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Glenn Beck

T.B. Traveler Raises Security Concerns; Man Locked Up for Having T.B.; Is Hillary Pitching Socialism?; Who Will Replace Rosie on "The View"?

Aired May 31, 2007 - 19:00   ET


GLENN BECK, HOST: Tonight, tuberculosis on a plane. The new T.B. scare raises serious concerns about our borders, and the threat of bioterrorism.

Plus, is Hillary Clinton building a bridge to socialism?

SEN. HILLARY CLINTON (D-NY), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It`s time to reject the idea of an on-your-own society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity.

BECK: Who`s going to fill Rosie`s seat? Yes. It might just take more than one. All this and more tonight.


BECK: Hello, America.

The T.B. patient who caused the international scare has been identified as Andrew Speaker. He`s a 31-year-old attorney.

By now you probably know his story. He was riddled with a powerful form of tuberculosis. He managed to board not just one but two transatlantic flights. He was able to elude authorities. He was placed on a do-not-fly list, and then he drove back through our own porous northern border. Hello.

Here`s the point tonight. If this guy can do it, so can a terrorist, and here`s how I got there.

You know, I keep watching the story in the media, and they`re focusing on the T.B. thing. And it is kind of scary but not really when you know all the facts. What is really the frightening part of this is the thought that a terrorist looks at this story and says, gee, these guys had their heads so far up their butts I could weaponize myself with small pox and get into the country.

Let`s go down a list of what Andrew Speaker was able to do with relative ease. He was able is to stay one step ahead of the authorities, even when he was on a watch list. Check, done.

He was able to spread a deadly disease like T.B. or small pox. Check, that can be done.

Able to drive through Canada with no resistance whatsoever. Check.

You know, I`m not -- I`m not saying that small pox is on its way, but it is simply naive to think that our enemies wouldn`t look at this and start to salivate. All we can do is pray that our government gets its act together before the terrorists do.

So here`s what I know tonight. I know that in the face of deadly bioterror, Purell just ain`t going to cut it. We need to be one step ahead of the terrorists. Unfortunately, it seems the way it is now, it`s like they`re ten steps ahead of us.

What I don`t know? How can we -- how can we possibly say we`re secure? How can anyone in Washington say that when Border Patrol has this guy`s name, and they still let him through?

Joining me now is Jed Babbin. He`s a former deputy undersecretary of defense for George H.W. Bush.

Jed, how did this possibly happen?

JED BABBIN, FORMER DEPUTY UNDERSECRETARY OF DEFENSE: Well, it`s very easy Glenn. I mean, the people at the borders are not sufficiently trained. Apparently, they`re not keeping a close enough eye on their watch lists. And we know the borders are terribly, terribly porous.

The fact that this guy can get onto an airplane is even, frankly, more appalling. That`s where a lot more concentration is supposed to be. Apparently not.

BECK: Well, apparently, they`re saying now -- late this afternoon they said that -- that the story there is that he got on, and the watch list was issued after he had already boarded and the plane was in flight.

BABBIN: Well, whatever, but how long did it take that watch list to get to the gate agent? I mean, they should not have a lot of time and a lot of trouble doing this sort of thing.

You just have to wonder, going back to your example, if someone was clever enough to obtain some small pox virus to infect a bunch of people. You know, the thing about tuberculosis, perhaps not this particular strain, but tuberculosis, anthrax, a lot of diseases, easily treatable, not very communicable.

When you get to something like small pox, you can catch small pox just by sitting next to someone who has it and breathing the same air. If you infected a number of people who are going to be contagious for two to five days before they really get incapacitated and put them on airplanes, trains, make them walk through malls, you could have hundreds of thousands of sick people and no -- frankly, no way to vaccinate people around them.

BECK: About in a half hour, we have in our "Real Story", I`m doing a follow-up on those 12 Syrians, the Syrian rock band that were on the plane. And this thing was all buried.

How can anyone in Washington tray to convince us that they are taking our security seriously when this stuff is going on?

BABBIN: Well, Glenn, again, this points to the whole conflagration around illegal immigration, the fact that those guys could get on a plane with expired visas, get off a plane, after having caused an incident like this, without getting arrested and thrown out of the country forthwith.

I don`t know what the president is thinking. I don`t know what the Congress is thinking. Those guys better smell the coffee and bloody well wake up.

