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Isa Soares Tonight

U.S. Soldier Detained In North Korea After Crossing The Demilitarized Zone; Donald Trump Says He Is A Target Of January 6th Probe; Joe Biden Welcomes Israel's President Herzog To The White House; Europe Facing Deadly Heat And Wildfires; U.S. Soldier Crossed DMZ Line Into North Korea; Over 65 Million Facing Heat Alerts In The U.S.; Australian And Dog Rescued At Sea. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired July 18, 2023 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN HOST: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, two major stories for you this hour. A U.S. soldier is

believed to be in North Korean custody after he crossed the border during a tour of the demilitarized zone. We'll have the very latest on what we know

about his welfare.

Plus, Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested and indicted again. The former U.S. President says he's received a letter telling him he is a

target in the criminal investigation in the 2020 election interference. We'll have much more on that. Both of those stories coming up. But first

though, we start tonight in North Korea.

An American soldier is believed to be in North Korean custody after crossing the border during a tour of the demilitarized zone. The U.S.

Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says he crossed on his own accord. Have a listen to what he said in the last hour.


LLOYD AUSTIN, SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, UNITED STATES: What we do know is that one of our service members who was on a tour, willfully and without

authorization crossed the military demarcation line. We believe that he is in the BRK custody. And so, we're closely monitoring and investigating the

situation, and working to notify the soldier's next of kin and engaging to address this incident.

In terms of my concerns, I'm absolutely foremost concerned about the welfare of our troop. And so, we will remain focused on this and again,

this will develop in the next several days and hours.


SOARES: Our defense official says a soldier was facing disciplinary action by the U.S. military. The unidentified man was on a tour of the DMZ, which

was organized by the United Nations Command and open to the public. Joining us now, CNN's Marc Stewart and Natasha Bertrand to go through of what we


Of course, Natasha, there's still a lot we do not know. But let's start off what we heard from the Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin, a little clip there

in the last hour or so. Did he shed anymore light, in your opinion, into why the soldier crossed into North Korea? Whether this was intentional on

his part?

NATASHA BERTRAND, CNN NATIONAL SECURITY REPORTER: Yes, Isa, so the Secretary of Defense essentially reiterated what we had already heard from

U.S. forces. Korea, which put out a statement earlier today, saying that this soldier did willfully cross the demarcation line into North Korea.

But Secretary Austin did confirm that the U.S. military is very concerned about the soldier's wellbeing. Now, of course, this is different from other

situations where American citizens have been detained by the North Koreans because it does appear, as though this soldier crossed into North Korea


But all we really know about him at this point is that he was a junior enlisted soldier. He was assigned to U.S. forces Korea, and he had been

facing disciplinary action by the U.S. military we're told. It is unclear why, but we are told that, that could be, of course, a contributing factor

to why he crossed that line into North Korea. However, the details are still murky here.

Now, importantly, the U.S. military is working with their North Korean counterparts, according to U.S. forces Korea, to try to resolve the

situation. It is unclear how exactly this communications are going, and of course, through what kind of medium they are engaging their North Korean

counterparts with.

But U.S. forces Korea did confirm in a statement that they are working with North Korean military officials to try to see if they can get this service

member home. Now, the service member was set to be returned to the United States prior to taking this tour in the demilitarized zone in North Korea,

and what is known as the joint security area.

He obviously decided to take this tour instead, it is unclear exactly how he managed to get from the airports, where he was set to return back to the

United States, to the DMZ to take this tour. So, a lot of detail still unclear here, but the U.S. military obviously very concerned because in the

end, it is a U.S. citizen, it is a U.S. service member, Isa.

SOARES: Yes, indeed, stay with us. Let me go to Marc, and Marc, you've entered North Korea. Just talk us through, and talk our viewers through the

process here, because this is a very controlled environment.

MARC STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Right, so, I entered North Korea, that was in 2008. I went into a different area, but I have also been to the

demilitarized zone where this whole investigation is now focusing on. And let me stress to you, Isa, this is an area, it is very well delineated,

there's no question where these territorial lines are drawn.


This may be a bit stunning for the public to know, but you can as a tourist, go on a visit to the DMZ, and you can see in many cases, this

joint security area that is now in question. But when you are there, it is abundantly clear about where you can and cannot go. So, it will be

interesting to see exactly how this soldier crossed into North Korea, exactly where within this complex that took place.

