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Isa Soares Tonight

Spain's Football Federation Hold Urgent Meeting Over Rubiales' Infamous Kiss; Trial Date Set For Trump's Federal Election Interference Case; Record-Breaking Number Of Migrants Arrive In Italy; Thousands Of Migrant Arrive In Italy; Indian Teacher Asks Students To Slap Classmate, Who Is Muslim. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired August 28, 2023 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A very warm welcome to the show everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, we wait to hear the outcome of an

extraordinary and urgent meeting held by the Spanish Football Federation over the fate of this man, Luis Rubiales. We'll have more on that story as

it happens this very hour.

Then, a trial date is set for Donald Trump's federal election interference case. We'll have more on that and the developments from his Georgia trial,

that's coming up. Plus, thousands of migrants land in Italy in a record- breaking weekend. I'll speak to the Red Cross who are on the ground in the island of Lampedusa.

But first, right now, the Spanish Football Federation are locked in a closed-door meeting to discuss the fate of disgraced Spanish Football Chief

Luis Rubiales. He's already been suspended by FIFA, if you remember, for his actions immediately after the Women's World Cup final. And you can see

that moment, if you haven't yet, right here when Rubiales grasped the head of Spanish star player, Jennifer Hermoso and kisses her.

The incident has sparked a huge backlash in Spain and beyond. And it's set the federation at war with its players, both female and male. Well, last

hour, we heard from the president of Spain's Football Council who called it very serious and personally criticized the response of the football

federation. Have a listen to what he said.


VICTOR FRANCOS, PRESIDENT, SPANISH SPORTS COUNCIL (through translator): When they talk about feminism, I don't like what they've said, and I don't

like the way it was applauded. I think the consequences is what the federation have to decide, I don't like applause.


SOARES: An applause, of course, came after Rubiales refused to step down. Well, earlier, Spanish prosecutors opened an investigation into Rubiales'

action. According to Spanish media, Rubiales' mother has locked herself in a church in Granada and gone on a hunger strike to protest the criticism

against her son. Atika Shubert has more on how all of this has all unfolded.


ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Euphoric celebrations for a historic Women's World Cup quickly turned into a moment of reckoning when

Luis Rubiales; President of the Spanish Football Federation planted a forceful kiss on player Jennifer Hermoso during the medal ceremony in

Sydney. A kiss she later said she had not consented to.


SHUBERT: Facing domestic and international criticism, Rubiales was pressured to resign, but he defiantly refused. He doubled down, saying, the

kiss was consensual to the applause of men in the room.

RUBIALES (through translator): You think I have to resign? Well, I'm going to tell you something. I will not resign.

SHUBERT: Hermoso issued her own lengthy response, which said the kiss was not consensual at all. "I felt vulnerable and a victim of an impulse-

driven, sexist, out-of-place act without any consent on my part", she wrote. Since then, FIFA, the world's governing football body provisionally

suspended Rubiales for 90 days, and the Spanish government has submitted a complaint to its sports tribunal, a step towards suspending him.



What was first a national embarrassment, now threatens international repercussions, but could well become a turning point for women athletes in


TANIA VERGE MESTRE, MINISTER OF EQUALITY & FEMINISM, CATALONIA REGIONAL GOVERNMENT: Clearly, his attitude has been a demonstration of what female

players have to endure in professional sports. But not only, also in their daily lives. We have all been subject to this different forms of harassment

in our workplace. This forced kisses, the groping, the touching, the demeaning. So, this is why women from all fields are sending their support.

SHUBERT: Hermoso and her teammates said they will not play for the national team until Rubiales is removed, in a statement signed by nearly 50

athletes. Spanish football clubs unfurl their supporting games over the weekend. "We are with you", banners read, "we are all Jenni". Spain's women

players are proving that they are winning hearts and minds both on and off the pitch.


SOARES: And as we wait to see or hear a decision, I should say from the Spanish Football Federation before I go to my next guest, Maria Ramirez. I

just want to show our viewers this image or these images that are coming in, if we've got them to bring in -- protests taking place in -- I think

this is Madrid, yes, in Madrid where it's now 8 O'clock in the evening.

You can see there are people protesting in support of the player, Jennifer Hermoso, you can see they're champions, and the hashtag you can see below

it, it's (SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE), it's finished. It's what's being called the Me Too movement of Spain right now. People taking to the streets

in support of Jennifer Hermoso, and of course, against Luis Rubiales as we await a decision from the Spanish Football Federation.

