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Isa Soares Tonight

U.S. Says North Korea's Leader Kim Jong-Un May Meet Russian President Vladimir Putin Soon To Discuss A Possible Arms Deal; Spain Changes Women's Football National Team's Head Coach; Mark Meadows Pleads Not Guilty; Deadly Flooding In Greece; Proud Boys' Enrique Tarrio Faces Sentencing; Kenyan President Wants More Climate Finance For Continent; Court Rules Hong Kong Must Find "Alternative Framework" To Legally Recognize Same-Sex Couples; German Tourist Arrested For Damaging Statue. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired September 05, 2023 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, the U.S. says North Korea's leader Kim

Jong-un may meet Russian President Vladimir Putin soon to discuss a possible arms deal. How worrying would an agreement be? And hours after

Spain's women's national team head coach Jorge Vilda was fired, the country's local federation announces a woman will now lead the World Cup

winning team for the first time.

Plus, former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows pleads not guilty in the election interference case in Georgia as he tries to move his case out

of state and into federal court. We have all the very latest for you. Well, as soon as next week, Vladimir Putin could host face-to-face talks with a

leader who rarely ever leaves his own country in hopes of gaining more firepower for the war in Ukraine.

U.S. officials say North Korean leader Kim Jong-un may travel to Russia to discuss a potential arms deal. They warned that negotiations have been

actively advancing since Russia's defense minister visited Pyongyang, if you remember, back in July. For the U.S. and its allies, this news is

troubling while on multiple fronts, not only are they worried that Russia could fuel its war machine with fresh artillery and other weaponry, but

they're also worried about what North Korea, I should say, could get in exchange.

Well, the Kremlin isn't commenting on these reports, but it's no secret that North Korea wants technology that could advance its own military

capabilities, including the ability, of course, to produce nuclear-powered submarines. CNN's Paula Hancocks begins our coverage in Seoul tonight.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): The first and last meeting between the current leaders of Russia and North Korea was more than four

years ago. Since then, Russian President Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine and his military efforts are faltering. So, for Kim Jong-un, the power dynamics

have changed.

DAVID SANGER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: A large power has now dependent on him. That hasn't happened in a while. The second thing he gains is the possibility of

access to more oil. At the moment that Kim Jong-un is testing his ballistic missiles, particularly long-range ones, many of which have design

commonalities with Russian missiles, he can get a lot of help there.

HANCOCKS: U.S. officials believe Moscow could receive multiple types of munitions from Pyongyang in any arms deal which could be used on the

frontlines in Ukraine. The Biden administration believes North Korea already delivered infantry rockets and missiles for use by Russian

mercenary force Wagner late last year.

DOO JIN-HO, RESEARCH FELLOW, KOREA INSTITUTE FOR DEFENSE ANALYSES (through translator): Russia, North Korea have something in common --

interoperability of conventional weapons. For example, North Korea's 152- millimeter artillery ammunition and 122 multiple rocket launcher ammunition can be used on Russian weapons immediately.

HANCOCKS: U.S. officials says Kim Jong-un may travel to Russia to meet Vladimir Putin this month. There is an eastern economic forum in

Vladivostok next week. Letters of support have been exchanged between the two leaders. Russia's Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu was given the red

carpet treatment by Kim in Pyongyang in July. The Lord's(ph) military capabilities were on full display.

And Seoul's(ph) crews intelligence agency says a second Russian delegation visited at the start of August by August 8th, the Russian plane is believed

to have transferred unknown military supplies from Pyongyang, no evidence or destination given. Pyongyang and Moscow deny any potential arms deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kim is becoming more paranoid than normal over the last four or five years. And so for him, this alliance achieves makes him look

less isolated. This provides a psychological boost for him and his inner circle.

HANCOCKS (on camera): Politically, both Vladimir Putin and Kim Jong-un stand to benefit greatly from a closer alliance. They are united by a

common enemy, the United States and they both want an alternative world order. A world where the U.S. is less powerful and where U.N. Security

Council resolutions are less able to be in post. Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


SOARES: Well, let's get more now from U.S. security correspondent Kylie Atwood, she joins from the State Department, also joined here by our

international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson. So, Nic, let me start with you.


Do we have a sense of what both sides want? I mean, is this transactional? Is it strategic? How do you see it?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: I think it's all of the above. And in essence, Putin has been in a position whereby he is not as

powerful as he used to be, and therefore needs to take what he can from neighbors and friends, and give what they need. We've seen that with Iran,

we've seen it with China buying cheaper gas and electricity.