You know, there's a lot of attention on this whole diplomatic compound, where you see the buildings, you see the soldiers. But also surrounding it

there, is a bit of an open area that, in fact, there's almost a field, a field --

SOARES: Marc, I'm sorry, I'm going to interrupt you, Marc, my apologies, apologies here, to interrupt you. I want to take us to the White House

because Karine Jean-Pierre is addressing this. Let's listen in.

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: Are working with our North Korean counterparts to resolve this incident. DOD is in the process of

notifying next of kin, until that is complete, they will not release identification of the soldier. The White House, the Department of Defense,

the State Department, and also the U.N. are all working together to ascertain more information and resolve the situation.

I don't have more to share beyond that. We are looking into this, we're trying to get more information. As I mentioned, the DOD has been in touch

with their counterparts, as well as others who are certainly working on this together. We've been in touch with the Korean People's Army as the

Department of Defense has done, just don't have any more to share beyond that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Secondly, the "Houston Chronicle" is reporting that Texas troopers were told to push migrant children into the Rio Grande

river. What steps is the administration taking to verify this report and address the findings?

JEAN-PIERRE: So, I saw -- we saw those reports, clearly. If they are true, it is abhorrent, it is despicable.

SOARES: That's Karine Jean-Pierre, the press secretary there at the White House addressing, of course, the very question that we were just talking to

you about, this soldier, American soldier believed to be in North Korean custody, as I was speaking to Marc there and to Natasha Bertrand. What we

heard, they were in a process of notifying the next of kin, hence why they are not naming this American soldier, said the DOD is in touch with their


We have also heard that from the United States, the State Department has not reached out to North Koreans or any other governments on regarding this

American soldier. China, of course, is one of the few countries that we know in the world that has influence with North Korea. I'm not sure whether

we still have Natasha Bertrand. Natasha, we still -- are you still with me?

You've mentioned, Natasha, that, you know, if you cross voluntarily, just talk us through the -- what would be happening behind the scenes, the

diplomacy here.

BERTRAND: Yes, Isa, so essentially, the Defense Department is taking the lead on this because it is a U.S. service member. Normally, in such

situations where a U.S. citizen is detained in another country, the State Department, of course, would take the lead on trying to get that citizen

back. But because this is a member of the U.S. military, the Pentagon is taking the lead on trying to negotiate with the North Koreans, and try to

engage in diplomatic discussions behind the scenes to try to see if he can be released.

Now, the State Department, of course, also would be engaged if the U.S. were to determine that this person has been wrongfully detained in a third

country. But again, because this individual appears to have crossed the demarcation line voluntarily and willfully, according to the military. It

might be a little bit different in how this all plays out.

For right now, the State Department really is pointing to the Pentagon as the lead on this, and it is unclear whether this person's status as a U.S.

soldier is going to impact how he is treated, of course, by the North Koreans. This may be perhaps someone more valuable for the North Koreans

than just your average U.S. citizen, and that may be a complicating factor in all of this, Isa.

SOARES: Natasha Bertrand, Marc Stewart, I really appreciate it, thank you very much. And Marc, apologies for interrupting you there, thank you. Now,

he is already the first former U.S. President ever to face criminal charges. Now, Donald Trump says he expects to be arrested and indicted

again. In a social media post, Trump said he was informed by a special counsel that he is a target of a criminal investigation into efforts to

overturn the 2020 election.

He says, he was notified on Sunday that he has four days to report to a grand jury. Trump also received a target letter from the same special

counsel back in May, just weeks before he was indicted in a separate case involving the mishandling of classified documents. Of course, Trump isn't

just a former president, he's also running, of course, for president again.

And despite all the legal troubles, he's currently the frontrunner for the Republican nomination. I want to bring in CNN's legal analyst and criminal

defense attorney Joey Jackson, and CNN politics senior reporter, Stephen Robinson. Joey, let me start with you. What exactly -- just explain to our

international audience what this means. Are we looking at a possible arrest, an indictment, a third indictment here for the former president?


JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Yes, Isa, this is a very significant development, to be clear. It's a target letter. What does that mean? The

Department of Justice is obviously the lead entity, as it relates to law enforcement in the country, in the United States. They consist of a variety

of U.S. attorneys' offices, they also have federal prosecutors. Federal prosecutors investigate and they bring a matter before a grand jury. What

is that?

A grand jury is an entity that doesn't decide guilt or innocence. They decide two things, whether there's reasonable cause to believe that a crime

was committed and, number two, that the subject of the proceeding committed that crime. They consist of 23 members, a simple majority of which have to

vote out an indictment, not beyond a reasonable doubt, but again, whether there's reasonable cause to believe.

