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Trump Admin. Urges All States to Follow Coronavirus Guidelines; Trump Predicts Economy Will "Pop" After Crisis Ends; Trump: Travel, Tourism Industries Need Help. Aired 12:30-1p ET

Aired March 17, 2020 - 12:30   ET



DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: -- and it's almost like self-policing. People went in there a couple of instances I guess, probably more than a couple where people are not happy when they see others doing what they're not supposed to be doing. We have to get rid of this. We have to win this war ideally and quickly. Quickly.

Because the longer it takes, it's not a good situation. And I'm not even talking about the academy, I'm talking about the lives of a lot of people.

Yes, please. Do you have one?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The White House put any prescriptions on corporate bonuses for companies that do feel (INAUDIBLE).

TRUMP: I'm going to ask -- I think I'm going to ask Mike to answer that question please.

MIKE PENCE, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think it's all working progress with President Trump. He has made clear to industries around the country is that we're going to do whatever it takes. We understand this is an extraordinary moment in the life of our nation. That's the reason why the president brought in leaders of the financial sector, the airline industry, we'll need it all.

You know, additional industry leaders today in tourism and hospitality. But he has tasked the secretary of Treasury to work with members of Congress in both parties to make sure that we can struck the kind of economic support that will allow those industries to whether the period of the coronavirus and then come back stronger than ever before.

TRUMP: But we've had such incredible -- I don't know, it's almost the word spirit is the best word. It's like a spirit. The banks have come in and the banks are doing things that they would never don. They're working on extensions and lots of things that they won't have done.

Copays with regard to the insurance companies. I mean, for them to be doing what they're doing, and you know all about the copays, they would have never done that and they did. They were in my office, they -- I would say the 11th biggest in this country, I guess probably the 11th biggest in the world. The big ones, all of the big ones and they did things on copay that nobody would be doing that they wouldn't have done in a million years but they're doing it.

There's a great spirit going on right now in the country.

So you want -- yes, please.


Dr. Fauci, you've said you like being accused of overreacting because that is an indication that we need to do things necessary to beat this than the curve.


HARWOOD: How long do you think it will take for you to be confident that yes, we're bending the curve or no, we're not?

FAUCI: You know, I can't give you a firm number on that because the dynamics of outbreaks in some respects are predictable historically that they do this and that. And we don't know because this is really unprecedented. I mean, of all the outbreaks that I've been involved with over the last, at least 36 years and then going historically back, we never had a situation where the mobilization of all the different components, travel restrictions, internal containment, mitigation, financial assistance, public health assistance, testing. So we don't really know.

But the one thing I do know, I do know that if you look at models with all of there vicissitudes of models, is that when you have input into the kinds of mitigations and things that we're doing, we're going to see a hump instead of a peak. I would be really surprise if all the things that we're doing, and this is really a comprehensive approach, I was struck as I was listening to everyone make their presentations, that, you know, I'm a scientist, I'm a health person, and I'm a physician who sees patients. So I look at it from one particular standpoint.

But, what I'm being impressed by is that this is really a comprehensive thing that has multiple components to it. All of them got to succeed if we're going to get to the endpoint that I've described multiple times from this podium. So I hope that if everyone does their job, we're going to be able to give you a number and say, you know, we've seen that inflection and we're coming down.

I would hesitate to do it now to be honest with you. Because it might be misleading and I don't want to be misleading. I just want to say one of the things because I heard Dr. Birx say it and I think we need to say it over and over again.

When I was young a long time ago, I felt that I was invulnerable the way I think many of us feel we're invulnerable. And when we're asking the young people to help us with this mitigation strategy by staying out of the bars, staying out of the restaurants, really trying to distance yourself, don't get the attitude, well, I'm young, I'm invulnerable.

You are -- well, in some respects, you're certainly less vulnerable than I am. However, what you might inadvertently do when I know you don't want to do that is you don't want to put your loved ones at risks particularly the ones who are elderly and the one who have compromised conditions. We can't do this without the young people cooperating. Please cooperate with us. Thank you.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dr. Fauci -- and I'm going to read my (INAUDIBLE) that there is (INAUDIBLE) a new study that China found that the vast majority cases of 86 percent were untested patients with mild to no symptoms. So, what does that say about the impact of testing? And does that mean the testing should actually go beyond the sickest patients?

