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Isa Soares Tonight

Case Against Rubiales For "Serious Misconduct" Opened; Ukraine's Defense Minister Rejects Criticism Of Counteroffensive; Typhoon Saola Batters Hong Kong; Georgia Judge Says Former President's Election Meddling And Racketeering Case Can Be Televised; Minister: Spain Will Ask Sports Court To Suspend Rubiales; Judge Handing Out Stiff Sentences To Proud Boys. Aired 2-3p EST

Aired September 01, 2023 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, HOST, ISA SOARES TONIGHT: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, breaking news in the last few minutes.

Spain has opened a case against Spanish football chief, Luis Rubiales for serious misconduct. What does that mean? We are live in Madrid in just a


Then Ukraine's Defense Minister hits back claims that Ukraine's counteroffensive is failing. We'll have more from Dmytro Kuleba's interview

with Christiane Amanpour just ahead. Plus, 200 kilometers an hour wind are battering Hong Kong this hour. We have the very latest on Typhoon Saola and

where it's headed next.

But first, this just coming into us. Spain has opened a case against Luis Rubiales for what it deems serious misconduct, but not very serious

misconduct. And that basically means the National Sports Council cannot suspend him for the time being. Meanwhile, the coach for the men's national

team in Spain, Luis de la Fuente is apologizing for giving, if you remember, standing ovation to football federation boss, Rubiales a week


Rubiales was giving a speech saying, he would not resign, if you remember, that was last Friday, and not resign for grabbing and kissing star player

on the mouth during the award ceremony at the Women's World Cup. That player of course, that we've been talking about here on the show is Jenny

Hermoso, who said, she did not want to be kissed. The women's team coach also gave Rubiales a standing ovation that day, leading to calls for him

and de la Fuente to step down.


LUIS DE LA FUENTE, MANAGER, SPANISH MEN'S NATIONAL TEAM: I don't have to resign. I have to ask for forgiveness. I made a mistake. A human mistake. I

said it was inexcusable, but right now, if I could go back, I wouldn't do that. I'm sure of it.


SOARES: Journalist Atika Shubert standing by Madrid where people are beginning to gather in support of Jenny Hermoso. And Atika, before we get a

sense of the crowds there, let's just bring -- start with the breaking news that we have had in the last kind of 20, 30 minutes, where we know the

sports council deemed it a serious infraction, but not serious enough. Explain what this means.

ATIKA SHUBERT, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, this is a very -- a very important distinction because if it had been a very serious or very grave infraction,

that would have given the government the power through the sports council to suspend Rubiales. But because the tribunal said it was serious, but not

quite at that same level, that means the government does not have the power to suspend him.

So, all they can do at this point is to request to the tribunal, to suspend Rubiales. Basically, Rubiales' fate is still in limbo. And what we have

here is almost a case of hot potato where it's going back and forth on who can actually remove him. And so far, it seems like no one is taking the

responsibility to do so.

SOARES: And Atika, given this -- I know this just happened in the last half an hour or so, how is that being received then in the streets of

Madrid, of people start to protest and stand in support of Jenni Hermoso? Because for many, that would be a slap in the face.

SHUBERT: Yes, I mean, I don't think many in the crowd here are going to be surprised at this, because for many in the crowd, you know, this is not

just a problem of Rubiales, this is a systemic problem, not just in football, but in other places as well, and this is why, precisely why

they're out on the streets campaigning.

But they're trying to keep the pressure on, to try and keep the pressure both on the government, the sports tribunal and the football federation to

do something about Rubiales. Effectively, he cannot be president because he has been suspended by FIFA. But he still retains officially the title. And

so, what people here are demanding is that he be removed one way or the other.

So far, it seems like the tribunal has not been willing to do it. The government technically can't do it because it cannot interfere in this

independent tribunal. All it can do is go back and say, please, reconsider, we believe these are very serious infractions. In fact, I'd like to quote

to you what the Sports and Culture Minister has just said.

He said quote, "people who are not committed to full equality between men and women should not exercise official response abilities."


So it's clear the government is trying to say, something needs to be done, but the tribunal doesn't seem to see it that way. Isa.

SOARES: Yes, and I was listening to that press conference, and the government is in disagreement with the decision by the tribunal. That is

very clear. So what happens now, Atika, as that pressure continues to mount, because, of course, we have yet to hear from Rubiales.

SHUBERT: We have yet to hear from Rubiales since Friday. We have not heard a peep from him, and he is not been heard or seen anywhere. But I think

after this decision, we're bound to hear a lot from politicians, such as Yolanda Diaz; the vice prime minister, who has been very vocal about this.

She has said, there has to be some sort of action taken against Rubiales, and we're probably bound to see more rallies like this to keep the pressure

on him.

