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Isa Soares Tonight

Princess of Wales to Attend King Charles' Birthday Parade Saturday; Tensions Begin to Boil Between Israel and Hezbollah As Each Side Makes Cross-Border Attacks; Biden: Hamas "Biggest Hang-Up" In Reaching A Ceasefire Deal; Putin: Russia Will End War If Kyiv Surrenders, Drops NATO Bid; Putin Lays Out Demands To End The Fighting in Ukraine. 2-3p ET

Aired June 14, 2024 - 14:00:00   ET



PAULA NEWTON, HOST, ISA SOARES TONIGHT: And a very warm welcome to the show, everyone, I'm Paula Newton in for Isa Soares. Tonight, Catherine, the

Princess of Wales says she's making good progress in her recovery from cancer, and will be attending the king's official birthday party this

weekend. We'll have more on that breaking news.

Then growing tensions between Israel and Lebanon with some dramatic cross- border attacks. We're live in Beirut with the latest. Plus, Vladimir Putin issues fresh demands to Ukraine to end the war, which Kyiv is dismissing as

a complete sham. That and much more straight ahead.

And we do begin with our breaking news. Catherine, the Princess of Wales says she is making good progress after her cancer diagnosis, and is now

expecting to attend the Trooping of the Color, and that would be King Charles' birthday parade that is going to happen on Saturday, and it will

be her first public event this year and first official appearance since Christmas Day.

Kensington Palace released this new photo of the princess, you see it there in front of the tree on the grounds of Windsor Castle. Catherine also says

she has had good days and bad days while undergoing chemotherapy and expects her treatment though, to continue for now.

Royal historian Kate Williams is in London for us and we bring her in on this story. Again, she's committed to this event tomorrow, no doubt a boost

for the entire royal family, and many in Britain and beyond. What does the timing tell you here? Very last minute and it was very carefully

choreographed with that, you know, very evocative photo.

KATE WILLIAMS, CNN ROYAL HISTORIAN: The photo, as you say, so evocative. This beautiful photo of Kate in Windsor Great Park near where their house,

Adelaide Cottages, and you know, a photo of a woman going through so much. And just as you say, Paula, it's going to be a huge boost to see her

tomorrow, to see Kate out there.

We haven't seen her since Christmas Day. This isn't an engagement. We haven't seen any engagements from her whatsoever. And so, people are really

going to be thrilled to see her, but I think her statement is very moving. It comes from the heart, she talked about how she was blown away, she said

by all those statements of love and affection and all the support she's received.

And it was very moving to hear her say I had good days and bad days, I'm not out of the woods yet, but chemotherapy is tough and clearly, she's

going through a lot, and although, she is coming out for the king's birthday parade tomorrow, what a treat for us.

It's not back to work for Kate. I don't think we're going to expect to see her doing full-time royal duties until at least the Autumn, if not longer,

it does sound like she's suffering from as she talks about a lot of fatigue and really, you know, the side effects of chemotherapy, which as we know,

are tough.

NEWTON: Yes, and so many people around the world, again, to make a point of this, they can relate to what she's going through every day. It really

is a breathtaking picture, it does evoke though her solitude in this battle, not that she doesn't have support. But that whole expression,

right? Knowing she's not out of the woods. What will the British people take from this?

WILLIAMS: I think people are very grateful to have this update, but I think -- I think there's still a sense of disbelief that in March, Kate

gave an announcement at 6:00 p.m. on the Friday, March 22nd, and it wasn't what people are expecting. She said that she had cancer and people were, I

think very surprised that all these headlines, you know, of course, we know that cancer can touch people of all ages, but people hadn't expected it.

And therefore, I think there is still a lot of disbelief and there's a lot of shock, and as well great sympathy for poor Kate, because she's clearly

had the toughest possible year, surgery, cancer treatment, and all the conspiracy theories, all the drama, all those stuff, hysteria there was

about her, where was she in the early months, which was very painful for her, I'm sure.

And I think what the palace are trying to do, what Kate is trying to do now is put out this personal statement, this photo so that these conspiracy

theories don't start up again, that she's going to be out tomorrow, out and about tomorrow in the carriage with the children.

So, in the king's birthday parade, Prince William will be on horseback and the children will now be in a carriage with Kate, and the people will be

delighted. But I think we will have to remember that this is a brief moment in the spotlight for a woman who is going through a lot and we shouldn't

expect to see her again until October, November, perhaps later.