FAUCI: You know, that question keeps coming up and I'm not going to evade the question but I want to make a point. We tend to think we're not going to be able to mitigate or contain without testing. They complement each other in some respects, but they're separate channels.

Even if we had no testing, we should be doing what we're doing now. The question you were asking -- so I wouldn't evade it specifically, would it be important outside of a doctor-patient coming in together of knowing what's out there, what might be under the radar screen. The answer to your question is yes.

So let me tell you what the CDC is doing right now. They're going out there and part of their program is to get a feel for what is there that wasn't initially thought to be coronavirus, that was thought to be something else. When you do that you also going to get a feel of what the penetrance it is in society. So we are heading with the high throughput things that you've been hearing about to get an answer to your question.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- Governor Cuomo said this morning, he believes that we'll see a peak in terms of infection in 45 days. Would you concur with that?

FAUCI: You know, it's possible. I mean, I know that the governor has been really -- I believe doing a really good job of trying to stay ahead of this. Forty-five days is not unreasonable. You have to be careful. When you get a number, you own the number. And then if the number doesn't come out, you're in trouble.

And that's the reason why from our standpoint from the federal government, we're talking about a range. So within that range, I mean, (INAUDIBLE) like you want to be correct for the sake of being correct. But you don't want to be (INAUDIBLE) to something and then have to back off. TRUMP: Go ahead (INAUDIBLE).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When is the soonest that we'll know that these new guidelines are actually bending the curve or actually working? And, is there a point in time where, you know, in the next couple of weeks where you will be able to tell the president more draconian measures are needed?

FAUCI: Well, OK, so what's happening -- I mean, if you look as a metaphor, it's kind of like a race against the virus. If left to its own devices, we'll do this and us trying to somehow blunt that. Now, you could see the virus going up and up, and your effect, your work, what you're trying to do may actually be having an effect. But you may not see it because it'll still be going up.

And as you're trying to implement your interference with the virus, you may not realize that you're actually interfering, you know, say, wait a minute, it's still going up. What's going on? You've done nothing but you don't know whether it will do this versus that.

So the answer to your question, it probably would be several weeks and maybe longer before we know whether we're having an effect. It may be at the end of the day we'll see a curve that would have been way, way up. But I wouldn't like put us to test every few days. Well, wait a minute, it's going up, is it working or not. That would be really misleading if we do that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- guidelines which were announced yesterday. One of those guidelines was a recommendation against gatherings of 10 or more people. And today the governor of Alabama issued her own guidelines and it was a recommendation against gatherings of 25 or more people. What is your recommendation for people of Alabama, people across all over the country as far as the guidelines that we're announced yesterday by the federal government?

FAUCI: OK. So, one thing we don't want to do is to get hung up on the difference between 10 and 25. I think you might agree with that. When we give guidelines, they're only guidelines, we sit down, we look at the data as Dr. Birx said were data-driven and we say on different models, 10 looks good. If someone wants to do 25, we're not going to fault them but if someone wants to come to us and ask us what we think the best is, we standby the numbers.

It isn't perfect. It isn't precise math. It's assumptions and it's data that make you get your decision.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But would it be more effective if every state and every city in the country was playing by the same rule instead of different rules?

FAUCI: Yes, of course. But this is the United States of America. There's a lot of free enterprise there. People do their own thing. And quite frankly, I don't think there's a big deal difference between 10 and 25. We got many, many more important things to worry about than that difference.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) going back to supply chains and then talking about preparedness for the future. Yesterday, Larry Kudlow said that there is an idea floating around the administration to cut taxes for companies who would be bringing their supply chains back to the United States.


He said he specifically liked immediate hundred percent (INAUDIBLE). They said you haven't endorsed that yet. Would you endorse an idea like that?