It's been expected that, that grand jury has been hearing a lot of evidence concerning January 6th, concerning what led up to January 6th, concerning

issues with respect to whether there has been any illegalities concerning a pressure campaign to overturn the election. But the U.S. Department of

Justice decided to do, to send Mr. Trump a target letter indicating that you, sir, are the target of this federal investigation, which means we have

enough evidence to believe that you've committed a crime.

We invite you to appear before the grand jury that I just spoke of, to give your rendition of the facts. A defendant need not, Isa, appear before a

grand jury. You're simply invited to do so. In fact, most of us attorneys advise clients not to do that. But this is the precursor, I believe, to an

actual indictment relating to this case, to answer your questions specifically.

I do believe an indictment will be imminent, as it relates to January 6th, and the facts and circumstances surrounding that.

SOARES: And of course, at the heart of this, is it attempts to undermine democracy. What charges could we be looking at here, Joey?

JACKSON: So, there could be many, and I would not hasten to speculate at this point. I will say that the charges that he'll face will be circled

around a couple of things. Number one, what was happening and what meetings were taking place after the election in December, after the election in


Who were you speaking with and what about? Were you making efforts during those conversations? Were you conspiring in any way criminally to upset the

democratic process, to undermine the democratic process? If so, with who? And if so, how? Were you doing that as it relates to getting fake electors,

which are those people in various states who would come and certify the election?

As it relates to January 6th, what role did you play? Was it, in fact, something that was premeditated and planned? Did you attempt to incite any

violence at that time? And so, all of these things, as it relates to fraud, as it relates to undermining democracy, as it relates to January 6th are

fair game to prosecutors.

And in an indictment, we know that they can charge multiple counts relating to multiple acts of misconduct. What specifically they'll be depends upon

the evidence they've heard in the grand jury proceedings, which we know are secretive, but we do know that they've spoken to many witnesses concerning

the subjects that I just noted.

SOARES: So, given everything that we've just heard there Stephen, from Joey, what does this mean in the near future for his campaign because he is

the Republican frontrunner?

STEPHEN COLLINSON, CNN POLITICS SENIOR REPORTER: I think there are practical and political implications right now for Trump's campaign if he

is, indeed, indicted, in this case, he could potentially be facing three trials during the time in which he's running for president. We already know

he's going on trial in March, in the case related to a hush money payment to an adult film star in Manhattan.

We will learn later today whether or some more details about when the trial may take place in the classified documents case. Trump has actually argued

that, that should go after the election because he's so busy running for president. But you potentially have this third trial, that trial is a real

use of time of a defendant. There are times when they have to be in the courtroom. Trials can take weeks.

This could interfere with the practicalities of running for election, especially if Trump becomes the Republican nominee. Then you've got the

political question, how will it impact the Republican primary race? So far, it looks like the previous indictments may have actually helped Trump

because they play into this idea that is at the center of his campaign, that he's a victim of political persecution by the Biden administration.

Going forward, if he's the Republican nominee, Trump has already had problems with a wider general electorate in the 2020 election, which he

lost, of course, to Joe Biden. How will voters see the prospect of a potentially three times, twice impeached president running for another term

in office?

SOARES: And Joey, I mean, you said an indictment is -- potentially is coming. How soon will it come and what will be the defense's argument here?

How will they fight this?

JACKSON: Yes, so, how soon it will come is an open question, right? What happens is the Department of Justice merely gives you the indication of

your defendant that you're the subject -- excuse me, there's three real gradations of it.


There is an actual subject and you could be, in fact, if you are a subject of investigation, potentially, criminally charged. You could simply be a

witness here to target. And a target is very specific. It means we have -- we believe the Department of Justice information at least to criminality.

And so, it could be weeks, you know, it could be months, it depends.

There's no rush as it relates to getting an actual indictment. And then once you get an indictment, that would mean that the president would have

to surrender himself. These would be charges in D.C. that would be distinguishable from the other, of course, indictment, we know in Florida,

based upon classified documents. And he would have to present himself at the time, and based upon that, there will be a trial that would be


We know this president likes to fight, doesn't believe he's guilty. Stephen mentioned, it goes into the narrative that everyone is out to get me, this

is all a political witch-hunt. So certainly, we don't anticipate a plea, and what that means is that, there would be a trial, which would empanel 12

jurors to make a conclusion beyond a reasonable doubt, as to whether or not the president engaged in any criminality.

Certainly, with the target letter, the Department of Justice thinks so. What's next is how many counts that indictment will include, what facts

will it ultimately really put forth as to what the president did wrong? Who else, if anyone, he conspired to do anything wrong with, what did it reach

down to, in terms of undermining democracy? Was there any fake electors that he knew about, was involved in, plotted with, planned with, et cetera?