And there can't be all this prying and conspiracy theories into what she's going through.

NEWTON: Yes, and we will note, delighted it is the word that King Charles used, obviously, he's going to be relieved, not just from obviously a

ceremonial point of view, but the fact that a family member is well enough 24 hours before to say yes, I will attend some of these activities.

WILLIAMS: Well, King Charles and Kate get on very well, they were both in hospital at the same time in January, and we understand that King Charles

went round from his hospital room to go and comfort Kate. They have a very deep relationship, have great bonds, and it has been really hard for the

royal family, two major members, and Kate is a big star of the royal family, out due to cancer, and it's been tough for them all.

And I think it's very joyous for Charles that this Trooping the Color which weren't quite the same for him, he won't be on horse-back, we don't

believe, it won't probably be the same for him, but Kate will be there, giving her support, that the one engagement she has been able to do is

Trooping the Color.

But like I imagine, that considering what she's going through, it will be very tiring for her, she will need to rest to a great degree after this,

because she is -- the chemotherapy that she's going through, we don't know what the cancer is, but clearly, she's very open about the fact that she --

as she puts it, she has good days and bad days.

NEWTON: Yes, and as you said, she has not disclosed what kind of cancer she is battling right now. We will leave it there as we continue to parse

this story and follow it for the next day, I appreciate it. Max Foster is in fact, at Buckingham Palace with more details for us. I mean, this will

all happen right behind you tomorrow.

No doubt, as I said, the king, the entire family delighted not to say though, Max, you know, you and I can relate to the fact that she's a

parent. She's a mother of three children. And it would likely be a big boost for them as well, right? To have their mother by their side on this

very important royal event.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, so the king has spoken to that. You know, the word I've often been told about the palace is -- the center

of this is a human, and let's have sensitivity for the fact that she's going through cancer treatment, going on for months now we're told, into

the future, and that she is -- a part of that treatment is trying to get back to normal life.

So, primarily with the kids and going in and out of school with them, and time at home I'm told that she started doing some work from home as well.

And this is her tentatively spec -- stepping back into her public role as, you know, there for the public as well. It might not happen.

I have to say because they're taking each day as it comes, and as she said, she's having good days and bad days. So, she has a bad day, they might have

to counsel on the advice of the doctors. We shouldn't read too much into that. I'm told that doesn't mean there's a sudden relapse, any engagements

coming forward will be considered day-to-day and on the day, in fact.

Then after that, there may be some more engagements over the Summer. They're just going to see how it goes. She does -- you know, they are

making big appeals to everyone to respect her privacy. She does feel she deserves some privacy as a patient to her medical records.

But at the same time, she also feels that she's giving out more information than they should initially would from the palace as you remember, Paula,

when you were back in London, they didn't give us any information about medical details. There are at least giving us some information, they feel

that they are -- you know, there is a bit of a compromise there when the public wants to know exactly what's going on.

NEWTON: Yes, and you're right, Max, and likely a reflection of the kind of support she's been given. I mean, in her own words, saying she's just been

blown away by it all. Max, I do want to point out that the Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has now tweeted, and what he's tweeting is something again that

so many people around the world can relate to.

He's saying that the Princess of Wales statement will be especially meaningful to those who are fighting cancer and for their families. It is

true as he says that it will be an inspiration to see her. And yet, I take your point, Max, that look, this is an hour-by-hour thing, anyone who's had

a person close to them or who has themselves gone through cancer treatment knows this.

Max, I have to ask you though, that picture -- we can bring it up again, she's in front of that stunning tree in her solitude, as I say, she is

wearing her ring, that stunning ring that was once on the finger of, you know, the Princess of Wales, Diana, before her.

What do you take from this? From this kind of a picture of a woman who is a photographer herself, and the fact that she would have approved this

obviously before it went out.

FOSTER: Well, the palace did say to me before I saw it -- they'll see that she looks well, and she does look well, and you know, within herself, she

looks well. And I know that she wouldn't have had that photo taken if she didn't feel confident about it being done.

I know the statement was written by her as well. It was taken on the grounds of Windsor Castle, it was taken earlier this week, and then there

will be many more pictures of course, tomorrow, the media have to say, Paula, really stacking up here outside the palace.