Specifically now, he is in a war of attrition with Ukraine, which means both sides using massive amounts of ammunition, and we know Putin has got

his armaments factories up working 24 hours a day, some of them to produce more weapons and more ammunition. North Korea has the same type of weapons

152 millimeter-artillery, 122-millimeter artillery that Putin's troops are firing in masses in Ukraine. He needs more of them.

North Korea borders Russia. There is a train line that links North Korea effectively through the -- all the way across Russia to Ukraine. So the

ammunition is there that Putin desperately needs in a war of attrition. He cannot let his sort of fire rates fall because that gives the Ukrainians an

advantage when they're pushing. And the North Koreans also want technology that Russia has.

Satellite technology, nuclear-powered submarine technology. And we know Kim Jong-un is willing to spend massively on his armaments, and he has an

opportunity now to take advantage of a weaker Putin --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: To get technology, might not have otherwise been able to get.

SOARES: Kylie, how does the U.S. see it? I mean, does the -- does the U.S. see this as a desperate act by Putin? I know that Jake Sullivan just been

speaking, give us a sense of what he's been saying.

KYLIE ATWOOD, CNN U.S. SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: Yes, they actually have used that exact word. They've called this desperation on behalf of Russia. The

fact that they're going back to North Korea to get additional ammunition that they need on the battlefield is significant here. It demonstrates that

Russia, you know, doesn't really have many other options.

And so, they have over the course of the last few months carried out a number of engagements that appear to be, you know, building towards this

end, which U.S. officials say it's a new deal, a new agreement between the two countries that would provide a significant amount of ammunition to

Russia, that could be used in multiple different kinds of Russia's weapon systems.

So, that's significant and the other aspect that U.S. officials say would likely be involved in this deal would be raw materials for Russia's defense

sector. And as you said, the National Security Council -- the National Security adviser -- excuse me, Jake Sullivan, was just speaking to

reporters at the White House, and he said that, the fact that Russia is going to North Korea at this time, you know, seeking out the support is

demonstrative of how effective the sanctions have actually been.

That they would need these raw materials for their defense sector and the like. So we continue to watch, you know, when this potential meeting

between Kim Jong-un and President Putin could actually happen. "The New York Times" has reported that it could happen as soon as, you know, the

coming weeks in Vladivostok, and we should note that Kim Jong-un has actually traveled there in the past, and he's traveled by train as -- they

said it's actually, you know, a pretty close location to North Korea, all things considered.

SOARES: And Nic, do we have a sense then, if this then relationship has formed this between both these men, what this could mean for the war in

Ukraine here?

ROBERTSON: It will -- if it's effective and if Putin gets more armaments, then it would make it harder for the Ukrainian forces potentially to

advance. I mean, it's one thing to make an agreement, but it takes time to get those ammunitions out of stock, on to trains, and all the way to the

frontline. What this tells us is that the war is not ending this Summer. The war is going to go on through the Winter.

This war will be -- being fought next year. This is what Putin is making sure that he's capable of doing. His leadership and perhaps more is at

stake here for this. If he fails in Ukraine, failure of his leadership, and you know, best guess of what could happen to him has been pretty tough and

mean all round. This is where Putin's back could potentially be to the wall. So, by going, as desperate as Kylie says here --

SOARES: Yes --

ROBERTSON: As we're hearing from John Kirby and others, this is a -- this is a moment where Putin is really calculating that this is going to be a

longer drawn-out war, a war of attrition.

SOARES: Nic, Kylie, appreciate it, thank you to you both. Well, now to a remarkable story out of Cuba. Cuban authorities say they have uncovered a

human trafficking ring which recruit its citizens to fight for Russia in Ukraine. The group supposedly targets Cubans already living in Russia as

well as those at home in Cuba. Authorities in Havana say they're working to quote, "neutralize and dismantle the network".


I want to bring in Patrick Oppmann who is for us in Havana tonight. And Patrick, just talk us about this network. How many Cubans do they believe

have been recruited here?

PATRICK OPPMANN, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, details are very scarce and even the statement is quite remarkable because as you know,

Isa, Cuba and Russia have a very close relationship. One that has only been made closer by the war in Ukraine. And Cuba support up until now, of Russia

essentially, parodying Russian propaganda line, saying that the war is the fault of the West, of NATO and the U.S. for essentially pushing Vladimir

Putin to invade Ukraine.