And then of course, culminating in January 6th, which was the real effort to undermine the democratic process, when Congress was really voting to

otherwise certify the election of 2020.

SOARES: And Stephen, I think it's important to point out, of course, to our viewers, that it was Trump, of course, who announced that he had been

notified, yet again, he's driving the narrative here. Is this part of the strategy? I mean, you pointed out the fact that the last time he was

indicted, and from what I saw, he got a funding boost. This is all part of the strategy here, I'm guessing?

COLLINSON: That's right. In many ways, Donald Trump's presidential campaign has become his legal strategy and vice versa. What this will do, I think it

will give Trump a boost in fundraising. It makes it very difficult for his opponents because there's no real currency in the Republican Party for

siding with a special prosecutor against Donald Trump, who is highly popular.

So, it creates a campaign that's all about Trump, and we've seen that in those kinds of circumstances, in the middle of the storm, Trump tends to


So yes, I think, you know, in many ways, Trump's campaign, although he says to his supporters at his rallies that he's trying to save America, I think,

in many ways, it's about trying to save himself, either to get elected, in which case, he might be able to make all of these criminal investigations

go away, because he would control the Justice Department, or potentially, even if another Republican gets elected, there would be a great deal of

pressure on them to end the investigations and potentially pardon him if he was convicted down the road.

So, everything in his campaign is now going to be about Donald Trump and the indictments he's facing, at least, on the Republican side.

SOARES: Well, thanks, for sure, he's going to need a lot of lawyers. Stephen, Joey, appreciate it, thank you very much to you both.

JACKSON: Thank you.

SOARES: And still to come tonight, we take you to Washington where the U.S. President is welcoming the Israeli President, a show of unity or a chance

to discuss some bones of contention? We have that story for you, next. Plus, high temperatures across the globe with new records on multiple

continents. We'll show you after this short break.



SOARES: The White House is rolling out the red carpet for Israel's largely ceremonial president today, walking him into the Oval Office. Isaac Herzog

and President Joe Biden briefly spoke to reporters a short time ago as you can see there. Their visit is meant to symbolize the ironclad U.S.-Israeli

ties, but it's also making headlines because the man with the real power in Israel is back home.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu hasn't visited the White House since forming a hard-line government last year. Yesterday, his office said, he

has been invited by President Biden for a U.S. meeting, but it's unclear where or when that will happen. Mr. Netanyahu's highly controversial push

to weaken Israel's judiciary is one reason for those strange ties. Today, thousands of protesters are back on the streets of Israel.

It's a last-ditch effort to stop a key part of the sweeping judiciary, the whole package from becoming law next week. Well, let's get the very latest

from Washington now. We're joined now by White House reporter, Kevin Liptak. And Kevin, what can we expect to come out of this meeting between

both these men, given, of course, that Herzog's role is largely ceremonial and symbolic here?

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Yes, and certainly, President Biden wanted to use this meeting to underscore what he said was this ironclad

commitment to Israel's security. Of course, it's also timed around the 75th anniversary of Israel's founding. So, a lot of symbolism in this meeting,

and I think it also provided President Biden an opportunity to show his support for Israel, but not necessarily support for the government of Prime

Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

And if anything, this meeting only underscores the fact that Netanyahu himself has not been invited to the Oval Office for talks. Now, in their

meeting, President Biden and President Herzog, President Biden did reference a phone call that he held yesterday with Netanyahu, listen to a

little bit of how he characterized it.


JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And as I affirmed to Prime Minister Netanyahu yesterday, America's commitment to Israel is firm, and

it is -- it is ironclad. And we are committed as well to ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon. So, we've got a lot to talk about, but

again, well --


LIPTAK: Now, what's interesting is that, in that phone call, the Israelis said, they described it as warm, and they said that President Biden

extended this invitation for Netanyahu to meet in the United States. In the White House readout of that phone call, there was no mention of the tone,

and there was also no mention of an invitation.

And the White House said later that the two men had simply agreed to meet in the United States at some point later this year, and they wouldn't say

necessarily that would be at the White House or somewhere else, potentially on the sidelines of the U.N. meeting in September. So, clearly, there are

remaining -- remains to be strains between these two men, between these two ideologies.

President Biden certainly very opposed to this judicial overhaul that Netanyahu has been pushing through his government. And in fact, in an

interview with CNN just last week, he said that some members of Netanyahu's government were the most extremist that he had ever seen. And so,

certainly, President Biden doesn't necessarily want to reward that kind of policy with though, invite to Washington, at least, just yet, that has

caused some anger among Netanyahu and his team.

