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Isa Soares Tonight

More Details Emerge About The Devastation In Eastern Libya After Extreme Flooding; North Korea's Kim Jong-un And Vladimir Putin Wrap Up A Day Of Talks In Eastern Russia; Ukraine Launches An Extensive Missile Attack On A Shipyard In Crimea; Moroccan Villages Grapple With Quake Aftermath; Kevin McCarthy Defends Biden Impeachment Inquiry; Escaped Killer Caught In Pennsylvania. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired September 13, 2023 - 14:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Isa Soares. Tonight, more details are emerging about the

devastation in eastern Libya after extreme flooding. Thousands are presumed dead and thousands more missing. I'll speak to a doctor on the ground for

you this hour.

Then North Korea's Kim Jong-un and Vladimir Putin wrap up a day of talks in eastern Russia. We have the details for you on that meeting. Plus, Ukraine

launches an extensive missile attack on a shipyard in Crimea, in what appears to be one of Kyiv's most ambitious strikes yet.

But we stay on this hour with the floods in eastern Libya where the scale of death as well as destruction is truly mindboggling. Authorities in

Tripoli say more than 6,000 people are dead, that's slightly higher than the 5,300 deaths reported by officials in the eastern government on

Tuesday. Earlier reports said 10,000 were still missing, and the U.N. says more than 30,000 displaced.

And the epicenter of the disaster is Derna where bodies remain in the streets and under rubble. The city now covered, you can see there in that

thick brown mud is built over dry river valley called the Wadi in Arabic. And you can see the Wadi as it reaches the sea in these images. The Wadi

became a roaring river when a storm caused dams upstream to collapse.

Whole neighborhoods that we've been showing you was simply wiped out. Our Ben Wedeman has been to Derna before the disaster. He joins me now live

from Rome with the very latest. And Ben, it seems that with each passing day, the situation is getting worse and even more desperate.

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, really, I mean, we're talking about the death toll, for instance, Isa, it is very

preliminary because every day, more bodies are being found, and really it's going to take a while for the true calamity of this incident to really

become clear. And before we show you this, our latest report about the situation in Derna, we should warn our viewers that some of the images

could be disturbing.



WEDEMAN (voice-over): The bodies are everywhere. Dozens and dozens of the dead covered in blankets, awaiting identification and burial. The dead

number in the thousands, but so far no one really knows how many were taken by Storm Daniel. Survivors are finding more and more bodies. Rescue workers

and volunteers helped retrieve the body of a boy wrapped in a blanket and prepare to put him in a body bag. When his father arrives, overcome with


Doctors fear so many dead left in the open could lead to an outbreak of disease. "We aren't able to identify all the bodies and bury them", says

this woman identified as Dr. Aisha(ph). We want to provide a humane place, freezers where loved ones can then identify them. Access to Derna remains

difficult. The flood destroyed many of the roads and bridges leading to the city.

This port in eastern Libya has been transformed into a wasteland of mud, rubble and ruin. The raging waters, the tour through the city spared no one

and nothing.


WEDEMAN: Now, aid is arriving. For instance, Turkey sent three airplanes with search and rescue personnel and equipment, Tunisia has sent other

things, Italy is in the process of preparing to send help, but given the death toll that we're pondering, the possible death toll, Isa, some

countries are coming up rather short in funds. The United States said United States Agency for International Development announced that it was --

donated a million dollars to the humanitarian effort, the U.K., 1 million pounds. Isa.

SOARES: And Ben, I mean, you have reported on this, and you said at this hour yesterday, you know, our viewers will know this too, Libya's

government is clearly divided between the factions in the east and the west.


How is that, the political situation complicating here the aid response?

WEDEMAN: Well, it appears at the moment that the government in Tripoli and the government in Benghazi are putting their differences aside temporarily

to try to deal with the situation. The government in Tripoli actually sent an airplane full of medical personnel to eastern Libya.

But at the same time, others for instance, Algeria, which has a hostile relationship with the government in the east has sent assistance for -- as

a result of this disaster. But it sent that assistance to Tripoli, which is 1,300 kilometers to the west of Derna.

SOARES: Ben Wedeman, I know you'll stay on top of it, really appreciate it, Ben. We are expecting -- we're trying to connect, in fact, with a doctor in

Libya. We've been speaking to him throughout the day today -- I think it's really important that we get to hear from him. Connectivity is a problem,

of course, as soon as we've connected with him, Dr. Anas Bargartti(ph), we will bring that to you.