I think the crowds, of course, are going to be lot bigger than they normally are of the king's birthday parade. So, they will be pouring over

the images and people will be questioning how well she looks and trying to analyze it as much as possible. I think to be honest, the palace, you know,

except she's going through treatment, she doesn't look as she normally does.

But I think that we'll get a sense that, you know, if we do see her, she will, you know, look well in herself. So, I think people are quite excited

about that, and I think there's a huge amount of sympathy for her.

NEWTON: Yes, and as I say, more than anyone else looking on her three children who will be looking at her, hopefully, she will be well tomorrow

and everyone will have a great day. Max Foster, thanks, as we continue to follow this news, appreciate it.

Now, CNN medical analyst Dr. Jonathan Reiner joins me now to fill in a lot of the answers that we have so many questions to. Now, look, first and

foremost, doctor, she did not disclose the kind of cancer that she has, and we certainly would respect anybody's privacy in so doing.

But in terms of so many, hundreds of millions of people gone through this in the past who are going through it now, when you look at someone like

this who says two very important things, the treatment will continue for months to come. And I know I'm not out of the woods yet. What does that

tell you? What should we take from that?

JONATHAN REINER, PROFESSOR OF MEDICINE & SURGERY, GEORGE WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY: Well, I'm glad to see her feeling well enough to do a very

public event. And I -- it's hard to imagine the amount of attention she'll receive when she's seen in public for the parade. And so, it shows a lot of

courage for her to feel like she can do that.

And it also, you know, from a medical standpoint, it's encouraging that she feels, you know, well enough to do that. I tell people who are going

through major illnesses, like princess is, that there are a series of big hurdles and smaller steps that they have to make to recover. She's been

through some of the big ones.

She had, you know, extensive surgery and now, you know, she's -- you know, continuing to go through chemotherapy. Those are the big steps, but the

small steps are, you know, returning to elements of your life, your personal life, your private life, and that's what it looks like she's

starting to do.

So, I'm encouraged -- I'm encouraged to see that. One thing that she did say is that she has good days and bad days, and I tell patients that as you

recover, you want to start to have more good days than bad days. And I hope this is the beginning of that for her.

NEWTON: It is definitely a good sign that 24 hours before that she's committed to this event, and hopefully, all will go well. Dr. Reiner, I

have to ask you though, so many people talk about prognosis. It was a shocking diagnosis in the first place, even though we don't know exactly

what kind of cancer.

When the palace says that she is continuing her treatment and that this will go on from months --

REINER: Right --

NEWTON: What could this mean, especially when people speak of it in layman's terms, not medical terms as a preventative measure?

REINER: Well, I wouldn't put a lot of stake in the phrase, you know, preventative measure. The amount of chemotherapy that she appears to be

receiving and her absence from the public eye suggests that she's getting aggressive chemotherapy for a potentially in-aggressive problem.

And that's underscored by her statement today that she realizes that she's not out of the woods. So -- but it's impossible to prognosticate without

understanding the particular cancer that was diagnosed and treated, and without knowing the extent of disease that they found.

But it does appear that they were concerned about a serious threat to her life, and she acknowledges that now. She's apparently tolerating the

chemotherapy relatively well now in terms of her now, her willingness to be seen in public, and -- but we -- it's impossible to understand what her

prognosis is without understanding exactly the type of cancer and the type of treatment that she's received.

NEWTON: Yes, they are very sobering thoughts Dr. Reiner, as we continue to unfortunately, this royal family having to go through all this in the

spotlight, but likely giving a lot of fortitude to so many around the world who are dealing with this at this very moment.

We'll leave it there for now Dr. Reiner, thanks so much, appreciate it.

REINER: Right --

NEWTON: Still to come for us tonight, cross-border fire is escalating between Israel and Hezbollah, with Israel using a weapon not often seen --

get this, since the middle ages. You see it there, that catapult. Plus, I will speak with a former legal adviser to the Palestinian Authority,

President Mahmoud Abbas. We will get her reaction to the crisis in Gaza. That's just ahead.



NEWTON: Hello and welcome back. Now, with no reported progress on a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, Israel is carrying out new deadly

strikes in Gaza, while also vowing to defeat its enemies north of the border.

