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First of All with Victor Blackwell

"BBL Drizzy" Creator On Viral Song Putting A.I. Music In Spotlight; Biden Fights To Save Campaign: "I Know How To Do This Job"; Biden Acknowledges Weak Debate Performance Amid Questions Over Whether He'll Stay In Race; Undecided Voters: The Prize For Both Campaigns Following CNN Debate; Biden, Trump Touted Economic Message When Asked About Black Support; Impact of Undecided Voters. Aired 8-9a ET

Aired June 29, 2024 - 08:00   ET



VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: A.I. songs, so we will have that for you as well.

ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: All right. A lot going on in BBL Drizzy, I heard.

BLACKWELL: Yes. BBL Drizzy is one of the famous tracks and we'll talk about that. Thanks, Isabel.

ROSALES: All right. Thank you, Victor.

BLACKWELL: All right. Let's do it right now.

Well, first of all, I'm just happy to be here, my good black job. We'll get into that in a bit from the debate. But think about this, that bizarre riff on black jobs and Hispanic jobs 20 years ago, really might have been the consequential moment of the debate. It wasn't this week, and we did expect former President Trump to lie. That's what he does at every debate and rally and interview by CNNs count. He said more than 30 Things are not true during that debate.

President Biden nine false claims in lies and even after facing a twice impeach former president convicted felon, it's President Biden, who's having to make clear that he will stay in the race. Our colleagues covering the White House and campaign report advisors have been calling Democratic members of Congress donors are the key supporters to reassure them post the bake their message essentially do not panic. The president can still do the job. There is still a long way to go until the election. The President Biden certainly has to convince the big donors at fundraisers in New York, in New Jersey today. And this might help.

Here he is stronger, more coherent in North Carolina on Friday.


JOE BIDEN, USA PRESIDENT: I'm on (inaudible) position I used to. I don't speak as smoothly as I used to. I don't do bad debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know. I know. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. And I know how to get things done. I know like millions of Americans know when you get knocked down to get back.


BLACKWELL: Still, there are some Democrats and pundits like the New York Times editorial board, they say it is time to look for a different candidate to top the ticket. Here's our vice president Kamala Harris, push back on that.


KAMALA HARRIS, VICE PRESIDENT OF USA: Yes, there was a slow start, but it was a strong finish. And what became very clear through the course of the night is that Joe Biden is fighting on behalf of the American people, on substance, on policy on performance. Joe Biden is extraordinarily strong, and that that cannot be debated.


BLACKWELL: One of the President's top supporters, Congressman Jim Clyburn of South Carolina put it this way, watch.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you say to the Democrats who are saying Biden should quit after that?

REP. JAMES CLYBURN, (D) SOUTH CAROLINA: Stay the course. Chill out. Chill out.


BLACKWELL: Chill out, he says. Trump meanwhile is taking a victory lap. He said at a campaign rally in Virginia yesterday that incompetence, not age is Biden's real issue. Here with me in the studio, Georgia State Senator Nabilah Islam Parkes a Democrat and Kelvin King who ran in the 2022, U.S. Senate Republican Primary here in Georgia. He's now Chairman of the Let's Win For America Action Pack. Welcome to you both.

Senator, let me start with you. Democrats are very clear about the threat that they say former President Trump presents on reproductive rights on the economy on democracy. If it is as the challenge is as enormous as it is, is President Biden, the strongest candidate for Democrats?

NABILAH ISLAM PARKES, (D) GEORGIA STATE SENATE: Look, I'll say this. That debate performance was not what we wanted. That's not what Democrats wanted. But I will say that, that debate performance should not define whether or not you know he's going to be able to win this election. I think that Joe Biden still has an opportunity to win this election and defeat Donald Trump like he did four years ago.

I mean, when we look at debates, President Obama brought up the fact that he didn't have a strong debate against Mitt Romney six weeks before his election and people thought he was going to lose John Fetterman. He didn't have a great debate against us, and people thought he was going to lose. So I still feel like Joe Biden right now is the strongest candidate to defeat Donald Trump in November.