Let me bring -- as we look at these images, I want to bring in Maria Ramirez; who is the deputy Managing Editor of Spanish news outlet,

"", and she joins me now live from Madrid. And Maria, great to have you on the show, of course, we're looking at the start of this

protest, we were told is kicking off at the start of this hour. Just give us a sense of what you've been seeing in the streets -- hearing on the

streets, the anger, the frustration that is been felt in Spain right now.

MARIA RAMIREZ, JOURNALIST: Yes, they've definitely brought this in the streets. They haven't been like really crowded, but you still could see

even like during the weekend when it was very hot in Spain, people were protesting in the headquarters of the Spanish federation. And we saw it

particularly around stadiums during matches of men and women, football players, the players, the people cheering in stadiums.

So, it's been quite unusual to see very different people coming together just to support the players, which obviously were the champions of the

world, which is a big deal, and that's part of the explanation of this movement. People were so happy, and you know, in Spain, people do care a

lot about football, and they were so happy celebrating, and this turned into a very different thing, of course.

SOARES: Yes, and it's been overshadowed by one man. We have heard, Maria, today, from the women's -- the head of the Women's Football Union in Spain

who basically says that change is needed, and has said this is a cultural problem, a social problem of our country in general. I mean, what are you

hearing from those in the streets in terms of from Spanish media? How do they view this moment? In terms -- is it a cultural moment? Is it a shift,

a sign that change is needed here?

RAMIREZ: It feels like that. It's true that Spain has already changed a lot in the last decade, and some of these debates around the quality have

already happened, and they're changing in the laws, which actually in Spain, you have one of the most advanced gender laws in Europe, that has

already happened, but this kind of debate of coming out also of women and other people just telling their stories of bullying, of abuse, because of

what happened in the last few days, I think that's quite new.

We saw some of that during Me Too, but it was not probably as general as we're seeing now, also because it's quite of a political consensus, I would

say, which is quite surprising for Spain in this for instance.

SOARES: And as you're talking, I was just looking at the screen because one of the banners that's being held up is (SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE), our

with Rubiales, and an end to machismo culture. And you mentioned there, Maria, the -- you know, the Me Too movement in the U.S. and the impact that



The hashtag that is being used in Spain is SeAcabo, it's over. You wrote today in a piece, and I want to read it out, you said, "in Spain, we never

saw with Me Too what we are seeing now with SeAcabo. Journalists uncovered abuses and some women dared to speak out in strawberry-picking plants,

universities, science labs and opera theaters.

But the impact was not the same as it was in the U.S. People being abused were very reluctant to speak up and media attention for those stories was

often scarce." Why, Maria, do you think this time is different? Because we've -- there have been so many private and public complaints as you have


RAMIREZ: Yes, one of the big difference is this particular women. They were strong, talented in the best moment of their lives, winning the World Cup.

And they've gone through a lot because they complain already about their current coach, about the previous coach. So these champions and the

previous generation have already complained a lot.

But suddenly, in this moment of triumph, they have also to deal in a very public way again with this kind of gestures that reflect a bigger problem

of a culture. But they were so admired in that moment and so courageous in coming together and being united, that I think it became sort of an

inspiration because we never had maybe so many powerful women together, famous women, these set of very famous players.

Alexia Putellas is the player who for the first time using the word, SeAcabo, it's over. And she's probably the best player in the world. So,

that really helped, I think. Also, the particular details of this case, not just that day, but the aftermath.

SOARES: Yes --

RAMIREZ: Hava Riales(ph) and other managers dealt with what happened and just being so aggressive and insulting people who criticize them. That

also, I think mobilized people from very different -- I would say, even inclinations, even in the sports, journalism, that sometimes it's dominated

by men, that some of --

SOARES: Yes --

RAMIREZ: These men were kind of sympathetic with Rubiales, they sort of turned against him because they realize that was too much. So I think that

the women and their particular details of what happened really sparked different waves.

SOARES: Yes, indeed, and it's something that we're hearing right across Spain. I'm just looking at -- because we're just hearing now from U.N. The

U.N. now, Maria, joined in the criticism of Rubiales, Stephane Dujarric, who is United Nations Secretary-General spokesperson basically said, I

mean, how difficult is it not to kiss someone on the lips, there's a critical issue of sexism that remains in sports and we hope the Spanish

authorities and the Spanish government deal with this in a matter that respects the rights of all female athletes.

