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Isa Soares Tonight

Biden And Ruto Hold Joint News Conference At The White House; World Food Program Warns Of Catastrophe Due To Lack Of Aid Crossing Into Gaza; Russian Forces Advance Towards Kharkiv; Mexico Stage Collapse; China's Military Drills; Taiwan's New Leader; Virtual Reality Helping Inmates; Training Prisoners With Virtual Reality; Alito Flag Controversy; Cannes Film Festival; DOJ Sues Ticketmaster Owner. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired May 23, 2024 - 14:00   ET



JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And do our part, and look, we've also doubled our commitment to the IDA, and I'm proud the United States is

the biggest donor of the IDA in this cycle. And proud to be working with alongside Kenya to support robust financing and policy package, we're going

to help promote vulnerable countries address their investment need.

There's debt, and there's growth, and you can't -- you got to deal with the debt before you deal with the growth. And so, we're trying to use

international lending organizations to be able to provide that capability, so people can grow. That's what it's about.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This concludes the press conference. Thanks, everybody.

RICHARD QUEST, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: There you have it -- excuse me, the press conference of the President of the United States, the President of

Kenya --


QUEST: Excuse me, had somewhat of a raucous end to the questioning. It is the state visit of the Kenyan president to the United States, the first

from an African leader, a head of state for some years. The tone was friendly, but firm, I think one would describe it with much focus being on

Kenya's participation in the peacekeeping forces and the security forces being sent to Haiti with many of the reporters from Kenya questioning why

was Kenya being so involved in security force many thousands of miles away from Africa when the U.S. seemingly was reluctant to undertake the same

thing in its own backyard.

Which the president described as part of the very object was to -- so that the U.S. did not appear to be telling the Caribbean what it should be

doing. Our senior White House correspondent Kevin Liptak is with me now -- friendly but firm. The two men sort of took all the questions on the nose.

There are great geopolitical strategic issues --obviously, Haiti on one side, and you've got Sudan, you've got the DRC, all the other countries

over in Africa.

KEVIN LIPTAK, CNN SENIOR WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Yes, you know, hope always springs eternal that there will be more than a few topics at these press

conferences, but today was not the day. It really did focus pretty squarely on the issues at hand, the issues of bilateral relations between the U.S.

and Kenya.

And you know, I was somewhat surprised at the level of skepticism that President Ruto was receiving from the reporters in the room about this

mission to Haiti. One of them asked, why is he putting out the fire in a neighbor's home when his own home is on fire?

And he went on to explain that, Kenya does have an international role to play, and he has said in the past, that when it comes to Haiti, he views

these as Africans living not in Africa, but in Haiti. And so, he has been defensive on that. President Biden trying to make clear that the U.S. is

supporting this mission as well through resources, equipment --

QUEST: Yes --

LIPTAK: Intelligence, some of that is already on the ground. But a lot of skepticism I think in the room when it comes to this Haiti mission.

QUEST: The standing of Kenya has in a sense got up many notches as a result of this visit. And not just because of state visit per se, but because

Kenya is now involved in this mission to the Caribbean, and has been given this window in a sense, it is arguably the leading country when it comes to


LIPTAK: Yes, and I think when you look at, you know, traditional American allies in Africa, whether it's South Africa, Ethiopia or Kenya, those two

other nations has sort of fallen out of favor for various reasons in their leadership. And what you heard President Ruto say today was really under

scoring the importance of democracy, talking about how democracy has to lead the way, that is certainly welcome news to President Biden's ear. This

has been his message throughout his presidency when it comes to --

QUEST: Right --

LIPTAK: Foreign policy is trying to, you know, undermine -- or underscore how important democracies are in terms of delivering to their people. When

you look at the continent of Africa, Kenya has been sort of a beacon in that, when you see, you know, military coups transpiring in all these other

countries, and so, I think that, that was an important reason that President Biden selected Kenya for this state visit.

The other reason I think is to try and to provide some counter to China's influence, not only --

QUEST: Yes --

LIPTAK: Kenya, but to the broader continent. When you look at the debt that has been saddled in Kenya, but also these other nations from Beijing,

President Biden really trying to make the point that countries who are saddled in Chinese debt aren't going to be able to develop, and aren't

going to be able --

QUEST: Yes --

LIPTAK: To contribute in the way that Kenya is doing on the international stage.

QUEST: Kevin, that's a very important point, I'm grateful for you, Kevin Liptak in Washington.