In the meantime, the cameras were rolling as the leaders of Russia and North Korea met for a rare summit today, extolling their friendship and

cooperation in a very public display. But it's what was said in private that deeply concerns the West and its allies. Vladimir Putin was expected

to seek an arms deal with Kim Jong-un, that would help advance the war in Ukraine. Paula Hancocks looks at what we learned after a day of talks that

the Russian president describes as, quote, "highly productive".


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Kim Jong-un is given the red carpet tour of Russia's successful space program. According to one

reporter present, he asked, quote, "a lot of very detailed questions."

KIM JONG-UN, SUPREME LEADER, NORTH KOREA (through translator): Is it 8 meters in total?

HANCOCKS: Russian President Vladimir Putin says he's happy to share the knowledge that Kim craves, a sharing of information Washington has been

warning of.

VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT, RUSSIA (through translator): The North Korean leader has shown great interest in rocket technology, they're also trying

to develop space. We have good competencies, we will show them our new facility, the new Cosmodrome.

HANCOCKS: North Korea's last two attempt to put a spy satellite into space have failed. Putin showed Kim his presidential limousine manufactured by

Russian luxury automaker Aurus, reminiscent of former U.S. President Donald Trump showing off The Beast to Kim during friendlier times in Singapore.

Kim praised Putin for standing up against hegemonic forces, a thinly-veiled swipe at the United States and the West, even appearing to toast Russia's

war in Ukraine.

JONG-UN: I firmly believe that the Russian military and people will inherit the shining the tradition of victory and demonstrate their dignity and

honor on the frontline of military operation.

HANCOCKS: U.S. and South Korean Intelligence predict an arms deal including North Korea providing Russia with much-needed ammunition to use in Ukraine.

The symmetry in their weaponry means certain ammo could be used immediately by Russia. Another possibility, the very public meeting could be sending a


ANDREI LANKOV, PROFESSOR, KOOKMIN UNIVERSITY: By the signal to Seoul, be careful, it says. If you, South Koreans start shipping ammunition to

Ukraine, Russia will probably do technology transfer to North Korea. The same message is also going to Washington.

HANCOCKS (on camera): There is no press conference, no documents, no evidence so far for the West to be able to see what kind of deal was agreed

between these two leaders. There is a general assumption though, that any deal agreed between these two isolated sanction states will not be good

news for the United States or for its allies. Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.


SOARES: Well, I want to get some reaction now from a former British ambassador to North Korea, Alastair Morgan joins me here in the studio.

Ambassador, thank you very much for joining us. Here we have as our correspondent, Paula, just outlined two leaders who have been largely

shunned by the West now, vowing cooperation, new era friendship.

What was your take-away from the meetings? At least, we don't know what was said in private, but what we have seen so far?

ALASTAIR MORGAN, FORMER BRITISH AMBASSADOR TO NORTH KOREA: Well, I think we can take some ideas from what Kim and Vladimir Putin have said publically,

though obviously, we don't yet know what transpired in the meetings. I was not surprised with the approach that Kim Jong-un took, because it has been

very much in line with what he's been saying up until now, ever since 2019, and the failure of the Hanoi Summit with President Trump.

He has developed a line of it being beneficial to be closer to Russia, closer to China as well. And he's been quite explicit about his

determination to continue developing his nuclear and ballistic missiles.


And he has spoken of strategic cooperation with Russia and an opposition to what he calls American hegemony.

SOARES: And of course, we've heard from U.S. officials we have a sense of what Russia wants. It needs artillery, it needs weapons for the war it

started in Ukraine. What's in Kim Jong-un's wish-list would you say, ambassador?

MORGAN: I think in terms --

SOARES: What is he looking for? Priority. Is it money?

MORGAN: Yes --

SOARES: Is it food? Is it intelligence?

MORGAN: So I think he'd like all of those things.


I think that the strategic relationship with Russia matters. The relationship with Russia and with China, it matters for a start in the

Security Council where they will block further sanctions or designations affecting North Korea. He obviously has humanitarian needs and will look

for food, and Russia has been supplying food.

He has a weapons program that he wishes to continue, and I'm sure that he would like to get technology for that program. But whether that is what he

was actually anticipating --

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: From this summit is harder to say, and obviously he needs resources for his programs and more generally.

SOARES: And the alliance I suppose we've been talking a lot of potential arms deal here. But there are concerns in the West, whether this goes

beyond that, you know, some sort of military cooperation, an area of concern. Now, the White House has said in the last few minutes, that we

obviously have concerns about defense relationship between North Korea and Russia. How do you see that? Is that -- should that be a big concern for

the West here?

