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Isa Soares Tonight

Russia Set Its Sights On Bakhmut Ukraine; Western Allies Agree On A Price Cap For Russian Oil; Iran Reviews Mandatory Hijab Law; Ukrainians Enduring Winter With Little Or No Power; Russia Launches New Round Of Missile Attacks Against Ukraine; Mauna Loa's Lava Creeps Closer To Key Highway In Hawaii. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired December 05, 2022 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, HOST, ISA SOARES TONIGHT: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, Russia has set its sights on a small

town in eastern Ukraine, bombarding it, but failing so far to take it. Why Bakhmut matters so much to Moscow. Then western allies have landed on a

price cap for Russian oil.

But is the price low enough to drain the Kremlin's war chest? And Iran may be reviewing its own mandatory hijab laws. They're part of what sparked

weeks -- if you remember, protests. But brave demonstrators want much more from the regime now. But first, tonight, Moscow is beginning this week with

deadly airstrikes on Ukraine. Have a look at this.




SOARES: Well, this was the sound ringing in Kyiv on Monday. Ukrainian officials say Russia fired some 17 missiles, once again, targeting critical

energy infrastructure. Several regions are reporting losses of power as well as water supplies. The Russian attack struck civilian targets as well,

at least, two people were killed in Zaporizhzhia and at least one person in Kryvyi Rih.

Ukrainian Intelligence officials believe Russia's stock of precision missiles have plunged to critical levels, but they say there's still enough

for Russia to continue to do some serious damage. Meanwhile, as Moscow throws its military might into the battle for the eastern city of Bakhmut,

Ukraine's defenders include some Russians. Our Sam Kiley spoke to some of them.


SAM KILEY, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Caesar(ph) is Russian. He's taking a break at a monastery from fighting Russians in

nearby Bakhmut. It's a relief from scenes like this. Bakhmut Ukrainian field hospital. He's been defending this Ukrainian town from Russia's most

intense assault along an 800-mile front.


Artillery duels and trench warfare have almost destroyed Bakhmut. As Russia throws its army at a bid for victory. After months of defeat to the north

and south. "Defending Bakhmut against Russian motherland is a religious imperative for Caesar(ph). "The fighting is very brutal now", he says.

"There are very few prisoners."

(on camera): And when you see those Russians in your gun sites, what do you think and what do you feel?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): I believe that these people who have broken the law of man and the law of God, I have no pity for them. I

take them prisoner if I can, but most often, I just have to kill them.

KILEY: So have you killed a lot of your countrymen?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A dozen and a half.

KILEY: This is the remains of a Russian orthodox monastery. Now, for Vladimir Putin, the orthodox Church is absolutely central to his vision of

the Russian world. For some Russians though, that's a world they don't want to live in, indeed, they don't want it to survive.

(voice-over): Ukraine's orthodox Church broke with Moscow three years ago. This is all that's left of a re-branded Ukrainian orthodox St. George's

monastery after nine months of war.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putin says that he defense traditional values, yes? And this is the result of his defending, ruined old monastery.

KILEY: Vinny(ph) has been fighting in Bakhmut for weeks against mercenaries from Russia's Wagner company, many of them, convicted

criminals. "It's obvious", he says. "When private companies hire criminals and convicts, imagine. A man kills once and they put him in jail. Then he

kills a second time and he becomes a repeat offender under the law. Then, he gets let out of jail and given a gun. That's not a person, that's a


After a former Wagner deserter, Yavghani Nuchin(ph) was murdered in a video that was praised by Wagner's boss, Yevgeny Prigozhin, Vinny(ph) is in no

doubt how he would be treated if captured. "It will be the end, 100 percent. But it will just be more painful." The Russian legion does claim

to be in the hundreds. And it says many more back home are trying to join Ukraine's army.


Alongside their Ukrainian allies, the Russian legion is focused on the battle for Bakhmut. The aim of the war after is more ambitious. He says

"I'm doing my military and Christian duty. I defend the Ukrainian people, and when Ukraine is free, I will carry my sword to Russia to free it from

tyranny. Sam Kiley, CNN, Dolyna, Ukraine.


SOARES: Well, let's get more on what is happening in Bakhmut, Nick Paton Walsh joins me now to explain Bakhmut and its importance. And before we

start talking about the different frontlines that we have been showing you and showing our viewers, I want you to -- if you can explain what's

happening outside of Ukraine in --


SOARES: These two parts of Russia, very far away from Ukrainian-Russian border.

WALSH: Certainly, so potentially, significant developments today in the both Ukraine and the Russian Ministry of Defense, except that there have

been strikes on air fields here in Ryazan and Saratov. Now, as you can see, that is significantly far inside Russia in areas where Russian military

will probably think they're relatively safe.

So, we'll have to see what Russia's response to that is, they're throwing everything, already cannon Ukraine --

SOARES: Any casualties, we know?

WALSH: At this point, there seems to be a small number potentially of casualties. But they're still trying to precise the information here.