Michelle Gavin is a former U.S. ambassador to Botswana, now Senior Fellow for Africa Policy and the Studies of the Council, there she is when she

took up her post in Africa. There she is, enjoying her ambassadorship. The ambassador is with me. Now, this -- I want to say battle, but I don't mean

battle, but I think you know what I do mean in this sort of currying favor of African nations vis-a-vis China.

I suppose many of these African leaders would much rather have the White House visit in a sense, than what China offers. But China does have the


MICHELLE GAVIN, SENIOR FELLOW FOR AFRICA STUDIES: Well, China does have money and most African nations have commercial relationships with China as

does the U.S. But I think it's important to note that Chinese investment on the continent has declined quite precipitously. It's not the days of the

massive investments and -- I'm not sure too, I'm going to push back a little on this idea that most African leaders would rather have a White

House visit.

The visit is great and it sends important signals and they've made major announcements. But I think that, you know, one of the things U.S. is

frequently criticized for is being good at the rhetoric and not on the follow-through. So, for President Ruto, what he really needs is a way to

create jobs in Kenya right now.

QUEST: Right, but that then of course, takes us to the Haiti question, or at least, why would President Ruto with problems at home -- listen to what

-- listen to the question and answer on the Haiti issue as to why Kenya was involved in this particular mission.


BIDEN: We concluded that for the United States to deploy forces in the hemisphere. Just raises all kinds of questions that can be easily

misrepresented by what we're trying to do, and be able to reuse by those who disagree with us and against our -- against the interest of Haiti and

the United States.

So, we set out to find a partner or partners who would lead that effort that we would participate in, not with American forces, though with

supplies and making sure they have what they needed.


QUEST: I could put it crudely and saying Kenya is during the U.S.' dirty work for it so the U.S. doesn't have to sort of get the bad reputation for

doing it.

GAVIN: Well, that's definitely one way to look at it. You know, I think President Ruto did his best to articulate a kind of philosophical approach

to peacekeeping into Haiti in particular, because of the African Diaspora. But I -- it's a very high risk mission, not just for the Kenyan police, but

for the U.S.-Kenya relationship.

If this goes badly, then I think the way you just described the situation will likely be the lens through which most Kenyans see the endeavor.

QUEST: We look at what's happening in -- I mean, we've got elections in South Africa. The country is sort of -- in somewhat of a mess at the

moment. You have got -- on the western side, you've got Nigeria where again, there are some very deep-seated issues and problems that just keep

bubbling up. Kenya hasn't avoided, but arguably is more stable in that sense.

GAVIN: Yes, Kenya has got a lot of challenges which we're alluded to. Some relate to climate change and natural disaster. If it's not drought, it's

flood. Some relate to the very difficult neighborhood that -- in which Kenya finds itself. But the number one issue in Kenya really is about cost

of living and jobs.

QUEST: And on that, we're talking trade, and I guess at some point, there has to be the quid pro quo. And do you see part of that quid pro quo being

the U.S. being more willing to do more trade with Kenya?

GAVIN: Absolutely. The U.S. and Kenya are on track to conclude a strategic trade and investment partnership agreement this calendar year. That would

be the first in the region or the U.S. --

QUEST: Right --

GAVIN: And so, I think it's very clear that this is incredibly important part of moving this bilateral relationship forward.

QUEST: Ambassador, I'm grateful, thank you so much.

GAVIN: Thank you.


QUEST: The World Food Program is warning of a catastrophe due to a lack of aid crossing into Gaza. The agency say it's unable to distribute food in

Rafah because of restricted access, a shortage of supplies and the displacement of distribution partners who were forced to escape violence or

follow Israeli evacuation orders.

Only a trickle of aid is making its way across the new floating pier that the U.S. military has built off Gaza's coast. And the fighting continues, a

senior doctor at a hospital in Jabalya says her hospital is now shut down after Israeli forces seized it with tanks parked at the gate.


WAFAA ABU JASSER, DIRECTOR OF PURCHASES & SUPPLIES, AL-AWDA HOSPITAL (through translator): This time, there was no chance for interaction. They

had one clear goal, to vacate the hospital. They didn't give us a chance to explain to them or negotiate with them.

There are patients, there are injured people who refuse to leave without them. We kept telling them to the last minute that we want to stay at the

hospital, that we won't move, and that we will follow their instructions. They didn't give us a chance to negotiate. The answer was clear -- evacuate

the hospital.

Only after a lot of talks, they agreed to let the patients stay at the hospital alone with the medical team to stay with the patients until they

are evacuated.


QUEST: Jeremy is with me from Jerusalem. The aid, let's start there, the pier is up and running, some is getting through. But even if more -- look,

let's get to the real issue here. Number one, even if the pier was able to run 24/7, there wouldn't be enough to meet demand.