MORGAN: Well, I think there is no doubt that there is discussion of a defense relationship, defense cooperation. And through, a different shades

of cooperation that are possible, some of which are even permissible. Obviously, there's a degree of defense cooperation already, and that the

Russians will have a defense section in their embassy in Pyongyang, and there will be some exchanges of information.

But it's quite hard to see what could go beyond that in terms of defense cooperation, which wouldn't start to run up against the restrictions in the

sanctions. But there have been discussions though, for instance, Naval cooperation --

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: And I think watching that develop would cause concern.

SOARES: On that point, if you're China and you're looking at this, what are you thinking?

MORGAN: My view is that this summit is not really aimed against China.

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: Although, clearly, the DPRK Kim Jong-un have reasons for hedging their bets and not being solely dependent on China. I think Kim Jong-un

probably feels there are things that he can do with Russia, that perhaps he can't do with China. But actually, I think that there're quite a close

alignment of his relationship with China and his relationship with Russia.

And I would expect the Russians to debrief the Chinese on the discussions that have just taken place in a way that I don't expect them to make public

or discuss with the United States.

SOARES: And --

MORGAN: It's quite a change from 2019.

SOARES: And I know your expertise, obviously, is North Korea, but I'm keen to get your thoughts on this move by Putin. Some say it's an act of

desperation given what's happening in Ukraine, the war it started in Ukraine. How do you see it, ambassador? Is it an act of desperation from

Putin's side?

MORGAN: Well, I think if it's correct, that there were an arms deal, and that Putin agreed to purchase armaments from the DPRK in violation of the

U.N. sanctions which Russia is a P5 member --

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: For it to put in place. That would have very severe implications for the Security Council and the -- the position in the Security Council of

Russia. And I think it's something that Russia wouldn't do lightly. So, whether that would be desperation or a high imperative is debatable. But

yes. But in terms of talking to the DPRK about defense cooperation and meeting Kim, I don't think necessarily that, that is a sign of desperation

at all.

SOARES: And I'm keen to get your thoughts also. We heard from the U.S., it was in the beginning of this week, ambassador, said that warning North

Korea that it will pay a price if it strikes some sort of deal with Russia. What would that price be? I mean, sanctions on North Korea, like you said,

it's already under sanction. What -- how do you see that price, you know, be it North Korea or be on Russia?


MORGAN: Kim Jong-un has said in the past that DPRK have said that they haven't supplied armaments, and that they had no plans to do so. I don't

think they would have any qualms in doing so --

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: So I think the main constraint is from the Russian side. There's this really something that Putin and Russia wish to do. I think that the

ability to affect the DPRK with further sanctions is really quite limited. So, I think in that sense, the DPRK could supply not quite with impunity,

but without a significant change in the pressure they're already under.

They have made clear that they reject the U.N. Security Council resolutions. They don't accept the validity of the U.N. sanctions. They

oppose unilateral sanctions as of course do the Russians. But -- and so, they've also made clear that they support Putin in his war in Ukraine,

astonishingly. They --

SOARES: Yes --

MORGAN: Support him seeing the war as provoked --

SOARES: Oh, we heard that from Kim Jong-un --

MORGAN: By the United States. He said it -- he said it before, and he said it again. So I don't think they would have any qualms about doing it, and I

don't think it would fundamentally change the DPRK's position if they did. But for Putin to be seen, to be purchasing weapons from North Korea, would

be a real thing for a P5 member of the Security Council.

SOARES: Ambassador, so great to get your insight, really appreciate it. Thank you very much for coming --

MORGAN: Thank you very much, Isa --

SOARES: Thank you very much. Well, an influx of weapons from North Korea could give Russia the upper hand in Ukraine, and have serious implications

as we have been discussing here on the show. On the battlefield earlier, Ukraine launched what appears to be its most ambitious attack here, and

that happened on a key shipyard in Russia-occupied Crimea.

The Sevastopol repair base is used by Russia to restore its Black Sea fleet. Russia says it shot down seven Ukrainian missiles, but that 24

people were injured and 2 of its warships were damaged. Our Melissa Bell is covering that for us, she joins me now from Kyiv. So, Melissa, just give me

a bit more in terms of what we know about this missile attack by Ukraine on the ship base in Crimea. Just how ambitious was this attack?

MELISSA BELL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This was a fairly extensive attack, Isa, fairly ambitious attack, it involved not just those 10 cruise missiles that

you mentioned, seven were intercepted we hear by Russian air defense, but also, and this is according to the Russian side, a number of unmanned

boats, they were targeting some of the Russian fleet ships out of the Black Sea.