But the statement also laying out that Cuba does not allow its citizens to serve in the armed forces of other countries to essentially work as

mercenaries, and then they will not allow people either working from Russia or here with in Cuba, to try and recruit its citizens. This is not that

much of a surprise because Russian outlets had been putting out the pictures of Cubans that had been recruited now four months, saying that

they pay them up to $2,000 a month, and will give them Russian citizenship.

You know, put that in context, $2,000 is more than a doctor makes in Cuba, and here, so it's very tempting in the midst of a severe economic crisis if

you're going to try to recruit soldiers. And so, is this a question of deniability? Is this a question of Cuba trying to distance itself from what

-- something its ally is doing, or is it just that Cuba does not want its citizens to become cannon fodder?

And that, certainly, when you have some young Cubans who don't even appear to have any kind of military experience, are trapped in the middle of a war

zone and saying that they're being mistreated and they've been lied to, and that they've been forced to go to the frontline. You know, that's not a

good look for anyone. So --

SOARES: Yes --

OPPMANN: The Cuban government is coming out and essentially saying that they do not want their citizens in this theater.

SOARES: That was going to be my question. Those who were being recruited, Patrick, do they know that what they're being recruited for or are they

being lied to here? You getting a sense of this?

OPPMANN: They say they're being -- they say they're being lied to. That they were going to be brought to Russia as cooks or work in construction,

and that they were, once landing in Moscow, essentially given a rifle and pointed towards the frontline. You know, we don't really know --

SOARES: Yes --

OPPMANN: But you know, the Cuban government is saying that there is human trafficking going on, and that they will put an end to it.

SOARES: I mean, where does then, Patrick, this leave the relationship between Cuba and Russia, like you said. Cuban government receives aid from

Russia. I mean, this is somewhat awkward, isn't it?

OPPMANN: Yes, so keeping -- literally keeping the lights on right now because of so much oil. You know, one estimates there's -- more oil has

been sent to Cuba in the last year or so than at any point since the fall of the cold war. So, this is essential Russian aid, and you could really

watch the high wire act, I mean, down in the statement released last night by the Foreign Ministry where they don't really blame the Russian

government of course, is aware that Cubans are being recruited and as alleged, trafficked to fight in the war.

But the Cuban government says they simply don't allow this to happen, that they don't allow their citizens to fight for other countries. So, you know,

perhaps, this could be a case of deniability where the Cuban government was aware of this, and this was their plan B if it became better known or

simply could be that, you know, they realize there are no winners in this, and that they don't want their citizens being chewed up by the Russian war


And one thing is to prepare some propaganda points and support Russia in the U.N. and that kind of thing, another thing is to have all your citizens


SOARES: Yes --

OPPMANN: On the frontlines, you know, they surely don't win by doing that. And again, you know, no evidence that actual troops are serving at the


SOARES: I know you'll stay on top of this story, Patrick Oppmann, always good to see Patrick, thank you very much. Well, as Russia tries to rally a

cold war allies to its course, it's downplaying Ukrainian games. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu seen here in North Korea says Kyiv's

counteroffensive has not achieved its goals.

He told a military conference call the Ukrainians are desperate to impress western allies, and Russia has improved its positions. But after hard

fought as well as costly battles, the Ukrainians say they're making headway particularly in the south after liberating Robotyne, and you can see there.

And in the east, new video shows President Volodymyr Zelenskyy with troops on the front, that is near Bakhmut.

Meanwhile, in Russia, there are reports officials are covering aircraft with car tires, it may be an effort to protect them from Ukrainian and pro-

Ukrainian drone attacks. Satellite images show as at least one plane covered its -- and tires at an airbase south of Moscow. CNN's Melissa Bell

is live for us in Kyiv with the very latest.


And Melissa, you know, for those viewers who have been watching us every night in the past few days, they would have seen you and I have been

talking about, the gains being made by Ukraine in its counteroffensive. How they're trying to expand their gains around the Zaporizhzhia village,

Robotyne, using artillery you said, as well as drones. What do you make then of these new -- these new Russian tactic as we've just outlined there,

covering aircraft with car tires?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It's interesting that they're having to respond to those drone attacks. And we've seen really increase not in just

the number in their regularity and their reach actually, over the course of the last few days and weeks. But also in the openness with which Kyiv would

acknowledge that they are behind them, Isa, and I think that's interesting.