BLACKWELL: And he believes he is he says he's not getting it again and get -- getting out. He is going to win this election. He says, Let me ask you for Republicans. Do they want another person at the top of the Democratic ticket? What do you think?

KELVIN KING, (R) FORMER U.S. SENATE CANDIDATE: Well, right now, I think the Republican Party are looking at this this debate clearly, that is the Democratic Party. They're reeling right now. The damage has already been done. And this candidate and Joe Biden is a flaw A candidate in terms of running to be our next president United States. So the Democratic Party right now has to go back and figure out, can this candidate carry the democratic flag through the finish line?


And I think a lot of Democrats a lot of high level Democrats are thinking no right now, and they're trying to figure out what are their options? And the options look bleak. So of course, you're going to hear Clyburn talking -- Clyburn talking about no stay the course or chill out, because they don't know what to do at this point. And Republicans, we should follow Clyburn's advice. Let's stay the course. Let's stay on point on message. President Trump and that debate, later on, he was a little, you know, lost a little composure, but he started out that debate unlike typical debates from President Trump. He was composed, and he allowed Biden to flounder. And that should be our strategy going forward.

BLACKWELL: You know, it was interesting, because there was an expectation there will be an attempt by former President Trump to interrupt and to jump in. And we did not see that from him early on for the first hour or so of the debate. But he did make a lot of statements that were not true. I'm going to come back to those on the fact checking there. But the Biden administration, the Biden campaign, I should say, asked for this debate. They wanted it in June. And I'm wondering if, if that's a good or a bad thing, because if this had happened in September, there might not have been any way to recover if it happened that late.

What do you think that is? Was it a strategic decision that works in the benefit of the campaign to have this if it had to happen in June and not in the fall?

PARKES: Look, I think it's great that our president is engaging with the public. With that being said the election is in November. And so this is our first election in the month of June. We're five months away. There's going to be another debate in September, right before people start early voting. I think that President Biden has many opportunities to engage with folks.

As we saw that North Carolina rally, he was on fire. He even you know, was very -- there was humility in what he said. He was like, look, I'm not as great as a debater that I used to be. But he told the truth on election night. I mean, at the at the presidential debate, whereas Donald Trump lied for two hours being a liar does not make you a winner of a debate.

BLACKWELL: Let's play what are those? This is the former president talking about Democrats policies on abortion.

Okay, we don't have that soundbite. Let me ask you, the former president does not will not commit to accepting the results of the election. You live and work here in Georgia. You know what that meant here? You know what it meant for Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss? What's your reaction to the President still, not only telling the 2020 lie, but setting up for potentially a 2024 lie?

KING: I think he's walking a tight rope when it comes to that that particular topic, because right now, the Republican Party in the far right side, they have coalesced around President Trump. But that's not enough to win, right? So President Trump has to get the disenchanted Republican parties, some people call them the Nikki Haley, Republicans back on track back on our side. He also has to pull the middle, right? Weak dams, independents swing voters.

So rehashing the 2020 election is not going to win that middle those voters that I just described. So we're going to have to move past that. Not comments that, you know, you're not sure if you can move past or the outcome of the election? I don't know about that. I don't think it's smart to talk about challenging the outcome of the elections at this point. I think that it's in Georgia, it's a very sensitive topic. And our governor has done a good job of putting policies in place to make sure that anybody who wants to vote, can vote, and our last election went without a hitch.

So putting that out in the atmosphere, it's probably not the most ideal strategy. But I understand the tightrope that President Trump is having to walk to maintain the base and to pull in new Republican voters.

BLACKWELL: So let me stay with you and Republicans are now making a pitch to Arab American voters in Michigan, after so many are just disenchanted with the Biden administration's handling of Israel's war with Hamas. Do we have that soundbite we can play? Former President Trump here's what he said. The former president about President Biden's policies as relates to Israel.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: As far as Israel and Hamas, Israel is the one that wants to go he said the only one who wants to keep going is Hamas. Actually Israel is the one and you should let him go and let him finish the job. He doesn't want to do it he's become like a Palestinian but they don't like him because he's a very bad Palestinian he's a weak one.