BECK: You know what? And maybe it`s just me. When is the last time you read the Declaration of Independence?

You know, I`ve been thinking about this a lot lately. Our constant pleas are being answered with further injury. It is the same thing our Founding Fathers found with the government in Great Britain. They`re not listening to us. In fact, they`re doing more injury every time we say can you please fix this?

BABBIN: I wish I could. I wish any of us could. I mean, when we look at the Declaration of Independence that`s where "when in the course of human events" came from. "Human Events" is my publication, and we look at the voice of the people.

The latest Rasmussen poll says 66 percent of Americans want the borders fixed, and they don`t really care nearly as much about legalizing guest workers. What is so complicated, Glenn? Why doesn`t the White House get it? I don`t understand why they don`t understand.

BECK: Jed, you`ve been around long enough to know and I do, too, and I haven`t -- I haven`t seen the things that you`ve seen. Big business and special interest is controlling this country, not we the people.

BABBIN: I don`t think so. I think it`s just a mindless politics right now that people just are so hateful and so spiteful they just don`t want to listen. Everybody is permanently sent on transmit. The push to talk button is broken.

BECK: Jed, I don`t know if that`s actually better now that I`m thinking about it. Meanwhile, as our T.B. patient is quarantined, there`s another guy who`s in jail. His crime, being sick with T.B.

Robert Daniels has been quarantined now in Arizona in a jail with T.B. for the last ten months. County health authorities obtained a court order to lock him up as a danger to the public, because this guy didn`t take precautions to avoid affecting others. Specifically, he didn`t listen to doctors who told him to wear a mask in public.

Daniels says he`s being treated worse than an inmate.

Let me promise you something. This story is not going to be solved in the next three minutes. You`re going to be chewing on this one for days to try to figure out what the right court -- course of action really is.

Robert Daniels is now on the phone with us from his jail cell. Also joining me is the man who first told Robert`s story, Jeff Gordinier here. He`s the editor-at-large from "Details" magazine.

Robert, first, let me start here. How are you?

ROBERT DANIELS, LOCKED UP FOR HAVING T.B.: Well, could have been better.

BECK: Physically, are you -- are you all right?

DANIELS: Physically, yes, I`m fine.

BECK: OK. Why did you not wear a mask? Doctors told you two times wear a mask in public. Why didn`t you?

DANIELS: Yes. I`m glad you asked that question. The problem is, yes, I guess it is my fault, because -- because I broke the rule in the first place, and, you know, not knowing, that doesn`t mean you`re innocent.

But I came from a country where actually, the doctors didn`t wear masks and tuberculosis is not such a big deal. So when I came here to the United States and they said this, this and that and to wear a mask, I thought wearing a mask is just, you know, just not a big deal.

And so I was, you know, in and out in the store. I was thinking that I was not going to contaminate anybody.

BECK: OK. And Jeff, Roberts says he comes from a place where tuberculosis isn`t such a big deal. The United States takes T.B. way seriously. We -- we have the right to lock this guy up if he is contagious in our country, right? A lot of people will say charge him with a crime, but actually that`s not how it works, is it?

JEFF GORDINIER, EDITOR-AT-LARGE, "DETAILS": A lot of people aren`t aware of the fact that the government has the authority to lock you up if you`re a bacterial threat to the public. That`s not just the federal government as with the case of Andrew Speaker. That`s true with state and local governments, as well.

You know, this is -- Robert makes an interesting point there, because the thing about tuberculosis is that it`s very difficult to catch. The problem is if you do catch it, it`s incredibly hard to cure, as we see with Andrew Speaker. There are these mutant strains that are very difficult to beat back, so it`s complicated.

BECK: And Robert, I mean, let`s be honest. You`re not a model citizen. You caught this in Russia, because they caught you with drugs, and you got it in Russia. Why would anyone trust you that you would actually now wear the mask now that -- you know, why should we trust that you learned your lesson?

DANIELS: Well, because I`ve been punished very, very severe. I`ve been not only locked up like everybody says. This is -- this is -- this is just a torture place for me. I mean, I have no shower, no -- no sunlight. I haven`t seen my face in the mirror for months.

I haven`t -- you know, there`s a security light at night, a camera 24 hours. I mean, I could go on and on. And, you know, believe me, if I knew that this was going to happen I would have glued the mask on my face permanently.