SOARES: Atika Shubert there with the breaking news we've had in the last 30 minutes or so. Thank you very much, Atika, appreciate it. Well, we are

learning more today about the surge in drone strikes on Russian soil. Ukraine's defense, intelligence chief says the attack on a military airbase

in Pskov this week was launched from inside Russia.

Ukraine has repeatedly said, it would return the war to Russia if you remember. And now, a top presidential adviser says that operation is well

underway, predicting these drone attacks will only increase. He also says a network of Russian citizens are involved. Have a listen.


MYKHAILO PODOLYAK, SENIOR UKRAINIAN PRESIDENTIAL ADVISER: There is a large number of people who support the resistance of Ukraine. These are citizens

of the Russian federation. They take part in destroying certain military capabilities of the Russian federation on Russian soil. They directly

attack military or military-related objects, not only near Russia's border territories, but also deep in the rear of the Russian federation.


SOARES: Well, Ukraine also says, it's making progress on its own territory, advancing toward Russia's fortified trenches on the southern

front. Ukrainian forces say they've now broken through the first line of Russian strongholds in the Zaporizhzhia region. Ukraine has rejected

criticism that its counteroffensive is moving too slowly.

The defense ministry today issued what it called a gentle reminder for those far from the battlefield. Ukraine needs more ammunition, not a

device. Where Ukraine's foreign minister also has some strong words for the critics. Our chief international anchor Christiane Amanpour spoke to Dmytro

Kuleba today. She has been reporting for us all week from Kyiv. Christiane, great to see you.

Look, I think it's fair to say that, you know, we have maybe reporting here on the show as you have that, there's been so much criticism about

Ukrainian tactics and the pace of this counteroffensive. How does Mr. Kuleba see those critics? How does he assess the counteroffensive?

CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL ANCHOR: Well, Isa, it's important just to say that for this whole week, we've been exploring this

phenomenon, and we've been talking to, you know, retired U.S. commanders like David Petraeus; a former -- you know, NATO deputy commanders like

Richard Sheriff and others, and all of them have said that it is very unfortunate that this sort of arm-chair worry about, you know, Monday-

morning-quarterbacking second-guessing is taking place by people who are not in the battle.

And Foreign Minister Kuleba has been in Europe, in Spain and France and elsewhere, talking to his counterparts. And he was asked the same question.

And he basically turned around and he said, you know, you guys who are criticizing us and questioning us are, quote, spitting in the face of

Ukrainian soldiers who are sacrificing themselves for this effort.

And he went on to say, they should shut up and figure out whether they could come here and liberate even an inch of territory. So I put that to

him and this is what he said.


DMYTRO KULEBA, FOREIGN MINISTER, UKRAINE: If Ukraine was failing, I would probably be the first one to speak the truth. But we are not failing, we

are moving forward. We liberated thousands of square kilometers of our land through minefields with no air coverage. How does it feel when you come

back from your mission, and you take back your phone, you open it, and you start reading all the smart people saying how slow, how slow you are and

that you are not -- you are not doing well enough.

You just lost two of your buddies, you were almost killed. You crawled one kilometer on your belly, de-mining the field. You sacrificed yourself, you

took the damn Russian trench in a fierce fight. And then you read someone saying, oh, guys, you are too slow.


AMANPOUR: So that very dramatic picture of exactly what the forces are doing, and how unwelcome this criticism is. I asked him whether his actual

NATO supporters are criticizing like that, and he said absolutely not. And we've heard, of course, from NATO Secretary-General and others who believe

that this is going to be hard, it's going to be tough, it's not going to happen overnight.


But absolutely, crucially, all the Ukrainians who we talked to, and many of the other generals and former commanders that I've spoken to, believe that

as much help as Ukraine has got, they need to get more, especially, you know, air cover, especially more long-range artillery and the kind of

things they need to be able to punch through very sophisticated and deep defenses that the Russians have built over the last months, down in the

south where they're engaged now. Isa?

SOARES: For us there in Kyiv this hour. Thanks very much, Christiane. Well, meantime, Ukraine claims Russia is committing heinous crimes against

Ukrainian children. And that it has opened more than 3,200 related criminal cases. The allegations include murder, torture, kidnapping, sexual violence

and more. Russia's treatment of Ukraine's children has long faced international scrutiny.

And Russia has repeatedly denied accusations of human rights abuses. Let's bring in CNN's Melissa Bell for more, she's live for us in Zaporizhzhia.