[08:10:08] BLACKWELL: How does using Palestinian as an epithet as, as a mark of shame, in a debate, ingratiate yourself to a community trying to win? I can't imagine that gets him any closer to winning any of those votes.

KING: Right. I agree. You know, President Trump is known as someone that's a little bit looser with his tongue and he may make flippant remarks from time to time. And that is something that voters are going to have to kind of evaluate. There's some voters that can't get over that. And I understand that. And that's why I use the analogy that President Trump's challenge is to maintain enough support or voters that's going to show up on election day, and pull the lever for the Republican Party like that's his challenge, and ensuring that the messaging is clear, ensuring that no community feels like they're being discriminated upon or talk negatively about.

BLACKWELL: Like black jobs.

KING: Or we can talk a little bit about black jobs. What we do know is that results are true are proven with President Trump. Sometimes their rhetoric may not feel all that great, but the results are pretty solid. So when he does say things like black jobs and Hispanic jobs, it's not a well thought through comment. And I got to say, it's a flippant remark or loose at the lips. But the truth is, black unemployment was at the lowest level under President Trump's administration.

BLACKWELL: Black unemployment was at the lowest level under the Biden administration and 4.8% in 2023.

KING: Yeah, yeah.

BLACKWELL: 2023 being in the Biden administration.

KING: It continue -- it continues to be strong. Now, but you can't disagree that it started under the Trump administration with the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and some of the regulation that he pulled back (inaudible) that entirety of that for.

BLACKWELL: But it just simply, it simply is not perfect. I can hear you say that it was at the lowest under the Trump administration. But it wasn't. It was the lowest it's ever been is during the Biden administration at 4.8% in 2023. Last thing for you, the President went after his former President Trump's weight, height, golf swing, has the democratic mantra of when they go low, we go high died. Is that era over for Democrats?

PARKES: I did want to just respond real quick to what we talked about. Words matter and Donald Trump, it says a lot of flippant comments and using the you know, calling President Biden Palestinian as a slur is not going to win over Arab American voters. With that being said, you know, this is one issue that I do disagree on and how the Biden administration has handled the conflict in Palestine and Israel, we need to do more, we need to ask for a permanent ceasefire, as we have but also hold Netanyahu accountable for blocking it. We need substantial resources invested in rehabilitating and in

reconstruction of Gaza, and humanitarian aid. With that being said, Donald Trump is now going around calling Palestinians as a slur. I mean, that he's not, you know, going to work with most of the Arab and Muslim communities when it comes to Gaza, the issue in Gaza in the West Bank. And so and back to your question about, you know, have you heard this, politics is a contact sport, okay. And so this is a zero sum game. And I we cannot afford to have four more years of a Donald Trump presidency.

We all remember it was chaotic. And that's why I'm supporting Joe Biden, because he's delivered for our families. And I want to see more progress on his part when it comes to the issues that matter to my diverse constituents in my Senate district, which is a swing district, and those are the voters that will make up the margin of winning Georgia in 2024.

BLACKWELL: Senator, Kelvin, thank you both. All right. The performance of President Biden and former President Trump has third party candidates may be seeing an opening. But is there a viable third option to avoid a 2020 redo. The former governor of Puerto Rico who had to work with former President Trump after Hurricane Maria joins us to talk about that next. His answer is yes.

Plus a voter here in Georgia who back Biden in 2020 was unsure about him before the debate. Well did Thursday night disqualify the president from earning his vote again, we heard from the politicians here. It's now the voters turn that's coming up.



BLACKWELL: You know, seeing in that split screen on Thursday night some people asked Is this really the choice? Is this it? One voter described it as, oh no versus hell no. But there are other options.

Independent candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. said the debate shows the urgent need for a full reset of American politics. Cornel West to leads the justice for all party called the debate pure force attacking Trump and Biden


CORNEL WEST, THIRD-PARTY PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I didn't then have both paddles in the water. See now, flat as a pancake.


BLACKWELL: And the group No Labels which considered fielding a candidate but decided not to post it. "Can't say we didn't warn you."