You were talking about Rubiales and the wider system. And what is clear, and I'm sure you can put it in context for our viewers here, Maria, is that

he seems to have a lot of allies in European football. Important to remember, he's also the vice president at UEFA and a member of its ruling

executive committee.

We remember, we all remember that video where he refused to step down, yet, he was being applauded by all those men in the front row, some of them,

very high up. How do you read UEFA's silence at the moment, we have yet to hear from them?

RAMIREZ: Yes, actually, some of these men who applauded the coach of the women's team and the coach of the male's team, later sort of apologized and

sort of condemned the action of Rubiales, and those after FIFA suspended Rubiales. So probably, they reacted after that decision because maybe they

thought that they are -- and probably they are in peril.

Because particularly, the women's coach, the players were revolting against him last year, and in the end, 12 players didn't go to the World Cup

because of that. So, his case is also part of the story. The case of the male team, well, some of the -- also coaches and players have shown more

solidarity with their female colleagues.

So, he might be in a difficult position, but who knows? It also depends on how far this -- maybe transformation of the federation goes -- we don't

know that yet because it's a private association, managing our public good as is the name of Spain, the national team and also receiving some public

aid, but it's a peculiar organization.


And until now, they've been quite independent in just doing the rules, but that could change also. And of course, Spain is a powerful federation in

Europe, so, that might explain why --

SOARES: Indeed, I'm hoping -- I'm hoping -- I'm hoping important to note, to win the World Cup bid, right, along with Portugal and Morocco. So, all

of this context is very important right now. And like you said, Maria, we are waiting to hear from the Spanish Football Federation who are locked in

a closed-door meeting. We'll find out more about what they say, when it happens, Maria Ramirez, really appreciate you taking the time to speak to

us from Madrid --

RAMIREZ: Thanks for -- thanks for having me --

SOARES: In Spain, thank you, Maria. And of course, we're keeping a close eye on those live images that you've been -- coming out of Madrid as the

protests continue in support of Jennifer Hermoso, and against of course, Rubiales. Well, we'll leave that story for just a moment. Now, I want to

turn to Ukraine. Yevgeny Prigozhin may be dead, but his ghost lives on for Polish as well as Baltic officials guarding NATO's eastern flank.

Prigozhin's Wagner mercenaries are in Belarus, and dictator Alexander Lukashenko has made thinly veiled threats about an excursion into Poland.

Poland's Interior Minister met with officials from Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia earlier. He says migrants near the Polish border need to return

home, and he demanded Wagner forces leave Belarus. This is what he said.


MARIUSZ KAMINSKI, INTERIOR MINISTER, POLAND (through translator): If it comes to a critical incident, regardless of whether it is at the Polish,

Lithuanian or Latvian border, we will retaliate immediately. All presently open border-crossings would then be closed.


SOARES: Well, meanwhile in Ukraine, a country fighting for democracy, it needs elections even during war time. That message coming from Volodymyr

Zelenskyy in a new interview. The president signals he wants voting next year, even if it's not allowed under Martial law, and he says, parliament

needs to change the law if it's ready.

Mr. Zelenskyy says he discussed elections with Senator Lindsey Graham who recently visited Kyiv. You can see there with other U.S. lawmakers. The

president wants troops and Ukrainians living abroad to cast ballots, but elections will be expensive and he hopes Europe and the U.S. will help

financially. Meanwhile, fierce fighting continues as Ukrainian forces tries to advance deeper into Russian-held areas in the south.

For the latest, CNN's Melissa Bell is live for us this hour in Zaporizhzhia. And Melissa, let's start then with those comments by

President Zelenskyy that elections may be possible. How exactly will that work? Who will pay for that? Because like as we stated, Martial law is

still in effect.

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: That's right, and the key is being renewed every 90 days, that's the way the law works here, here in Ukraine, Isa, and

under of course, any political activity is impossible. What President Zelenskyy was saying today was that he's happy with a planned parliamentary

elections of this Autumn, and for planned presidential election next year to go ahead despite the Martial law, despite the ongoing war, despite the

fact that 20 percent of Ukraine is currently in Russian hands.