BECK: Right. Jeff, even -- even Robert`s wife says he should be locked up but not treated like this, right?

GORDINIER: Right. The question here is not really should he be quarantined and isolated. His wife agrees that that should be the case, as does the ACLU.

The question is what are the conditions of his quarantine and isolation?

BECK: Yes.

GORDINIER: Should he be allowed to read the newspaper? Should he be allowed to take a shower, and should he be allowed to look outside a window? That`s really what`s at issue here, and it`s something that`s going to come up as these mutant strains of diseases arise up in the world. I mean, you know, in the years ahead we could have to isolate people, and then we`ll have to ask what the conditions are.

BECK: Robert, how long do you have to live? Do you have any idea?

DANIELS: You see, the problem is not only with this lockup thing, but I don`t even know -- I have no idea when I`m going to get out. I have no idea if I`m going to live or die.

BECK: All right. Robert, Jeff, thank you very much.

GORDINIER: Thank you, Glenn.

BECK: Coming up next, Senator Hillary Clinton`s plan to close the income gap means more new taxes and a trip down the road to socialism. We`ll have all the details with Mary Matalin next.

Plus the biggest question of the day: who is going to replace Rosie on "The View"? Yes, that`s it, several contenders, but it may just take more than one to fill Rosie`s empty chair, and that is not an unfortunate fat joke.


BECK: Well, Rosie`s departure from "The View" leaves a lot of room across the table from Barbara. Gee, there it is, another unfortunate fat joke. I`m sorry. Didn`t mean that one.

So who`s going to take her seat? We`ll go over the complete list of contenders in just a bit.

But first, for those of you who have been on the edge of your seat, senator and Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton has finally unveiled her economic vision. And if she is elected and she gets her way, you can kiss good-bye the prosperity and the economic opportunity that we Americans have enjoyed since the Reagan years. And buckle up for some good old-fashioned socialism.

In her speech at the Manchester School of Technology in New Hampshire, Clinton said that we need to do away with President Bush`s ownership society and try a more touchy-feely flower power one instead.


CLINTON: It`s time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few and for the few. Time to reject the idea of an on- your-own society and to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity. I prefer a "we`re all in it together" society.


BECK: Oh, boy. Blood`s going to shoot out of my eyes. Mary Matalin is here with us.

How are you, Mary?

MARY MATALIN, CONSERVATIVE STRATEGIST: From each, according to his ability, to each according to his needs.

BECK: That is craziness.

MATALIN: This was crazy when we were kids. It`s not -- I don`t understand this. I don`t understand. Progressive means going back.

BECK: To what?

MATALIN: Backward looking economic policy. And Obama this week, too, came out with it, redistribution kind of health care, command and control, government centered. Who do they think they`re speaking to?

BECK: I don`t -- I don`t really know, because Americans are buying it. Here we are, we`re moving closer and closer to -- yes, we`re moving closer and closer to socialized...

MATALIN: Who`s buying that?

BECK: ... medicine, while Europe is running away from it and trying to downsize. We`re -- we`re starting to tout this, like it`s a good idea.

MATALIN: We`re not. We`re not. You know why? No one`s going to buy rationalized health care here.

BECK: I hope not.

MATALIN: There`s not -- no -- no Republicans are proposing it. The bigger picture here is all the -- all of our friends in the mainstream press think all the energy and all is suddenly on the Democratic side.

We have a wonderful competitive field that`s growing larger by the minute, which will make it even better. This is a centrist country, and we know how we become prosperous. The Dow is at an all-time high. Today, S&P at an all-time high.

BECK: But you know what? Here`s what kills me, is people -- people say it`s compassion to -- to redistribute wealth, to move it around. They say all these -- all these big -- for instance, you say who`s -- who`s a big artist that is really compassionate. It would be U2. U2 actually has all of their music licensing done in Amsterdam. All of the rights are held in Amsterdam, because they have a corporate tax rate of 1.5.

MATALIN: Thank you. That`s another thing that`s in her speech. Let`s tax corporations more. We are the second highest corporate taxed country in the world. This is why business move overseas. They`re about to resurrect two other Democrats. The problem is outsourcing. Of course, we insource so many more thousands of jobs. And the outsourcing businesses would stay here if we had a better tax structure for them.