Joining us now to discuss is the former governor of Puerto Rico Ricardo Rossello. He's also the author I have a new memoir out this week titled The Reformer's Dilemma And The Need For A Radical Middle. Thank you so much for being with me. [08:20:07]

First, as I said, No Labels tried. They had the money, they had the ballot positioning, they had the infrastructure and couldn't find a candidate with the gravitas to run. So why do you believe that there can be a viable, radical middle?

RICARDO "RICKY" ROSSELLO, FORMER GOVERNOR OF PUERTO RICO: Well, you just look at the numbers, Victor, and thank you for for the opportunity. Five out of six of us in the United States don't identify with either the far left or the far right. that presents a unique market opportunity. that presents a space to innovate and while others have tried to do so, I think what we're seeing right now crystallizes that need for another alternative for something that is very different. And I think it's a positioning statement, and a leadership matter.

First positioning, the middle shouldn't just be this sort of trapped center. It should be what opposes the extremes. It should be an open space where discussion can happen, where compromise that has become a dirty word recently, can happen where people can actually from different ideas sit down and the bait them. Right now, that's not what's happening. And I believe that what we're seeing in the debate and in the whole political spectrum, calls for that need, and what we need is that sort of framework. And then of course, the leadership that will rally for it.

BLACKWELL: Would you say a leader to rally for it, there are some people who are single issue voters, right? On life on reproductive rights, on guns potentially as well. On support for Israel, if we're talking about the issues of the moment, how do you find one person who can I guess, fill that overlap in the Venn diagram, but still be on one side or the other of those issues?

ROSSELLO: Because it becomes a sort of black and white type of an argument for or against, where what I'm discussing is that we should challenge that sort of discussion. We should go into the merits. In many of these cases, there is nuance behind some of these decisions. I mean, we heard the discussion on immigration. I am somebody that believes that our country is powerful and strong, because immigrants have made it powerful and strong. But that doesn't mean there shouldn't be controls, and that there shouldn't be some sort of a rationale behind it.

Now, the discussion seems to be if they're criminals or not, the discussion seems to be if we completely close or completely open. And what I think is, when we sort of limit the arguments to that sort of very high level, very shallow discussion, then we lose a lot of our problem solving capabilities. And, you know, the objective over here, Victor, I think is, as a nation, we need to recover our national talent for problem solving.

I believe we've lost that it's become everything to bumper stickers and sort of zingers and there's not a lot of traction behind it. And the unfortunate outcome in my in my view is that this polarization what provokes is a lack of action, because what one side does at one moment will be negated by the other and so forth.

BLACKWELL: Let me ask you about this debate. President Biden, as we've discussed, his voice was hoarse. He was hard to understand speech was halting, stammered and stuttered. But there were millions of people who watch this debate on Spanish language television. And they had a very different experience. So let me give you an example that the audience an example of what those viewers heard.

Fluid, not holding, not hoarse, how much of a difference do you think that makes?

ROSSELLO: Well, I think, you know, issues and policy should matter. And that was an important issue point. But unfortunately, Victor, and I heard you talk about this earlier this morning. It goes to a second or second or third level. The main discussion right now was one that was set up for this debate, which was, can President Biden look the part? Can he seem like he is in control and capable of moving forward with the country?

And unfortunately, the debate did not show that so while I understand that some people will be nuanced about the policy. Truth of the matter is number one Hispanic voters are not a monolith. we are a mosaic.


So while that might be true for some constituents, it won't be true for others. And what I think it's, again, it's the opportunity to ask ourselves, is this the right path? Should we be choosing a president? Not because we think they're the best option, but because we have fear of what the alternative might be. I think that is a frightful thought. And I think we need to reevaluate how we move forward into the future.

BLACKWELL: I'm over time, but just give me 10, 15 seconds on this, if you. Can you describe yourself as middle of left? Do you think that President Biden should stay at the top of the Democratic ticket?

ROSSELLO: Well, I think there is. It's going to be very hard for him to be removed from that ticket. He needs for a variety of reasons. One, he's not -- he's going to have to abide by that. Number two, everybody's going to have to coalesce behind another candidate and limit the infighting and number three, you know, you can't really it would be a very bad look, if you would just skip over somebody like Kamala Harris for another alternative.