And anyway, that which is getting through can be distributed properly and that -- and there's not enough coming through land-wise anyway.

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN JERUSALEM CORRESPONDENT: Yes, there's no question about it, that first of all, land crossings according to every single

humanitarian aid agency are the best and most effective way of getting the amount of aid that is needed for Gaza into the Gaza Strip.

Today, though, that maritime pier, even if they were functioning as you said, right now, only 27 aid trucks got into Gaza yesterday via that

floating pier. According to the Israeli military, that's 371 pallets of aid, but that's well short of the 98 trucks per day that the U.S. said it

expected to quickly ramp-up too -- far less than the 150 aid trucks that they expect at optimal performance that pier would be able to bring in.

The Israeli military says that 281 trucks passed through the land crossings of Kerem Shalom and the Erez Crossing, but this is where it gets a little

bit tricky too, Richard, because the Israeli military and COGAT, the Defense Ministry agency charged with getting aid into Gaza has been

offering these figures of hundreds of trucks per day going in through these crossings.

But the United Nations and some of the other aid groups that are supposed to be picking up the aid on the other side of these crossings are all

offering far different figures. And a lot of that has to do with the fact that security conditions caused in part by the Israeli military's expanding

and escalating military activity around those crossings has impeded the ability of these humanitarian aid groups to get the aid and then to safely

distribute it throughout the Gaza Strip.

And today, the World Food Program is warning once again of a potential catastrophe looming if the situation of distributing aid and getting it

into the Strip is not remedied quickly.

QUEST: And this hospital, the Al-Awda Hospital that is being evacuated and raided by the IDF, do we have any more details?

DIAMOND: Well yesterday, the Israeli military after several days of surrounding that hospital, finally ordered its evacuation and we're told by

doctors at the hospital that all patients and staff have indeed now evacuated that hospital, putting what it has been one of the few remaining

hospitals in Gaza, certainly in northern Gaza out of service.

This is the only hospital in northern Gaza capable of currently providing orthopedic services. And so, we're seeing once again as Israeli military

operations are shutting down a critically-needed hospital in Gaza at a critical moment. The Israeli military hasn't yet responded to our request

for comment about why they are going into this hospital, why they ordered its evacuation. But certainly, it is not the first time that we have seen

that. Richard.

QUEST: Jeremy, I'm grateful, Jeremy Diamond who is in Jerusalem tonight, thank you. As you and I continue, deadly Russian airstrikes which Ukraine

and Moscow's troops are taking advantage of a weakened frontline. Also, Mexico's president says, authorities have to investigate after a deadly

incident at a political rally when the stage collapsed, the number of people who are hurt was quite the matter.



QUEST: Ukrainian officials say Russian airstrikes in the area of Kharkiv have killed at least seven people, 23 more were wounded as the strikes hit

several locations. Russia's attacks have intensified as its troops advanced towards Ukraine's second-largest city.

The surrounding region have been liberated from Russian control earlier in the war. Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says Russia is taking

advantage of Ukraine's lack of sufficient air defense support. With us from eastern Ukraine, Nick Paton Walsh. Nick, you brought this in the last 48

hours the extraordinary reporting of just the drones and the attacks and the way the frontline is.

Is there a feeling as weaponry makes it -- western weaponry -- those supply lines. Are things getting better for the Ukrainians yet or not?

NICK PATON WALSH, CNN CHIEF INTERNATIONAL SECURITY CORRESPONDENT: I think what we saw in Kharkiv today is an example of exactly how bad it could

potentially get in the weeks ahead. This isn't really about the speed in which an ammunition shortage is rectified.

It's about the progress Russia has made startlingly in just the last couple of weeks. Now, that missile strike, 15 missiles raining down on a city of

over a million people seems to have mostly focused on a printing press area we drove past it ourselves, you can see the craters near the railway track

with that hit, firefighters sheltering for cover.

And it's one of a number of almost daily strikes that seem to land on Ukraine's second largest city. And so, yes, I think it's fair to say, we

will slowly in the weeks ahead, see that western weaponry, perhaps rectifying some of the problems Ukraine is facing on the frontlines.

But really, the story we're hearing from troops mostly is a lack of fortifications, low morale, a very difficult job, and a very resourced,

very purposeful Russian force advancing towards them, Richard.

QUEST: Now, on that last bit, the -- from what I've been reading, the suggestion is you know, obviously changes in the command structure, but

also Russia learning from the mistakes of the first 18 months. Is that what's happening that the Russian tactics have got better?