BECK: I don`t understand. Here are the same people on both sides of the aisle that don`t want to do anything about the border, that we want -- at least companies want the borders open so we can -- we can have a global economy. And yet, they want to tax us more here. Well, what the hell are these companies going to do? They`re going to go to another country.

MATALIN: They -- they -- you know what? But I do blame CEOs for not sticking up for themselves. People feel guilty. Explain this to me, my friend. I aspired to be rich and wealthy when I was growing up in the steel mills in the south side of Chicago. Why do people, when they make it, feel guilty about achieving the success and the wealth? And why do they allow their salaries to be compared to a worker`s salary?

They should compare their salaries, their compensation, to the thousands of employees. Each employee times all the others. That`s the wealth that they`re creating. And then that -- those people are paying taxes, which is creating public wealth.

BECK: You know what here? No one understands. You know, when -- when we were back in the robber baron years, when it was the Carnegies and the Rockefellers and, you know, Standard Oil and everything else, most people that were wealthy, it was inherited wealth.

Now, the vast majority were poor, or relatively poor. And they made it themselves. I think it`s -- it`s up over 70 percent of the people who are wealthy started out with nothing. Bill Gates -- Bill Gates started in his Dad`s garage. And look at how many people he`s employed.

Look how many -- look at what he`s created. That should be penalized?

MATALIN: Well, those to whom it is happening quickest today, by virtue of the information age technology that increased productivity, are women, minorities, small business owners. That`s the greatest growth sector in our country. What a testament to our founders and freedom and entrepreneurship and opportunity, quality of opportunity.

What the Democrats continue to believe, in addition to command and control and redistribution economic system, is a demand for equality in outcome. And therefore, only the government can do that, by redistribution, by dependence programs, so we can all be assured of mediocrity instead of those of us who can seize an opportunity can excel in a country like this.

BECK: You know, everybody forgets the one word, the pursuit of happiness. Everybody wants happiness, and they forget about -- and we`re not promised that. You`re promised you can pursue it.

Mary, great. Great to have you on.

MATALIN: You`re so handsome. Love the show.

BECK: How true it is.

MATALIN: You talk about your new book coming out?

BECK: No, I haven`t. Not yet.

All right. Coming up. Who can possibly replace Rosie O`Donnell on "The View"? I`ll tell you who`s in the running and who actually has a chance to get a seat at the table.

And think of all the airport security that is making you safer. You better think again. Terrorists are taking dry runs on our airlines, and nothing really is being done about it. Don`t miss it, tonight`s "Real Story" next.


BECK: Well, the search is officially on to replace crazy O`Donnell -- Rosie O`Donnell. And some names that have been mentioned as -- well, as replacements are just some of them are just as nutty as she is. Roseanne Barr, I mean, come on. Kathy Griffin, Marie Osmond, Sharon Osborne.

Joining me now who is definitely not being considered. He`s Dave Glover from KTFK-97.1 FM in St. Louis.

Hello, Dave.


BECK: So Roseanne Barr, better or worse, I`m not really sure?

GLOVER: Exactly the same. I get that they`re all, you know, individuals. They`re not the same person, but they`re the same character, Glenn. They are obnoxious harpies. They are now a viable, you know, Hollywood entertainment commodity.

It`s like if you have a football team that loses a quarterback, you don`t go out and find a defensive end. They lost obnoxious harpy; they need to fill obnoxious harpy slot, and they`re going to do that. And pretty much, other than Marie Osmond, who would last eight minutes, they`re all pretty much the same. Just pick one. Put them in the chair.

BECK: Marie Osmond doesn`t even fit that list. That`s like...

GLOVER: Maybe Donnie.

BECK: Why is that?

GLOVER: Or the older one with the lazy eye. Maybe he could do it. Can I give you my picks?

BECK: Yes.

GLOVER: OK. Hear me out on this. Ed Asner, OK. He`s very liberal. He`s very outspoken. Put him in a wig. He`s mannish, not quite as masculine as Rosie, but people who don`t watch all the time may not even notice that something has changed. They`re like wow, Rosie, she looks good today. Or -- or...

BECK: Actually, he looks a little more like Roseanne there.

GLOVER: Or an actual African howler monkey. Cut out the middle man, get a howler monkey. Put it on set. Let Barbara have her say, Joy Behar. They yank the chain of the howler monkey, it screeches, maybe throws a little something. And people say "The View". Rosie who?