SOARES: OK, so, that's important to bear in mind exactly what is happening outside for so long, of course, and quite rightly, we have been focusing on

Ukraine. Not so much on this part of the country, but mostly on Kherson, where that's where --

WALSH: Absolutely --

SOARES: You and I have been talking for a while on the fight in Kherson. Now, it seems as we heard there from that report, the focus has been on

Bakhmut. And I want to just bring in closer look at Bakhmut here. What is the significance of Bakhmut? Because we've only been speaking about it for

the last what? Three weeks or so, Nick.

WALSH: Yes, I mean, look, this fight has been going on for months. I mean, I've been there on a number of occasions. And it's always been pretty

intense, but it's getting increasingly -- you saw those images there in Sam's package --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: I mean, intense destruction. And this is all from what you see when Russia has its eyes set on a particular prize. Like Bakhmut, the level of

destruction is extraordinary. There's a difference though, about the fight for here. Because it is not Russian regular soldiers doing it. It is Wagner

mercenaries. With ourselves, the Ukrainians are saying, in fact, they were capturing people who used to be Russian prisoners, who gave themselves up

to serve on the frontlines of that mercenary group.

And there is an extra level it seems of obsession about taking this particular town, and some are speculating that's because the head of the

Wagner Mercenary Group, now you've got Yevgeny Prigozhin is essentially trying to get the political capital of finally taking here, but they can't

do it.

And so, the big question at this point, and I think it's answered by Ukraine, frankly, is Ukrainians continuing to let the Russians through a

potentially dozens of soldiers here a day, because if they do pull out like they have done in the past --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: In Lysychansk and other areas, then they may free up Russian resources to attack other parts of Donetsk here.

SOARES: How much then of Bakhmut that we're seeing --

WALSH: Yes --

SOARES: In the fighting of Bakhmut here, how much is it symbolic for Putin in particular because obviously, the main aim was the Donbas --

WALSH: I mean, essentially, yes, they definitely want to take more of here and here. That's been part of their longer-term games. But they're not

managing to do it. What we are seeing them do potentially is lose a bit of ground here according to Ukraine. In the northern areas around Svatove and

Kreminna, but really, this is about the change in dynamics since Russia decided to leave this side of the bank here of the Dnipro.

The western side, you call it, of Kherson's Dnipro riverbank. That potentially freed up tens of thousands of Russian troops to be relocated

elsewhere. That might be the reason we're seeing more intensification here or it might simply be that the Russian forces are exhausted and need to


SOARES: So, from a strategic point of view, if you're a Ukrainian official, military official --

WALSH: Yes --

SOARES: Where would you be putting most of your power, manpower here and trying to retake Crimea. One of our military guests --

WALSH: Yes --

SOARES: Was talking -- trying to pincer going this or gain this way --

WALSH: Yes --

SOARES: And trying Crimea, or would you be focusing on Bakhmut to try and make sure that, obviously, these Russian forces don't then take the rest of

the Donbas?

WALSH: What we've seen over the past months is Ukrainians been very pragmatic. And at times like around Kharkiv, where they suddenly took a

whole lot of territory very fast, pushing and probing, seeing where the weaknesses are when they see it, they rush in on a larger level. So we're

going to definitely see Ukraine wanting to hold the lines here, no doubt about that at all.

This is vitally important. If they start to lose momentum or ground, that could have an impact around here. So that's important. But if you pull back

the large amount forming here, Ukraine has potentially said we could be looking at some kind of offensive when the weather gets colder, a harder

ground, Isa, for tanks.

And the ultimate question is whether or not they make some sort of move from Zaporizhzhia here at the end of that Dnipro River in Lythian(ph) near

Kherson, and try and cut through to the other water body, the Sea of Azov. You do that, potentially, given the fact that bridge here between mainland

Russia and Crimea has been damaged significantly --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: You could potentially be talking about cutting off if not significantly damaging Russia's ability to reach the Crimean peninsula and

its troops now here.


Now, if that's possible --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: And as big if -- and it would come potentially with very large Ukrainian losses, that would be a strategic game-changer. And so, I think

many eyes are on whether that might end up happening at some point in the months ahead. But what we're seeing now here is an intensification for the

fight around Bakhmut. It's deeply symbolic, but in terms of the internal dynamics of power inside --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: Moscow, and it's also I think a clear example of how Russia will chock anything headlong at a target.

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: And Ukrainians are more pragmatic about whether they pull out or stay. For now, they think they're sucking in so many Russian resources to

continuing the fight. They're staying there.