WALSH: I mean, possibly, the tactics have also got slightly more course. They couldn't do much worse than the first 18 months where they went from

being the third rate of best army in the world to suddenly finding themselves in a quagmire against the Ukrainian military who many thought

ten years earlier simply didn't really exist at any particular meaningful way.

So, yes, they certainly improved to that regard and they did fend off the counteroffensive of the Summer. What was behind this new offensive? We

don't really know is what we've seen in the last two months. The best that Moscow has to offer.


Have they tried to make a move on the second city and essentially seen it stalled to some degree? Do they have another larger assault to make to the

east or to the west of Kharkiv itself? Or was the broader tactic to draw Ukraine's over-stretched forces away from the eastern front north and allow

them to make better gains near where I'm standing here.

Ultimately, Russia's tactics appear to be much more willing to expend manpower, I say expend manpower that essentially send unequipped poorly-

trained troops to their certain death, and shell areas indiscriminately in an intense rate that the Ukrainians simply can't match.

But ultimately, we'll see in the weeks ahead as to whether this is --

QUEST: Yes --

WALSH: The beginning of what Russia has or more likely just a taste of what's to come in the Summer ahead, Richard.

QUEST: So, to the viewer watching, to our dear viewer watching tonight in Europe who wants to know whether Ukraine is holding its own or on the back-

foot -- or yes, give us a feel for where is Ukraine tonight in this?

WALSH: Look, I mean, this is a really sad moment for European security. It's an incredibly small, frankly, 40 million strong nation with limited

military prowess and expertise hold off this huge Russian beast for over two years now. Two extraordinary losses. And we've seen Russia --

repeatedly, and we've seen the West and 19 of them purpose initially be all over the place.

And potentially, that's going to get worse in the years ahead. And so, yes, you might hear Ukraine holding off the Russians for a limited amount here

and there. But ultimately, the Russians are very focused, very happy to tolerate enormous loss, and they're looking at a West whose message of a

total unity is beginning to fracture the possibility of a Trump presidency.

It'd be in no doubt for my generation, yours, those of my children. This is possibly one of the worst moments for European security we are going to

face, and it's rarely in the key focus of people day-by-day. It's often overshadowed by other events, but it's something which is of extraordinary

importance for those eastern European, new NATO members for the United States' prowess as a global power, and in terms of how the world decides as

to autocracy versus democracy.

We're seeing it play out right here, and it's often times slow, hard to follow, but it's really deciding the kind of world we're going to live in,

in the next two decades, Richard.

QUEST: And we're grateful, sir, thank you. That's exactly what we needed to learn tonight from you, I'm grateful, thank you. Nick Paton Walsh in

eastern Ukraine. As you and I continue our view of the world, tonight, images from Iran and the holy city of Mashhad, that's where Iranian

President Ebrahim Raisi has now been buried next to the shrine of Imam Reza.

This is considered the holiest Islamic site in the country. Earlier, CNN's Fred Pleitgen followed those massive crowds on the streets of Mashhad.


FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (on camera): Pretty remarkable scenes here on the streets of Mashhad as Ebrahim Raisi's

casket gets wheeled through the streets, he will, of course, later be laid to rest inside of the shrine of a Imam Reza, one of the most important

pilgrimage sites here in Iran, but also the political and the spiritual home that Ebrahim Raisi, he was always affiliated with this city.

He was always affiliated with that shrine. In fact, his father-in-law is still the prayer leader at the Imam Reza Shrine. So, the folks here in this

town of Mashhad, many of them are supporters of Ebrahim Raisi, and many of them told us that while they're in great sorrow at this point in time, they

also say they will remain loyal to his ideals.

Which of course, were very tough on the United States. You can hear them screaming now, death to America here in the streets of Mashhad as the

casket is being wielded through those streets. So, they hope that these conservative ideals of Ebrahim Raisi will remain in place.

Again, remarkable streets here in the city of Mashhad on the ground here as the casket gets wheeled through the streets to then be laid to rest inside

the Imam Reza shrine. Frederik Pleitgen, CNN, Mashhad, Iran.


QUEST: Whether it is in eastern Ukraine where Russia is fighting or in Tehran where the funeral is taking place, we have the people there, we're

bringing you the pictures, we're telling you the stories that are taking place. And we have more to bring you. Still to come tonight, China responds

as Taiwan and the island swears a new leader.

And China's response, you'll see in just a moment. This is CNN.



QUEST: Mexico's president says the authorities will investigate how a political rally turned so deadly. Nine people died, including a child, at

least 121 injured. And all because the stage collapsed on Wednesday.