BECK: Let me ask you this, Dave. Do you really think -- because I mean, we`re addicted to this stuff. This is -- it`s not going to get better. They`re not going to put Marie Osmond on.

GLOVER: No, no.

BECK: Right.

GLOVER: Glenn, it`s like a drug. You have to keep using more and more of the drug to get the same physical effect. We`ve had a solid yearlong dose of Rosie O`Donnell. You don`t cut back to Marie Osmond or even Whoopi Goldberg.

BECK: No. No, I mean, how do you -- Whoopi Goldberg, have you seen that? First, may I ask an honest question of America. When did we ever call Whoopi Goldberg funny? I really want to know. When was she ever funny? "Sister Act", maybe? I don`t -- and I don`t remember that being funny. But...


BECK: ... when did that happen?

GLOVER: Yes. It never did. It`s one of those things you wake up and someone says it. "Oh, Whoopi Goldberg, my God. She`s the new queen of comedy."

You`re like, "Really? OK." You know?

BECK: The next thing is, is I don`t think America really wants Charlie Rose. You don`t want -- I mean, as much as it would be great to have Charlie Rose, as much as it would great to have, you know, let`s have an intellectual discussion, have you seen the ratings of PBS? Nobody really wants that.

This is the kind of crap that -- everybody -- I go out. We`re going out on tour and coming to St. Louis. When is that, a week from Monday or something?

GLOVER: Yes. A week from Saturday, yes.

BECK: And so I`m -- when I go out, I talk to people and they all say the same thing. Why can`t television stop putting on -- stop putting on crap and put some quality on? It`s called PBS, and nobody watches it.

GLOVER: That`s like getting William F. Buckley and George Plympton to be on Jerry Springer, you know what I`m saying? People aren`t coming to "The View" for insightful political analysis.

BECK: No, no.

GLOVER: They`re there for the train wreck.

All right, Dave, thanks a lot.

Up next, terrorists may be using our own airlines to conduct dry runs for future terror attacks. And nothing is being done about it. The "Real Story" next.


BECK: According to a new study, almost 40 percent of 3-month-old babies are watching too much television. I know it sounds crazy, but they say it`s also very dangerous. "Baby Einstein" may not be good for your kids. The complete story for you in just a bit, but first tonight`s "Real Story."

Since the 9/11 attacks, air marshals and the Department of Homeland Security have stepped security up. They`re going that extra mile to keep us all safe in the air, right? Real story, not so much. You could be wrong, dead wrong.

According to a report from the Department of Homeland Security featured in the "Washington Times," terrorists are using our airlines to conduct dry runs of future terrorist attacks right now, and nothing is really being done about it. According to the Office of Inspector General, the Department of Homeland Security tried to cover up their own incompetence by downplaying and issuing false statements about the severity of what happened on a Northwest Airlines flight from Detroit to Los Angeles in 2004, a flight that many claim was used by 13 Middle Eastern men as a terrorist dry run.

Now, if you`re a listener to my radio program, you heard my conversation with one of the passengers who was terrified they were on that very flight. We talked to them, I don`t know, two, three years ago. According to that passenger, the flight, the flight attendants, the pilots also verified that there were 13 Middle Eastern men claiming to be traveling together as a Syrian musical group. Love those guys. Yet after boarding, they split up, they acted like they didn`t even know each other. Several of them were changing seats. They loitered in the aisles. They took lengthy bathroom visits. One of them smelled like chemicals after they got out. One took a large fast food bag into the bathroom and then gestured with a "thumbs up" when he returned to his seat.

The air marshal assigned to the flight characterized the men`s behavior as unusual, but, believe it or not, mysteriously, no other further reports were filed by any other government agency. Whatever happened to, "If you see something, say something"? What is the point of having old ladies and red-headed guys take their shoes off in a never-ending security line if you`re going to look the other way when a band of merry Middle Eastern pranksters freak everybody out?

If we can`t count on the feds to step in and step up on such a wildly suspicious situation, then why don`t we just have the flight attendants start handing out box cutters along with pillows and headsets?

Audrey Hudson is the reporter for "The Washington Times," has been following this story from the very beginning. Audrey, these guys, they were on expired visas, as well.

AUDREY HUDSON, "WASHINGTON TIMES": That`s correct. When they detained them after the flight, the supervisor did not notice that the visas were expired. However, the air marshal did notice it when he was photocopying the visas, but they did not check it out any further.