It shows certainly that Russia feels that as far as their infrastructure, some of those drones are getting through, enough of them that they feel

they have to take measures, however makeshift, shoving some tires onto their equipment, it is nonetheless a protective measure. And as to the

point you made earlier about what Sergei Shoigu has been saying about the counteroffensive.

I think there is some truth in the fact that the fog of war, the fact that neither side is particularly transparent on what is going on in the

counteroffensive does make it very difficult to see what is going on still. What we are hearing from sources both on the Ukrainian side and the Russian

side is news of extremely intense battles, a very fluid situation.

Positions being -- going from one side to the other very quickly, fierce fighting to the east of Robotyne towards Verbove, fierce fighting as well

to the south. And what we have been able to do is speak to some of those men who have been responsible for the liberation of Robotyne, and that is

at least one village, that is now certainly in Ukrainian hands.


BELL (voice-over): The flag now flies over what's left of Robotyne. Ukrainian leaders say it's the first victory of three-month

counteroffensive, a source of great pride for the men of the 47th mechanized Brigade.


BELL: The soldiers hadn't expected to find them, but rushed the handful of men and elderly women into their Bradley vehicle before speeding away as

quickly as they could.


BELL: Back in the safety of a nearby wood, the civilians are given much- needed water and phones.


BELL: But for the 47th Brigade, Robotyne was just the start and some of its heroes have since fallen.

(on camera): I'd like to ask about your colleagues the day you went into Robotyne and you took the civilians out. There was another team that, but

they were killed.



BELL (voice-over): Still, they carry on southwards along a stretch of road they've nicknamed, "the road to hell".


BELL: To give you an idea, Isa, of just how difficult the conditions are there, the artillery attacks, the drones, they make anyone emerging, of

course, a target is very difficult to make any progress in those circumstances. But the fierce -- the fighting is so fierce that we've been

hearing from the Ukrainian side today of a series of attacks the south of Robotyne towards the next village southwards, where one hillside, one

stronghold, one Russian stronghold, it took Ukrainians five days to recapture.

SOARES: Wow --

BELL: Not a village, we're not talking about a town, we're talking about one stronghold on the road to the next village. And what we are hearing

from various accounts is a huge losses on both sides. In the end, every meter that is being fought for, is costing a great deal to both Ukrainians

and Russians. Isa.


SOARES: Such important insight, Melissa, thank you very much for us this evening in Kyiv. And still to come tonight, Spain fires the head coach of

the women's national football team. We'll tell you the historic new pick that's just been announced. And Greece is dealing with a deadly storm that

is wrecking havoc wide across the country. We'll have more on that with our meteorologist Chad Myers, that's coming up after this short break.


SOARES: In the developing story we are following for you today, for the first time, Spain has chosen a woman Montse Tome to lead the country's

national women's football team. This comes shortly after the announcement Jorge Vilda has been fired from that spot. Vilda is seen as a close ally of

Luis Rubiales.

And you may remember, Rubiales is a Spanish Football Federation chief, and he gave that unwanted kiss to a star player during World Cup celebrations,

Vilda clapped when Rubiales gave that defiant speech. Let's put -- let's get more on all of this. CNN's "WORLD SPORTS" Patrick Snell joins me now.

And Patrick, from what I remember, the players -- the female players refused to play for Spain. They want structural changes from what I could

member, and Vilda was a part of that, wasn't he?

PATRICK SNELL, ANCHOR, CNN WORLD SPORTS: Absolutely, yes, he absolutely was. And this all goes back to the fallout, Isa, from last year's women's

euros when England actually beat Spain in the quarter final. Now, we got all that fallout from (SPEAKING IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE), the 15 players who

took a really strong stance against not just the head coach, Vilda, at the time, but of course, the Spanish Football Federation as well.

But we witnessed another extraordinary day in this ongoing story that we continue to track every step of the way. Jorge Vilda, who is considered --

this is important, Isa, because he is considered a close ally of Rubiales. He was the manager -- let's just remind our viewers who won Spain the

women's national team's first ever World Cup triumph, they beat the Lionesses in Australia, he has now gone from his post despite Spain's

success last month.

Vilda's tenure as manager, he was appointed eight years ago, now it's always been controversial, no question about that. I mentioned the buildup

to the World Cup, it saw ongoing unrest between the players, Vilda himself, his coaching staff, the federation, 12 of those 15 I referenced, biggest

stars missing the World Cup as a result of their staff refusing to play for the national team.