If he said, logistically, it could be organized and mostly as you say, if they could get help in funding it, because he doesn't want any of the war

efforts money to go towards that. But I think what he was just trying to show was that he's not going to be clinging on to power because of the war,

that he wants to be an example of democracy, simply that Ukraine can't fund it itself, and given the logistical challenge that is understandable.

You're talking about the many Ukrainian men and women currently on the frontlines of the country. You're talking about the many millions that have

fled organizing it, it's going to be an extraordinary challenge. But President Zelenskyy said he was willing to accept it.

SOARES: Melissa, I appreciate it, thank you very much. Melissa Bell for us there in Zaporizhzhia. Well, before the war, Ukraine's Black Sea coast was

popular with tourists from both Ukraine and Russia. CNN's chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour is in Ukraine this week, she

reports from Odesa of the city's reopening beaches and what that means for adults and children trapped in Russia's war.


CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR (voice-over): In the waning days of a second Summer at war under the blazing Black Sea sun, you

find, well, people at the beach. It's actually the first time some of this Odesa coastline has been opened for business since the Russian invasion.

And while Olga(ph) has brought her family for a change of scenery, there is no getting away from it.

(on camera): Here, can you forget the war for a little bit?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): Sirens at night don't let you forget. No, we don't forget. At least, I don't. But I hope my kids and

parents get distracted a little bit.

AMANPOUR (voice-over): Still, those who can, make the most of it. Life goes on, even in wartime, and here at the Caleton Beach Club, it's somehow

comforting towards parents slap protective gear onto their infants, as if sunburn is the worst that can happen.


(on camera): But of course, it's not. So is that -- does that mean orthopedics or anything?

(voice-over): Fifteen minutes away in the center of town is a modern, private recovery and rehabilitation unit, one of ten set up around the

country by a Ukrainian philanthropist. Here in a full body sling, 41-year- old Vitali(ph) tells us that he volunteered for the front as a D minor, until he was blown up by an anti-personnel mine eight months ago in


"The first wave hit my face because I was bending down", he says, and shrapnel entered my eye and another bit hit my finger, and three of my toes

were blown off. On the rehab bed next to him, 43-year-old Ruzlan Indri(ph) is less dramatic, spine and back problems from suddenly having to hold

heavy gear around.

(on camera): Do you need to get into better shape?

(voice-over): "If I was 20", he tells me, "it would be different. But I'm 43, and so it's difficult." But he wants to go back to the front like

Vitali(ph) does, just as soon as they're patched up. Still motivated, still sure of victory. But then, the talk suddenly turns.


AMANPOUR (on camera): Vitali(ph) --


AMANPOUR: What do you think you need?

(voice-over): Immobilized and prone, he's crystal clear. "We need more weapons and jets to close the sky from the Russian missiles", he says.

"When a soldier is fighting there and his family is here unprotected, what do you think goes through our minds?" Andrei(ph) tells me his psychological

trauma is worse than the shrapnel to his hand.

Because he like all of them, want to be back at the front with their comrades to fight for their country and their families. "I have a mother, a

father, a wife and a cat", he tells me. Back at the seaside, Sergei(ph), a 59-year-old conscript based in Kherson defends his beach time break.

(on camera): In the middle of war, you don't -- you don't feel strange?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, it's -- looks like a little bit strange, but we need some relaxing.

AMANPOUR (voice-over): He'll be back under arms after his 15-day furlough. But he insists their counteroffensive is going according to plan.

Christiane Amanpour, CNN, Odesa, Ukraine.


SOARES: And still ahead right here, a date has been set for what could be one of the most momentous trials in U.S. history, that's just one of the

developments today involving the criminal charges facing former President Donald Trump. And then later, a record-setting number of migrants have

arrived on an Italian island. What the Red Cross and other organizations are doing to help. That story just ahead.



SOARES: Now, to major developments unfolding today in two separate courtrooms involving Donald Trump's alleged efforts to subvert American

democracy. In Washington first of all, a federal judge has just set March 4, 2024, as a date former President Trump will go on trial on charges he

conspired to overturn the 2020 election in an attempt to stay in power.

That is one day before their Super Tuesday primaries, one of the biggest dates of course, on the presidential campaign season. And then in Georgia,

a judge has ruled that Trump and his 18 co-defendants will be arraigned next week on state charges.