And Melissa, I'm keen to delve a bit deeper into these allegations, heinous crimes being committed there. What are prosecutors telling us?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: When you look at the scale for start of the number of cases now being prosecuted, 3,200 that involve children, Isa,

it is chilling. And then when you look at the range of allegations that have been made against Russian soldiers, and they go from instances where

towns or villages have been occupied, people have been held in basements and tortured and no difference has been made between the children and the


So children who have been tortured. Allegations of sexual crimes against very young children. And then they go also to the question of the

deportations that we've covered so extensively over the course of the last year. And for which war crimes, investigations been opened even at The

Hague against Vladimir Putin and the woman in charge of these mass deportation of Ukrainian children towards Russian territories.

So, a vast array of alleged crimes that have been committed again against very young children. The point of the Ukrainians from the very start,

within just a couple of months of the start of the invasion has been to seek, to prosecute these crimes aggressively because, Isa, it's a difficult

thing to do in wartime.

But their point was that if they could do it and show that the justice system was functioning, that there could be no impunity, they might be

sending a very strong message to those Russian soldiers who are even now occupying Ukrainian territories, that what they do, they will be held

accountable for.

And so, you see the result of this strategy where the judiciary has continued to prosecute these cases aggressively. Looking not alone, because

there are the Ukrainian prosecutor's offices across the country. But also, the jurisdictions of many other countries that have gotten involved in

trying to investigate and prosecute the crimes that have been alleged to have been committed here, and of course, the international tribunal at The

Hague as well.

So, there's a lot of work that's been done and that is ongoing. And the understanding is that these crimes, the 3,200 that are now been opened here

in Ukraine will first of all, if they're allowed to continue and be brought to some sort of resolution, allow for some sort of justice to be served.

But again, to serve as a reminder and a warning to those still occupying the lands here in Ukraine.

That what you do when it is against international law, when it is against even the rules and the rules that apply in a war zone and to war, that you

will be prosecuted and sort out, not just --

SOARES: Yes --

BELL: The country itself, but the individual soldiers. Isa.

SOARES: An important story indeed. I want to leave that and change tacts if I may and focus on the counteroffensive. You are in Zaporizhzhia, I

don't know if you heard Dmytro Kuleba's interview with our Christiane Amanpour where he rejected the criticism about the slow pace of this

counteroffensive. He said not failing when moving forward.

What is your sense from what you are seeing? Because what we keep hearing from Ukrainian side, is they are making gradual progress. Is that something

that you are seeing, Melissa?

BELL: Oh, we are seeing. We spent the night, Isa, with SPU, the Ukrainian Secret Service's drone team working on the outskirts, just above the

frontline, and you could see all night the intense artillery fire, the rockets going back and forth. You could hear what was going on underneath,

and we got, thanks to them, a glimpse of just how dense and deep those Russian defenses are.


BELL (voice-over): The scars of war. Russia sprawling network of fortified defenses, including the infamous dragon's teeth, clamping into Ukrainian

ground. This exclusive video shot by Ukraine security service, a reminder of all that lies before Kyiv's advancing troops.


The counteroffensives gained so far, slow, but steady.

KULEBA: We are not failing, we are moving forward. We liberated thousands of square kilometers of our land through minefields, with no air coverage.

BELL: The Ukrainian military says it's consolidating positions on the southern frontlines and looking to the next layer of Russian defenses. With

the country's foreign minister reassuring impatient allies.

KULEBA: Our partners who are helping us, including the United States, they understand that things are moving in the right direction, and they

understand that there is no tragedy or no kind of slowdown.

BELL: Meanwhile, Russia renewing nuclear fears, the country's space agency announcing that it's put the Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile on

combat alert. As attacks on Russian soil increased, drone strikes once shocking, now routine. Moscow's mayor announcing on Friday, the foiling of

yet another attack by Ukrainian drones on the capital as well as surrounding regions. Russia's defense ministry spokesperson also praising

Russia's air defenses.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): Two hundred and eighty one Ukrainian on crude aerial vehicles were destroyed, including one, two, 141

street's(ph) jet, as well as 29 Ukrainian aircraft-type UAVs in the western regions of the Russian federation.

BELL: But some drones did get through this week. These new satellite images show the damaged planes at the Kreste(ph) Airbase in Russia's

western Pskov region. An attack launched from inside Russia, according to Kyiv. The burned remains of the aircrafts, Russia's own scars of war.


BELL: Just south of here in Zaporizhzhia, Isa, that counteroffensive continues to make slow painstaking progress slightly to the south of

Robotyne, that was an important significant gain over the course of the last week or so. It is to the south and to the east that Ukrainian forces

are moving, making some progress towards the south. We understand from various sources, including expanding the bridge heads, consolidating the

positions they've taken, the hope of moving to the next town to the south.

