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First Move with Julia Chatterley

Jens Stoltenberg Awarded Presidential Medal Of Freedom; Biden Gives Speech At NATO Summit; Russia Hits Kyiv Children's Hospital; House And Senate Dem Held First Conference Meeting; Rep. Mikie Sherrill Calls For Biden To Step Aside; U.S. Air Force Giving CNN Exclusive Access To Its AC- 130; Delta And Riyadh Air Brand-New Partnership; Spain Through To Final At Euro 2024. Aired 6-7p ET

Aired July 09, 2024 - 18:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Awards this presidential medal of freedom to Jens Stoltenberg. A visionary statesman and ceaseless defender of democracy.

Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg has guided the NATO alliance through the most consequential decade for European security since World War II.

When Vladimir Putin launched his brutal assault on the people of Ukraine, betting that NATO would break, Secretary General Stoltenberg proved him

wrong. Under his stewardship, NATO has become stronger and more united than ever, and Americans for generations to come will benefit from the safer

world we helped create. He demonstrates that the core truth of the alliance is as powerful now as it was 75 years ago. Together, we are stronger.


JULIA CHATTERLEY, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: You've been listening to President Biden speaking from the Mellon Auditorium in Washington, D.C.

That's the place where the North Atlantic Treaty was signed back in 1949. Twelve member states, as he mentioned, now, today, 32 members with Sweden

and Finland, of course, joining this year.

He talked about the role of NATO reinforcing Ukraine, providing humanitarian assistance, and that, of course, culminating in an award for

the secretary general of NATO there with the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Let's talk about what we saw now. Jeff Zeleny joins us. Jeff, obviously a focus for this for two reasons. The importance of a 75th anniversary of

NATO, of course, but also, it becoming a significant test for the president on the world stage. Two aspects of this, I think, that we have to focus on.

First and foremost, it was scripted. He was on teleprompter. What did you make of the performance from President Biden himself tonight?

JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF U.S. NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Julia, I think first the substance that President Biden was delivering there so swept in

history, as you said, 1949, when President Truman signed that treaty with 12 nations. And President Biden walked through the history of NATO and the

reason for its very importance today, arguing it is more important now than ever and quoting Ronald Reagan, which, of course, is so significant here in

the United States because there are indeed deep divisions among Republicans and certainly Former President Donald Trump, who, of course, we're in the

middle of a presidential race here.

But President Biden using the words of Reagan to mount a defense for his argument for the funding of NATO and the need for the alliance to stay

together, saying this, if you are not at peace, we're not at peace. And of course, going through the funding and the weapons and things that the U.S.

and other NATO countries are giving to Ukraine. He was talking about the need for Ukraine to really be at the heart of the mission of NATO and said

he believes that Ukraine will prevail. Had very harsh words for Russian President Vladimir Putin.

But you're right, Julia. This comes against a backdrop when the world is indeed watching President Biden. Does he have the strength to go on in his

own presidential campaign? It's an extraordinary moment for President Biden in the long history of him here in the United States. Of course, as

president, vice president, longtime member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, NATO is in his blood. This is one of his top things and is a

bailiwick, if you will.

So, delivering a very strong and forceful remarks, yes, with the teleprompter. But I would argue -- I would also argue that just certainly

the subject matter was something that is near and dear to his heart and delivered, I think, one of the best speeches we've seen him give since that


Again, NATO is at the forefront of his goals and wishes here. So, I think all eyes certainly have been on his speech. If he did not do well, we

certainly would have talked about it. So, I think we should also say it was a forceful speech.


The question, will it calm any fears or concerns about his health going forward, we shall see. But for today at least, the substance of this,

opening the NATO Summit here, certainly important.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and that should certainly be in the spotlight. Jeff, very quickly. I think it is extraordinary to your point, and we should be

talking about the substance and the importance of this moment for many reasons, particularly in an election year and how the two parts of

potential future leaders could take us, whether it's NATO or anything else.

But he is going to be highly scrutinized, every remark, every gesture, every move will be watched, not just in the United States, of course, but

by international leaders and beyond as well. It's a lot of pressure.

ZELENY: It's an incredible amount of pressure. One longtime ally and admirer of the president told me earlier today, Julia, that really the

weight of this campaign is entirely on the president's shoulders alone. He has a very strong apparatus of his campaign, but it is on him. How does he

perform in these moments?

And world leaders, as you said, are watching very carefully, because that has now become a central question of this campaign. Does he have the

fitness? Does he have the stamina? Is he up to this task? Of course, as the summit goes on, the divisions between sort of the U.S. worldview will

become very clear if Former President Donald Trump were to return to power, that certainly is alarming to many leaders in the NATO alliance.

Thinking back to when President Biden was first elected and was on the world stage at NATO, I was there with him, he said, America is back. But,

Julia, the question is for how long? So, it's at the heart of the presidential campaign, but it's certainly at the heart of the global

conversation as well. All eyes of the world are on President Biden. That is no exaggeration. Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes. Certainly not. Jeff. Great to have you with us. Thank you, Jeff Zeleny there.