One of those defendants, Trump's former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, he's trying to get his trial moved to a federal court. Today's hearing in

Atlanta is giving us our first real look at the substance of the prosecutor's case. I want to bring in CNN's Zachary Cohen, he's been

following both of these hearings today from us in Washington, and Zachary, great to see you.

Let's first start then with the case in Washington. The judge rejecting both proposals, January in the 2026, and now we have much more. What more

can you tell us about this? Because I know it was a very heated hearing?

ZACHARY COHEN, CNN REPORTER: Isa, March 4th is about two months later than what prosecutors had originally proposed for the start of this trial. But

it's more than two years earlier than what Trump's team had wanted, and had originally proposed in this hearing. And things did get heated inside the

courtroom as Trump's lawyers were effectively saying, look, this trial date is coming up so soon, does not give us enough time to prepare and

appropriately defend our client.

The judge was not buying that argument. She said very clearly that, look, you should have been preparing this whole time, and that this is more than

enough time in advance for you to appropriately represent Donald Trump at a trial. Now, things are going to start moving here pretty quickly. You know,

there will be a bunch of pre-trial motions and pre-trial events leading up to March 4, 2024.

But we can also probably expect Trump's legal team to file an appeal at some point, using probably some variation of the argument that this does

not provide them enough of an opportunity to represent their client in court. And then there is a politics of it all. As you mentioned, March 4 is

one day before Super Tuesday, that's when the majority of states here in the U.S. will gather and vote for their primary pick in Democrats and


So, Donald Trump, one day before Republicans in this country go to the polls and vote potentially for him to represent them as the Republican

candidate for president, he will have to potentially sit in a courtroom as his trial begins in this case.

SOARES: Yes, it will be interesting to see how he's going to meet all these political and judicial demands, of course, as is all playing out. Let's

focus then in the Atlanta case because Mark Meadows has been testifying, which I suspect is kind of risky. But what has he been saying?

COHEN: Yes, it's very odd that Mark Meadows was testifying at all. He is a co-defendant in this case in Georgia, the state level case, into efforts to

overturn the 2020 election results there, and it is risky. He is under oath and he is answering questions from prosecutors and his own attorney about

his role primarily in setting up this phone call with Brad Raffensperger; the Secretary of State in Georgia and the former president.

You know, Meadows' lawyer was essentially trying to get Meadows to explain how this was all being done within the context of his role as chief of

staff. Donald Trump's chief of staff at the time, he's saying, look, my job was challenging and I had to do a lot of different things for the then

president, including you know, people would come to me and ask me to tell the former president things, and I would try to set up meetings and calls

on his behalf.

Now, prosecutors are painting a very different picture. They're saying that Meadows was operating outside the bounds of what would be expected from a

White House chief of staff at the time. The he was engaging in campaign activities and therefore, this case should not be moved to federal court.

That's Meadows' ultimate objective here.

He wants to get this case moved to federal court, and then he argues that it should be thrown out because he has immunity as a government official at

the time. So, a lot of moving pieces here, but really, a high-profile witness taking the stand in Georgia really just days after turning himself

in to authorities in Georgia.

SOARES: Zachary, appreciate it, thanks very much. And still to come tonight, a record-setting weekend for migrants arriving on an Italian

island. We'll take a look at the challenge officials there in Lampedusa are facing. That is next.



SOARES: Welcome back, everyone. Italian authorities are expected to meet this week and organize a response plan to help the island of Lampedusa with

the influx of migrants. The Red Cross says more than 4,200 migrants arrived on the island this weekend. Over 107,000 migrants have arrived in Italian

shores since January of this year. And that has doubled the number from this time last year.

The voyage is a dangerous one, as you well know. And more than 2,000 people have been declared dead or missing this year while trying to reach Italy.

Our Barbie Nadeau has more for you.


BARBIE NADEAU, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): It's the height of the Mediterranean summer, and this tiny island is overwhelmed with the arrival

of thousands of migrants and refugees. More than 4,000 people arrived on the Italian island of Lampedusa in hundreds of small boats over the

weekend. Among them pregnant women, babies and unaccompanied minors. It's the highest number of arrivals in a weekend this island has ever seen.