TRUMP: We're looking at many ideas, that's one of them frankly. And we're looking at creating incentives for companies not only that type of company but other companies. We're also looking to help companies such as the airline industry within the airline industry. And we'll be doing that, we will be doing that. This is not their fault.

And they've been very understanding actually, and we're going to be helping them. We will have a very powerful airline industry and it'll start up as soon as this is over. We'll have those planes ready to go.

So we have to help them during the short term, it was very important.

Yes, please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was thinking, Mr. President, I want to know, have you taken a look at some of these models such as the Imperial College London model that kind of poses a very difficult choice whether it's shutting down society or overwhelming the healthcare system.

Is that something that --

TRUMP: We've looked at every model, we've relied on the very talented people and there's no better team than the people behind me. And I will say that all of the people that have done those models are all in constant touch with Dr. Birx and Tony and everybody that you've been hearing so much from over the last couple of weeks.

We've looked at many different models and the models we have is we want to save a lot of lives. We want to save a lot of lives. If we get too steep in that curve, you're going to lose a lot of lives perhaps unnecessarily. Now we're going to find out if everything has a risk. We're going to see.

But if people doing what we're telling them to do, what we're asking them to do, you're going to see the saving of a lot of lives. Now, Boris in U.K. yesterday, you saw what happened, it looked like they were going a different way but then he went away with similar -- I guess similar, I don't know exactly but I would say we had a conversation yesterday, similar to what we're doing.

So a lot of people seem to think this is going to be -- we are looking to save the maximum number of lives. Everything else is going to come back. A life is never going to come back but everything else, our economy is going to come roaring back.

You're going to know, we're going to know, we're going to all know that day. If somebody was asking about the day, when will you know, when will you know. We're going to know. All of a sudden, we're going to say, wow, that's looking good, that's looking good, that's looking good. And we're going to be on the other side of the curve and that's the day we look forward to, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is it something, sir, that you saw this week that make you decide that yes, now is the time to implement these much more stringent social distancing measures?

TRUMP: No, I don't think so. This where we were going. I really think from the beginning, this is where we were going. This is what we had in mind. We were just -- we're just going step by step. That was the next step, the next logical step as Dr. Fauci said.

And I think very importantly, one of the most important things, when you write the history of this was the fact that we closed it down to China and Europe. But in particular, China. We closed it down to China, the source very, very early. Very, very early. Far earlier than even the great professionals wanted to do.

And I think in the end, that's going to be -- that will help save tremendous number of lives.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just a few follow-ups, one on the economy and the other on the broader picture here. But just a follow-up on my colleague. Some people did note that your tone seemed to more somber yesterday, you talked about that August timeline. Did you see a projection some people thought perhaps the two million potentially that could die maybe prompted part of that? Was there a shift in tone?

TRUMP: I didn't -- I mean, I have seen that where people actually liked it but I didn't feel different. I've always known. This is a real -- this is a pandemic. I felt it was a pandemic long before it was called a pandemic.

All you had to do is look at other countries. I think now it's in almost 120 countries all over the world. No, I've always viewed it as very serious. There was no difference yesterday from days before. I feel the tone is similar but some people said it wasn't.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Last one with the economy. Your former economic advisor said almost a hundred percent chance of a recession. Do you see it that way?

TRUMP: It could be. I mean, I don't think in terms of recessions, I think in terms of getting it out. Because when we're finish with the virus, we will win. We will win. And when that victory takes place, our economy is going to go through the roof.

It is so pent up. It is so built up. It is so ready to go in an upward direction. But we have to knock out this enemy. There's a really tough enemy but we have to knock it out. All of us, that's all of us.

So I don't think in terms of recession. Not recession, it's words. We have to knock out this and we will have an economy. I actually think we'll have an economy like we've never had before. It's all pent up.

Did you have something to say, Mike? Go ahead.

PENCE: Well, I think the question about the actions that the president authorized beginning in January when he took the unprecedented step of suspending all travels from China, the efforts to issue travel advisories for portions of Italy and South Korea, and then to begin screening all the passengers.