ZELENY: My pleasure.

CHATTERLEY: Now, a reminder that you were just seeing a video of the Presidential Medal of Freedom being handed to the NATO secretary general as

well. It's a nice moment for both of those, but no one is watching this more closely, I think, than President Zelenskyy, of course, to not only for

future support and consistency of support, of course, but what the future decisions that will be made once we get through the election as well.

Fred Pleitgen joins us now from Kyiv. Fred, I know you were no doubt watching this very closely as well. More aerial support provided in this

week, critical at this moment once again for President Zelenskyy and for the Ukrainian citizens.

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I think you're absolutely right. And that's certainly going to be the thing that

the Ukrainians were looking at as well. And I think it was a key point that the president also made. It was quite interesting because, of course,

Volodymyr Zelenskyy, when he arrived in Washington, D.C., he said he was looking for some decisive things for NATO to do and some decisive decision

making from this NATO Summit. And certainly, seems as though what President Biden just put on the table there appears to be just that.

When you're looking at air defense systems, he was talking about several longer-range air defense systems, not just from the United States, but also

from partner nations as well. It appears as though when he's talking about the longer-range ones that he's probably talking about the Patriots, the

U.S.-made surface to air missile systems that have been so important for the Ukrainians, not just to protect cities, like the one that I'm in right

now, but also in the frontline as well as Russia's air force also becomes a lot more effective in the way that it's attacking Ukrainian frontline


But he's also talking about shorter and medium range air defense. So, it seems as though that is one area where NATO, under U.S. leadership, appears

to be stepping up. And of course, all of this comes after a major incident here in the capital, in Kyiv, where the biggest children's hospital, not

just in Ukraine, but in large -- in almost all of Europe was hit by a missile that the Ukrainians say was Russians. The Russians still deny that.

However, the Ukrainians are saying this was a direct attack on their medical sector and on the children of Ukraine. I was actually on site there

throughout the better part of the day. And here's what we witnessed on the ground.


PLEITGEN: This is the exact impact site where that missile hit, and you can see that it's completely flattened part of that building, which is, of

course, the largest children's hospital here in Ukraine and one of the largest in Europe, sustaining major damage behind me. It's evident to see

that the floors here just completely got obliterated, and all that's left over is rubble right now.

Now, the Ukrainians say that the death toll currently stands at two, while dozens of people have been wounded in this attack. They say one of the

fortunate things that happened is there was a missile alert, and the staff and the children that were being treated here actually got evacuated to a

bomb shelter. The staff then immediately came out and started sifting through the rubble. Now, all of this is currently a cleanup operation.

But you can see just how powerful that blast must have been. This is one of the floors of that building. And here it's evident that it just flat packed

down. Those are some of the supporting beams. And the Ukrainians say that there will be a response to this.


The Russians claim this might have been a stray Ukrainian interceptor that hit the building. The Ukrainians having none of it, saying it was a Russian

missile, saying this is an attack on Ukraine's healthcare system and also on Ukraine's children.

And if we look over here, you can see this whole complex, was damaged by it. That's another building here as well. And clearly, the facade sustained

major damage.


PLEITGEN: So, major damage there at that children's hospital here in the capital, Kyiv. But if you look at throughout Ukraine on Monday, the death

toll now at 43 people who were killed and hundreds of people who were wounded in air attacks across Ukraine.

So, certainly air defense, a big issue for the Ukrainians and definitely something where they say they need NATO to really step up. And it appears

as though tonight, the president of the United States has said that that is going to happen. Of course, one of the things where the Ukrainians also,

Julia, are at a big disadvantage, is in general, air power. They're still waiting for those F-16s that are apparently going to be coming in the not-

too-distant future from European countries.

But as they are at a disadvantage, especially on those frontline positions, and the Russians become more capable at using their own air force, the

Ukrainians are saying those long-range air defense systems, Like, for instance, the Patriot that's used in the United States so very important to

keep Ukrainian frontline troops alive as well. And of course, also to help them stay in the fight, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, and that need all the more poignant in light of this week's events. Fred, thank you for that report. Fred Pleitgen there in key

for us.

Now, as President Biden hosts the united NATO alliance in one part of Washington, D.C., he faces a fractured Democratic Party in another. House

and Senate Democrats held their first conference meeting since President Biden's debate debacle in what was called yet another make or break moment

for the president's re-election bid.

Biden suffering no immediate political damage, but later in the day, House Democrat Mikkie Sherrill of New Jersey, who took part in today's meetings,

became the seventh House Democrat to call for Biden to step aside. Manu Raju has more on the day's high drama on Capitol Hill.


MANU RAJU, CNN HOST (voice-over): President Joe Biden is putting Democrats in a jam.