A journalist in central Gaza says at least six people were killed in Deir al Balah today, including two children in a refugee camp. Fighting is also

reported in Rafah where the IDF says it's carrying out targeted operations against Hamas. These new satellite images and in fact, the level of

destruction in Rafah as Israel presses ahead with its incursion.

Now, these new satellite images, again, as I said, they are in some places showing entire buildings completely gone, leaving behind only rubble. I

want you to remember even carding off that rubble would take years. And then there is this dramatic video that also surfaced from northern Israel

showing troops using a medieval catapult to launch a fireball into Lebanon.

This week has seen in fact, a sharp escalation and attacks with Hezbollah claiming responsibility for a new barrage of rocket fire on northern Israel

today. We want to get more from our Ben Wedeman, who is live for us in Beirut. I mean, Ben, I want to go first to the activity on the northern


I mean, you've been following this in fact, since the October 7th attack. What's your assessment of this latest activity that you're seeing, and if

it actually is proving to be an escalation?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Right, is an escalation, Paula, there's no question about it. What we've seen over the

last three days is some fairly intense back-and-forth fire between Hezbollah and Israel. So far today, we have counted 17 individual strikes,

not barrages, their strikes.

In some cases, just one or two missiles that hit target on the Israeli side. Hezbollah, according to their Telegram channel is targeting Israeli

troops buildings using -- used by Israeli troops, some military positions as well as surveillance posts. Now, it's the number of strikes that's


Today, yesterday, the day before has been quite intense, and as a result of the back-and-forth fire. Now, we understand according to the Lebanese

official news agency, that there have been at least, nine individual Israeli artillery barrages on Lebanon.


And this back-and-forth fire is, you know, fire is causing massive forest fires on both sides of the border. Now, is this going to lead to something

worse? It's hard to say because as I have been covering the Lebanon side of this story now for many months, what we've seen is, there will be an

escalation followed by a de-escalation.

A few weeks, maybe a month separate them and then another escalation. The thing is every escalation we're seeing is bigger than the one before. The

worry is at some point, one side or the other is going to step too far, and that could indeed ignite a full-scale war.

NEWTON: Yes --


NEWTON: No doubt, Ben, in terms of the level of anxiety on both sides of the border at this hour? I do want to get to your exclusive interview,

though, Ben, with the spokesperson from Hamas. You know, the interview truly broke new ground here, what surprised you most about what you learned

about Hamas' position now that we're so many months into this conflict?

WEDEMAN: Well, I think we're getting clarity. This interview clarified that Hamas is very worried that, even though both sides seem to agree on a

42-day ceasefire during which there's going to be an exchange of hostages for prisoners, not all of them, but some of them.

The worry is that Hamas is worried that afterwards, you know, the Israelis have yet to commit to the second phase. They are worried that it could mean

a complete return to the war, the kind of fighting and death and destruction in Gaza we're seeing right now.

Anyway, let's just go straight to that interview. This is what he said.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): Since the 7th of October last year when Hamas militants streamed into Israel, killing hundreds and grabbing the hostages



WEDEMAN: The war in Gaza has been an unrelenting nightmare of death and destruction. Talks to end the war are once again bogged down, as every day,

the death toll mounts. In Beirut, we spoke to senior Hamas leader Osama Hamdan, one of the few privy to details of the ceasefire negotiations.

But not privy, he claims, to the condition of the 120 hostages still in Gaza. How many of those 120 are still alive?

OSAMA HAMDAN, CHIEF OF FOREIGN RELATIONS, HAMAS: I don't have any idea about that. No one has any idea about this.

WEDEMAN: The "Wall Street Journal" recently reported that messages from Gaza, Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar to mediators and other Hamas officials

included one in which he allegedly said the deaths of civilians in Gaza is a necessary sacrifice. Hamdan insists the messages were fake.

After eight months of this war, more than 37,000 Palestinians have been killed, probably more, more than 80,000 injured, was it a necessary

sacrifice for the people of Gaza?

HAMDAN: You seem that you can't start from the beginning. Let's start from page number one. Why talk about the page of 7th of October. What about

this? What about the Israeli occupation?

WEDEMAN: No, I'm talking about what came after the 7th of October.

HAMDAN: Well, the 7th of October was a reaction against the occupation. What came after that, it shows the real face of Israel. It shows how Israel

is occupying the Palestinian lands, demolishing the situation of the Palestinians, killing the civilians. It's not the first time they are

killing the civilians.