And the efforts regarding suspending travel from Europe and what went into effect at midnight last night, adding U.K. and Ireland to that, have all been informed by the experts that are surrounding us. What the president has asked us to do from the very beginning as Dr. Birx and Dr. Fauci often say is let's follow the data. Bring the president the best options in response to what is actually happening on the ground.

But with regard to yesterday, a 15-day to slow the spread plan. Our team unanimously brought to the president these very strong recommendations for every American because we truly believe we are at a point in this epidemic in our country when we can reduce the number of people that actually are exposed to or contract the coronavirus. But, we'll continue to bring the best data, the best evidence, and the best recommendations, frankly of the best health experts in the world. And the president will continue to make decisions to put the health of Americans first.

TRUMP: In other words, reduce the number of people that die. That's what we're trying to do. And when you do the steep curve, a lot people are going to die. A lot of people.

You know, the worse ever they say 1918, and I don't have to go into the numbers but they were unbelievable numbers. Had they known and had they've done what we had, now it would've been a much different story. It would still be tragic but it would have been a very much different.

But that was the one that people write about. That was an incredible pandemic like we haven't seen but we have done something that I hope -- hopefully, we will all have made the right moves. We're all in this together including you. And we want to see fair press.

And I tell you what, it's been -- generally speaking, I think it's been a great thing to see. It's been very, very -- the -- getting along with Democrats, getting along with Republicans where the Democrats themselves. There's been a lot of spirit, there's been a lot of things happening that I haven't seen happen in the first, almost now three and a half years. It's been very nice to see. That's one of the good things.

But, what really the good thing is we have to knock it out. We have to win, and we want to keep that slope as low as possible because that's a lot of lives in there.

Let's go back there to somebody that didn't yet get one. Please, go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. President, this has a huge impact on China's economy as well. Have you received any indication from officials there that they're going to have trouble meeting the purchase agreements part of the phase deal particularly the agricultural-like?

TRUMP: Well, they need our products very badly. And no, I haven't received any -- we had good relationship with China. I have not received anything to that. No, we have a signed agreement. They're going to be buying and they have been buying a lot of product.

Yes, please?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Earlier today, Dr. Birx is talking about the possibility of our hospital system being overburdened and overtaxed. And she talked about certain options that are available to the United States if that happens including VA hospitals, Department of Defense, medical treatment facilities, and even hospitals. At what point do you tap in to those options?

TRUMP: Well, I know the point. And by speaking with Governor Cuomo and other governors, we're going to know the point is going to be different for New York than it's going to be from, you know, Iowa or from Idaho or from West Virginia frankly or for any. You know, it's different. New York has got a big problem, the state of Washington has a big problem, California has some big problems. Everyone is doing a good job but we're going to know when it will be. And I believe it will be more spot that it will be -- it's not going to be the whole thing, it's going to be spots.

There are some hotspots that are in trouble, big trouble. And there are other areas that are in no trouble at all. They're watching it on television, they don't know. You know, it's just not affecting them and it's -- they're lucky, they're lucky.

But there are areas of the country that don't have much of a problem and some that don't have any problem. They're not going to have any problem with hospitals. But some areas like New York, California, and state of Washington, they're going to have some difficulty. And when we see that coming, we are going to be -- and we're already making preparation for it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Senator Marco Rubio of Florida, your Trade Advisor Peter Navarro have been recommending an executive order that would ensure that the raw materials, pharmaceuticals, and medical devices are manufactured here in the United States. We were getting some indications last week that you're close to signing this executive order. Can you tell us --

TRUMP: Well, we're looking at different things, John (?). I don't want to say exactly. Right now, China has been sending us everything we need. But we're looking at some alternatives. Yes, we are looking for alternatives.

And we have other places. Ireland does a lot of work for us. You know that in the world and the pharma world.


They're every tremendous producer. And we are looking to bring a lot more back home.

And I've been -- excuse me, you know me for a long time, I've been talking about this for many years long before I decide to run for president. I've been talking about this. And we have to be able to take care of our country. And that was one of the many things on the list. So we'll be talking about it but we are discussing it and Marco is very much involved and Peter is very much involved. A lot of people are involved and a lot of people feel that way but we'll be discussing.