SOARES: To many of us, I mean, this does not make sense. The loss that they're losing, I mean --

WALSH: It's not --

SOARES: It's strategic --

WALSH: And the Ukrainians, if they were attacking it, they'll go around it --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: Or cut off its supply lines. The Russians are quickly going head-on against it, again and again. And I think those critics of Russia's campaign

frankly, rightly, would say it's because the value they place on their soldiers' lives is --

SOARES: Yes --

WALSH: Significantly lower and that of the military --

SOARES: That speaks volumes, yes. Nick Paton Walsh, thank, you very much - -

WALSH: Thank you --

SOARES: Appreciate it. Well, western allies are attempting to turn up the pressure on Russia another way and exhausting Kremlin's war chest. A price

gap of $60 a barrel on Russian oil kicked in today. That was agreed by the EU, G7 and Australia on Friday. The Kremlin warns that the move could

destabilize global energy markets. Our Clare Sebastian is following all the developments here from London, she joins me now.

So, Clare, I mean, how effective do you think that this can be, $60 a barrel. Because it's not very low.

CLARE SEBASTIAN, CNN REPORTER: No, Isa, and that was some of the controversy leading up to this. That's where they only managed to come to

an agreement on this $60 a barrel price cap on the level of it with literally days to go until it was set to come into effect. Sixty dollars is

part of a calculation that means that they estimate that it will have some limited impacts on Russia's revenue.

Some estimates of Russia's euros, crude, put it slightly above 60, others put it slightly below. There are other grades of crude that are parading

above that. So they should see some impact but not enough the West calculates that Russia will swiftly retaliate, cut exports to countries as

it has promised to do so, and cut production, which would of course, cause oil to come off the market and send prices higher.

And whether or not Russia retaliates is still in question. The Kremlin had some pretty strong words on this today, said that they again would not do

business with countries that are participating in the cap, and said they are preparing a response. So this is the wild card right now, Isa, this is

why there's been some uncertainty in the oil markets today.

Is that there isn't any sort of certainty around what Russia will do, next. And if they do retaliate, it would be destabilizing. Although, of course,

not in their interest to do so, given how reliant they are on their oil --

SOARES: Yes --

SEBASTIAN: Revenues.

SOARES: I mean, how can they retaliate in terms of oil markets? What would be the strategy here, Clare, from what you -- from what you understand?

SEBASTIAN: Yes, so Russia has said that it won't sell oil to customers who are participating in the cap. They have said -- the deputy prime minister,

the former energy minister, said just a few days ago that he would be willing to take that step, even if it meant cutting production. And that is

a serious thing for Russia to do.

Oil and gas revenues are still about 44 percent of the budget. It's inflated and important for Russia because of course, it's said to cut back

on its gas exports because of the retaliation measures that it's taken against Europe. The economy is shrinking, which means their tax revenues

are down.

So, oil is more important than ever. So, for them to do that is pretty serious. I think that's why the West is calculating for the moment that

they won't, but no one knows as of yet, Isa.

SOARES: They're prepared of course, to adapt that, depending of course, on what happens in Ukraine. Clare Sebastian, thanks very much, Clare,

appreciate it. Well, this week will mark three months of protests in Iran where demonstrators have been demanding change. Now, a pro reform media

outlet in Iran is reporting that the country's attorney general is reviewing the mandatory hijab law, which came into effect during the

Islamic revolution in 1979.

The attorney general was also quoted, saying the morality police have been abolished. However, state media is now being downplaying that statement.

CNN's Nic Robertson joins me now. So, Nic, I mean, it's kind of opaque and we're getting mixed signals. What do you understand is actually happening.

Are they actually changing or is this -- or you think smoke and mirrors, perhaps?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: They've been ambiguous is how the U.S. State Department puts it, which is a polite version of

smoke and mirrors. We don't know the substance of what the review is actually reviewing more than its reviewing this law. We don't know if the

review is something that would be implemented in its entirety.

In part, we don't know if it's a review that would be rescinded. So, we don't know -- we know very little. What we do know is that the attorney

general went on to say over the weekend, although he doesn't have purview over it, that those group of police, the morality police who help enforce

the hijab laws, make sure women wear them when they're out on the streets, they're going to be abolished. He said that.


But it was quickly rolled back by state media. So, it seems to hint that something is happening below the surface. Is it a tussle between the

moderates and the conservatives? We know the conservatives are in control of the country and always come out of ahead. And we know from a

conservative MP today that the idea that if women -- if women were -- didn't have to wear a hijab, this would really be a victory for the enemies

of Iran.


ROBERTSON: So, it's seen as totemic issue.

SOARES: One thing that perhaps it does suggest is that they're being rattled by the protests. They're now, I think month three -- I can remember

what month we're in now. But clearly, that's having an impact on the discussions being had at home.

ROBERTSON: It certainly seems to be -- however, in the context of smoke and mirrors --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: They may be want to create that impression --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: That they're actually feeling under pressure. I mean, the demands have gone from, you know, saying, we don't want to wear a hijab to,

we need to remove the leadership. And the leadership has responded all along by increasing levels of repression and violence. There have been

hundreds of deaths. So, we're now in a scenario where potentially the leadership are looking for another avenue to try to -- to try to change


But because they're opaque --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: Because their religious leadership always comes out ahead, because they're so concerned about how the world views what they do. I

think it's -- I think at the moment, you know, you've just got to wait and see what happens in that review. Which could be in a couple of weeks could

be longer

SOARES: Yes, I mean, trying to at least, show that they're trying to appease the protests. So, there's something that, you know, my team were

discussing today in our meeting was, you know, here you have Iran being moved, rattled somehow by the protests. We're seeing a very similar picture

in other autocratic regime, and that's China with the protests, with easing of restrictions. How do you -- how do you see what's unfolding between

these two countries, Nic?