WEDEMAN: Look, I mean, Hamas is an organization, does it regret what it did on the 7th of October given what happened afterwards?

HAMDAN: We are living with this for the last 75 years as Palestinians.

WEDEMAN: Now, CNN spoke to one of the doctors who treated the four Israelis who were freed on Saturday. And he said that they suffered mental

and physical abuse. And what do you say to that?

HAMDAN: Well, he is an Israeli, has to say what the Israel authorities are asking him to say. If you compare the images of both before and after

releasing, you will find that they were better than before. I believe if they have mental problem, this is because of what Israel have done in Gaza.

WEDEMAN: But in addition to what has been said about the four recent hostages freed, there have been also claims about the dire conditions

others faced while in captivity. The fate of the remaining hostages hangs in the balance. At the G7 Summit in Italy, U.S. Secretary of State Antony

Blinken said he's hoping Hamas would agree to the latest U.S.-backed ceasefire proposal.

ANTONY BLINKEN, SECRETARY OF STATE, UNITED STATES: Some response we got was unfortunately not the yes that we were looking for. A yes that

virtually the entire world has given.


WEDEMAN: OK, Mr. Hamdan? Simple question. Why hasn't Hamas yet agreed officially to the U.S.-backed proposal for a ceasefire?

HAMDAN: We said it's a positive step. But we need to see the facts on the ground. We need to know what exactly that the president means by saying a

ceasefire, a withdrawal.

WEDEMAN: Well, what is left, what do you need?

HAMDAN: We need an Israeli -- a clear position from Israel to accept the ceasefire, a complete withdrawal from Gaza and let the Palestinians to

determine their future by themselves.

WEDEMAN: Are you optimistic at this point in time that you will reach some sort of agreement?

HAMDAN: Well, I think if the United States administration acted in the positive way, seeing the situation not only in the eyes of Israel, we can

reach soon an agreement.

WEDEMAN: And in the absence of an agreement, this war goes on with no end in sight.


WEDEMAN: And it does appear that you have, on the one hand, Hamas wants clarifications. The Israelis have as a government agreed to or said they'd

have no objection to the U.S.-backed proposal, but we have yet to hear an explicit agreement from Prime Minister Netanyahu.

We heard President Biden, Secretary of State Antony Blinken, increasingly frustrated. It does appear that this latest ceasefire effort proposed by

President Biden on the 31st of May, which raised so many hopes, it does look like perhaps those hopes for a breakthrough, for an end to this war

may be dashed. Paula?

NEWTON: Yes, in fact, Ben, even at the G7, the President himself did not seem all that optimistic of a deal. Ben, really want to thank you for that

groundbreaking interview, it certainly helps us understand the position of Hamas more clearly, appreciate it.

Now, for more reaction to all of this, I'm joined by Diana Buttu, she is a former legal adviser to the Palestinian Authority, President Mahmoud Abbas,

and a human rights attorney. And I thank you for joining us. I want to get straight to your reaction to that interview. You just heard what Osama

Hamdan, specifically, his assertion that no one knows how many hostages are alive at this hour.

DIANA BUTTU, HUMAN RIGHTS ATTORNEY & FORMER LEGAL ADVISER TO MAHMOUD ABBAS: Well, he's saying the truth is that we actually don't know what their

condition is. But I think it also begs the bigger question, which is, why is it that we've been -- why have we not been seeing the U.S. be pushing

for a complete halt to Israel's bombing from the beginning.

Instead, they've allowed this to continue on for close to 250 days. And because of that, we just don't know how it is that these Israelis are, and

we certainly know that there have been close to a 100,000, if not more than a 100,000 Palestinians killed and injured as a result of this.

It's time now for the world and for the U.S. to step up and actually make sure that they place lives ahead of politics, and make sure that people are

actually free.

NEWTON: It is certainly a situation that the Palestinian people themselves, those in Gaza just have absolutely no control over. And to that

point, the U.S. Secretary of State was unequivocal earlier this week though, and he claims that Hamas is holding up the ceasefire deal. Do you

worry that again, it is the Palestinian people that are in the crossfire here, not just literally, but figuratively in terms of this deal, they have

no say, and yet, they are the ones who will pay the price for Hamas' decision and their position on this?

