn't necessarily new, and we could put up a list of some of the things that sort of stood out to this

group of doctors, I think the idea that it was so pronounced and so sustained over the 90 minutes I think was what really got people's



You know, the halting speech, sometimes the confused rambling, Paula, but also other things as well, such as reduced volume of speech, that can be

something that is important from a neurological perspective. And also, the loss of facial expression, sometimes associated with certain movement

disorders. They can also have an impact on cognition.

Again, nobody is saying that these things, in and of themselves, are diagnostic of anything. But I think that the message pretty unanimously was

it would be recommended by everyone to get more testing to sort of figure out, are we looking at something that is episodic, these little episodes,

or is it reflective of something that is deeper, a condition of some sort that could be diagnosed and potentially even treated?

NEWTON: One would assume that those family members closest to him, who love him most, will want that transparency as well. So, Sanjay, the

president's last full medical exam was about four months ago. What did that say?

DR. GUPTA: Well, you know, these are pretty intensive exams that the presidents have. We understand that there were 20 or more specialists

involved in the exam, including a neurologist. What we obtained as reporters was a six-page sort of summary of that. And that's typically what

we get, Paula.

You know, I've been doing this job for a long time. Only one candidate ever has released all of their medical records, and that was Senator McCain, who

at that time was the oldest person running for president ever. But we got the six-page summary on President Biden. It was mostly about ruling certain

things out that we saw. No evidence of stroke, for example. No evidence of multiple sclerosis, for example. No evidence of Parkinson's disease, they

said as well.

That was notable because Parkinson's disease is something that is the most likely cause of Parkinsonism. But there are other things that can cause

Parkinsonism as well, which they didn't make any mention of that. They did say that he had neuropathy. Which is a sort of an inflammation and problem

with the nerves, and that could be potentially causing his stiffness of gait and things like that when you walk. You see him holding himself very

stiff, they sort of attributed that to the neuropathy.

No mention, Paula, of a cognitive exam. And then, when the White House folks were asked about that afterwards, they said that the doctors simply

did not think it was necessary.

NEWTON: Yes, and you wonder why not given his age and, of course, his loved ones wanting to know that. Sanjay, I am so grateful for this analysis

because it's not political, it's medical. And we all -- those of us who know nothing about the medical profession whatsoever are really grateful to

hear this. This is just good information in general. Sanjay, thanks so much. Appreciate it.

DR. GUPTA: Thank you. Appreciate it.

NEWTON: Now, coming up for us, the perils after the purge, Beijing's ongoing corruption scandal, raising new questions about its military

readiness. A full report just ahead.



NEWTON: Now, returning to our top story, President Joe Biden's efforts to overcome last week's shaky debate performance. He just sat down with ABC

News for his first TV interview since that debate. Let's listen in.


GEORGE STEPHANOPOULOS, ABC NEWS ANCHOR: Let's start with a debate. You and your team said -- have said you had a bad night. But your --

BIDEN: Sure did.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But your friend Nancy Pelosi actually framed the question that I think is on the minds of millions of Americans. Was this a bad

episode with a sign of a more serious condition?

BIDEN: It was a bad episode. No indication of any serious condition. I was exhausted. I didn't listen to my instincts in terms of preparing and a bad


STEPHANOPOULOS: You know, you say you were exhausted, and I know you've said that before as well, but you came -- and you did have a tough month,

but you came home from Europe about 11 or 12 days before the debate, spent six days in Camp David. Why wasn't that enough rest time, enough recovery


BIDEN: Because I was sick. I was feeling terrible. Matter of fact, the docs with me, I asked them, they did a COVID test, trying figure out what's

wrong. They did a test to see whether or not I had some infection, you know, a virus. I didn't. It just had a really bad cold.

STEPHANOPOULOS: And did you ever watch the debate afterwards?

BIDEN: I don't think I did, no.

STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, what I'm trying -- what I want to get at is, what were you experiencing as you were going through the debate? Did you know

how badly it was going?

BIDEN: Yes, look, the whole way I prepared -- nobody's fault, mine. Nobody's fault but mine. I prepared what I usually would do, sitting down,

as I did come back with foreign leaders or the National Security Council for explicit detail, and I realized, about partway through, that, you know,

although -- I get quoted -- "The New York Times" had me down at 10 points before the debate, nine now or whatever the hell it is.

The fact of the matter is that what I looked at is that he also lied 28 times. I couldn't -- I mean, the way the debate ran, not -- my fault. No

one else's fault. No one else's fault.

STEPHANOPOULOS: But it seemed like you were having trouble from the first question in, even before he spoke?

BIDEN: Well, I just had a bad night.


NEWTON: So, President Biden, they're sticking to the line that he just had a bad night. We will say, as Dr. Sanjay Gupta just said, he could take

cognitive tests and other tests and disclose those. And then, maybe everyone would believe that he was having a bad night. Needless to say, the

full interview on ABC is set to air in just over an hour from now.