Now, it is important of course, symbolically, because it is a reminder that the ultimate aim of Ukraine here is that this war should end where it began

back in 2014 on the Crimean Peninsula. And really, what we've seen over the course of the last few weeks are more and more bold attempts to make that

clear. There was -- bear in mind, just over a couple of weeks ago, Isa, a landing -- there was a landing by Ukrainian marines on the peninsula itself


And you've seen these drone attacks, now these cruise missile attacks, it is highly symbolic, but it is of course, also strategic. Remember that the


SOARES: Yes --

BELL: Aim of the southern counteroffensive specifically is to cut off the supply lines between Russia and Crimean. And as we've seen over and over

again over the last few days and weeks, the attacks on the -- in and around the Kerch Bridge, the attacks in and on and around the Crimean peninsula, a

reminder of exactly what it is they're aiming to get back.

Strategically, of course, very important, because it shows us as well what Ukraine has at its disposal beyond that sheer ambition in terms of its

objectives, Isa, and those 10 cruise missiles that you mentioned, NATO-made cruise missiles, British and French, and of course, the Ukrainian argument

here is Ukraine has a deal with its NATO partners, they will not use them on the soil of the Russian federation.

And what it has been using recently over the last few weeks and months have been Ukrainian-made drones for instance in its attack --

SOARES: Yes --

BELL: On Russia. The argument with the Ukrainians here is, well, Crimea is part of Ukraine, but this is also defensive what they're talking about, the

logistical capability of Russia to continue waiting there -- this war. And Russia -- there's been no clear claim made about this particular series of

attacks overnight. We have heard from a senior member of President Zelenskyy's office saying that the important things at this stage are not

just the sanctions that helped cripple Russia, but the attacks that help prevent it from waging the war, the attacks on its logistics, and that is

exactly what happened overnight in Crimea, Isa.

SOARES: And now that I've got you here, Melissa, I'm keen to get your thoughts on the reaction or any reaction really from Kyiv on this meeting

between Putin and Kim Jong-un yesterday, we were looking ahead to this, now it's happened.


I mean, the talk, of course, of a possible arms deal, we do not know what was agreed behind closed doors. But how worried is Ukraine, what is Kyiv

saying following on from this meeting?

BELL: Well, people in Kyiv are keeping a very close eye, and in fact, many of the pronouncements that you've been hearing from leaders here and from

sources here in Kyiv have been very much in line with what we've been hearing from Washington these last few days, is that, it is a sad

indictment of the failure of Vladimir Putin's strategic aims that he should be crossing his own country cap in hand to meet with a leader like Kim


That is very much the tone of what you're hearing here in Kyiv as well. But clearly, a very concerned eye is being kept on those talks, and what may be

the outcome of them, because that artillery, that ammunition, the artillery shells, the ammunition that you're talking about, that is precisely what

Vladimir Putin we believe is trying to get from Pyongyang, is exactly what could make this frontline even more deadly than it is already for


And bear in mind, Isa, that there are in many most parts of it substantially out-gunned, substantially outmanned, and --

SOARES: Yes --

BELL: Whiles there is a lack of ammunition on this side, and they keep telling us that in their requests to their western allies, they need more

ammunition, that is the phrase that we hear over and over again. There is also an understanding that there are depleted resources on the other side.

If that changes, that will remain a substantial change on the frontlines of Ukraine --

SOARES: Yes --

BELL: Isa --

SOARES: That is indeed a concern. Melissa Bell for us in Kyiv, thanks very much, Melissa. We're taking a short break, we'll be back after this.


SOARES: And a luxury cruise ship has run aground in Greenland, stranding more than 200 passengers. The vessel got stuck in a field on Monday when it

became trapped in the sand and mud. Anna Stewart is with me, and she's following the story. So, Anna, I mean, have there been any rescue

operations, and what is the very latest?

ANNA STEWART, CNN REPORTER: Well, I'm sure the views are great, but no one wants to be stuck in the same position since Monday on a cruise, 206

passengers and crew members on board. Now, at first, the ship's plan was to just try and wait for high tide and see whether --

SOARES: Yes --

STEWART: It could refloat, that's failed. Today, a fishing research vessel from Greenland tried to give the boat a tug, that has now also failed. Help

is on the way, but it could take a while. Certainly --

SOARES: How long?