And so, I think this meeting today was an opportunity for President Biden to still affirm his support for Israel, but not necessarily affirm his

support for Netanyahu. Isa --

SOARES: And clearly, the Biden administration continue, as you highlighted there, to harbor deep concerns, of course, about Netanyahu's leadership,

and, of course, his contentious plans for judicial overhaul.


Do we know -- Kevin, very briefly, do we know whether both men spoke about this when the conversation happened on Monday? Was this addressed, the

judicial overhaul?

LIPTAK: Well, the White House says that it did come up in their conversation yesterday, and what President Biden and his aides told

Netanyahu is that support for democratic norms is key between the U.S. and Israel. It's key to that relationship, and so, it did come up -- oh, what

the Israelis say is that Netanyahu explained that he was trying to achieve a consensus on this issue among the parties in his coalition.

Certainly, it doesn't seem as if they resolved their differences on this issue in that phone call itself, Isa.

SOARES: Kevin Liptak, really appreciate it, thanks very much. Now, in Ukraine, Russia targeted the southern port city of Odessa. And CNN's team

heard the impact in the dead of night.




SOARES: The Ukrainians say they shot down the vast majority of missiles launched in Odessa overnight, but infrastructure was damaged. Russia says

the strikes were a revenge for this. The attack on a key bridge that was a supply line for Russian troops in annexed Crimea. Meanwhile, the world is

reacting to Russia's decision to terminate the grain deal. Samantha Power, the USAID chief refutes Russia's reasoning. Have a listen.


SAMANTHA POWER, ADMINISTRATOR, USAID: Sanctions have not been imposed on Russian food and fertilizer. Russia's wheat exports this last year are

higher, I believe, than in any time in recent memory. Russian farmers are able to get their grains to market. The idea that Russia should benefit

from a deal designed to undo the effects of Russia's cruel and inhuman blockade against a sovereign country is absurd.


SOARES: And that was Samantha Power, who is accusing the country of playing roulette with the hungriest people in the world. Her words there. And still

to come tonight, record-high temperatures across the world in Europe, Asia, and the United States. People are trying to keep cool. However, they can.

That story after this.




SOARES: Welcome back, everyone.

Raging wildfires and scorching temperatures are sweeping through Europe. The continent is now dealing with its second heat wave in as many weeks; 17

countries are under high temperature alerts.

Spain, Switzerland and Greece all battling wildfires right now. In Italy, a red alert has been issued for a total of 20 cities, including Rome. That

means even healthy people are at risk. Emergency officials for the use in many nations should expect more surging temperatures on Wednesday.

Well, scientists have said time and time again that heat waves will become more common and deadly because of the climate crisis. Our Melissa Bell

looks at how people are coping.


BECKY TODD, TOURIST: We didn't expect it to be this hot. We expected heat but not this hot.

LAURA GUERRA, TOUR GUIDE (through translator): We are holding on as best as we can, looking for places with air conditioning and saying well hydrated.

MELISSA BELL, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Europeans are feeling the heat, as temperatures reach blistering highs. Italy, Greece,

Spain and Switzerland are just some of the countries already suffering the consequences.

In Switzerland, forest fires ripped through several mountain villages as emergency services worked through the night to tackle the flames,

mobilizing at least 200 emergency workers to secure the safe evacuation of hundreds of people from their homes.

ADRIENNE BELLWALD, SWITZERLAND POLICE SPOKESPERSON (through translator): Yesterday, we evacuated 205 people from Oberrieden (ph) and Ried-Morel (ph)

and, as the winds were slowing down, we didn't have to evacuate people from Riederalp, luckily.

BELL (voice-over): Over in Greece, firefighters tackled blazes, spreading across four woodland areas near Athens and ordering thousands of residents

to leave their homes.

BELL: It was some 62,000 people who died here in Europe last year as a result of the heat. And one meteorologist is warning that this time too,

the heat waves are going to -- could well prove to be an invisible killer, not just in Europe but around the world, also warning that this may

actually be the new normal.

JOHN NAIM, WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION: These events will continue to grow in intensity and the world needs to prepare for more intense heat

waves. And they will have quite serious impacts on human health and livelihoods.

BELL (voice-over): In Italy, there are 20 cities enduring what the health ministry describes as a heat wave and which involves high risk conditions,

which lasts for three days or more. That did not deter some from queuing to visit the Italian capital's Colosseum, with tourists doing what they could

to try and keep cool.