Now, news breaking as well, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries is calling a virtual meeting Sunday with Democratic committee ranking members.

The meeting is expected to be about Biden's viability as a standard bearer for the party. Again, Democrats themselves asking themselves if Joe Biden

is the right candidate.

OK. Switching gears here. China confirmed this week that two former defense ministers who vanished from public view last year were, in fact, under

investigation for corruption. They are the biggest heads to roll in the sweeping purge of China's defense establishment. Their dismissals raise new

questions about how far the corruption crisis has spread and whether it has compromised the country's military readiness. Will Ripley has our report.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): China's People's Liberation Army under strongman leader Xi Jinping projects power,

pouring billions into rapid fire military modernization. Some say the world's biggest buildup in a century.

The dramatic downfall of two former defense ministers purged from China's Communist Party for alleged corruption, along with about a dozen other

high-ranking officials, has some wondering just how battle ready the PLA really is. Li Shangfu and Wei Fenghe also stripped of their rank as senior

generals, seriously polluted the political and industrial atmosphere in the field of military equipment, Chinese state media says, calling their

actions extremely serious. Both handpicked by Xi himself.


ANDREW YANG, FORMER TAIWAN DEFENSE MINISTER: armed forces, the PRA, has to be very loyal to the Communist Party.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Loyalty and corruption widespread in the Chinese military. This is Taiwan's former defense minister, Andrew Yang.

YANG: I would say it's really built into the Communist Party's system. Therefore, he has to introduce very heavy punishments.

RIPLEY (voice-over): The latest bombshells exposing the limits of Xi's anti-corruption campaign. Both disgraced defense ministers linked to

China's elite rocket force.

PETER LAYTON, VISITING FELLOW, GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY ASIA INSTITUTE: This will not be helping them from a war fighting viewpoint.

RIPLEY (voice-over): Longtime Asia analyst Peter Layton says systemic corruption challenges China's ambition to grow into a world class military

power in a matter of years.

LAYTON: He's constantly pushing it to get better and better. As you say, to be able to fight wars and to win wars.

RIPLEY (voice-over): From the South China Sea, to Democratic Taiwan, to Cuba, where CSIS says China may be expanding spy bases less than 100 miles

from the Florida Coast. China calling that pure fantasy, saying the bases never existed. The U.S. and the world watching closely.

Will Ripley, CNN.


NEWTON: Next, you will want an update on this. The clash of the titans in the Euros as Portugal and France go head-to-head. But there's only one

place available in the semifinals. We'll let you know. We'll have a recap of all the action when we come back.


NEWTON: In our sports move, Vive la France as the blues advance to the semifinals in the Euros. A nil-nil draw, I can't believe it, has turned

into one of the most gripping penalty shootouts of the tournament so far with France. Yes, France winning five to three on penalties.

Meantime, host Germany, yes, unfortunately, they're out of the tournament after another nail biter. It was a 2-1 defeat by Spain that went into extra

time. Spain's Mikel Merino scored the winning goal in the 119th minute.

OK. Patrick Snell, we know you've been right on top of this. Give it to us, because it really sounds like cliffhangers all around.

PATRICK SNELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Paula, what narratives, what storylines in the Euros. Plenty of drama Friday night. How have France done it? But they

won't care. They're through to the last eight. Let's get up to the big, big matchup between Germany and Spain.

First up, Spain, many people's favorites to win it. Goal as first half of the game, coming to life when Dani Olmo plays his club footy with RB

Leipzig breaking the deadlock. Very nicely taken goal after being set up by the brilliant team, (INAUDIBLE).

It was 1-nil Spain until a minute from time. And that's when sub Florian Wirtz levels with a stunning strike in off the post. A really nice moment

for the 21-year-old Leverkusen man. This one going to this, you said it, Paula, the 119th minute. Brilliant header, isn't it, from Mikel Merino. 2-1

Spain. Scenes of sheer elation for La Roja, they're through to the last four.


Meantime, devastation for Germany, and in particular for that guy there, Toni Kroos, a player widely regarded as one of the best midfielders of all

time. That was his last match in professional football.

Let's get to Hamburg now, where Kylian Mbappe and France were up against Cristiano and Portugal. Goalless match, it comes down to penalties. And

spare a thought for Joao Felix, missing for Portugal in the shootout against the post. Really feel for him. And it all set up very nicely for

Theo Hernandez to step up, and no mistake, right into the top corner there.

France are into the last four, but they're scoreless, Paula, from open play in all five matches so far at the Euros. That's almost 500 minutes of

football. They'll next face Spain the semis. Two more quarters on Saturday. Switzerland-England first up. And then it's Holland-Turkey going head-to-


As I said at the top, France won't care how they're doing it. They're through to the last four.

NEWTON: Wow. Had not realized that. No goals. Unbelievable. Patrick, have a great weekend. Thank you for that update.

And thank you for watching "First Move." Have a great weekend. Be back next week.