REP. RITCHIE TORRES (D-NY): If the president declines to leave voluntarily, then he's going to be our nominee. And we have to make the best of a

complicated situation. I think I'm viewing it pragmatically.

RAJU (voice-over): Some resign to supporting the president, even as they fear he may lose to Donald Trump.

REP. SEAN CASTEN (D-IL): The stakes of this are about what is the future for our country in two different scenarios. And I think there's a lot of

concern about, will we be able to have that conversation in this media environment? But my God, that's the conversation we have to have.

RAJU: Do you support keeping him on the top of the ticket, Biden?

CASTEN: That's all I can say.

RAJU (voice-over): In their first in-person meeting today since Biden's debate debacle, House and Senate Democrats aired out their grievances and

left with no consensus.

REP. MARC VEASEY (D-TX): My concerns are the concerns that everybody has. What I said this morning and expressed to my colleagues, particularly for

members on the front line, is that I think they need to do whatever it is they need to do in order to come back and be re-elected. Yes. And so, if

they need to, you know, distance themselves, then that's what they need to do.

RAJU (voice-over): Yet some, like Congressman Jerry Nadler, now say they are on board with Biden, despite privately calling for a change on Sunday.

REP. JERRY NADLER (D-NY): He made very clear he's going to run. He's got an excellent record, one of the most existential presidents of the last

century. Trump would be an absolute disaster for democracy. So, I'm enthusiastically supporting Biden.

RAJU: What did you say on that call on Sunday?

NADLER: I'm not going to comment on what I said on a private call.

RAJU (voice-over): Several Democrats pointedly refused to say if they supported keeping Biden atop the ticket.

RAJU: Mr. Colvin (ph), do you support keeping Biden as your nominee?


RAJU: Do you support keeping Biden at the top of the ticket?


RAJU: Do you think that Biden should stay as your nominee?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love that tie.

RAJU (voice-over): Biden has won strong support from senior members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

REP. MAXINE WATERS (D-CA): All I can tell you is I am a big supporter of Biden.

RAJU: But what about the people who believe that he's going to lose?

WATERS: I am going to work as hard as I can for him. Biden is going to win. The team Biden-Harris is going to win, win, win.

RAJU (voice-over): In the Senate, Democrats like Patty Murray, raising deep concerns about Biden's viability. While some standing firmly by him,

including Bob Casey, facing a tight race in Battleground, Pennsylvania.

RAJU: Do you support keeping Biden at the top of the ticket?

SEN. BOB CASEY, (D-PA): Well, I've said so numerous times. You heard my remarks over a week ago in Scranton.

RAJU: The other concern is that he could sink vulnerable Democrats like yourself. What do you say to that?

CASEY: I'll leave that to the pundits.

RAJU (voice-over): Following an intense afternoon meeting with Senate Democrats, Chuck Schumer, the Senate majority leader, would only say this

about Biden.

SEN. CHUCK SCHUMER (D-NY): I'm with Joe. I'm with Joe. As I've said before, I'm with Joe.



CHATTERLEY: Now, while many Democrats hope to turn the page and begin focusing attention squarely on defeating Donald Trump others continue to

call for Biden to step aside for the good of the party Joining us now Rosa Brooks and Ted Dintersmith the authors of an op-ed in USA Today that says

President Biden is "manifestly no longer fit to run." They're proposing a unique dignified and star-studded way for Democrats to choose a new

candidate that they say can reinvigorate the party.

Welcome to the show both of you. We're 12 days out from that debate performance and there's been a lot of attempts by the president and those

around him to push back and say, look, he's still fit to do this. Has any of what you've seen, and we can call it spin or otherwise, Rosa, I'll begin

with you, changed your mind about his fitness.

ROSA BROOKS, GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY LAW PROFESSOR: Unfortunately, no. And I wasn't -- I've been a strong defender of President Biden. I was a volunteer

with his 2020 campaign and I have been in small group settings with him. And for the last four years when anyone said, you know, he's losing it, I

said, don't be ridiculous. You know, he's a politician. He's got his verbal gaps. That's always been true, but he is absolutely fine.

The debate shocked me. It clearly shocked the American public I think this weird storyline of it's not fair. The elites are being mean to him. It's

got it completely backwards. The elites here are catching up to the American public, which has been expressing concerns about him for some

time. So, unfortunately, no, I think nothing that has happened has done anything other than underscore the deep, deep challenge we have.

The only thing I'd quibble with is your framing that some people want to focus on making sure Donald Trump doesn't get into the White House and some

people want to talk about Joe Biden. We're talking about having Biden step down because we think that is absolutely critical to maximizing the

Democrats chance for beating Donald Trump, which is absolutely I think everybody's top priority.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, you're saying they're not mutually exclusive, which I think is an important point from the op-ed indeed. Ted, what about you in

terms of changing your mind? What you asked for in the op-ed is an act of "selfless statesmanship," just simply to tell voters that he's willing to

pass on the torch. Do you think he's capable of that? Because what we've heard is that he's -- he needs to hear it from the "Lord Almighty."