This image reports over concerns that were back then over training methods, inadequate preparation for matches as well.


Now, in a statement from earlier this day, Spain's federation on Vilda's departure reading in part, "the federation appreciates his work as the head

of the national team and his responsibilities as the maximum sporting figure of the women's national teams as well as the successes reaped during

his term, crowned with a recent achievement of the World Cup."

So, Isa, Vilda goes, but Rubiales, he remains in place. He says, that kiss was consensual, Hermoso, Jenni Hermoso saying otherwise. And remember,

Rubiales still currently suspended by football's world governing body, FIFA for three months, and he says he's not resigning. But you now know -- you

now believe that it's going to be increased scrutiny on him, more than ever with Vilda going.

SOARES: Yes, increased pressure indeed, of course, we have heard from Rubiales, and when I say heard, we've seen, read a statement from him, I

think it was on Friday, but that's all we have seen. Talk to us though about the importance of finally having a female coach here. It's only taken

I don't know how many years, Patrick?

SNELL: Right --

SOARES: I'm sure you're going to tell me --

SNELL: It's really --

SOARES: About time too.

SNELL: It's really significant, really historic as well. And this is a really pioneering era now for the women's game in Spain. And we're going to

-- we can call it the post-Vilda era now currently, Isa. Former player, you mentioned the name at the top, former player, Montse Tome officially taking

over now as the women's team head coach.

The 41-year-old, she's a former player herself, she's the first-ever woman, the first-ever woman to be appointed Spain's women's team head coach. Tome

has served as an assistant, she's got wonderful experience at the highest level. She was assistant coach to Vilda and his team since 2018. In fact,

she helped leading Spain to the women's World Cup triumph last month in Sydney.

The Spanish Football Federation saying her appointment was quote, "part of the regeneration measures by the interim federation president", that's

Pedro Rocha. As I mentioned, Tome is a former player of Barcelona, among her clubs, she retired from playing in 2012. We now know when her coaching

debut is going to be, Isa, so September the 22nd, Spain facing currently top-ranked side, Sweden.

That's going to be away in the women's nations league. Spain ranked number two in the world, Tome, first head-come -- first home game as manager comes

four days later against Switzerland in Cordoba in Spain. So really significant, so much to look forward to, very groundbreaking indeed. And on

a -- I said it was a busy day, Isa, it absolute was, because also on this day, the Spanish Football Federation, they're really busy in the last few

hours, having to issue an apology for Rubiales' -- what it called inappropriate conduct at that women's World Cup final, that apology, this

is significant.

Because we noted this, we were chatting about it in the office, the apology not just to the world of football, but society at large. Society as a

whole, what happens next? All eyes again as I said, just a little earlier on Rubiales, currently suspended, refusing to resign, but the scrutiny now,

Isa, greater than ever on him --

SOARES: Indeed. The pressure is mounting, it's incredible to have a female coach, it's sad, isn't it? That it's -- we needed this in order to --

SNELL: Yes --

SOARES: Get, see a woman named as a coach --

SNELL: Yes --

SOARES: But we wish Tome --

SNELL: Yes --

SOARES: All the best of luck --

SNELL: We do --

SOARES: And the women too, the former players --

SNELL: And Isa, I feel for the players because they've not been able to celebrate this World Cup --

SOARES: Yes --

SNELL: Triumph as they deserved, as they merited. That has been deprived and taken away from them. That in itself is a tragedy.

SOARES: Yes, indeed. And it's something that we have heard from other players as well. That should be -- that should be their moment, and that's

all --

SNELL: Yes --

SOARES: Been taken away. Patrick, appreciate it, great to see you, thanks very much. Well, Greece's prime minister is warning the public that the

country is facing, quote, "totally extreme weather phenomenon". For the last 24 hours, torrential rains have caused flash flooding affecting homes

as well as roads, according to the fire brigade, one man died after a wall collapsed.

The storm has officially been named Daniel by weather service in southeast Europe. The center of the storm is moving into the Mediterranean Sea. But

more rain and flooding is expected over the next 24 to 48 hours. Meanwhile, in Spain, three people have been confirmed dead in the province of Toledo

after heavy rains from another storm flooded the area.

Let's get more on this dangerous weather that we're seeing in Europe. Let's go to CNN meteorologist Chad Myers in Atlanta. And Chad, our viewers

remember this, it was only what? Two-three weeks ago that we were talking about extreme heat, wildfires. What is going on?