STEWART: Probably Friday evening at this stage --

SOARES: Oh, wow --

STEWART: But it's quite dependent on the weather. So a Danish Naval ship is en route at the moment, it was already going to take to Friday morning, now

they're saying due to weather, it could be Friday evening. And of course, the big question is, will they be able to shift the boat at the end of the

day? It's stuck on sand and mud, it's not stuck in rock at this stage.


According to the Navy, the vessel itself is undamaged and everyone is OK on board. There's no immediate danger. There is a dog-sled patrol boat that's

been onboard and it's one and a half hours away if there's any kind of emergency. And we're told from Aurora Expeditions, which organizes this

luxury cruise which costs around $20,000 --

SOARES: Oh, wow --

STEWART: To go on, "all passengers, the Expedition team, the crew on board are safe and well. Importantly, there is no immediate danger to themselves,

the vessel or the surrounding environment." So hopefully, that continues to be the case.

SOARES: And this is the route that it normally takes, and this is -- has this ever happened before?

STEWART: This has not happened before, but there are a number of routes that these boats take. I've been --

SOARES: Yes --

STEWART: On their website, I've been looking at vessels and the cruises that's been going. This is on the eastern side of Greenland, the fueled

area. So it is quite difficult area to navigate for a large ship. It has all the navigational equipment on board. So, at this stage, what we don't

know is why it ran aground --

SOARES: Yes --

STEWART: But our hope is that it will be refloated. It's not a bad boat, Isa, hard luck, it's got two hot tubs, on the top, it's got a gym, it's got

a library, hopefully lots of food and drinks --

SOARES: OK, hope everyone is OK --

STEWART: Hopefully everybody is OK, they can enjoy the views.

SOARES: Anna, appreciate it, thank you very much. And still to come tonight, the human here in need is vast in some of Morocco's mountain

villages devastated by the earthquake. We'll hear how survivors are coping as they wait for much needed help to arrive. That story for you is next.

And some U.S. House Republicans ramp up calls for impeachment. Joe Biden's re-election campaign issues a fundraising effort to quote, "stand behind

the president". All the latest from Washington after this break. You are watching CNN.




SOARES: Morocco is taking in some international aid after the country's deadliest earthquake in decades. The death toll has climbed past 2,900

people. Nada Bashir has been speaking with some of the overwhelmed survivors.


NADA BASHIR, CNN REPORTER (voice-over): High in the Atlas Mountains, the solitary village of Dinisct (ph), seemingly abandoned and almost entirely

flattened. It is hard to imagine how anyone could have survived the destruction here.

But amid the rubble, signs of life. At the gates of what once was their home, Fatimah and her 11-year-old daughter, Zinah (ph), tell me they can

only thank God that their family was uninjured in the quake. But ongoing aftershocks mean there is little peace for those who survived.

BASHIR: Zinah (ph) says that a lot of her friends died in this earthquake. She can still see her school, it's up at the top of the mountains. But she

is still afraid of the potential aftershocks that could happen. Of course, the memories of her friends who have passed away is something that she

thinks about constantly.

BASHIR (voice-over): Above the crumbling remnants of this now destroyed village, more than 40 victims lie buried. Each grave left unmarked. The

smell of death is still heavy in the air. The overwhelming loss of life in this village, too much for anyone to bear.

Zinah (ph) tells me her best friend is buried here too but she doesn't know which grave is hers. Getting aid to this village has taken days and

supplies are minimal. There are, of course, no homes to return to here. Instead, families take shelter amid the sprawling olive groves.

BASHIR: There aren't enough tents for all of the families impacted, so they're not able to have their own tents. There are about three to four

families now sharing a single tent. And as you can see, they're still trying to build new ones to deal with the sheer need here in the village.

BASHIR (voice-over): It's too early to tell what's next for these families. It could take years for their homes to be rebuilt, if at all. And there are

so many more villages just like this one, devastated and cut off with little hope in sight -- Nada Bashir, CNN, in Dinisct (ph), Morocco.


SOARES: For more information about how you can help victims of the Morocco earthquake go to

Now to the latest on efforts to impeach U.S. President Joe Biden, U.S. House Speaker Kevin McCarthy met with the divided Republican caucus in a

closed-door meeting. It comes just a day after he called for an impeachment inquiry into President Biden without holding a floor vote.

Republicans want to look into Biden's connection to his son's business dealings. McCarthy told members the investigation would be, quote,

"expeditious," but gave no clear timeline. When CNN's Manu Raju asked why he changed his mind about holding a vote, he told him this.



Why did you change your words?

REP. KEVIN MCCARTHY (R-CA): OK, well, let me answer your question, because I answered it every single day. You could answer me every single day.