So my sense is that even though there was a lot of fire, right after the debate, I think he's going to stay in the top of the ticket, but at the same time, I think there was a lot of damage done from the debate.

BLACKWELL: Former governor Ricardo Rossello, thank you so much.

ROSSELLO: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: So the most important voters watching the CNN debate where the undecided voters. Did they see who they want to support in November on that stage? I'll ask one live is with me. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


BLACKWELL: So Thursday's CNN debate was an opportunity for the Biden and Trump campaigns to reach those important undecided voters. More than 51 million people watch the debate but a CNN poll show that few were really persuaded just 5% of registered voters said the debate changed their minds about whom to vote for 81% said it had no effect at all. Joining me now is Warner Knowland, voter here in Georgia who was undecided before the debate. Thank you for being with me.

So let's start there. You were undecided before the debate, you voted for President Biden in 2020. Why leading into it where you're not sure about backing him again?

WARNER KNOWLAND, UNDECIDED VOTER: Well, honestly, I feel like you know, if you look at it, four years is a long time. So within four years, you look at it as you have national security, I'm sorry, not national here, but it's a lot that you have to take into place. And we're talking about our country. You know, we're talking about challenges that we are struggling with, you know, as a country and as citizens. So it's important to pick the best candidate that's going to lead us moving forward in the right direction.

BLACKWELL: Have you been disappointed by what you've seen from the administration in the last three and a half, four years?

KNOWLAND: I believe that we can always do better. Yes, absolutely. Yeah, we can definitely do better. I believe as a country, we can do better. And that's very important.

BLACKWELL: Oay. I'm going to play now, what the President said this was in response to a question from Dana Bash, about disappointed black voters. And we see a softening of some of that support. So let's play that.


DANA BASH, AMERICAN JOURNALIST: What do you say to black voters who are disappointed with the progress so far?

JOE BIDEN, USA PRESIDENT: I say I don't blame them for being disappointed. Inflation is still hurting them badly. For example, I provided for the idea that any black family first time homebuyers should get a $10,000 tax credit, to be able to buy their first home so they can get started. I made sure that we're in a situation where all those black families and black individuals provided had to take out student loans that were baloney. That favor gays and nursing doctors, and, and anything having to do with volunteerism. If they paid their bills for 10 years, and student debt, all the rest is forgiven after 10 years, millions have benefited from that. And we're going to do a whole lot more for black families.


BLACKWELL: Are you satisfied by that?

KNOWLAND: I believe that we can always do more, honestly. I mean, we're challenging times right now. I mean, you know, inflation is at a high. We have jobs. And I think that overall, it's important to really buckle down and see everyone's plans on both sides just to see what they plan on rolling out and to have a better country just moving forward.

BLACKWELL: Are you put off or disappointed by the President's voice strength? What did you think of his presentation?

KNOWLAND: He definitely that wasn't his best presentation by far. I believe that he definitely could have had a better presentation all around.

BLACKWELL: Did you disqualify him for you?

KNOWLAND: No, no. I think for me, the most important part is to see the plans that they have rolling out moving forward, and not just the promises on both sides, but how they're going to implement those, you know, those plans and policies moving forward so we can have a better country.

BLACKWELL: Okay. All right. Warner, thank you so much.

KNOWLAND: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Up next, reaction to what the view of undecided voters like Warner might have on the 2024 race.



BLACKWELL: Before the break we heard from an undecided voter who said that President Biden's performance was poor. Yes, but not disqualifying for him. Back with me in studio, Georgia State Senator to Nabilah Islam Parkes a Democrat and Kelvin King who ran in the 2022 U.S. Senate Republican primary here in Georgia. He's now the chairman of the Let's Win for America Action Pack.

Kevin, let me start with you. He says that yeah, not his best day. We haven't seen the polls for the battleground states but could the Republicans especially Trump over play this to their detriment?