ANDREAS DREAN, TOURIST: The first strategy, I guess, finding places like this one, where we are chilling out right now and, I don't know, drink a

lot of water.

BELL (voice-over): Others felt the heat was dampening their holiday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The heat is horrible, it's wet and it's making it kind of miserable. I'm ready to go back to my hotel instead of walking around.

BELL (voice-over): Meanwhile, Spain is battling its third heat wave this year, with wildfires raging across the Canary Islands. And authorities

warning that temperatures are set to rise further still.

It is so much of the world that finds itself in the middle of a heat wave and, for some, there is nothing to do but bask in the sun and search for

some much-needed fresh air.


SOARES: And Melissa Bell joins us now live.

Melissa, like you said in that piece, it does seem like this is becoming the norm.

So how are the cities, how are people's daily lives being impacted?

As we focus a lot, of course, on tourists.

But can those working in these cities cope with this heat?

BELL: That is it. For the people who live there in cities like Paris but also those further south I mentioned, a moment ago, Isa, it is very

difficult. Simply because the cities are not equipped.

The International Energy Agency reckons it's about 10 percent of Europeans that are equipped with air conditioning. So unlike the United States, you

simply don't have what we need, either at home or often at work, in order to keep cool, which makes things really difficult.


BELL: I would say that in places like here in Paris, in the parks, people come outside. They head to wherever water areas they can get to, to try to

cool down but of course, that is not enough.

And the danger is that, for elderly people specifically, those with conditions, these extreme heats have huge impacts upon people's health.

That figure of 62,000 killed across Europe last summer is extraordinary as are the images that we all have in our heads, Isa, of those forest fires.

Driven by the dryness of the soil, driven by the extreme heat that had led all the way to London. And that, they fear, is what's likely to happen

again this summer.

SOARES: And speaking of fires, the wildfires in Greece, what is the latest there, Melissa?

BELL: Well, what we are seeing are some 500 firefighters even now battling 80 different fires. Four of the major ones, it was on Sunday, I think, that

they were announcing they were seeing fresh fires being started that were beginning every single hour under these extreme temperatures.

And again, we are talking in those parts of Europe of temperatures that hit 118 degrees Fahrenheit over the last couple days. So things that we've

simply never seen anywhere in Europe, including in cities and areas that far south.

So dry areas near Bordeaux, the ground has never really stopped smoking since the fires of last year. That dry land, so parched as it was by last

summer, they fear, will be reignited again in these extreme heats.

It's begun in Greece. We expect it to begin in other parts of Europe, as it has even in Switzerland over the course of yesterday. It is that fear that

this is becoming something for the long term and something that's not just driven by El Nino, the weather phenomenon, but actually by climate change.

I think that are the most terrifying and that are beginning to sink in, Isa.

SOARES: Yes, very troubling indeed. Melissa Bell for us there in Paris, thanks very much, Melissa, good to see you.

Well, it's not just Europe that's baking under extreme weather. Beijing broke its record for the most high temperature days in a year on Tuesday.

That's 27 days the southern part of China, meanwhile, is reeling from a typhoon. Typhoon Talim made landfall there Monday morning, flooding certain


John Kerry, the U.S. climate envoy, is still in China for talks with his counterpart. We've also been, of course, covering the extreme weather in

South Korea. The president there is now calling for an overhaul of the country's disaster response system after less than a week of heavy rains

killed dozens of people.

And we will be looking at the sweltering temperatures in the U.S. a bit later in the program, as the impact of this extreme heat stretches really

right across the globe.

In the meantime, I want to recap you on our top story that brought you in the last 37 minutes or so. A U.S. soldier is said to be in North Korean

custody after crossing the border from the South.

All this, of course, happening in a place almost beyond comprehension. It's been called no man's land, Truce village or the DMZ, the demilitarized zone

between North and South Korea.

It goes by many different names. But one thing is clear, it's not somewhere most of us will ever go. But our Richard Quest was there just months ago

and his report offers a deeper understanding into a place where war and truce collide.



RICHARD QUEST, CNN HOST (voice-over): The two countries are separated by the DMZ, the demilitarized zone, a no-man's border, 2.5 miles wide,

stretching 160 miles.

I'm heading to the very heart of the zone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The red placards indicate the presence of mines.

QUEST (voice-over): The joint security area, correctly called the Truce Village.

QUEST: Oh, oh, wow.

QUEST (voice-over): Here the U.S. and South Koreans maintain a major base, with the North Korean military just over there.