QUEST: Look at the forces. You can see the forces that were at play there, the wind and the sheer aggression as the thing collapsed. And as a result,

while this was a rally for the presidential candidate, Jorge Alvarez Maynez, he says civil defense teams checked the set before the event, it

was the severity of the wind that caught them by surprise.


JORGE ALVAREZ MAYNEZ, MEXICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (through translator): I first saw that the drums of the musicians who were about to play were

going to get blown away, when the others noticed, they ran in different directions. Some jumped to the sides and I jumped back.


QUEST: Gustavo Valdes is with me, following developments. Gustavo, if we just look at that first video I showed, of the stage collapsing, if we can

run that video again, please, you will see -- just look at the wind, you'll see, there it is, that fierce wind blows like that. And that's the bit that

does it.


QUEST: Yes --

VALDES: It's a matter of seconds that this metal structure just collapsed. I've been looking at the video. There's about seven minutes prior to the

incident. And you can see that the flags and the banners are barely moving under the wind. But all of a sudden, just as the candidate and other people

take on the stage, you can see them here, how the metal starts to crush under the strength of the wind. And they have seconds to jump off the stage

and the metal structure just collapses.


Like you said, 121 people, according to the governor of the State of Nuevo Leon, only 27 of them had to be taken to the hospital. Most of the other

people were -- suffer minor injuries and were treated on the scene. Eight of them had to undergo surgery. And like you mentioned, nine people dead,

one injured.

So, there is an investigation ongoing. The wind is a factor, but there are criticisms because earlier in the day, the Mexican Weather Authority had

issued an alert about severe storms in the area. In fact, I've been talking to people who live in the Monterrey area, and they confirmed that they had

electric storms all around it. Not necessarily where the event was happening, but there were thunderstorms.

The governor has said that they met all the protocols necessary for this type of event, but the investigation is ongoing. And this is on the last

days of the Mexican presidential campaign.

QUEST: So, let me jump, let me jump in. Let me just jump in there.


QUEST: The question will be, firstly, obviously were shortcuts taken. So, a stage was built that should have withstood and didn't, or the thing should

have been canceled.

VALDES: The question -- yes, and that's what they're going to be looking at. But what the organizers and the governor himself are saying is that

they did go and check the stage. They made sure that it was according to local and state protocols. So, at least the governor is putting his name

behind the reason why the event went on.

And like I said, the storms from -- the weather reports we have and people I've talked on the ground, were not necessarily in the area where the event

was happening. It was sudden. But as we all know, weather it doesn't have a pattern. It happens whenever it happens and we see the consequences.

QUEST: I'm grateful to you, sir. Thank you. The pictures are dramatic. The experience must have been quite horrific for those involved. Thank you,


China has started military drills around Taiwan. It's in response to Taiwan's swearing in of a new leader. CNN's Ivan Watson is in Taipei.


IVAN WATSON, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A chaotic start for Taiwan's new president, Lai Ching-te. Just days after taking

office, China launching large scale military exercises and protesters taking to the streets of the capital, Taipei.

Operation Joint Sword-2024A set to encircle Taiwan over two days. Dozens of Chinese aircraft, warships, and Coast Guard vessels. Beijing describing the

drills as a powerful punishment for so-called separatist forces in Taiwan. A dramatic increase in military pressure on the island democracy.

WEN-TI SUNG, FELLOW, ATLANTIC COUNCIL'S GLOBAL CHINA HUB: I think Beijing will likely respond with fire fury. That's almost to be expected from


WATSON (voice-over): Senior security officials in Taipei tell CNN most of the aircraft crossed into Taiwan's self-declared air defense identification

zone, a move the island's defense ministry calls a serious provocation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Their military exercise is not helping with the situation around Taiwan Strait.

WATSON (voice-over): China's military says the exercises are a direct response to the separatist provocations and external interferences. They

say the motherland must be reunified and will inevitably be reunified.

In his inauguration speech this week, Lai calling on the Communist mainland to stop its military and political intimidation and recognize the

sovereignty of Democratic Taiwan using the island's official name, the Republic of China.

LAI CHING-TE, TAIWAN PRESIDENT (through translator): I hope that China will face the reality of the Republic of China's existence and respect the

choices of the people of Taiwan.

WATSON (voice-over): Words seen by some as a departure from the cautious tone taken by his predecessor, Tsai Ing-wen.

President Lai's first days have been anything but calm. Massive youth protests erupted outside parliament. Demonstrators protesting a push by

opposition parties to subject the island's new leader to tighter scrutiny from China friendly lawmakers.