More than 113,000 people have arrived in Italy by boat this year. That's more than the total number that arrived in all of 2022. There may be more

migrant and refugee boats at sea, but there are fewer NGOs to rescue them. At the moment, the Italian government has sequestered three NGO ships for

allegedly breaking a law set by Italy's right-wing government under Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni that mandates how many rescues a charity ship can

carry out.

Each of the sequestered ships will be docked for 20 days and fined up to 10,000 euro. Fifty-six organizations have signed a petition against the



Accusing them of obstructing civilian search and rescue and warning that it will lead to more deaths. But the Italian government says without the rest

of Europe helping, they cannot manage the influx.


ADOLFO URSO, ITALIAN ENTERPRISE MINISTER: Italy can't be left alone facing this extraordinary phenomenon. Italy is the gateway to Europe. Europe must

intervene with us.


NADEAU (voice-over): Meloni will lead crisis talks this week after the government reconvenes. On the agenda, ways to help people migrate legally

and ways to deport them faster. In the meantime, the boats keep coming and coming and coming. Barbie Latza Nadeau, CNN, Rome.


SOARES: Well, the Italian government is set to meet about the best way to help migrants in Lampedusa as you heard them from Barbie, but the Red Cross

of Italy is already on the scene with thousands of migrants. One of those is Francesca Basile. She's the head of the Migration Unit for the Italian

Red Cross and joins us now from Lampedusa.

Francesca, really appreciate you taking the time to speak to us this evening. As our reporter mentioned there, there's been an extraordinary

year for crossings. Just give us a sense of what you and your team have been witnessing in Lampedusa.

FRANCESCA BASILE, HEAD OF MIGRATION UNIT, ITALIAN RED CROSS: Well, as Red Cross, we are assisting people in these complex days because we received a

lot of people actually inside the hotspot, the intersection centering Lampedusa. We have something like 3,400 people. So, we are trying to

assisting them and to provide health services, food and non-food items, restoring family links service.

From the beginning of our activity here in Lampedusa, on the 1st of June this year, we assisted more than 28,000 people. And it's very important and

we remember ourselves each day that beyond these huge numbers, there are human beings that need our health, that need to be assisted and that have

some specific needs to be met.

SOARES: Yes, I'm glad you mentioned that because we are looking at the numbers but behind each number is an individual who's made a very risky

journey to escape misery in many ways. You said 3,400 people in this hotspot. How many people was this hotspot designed for initially?

BASILE: Well, the initial number of the people that could be hosted, it's very lower, but, of course, in this emergency situation, as Red Cross, we

are able to put in place some emergency measures as we used to do during national and international emergencies. That's why we are trying to do our

best to respond also in this complex situation and we are trying to face these days that we are living right now.

Obviously, in the following days, we hope that all the transfer of the people will start because we are also assisting to some bad weather

conditions. So, also the transfer of people from the island to other destination and reception destination are quite hard today. And so, we hope

that starting from next days, it would be possible.

SOARES: And the Italian government, as we mentioned, Francesca, is meeting to try and devise a sort of emergency plan for the island of Lampedusa. I

mean, what do you want to see from the Meloni government? What do you need right now?

BASILE: Well, the role of Red Cross is to act and be present and assist as a humanitarian act towards these people. So, it's very important for us

that all the mechanisms that it is in place for supporting these people, including this quick transfer to other destinations in Italy, restarts

following this bad weather hours. So, this will be the first step for warranting a good assistant to these people.

SOARES: Francesca Basile, I really appreciate you taking the time to speak to us. Thank you, Francesca.

Well, right now, in return to our top story, we're waiting to hear from the Spanish Football Federation about the fate of their football chief, Luis

Rubiales, his actions kissing star player, female player Jennifer Hermoso without her consent after the Women's World Cup match have sparked intense

anger amongst players, and fans, and some what are calling Spain's Me Too Movement moment.

Atika Shubert is at the protest against Luis Rubiales in Madrid, and she joins me now.


Atika, give us a sense of the scene of how many people are turning out and what they've been telling you.

SHUBERT: Well, it's hundreds of people turning out, which is quite something for a spontaneous demonstration like this. And they're all very

outspoken in supporting Jenni Hermoso. I mean, we see the banners here. We've been hearing the chants. We are with you, Jenni. We support you. We

believe you. And so it really is quite an outpouring. And I have to say also getting quite political, the CNN Espanol's just did an interviewer,

for example, with the second vice president, Yolanda Diaz here, and she has been very outspoken on this issue, not only criticizing Rubiales, but also

what she calls the structural sexism involved in this.