CHAD MYERS, METEOROLOGIST: Right. Wildfires for sure. And when you get heavy rainfall on top of land that has already been burned, the water does

not soak in. It's something called hydrophobic land. It's afraid -- it's afraid of water, hydrophobic. So, the water cannot soak in. Like taking a

stick and searing it on a grill, well, you do that so that all of the juices stay on the inside and they can't leave. You want to keep everything

in the middle.


Well, when you do that to the land, the water can't go down, and that's what we're seeing. I just talked to a friend from Greece living in Atlanta

now, he talked to his relatives in Volos, he said they have never seen anything -

SOARES: Still coming tonight, Enrique Tarrio's sentence. He is the last Proud Boys leader to receive punishment. We will go live to Washington.

And later this hour, certain areas of the world are especially vulnerable to malaria right now. Both of the stories after this short break.




SOARES: Welcome back everyone.

All 19 defendants in the Georgia election interference case have pleaded not guilty. Former Trump White House chief of staff Mark Meadows is among

them. The former president, Donald Trump, already pleaded not guilty, claiming the investigation is politically motivated.

Let's get more on all of this. Marshall Cohen joins me now.

Marshall, this means of course, as we just laid out, all defendants now have entered a plea. Talk us through crucially, the next steps here. What

we ought to be looking out for.

MARSHALL COHEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This was the last of the procedural not guilty pleasure. Just came in within the past hour or so. About seven

defendants, as you mentioned.

Mark Meadows at the top of the list but also the former Justice Department official, Jeffrey Clark; the far right lawyer, John Eastman and others,

including people on the ground in Georgia, who were part of the efforts to help Donald Trump overturn the election.

Everyone has now formally pleaded not guilty in Georgia. You have the right to waive an arraignment hearing. You don't have to show up just to tell the

judge you are pleading not guilty. They all did it on paper.

But this really isn't the end of the process, this is just the very beginning. There are so many legal maneuvers that many of these defendants

are pursuing, as they try to fight these charges.

Some of the defendants, including Mark Meadows, trying to get the case moved from state court to federal court and get the charges dropped. Some

of the defendants want a speedy trial as soon as next month.

Others like former president Trump, arguing the trial should be years in the future. There is a ton of litigation that is going to happen. There

will be a hearing tomorrow in Atlanta, where the judge is going to ponder over some of these procedural questions and scheduling questions.

All of the not guilty pleas are officially in the books. This case is off to the races.

SOARES: It is indeed. Marshall, great to see you, thank you.

The last leader of the far-right group that tried to keep former U.S. president Donald Trump in power, after the 2020 election, is about to be

sentenced. Enrique Tarrio, who the Justice Department describes as the ringleader, was convicted of seditious conspiracy back in May over the

attack on the U.S. Capitol.

Prosecutors are seeking a 33 prison year sentence for him. Evan Perez is standing by in Washington.

Evan, give us a sense of what you are expecting today, 33 years from what I remember for the others seems to be the highest one. Put that into context

for us.

EVAN PEREZ, CNN SR. JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: That's right, that is, certainly the highest sentence or longest sentence the prosecutors are asking for.

But they haven't been getting nearly what they've been requesting from the judge.

Judge Timothy Kelly has been reluctant to buy into the terrorism enhancement, which is part of what prosecutors are arguing merits such a

long sentence. He has not been endorsing that.

But I mean, he has been giving some really lengthy sentences. The previous four members of the Proud Boys, three of them leaders who are also like

Enrique Tarrio, convicted of seditious conspiracy, all of them have received long sentences.

Ethan Nordean, 18 years; Joseph Biggs, 17 years; Zachary Rehl, 15 years and then Dominic Pezzola, 10 years. Enrique Tarrio's attorney, right now behind

me here in court, is making the argument that Enrique Tarrio wasn't even here on January 6th. He was arrested the day before and was not allowed to

come into the District of Columbia that day.

The prosecutor saying -- I'm sorry -- the judge is saying, the prosecutors -- the jury rather -- didn't really buy that excuse. Enrique Tarrio's

attorney says because he was not here that day, that you can't really put all the violence on him, he wasn't in control.


PEREZ: Right now, the judge is really not buying that. We expect that Enrique Tarrio, because of his leadership role of this group, which had

been involved in many other altercations before January 6th, is going to get a very lengthy sentence. It is just a matter of how much the judge


SOARES: And I know you will stay there for us. Great to see you, thanks very much.