ROBERTSON: So, they're both struggling with populations who are chiding against their rule because the populations don't have a voice to overthrow

these regimes. So, the only way is to come out on the streets and protest. And the protest in China for example about the COVID restrictions, which

have become repressive, it gets clear to many in China that the way the President Xi is tackling COVID with the zero COVID policy, and not

particularly affected vaccines it would appear, is not successful.

It seems again, from the way that China is handling yet. This is a reaction rather than a strategy, because although --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: In some places, you can go to the park without a COVID test now, you just only need one for a shopping mall in place, and you still --

and you may be don't have to use them on public transport. But they've also removed some of the COVID testing boots in the centers of the cities of

what's happening. The COVID testing places outside the centers are just filling up with people. So --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: It's not carefully thought through. It's reactive and also may not be indicative that it's something they'll stick to --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: Once they can just let some of that pressure go.

SOARES: And I think that is a concern for so many --


SOARES: It's reactive and it's not policy-changes what people have been calling for. Nic, appreciate it, thank you very much. And still to come

tonight, there's just one day left in that critical Senate runoff election in the U.S. state of Georgia. We'll tell you where things stand. Plus,

we're getting a better idea of what the quarterfinals will look like in this year's World Cup. Brazil are hoping to earn a spot as they play South

Korea right now.



SOARES: Well, to U.S. politics now. It's the final sprint in the Georgia Senate runoff election. Incumbent Democratic Senator Raphael Warnock and

Republican challenger Herschel Walker face off Tuesday after neither candidate secured more than 50 percent of the vote in the November 8th

general election.

Stakes are high, and as Democrats hope to win an outright majority instead of the current 50-50 split. Nearly 2 million Georgians have already cast

early ballots. Our U.S. national correspondent Dianne Gallagher joins me now with a view from Georgia. Dianne, great to see you. So, early voting, I

believe, was pretty massive. What's happening on the final day of campaigning?

DIANNE GALLAGHER, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, Isa, it's not just the final day. We're talking about the final hours of this

campaign here. And both candidates are out on the trail, trying to get advance, basically, anybody who hasn't already cast their ballot to go and

do so on Tuesday.

Now, we were at an event with the incumbent Senator Raphael Warnock, the Democrat, just a few moments ago just wrapping up at a university here in

Atlanta, Georgia. Talking to college students, trying to convince young voters to make sure that their voices are heard. He's done quite a bit of

reach out to young voters during this four-week runoff campaign.

You mentioned early voting, we're talking about 1.85 million Georgians who have already cast their ballots in this race. And look, when we look at

those numbers, about one-third of those ballots come from black voters. According to a CNN poll of likely black voters.

They prefer Raphael Warnock to his competitor, Republican Herschel Walker, 96 percent to 3 percent. And I can tell you that the senator has tried to

tell his supporters not to dance before they're in the end zone. Essentially, don't celebrate before election night and we have the results


But his campaign does seem to be feeling good, and does seem to feel that the momentum is on their side going into election night. Now, we've talked

pretty at length about the differences between these two campaigns on this four-week period. The Republican Herschel Walker who has had scandals

swirling around him, but still managed to push the incumbent into a runoff.

He took a very light schedule, not a whole lot of events, that changed today, he's hitting five different locations in an attempt to sort of

barnstorm areas of Georgia where he underperformed other Republicans during the general election. He's also getting the form of a helping hand from

former President Donald Trump, in a telephone rally tonight.

The former president not coming here to campaign in person. Republicans telling CNN that they thought that was actually a good idea because there's

some controversy of course, even within the Republican Party. But Herschel Walker handpicked by Trump to run, and has still stood by him the entire


We expect to get those election results tomorrow to know whether the Democrats will gain that true majority in the Senate or Republicans will

keep it 50-50.

SOARES: Because I want to play to our viewers first, Dianne, an ad campaign from Warnock where he's reacting -- voters reacting to the vampire

werewolf comment show that we've seen. Have a look at this.


HERSCHEL WALKER, CANDIDATE FOR SENATOR: You all watch a stupid movie late at night, hoping it's going to get better, it don't get better, but you

keep watching it anyway.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, I've seen this video.

WALKER: The other night I was watching this movie, I was watching this movie called "Fright Night", freak night or some type of night, but it was

about vampires. All those vampires -- two people --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What the hell is he talking about?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is he serious, is he for real?

WALKER: A werewolf to kill a vampire, did you know that? I never knew that, so I didn't want to be a vampire any more, I wanted to be werewolf.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You're serious about this, right?