TED DINTERSMITH, VENTURE CAPITALIST: Yes, and we're hardly in that category. Is he capable -- he's a very loyal patriotic individual with the

distinguished track record. But my sense is that if he and those closest to him really sat down and talk this through, if they read what we had

offered, that he might look at this and say the right thing to do for him, his legacy, the country, and the world is to step down.

And the thing we've really tried to do is to not say, this is not the right option, and say, but nothing else is very good. What we've put on the table

is something that uniform. We're just getting incredible enthusiasm about something that would energize voters across America, present a dynamic

slate of younger, you know, forward-thinking leaders, and give us a real chance to win the election, you know.

And if -- honestly, if Biden we're sitting in a great position in the polls relative to a convicted felon who will deliver a wrecking ball to our

democracy, you know, he could have drooled applesauce during that debate and we wouldn't be saying anything. You know, the reality is the polling

numbers are not encouraging and it's just not OK to roll the dice and hope that the democracy and free world, you know, come out on top with that.

CHATTERLEY: Ted, I hope you would have said something even if the opposite candidate wasn't Donald Trump in that case quite frankly. But I want to

remind our viewers, I'll tell our viewers what your sort of plan is. You talk about a sort of blitz primary where you come up with six candidates,

and that includes vice president, with her blessing, by the way.

Because you do make a good point in the article, which is she shouldn't just be handed this, she should have to win this and fight for this in the

same way, which I think is an important point. But you have the idea of perhaps Oprah Winfrey hosting town halls and things. I think the greatest

amount of criticism about your idea, which I agree, is sparkly, is that there simply isn't time and that's part of the fear factor of seeing

President Biden step aside at this moment.

Rosa, give us the justification for that argument that there isn't time, even for what you're talking about even if they liked it.

BROOKS: It's just -- that's such a bizarre claim. Of course, there's time. You know, if the French and the British can organize elections in a few

short weeks, I think we can manage to do this in the six weeks running up to the Democratic Convention, which -- and then, there's still several

months between that and actually election day. So, of course there's time. There's absolutely time.

In fact, it's not even too late until the end of the Democratic Convention. Although, if we can start this process within the next week or so that, you

know, it gives whoever eventually emerges much more of a running start. It doesn't -- you know, if we wait until the convention, it's going to put

whoever emerges at a huge disadvantage because, potentially, suddenly, they're struggling to climb out from a hole.


I mean, this is not that complicated. It really isn't. And I think -- I don't -- I'm actually quite genuinely sort of baffled by why this seems to

be so hard for so many Democratic leaders to grasp that we have time, we can do this, we can do it in a way that actually makes Americans, including

independents and many of the Republicans who are very unhappy with Donald Trump, it -- you know, we can do this in a way that actually makes them

feel excited and engaged, that brings younger voters back in to the party.

You know, we can turn this into something that is not just the second-best option or the best of a bunch of bad options. We actually have a great

opportunity here to really reinvigorate the Democratic Party in a generational way, but they have to get out of their own way and take this.

CHATTERLEY: I will balance that up slightly by saying sadly the French and the Brits, and I speak from my own country, have plenty of experience in

lots of elections and having to get organized very quickly and the smaller countries. But I think your point is made.

Ted, can I make a question speaking as a business journalist about money here? Do you think he can afford to step down? I mean, he's been a career

politician. She's a teacher. They've got used to a very expensive lifestyle in what they have. Traditionally, you get a pretty rubbish pension as a

former president, but you do lots of wildly expensive speeches and perhaps you write a book and you fund your lifestyle.

But based on perhaps the criticisms that are being made of the president now, that might not be an option. So, one of the considerations here is

financial. That it's too costly to step down. Can that be solved by some of the big Democratic donors perhaps in sort of paying him to get out of the


DINTERSMITH: I would bet in the considerations on his mind about whether to step down finances is number 512. You know, you stepped out -- look at

Barack Obama. He steps down, he gets over $100 million deal from Netflix. He gets, you know, tens of millions of dollars of book deals. Speaking fees

are a million dollars. You actually make a lot more money.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, but we're saying this president might not be capable of that.

DINTERSMITH: Absolutely. He would -- you know, you can get ghostwriters to help with the book. He would make quite a bit more money once he stepped

down than staying in office. So, that's not driving. He's not a financially oriented individual either. He's deeply patriotic. It's not looking at this

the right way.

CHATTERLEY: Do you think the president --

BROOKS: The one thing I will say --

CHATTERLEY: Go on, Rosa. I was just going to ask, do you think President Trump wins? If he doesn't step down, does President Trump win -- Former

President Trump?