It is to the east that things have proven a little harder as Russia brings an extra forces to try and hold what territory it's been holding, and over

which, it has constructed such extraordinary defenses over the course of the last nearly a year and a half. Isa.

SOARES: Important reporting there from our Melissa Bell in Kyiv. Thanks very much, Melissa. And still to come tonight, Hong Kong is under its

highest warning as it faces what could be one of the region's strongest storms in years. We'll look at just how bad conditions are getting there.

Plus, why thousands North Korea's who have been living abroad for years are finally returning home. Both of those stories after this very short break.

You are watching CNN.



SOARES: Well, Hong Kong is now under the highest warning possible as Typhoon Saola lashes the city. It's now past well, 2:00 a.m. there, and it

will continue to be a very rough morning. The storm is the equivalent of a Category 4 hurricane, and winds are expected to reach about 220 kilometers

per hour. There are reports of flooding as well as injuries with three people hospitalized.

Hundreds of flights have been canceled and businesses and schools as you can imagine, are close. CNN's Ivan Watson is in Hong Kong and filed this



IVAN WATSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): This is super Typhoon Saola. It's currently pounding Hong Kong. It has been classified as

a T-10 storm, that's only the fourth time since the year 2000 that Hong Kong has seen a storm of this strength come through. The authorities have

issued a warning for people to take cover, stay away from windows, and now as it squirt pass this port city, we can see downed tree branches, we've

seen some street signs come down.

And right here, where we are right now, this is called Causeway Bay. So it's one of the busiest normally shopping districts in the city. And as you

can see on a Friday night, there are handful of people walking around, but it's almost completely deserted. Schools were closed, hundreds of flights

canceled. And this storm is also impacting the broader Pearl Delta.

A very densely popular area, not far from here of the city of Shenzhen with a population more than 13 million people. The airport was closed there on

Friday, and the authorities are predicting a storm surge several meters above the usual high tide mark which is approaching in the coming hours.

So, a very serious storm in a city that is no stranger to very powerful tropical typhoons. Ivan Watson, CNN, Hong Kong.


SOARES: And it's not just Typhoon Saola, another typhoon, Typhoon Haikui is also threatening east Asia right now. For the latest on these twin

storms, I'm joined by meteorologist Chad Myers in Atlanta. And Chad, you could see there from our Ivan Watson really getting at battering. But talk

to us about these two storms because they're happening at different times from what I understand, and I'm getting storm surge is a huge concern too,

from what we heard there from Ivan.

CHAD MYERS, METEOROLOGIST: Absolutely. Without a question, we don't even want him near to the shore, that's how volatile the water is there in Hong

Kong. He said 2 meters, that's easy 2 meters, it could even be a little bit more than that. It is now rapidly losing strength though, and that's

unfortunate for the people of Hong Kong, because it did hit Hong Kong itself, at least, the northern eye wall, and that's why it's actually

losing strength.

It was because it did make contact. They are scraping the coast, but there you go. This is Haikui, this will be a big storm for the area of Taiwan.

There goes the one storm you can now see leaving Hong Kong, seeing the wind now from the opposite direction. But still, a signal 10 at this hour,

although, the observatory now talking about bringing it down to a T-8 here just in the next couple of hours or so.

But there you see the biggest gusts we found so far, 181 kilometers per hour. That will do damage no matter where you are. So, here's Hong Kong

right here, there's the center of circulation, has moved on, off towards the west, and that's the good news. It will continue to deteriorate and

rapidly de-intensify as we get down to about 85KPH over the next 48 hours or so.

But the next storm is when we're really going to have to start watching here, because that's the one that's going to significantly affect here,

Taiwan, especially not so much Taipei this time, last time, this last hour, it really looked like it might have been a little bit farther to the north,

but now the new forecast has it traveling right in the middle of Taiwan itself with significant rainfall accumulations.

A wide swath of more than 18 inches, more than 500 millimeters of rainfall expected here, all the way along the spine of the higher elevations, all of

that water, Isa, is going to have to run down the hill.


There will be significant flash flooding, likely mudslides. We'll be hearing about this. Now, that side of the island is significantly less

populated than the west side, and likely for a reason because this happens quite often. But 500 millimeters of rainfall over a wide swath of land is

going to do some devastation to the topography there.

SOARES: Yes, indeed, keeping a close eye on the next 48 hours there for Taiwan. Chad, appreciate it, thank you very much.

MYERS: You're welcome.

SOARES: Well, it's Monsoon season in Pakistan where flooding kills hundreds of people every year in the country's mountain regions. Homes and

schools get washed away, and residents are left without clean water. But a non-governmental organization is working to change that. Our Lynda Kinkade

has the story.