SOARES: So, Dianne, explain to our viewers around the world why would Warnock use that, employ that as a strategy here?


GALLAGHER: So, Isa, that's been quite -- that has been the Warnock strategy, essentially. Showing that they feel that not only is Senator

Warnock a more qualified candidate, but that he is the only qualified candidate. They have tried and in a lot of ways successfully portrayed

Herschel Walker as somebody who is unfit for office.

As somebody who is simply not competent to be a senator. And so, they've taken some of these often bizarre stories that he will tell and use them in

ads, quoted them to try and make him seem as if he's out of touch, sometimes even with reality. Now, I will say that the Walker campaign has

said, look, he is -- he is not a politician. He's just a plainspoken man who's telling stories.

This is how he's always talked through these analogies, through these metaphors. And they say that's what he was doing there, trying to talk

about politicians. But it has been an effective campaign. We've even talked to Republican voters who have said, like, look, I just can't get over some

of the ridiculous comments that are made.

And of course, that's in addition to some of the many scandals and at least --

SOARES: Yes --

GALLAGHER: Controversies that have also surrounded Walker's campaign. But again, he did push the Democrat to a runoff. So it is still --

SOARES: Yes --

GALLAGHER: A tight election here.

SOARES: Indeed. And that says -- that says a lot. Dianne, we'll touch base again tomorrow, thanks very much, Dianne, appreciate it. Now, the round of

16 continues in Qatar. With five-time World Cup champions, Brazil, now going head-to-head right now in the last 26 minutes in fact with South


Just a short while ago, Croatia who were finalists at the last World Cup beat Japan in a penalty shoot-out. Let's go straight to CNN's Coy Wire at

CNN headquarters. Before we talk about the earlier game, talk us through what's happening right now, Coy. A very exciting Brazil back on the pitch

and so is Neymar.

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: You know, I love coming on to sports - - talk sports with you, Isa, good to see you. We're going to take a quick look at how Brazil and South Korea's first half has been unfolding as we

speak. The five-time champs as you mentioned taking a 1-0 lead after just 7 minutes into, Vinicius Jr.

And then minutes later, Brazil were awarded a penalty, and none other than Neymar back from his injured ankle doubling the advantage, an uphill battle

for the Koreans to try to get back into this match. But if anyone has fight in them, it is them. Now, meantime, a match to remember between Japan who

have taken down giants in this World Cup, remember, beating both Spain and Germany, taking on 2018 finalists Croatia earlier.

Japan started slow this entire World Cup. Zero first half goals until 43rd minute in this one, the goal from Daizen Maeda getting the Samurai Blue on

the board. First, 1-0 Japan. But Isa, in the 55th minute, Croatia struck back, a jaw-dropping header from Ivan Perisic, keep in mind, we're going to

see this replay in slow motion, long distance, then having the focus and precision to propel it past the keeper, oh, leveling the match, sending it

to penalties.

And that's where Isa, Japan unable to (INAUDIBLE) the fortress named Dominik Livakovic, Takumi Minamino is no, Kaoru Mitoma, no, Maya Yoshida

also no, and then Croatia, all they need is Mario Pasalic sending this nation to the quarterfinals. They are feeling good about perhaps in a 2nd

straight World Cup, have their eyes on the final yet again. They're looking strong, lots of talent on that side.

SOARES: It's going to be great. Look, I know it's early. They're winning 2-0, but it could be Croatia-Brazil, France-England, what two games will be

fascinating. Speaking of England, let me ask you about Raheem, the English player, Raheem Sterling. What do we know has happened because I believe he

was told he had to come back home because of a personal incident.

WIRE: Concerning news, Isa. Raheem Sterling has left the World Cup in Qatar after learning that intruders broke into his family home just outside

of London. A person with knowledge of the situation has told CNN that the Chelsea forward is said to be shaken and concerned about the wellbeing of

his children after the break-in, and that armed intruders broke into the home while family members were there.

But in a statement, Surrey police say at this time, no witness have corroborated that. The police tell CNN, they visited the property on

Saturday after occupants returned home from an international trip to find that watches and other jewelry items had been stolen. Police say they

returned Monday morning to follow up, continue to piece together details.

There's a chance, Isa, that Sterling could return to Qatar. But for now, it's clear that he feels that he needs to be back home while his teammates

prepare to face France in the World Cup quarterfinals on Saturday. The manager of the team Gareth Southgate has said that while this is a big

moment for the team, that moment pales in comparison for Sterling being with his family during this time.

SOARES: Yes, I hope he's fine, I hope the family are doing well as well as the children, very scary indeed for the entire family. And speaking of

World Cup and the games, I believe Brazil has scored, Coy, look at these live pictures from Rio de Janeiro, where I think it was Richardson who

scored that third goal.


There it was, a 3-nil now, Brazil-Korea moments ago in Rio de Janeiro. Coy Wire, thank you very much, my friend. Appreciate it.