So, it really is quite turning out. The thing is here, of course, is that it's going beyond just rallies in the streets and accusations back and

forth. This is now officially the prosecutor has announced an investigation, a criminal investigation, into possible allegations of

sexual aggression. So, this is just ratcheting up on the pressure on Rubiales. And people here on the street are keeping that pressure on him.

SOARES: Yes, we can see some of the banners, se acabo, it's over. We're, of course, also waiting for the Spanish Football Federation to make a

decision. I'm just seeing the banners there. Jennifer Hermoso, we are all - - we believe you. You are champions, it's over. It's become a bigger issue as in, Atika, than just Rubiales and just this moment. We'll keep it on top

of the protests you're seeing there in Madrid. Atika, appreciate it. Great to see you. Thank you very much. We'll stay on top of those images. We'll

bring much more to you as the story develops. Of course, we're also waiting from the Spanish Football Federation who are locked in a closed door


Coming up meantime, another tragic and senseless mass shooting in the United States, what police are saying was the government's motivation. We

are live for you in Florida just ahead.


SOARES: Well, an incident at a school in India is sparking shock as well as outrage. Video has emerged showing a teacher telling students to slap a 7-

year-old classmate who is Muslim. CNN's Vedika Sud has the story and we warn you, you may find it disturbing.


VEDIKA SUD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Police in India's northern state of Uttar Pradesh are investigating a deeply disturbing video that shows a teacher

asking at least three students to slap a fellow classmate who is Muslim.


The incident, which took place on Thursday according to CNN affiliate, CNN- News18, has gone viral on social media sparking widespread outrage and condemnation. In the 39-second video, which CNN has viewed, shows

classmates take turns to slap the boy on the face, forehead and his waist.

The teacher, who can be seen in the frame, asks for the students to slap the boy harder for allegedly forgetting his time stable. The boy can be

seen crying through the video. According to a statement released by the police, the teacher made some objectionable comments in class. She said,

"Mothers of Muhammadan students don't pay attention to the child's studies, which impacts their performance."

On Friday, the police issued a statement saying that a case has been opened against the teacher and that legal action will be taken. However, the

teacher, Tripta Tyagi, speaking to CNN-News18 on Friday said, the video that has been circulated online was edited. She claims to have been under

pressure from the students' parents to be strict with him. She said she's disabled and unable to get up, she instructed the other students to

discipline him. Tyagi has issued an apology.

Speaking to CNN, the father of the student denied the teacher's claims and said his son has been moved to another school, but feels restless and

scared. Opposition leader, Rahul Gandhi, has blamed the Modi government for inciting religious violence in the country. In a post on X, formerly known

as Twitter, Gandhi said, "Sowing the poison of discrimination in the minds of innocent children, turning a holy place like school into a marketplace

of hatred, there is nothing worse than this -- that a teacher can do for the country. This is the same kerosene spread by the BJP, which has set

every corner of India on fire."

The state of Uttar Pradesh is governed by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Hindu nationalist party, Janata Party. Its controversial chief

minister, Yogi Adityanath, has often been criticized for his anti-Muslim rhetoric. CNN has reached out to Uttar Pradesh police officials for more

details. Vedika Sud, CNN, New Delhi.


SOARES: Well, authorities have opened a federal hate crime investigation into the shooting that killed three black people in Jacksonville, Florida.

You can see here the Swastikas that were drawn in the gunman's AR-15 rifle. The city's sheriff tells CNN there's no question the 21-year-old white

gunman was motivated by racism, adding that his manifesto was, "A diary of a madman."

I want to go to Isabel Rosales with the latest from Jacksonville. Isabel, what more are you learning?

ISABEL ROSALES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hey, Isa. So, a press conference just wrapped up a couple of blocks away from that Dollar General here at Edward

Waters University, Florida's first historically black institution. And this is relevant because before the shooter ended up at Dollar General, he was

right here, spotted on campus. And in fact, a couple of students flagged down a security guard and that security guard confronted this would-be


And I want to show you the security guard. This is Lieutenant Antonio Bailey. Sir, thank you so much for your time and speaking with CNN. Can you

walk me through what these students said to you and what caught their attention?