Nancy Pelosi changed the precedent of this House. This doesn't preclude from a --


MCCARTHY: -- Nancy Pelosi changed the precedent of this House on September 24. It was withheld and good enough for every single Democrat here. It was

good enough for the judge.

Why would it have to be different today?


SOARES: And just a few moments ago, the White House responded by hitting some of the points of that so far. No evidence of wrongdoing by the

president has been presented by Republicans. Have a listen.


KARINE JEAN-PIERRE, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: He didn't even put up for a vote, as you all know, because he knows that even his own members weren't

going to support this.

So you know, that's why we call it baseless. That's why I just called it baseless, because they have said themselves that there is no evidence, that

evidence does not exist and this is a political stunt.



SOARES: Manu Raju joins us now from Capitol Hill.

Tell us a bit more in terms of this meeting between Kevin McCarthy and the Republican caucus and critically the game plan from their side here.

RAJU: Yes, look, one of the things that Kevin McCarthy is saying behind closed doors and publicly, he's trying to make a distinction between an

actual impeachment inquiry and impeachment of the president.

Remember, an impeachment inquiry is simply an investigation looking into allegations of wrongdoing and that could potentially lead to trying to

charge the United States president with high crimes or misdemeanors.

That has only happened three other times in American history, a very high bar to clear. So he's trying to tell his colleagues, look, let us

investigate. We'll see what we find and then that will potentially lead to impeachment.

But a lot of the Republicans say it's almost a foregone conclusion, that they will ultimately lead to articles of impeachment and a floor vote.

Even though there's a long way to go between now and then, plenty of skepticism within the ranks, including among the Republican ranks about all

of the evidence that has been found and whether it actually ties to Joe Biden.

And if Joe Biden took any official action as vice-president to help his son, Hunter Biden, that has not been established yet this investigation. It

also has not been established yet that Joe Biden personally enriched himself based on Hunter Biden's business dealings.

Those are some of the key allegations that they have pushed forward to lead part of this probe in the months ahead. You played that sound bite of me

and Kevin McCarthy speaking about holding a vote.

Typically what happens during an impeachment inquiry, there would be a vote to actually launch an impeachment inquiry. That actually did happen when

Nancy Pelosi was the Speaker of the House in the first Trump impeachment.

About a month after the inquiry began, it passed along party lines but it did not happen with the second Trump impeachment. He was impeached a week

after the January 6th attacks here in the U.S. Capitol.

McCarthy explained why he changed his position. Just 12 days ago he said he would have a vote to now not having a vote, simply instructing his

committees to probe Joe Biden going forward.

One big reason why he says is because there is not the support within the Republican Congress --


SOARES: There it is.

RAJU: -- to actually launch an impeachment inquiry, which is why right now he's moving forward without having that vote. He's got to get his members

on board.

SOARES: That is very important context. And just in the last 30 minutes or so we heard that Mitt Romney has announced he will not run for Senate re-

election, saying -- "calling for a new generation of leaders."

What else did he say?

RAJU: That if he decided to run, he would be running for re-election for a second term in Utah next year, indicating this is not the time to do it. He

said he would be in his 80s through his next term if he decided to do so and did not think it was appropriate for him to continue to serve.

Said he would pass along the baton to the next generation of leaders. Also taking a swipe at both Donald Trump and Joe Biden in this announcement

video. But a significant announcement; he is one of the more influential Republicans, someone who was the party's presidential nominee in 2012.

But this a sign of how much the party's politics have changed. Now among the outliers of his conference, as he has gone toe to toe with Donald Trump

since his time in office, voting twice to convict and remove Donald Trump from office and leading Republican efforts to work with Democrats on some

key policy issues in the last Congress.

But a significant announcement here with implications for the Republican Party and the Senate, as well.

SOARES: Thank you very much, Manu Raju for us in Washington.

Joining us now is Republican strategist and former Republican communications director, Doug Heye.

Great to see you. Let me start off with where Manu left off, that's this impeachment inquiry into President Biden. No evidence as we heard there

have been presented.

How do you see this move by Kevin McCarthy?

Is he under pressure in your view?

DOUG HEYE, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: He is under pressure. The short term pressure is just over the next month and what we see going on as to whether

or not they'll be able to fund the government, keep the government open, whether or not there will be a shutdown.

A lot of politics in play there, specifically within the Republican conference. Not so much a House versus Senate. There's that. It's not a

Congress versus the administration. There's that, as well. The Republican House of Representatives makes this very interesting.