BROOKS: I don't think there's anything inevitable. I mean, I think there are millions of Americans like me and Ted who will -- at the end of the

day, will rally around the Democratic ticket, whoever is on it, because Trump, we do see as an existential threat to Democratic institutions and

the rule of law, you know, and we would vote for a dead sloth over Donald Trump, because at least the sloth is not going to try to destroy almost 250

years of American democracy where Trump will.

So, I actually think it's not impossible that Joe Biden -- a Joe Biden-led ticket still is elected in November. But, you know, it's the difference

between going up a hill, carrying, you know, 100-pound of rocks in your backpack versus being not weighted down. He's weighing down the ticket.

Every single poll shows that. The most -- the latest batch of polls are even more devastating for Biden.

There is no question that the Democrats have a better chance with somebody else at the head of the ticket. And I think the tragedy here, you know, I,

like millions of people, have had the very painful experience of having to tell a beloved family member, it's not safe for you to drive anymore. And

the problem is that when people are experiencing that kind of cognitive decline, their self-awareness and their judgment goes too, frankly, you

know. And they don't tend to respond by saying, you know, you're right. That's a fair point. They respond by feeling much of the time defensive and

angry. And I think that is unfortunately what we are seeing from the White House.

I am saddened to see it extending to his inner circle as well, as well as from the President himself. Because I think this is the point where people

have to say, sir, this isn't about you. This is not about you. This is about the good of the country.

CHATTERLEY: Ted, very quickly, because I have 30 seconds. Do you think he's getting the truth? Do you think he's willing to listen to the truth?

DINTERSMITH: It doesn't appear so, that's for sure. And when he is presented with evidence about the polling numbers and the approval rates

and the trend lines, his answer is, I don't believe it. And I'm sure that's a natural response, but at some point, I think those closest to him that he

really trusts need to put their arm around him, giving a great big hug and say, it's not what we want to hear, but it is what's happening.

CHATTERLEY: Rosa, I think you get the quote of the interview, which is, we would vote for a dead sloth over Trump. Thank you, guys, for saying

something of where we are. Great to get your insights.

DINTERSMITH: Yes, 2028 candidate, yes.

CHATTERLEY: Yes, exactly, wake me up when it's over. Thank you, guys. I appreciate your time.


All right. Straight ahead, a real-life "Top Gun," the U.S. Air Force giving CNN exclusive access to its mighty AC-130, helping keep the peace on the

Korean Peninsula.

And carriers with no barriers, Delta and Riyadh Air announcing a brand-new partnership to enhance the travel experience between the U.S. and Saudi

Arabia. I'll speak to the CEOs of both airlines. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move." Tuesday, turbulence on Wall Street and Fed Chair chatter topping today's "Money Move."

U.S. stocks finishing a pretty volatile session. Little change, but it was enough to propel the S&P and the NASDAQ to fresh record highs once again.

It happened as Fed Chair Jay Powell told a congressional hearing that the U.S. Central Bank continues to make progress on bringing inflation down.

And in a marked change in tone, he's now highlighting the risks of keeping rates too high for too long.

Red arrows too across the board in Europe, shares of U.K. oil giant BP falling more than 4 percent after a profit warning and that put pressure on

the FTSE 100. French stocks falling 1.5 percent too amid the country's post-election political uncertainty.

Though the good news is it was a positive day in Asia. Big gains for the Shanghai Composite, the Nikkei rising almost 2 percent too and hitting its

first record high in months.

Now, from record setting stocks to a record-breaking storm. The U.S. still dealing with the remnants of Hurricane Beryl. The storm was the strongest

ever to form this early in the season. For more on this, we're joined by Chad Myers. The question is, Chad, can we garner anything about what we saw

with Beryl and push forward to what the outlook is perhaps for the rest of the season?

CHAD MYERS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Not really. But the next two weeks look very, very good. The next two weeks really don't look like we have anything

significant in the water that would make another storm like this for sure. After that, there's no telling, obviously, right?

But we still have this now on the ground, the low-pressure center itself, just a remnant of Beryl, but it has a tornado potential tonight. And there

have been tornadoes on the ground today in places like Indiana, Illinois, and Kentucky. And so, yes, that threat is still there right now.

We know that there's been damage and injuries with some of these tornadoes. They are usually small and brief, but today, they've been a little stronger

than expected with just a land falling, tropical nothing now that it's just a remnant low. But there it goes on up into Ontario eventually even toward

Atlantic Canada There will be some rainfall with it as well.


They would like some rainfall here in Houston, but they're not going to get it. 1.9 million people without power and the heat index right now feels

like 103 degrees. So, yes, almost 40 degrees Celsius with that heat index. And even Port Lavaca at 108 Fahrenheit.

The big heat though is still out west. And this is going to be the story, it's going to be the story for really the rest of the week. Still, we're

going to get to 97 in D.C. or so tomorrow. But the big numbers, the triple digit numbers, as we call them here in Fahrenheit, will be out toward the


Look at Palm Springs, 122 degrees yesterday. And Phoenix, Arizona was 118. These are current temperatures. Seattle 94. That's not supposed to happen.