ANTONIO BAILEY, STOPPED SHOOTER FROM ENTERING UNIVERSITY: They stated that they'd seen an individual that was putting on a what appeared to be a

tactical vest, gloves, mask, hat, and that we needed to check that vehicle out.

ROSALES: Were you alarmed hearing that?

BAILEY: Yes, I was very alarmed at that time, which in tune, what made me approach the vehicle.

ROSALES: Right, because that's not right, somebody on campus donning this tactical vest gloves, mask. Talk to me about how you approach him and does

he say anything to you?

BAILEY: I just immediately got out my patrol vehicle and went to approach the vehicle. He reversed speeding out of the parking lot at that time. And

we didn't have any words.

ROSALES: And then what happens after that? Because you follow him.

BAILEY: I did in fact follow him to try to get more information on the vehicle as far as the tag number and any description that I can get to pass

along to the Jacksonville Sheriff Office.

ROSALES: And then we hear that minutes later, in the same hour, three people are killed by this shooter at the Dollar General. One, an employee,

two customers just going to pick up regular stuff, gunned down. When you hear that that happened and that this guy had a manifesto that said he was

targeting black people, he used the "N" word in this manifesto, he hated your community.


How did you feel hearing that?

BAILEY: I mean, personal feelings and that it is, you know, we try to keep them out of it. It is sad and that the families who lost their lives, the

family member had to go through that. You know, you never know what a person has on their mind at this time. So, it's just more so just, you

know, being -- it is very saddening.

ROSALES: Yes, what the families are going through. Absolutely. What has the mood been like on campus after this mass shooting? Because I know that you

speak to these students day in and day out. What are they telling you?

BAILEY: They are very unease at the moment, but we are here reassuring them that they are safe. We're making sure that they see our presence, heavy

presence here on campus and making sure that they are able to get to and from class, to and from the cafeteria.

ROSALES: And I'm not sure if you're a man of faith, but do you share moments of prayer with them and try to help them in their healing through

that manner?

BAILEY: Yes, you know, the God Almighty is the head of all our life, you know, and we definitely ensure them that he's with us. He was with us that

day. And we definitely want to thank Him.

ROSALES: And quick reaction here, the president of the university called you a hero.

BAILEY: I'm definitely no hero. To me, the students that, you know, we preach the same saying every day. You see something, say something. And the

students, they saw, they said, and I was able to approach that vehicle.

ROSALES: Lieutenant Bailey, thank you so much for your time. Isa, back to you.

SOARES: Incredible service there. And indeed, he is the hero. And lieutenant, appreciate it. Thank you very much, Isabel. Appreciate it.

We'll be back after this short break.


SOARES: Welcome back, everyone. NASA's Crew-7 arrived at its home very far away from home for the next six months. The four astronauts were welcomed

aboard the International Space Station after nearly 30-hour journey on a SpaceX Dragon spacecraft, as you can see there. The new international team

has members from the United States, Russia, Denmark, as well as Japan.


There were at least four astronauts from the Crew-6 mission, who are due to fly home next weekend. Well, until they depart, it's shoulder to shoulder

there as you can see, very tight indeed with 11 people there, orbiting the lab, a bit of a squash and a squeeze.

And we end our show with a major search operation in Scotland, but it's what you think. Over the weekend, hundreds of dedicated Nessie hunters

braved the braising Scottish British weather, doesn't look too bad, I have to say, to look for the Loch Ness Monster. It was the biggest search in

over five decades, deploying drones, thermal scanners, infrared camera, and a underwater microphone. Sadly though, Nessie, as he always has been,

remained somewhat elusive.

Searchers say they did hear four distinctive noises, but due to technical difficulties, they weren't caught on tape.


ALAN MCKENNA, LOCH NESS EXPLORATION VOLUNTEER: We heard four distinctive bloops. I feel that's the best way I can describe it to you. And we all

heard it, it wasn't just me thinking this, it was on the speaker's system. He ran to go make sure that the recorder was on, and it wasn't plugged in.


SOARES: So what do we make of their findings? Well, as one Nessie hunter put it, "It could be a myth, it could be real. I like to believe it is

something halfway in between." Let me know what you think.

Thanks for watching tonight. Do stay right here. QUEST MEANS BUSINESS up next, and I'm stepping in for Richard Quest. See you in a few minutes. Bye-