In Washington, the Capitol's attending physician says Senate Republican leader, Mitch McConnell, did not recently suffer from stroke or seizure and

doesn't have Parkinson's disease.

The doctor says Mitch McConnell was evaluated by a group of neurologists and himself following two recent health scares where the Republican froze

up for roughly 30 seconds in front of TV news cameras.

Mitch McConnell's office has attributed the incidents to lightheadedness. His recent health scare has questions among critics about how long the 81-

year old should stay in his job.

Still to come tonight, why scientists say the risk of malaria is growing with the planet's warming climate. We will bring that report after this





SOARES: Africa is landing some major investment deals at its summit in Nairobi, Kenya. The UAE has pledged $4.5 billion to support green energy

projects on the continent. It is the largest commitment so far from the summit.

The U.N. says Africa is home to 30 percent of the world's mineral reserves, which are critical to renewable as well as low carbon technologies. The

president of Kenya is among the top voices pushing for Africa as a destination for green investments as the world, of course, tackles the

climate crisis.


WILLIAM RUTO, PRESIDENT OF KENYA: We are making a passionate but also a well thought out proposition (ph) of our -- of the whole globe. And we want

to exit this toxic conversation about north versus south and blame game and the need to have this nanometers.

We want to have a new conversation that gives us opportunity for a win-win. We believe Africa can have its assets, renewable energy and minerals, human

capital, our carbon sinks.


RUTO: And the rest of the globe can come with the technology and financing and we can have a win-win outcome.


SOARES: While world leaders gather in Nairobi for this three day climate summit, there is also another concern facing the country, Kenya. Scientists

say, the risk of malaria outbreaks have grown with the planets warming climate. Larry Madowo has the story.


LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Mary and her sons are in hospital for malaria. Four-year-old Mark says he's doing better and so was his big

brother, Joseph, who is 12.

"They keep getting malaria, Mary says, and she can barely afford the treatment.

MARY ACHIENG, MALARIA PATIENT (through translator): Malaria has hit my family hard. In a month, I use about $35 on drugs and the following month,

one of them falls sick again.

MADOWO (voice-over): Mary lives in Western Kenya, a hot region where residents have an especially high risk of malaria. Over 10,000 people die

each year from the mosquito borne disease in the East African nation but kids are especially vulnerable.

Researchers are collecting mosquitoes here, to study how they are evolving. Rising temperatures let them grow faster and live longer.

MADOWO: Why do you come to collect mosquitoes here, specifically?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are mosquito densities here. They are very high.

MADOWO (voice-over): They're tracking the full lifecycle of mosquitoes to get ahead of this tiny insect before it does even more damage.

MADOWO: This is a typical high malaria zone. It is hot and humid, swampy. Those are rice growing fields back there, a lot of water right next to

where people live. But as temperatures warm across the board, scientists are concerned about malaria causing mosquitoes breeding in new places.

DAMARIS MATOKE-MUHIA, PRINCIPAL RESEARCH SCIENTIST, KEMRI: Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on --


MADOWO (voice-over): Damaris Matoke-Muhia here has made it her life's work to neutralize the insect that causes malaria, the female Anopheles mosquito

after her brother died of the disease.

Her team of scientists at Kenya's largest research institute is studying mosquito samples from around the country to guide Kenya's response to

malaria and how to beat it.

MADOWO: Are we any closer to eradicating malaria?

MATOKE-MUHIA: We were. But with the change of now climate, we are seeing more mosquitoes that they were before. We are seeing new species. We are

seeing it going to places where we didn't expect before. Then we are taken back to zero.

MADOWO (voice-over): Climate change is helping mosquitoes responsible for transmitting malaria, reach colder parts of the content. Scientists at

Georgetown University Medical Center found, drawing on data going back 120 years.

The heat is also helping mosquitoes live longer and to become infectious sooner, worrying public health officials.

Are you concerned about the resurgence of malaria in your work across the continent?

DR. GITAHI GITHINJI, GROUP CEO, AMREF HEALTH AFRICA: We are concerned at areas that seem to have limited malaria are now having malaria. And we've

seeing that actually, the public health system, they're not prepared for this resurgence.

MADOWO (voice-over): Malaria is having devastating effects on more people suffering from serious cases. Steve Ngugi says he was sick for nearly three


MADOWO: Your malaria was very serious.


MADOWO: Were you afraid you could die?

NGUGI: Of course, yes. Because by the time I reached the hospital, I couldn't manage to move my head.