Still to come tonight, a shooting in North Carolina aimed at power facilities. What investigators are seeing about an apparent armed attack on

electric substations that's thrown thousands of people into the dark. Plus the brutal reality democracy activists have to face more than a year after

China passes controversial National Security Law in Hong Kong. Both those stories after this short break.


SOARES (on camera): Welcome back, everyone. Ukraine's Air Force says it shot down more than 60 Russian missiles today during a massive assault on

Ukraine's critical infrastructure. This video from Kyiv shows residence in a metro station after being told to find shelter. Ukraine's state energy

operator says part of the country have experienced blackouts again as a result of the strikes. CNN's Will Ripley has more on how people are coping

as the cold weather sets in.


WILL RIPLEY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): In Ukraine, winter is coming. In the capital Kyiv, the foreign minister warns snow won't be the only

thing falling from the skies.

DMYTRO KULEBA, UKRAINIAN FOREIGN MINISTER: We are anticipating another massive missile attack by Russia. And the goal of this attack is to bring

total destruction to our energy system.

RIPLEY: Crews are racing to restore power. These tents set up by the government, a badly needed break from the bitter cold. At this fast food

place, braving below zero temperatures at the outdoor grill keeps the doors open when the lights are off.


Some customers said they only want to come when there's no power because the food tastes so much better. We're just Ukrainians," she says. "That's

our secret ingredient." Another secret for surviving dark times, candles, a good cry, and prayer.

RIPLEY: When you come here, what do you pray for? "We pray for peace, for the war to be over," she says, describing the hardship of life without

electricity. But then I come here and remember how much time we spent hiding in basements."

Hiding from Russian soldiers who occupied and terrorized their town, Bucha, the site of what Ukraine calls unspeakable war crimes.

RIPLEY: If you didn't know what happened here, this could be any church in any Kyiv suburb, until you look closer and notice the bullet holes. And

this cross marking a mass grave for more than 100 men, women, and two children.

RIPLEY: Like five of Vira Gochak's neighbors.

RIPLEY: What did it sound --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was a cluster bomb.

RIPLEY: A cluster bomb?


RIPLEY: Bullet holes in her children's bedroom windows. After living through the hell of the Russian occupation, she can handle living without


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And that what is the real problem is where it's not electricity, we don't have any connection. So, I have kids and if something

wrong, I cannot even call to the hospital and call emergency.

RIPLEY: She tells me when the power goes out, she loses his cell phone service and internet. But then --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh my God, it's a miracle.

RIPLEY: Is that the lights coming on now?


RIPLEY: The first place she goes, the kitchen.

Coffee. That's your number one priority?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. It's my number one.

RIPLEY: She's grateful for the little things in life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's a moment of happiness.

RIPLEY: Grateful just to be alive.


RIPLEY: Will Ripley, CNN, Bucha, Ukraine.


SOARES: The small things that we all take for granted, an important piece there from our Will Ripley.

Well, in the U.S. state of North Carolina, power emergency and a disturbing mystery. Tens of thousands of utility customers are in the dark this hour

from what investigators say appear to be an act of violent sabotage, a mandatory nurse nighttime curfew is in effect for the region. The FBI has

stepped in after authorities say one or more gunman opened fire this weekend on two power substations causing millions of dollars in damage.

Investigators say they have no idea who carried out the attack, but they say the person or persons who did this knew exactly what they were doing.

We'll stay on top of that story for you.

Well, China is relaxing some of its tough COVID policies following the recent widespread protests, people in Beijing and Shanghai no longer need a

negative test to ride public transportation. Those living in Shanghai can now go to some places, including parks and scenic attractions without

testing. It is a sign that the massive risks taking -- taken by protests actually had an impact, but the question looms over Chinese citizens. Once

you have spoken out against a communist government, can you ever be safe again?

Some pro democracy activists exiled to the U.K. so know. They tell CNN that the communist government is secretly trying to intimidating -- to

intimidate them into returning. Our Nina dos Santos has their story.


NINA DOS SANTOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): For three years, Simon Cheng has called London home. After fleeing a brutal clampdown on democracy

in his native Hong Kong, he sought sanctuary in the U.K. But even here, he says, Beijing's tentacles are never far away.

SIMON CHENG, HONG KONG DISSIDENT: Sometimes, I receive some threatening letters.

DOS SANTOS: He shows us an email he received last year with a warning.

CHENG: It said the Chinese agents will come to find you and take you back. It's just a matter of time.

And then pictures of people he says have been following him. Like this man in Westminster, and this car he spotted in multiple locations.

Last year, Cheng says someone offered around $12,000 on WeChat to get hold of his address.

DOS SANTOS: Do you feel safe in the U.K. at the moment?

CHENG: I don't think safe in the U.K. It's actually happening, the persecution happening on the British soil. And if you don't protect it, it

only shows to the British public that even the government in here don't try to protect their judicial sovereignty and dignity.