LYNDA KINKADE, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A blessing and a curse. This year's Monsoon season in Pakistan, once again, waterlogging parts of

the country. The heavy rains farmers rely on each year to irrigate crops and filled water tanks, coming in ferocious burst that are wiping out


NASREEN BIBI, FLOOD VICTIM (through translator): The flood came to our area, our houses collapsed, our belongings were swept away and our crops

are submerged under water. We couldn't bring anything with us.

KINKADE: In 2022, those downpours were disastrous, submerging about a third of the country in unprecedented floods, at least, 1,700 people were

killed, and nearly 1.5 million homes destroyed. One NGO in Pakistan is trying to help people survive such extreme weather conditions by building

homes that are better equipped to withstand floods. This woman and her sons lost their house last year.

CHAMPA BAI (through translator): Our house was standing here at the same spot, but it was washed away by the floods. It was all ruined and became

debris. We put up a plastic tent to take shelter, then more water gushed in, and we had to take shelter on the road.

KINKADE: Their new home built by Heritage Foundation of Pakistan is different from the traditional mud house that she lived in. It's made from

a pre-fabricated bamboo structure with lime hardened mud walls to waterproof their home and straw tops and more protective materials to cover

the roof. And though her house is yet to be tested by the elements, many houses in nearby villages built in the same design before last year's

floods are still standing.

SATTYA RAM, VILLAGER (through translator): These houses were not demolished when the floods came in 2022. They will not be destroyed if

there are any floods in the future.

KINKADE: Durability was one of the key drivers in the design created by Yasmeen Lari, Pakistan's first certified female architect, who opted to use

local materials to keep cost down.

YASMEEN LARI, ARCHITECT: First of all, we have to understand we're working for the poor. So it's got to be affordable. Secondly, we have to understand

that whatever you bring from outside will only be far more expensive and can't be done, you can't make affordable housing with that.

KINKADE: The houses cost under $87 to build, which is about a tenth of what it takes to make a cement structure according to the NGO. The

construction only takes a week, and the NGO says it would like to build at least, 350,000 homes. And for those living in temporary shelters, that's a

chance to one day have a roof over their heads again, and one, that is hopefully built to last. Lynda Kinkade, CNN.


SOARES: And still to come tonight, a U.S. judge hands down some of the longest prison sentences yet with cases tied to the January 6th

insurrection. We'll have the latest on the Proud Boys' trials. Plus, it could be the trial of the century. But will we be able to watch it? Coming

up, what the judge in one Trump election interference case is allowing in his courtroom. That's next.



SOARES: Welcome back, everyone. The racketeering case against the former U.S. President will be televised. The judge has approved live streaming and

television for Donald Trump and 18 codefendants in their Georgia election interference trial. The ruling is subject to change and won't apply to

anything moved to federal court where cameras and smart phones aren't allowed. Multiple defendants, including former Trump Chief of Staff, Mark

Meadows, are asking, as you know, for their cases to be moved to federal court.

For more, CNN's Senior Media Reporter, Oliver Darcy, joins me now from New York. So, Oliver, good to see you. So, possibility this trial will be live

streamed and televised. How big of a deal is this? Put in to perspective for us.

OLIVER DARCY, CNN SENIOR MEDIA REPORTER: This is a huge deal. I mean, this is going to be the most watched courtroom trial in history. And it's

important that the public gets to see this trial because it is against a former U.S. president and so allowing it to be streamed on YouTube and

televised lets the public see how strong the evidence is against Donald Trump. It also will help stem the flow of misinformation coming out of that

court. Conspiracy theories, they tend to thrive in the void of information. And so, if we're covering a trial and there's no video and there's little

information coming out of the courtroom, that's when conspiracy theories and misinformation, that's when it would do well and flourish.

I think allowing this to be live streamed, allowing the public to watch in real time, giving newsrooms access to videos so they can quickly fact check

and debunk things, that will be good for the public discourse and cleaning up the environment and making sure that Donald Trump isn't allowed to

exploit that void of information to his own political benefit.

SOARES: So you don't think he'll make a drama out of this? You know, he likes a good -- a bit of a drama. It won't play to his, you know, won't

help him at all during this election? You're not of that view?

DARCY: I'm sure he's going to do everything he can to make this very dramatic and I think that's going to happen with or without cameras. But if

he's in a court of law, one, he's going to be bound because he's going to be under oath. So, it's going to be interesting to see how he answers

questions. If he does take the stand under oath, and at least it's going to be interesting to see what the other people say under oath. And I think

that's one.

But two, if he's in a court of law, it's not like he's in control of that courtroom, right? A judge is in control of that courtroom. And so he's

going to be in a similar position, I think, to Alex Jones, the right-wing conspiracy theorist.