Really surreal. Those gray stones actually mark the border. These gentlemen are really here to make sure we stay on the path.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These microphones are on and they're broadcasting to both sides at all times.

Please don't lean on any furniture or touch anything. But you're welcome to take pictures.

QUEST (voice-over): When then president Trump walked across the line, he added his own bit of history to a border rife with symbolism.

So that is the line of demarcation between the North and the South President Trump crossed. I can walk across it in here because it's

international agreement.


QUEST: But if I was outside, I would not be allowed.

There is just an absolute feeling of what if, what if I suddenly had to run through it, would they stop me or what if they came out and what if?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With you running across, that would be an incident for sure. So they're well trained to stop that. And most of the soldiers that

are stationed here have Black belts and one or multiple martial arts because you can't be armed in the JSA but, you know, hands only.

So I personally wouldn't risk it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For me, working up here feels very surreal. But I know the consequences of what we do are very real.


SOARES: What if?

That's the question. Let's go to Richard Quest right now.

And Richard, the question that many people are asking today is whether this soldier could've wandered, stepped onto North Korea accidentally.

Is there any ambiguity as to where these demarcated lines are, from your experience there?

QUEST: No, no, particularly at the actual point on the Truce Village. It's very clear. You have the hut, which is the neutral area. You then have the

line and its blue blocks that you physically would have to walk over.

You can't accidentally walk into North Korea. And judging by the reports of what he said, he's talking about (INAUDIBLE) ran.

And I had to say, when you're there, there is that feeling of, what if?

What if I just did it?

Would I be able to come back onto the South quickly?

It is the most weirdest, bizarre, perverse, unusual; it's just mind- boggling that you've got this area, Isa, that is demilitarized, except for mines on either side. And then you've got nothing. You've just got nothing.

And nobody wants to cross over, nobody wants to cause an incident. It's going to take some sorting out on this because the lack of trust, Isa, on

both sides, is so real at the moment.

SOARES: Indeed and, in your piece, I heard you say this is one of the most tense areas that you've been in. But it's also very controlled environment,


QUEST: Totally. You drive through to the DMZ and there are mines and you see where the land mines are, where the anti-tank defenses are. And then

you get to the actual DMZ itself, which is this area a couple of kilometers on either side.

And there is nothing. In fact, one of the issues they have is the wildlife, which, of course, is in abundance there because there's nobody there to do

basically kill or stop or do anything.

And then you get to the heart of it. This Truce Village, this peace village, where on one side is the big North Korea headquarters, on the

other side is the allies. And the allies, the South Koreans, the U.N. troops, the U.N. forces, they sit there and they wear, obviously, very

heavy sunglasses.

They wear masks. You can't tell who they are or what they are doing. It's almost like you are glad to leave but you can't believe you've been there.

And I still have that feeling.

What would have happened if I had done or jumped in and just walked over?

SOARES: Yes, that "what if" element, I think we've all thought about that. We've all thought about that. But at the moment, what we heard from this

U.S. Defense Secretary, Richard, is that he willfully, seems like he willfully crossed. And that brings up a whole host of diplomatic issues


QUEST: Completely because the North Koreans are not going to get back easy. You've got to remember, the North Koreans are going to trade. They now have

a bargaining.

Don't forget, they use to kidnap people -- they still do, in some cases. Even within that building, the building where they had the negotiations,

there is a spot for an allied troop to stand, to prevent somebody being dragged across. There used to be cases of that.

So the North Koreans have a massive bargaining chip that they are not going to give up lightly. This is not the case. By the way, Isa, they have two

phone calls a day, which is basically check calls.

All good?

All good.



They are not going to suddenly give up this massive bargaining chip; from those I've been speaking to, not without some form of recompense,

negotiation, some form of reward.

SOARES: Important insight there from our Richard Quest.

Richard, great to see you, thank you very much.

Now from blistering heat to smoke-filled skies, extreme summer weather is also creating dangerous conditions for people across the United States. A

live report from scorching hot Phoenix, Arizona. That is next.





SOARES: Well, in the United States, more than 65 million people are on the heat alerts from Florida to California, as temperatures soar. Forecasters

warn record high temps will continue to plague the Southwest and South Central parts of the country.

The temperature is expected to grow even hotter into the mid week. Meantime, smoke from the Canadian wildfires has drifted south, blanketing,

as you can see, parts of Georgia and other areas of the Southeast.