DOS SANTOS: Last year, the U.K. opened up a pathway for more and more Hong Kongers to gain citizenship on U.K. soil. And as more people continue to

arrive here seeking shelter, the pressure is on for authorities to make sure that Hong Kongers rights are protected.

That issue came to a head last month after a Hong Kong pro-democracy protester was assaulted on the grounds of the Chinese Consulate in

Manchester. After that, this warning to Great Britain.


YANG ZIAOGUANG, CHINESE EMBASSY SPOKESPERSON: Protecting shelter to the Hong Kong independent elements will only, in the end, bring disaster to


DOS SANTOS: Now, this NGO report says that Chinese police have been operating covertly from three addresses across the U.K. and elsewhere

around the world, in part to pressure people to return home. China says these centers help nationals with admin, like renewing driver's licenses

and are staffed by volunteers. They say to suggest otherwise would be "a smear." Either way, lawmakers are demanding urgent action.

IAIN DUNCAN SMITH, BRITISH CONSERVATIVE MP: People have fled to the U.K. because we believe in human rights, the rule of law, and democracy so they

can have free speech. Hong Konger, many students came over the BNO scheme. And what do they find when they come here? Chinese unofficial police

stations. That is shocking and, under anybody's rulebook, should have been sorted out by now.

DOS SANTOS: CNN wasn't able to independently verify Simon Cheng's allegations. But we have heard multiple similar stories from other Hong

Kongers in the U.K.

What do you think the objective of Chinese authorities is?

CHENG: They try to silence us with fear. If we succumb to fear, the Chinese Communist Party will win.

DOS SANTOS: Nina dos Santos, CNN, London.


SOARES: And still to come tonight, a volcanic eruption in Hawaii where molten lava inches closer toward a major highway. We have the view from

above next.


SOARES: Now for a tale of two volcanoes both actively erupting in different parts of the world, Mount Semeru in Indonesia, East Java where people are

being evacuated. You can see there, the other in your screen is over 10,000 kilometers away in Hawaii, which is where our story begins. Molten lava

spewing from Mauna Loa is inching towards a major highway. CNN's David Culver has the view from above for you.


DAVID CULVER, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): The lava that you can see illuminated just over my shoulder here is crawling even closer to where we

are. And we're starting to smell the sulfur in the air. It's still though a striking view and that's what's brought thousands out just to capture it,

especially in the night.


But to give you an even better look, we go up. We go up in the morning dark. Iridized helicopters, Darren Hamilton, our pilot and guide giving us

rare access.

CULVER: I assume we'll know when we see the volcano?

DARREN HAMILTON, PILOT: Yes, it's just off the, kind of, the eastern side there. At about the one o'clock position that is the plume there.

CULVER: Having flown in military hot zones, Darren even admits this is firepower like no other.

What was it like the first time you flew over lava?

HAMILTON: It was a blast.

CULVER: It can also be challenging, especially with heavy fog or volcanic smog.

HAMILTON: So, there you can see the gasses from Fissure 3.

CULVER: Those acidic gasses dangerous if the concentration levels are too high.

HAMILTON: That's 2-to-3-thousand degrees Fahrenheit or about 1000 Celsius. That's molten rock, flowing like water.

CULVER: Which has already crossed one volcano road, power lines and all, a searing slice right through it.

It's incredible the heat you feel as soon as you get close to it. And look at this, the rushing flow, the river. You see the current of lava.

Darren estimates It's moving 30 to 40 miles per hour.

But this, the source of it all. I mean, there's nothing like this. Just spewing from the top.

It really is just incredible to be up there. And officials are saying that while it's moving quickly up there, as it gets closer to where we are, it's

hitting flatter ground starting to spread out and a lava moving at about 40 feet per hour, still though inching closer to that highway. Officials

saying at last check, it's about two miles away, something they're watching very closely. Back to you.


SOARES: Well, from now to Indonesian or from Hawaii to Indonesia, where a volcanic eruption has forced nearly 2,000 people to abandon their homes and

seek shelter in village halls, as well as schools. Our Allison Chinchar has this story.


ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voiceover): Ash fills the skies in Indonesia, forming a thick caustic cloud over Mount Semeru on the island of

Java. Video from the country's Ministry of Environment and Forestry captured the explosive eruption on Saturday. A burst of ash shooting 15

kilometers into the sky. A sign for people living in the volcano's shadow it's time to go. This van, escaping on a motorbike, the ash caking on his

face. He says he doesn't know where he's going, just somewhere out of the volcano's reach.

Authorities say nearly 2,000 people have been evacuated from the slopes of the volcano, which is located about 800 kilometers southeast of Jakarta.

The roads in the area packed with vehicles, rushing to outrun the volcanic ash that is still raining down. Emergency workers are directing people out

of the danger zone, handing out masks and urging them to go to shelters.

INDAH AMPERAWATI MASDAR, LUMAJANG DISTRICT DEPUTY CHEF (through translator): We have readied some nearby schools and village halls. We will

prepare them until the observatory post declares it's safe.