BUTTU: You know, Paula, a ceasefire could be had tomorrow if the United States would just -- if the President Biden would just pick up the phone

and order Netanyahu to stop. Instead, we've seen eight months, 8.5 months of the President giving the green light to Israel, and not just giving the

green light, but also arming Israel.

And I think that if anything, this could have been stopped long ago, but the U.S. wanted to continue to give Israel the green light.

NEWTON: Diana, with that --

BUTTU: It's now being proven that the only way --

NEWTON: Would that not be permissive in terms of first off, do you really think he can just pick up the phone, I mean, Netanyahu hasn't shown any

clarity whatsoever that he's willing to even listen to the United States. And two, is that not a permissive environment in terms of Hamas itself,

which says very plainly, they are willing to give up more Palestinian lives.

BUTTU: In terms of what the United States can do, the certain -- the U.S. certainly can pick up the phone and make that call. It's been the United

States that's been providing the weaponry, has been providing the diplomatic support. It's the one that's been serving cover and making sure

that other U.N. resolutions are not passed.

So, the U.S. certainly can and should be playing the role and ensuring that Palestinian lives are protected. But to get to the second point about what

this is all about, again, once again, I think it's very important to realize that Palestinians have been living under a very brutal military

occupation for 57 years and been expelled from their homeland now for 76 years.


It's time for the U.S. to really step forward and take the role, and the world to take the role and ensuring that the root causes are finally

addressed. If we simply try to blame one side and just say this is all about Hamas, it means that you fundamentally do not understand what it

means to live under military occupation, and that military occupation has been brutal. It's time for the world to step up and end it finally.

PAULA NEWTON, CNN ANCHOR: And I, you know, we really want to get from you the insight into how Palestinians may be feeling about all this right now.

Do they back Hamas's ambitions and the way they've clearly outlined them. I want to point out that a poll taken before October 7th in Gaza showed that

fewer than a third of Gazans, at that point, backed Hamas.

BUTTU: You're right, and I think that it's important that we not turn it into a binary of backing Hamas versus backing Fatah. The question now is do

Palestinians want to see an end to this military occupation, and uniformly they do. There isn't one Palestinian who says, yes, life is much better

under Israeli military rule, and that's what has to be our starting point.

In terms of what the future is, this is where I think we have to empower Palestinians and let Palestinians be the ones who make that decision. As I

see it now, we see that conditions are being placed by the U.S., by Israel, and the will of the Palestinian people continues to be pushed aside as

though we don't have the right to determine our own future.

NEWTON: And how best to do that, though? You know, as well as anyone, that the object here that everyone's outlined is so that Hamas is not in the

picture anymore. You don't believe that that's possible? Hamas must be a part of this?

BUTTU: I don't believe that that's possible, and I think that if anything, we have to start looking at Palestinians as being the ones who are

determining their own future. If Palestinians want Hamas to be empowered, then they'll so elect them, and if not, then they won't. You know, just in

the same way that Palestinians don't have a say in whether the ultra-right wing, the fascist right wing is voted into power in Israel, the Ben-Gvirs,

the Smotriches, the people who have called for the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians, so too the world should not have a say in the way and who it

is that Palestinians vote for.

NEWTON: And we will have to leave it there for now, but we will continue to try and get your insights that this is, as you said, it is time that the

Palestinian people be able to speak for themselves on these topics. Thanks so much, Diana, really appreciate it.

BUTTU: Thank you. Thank you.

NEWTON: And we will have much more, in fact, on the situation in Gaza, including the many children now in Gaza who are in urgent need of medical

transfers, that report coming up in about 15 minutes from now.

And still to come as well, G7 leaders have stepped up their support for Ukraine. Now Russian President Vladimir Putin is laying out some

conditions, he says, to put an end to the war. Stay with us.



NEWTON: And a warm welcome back against the backdrop of G7 leaders strongly reinforcing their support for Ukraine.

Russian President Vladimir Putin is firing off his own proposal to end the war. Mr. Putin, sweeping -- his sweeping demands for a ceasefire include a

complete surrender and a call for Ukraine to abandon its plans to join NATO. He dismissed those conditions as, "a complete sham." The U.S. Defense

Secretary rejected the offer. Listen.