More chaos inside Taiwan's fiercely divided parliament. A massive brawl broke out last week over those legislative reform bills. In the Taiwanese

capital, confidence in the government and the military.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (through translator): If the Chinese Communist Party does attack Taiwan, it won't be easy. Taiwanese people are not afraid of war.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): I believe leaders will prioritize people's happiness. So, I'm not worried. I think peace will be maintained.

WATSON (voice-over): A fragile peace in tumultuous times for President Lai, military threats across the Taiwan Strait, and deep divisions at home.

Will Ripley, CNN, Taipei.


QUEST: Excellent reporting there from Will. Coming up, as you and I continue, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is being courted by a

fresh flag controversy outside his beach home in New Jersey. We'll explain why the flag was flying and the fur was flying too, in a moment.


QUEST: So, to the story of the inmates inside a woman's prison or correctional facility that are being trained to be mechanics when they are

released from prison. CNN's Clare Duffy now explains how virtual reality is helping them prepare for real-life.


MEAGAN CARPENTER, VR TRAINEE: The best part about it for incarcerated people is you get to escape from this place and it reminds you that there

is something outside of here.

TIFFANY BUSCH, VR TRAINEE: It definitely takes you out of here, and it's fun.

CLARE DUFFY, CNN BUSINESS WRITER (voice-over): This is Meagan and Tiffany. Both are serving time here at the Maryland Correctional Institution for

Women. Tiffany expects to be released this June. Meagan, next year.

But for all of the freedoms beyond the facility's walls, their backgrounds will likely create significant challenges for them, like finding a good

paying job.

CARPENTER: Some of us complain about going to work on Mondays and things like that. You really miss just simple things like making your own money.

DUFFY (voice-over): Both women are part of a program here in Maryland that uses cutting edge virtual reality training. The goal? To put them on a path

towards becoming certified auto technicians.

CARPENTER: I feel 100 percent confident in my abilities.

DUFFY (voice-over): Trade groups say the industry sees tens of thousands of job openings go unfilled each year.

CARPENTER: So, when you first put the headset on, it looks just like an automotive shop. You're able to maneuver around the shop, pick up different

tools, use the lift, look under the car.

BUSCH: It's very realistic. Whenever we turn it on, it's -- we're not where we was.

It's real. You got this headset on, it's like you're actually there.

DUFFY: What have you learned in your first week?


BUSCH: I know how to do oil change. So, that's not something I ever thought I would be able to do.

MARTIN SCHWARTZ, PRESIDENT, VEHICLES FOR CHANGE: I mean, virtual reality, number one, is going to be the way we train the skilled trades in five

years across the board.

DUFFY (voice-over): Martin Schwartz is the president of Vehicles for Change, the nonprofit group that helped bring the VR training program to

Maryland's correctional facilities in 2023.

SCHWARTZ: This isn't rocket science. It's a matter of getting people a job that leads to a career and we can keep people out of prison. That first

four months is vitally important for that individual to be able to stay out of prison. So, if they can get a job that's going to pay $16 to $20 an

hour, we can change the trajectory of that recidivism rate.

BUSCH: It's dire that we get some type of training.

CARPENTER: Sometimes we just need that one program to have faith in us and give us an opportunity and let us take the ball and run with it. I'm just

trying to be self-sufficient and be a strong, independent woman.

BUSCH: And I'm excited. I'm excited for it. So, I'm excited to be able to go home and use what we have here.


QUEST: Fascinating story. Absolutely fascinating. So, the question of impartiality is looming over the U.S. Supreme Court justice, Samuel Alito.

There's been, first, now another controversial flag spotted outside, this time, his beach house. "The New York Times" is reporting an appeal to

heaven design, which flew at his New Jersey vacation home last summer, two years after an inverted flag hung at his Virginia home. Both symbols on

display were during the January the sixth attacks at the U.S. Capitol.

The justice claims the flag in Virginia was hung by his wife and has not commented yet on the one in New Jersey. Now, U.S. lawmakers are drawing

divided conclusions on how justices should respond to the controversy.


REP. HAKEEM JEFFRIES (D-NY): It's totally inappropriate. In the case of Samuel Alito, he definitively needs to recuse himself from any matter

pending before the United States Supreme Court that has to do with the January 6th violent insurrection. He should have no part of it.

SEN. JOHN CORNYN (R-TX): I just think Democrats are determined to harass members of the Supreme Court. I don't see them criticizing Sotomayor or

Kagan, or others. So, obviously they don't like Justice Alito or the decisions he makes, and this is just part of a long-standing harassment of

the courts.