Temperatures all the way down toward Central California, above 110, which is close to 45. You know, I mean, we're pushing 50 in some of these places

here. Look at Needles, California, 118 Fahrenheit. Vegas today, 113.

On Monday, it was even warmer than that. And we're going to have some warm days coming in a row, all well above 110 in most of these places, Julia.

CHATTERLEY: Wow. I have to admit, I missed a lot of that because I fell off my chair when you told me that the next two weeks are going to be very,

very good because you never have good news. Thank you.

MYERS: I never have good news.

CHATTERLEY: Great to chat to you. I know people there have to stay cool. That's the message today. Thanks, Chad. We'll be right back. Stay with us.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back to "First Move" with a look at more international headlines this hour. President Biden announcing new air defense systems for

Ukraine at the opening meet of the NATO Summit. He declared that NATO is more powerful than ever in a speech closely watched by world leaders and

U.S. voters. He finished his remarks by giving the Presidential Medal of Freedom to NATO's outgoing Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.


And just moments ago, a jury has been seated in Alec Baldwin's trial in New Mexico for involuntary manslaughter. He's been charged for the fatal

shooting of a cinematographer on the set of the film "Rust." Baldwin has pleaded not guilty.

The U.S. Air Force is rolling out its big guns to help keep the peace in the Korean Peninsula. Officials granting CNN exclusive access to a joint

U.S.-South Korean training mission featuring their so-called Cannon in the Sky. Mike Valerio got a chance to see it in action, and has this.


MIKE VALERIO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's one of the latest unmistakable displays of U.S. firepower high above the Korean Peninsula.

America's biggest gun in the sky found on board a U.S. Air Force. AC-130J, the Ghost Rider.

It's a 105-millimeter howitzer cannon loaded in a matter of seconds with brass 43-pound shells. Powerhouse percussion. Part of a strategic symphony

between the U.S. and South Korean militaries.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stand by for your game plan.

VALERIO (voice-over): U.S. Air Force Special Operations Command granted CNN unprecedented access inside the Ghost Rider. And what we witnessed,

Americans in the air talking to Korean service members on the ground, some of them working together for the first time, spotting practice targets

below and opening fire.

VALERIO: We're a few minutes into the plane. Can you talk to us about what is going to happen and what we're looking at here?

JOE GIPSON, U.S. AIR FORCE AC-130 LEAD AERIAL GUNNER: Absolutely. So, right back here, what we have is our 105-millimeter howitzer. So, we're rolling

into our live fire range over South Korea right now.

VALERIO (voice-over): Today is a training mission, so there are smaller, low yield explosions. But the sound, heard thousands of feet away, is

echoing thunder.

VALERIO: Why is it important to have an AC-130?

VALERIO (voice-over): On the ground, we spoke with Major Josh Burris, once an accountant, now mission commander.

VALERIO: And why is it key to have an aircraft like the AC-130 able to deploy here to Korea as quickly as possible?

MAJOR JOSH BURRIS, U.S. AIR FORCE AC-130J MISSION COMMANDER: The unique thing about the AC-130 is the amount of fires that we bring, the amount of

munitions, the diverse amount of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Consent in the box.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Next setting, 070, got you.

VALERIO (voice-over): The Air Force says its continued message here is deterrence. And with this aircraft, power.

VALERIO: So, when the cannon starts to open fire, the tail where I'm standing recoils a full six feet this way. You know, your heart really

skips a beat, when this all starts to happen. And the entire plane feels it.

VALERIO (voice-over): The Ghost Rider, just one piece of the U.S.-Korean strategic symphony, as the tempo of these exercises continues, and North

Korea watches across the horizon.

Mike Valerio, CNN, Osan Air Base, South Korea.


CHATTERLEY: OK. And coming up for us, a sky-high marriage of convenience. The joining together of Delta Airlines, the U.S. legacy carrier, and Riyadh

Air, the new airline for Saudi Arabia. Both CEOs telling me about the benefits of their partnership for both them and, of course, the travelers.




ED BASTIAN, CEO, DELTA AIR LINES: Congratulations. Welcome to the family.


CHATTERLEY: A partnership made in heaven or at least 37,000 feet, that's what the CEOs of Delta Airlines and the newly formed Saudi carrier Air

Riyadh believe. The two signing an exclusive to expand connectivity and travel options for passengers heading between North America, the Kingdom of

Saudi Arabia and beyond.

Now, with the launch date set for the middle of next year, this really is a case of the new kid on the block coming together with a legacy carrier,

which actually is about to celebrate its 100th birthday next year. And both CEOs say they'll be learning from each other along the way. And that means

trading experiences when it comes to things like digital offerings and A.I.

And add to that a sprinkle of little haute couture from Riyadh Air that certainly caught my eye. Before we hear from the CEO, Tony Douglas, I began

by asking Delta's Ed Bastian about the benefits of this partnership.