BECK: How is this even possible? How did this happen? Is this an isolated incident?

HUDSON: No, it`s not. No, it`s not, unfortunately. I`m getting reports -- I`ve been getting reports for three years about these probes and dry runs. And, of course, this week, with the I.G. report coming out, I`m still getting more report about this going on in airports across the country. It`s not going on every single day, but it is happening.

BECK: OK. In the report that you got through the Freedom of Information Act -- by the way, thank you for following up on this -- there was a part that had been redacted and blocked out, and it was specifically about the FBI. You`re kind of led to believe that this is showing that the FBI, Homeland Security, they`re still not communicating with each other.

HUDSON: That`s correct. They did release the details of what actually happened on the flight and, therefore, backing up what the passengers had said, but what they`re continuing to redact, TSA is, is how they say they cooperated with the FBI, but it looks to me like there was very little cooperation. They didn`t even begin the investigation until the "Washington Times" reported the incident July 22nd, a month later.

BECK: OK. So, Audrey, here we have -- we remember what happened on 9/11. We didn`t have anybody communicating with each other. We had a bunch of guys who were here on expired visas. Here we have, in 2004, three years later, a bunch of guys traveling on expired visas, and it looks like the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security are still not communicating with each other. Good God, what has been fixed?

HUDSON: That`s a good question. Again, you`re asking some tough questions that Homeland needs to answer. The I.G. did make three recommendations, sort of bureaucratese. Those still have not been done. In addition to not spotting the visas, eight of the men were positive hits in the FBI`s database of criminal activity or suspicious activity, as well.

BECK: Perfect. Perfect. Now, here`s the scariest question I have: Where are they today?

HUDSON: Last we know is they returned to Syria in July, in 2004.

BECK: Last we know? We have no idea?

HUDSON: No idea where these men are. As a matter of fact, to follow up, months later, the passengers on the airline who were questioned were shown a photograph of the musicians that actually performed in California, and the passengers could only identify one man in the group as being one of the men on the airplane.

BECK: Audrey, thanks a lot.

HUDSON: Thank you.

BECK: Now, from one incompetent government agency right to another. Last night, I told you how tenuous our foreign oil supply is and how we are just one world event away from $7-a-gallon gasoline. It is becoming ever clearer that we need to identify clean, realistic and domestic energy alternatives. Our continued way of life depends on it.

The real story is, a Purdue University engineer and National Medal of Technology winner says he`s found a way to replace gasoline with -- get this -- water, but the U.S. Department of Energy is now standing in his way. As I`m sure you have figured out if you`ve watched this show for more than 10 minutes, I`m not exactly a genius, really even book smart, or really, quite honestly, all that literate, but even I understand that desperate times call for desperate measures, and anyone who says they`ve got a solution to our dependency on foreign oil deserves all the support that we can give them, especially if the answer lies in water. Energy independence is good for America, and you would think that the Department of Energy would know that.

Now, if you`re already suspicious about the government being in bed with big oil and big business, the next few minutes not really going to help all that much. Professor Jerry Woodall is a professor at Purdue University, who is trying to develop this technology.

Professor, talk down to me for a minute. How do you power a car with water?

JERRY WOODALL, PHD, PURDUE UNIVERSITY: Well, you need to split it first. You need something that will take the hydrogen away from oxygen, and the way I do it is I make alloys of aluminum and gallium, two different elements. As you know, aluminum by itself doesn`t do anything when you put it in water, but if you add gallium to it, the gallium removes the oxide on aluminum and allows it to react with water. It will split water, forming hydrogen and aluminum oxide. So that`s how we do it.

BECK: And you`re saying that the key to this is, you don`t actually need a pumping station.

WOODALL: Right. I can carry my aluminum in the back of my car.

BECK: And so who -- is the problem that nobody is going to make a lot of money on this? Is that what it is?

WOODALL: Well, I think you can. The problem right now is that this is very new and, if I do say so myself, it`s revolutionary, and it takes time for revolutionary ideas to permeate society where they become recognized as useful things.

BECK: OK, so the government is not helping you. They`re starting to withhold funding, is that accurate?

WOODALL: Well, I wouldn`t say they`re withholding it. I haven`t had a chance to get any from them yet, but I`m not panicked yet, because it takes time to get people on board about new ideas.