QUEST: The justices are weighing and deciding on Donald Trump's immunity claim, we're waiting for that, and his federal election subversion case.

Zachary Wolf is with me. The argument's pretty straightforward, isn't it? You know, I'm entitled to my life, my wife's entitled to hers, or if it was

the other way around, my husband's entitled to do what he likes, we're private citizens in our own life. But it doesn't really wash that, does it?

ZACHARY WOLF, CNN SENIOR WRITER: Well, it doesn't wash. And you would think if anyone or any nine people in the United States would be extra careful

about not presenting any bias towards one presidential candidate or, you know, towards the January 6th rioters, it would be somebody on the Supreme


On the other hand, Alito is, you know, pretty outspoken about certain things. And we also need to remember there's really nothing anybody can do

about this, since there is no binding ethics scheme for the U.S. Supreme Court. And in fact, when there were calls for one recently, they

definitively turned down the opportunity to sign on to one.

QUEST: The chief justice, though, will not be pleased, John Roberts. You know, the adage, justice must be seen to be done the perception is as

important as the reality. He will be very concerned. Because every study and every survey seems to be suggesting that the Supreme Court's public

opinion ratings is at an all-time low.

WOLF: Confidence in the U.S. government institutions as a whole are going down. And the one that is going down the most, if you look at some of the

polls, is the Supreme Court. People used to view it sort of, you know, on a pedestal. And now, I think a lot of people in the U.S. view it as, you

know, people with a political bent on either side, making these decisions. So, their reputation has certainly taken a major beating in the last couple

of years.


QUEST: But Zachary, you know, the Scalia, Ginsburg all -- on both sides the great names of the court, they were controversial in their judicial and

their jurisprudence, but they didn't overstep the way -- the line in the way that, say, Thomas or Alito would appear to have done, either through

their own actions, or through those of their spouse.

WOLF: Right. And, you know, I think perhaps the larger issue, if you want to look at it, is what Scalia and Thomas and the conservatives on the court

have done with decisions like overturning Roe v. Wade in which, you know, Alito -- sorry, Alito, I said Scalia, I meant Alito. Alito almost has taken

delight in giving speeches where he -- you know, he talks to applause lines about having done this.

So, it's -- I think it's larger than the flag for sure. This is just a symptom of a real problem that the U.S. Supreme Court has.

QUEST: Zachary, I'm grateful for you tonight, so thank you.

And together we continue. The U.S. government is suing the owner of Ticketmaster. It's all about the live music industry. The monopoly, in a

sense. Who benefits, who doesn't, and the cost that you and I pay. It's all ahead.


QUEST: The Cannes Film Festival is one of the most important and glamorous in the world. The winners often foreshadow future award winners, and this

year's editions featured big Hollywood names, controversial films, and even an Olympic moment. Saskia Van Dorn has been looking at the Cannes Festival.


SASKIA VAN DORN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice over): It's that time of year again, when Hollywood glamour comes to the French Riviera.

The 77th annual Cannes Film Festival is underway. This nearly two-week event has been full of starlet moments, extraordinary fashion, and show-

stopping red-carpet events, including the arrival of the Olympic flame. The torch was carried up the famous steps of the Palais des Festival for the

viewing of the documentary "Olympique." A film featuring Olympic and Paralympic champions.

However, the real stars of the festival are the films themselves, including "Francis Ford Coppola's Megalopolis," "The Substance," starring Demi Moore,

and the new buzzworthy "Mad Max" saga from Warner Bros. Pictures, which shares a parent company with CNN.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That wasn't hope, that was instinct.


VAN DORN (voice-over): Mexican drug lord musical "Emilia Perez," by French director Jacques Audiard, Starring Selena Gomez, Zoe Saldana, and Karla

Sofia Gascon, received a nine-minute standing ovation.

JACQUES AUDIARD, DIRECTOR OF "EMILIA PEREZ" (through translator): It's that when you show your film here, it's really seen by the whole world. And

that's it. I know that I'm very anxious every time I come. I'm very, very, very anxious. And it doesn't get easier with the years.

VAN DORN (voice-over): Japanese animation studio, Ghibli, became the first group to be awarded the honorary Palme d'Or, which usually goes to an

individual. Another film causing a stir is "The Apprentice," a biopic about Former U.S. President Donald Trump. A spokesperson for the Trump campaign

said it would be filing a lawsuit over the film.

Director Ali Abassi said the former president should watch the movie before taking any legal action.