And that's part of what Kevin is responding to. He's right, that precedent matters and it changed with that second impeachment. We can talk about

whether it's hypocritical or a change. But he'll focus on precedent. Precedent reigns supreme on Capitol Hill.

But now it moves to a larger fight within his conference and ultimately what we see over the next couple of weeks with the administration and the


SOARES: And yesterday when the news broke here roughly at this time yesterday is that there are clear divisions within the GOP. Kevin McCarthy

under pressure from the far right, who want him to -- his role removed, removed from his role. I want to play this clip. Listen to this.



REP. MATT GAETZ (R-FL): Mr. Speaker, are you out of compliance with the agreement that allowed you to assume this role. The path forward for the

House of Representatives is to either bring you into immediate, total compliance or remove you, pursuant to a motion to vacate the chair.


SOARES: Is McCarthy with this impeachment inquiry then -- you know, doing this to try to appease the MAGA base, their MAGA, the MAGA supporters?

HEYE: The short answer is yes. But some of those House Republicans have said these are very separate things and they're right. They are separate

things, despite how the politics comes into play here.

Manu knows very well, when you're working in the House or the Senate, it's very easy to get caught in your own parlor games. And the Capitol is a very

small building with narrow corridors.

I was at the Polish economic forum in Karpacz (ph), Poland, last week. These were the same questions and everything that's going around globally

in the world. These were the questions that business and state leaders throughout Europe were asking.

What's going to happen in Washington?

Impeachment shutdown, how do those play in together?

So these are just parlor tricks that House Republicans may be playing as the House Democrats are sitting back and watching happen. There will be

very real implications as to whether or not the government can stay open and ultimately function.

SOARES: How much, though, Doug, is this a gamble?

Trying to -- could it motivate Democrats, could it motivate independents to actually back President Biden here?

Could it actually go against them?

HEYE: It could and I think one of the more interesting voices on this is Newt Gingrich who was Speaker during the Clinton impeachment and very pro

Trump as can be.

He's told Republicans be very careful here, you're playing with matches potentially because the backlash of what we saw in 1998 -- I worked in the

House of Representatives at the time -- was very real. We lost House seats that we should have won because we pursued impeachment too fast.

SOARES: What's the strategy?

Is this effective messaging in your view by the GOP?

HEYE: Not necessarily. But again, we're talking about long term and short term here. And if you're Kevin, you're talking about basically now through

September 30th, that's Saturday, which is the last day of the fiscal year, where we're also going to potentially have the government shut down.

It's not so much an even short-term strategy; it's about surviving Wednesday to get to Thursday to get to Friday. That's how much this is a

paint by numbers.

SOARES: Also lots of political careers on the line here. I'm keen to get your view on this opinion piece I've got here from "The Washington Post."

The title is called "President Biden should not win again in 2024."

It goes on to say -- one part it says, "Biden has another chance to say no to himself this time by withdrawing from the 2024 race. It might not be in

character for Biden but it would be a wise choice for the country."

I have to say in the beginning he says that Biden has been successful and an effective president and it goes on to say it's painful to say that,

given my duration for much that we have accomplished.

But he and Harris campaigned together in 2024, I think Biden risks undoing his greatest achievement and that is stopping Trump.

What do you make of this opinion piece?

Are these questions that have been raised now in the United States?

HEYE: The number one thing I hear, whether it's inside Washington or outside Washington, is about Joe Biden's age. It's not inflation, it's not

crime, it's not Ukraine. It is Joe Biden and how old he is.

And what I hear so often is he's at an age that ages faster -- in the job that ages you faster than any other. He's going to be a year older in a


SOARES: We're seeing the polling as well.

HEYE: And he'll be actually much older than that because of how this job ages you. And that worries Democrats and independents, especially.

SOARES: And we look and we've seen that reflected in the poll. And let's bring that up again, the biggest concern about Biden as a candidate is age.

But the difference between Biden and Trump is not that great in terms of age. This is something that stands out.

HEYE: It's not that great but it comes at an advanced stage, so that 77 is not nearly as old as 81, for instance, even though that's four years. It

actually has a bigger impact than that, especially again in the job that Biden's in.

And what we know is if he runs for re-election he's not going to be able to run as did he in 2020, essentially in his basement because of COVID and so

forth. He's going to have to be out there doing events and each one of those will be walking a tightrope.

SOARES: So Biden today putting out the messaging today seems to be very much on foreign policy.

How then does the Republican Party and some of the candidates throw their hat in the ring, how do you see the strategy here?