TRUMP: Let's go, please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you, sir. You said -- Canada has closed its border to non-citizens. Are you considering --

TRUMP: Not to the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not to the United States, of course. Are you considering closing the land borders in the United States? And also, you've --

TRUMP: Well, Canada has not closed it to the United States so we're working very closely with Canada. And -- but they have not closed it. They have closed it to the world but they have not closed it to the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you considering the U.S. land borders?

TRUMP: I don't want to say that but we are discussing things with Canada and we're discussing things with Mexico quite honestly. And again, the relationship is outstanding with both. Outstanding. We just signed our deal, the USMCA and the relationship is very strong.

Go ahead, please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: China and others have criticized you for using the phrase Chinese virus. How do you feel about that? Are you going to continue using that phrase?

TRUMP: Well, China was putting out information which was false that our military gave this to them. That was false. And rather than having an argument, I said I have to call it where it came from. It did come from China so I think it's a very accurate term.

But, no, I didn't appreciate the fact that China was saying that our military gave it to them. Our military did not give it to anybody. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But critics say using that phrase creates a stigma.

TRUMP: No, I don't think so. No, I think saying that our military gave it to them creates a stigma.


TRUMP: Please.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- when you speak to travel and tourism executives today, what specific help are you going to offer to them if the --

TRUMP: Well, we're going to help -- they need help. Look, let's face it. You know, they go from having record-breaking years, this is the third year of record-breaking years for travel and tourism, airlines, everything. They were doing record numbers ordering new planes, building new hotels, everything was really hunky-dory. And then one day we hear about this rumor in China then we find out it's much more than a rumor. And then all of a sudden we make a great decision to close it up early. It would be a whole different world, a whole different world but we make a decision to close it up to China. And all of a sudden tourism and then we close it up to Europe which, you know, people never heard of this before.

I'm not sure that that's ever been done. I know that when I made the decision to the close it to China, people told me that's never been done before but it was a great decision. We make good decisions.

So, I tell you, my best decision, the people behind me are total pros. All over the world, they are respected. Dr. Birx, Anthony who's become -- what was that, become a major television star for all the right reasons. No, he's just so professional and so good.

The people that we have working here had been incredible and they're totally respected. The admiral has been incredible having to do with the testing and incredible. And he's doing this as testing also for the future.

We're building a platform. When we took over this platform, first thing the admiral said was, this was not designed for what we're talking about, millions of people. It wasn't and it's nobody's fault, it's not like who could have ever predicted a thing like this. But we broke it down and it's really going to be an incredible system. And it is now a great system.

I just want to say, these are incredible people standing behind me. They're the most respected in the world, every country that you've mentioned today so far has called them and they called them all the time for advice. There's nobody better than what we have.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why didn't we see Dr. Redfield the last couple of days? TRUMP: I don't know. I can't imagine.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's in Atlanta running the CDC.

TRUMP: I can tell you he's doing a good job. We're very happy with him.


TRUMP: Yes, please? You haven't. Go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, yesterday we were being told that the payroll tax was going to comprise the line share of fiscal stimulus.

TRUMP: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We also had the markets fall quite dramatically yesterday. And were -- did that inform --

TRUMP: It wasn't about the payroll tax.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did that inform your decision? What made you make that change and when did you make that change?

TRUMP: Well, I didn't make a change. We're looking into payroll tax and we're looking at various other forms of getting money to people. And the payroll tax is something that I have always liked. Problem is it just takes a period of time, you know, months before they really see something. And we don't really have months in terms of people living.


You know, lot of these, you have people that work on tips. You have people in our -- but it's a large number of people, it's a tremendous -- who would think this, right? But -- and they do nicely, they work very hard but they work on tips.

We have to take care of our people. We don't want to have people suffering during this period. It wasn't their fault that this thing all of a sudden was upon us. So we're looking at various -- we're also looking at payroll tax. You know, it's possible.