MADOWO (voice-over): Ninety-six percent of people who die from malaria are in Africa, the World Health Organization says. As the continent warms

faster than the rest of the world, malaria persists and experts warn the risk is spreading (INAUDIBLE).

RICHARD MUNANG, CLIMATE CHANGE PROGRAM COORDINATOR, UNEP AFRICA: What is happening in Africa we will rarely see (INAUDIBLE) elsewhere because with

the warming climate and the changing temperatures, malaria mosquitoes are migrated to other areas of the (INAUDIBLE) for them.

Malaria will displace people. They will migrate to other areas within the continent and out of the continent.

MADOWO (voice-over): Larry Madowo, CNN, Nairobi.


SOARES: A week of key meetings is also underway in Indonesia for the ASEAN summit leaders from Southeast Asian nations are meeting in Jakarta. The

summit comes amid rifts between member states of restored peace efforts in Myanmar and other regional as well as international issues.

The conference takes place ahead of the G20 later this week in Delhi.

Typhoon Haikui has made landfall in China as a tropical storm. It hit southern China earlier this morning. Officials have warned of potential

landslides and heavy rainfall in the area. Rain totals of 100 to 250 millimeters were reported. The city of Yongtai (ph) reported over 300

millimeters of rain, a local record.

The storm already brought huge amounts of rain to Taiwan. The central weather bureau reported a three-day total of 1,000 millimeters of rain.

And a powerful victory for same-sex couples in Hong Kong after a city's top court ruled --


SOARES: -- the government must come up with a, quote, "alternative framework" to legally recognize their relationship. The five judges stopped

short of allowing same-sex marriages or civil unions even though homosexuality has been decriminalized in Hong Kong since 1991.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the first thing to say is that this is a significant judgment. It will have serious and long-term impacts on the

recognition and treatment of same-sex couples here in Hong Kong and those who are coming from abroad.


SOARES: And the high court gave the government two years to comply with the ruling.

Still to come tonight, a drugmaker's now Europe's most valuable firm with its magic bullet for obesity. More on the new milestone for the company

behind Wegovy and Ozempic. That's coming up.




SOARES: Welcome back.

The company behind drugs for beating diabetes and losing weight is riding a wave of profits. Novo Nordisk is now Europe's most valuable company,

beating out luxury goods giant LVMH.

The company's shares have soared 40 percent this year thanks to huge demand for the weight loss drugs, Ozempic as well as Wegovy. The CEO said recently

the current demand is overwhelmingly high. Have a listen.


LARS FRUERGAARD JORGENSEN, CEO, NOVO NORDISK: One had to sense that it could actually take quite some years before we have actually fulfilled the

demand out there.


SOARES: Right now, to cope with the demand, Novo Nordisk is limiting starter doses of Wegovy.

Iranian football fans may get a chance to watch superstars Cristiano Ronaldo, Neymar and others live on the pitch. It will be the first time

since 2016 that Saudi clubs will play in Iran.

The Asian Football Confederation said in a statement the Iranian and Saudi clubs will face off at home and away games. Ronaldo's club is set to play

Iran's FC in Tehran on September 19.

Then other clubs will visit in early October. It is unclear if the stars will, in fact, hit the field since the roster has yet to be published.

Earlier this year Saudi Arabia and Iran reestablished diplomatic ties, of course, after seven years.

A German man has been detained in Florence, Italy, after --


SOARES: -- damaging a 16th-century statue of Neptune. Police say the 22- year-old breached a protective barrier and climbed the statue to pose for photos. In this video, you can see the man climbing down. The tourist broke

off a piece of red marble attached to Neptune's carriage (ph).

The city estimates the damage to be around 5,000 euros.

Finally tonight, for more than 20,000 images, the 2023 Bird Photographer of the Year winners have been unveiled. As you can see, the pictures are quite

simply, breathtaking. Just take a look at some of these that we have here for you.

Photographers from all around the world entered, each vying, of course, for the grand prize. But it was this image, right here, which came out on top.

It shows the moment a peregrine falcon tackled a pelican, as you can see there.

It ventured too close to the nest. The photographer, Jack Zee (ph) waited - - get this -- four years for this moment. His words are the quote of the day.

"The action was fast and over in a blink of an eye. But I'll remember that moment forever."

After four years, I'm not surprised. That does for us thank you for watching us. Right here, QUEST MEANS BUSINESS is s up next. I shall see you

tomorrow. Have a wonderful day, goodbye.