KING: I think that's a good point. I think that undecided voter is typical. And I think that means that the Republican Party, President Trump, we've got to keep an eye on the ball. And we can't assume just because Biden floundered in this particular debate that we have in the bag. Just because a voter is not happy with that, Joe Biden doesn't mean that they're not going to vote for Joe Biden. So this week (inaudible) middle of the road independence, just because they're not happy with this debate doesn't mean that they're going to not or turn their backs on Joe Biden. It just means that Trump has to make his case.

He's got to stop the leaking of Republicans, you know, establishment Republicans, and pick up other folks in the middle back and replace those votes that he's losing the disenchanted Republicans. So keep an eye on the ball, keep pressing your message and keep earning the votes of middle and Republicans, independents and Republicans.

BLACKWELL: Senator, Warner said that, you know, we need to see the plans. We can always do better. Getting beyond rhetoric, what does the President need to present to say, here is what I am going to do for you. How do you make that case to a voter he had in 2020 who was not there yet?

PARKES: Look, I think the Biden campaign can be stronger and messaging and talking about their accomplishments and what they've done for the American people, whether it's the inflation Reduction Act, the bipartisan infrastructure bill, and among other various bills that have helped the American people.

BLACKWELL: But it sounds like he doesn't want to hear what the President has done. What are you going to do for me for the next four years?

PARKES: Sure. I think that's very important to talk about. And I think we have time to talk about that. We have the next five months. These debates are essentially for undecided voters. And I think that as long as Biden presents his plans and talks about what he wants to accomplish, in contrast to his opponent, who had -- this is a unique election. We've never like, you know, President Trump -- former President Trump, he has a he has a record. And we can play contrast to that. And we can talk about how the President Joe Biden is going to do a lot better than what Trump has already done for us.

KING: But bottom line is that gas was a business person, right? And business people understand the economy and they understand that reducing regulation, you know, reducing taxes stimulates the broad economy is broad, and it stimulates and supports small businesses like that black owned business, like my black owned business. Under the Trump administration, my business grew because I didn't have to worry about all these crazy interactions with the federal government. With the agencies, I had to fight with EPA.

So Republican and Trump messaging if as long as he stays on point, as long as he drives the message to stimulate the economy, reduce regulation, reduce taxes, he will get that middle of the road voter like that last voter who's a business owner.

BLACKWELL: Senator Nabilah Islam Parkes and Kelvin King, thank you both. Important part of Pride Month, putting a spotlight on issues impacting the LGBTQ community this morning, we're looking into a new analysis that highlights a battle that many gay Latinos are facing. That's next.


[08:52:30] BLACKWELL: A bit of a technical issue but I think we've solved it. Let's get back to the story at hand. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services years into an initiative to end the nation's HIV epidemic. According to the CDC, an estimated 1.2 million people across the U.S. had HIV in 2022. And HIV infections in the U.S. declined 12% between 2018 and 2020. But a new analysis suggests that the Latino community is experiencing a disproportionate number of new infections and diagnoses. And the southeast had the highest rate of new infections among Latinos.

Joining me now is Dr. Carlos Saldana. He's an infectious disease specialist and former medical adviser for Georgia's Health Department. Thank you for coming in.

So let's talk about this the KFF, Kaiser Family Foundation found Latinos 19% of the population 33% of the new HIV diagnoses, you work in HIV cluster detection. Is it clear why this is happening?

DR. CARLOS SALDANA, FORMER MEDICAL ADVISER, GA DEPT. OF PUBLIC HEALTH'S HIV PROGRAM: So Victor, Hispanic, and Latinos have faced many issues in accessing services. They fear of being deported. They also don't find messaging in terms of HIV, that it's in Spanish. There are very limited number of doctors that speak Spanish. And also there are issues like transportation. So these are important barriers that are limiting access to important HIV prevention services.

BLACKWELL: We've also talked on this show about medical implicit bias when contacting and coming in contact with communities of color as it happens in the black community happens in the Latino community as well. There's also PREP, which, as a gay man, I use, I know there are plenty of people who use it. Preexposure prophylaxis for HIV reduces the risk of HIV from sex 99%.