When he was under trial, you know, on his radio show and his television show, he's a very cartoon-like character. He's very eccentric. But in

court, you saw him at a totally different light. And I think that's going to be similar to what you'd see from Donald Trump, someone who's usually in

control of the cameras and the narrative, he's going to suddenly find himself having to play ball by the judge's rules.

SOARES: And just to clarify, we haven't heard from the former president regarding this, have we?

DARCY: I can't imagine that the former president, you know, talking about this. He may have posted something on True Social, you know, his Truth True

Social, you know, his Truth Social feed is a long, long, laundry list of complaints often. So, I can't virtually say he hasn't said anything, but

not to my knowledge, no.

SOARES: Wonderful. Thank you very much. Appreciate it. Oliver Darcy there.

And now let's look at some of Donald Trump's co-defendants, because many of them are racking up legal fees that may exceed their ability to actual pay.

Some are even turning to crowdfunding on the internet. And while Trump did cover the defense costs of advisors, aides, as well as employees during the

House Select Committee's probe into the January 6 insurrection, it is not clear if he will get those charge in the Georgia case, a source close to

Trump tells CNN the Georgia defendants have not asked him for help.

For more, let's bring in our Kristen Holmes in Washington, D.C. So, Kristen, I mean, this legal battle, these co-defendants are facing, I mean,

this could be very costly indeed. Just talk us through how they are finding the funds for this.

KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN U.S. NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yeah, the costs here are really enormous. I mean, we even know that one of these co-defendants spent

a week in jail already because they couldn't afford an attorney. And so, we're starting to see these co-defendants raise money in really creative

ways. And part of that is crowdfunding, several of them taking to a Christian-based crowdfunding site to raise money and that includes Jenna

Ellis. These are the lawyers, a John Eastman, who raised $500,000, Jeffrey Clark, who is a former DOJ official, as well as Cathy Latham, who is a fake


Now, on top of that, we know Rudy Giuliani, who has had significant financial problems, is getting some help from Donald Trump. Now, not paying

those bills, but he is hosting, Trump that is, a fundraiser for Giuliani at his Bedminster Resort next week. It is $100,000 per person, and he is

slated to speak at that event. We also know that for Giuliani, his son has started a PAC in order to help him pay off those legal bills.

Now, again, this is expected to be an extraordinary fee. And for most of his aides, advisors, employees, former and current, who have been caught up

either in the January 6 Committee investigation or in these federal investigations, Trump has voted the bill, particularly through his Save

America PAC. That's a leadership PAC. Now, they have spent more than $41 million in legal fees since 2021. Because of that, they actually requested

a refund on $60 million that that group had given to a super PAC supporting Trump for the campaign. They are expected to get that money back. But that

goes to show you just how much money they are spending on these legal bills.

And the other thing I want to note is that this is also why Trump's team started a legal defense fund in July. Now, this was made for those aides

and advisors, really to help offset the cost of these enormous legal bills. And I am told that Don Jr. and Eric Trump are both helping fundraise for

this nonprofit, that they have a lot of pledges out. But it's not clear how many of those pledges have actually turned into real money. They're not

sure if they've even collected on them.

And I was told by one of Trump's advisors that if any of these Georgia code defendants want to get help, they should apply to the legal defense fund.

But again, it's not really clear how much money is in this legal defense fund or if they'd even be able to help right now.

SOARES: And in the meantime, Kristen, we, you know, Trump's legal team from what I understand, have now formally asked a judge to sever his case from

his code defendant. Just talk us through the strategy, the thinking here.

HOLMES: Yes, one of Donald Trump's biggest strategies is always to delay, delay, delay. We know that they have encouraged or they have asked to do

any -- all of these hearings after Trump -- after the election in 2024. Some of the thinking there, at least among Trump allies, is that if Trump

is president at the time, which many of his allies believe, that these won't actually go to trial. Now, this is part of that in terms of delaying.

When you look at that October date, that was the date that Georgia had suggested for the beginning of this trial. We know some of these co-

defendants have asked for a speedy trial. They're saying there's just not enough time. Now, I've spoken to a number of legal experts who say that

they do believe in this case, Donald Trump has a good case, that it would be harder for a judge to have that trial in October because there are a lot

of documents to go through.

We know that this is an investigation that took two years, that even just going through the facts, the evidence of the case took several months.


So, they believe -- and again, this is the legal experts I have talked to, that Donald Trump might have a good case not to actually have this trial in


But as it is, we know that overall, with these multiple trials, with these multiple legal issues he is facing, they are trying to continue to delay

this past the election. They believe that is a good strategy. And I am told by a number of advisors that they think they'll be able to do so. They

don't think that these series of dates is set in stone. Unclear though, some of them do see more set in stone than others, so they don't really

have to wait and see how this plays out.