CNN's Mike Valerio joins us from Phoenix, Arizona, where temperatures have not dropped below 90 degrees Fahrenheit or 32.2 degrees Celsius since last


And Mike, I was seeing from my notes from our producer that, when your day started at 1 am, it was already 38 degrees Celsius. This is incredibly

dangerous and this must put a huge stress on emergency services.

MIKE VALERIO, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: I think that's perhaps the understatement of our morning right here, as we approach noon our time. It

was incredible to step outside of a building in central Phoenix about 12 kilometers away from where we are standing.

And it's already 38 degrees. And we are heading for a high temperature today of 48, about 115 degrees Fahrenheit.

So as we've been here, Isa, in this gem of a park that is on the outskirts of Phoenix, we've been noticing people who, still, despite this record

heat, are jogging around, are hiking some of the rock formations a couple meters behind us.

And it has gotten to a point where civic officials and park rangers have decided to close swaths of this park because being underneath this sunshine

-- I will say we're underneath the canopy -- is so dangerous to the health of a whole multitude of people who live here.

So right now, we are in a section of the park that's still open but we have gotten to our psychological point where this will be the 19th day in a row

where, here in the Phoenix area, it will be higher than 110 degrees Fahrenheit for a high temperature today.

And as you said, that's putting a huge strain on the fire department and rescue resources of this metropolitan area because, instead of being called

to fight fires, these members, you know, Phoenix's fire department, are instead being called to rescue people who are succumbing to heat related


They are falling on the pavement, perhaps they are elderly. They are remaining on the pavement and they are getting second or third degree burns

because the ground is so hot with these extreme temperatures.

So we are hearing from emergency officials that eight in 10 of their calls are to respond to people who are succumbing to the heat. And it's getting

to a point, Isa, where some of these patients, they're in ambulances. And as they are on their way to hospital.


VALERIO: They're being taken in body bags filled with ice, in order to reduce their body temperatures to a more stable level and to cool their

burns. So that's where we are at right now, to build a picture of how extreme it is. That is what we are looking at, at this point.

SOARES: That is staggering.

I mean, what are hospitals, what are doctors telling you, in terms of the numbers of people arriving in hospitals seeking, of course, help,

emergency, because of the heat?

VALERIO: I think that is the other main tributary of this storyline here in Arizona. It's a stunning figure. We were able to speak to one ER doctor,

who said that he is seeing patient levels that are similar to the peaks from COVID.

So when we talk and remember where we were three years ago with, you know, some of the unmitigated levels of death and suffering in this part of the

United States, to think that heat is leading to hospital levels that are analogous to what these medical professionals saw two or three years ago, I

mean, it's incredible.

And we are seeing no end in sight to this. The National Weather Service here says that this is not going to end today or tomorrow or, you know,

perhaps by the end of the week. We have another week, Isa, in store of this kind of weather here in Arizona.

SOARES: Very troubling, indeed, Mike. Do stay -- all you and your team, stay safe. Thank you very much, appreciate it.

Mike in Phoenix for us in Arizona.

And still to come tonight, a story of survival. How one man and his furry companion lost months at sea. We will have that, next.




SOARES: Welcome back, everyone.

An Australian man and his dog have been rescued after spending months at sea. Castaway Tim Shaddock, as you can see here, and his dog, Bella, were

found almost 2,000 kilometers from land by a tuna vessel.

CNN's affiliate 9News reports Shaddock survived by collecting rainwater and eating raw fish. His catamaran was actually damaged in the storm during

their voyage from Mexico to French Polynesia.

They spent their days waiting and, of course, hoping for rescue, which, miraculously, came months later, thanks to captain Oscar Mataragon (ph) and

his tuna vessel. And as you see, Shaddock has just made it to dry land, you see there today.


SOARES: That happened at the last hour or so. And our thought of the day comes from him, in his own words.


TIM SHADDOCK, RESCUED SAILOR: I looked at the captain and this fishing company that saved my life.

I mean, what do you say?

I'm just so grateful. I am alive.

And I really didn't think I would make it, you know?

So thank you, thank you so much.


SOARES: And he spoke for roughly about an hour or so ago. Of course, you can imagine, in that press conference, he had a kind word for a very

special someone, for Bella, have a listen.


SHADDOCK: Bella sort of found me in the middle of Mexico.

She is Mexican, you know?

She's the spirit of the middle of the country and she would not let me go. She's a beautiful animal. I'm just grateful she is alive, you know? She's a

lot more brave than I am, that is for sure.


SOARES: Our team has a lot of love for Bella, especially our senior producer.

And that does it for us. Thanks very much for watching today. Do stay right here, "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next. I shall see you tomorrow, bye-bye.