BASTIAN: It's a been a long time coming. We've been looking for just the right partner for many, many years. What Riyadh Air is creating, even

though they're not in flight yet, but they will be soon, is the premier service model between the kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the world, including

North America to Delta.

And what we'll be doing on our end is an opportunity to bring U.S. travelers, U.S. business travelers, U.S. leisure travel, which continues to

grow, and the demand is very, very strong for experiences around the world to the kingdom.

TONY DOUGLAS, CEO, RIYADH AIR: We're super excited about this long-term relationship that we've signed today with Delta, obviously connectivity

into North America for Saudi travelers. But importantly, connecting the world into the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The tourism agenda there, the investment is nothing short of exceptional. And of course, there is an overarching economic diversification strategy,

and a big enabler to that is better connectivity. I made it quite clear that we didn't want to engage in one of the three alliances, but what we

did want to do is get the benefit of wisdom, to get the benefits of capability to accelerate our growth. And again, Delta, as far as I'm

concerned, this is a marriage made in heaven.

CHATTERLEY: It's an interesting marriage. You know, a lot of the challenges in particular too. What -- and you say this in the press release that you

announced that this is about enhancing competition. You kind of got stiff competition in the likes of Etihad, Emirates, and Qatar. What does it mean

for competition?

BASTIAN: We are not shy about looking to compete. We'll compete with any airline in the world, and we consider ourselves one of the finest airlines

in the world. And what we don't have at present in the region is a partner.

We've had opportunities, of course, to look at other relationships. But the thing that's unique about this is that the entire kingdom actually has a

real population base, of 35 million Saudis. It is an economic powerhouse. It is in the top 20 economies in the world, and it's the fastest growing

economy in the world. With the GDP, that's a multiple of what either the GDP of Dubai or Doha is for Riyadh itself.

So, everything that you look at in terms of the future, and thank you for that advanced birthday wish as we turn 100 years old next year, is looking

out to the future. Where do we need to be? And the Middle East is a white spot for us, but no longer. And we'll be launching direct flights from the

U.S. to Riyadh sometime in the next 12 to 18 months.

CHATTERLEY: It's a tight timeline. It also requires an exacting delivery on planes as much as anything else. Just talk to us about what's got to go

right and what can't go wrong between now and when you begin the launch in what the second quarter of next year, certainly by the middle of half of


DOUGLAS: We don't have a plan B because, of course, we can't extend leases. We don't have any. We can't change our network around. We don't have any.


So, we're working very close with our partners in the supply chain. We've taken into account some of the delivery delays that they've got, but we're

confident we'll start flying in summer of 2025. And as you said before, the thing that's so romantic about that as well is it's the time when Delta

become 100 years old.

CHATTERLEY: The romance of it. And to what Tony was saying there about some of the challenges with supply. Obviously, I'm Boeing, we heard this week

that they're going to plead guilty for fraud with the Department of Justice tied to the two max jets that crashed. Obviously, the family is still very

angry. Those that were lost in those crashes. We spoke to the daughter of one of the victims who had died in the crash, and she said, look, this is

not good enough for her. There's no accountability with this pleading of guilty and she wanted more.

Trust is a hard thing to get back once you've lost it. And obviously, Boeing's an intrinsic partner for you both at this stage. And how do you

explain your comfort and how you continue to maintain trust in such a close partner, such as Boeing?

BASTIAN: Delta has never taken the MAX, which is the plane that you mentioned, Julia. And we've decided not to take it. Not for the reasons of

safety. We made these decisions many years ago. And we preferred the Airbus model. And that's what we've been taking.

At some point in time, we ask ourselves that same question, how do we regain the trust and the confidence and the successful certification of the

MAX going forward? The MAX 10, which is that next model, which isn't out yet, is the plane that Delta hopes to take at some point in the future. But

we will not take that plane until we have absolute confidence and certainty that we understand everything there is to know about the safety and the

features of that plane. And it won't be in the sky on a Delta livery for some years to come.

DOUGLAS: As Ed said, we watch with great interest because we need absolute assurance in terms of performance and of course, safety. That's the

foundation of the whole of our industry.

CHATTERLEY: And I want to talk about happier subjects too. Tony, I know you've done this deal with Artifact as well. And you mentioned it being a

digitally native operation that you're planning to run. What difference is A.I. going to make to the customer experience when those flights start


DOUGLAS: Towards the back end of this year, we'll release, in the public domain, our version 1.0 of what that digital native airline looks like. And

what would you expect? I put it to you like this, probably more in common with the experience you'd see with Amazon or with Airbnb or with Spotify.

In other words, how modern online order offer that's profiled to enhance your experience with A.I.

It's around us in everyday use at the moment, not as available within commercial aviation. And of course, for us, put quite simply, we could have

either have been the last airline to establish ourselves in the conventional way or the first airline to become a true digital native.