HEYE: Well, we saw Mitt Romney's statement where he went after Trump and Biden and talked about new generation of leadership. A lot of that sounded

like Nikki Haley as she campaigned and she certainly talked in the presidential debate. There's a difficult place for Republicans here in

that, if you go too far --


HEYE: -- against Biden on his age, you run the risk of having that kind of ricochet on Donald Trump because they're both in advanced age.

If you're a younger politician, in your 40s or early 50s, which is still considered young, especially in the Senate, you can go full bore there

because you're talking about generational change, not just one candidate versus another.

SOARES: Doug, always great to have your analysis and expertise, specifically when you're in London. Great to see you again.

HEYE: Appreciate it.

SOARES: Thank you very much.

Still to come tonight, people are breathing a sigh of relief after an escaped murderer is caught. The details next.



SOARES: Returning to our top story now, go live to eastern Libya, where I'm joined by Dr. Anas Barghathi. He's a medical worker who's been volunteering

in Derna. He's in Benghazi tonight but he'll return to Derna on Thursday.

Doctor, thank you very much for taking the time to speak to us.

DR. ANAS BARGHATHI, VOLUNTEER PHYSICIAN: Yes, hello, two days (INAUDIBLE) about a month and they're divided in two parts. (INAUDIBLE) these two

parts. I went to (INAUDIBLE). And it was (INAUDIBLE) severity and (INAUDIBLE).

I assume that is all over the area around the hospital. And there is no demonstration, no (INAUDIBLE) the hospital. (INAUDIBLE) generated work

(INAUDIBLE). And I think need (INAUDIBLE). I have seen (INAUDIBLE).


SOARES: Doctor, unfortunately, we are having trouble hearing you for obvious reasons, connectivity is a problem. We are going to try to fix that

and get back to you. It's so important that we hear what you have seen firsthand.

We're going to take a short break and try to reconnect with the doctor. Do stay right here.





SOARES: After two weeks on the run, an escaped murderer has been caught in the U.S. Police captured him after an aircraft detected him using heat

sensing technology. He had a rifle with him, trying to get away by crawling through thick underbrush.

He didn't get far after a police dog chased him and then bit him. You may remember he broke out of prison by crab walking up a wall and making it to

the prison roof.

Let's bring in Danny Freeman, who's in Pennsylvania and has been following the story for several days now.

Danny, just give us more details on how he was caught and then taken into custody.

DANNY FREEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, I want to say for that top line right here, really a collective sigh of relief for the Chester County

community now that Danelo Cavalcante is in custody. He escaped 14 days ago and has been on the run since then.

Finally they got him back into custody earlier this morning. Some of the details you asked for, this capture set off last night, just after

midnight. Police say that they got a report of a burglary in this general area where we are right now.

Police responded. They didn't see anything. But then a fixed wing aircraft controlled by the Drug Enforcement Agency, a federal aircraft, flew over

and got a heat signal. Police swarmed the area and then something interesting happened.

Then a storm broke out. Weather came in and there was a lot of lightning, so that aircraft, that aerial support had to go down. So what police did is

they told their tactical teams, let's stay in this area through the storm, even with the air support down, and wait.

Around 8:00 this morning, police had this area really in this creek right behind me surrounded by a number of tactical teams. They moved in and found

him, who actually tried to escape once more by crawling through some brush.

Then police had a Border Patrol dog go chase after him, grab him down, stop him and then this 14-day manhunt came to an end.

There's a lot of relief in this community, as I began saying. But it's bigger than just this Chester County, Pennsylvania, community. Remember,

this man was convicted of killing a woman, an ex-girlfriend of his named Deborah Brandao.


FREEMAN: Her family also has a tremendous amount of relief. The district attorney in this area said that was the first call that she made, to tell

them, do not worry, this man who terrorized your family, now once again back behind bars.

SOARES: Yes, relief all around.

What happens to him now though?

I'm hoping he's not going back to the same prison.

FREEMAN: No. That is the one thing we can absolutely say for sure. He is not going back to the Chester County prison where he broke out of 14 days

ago. Right after he was captured, he was taken into police custody. They interviewed him. They gave him a medical examination as well.

At this point we believe he's on his way to a state correctional facility and police say that there's no way he will break out of there and it's

versus a county facility, where he was before.

SOARES: Danny, always great to have you on the show. Thank you very much.

And that does it for us for this evening. Thanks very much for watching. Do stay right here, "QUEST MEANS BUSINESS" is up next. I shall see you

tomorrow. Have a wonderful day. Bye-bye.