This is an estimate from the CDC, 94% of white people who could prevent -- benefit from PREP had been prescribed it. Only 13% of blacks 24% of Hispanic and Latino people who could benefit have been prescribed PREP. Is this also in the space of implicit bias? So why are these numbers so disproportionate?

SALDANA: People feel embarrassed of accessing PREP. People feel embarrassed? If x is talking about sex. People feel embarrassed of talking to the doctor about sex. And there also not a lot of messaging and Spanish related to PREP, and that happens all across the nation.

BLACKWELL: So now that we have the numbers what is the response and let me start with the government response. Does the investment of resources in communities match the issue that we're seeing in the numbers? KFF found that even in communities like San Francisco, where there is money, there are still these -- these disparities.


SALDANA: There are much more to do. We need a national PREP program that provides comprehensive, affordable or free services, not only for HIV, but also to Corcoran epidemics, like STI is viral hepatitis, mental health and substance use disorder, it is very important to provide the services and are culturally and linguistically sensitive manner.

BLACKWELL: Okay. And the government can take care of that. But as it relates to, and this is the private sector, response, the medical community, what more needs to be done there and even socially among ourselves, how can we be better?

SALDANA: We need to increase the pipeline of doctors that speak Spanish. Doctors or look like us so people can feel more comfortable, feel more trust when talking about this complex, embarrassing topics. And doctors can also need to be also more comfortable in asking about these questions. And in the community, there has to be a partnership between the health department, community -- continue to invest in community so people can feel compelled into access into services.

BLACKWELL: All right, Dr. Carlos Saldana. Thank you so much for coming in to something we certainly want to discuss, especially as we close out pride month a community that is certainly impacted.

SALDANA: Thank you.

BLACKWELL: The Internet cannot get enough of the Drake-Kendrick Lamar feud. Although I think it's cooled down a bit social media is still, still fueling it.

One of the earworms of the summer is actually a diss track, BBL Drizzy. I'll let you look at it for yourself. The story behind the title though and the connection to Drake but here's what it sounds like.

I guarantee you, you're going to be in your car singing that out and you're going to curse me for putting it back in your ear. That hook is so catchy. It's gone viral since it came out. Metro boom is version is really a remix. Here's what the original version sounds like.

Now okay, so as real as the singer sounds in this track, it is not a real singer. The vocals and the music were generated by artificial intelligence. The software is from a company called Udio.

Now it's one of two AI startups sued this week by the record industry, the Association of American Recording Industry, Association of America. Their complaint acknowledges that AI tools could help people make new and innovative music. But they also argue, quote, if developed irresponsibly, without regard for fundamental copyright protections, those same tools threaten enduring and irreparable harm to recording artist's record labels and the music industry, inevitably reducing the quality of new music available to consumers and diminishing our shared culture. This lawsuit against Suno, the notes that the company has more than 10 million users generating music files using the platform and brings in about 2 million streams. These two startups did not respond to a quick request for comment. We will keep an eye on this case. So when you hear that song, know that there is a big lawsuit that could limit how many of those come in the future.

Also want to make sure you did not miss this story recognizes Ralph Yarrow, as he's helping to recognize another promising team. Now you may remember the name let me tell you a little bit more about Ralph story. He was shot after going to the wrong house in his Kansas City neighborhood. This was back in April of last year. He survived and now Ralph has a scholarship named after him. And this past weekend, the first recipient Isabella Peters was recognized with a $50,000 scholarship and thanks for the organization great jobs Casey. This is through the KC Scholars Program.


ISABELLA PETERS, RECEIVED RALPH YARI SCHOLARSHIP: As a fellow musician, it's like very, like just rewarding like you know, to be able to connect with him like on that level.

CLEO NAGBE, RALPH'S MOTHER: But if we're going to be more than land of the free we need people like you and people like Ralph to be the future and lead us into that place. So I'm happy for you and I hope you get to be all that you dream to be.


BLACKWELL: I mean if you consider all that that young man has gone through just simply going up to the front door and being shot because he was in the wrong place using this platform nationally, to then help another student.