CHATTERLEY: Now, I have to ask you about the uniforms. It's very important, obviously, to understand the mechanics of how these planes fly and how the

airline's going to work. But we have to talk about the uniforms, because it was, Tony, like a catwalk, actually, watching what some of these aircrew

are going to be wearing. Did you see the catwalk?

BASTIAN: It was fabulous. And actually, it had a little bit of a hint of Delta's passport plum, which the Delta crew wear today.

CHATTERLEY: Are you accusing him of copying, Ed?

BASTIAN: No, no, no. Tony took it to a whole new level. It's a great look. It's a great look.

CHATTERLEY: It's a great breakfast at Tiffany's for the women. Tony, you have to tell us, like, what was the inspiration? Where did this come from?

Because I have to say, I'd be offering to, you know, steal one of these outfits, leaving a plane in future. They're really quite cool.

DOUGLAS: Some of my favorites are back from the '60s. And that was very much the inspiration, kind of catch me if you can, DiCaprio goes through an

airport terminal and they stand out in the crowd. People want to look at them because it's beauty, it's beautiful, it's glamour, it's refinement,

but we wanted to have it with a real modernistic twist, which speaks to what the kingdom of Saudi Arabia is all about.

It's a young population, a young population that loves fashion and loves technology. And we've actually copyrighted the color, electric amethysts.

We feel that it looks absolutely outstanding. But as Ed said, it's another one of those nice little connections because it's got a huge similarity to

one of the beautiful colors that the Delta cabin crew wear as well.


So, catch us if you can. Obviously, it's a bit of a theme that went in there, and we're very, very pleased with the look.


CHATTERLEY: Catch us if you can. All right. Coming up next, La Roja, Rejoice, Spain are through to the finals of the Euros after a thrilling win

over France. All the action, next.


CHATTERLEY: Welcome back. A sensational Spain overpowering France to book their place in the final of the Euros, and they've made history to boot.

Spain's Lamine Yamal becoming the youngest goal scorer in men's European Championship history at the tender age of just 16 years old. France scored

first, but the Spaniards pushed back for the 2-1 win. Don Riddell is here with more on what was a thrilling, thrilling match.

DON RIDDELL, CNN WORLD SPORT: Yes, it really was. Great game, great action, great storylines too. Let's show you how it all unfolded. As you say,

France going ahead, Julia, in this one. And it was an early goal too. Their captain, Kylian Mbappe, teeing up Randall Kolo Muani. Brilliant assist,

good header. France ahead after, I think it was just about nine minutes.

But their lead didn't last long. And what happened next is the thing that everybody is talking about. Lamine Yamal, an incredible young player who

just seems to be getting better by the minute. And that goal was absolutely sensational. He's had a few assists in the tournament. That was his first

goal. Not only was it an amazing goal, but that makes him the youngest scorer in the history of the European Championship tournament. He's 16.

He's going to turn 17 on Saturday. The next day, his team will be playing in the final because of that goal from Dani Olmo. Just absolutely


Spain are now going to be playing either England or the Netherlands, those two play in the second semifinal on Wednesday night. And if you're

wondering where Lamine Yamal gets all his talent from. Well, as I say, we've been looking at him for the last year or so since he burst onto the

scene. He's getting better and better and better. This photograph, or a series of photographs, have just emerged in the last few days. And that is

Lionel Messi, when he was 20, with a five-month-old baby for a photo shoot. And that little baby grew up to be Lamine Yamal. It is just an absolutely

extraordinary coincidence.

It just must be millions and millions and millions to one that these two would be in an image together and they would both go on to be amazing

footballers. Of course, Messi was already very established at this point. He'd already won titles with Barcelona, but he wasn't anything like the

player he is now, arguably the greatest of all time.

And Yamal seems to be on a very similar trajectory, albeit that he's still 16 years of age. I've actually spoken to the photographer that took this

photo. We're going to be doing that story properly later in the week. But we thought we should bring it up now because Yamal just is stealing all the

headlines now.


CHATTERLEY: Yes, I can't wait to get more details. Don, we'll talk to you later on in the week. I mean, that was what, 15 and a half years ago.

That's pretty insane. He was born to be a star, clearly.

RIDDELL: Absolutely, yes.

CHATTERLEY: Great to have you with us. Thank you. Don Riddell there. And finally, our "First Move," something that sounds like it came straight out

of the movie, "Anchorman." There's been a bit of panda-monium going on at the San Diego Zoo. It's just released the first photos of two giant pandas

on loan from China. Yun Chuan and Xin Bao arrived in California near the end of last month and have been acclimating behind the scenes. Once they've

given the all clear, visitors will be able to see them.

The five-year-old male and nearly four-year-old female are the first giant pandas to enter the United States in 21 years. Very cute. Look at that.

Pandas and babies. Can't get better than that.

And that just about wraps up the show. Thank you for joining us. We'll see you tomorrow.