SOARES: Kristen Holmes, appreciate it, thank you very much.

And still to come tonight, Paris is set to host the Paralympics next year, but is the city of light ready? CNN investigates next.


SOARES: And an update on the breaking news story that we brought in about 43 minutes ago at the top of the hour, crisis that's sending shockwaves

really far beyond women's football and has had an entire nation reckoning with sexism. Just minutes ago, Spain's Minister of Culture and Sports said

the government is going to ask the court of arbitration in sport to suspend Luis Rubiales. Have a listen to what he said.


MIQUEL ICETA, SPANISH MINISTER OF CULTURE AND SPORT (through translator): The Superior Sports Council is going to request the court to proceed to

temporarily suspend Luis Rubiales from his functions until the issue that affects him is definitively resolved.


SOARES: Well, Spanish Football Federation boss, Rubiales, is accused of kissing star player on the mouth without her consent during the award

ceremony at the Women's World Cup. Rubiales has refused to step down the last time we heard from him. If you remember, it was on Friday. We have

seen protests on the streets of Madrid today, but, of course, we'll stay on top of this story for you.

I want to go over to Washington because a judge has been handing out stiff sentences to several men of the far-right Proud Boys group for their roles

in the January 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol. Dominic Pezzola, the U.S. Marine veteran who smashed through this window, as you can see there, at

the U.S. Capitol was handed a 10-year prison sentence just a short time ago.

On Thursday, District Judge, Timothy Kelly, sentenced Army vet, Joseph Biggs, to 17 years in prison, one of the longest sentences yet for someone

convicted in this case.


Marine veteran, Zachary Rehl, also in this video, received 15 years behind bars. Former Proud Boy Chairman, Enrique Tarrio, is set to be sentenced on

Tuesday. I want to get more on this. I want to bring in CNN's Jessica Schneider who is following all of this in Washington. And Jessica, good to

see you. Just bring us up to date here on the sentences that'd be handed down because as we've just outlined there, some of these have been pretty

lengthy sentences.

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: They have been quite lengthy. I mean, usually more than a decade or more, but it's still pretty much 10

years below what prosecutors have been asking for. And at this point today, we're actually awaiting the sentencing of that fourth Proud Boy, Ethan

Nordean. He was the leader of the Seattle chapter and he was convicted, like the others have, of seditious conspiracy. So, he was on the Capitol

grounds January 6th.

He was convicted, you know, in helping to plot the violence, also in helping to encourage all of the violence that day. His conviction came down

just a few months ago in May along with four other members. So, Isa, his lawyers have asked for a lighter sentence than the 27 years federal

prosecutors are asking for. The sentencing is ongoing right now. And it's interesting because in a statement that he submitted to the court, Ethan

Nordean, he said it was Trump who left his group on the battlefield as he put it, bloody and alone. So really pointing the finger at the former

president who himself is facing multiple indictments. So, the judge, Isa, is considering that sentencing right now.

And then earlier today, we saw another member of the Proud Boys, as you mentioned, Dominic Pezzola. What was interesting is, he was sentenced to 10

years and as the sentence -- the sentencing finished and the federal judge actually left the courtroom, that's when Dominic Pezzola actually raised

his fist and said Trump won. That despite the fact that during the sentencing itself, Pezzola had said, you know, I'm a humble and changed

man. And the judge kind of had said, I think you may have turned a corner here, but then he did that at the end of sentencing.

So there's a lot unfolding in the courtroom and federal court now. These Proud Boys being brought to justice after a lengthy, you know, indictment.

Two years -- more than two years after January 6th, Isa.

SOARES: And it's interesting what you said about Ethan Nordean, the sentencing taking place right now. I wonder if you can give us any more

details in terms of what they had to say in these sentencing hearings. I mean, any remorse from any of the others.

SCHNEIDER: Well, it's interesting because a lot of these -- especially these Proud Boy members in the past few days, they have been expressing

great remorse. You know, Ethan Nordean's has just started. So, we're not getting a lot from the courtroom just yet. We're expecting it to take a


But you saw Dominic Pezzola earlier today. I mean, he talked to the judge. Members of his family were in the courtroom as well. And they are all

expressing great remorse saying that this was the worst, most regrettable, maybe decisions of their lives. But then the fact that Dominic Pezzola kind

of turned around and showed that defiance as he was being left out of the - - let out of the courtroom after the judge has left saying Trump won, it really does show maybe this either internal conflict within these Proud Boy

members, or maybe they're just playing to the judge, saying what their lawyers want them to say, but there's a lot of conflict, maybe still

feeling strongly in support of the former president and some not as in support, obviously, of the former president.