ALI ABBASI, DIRECTOR OF "THE APPRENTICE": I don't necessarily think that this is a movie that, you know, he would dislike. I don't necessarily think

he would like it. I think that he -- I think he would be surprised.

VAN DORN (voice-over): The film depicts prominent lawyer Roy Cohn and Trump in his early years as a real estate mogul.

Jurors for this year's festival include director Greta Gerwig and actresses Lily Gladstone and Eva Green.

PIERFRANCESCO FAVINO, ACTOR (through translator): It's an honor. It's a pleasure for me. As a film lover and also a cinema goer, it's like being a

kid in a candy store. And being surrounded by people I admire and respect is marvelous.

VAN DORN (voice-over): The International Film Festival will end this weekend when the Palme d'Or is awarded.

Saskia Van Dorn, CNN, Paris.


QUEST: A groundbreaking antitrust lawsuit in the United States could dramatically affect how we all get our tickets for concerts and live


The Department of Justice is suing Live Nation. One of the biggest ticketing providers in the U.S., parent company of Ticketmasters. The DOJ

says Live Nation spent years abusing its dominance to the detriment of millions of fans. Merrick Garland, the A.G., spoke on it.


MERRICK GARLAND, U.S. ATTORNEY GENERAL: Live Nation suffocates its competition using a variety of tactics, from acquisitions of smaller

regional promoters and venues, to threats and retaliation, to agreements with rivals designed to neutralize them.


QUEST: Our Justice and Crime Reporter Katelyn Polantz is with us. It doesn't matter whether it's computers, steel, telecoms, whatever, or

tickets. When you're talking antitrust, it all smells the same.

KATELYN POLANTZ, CNN SENIOR CRIMES AND JUSTICE REPORTER: Yes, although this is a bit of a different lawsuit than other antitrust lawsuits in recent

years, you don't see situations like this where the Justice Department is suing a company that owns a subsidiary. So, a vertically integrated company

in this way saying that they're just too dominant, and they're monopolizing things in their industry so much that it hurts consumers. Often, these

lawsuits are over mergers and other things like that in that school of thought.

The other thing that's interesting about this is that there's been a lot of public blowback since the Taylor Swift Eras Tour tickets went on sale last

year, and there were all kinds of glitches. There were politicians that brought people from Live Nation up to Capitol Hill to grill them about

this. And this lawsuit from the Justice Department and 30 different states has been very expected for some time because of that.

The Justice Department wants to take this to a jury. Unusual for an antitrust lawsuit like this because everybody who buys tickets in the U.S.

does get a service fee included in that purchase price. That is the thing the Justice Department has so much concern over, that those fees are far

too high and that there are far too many of them all lumped together.

QUEST: So, what -- you've covered this sort of thing and you know that there's an end game in a sense. What do you think it is here? Is it to get

concessions from Live Nation? Is it to break it up? What do you think is the Justice Department's, assuming there was a settlement at some point,

goal here?

POLANTZ: I wouldn't assume there would be a settlement here. A senior Justice Department official did tell us earlier today that a breakup of

Live Nation and the Ticketmaster dominance is potentially on the -- as a possibility, on the table here as part of this lawsuit.

There's a lot of different ways that they could help consumers, they believe, or artists or venues who are locked in to these fees and ticket

sales and processes for bookings from Ticketmaster. The Justice Department is going to -- they're going to bring the suit and see where it goes to see

how it could affect.

QUEST: Katelyn, I'm grateful. Thank you.

Finally, tonight, the Holy Grail of shipwrecks, that's what lies beneath the waters near Cartagena in Colombia.


The government there has launched an expedition to explore the San Jose shipwreck. It sank in 1708, following a battle with the British in the War

of the Spanish Succession. Carrying gold, it's believed, gold, silver, emeralds and more.

And now, Colombia hopes to recover the archaeological artefacts worth billions. It will need to resolve a dispute with the U.S.-based Marenheim

(ph) salvaging company, which claims it spotted the wreck first.

And the flamingo in Norfolk, England, who's become a local celebrity, Gertrude, stunned zoo, staff, and animals by laying her first egg at the

age of 17. Now, that's an achievement.

Most wild flamingos only live to around 40. And a group called the Flamboyants, staffs say Gertrude had previously been unlucky in love. Now,

she's shown a fresh lease of life. Finding a new mate, 70, good luck. Though the egg won't result in a chick, it just says you're never too late

to find your mate. Well, at age 70, I'd rather have a cup of tea and a sandwich.

Thank you for watching. Grateful that you were with us. Jim Sciutto is on the other side. This is CNN, because the news never stops.