BECK: Yes. And what about private enterprise? Why not just go to private enterprise?

WOODALL: Well, I`ve been doing that. I`ve actually started a small company with an entrepreneur in Indianapolis, and we`re going to try to brand this stuff on a small scale and let it grow from that, hopefully.

BECK: OK. Now, do we have to change over? Can this power a regular combustion engine?

WOODALL: Yes. As you probably already know, the major automobile companies have experimental vehicles running on hydrogen. And, remember, all I`m doing is I`m making a stored form of energy that will convert water into hydrogen on demand.

BECK: OK. How long would it take? Let`s say, all of a sudden, our gas prices spiked up to $7. How long would it take for us to be able to have this technology and me to run my car with it?

WOODALL: OK, that`s a good question. I`m not an economist, and I`m not a market guy. It will take -- so there will have to be some sort of infrastructure, because you can`t just throw aluminum cans into your trunk, although it`s a great idea. You will need to be able to make up cassettes or some form of this aluminum alloy that I make and add water to it in a vehicle, so it has to be engineered.

If I had to guess -- so I`m quite confident that my grandchildren will be using aluminum in cars. Whether my older son will be using it any time soon, I`m not sure of, but it`s going to be done -- it`s all about money and the marketplace.

BECK: All right, Jerry. Thanks a lot. That is "The Real Story" tonight.

Up next, a dangerous trend. A new study says 40 percent of kids as young as 3 months old are watching TV or videos for more than five hours a week. We`ll have the story in just a second.



BECK: We are a collection of really self-hating egomaniacs. We are narcissists, and we are constantly told by the media that you`re not complete if you don`t have this product. You`re not complete if your life doesn`t include this. And so we continually feed ourselves with this empty consumption that`s all about us. Everything is designed to make us feel good, and we`re so colossally empty inside that that`s really the source of a lot of the ills in our society.


BECK: If you ever thought to yourself that TV seems to be made for those with an intellect of an infant, you`re probably right. According to a new study by pediatric researchers at the University of Washington, about 40 percent of 90-day-olds watch television. They`re 3 months old, and they`re watching television or videos for almost an hour a day. Of course, if they are watching this program, and you`re a member of a Nielsen family, get closer to the screen, you little angel you, yes.

The study also found that, by the age 2, 90 percent of children are watching television for almost two hours a day. Now, if you think this is nothing to worry about, you better wrestle the remote away from your toddler and change the channel. Dr. Dimitri Christakis is one of the study`s co-authors.

Doctor, are we talking, you know, the kids watching "CSI" as being a danger or even "Baby Einstein"?

DR. DIMITRI CHRISTAKIS, PROFESSOR OF PEDIATRICS: Well, you know, the truth is that they mostly are watching "Baby Einstein," and that`s part of the problem. The problem is that these shows that make claims about how good they are for children`s brains have absolutely no basis to make those claims. And, in fact, the best available scientific evidence is that those kinds of programs are probably harmful for children`s brains.

BECK: OK, I`ve never heard this before. I mean, I`ve never heard -- we`ve got "Baby Einstein." I`ve got a 1-year-old, and I`ve got a 3-year- old. "Baby Einstein" is on. They`ll sit on my lap. We`ll watch "Baby Einstein." I actually enjoy it after a hard day at work myself. How is it bad?

CHRISTAKIS: Well, if you really do enjoy "Baby Einstein," you`re one of the few adults that do, because the...

BECK: Sarcasm.

CHRISTAKIS: ... it`s not intended for adult audiences.

BECK: No, really?

CHRISTAKIS: The rapid image change, the sequencing of it, it`s actually quite discombobulating for adults, but it keeps infants engaged. Keep in mind that babies watching the screen aren`t paying attention to the content. They don`t understand it.

What`s keeping them watching is, in fact, what we call the formative features. It`s all those flashing lights and colors, those sound changes, and that can be very mesmerizing for children. It can be very annoying for adults, frankly. But the question is, is it really good for them? Is it doing what the products claim?

BECK: So what are the ramifications?

CHRISTAKIS: Well, the truth of the matter is that, unfortunately, science lags behind the uptake of this technology. We don`t know enough about infant viewing because it really is a new phenomenon. But from the best available evidence, what we do know suggests that, in fact, watching television, certainly watching excessive television, as many children do, before the age of 2 can lead to attention problems, cognitive problems, language delays later in life.