SOARES: Yeah. I know you'll stay across Ethan Nordean's sentencing. Jessica Schneider, appreciate it. Thanks, Jessica.

And still to come tonight from a record-breaking tour to breaking records at the box office, we'll tell you about Taylor Swift's next move for this

Era's production, that's next.



SOARES: Well, you can say au revoir to electric scooters in Paris, a law went into effect today after voters decided this past April to ban the

electric scooter rentals. Almost 90 percent of voters were in favor of the ban, although overall voter turnout was very low. This vote came after

hundreds of e-scooter related accidents last year. The ban only impacts rentals and not privately owned scooters.

Well, Paris is scheduled, as you know, to hold the Paralympic game, let's just say, in less than one year and that is bringing increased focus on how

accessible the host city actually is. Our Jim Bittermann went around the city to investigate further.


JIM BITTERMANN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): With less than a year to go before Paris hosts the next Paralympics, officials have been showing off

how much work has been done, with President Emmanuel Macron having promised 1.5 billion Euros. "To assure the accessibility of the competition to

athletes, visitors and tourists." But "accessible" is a word scoffed at by some disabled like Franck Maille. Go for a tour with Maille, a Paralympic

medal winner himself on Paris' most accessible public transport systems and you see the problems, which face the 350,000 disabled visitors expected to

attend next year's games.

When Mai comes into the city for instance, he uses a renovated train line equipped with elevators making it accessible, but he points out not

accessible without help. And while there are elevators, they're sometimes hard to find or not functioning, as a disabled British visitor found out.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All of the lifts were broken, every single one.


BITTERMANN (voice-over): And if the most modern subway line has problems, the 13 other older lines of the famous Paris Metro are simply impossible

for disabled users.


BITTERMANN: While the Metro system is no doubt the most efficient way to get around Paris, it was built more than a hundred years ago and most of

the stations are like this one, not accessible to anyone who can't go up and down stairs. The Metro system is gradually making improvements.

Officials don't believe that more than 14 percent of it will be wheelchair accessible by 2024 in the Olympic Games. Just by comparison, Tokyo's system

was 90 percent accessible for the last Olympic Games.


BITTERMANN (voice-over): Even the mayor of Paris admits there are problems.


ANNE HIDALGO, PARIS MAYOR (through translator): The Metro, which is very ancient, cannot be made totally accessible.


BITTERMANN (voice-over): But the mayor quickly pivots to the brand new tramways built at ground level, which shouldn't be a problem for those in

wheelchairs. And she points out the buses which are being renovated and equipped with ramps. But the disabled, who actually use the buses, say it's

not that simple.


FRANCK MAILLE, APF FRANCE HANDICAP (through translator): Because for example, sometimes the extendable ramp doesn't work or the drivers don't

know how to use them.


BITTERMANN (voice-over): While the mobility issue remains a priority, there are others, housing for instance. The tens of thousands of hotel rooms and

short-term apartment rentals in the city's historic buildings, only a tiny fraction are fully usable by people in wheelchairs. And there is the

further question of access to the bars, the bathrooms and small businesses that are part of the Paris scene.

Despite the challenges, Maille is still a big supporter of next year's games.


MAILLE (through translator): What I say to people is come. Come to see Paris. That's clear, no? But don't be surprised that Paris is not more

accessible, that it's not the best of the best because there's still so much work to be done.


BITTERMANN (voice-over): Maille and other disability rights activists were hoping the games could transform not just infrastructure but also attitudes

toward the disabled. Yet with less than a year ago before the games, they say, that looks increasingly doubtful.


Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.


SOARES: Well, a highway near Toronto Canada was a buzzed the other day as authorities rushed to capture five million bees. The insects had spilled

out of their crates and onto the road as you can see there when straps attached to crates carrying their hives got loose. It took more than half a

dozen local beekeepers about four hours to corral the bees back into the hives. One beekeeper was stung repeatedly, but police saying no other

injuries were reported.

And it was a cruel summer for fans who missed out on Taylor Swift's record- breaking Era tour, but that's all changing this winter.


TAYLOR SIFT, SINGER: We're about to go on a little adventure together and that adventure is going to span 17 years of music. How does that sound?


SOARES: And that's a teaser. The movie version of the Era's tour has already broken records at AMC theaters. The company announced the film sold

$26 million in advance ticket sales on Thursday. That shot is a single-day record previously held by Spiderman: No Way Home. According to AMC, the

record was broken in just three hours prompting the theater to add extra show time. The era's tour movie will debut on October 13th. Is there

anything that women cannot do?

And that does it for me for tonight. Do stay right here. "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" up next. Have a wonderful weekend. I'll see you Monday. Bye-bye.