CHINCHAR: The damage already done to some areas. Rooftops are cinched and the ground is covered with smoldering soot. Authorities are telling people

to stay at least eight kilometers away from the eruption center. But there are fears the hot ash could drift further. So far, many people are heeding

the warnings, a lesson learned last year when more than 50 people were killed in a previous eruption and thousands were forced from their homes.

Allison Chinchar, CNN.


SOARES: And still to come tonight, claims of planting stories and dirty games, Netflix drops the second trailer for its highly anticipated Harry

and Meghan documentary and confirms the show's release date. Our max Foster joins me next.



SOARES: Welcome back everyone. Now for the Royal bombshell many are bracing for, Netflix has released a second trailer for its highly anticipated Harry

and Meghan documentary. Have a look at this.


PRINCE HENRY, DUKE OF GLOUCESTER: It's really hard to look back on it now and go, "What on earth happened?"

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You hear that? That is the sound of hearts breaking around the world.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She's becoming a royal rock star.

CROWD: Meghan, we love you.


PRINCE HENRY: Everything changed.


SOARES: All the drama, the Duke and Duchess of Sussex share their story in what Netflix has called an unprecedented an in-depth series. The first

three of six episodes will drop Thursday, which brings us to our quote of the day. In the trailer, Prince Harry suggests that life as a royal is "a

dirty game."

Joining me now is CNN's royal correspondent Max Foster. What could he be talking about, referring to, Max, about being a dirty game?

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): It's the fact that the media, the palace, certain elements in the palace were planting stories,

releasing stories --

SOARES: About Meghan?

FOSTER: -- that were not positive for Meghan necessarily, and that's a dirty game. And they weren't protected against any of that either. I think

they were protected. I mean, having worked with the palace, they were protected, but they are clearly pointed to occasions when they weren't

protected. And I think they just really want to -- I mean, they've made these sorts of allegations before. So what we need them to see from this is

what the specific cases are when stories were planted about them, potentially by people within the palace within the media. So, it's a sort

of conspiracy between the palace and the media working against Meghan.

SOARES: And it's important to point out to our viewers that we don't know because we haven't seen the trailer ourselves. So, we don't know what

examples they could be referring to. But it does bring both sides, Harry and William and the royal family up against each other again, what has been

your sense Max, in terms of the mood in the country vis-a-vis Harry, especially with this coming out, with this book coming out, with a visit by

the Royals to Boston where, of course, you were covering. What is your sense? What is the mood towards Harry like and Meghan right?

FOSTER: Well, I think if this has happened when the Queen was alive, I think there would have a slightly different tone, but this thing is really

distasteful. I wonder if, you know, it has been delayed potentially for this time after the Queen has died. I think everything's sort of changed

now. They were very reverential to the Queen. There haven't been so to Charles and to William. But at the same time, Charles and William have been

elevated. So, what will their response be this time?

I think they can be fleshing a lot of the allegations in Oprah, but we're wait -- in the Oprah interview, but wait to see whether or not there's more

in there. Will William respond this time? You wonder if he will.

I mean, there are -- in the two trailers we've had so far, there's some -- Kate, the Princess of Wales, appears very steely face.

SOARES: I do remember, yes. In the funeral, right? Yes.

FOSTER: With some strong music behind it. So it feels as though -- I mean, we don't know how much this is sensationalized, that she may be a target

for them within the series. But, again, we have to wait and see. We do don't think anyone in the Royal Family has seen it either.


FOSTER: So, they haven't given any sort of response at this point, but maybe they will once they've had a chance to see it.

SOARES: The Royal Family very rarely, and correct me if I'm wrong, respond to these sorts of things. Do you think that's now changed given the Queen's

death? Since the Queen's death? It'd be a different tactic, different strategy?

FOSTER: It's an interesting test, because William is now elevated, will he choose to answer some of the allegations? I mean, they are very serious

allegations. If you don't respond to them, then the narrative is controlled by the Sussexes.

But you're right. They don't respond to -- well, generally they respond to sort of speculation or they haven't responded to The Crown, for example,

because it's seen as a fiction, but when there are serious allegations against the monarchy, and they are saying here, they talk -- in one of the

descriptions, they talked about, they're looking at the State of the Commonwealth. So, what does that mean? Are they questioning the State of

the Commonwealth? In which case, that might be something that William and Charles do feel they do need to respond to.

SOARES: Will you be watching?

FOSTER: Yes, I'll be watching as soon as it comes out.

SOARES: Because you have to talk about it after.

FOSTER: The first three parts. And come on to your show to talk about it. It's coming at, you know, about 8:00 in the morning, we think on Thursday,

U.K. time. 8:00 Eastern --

SOARES: So, three episodes this Thursday?

FOSTER: Yes. So, then the following week, there'll be another three episodes.

SOARES: Well, I'm intrigued. So, I ought to be watching, too. Max, thank you very much. Thanks for your company. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is next.