So what was really concerning in our study was that the number-one reason that parents gave was that they thought it was actually good for their children`s brains. Most of us think parents use it as a baby-sitter, but what our studies showed was that the marketing efforts at parents have really been successful in misinforming them.

BECK: I`ve got to tell you. When I tell my wife tonight -- if she ain`t watching this show, she`s probably watching something else -- but when I tell my wife tonight, she`ll say, "It`s `Baby Einstein.` You`re kidding. I`ve never even heard that." I know we bought "Baby Einstein" because we thought it was good for the kid`s brain.

CHRISTAKIS: Well, you know, I hate to tell you that you were a little bit misinformed.

BECK: No, me?

CHRISTAKIS: But the truth is -- the truth is, Glenn, that not all TV is bad, and this is the important message for parents to take home. Baby viewing is probably bad, but selected, high-quality, pre-school age programming actually has been shown to be good for children.

BECK: Like "Sesame Street."

CHRISTAKIS: "Sesame Street" is a good example, but there are many other new ones now, as well, that parents should know about, but that`s different than watching as a baby.

BECK: OK. Doctor, thanks a lot.

Now, someone who probably doesn`t watch an awful lot of TV that I`d like to introduce you to, a young mountain climber from Japan, he has taken it upon himself to make some of the world`s most beautiful summits even more spectacular. He is tonight`s "CNN Hero."


KEN NOGUCHI, "DEFENDING THE PLANET" (through translator): Before I was known for being the youngest one to climb the highest peaks, but recently people say, "Oh, it`s the garbage guy." I started picking up trash on Everest eight years ago.

My name is Ken, and I refresh and also clean the mountain.

When I first climbed Mount Everest, it was full of garbage. Especially Japanese garbage stood out. Many European alpinists reproached me, saying, "You Japanese have bad manners."

I really felt terrible. It`s obviously Japanese garbage; anyone can see that. So I thought, if it`s so obvious, we should clean it up. Cleaning Everest is especially tough. Many times I thought I would quit because it was so hard. But if I stop, all I`ve endured loses its meaning.

On Mount Fuji, we clean year-round. First, we teach the volunteers how to separate for recycling, but then the important thing is to explain to them why we are picking up the garbage. When I find this dangerous garbage, I feel the sense of crisis firsthand. I do this because it`s my social responsibility.

With such a mission, rather than doing it quietly, it is better to advertise. So if I become a hero and lots of people start coming, them being here is a good thing, isn`t it?



BECK: All right, let`s do your letters and e-mails.

Sean in Cleveland writes, "Love the show, but lately been a real downer. This week alone, you had a guy with a deadly strain of TB, someone from Al Qaeda trying to blow us up. You had a story about what`s going to happen when we get hit by a nuke and a TV show where they`re giving away body parts. Glenn, I know the world is going to hell in a hand basket, but do you constantly have to remind us?

Sean, actually you make a very valid point, but you did overlook one thing. I just did a segment on how our kids` minds are being completely destroyed by excessive TV watching. Just doing my job.

Next, Lee in Sacramento writes, "Glenn, how come you never have sports on your show? Don`t you like sports?"

To be perfectly honest with you, really only a couple of sports I like. Competitive eating would be one. I like sunbathing a lot, you know, in moderation, and not done by me, but just hot women. And one sport I do enjoy, and that is cheese rolling. Yes, luck has it, it actually took place this week. Rules are simple: You roll a big cheese wheel down a hill, and then you chase after it. I`d like to show it to you now.

I`ve got to tell you, that is a country I want to live in. I don`t know what country that is, but these people know how to rock. You know, let me tell you something. If they`d let me use that music on this show, I think I`d get less complaints like that first letter. Can we try that out? Roll something from the show.


BECK: But, first, "The Real Story." I`m sure you`ve noticed that gas prices have finally fallen for the first time in over a month...


BECK: Doesn`t this make it better? One last thing, we have just re- launched our official newsletter, our Glenn Beck newsletter. I want you to sign up at You`re going to receive a daily update, yes, from yours truly. Isn`t that a dream come true? You`ll get some comedy. You`ll get my thoughts. You`ll get video. And you get audio, as well, every day in your e-mail box. Sign up at

From New York, good night.