What's also possible, we'll do a percentage of payroll tax and then other things. But, we'd like to be able to get money to people. You know, we're very lucky our country is doing so well. We can do this and we can do it easily. But we have to do it.

And I have to say, Mitch McConnell, if you look at Mitch and Kevin and the whole group, you know, it's been incredible how they're reacting, how Congress is reacting, how -- whether it's the House or Senate, how they are moving. And I'm talking about Democrats and Republicans.

But we've had tremendous leadership meetings and they want to see it done right. And they do want to go big. I think going big is important. I don't think we want to go up there everyday with the different idea, a different concept. Oh gee, let's worry about the airlines and let's do this one.

You have a big problem with the cruise ship industry. It's an industry that were setting also its record two months ago that all of a sudden there's nobody on the ships, OK? So we have to help these. These are great industries. These are going to be taking care of people and passengers and for years to come and paying tremendous taxes. Tremendous taxes for years to come. So we have to make sure that this is done.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, what you referred to just a short while ago about politics. In your address to the nation, you said we have to put politics aside, stop the partisanship, and unify together. This morning, you criticized the Democratic governor of Michigan, yesterday it was a Democratic governor of New York, you've attacked Obama, you've attacked Biden. In fact, everyday except of one since that address, you lashed out a Democratic leader.

Are you going to set the example --

TRUMP: I only do that when I have to respond. I watched her on television, she said something that was false and therefore I did do that. And I will continue to do that. If they're not going to play fair because, you know, they have the media on their side, I don't. I just have me. And if they're not going to be fair, we're going to do that.

If they are going to play fair, there's going be nobody better than Donald Trump in terms of bipartisanship. But if they are going to say thing that are false like the story that was written yesterday, a lot of people -- I don't think, somebody -- I think I know who but they taped the conference call that I had with the governors. It was good call, it was fine. I assume somebody is going to taped it.

They handed it to various people and one of them was at the New York Times and the New York Times chose to write totally inaccurately about it. It was a disgraceful thing. It was bad journalism. But, you know, they do a lot of bad journalism.

But we respond to that, and actually people get it. People get it.

No, I want to be bipartisan, and nobody is going to be better than me. But when they attacked me or the people, these incredible people behind me, I'm not going to let them get away with that. I can't do that.

OK, how about one or two more questions? Go ahead, please. Please.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: -- was the natural step. Does the next natural step after that a national lockdown similar to what San Francisco is doing?

TRUMP: Well, you can do a national lockdown. Hopefully, we're not going to need that. We think of everything.

I mean, we have every idea that you mentioned. We've thought of it and, you know, it's a very big step. That's a step that -- I mean, in one sense would work. It's a very big step. It's something we talked about but we haven't decided to do that.

Please? Go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. President, what would be the determining factors for you to take that action?

TRUMP: It would have to get to a level -- I just don't think it's going to be an action that we're going to take. I don't think I'll take but Anthony, all of the people standing behind me would get together in a room plus some additional, and we would make a decision. But, I don't think that's a step that we're going to be taking.

One more question. You didn't have one, did you? Come on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Will the U.S. Government provide financial assistance to Boeing and airplane suppliers like GE?

TRUMP: We are looking at that. We're certainly looking at Boeing. Boeing got hit hard in many different ways. Boeing never had a problem for years. They were an incredible -- they were -- it was unthinkable of what happened with respect of Boeing.

Probably, I would consider the greatest company in the world prior to a year ago. Now they get hit in 15 different ways and they have different management. I've met the new people that running Boeing. And I think it's going to be outstanding.

But, yes, we have to protect Boeing. We have to absolutely help Boeing. They were doing a job, they were getting -- it was coming along well and then all of a sudden this hits. So, obviously, when the airlines aren't doing well, Boeing is not going to do well. So, we'll be helping Boeing. Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can you just respond to something, Mr. President before you leave on what John (?) was saying. You call for people to leave politics even as Joe Biden said the World Health Organization offered testing kits that they had available for the United States and (INAUDIBLE), we refused it, we didn't want to buy --