LLOYD AUSTIN, U.S. DEFENSE SECRETARY: He is not in any position to dictate to Ukraine what they must do to bring about a peace. That's exactly the

kind of behavior that we don't want to see. We don't want to see a leader of one country wake up one day and decide that he wants to erase borders

and annex the territory of his neighbor. That's not the world that any of us want to live in. And so I think, you know, he is not, in my view, not in

a position to dictate to Ukraine what it must do to pursue peace. Putin can end this war today.


NEWTON: Now world leaders are wrapping up the G7 summit in Italy, a day after signing off on a $50 billion loan to Ukraine funded by the interest

from frozen Russian assets.

Now earlier, Pope Francis, in fact, also joined the gathering, the first pope to do so, where he addressed the use of artificial intelligence,

warning not to put too much power in the hands of machines.

And we go straight to Italy now, where we find CNN's international diplomatic editor Nic Robertson. And I will get to the pope, Nic, but

first, you know, Putin elbowed his way into this summit. He had for years, we'll remind everyone, a seat at that table. Now, though, you know, as I

said, it's a surrender, right? That's what he's asking for Ukraine. Surrender and we'll get that peace treaty signed.

It was a predictable pronouncement, but what more does it tell us about Putin's posture at this hour in this conflict?

NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR: Yes, he's taken a very forward leaning posture. You know, one of the things that they wanted to

achieve, the leaders here wanted to achieve was to send a message not just of unity, but specifically to Putin, that time is not on your side.

That analysis had crept in because the United States was slow to come up with its big funds for Ukraine earlier on the year. The E.U. as well,

taking its time to get its big funds available for Ukraine. Therefore, Ukraine really taking a pounding at the border and even seeing Russia push

an additional incursion. The narrative was falling back against Ukraine.

So, this summit here was reinforcing that message that time isn't on Putin's side. And Putin is not reading that, he's reading his own message,

which is Ukraine, you can have peace, all the peace you want, if you say that you don't want to join NATO and you give up the four provinces that

we've illegally occupied and annexed.

That's obviously a non-starter and we've just heard why it's a non-starter. But Putin as well has been escalating the rhetoric saying that the West is

at a danger point here. If it's looking for a strategic defeat of Russia, then this is -- could be a very dangerous moment, reminding the world that

Russia has more nuclear weapons than any other country. This is saber- rattling. So, you know, the G7 has stepped up and reaffirmed commitment for Ukraine and the messaging to Russia, part of that.


But President Putin has his own message going back. And we've seen him put ships in Cuba. We've seen him announce that he's going to make a trip to

North Korea. He's able to still, even though there's a very strong message here to China not to provide the technology to Russia to make the weapons

that it's using in Ukraine, he still has this strong relationship with China and so apparently intends to continue the war.

NEWTON: Yes, absolutely, definitely menacing there. At least that's the image he is portraying. Now, I do want to get to the Pope and AI, something

I'd never thought I'd say in the same sentence. This is not a new topic for him either. It is very closely related to his campaign for peace around the

globe. He says he wants meaningful and consistent humanity applied to AI, especially when it comes to military use. How was that message received by

G7 leaders there?

ROBERTSON: I think the message was exactly in the direction that they want to go in, broadly speaking. And the Pope talked about AI being a tool,

tools being, you know, the creations and inventions of mankind. And, you know, God provided people with the wherewithal, the intellect to be able to

come up with these scientific and technological discoveries. Now it's AI.

They said the last thing he wants to see is an automated weapon that can select a target by itself, fire the bullets by itself, aim at the target by

itself. Machines killing humans, he said, is something that should never happen.

He wants to see the AI as a sort of a leveling up, if you will, that the haves don't get additional advantage over the have-nots and no one country

benefits over another. And that was very much what we heard from White House officials talking about AI, the idea that in developing nations, they

too can get the scientific benefits, the healthcare benefits, the agricultural benefits from developments that AI is bringing and is expected

to bring more of.

And the other thing that the G7 focused on as well around AI, of course, they are a group of nations from around the world, the most economically

powerful democracies. And AI is a technology that spans the globe to better orient their governance around AI, basically work together to find the

rules and guardrails around AI going forward.

NEWTON: Yes, and so much easier said than done. The pictures there, though, quite the history-making moment there of the Pope around the table there

with the G7 leaders. Nic Robertson for us. Thanks so much. Really appreciate it.

Still to come tonight, the Biden administration is placing sanctions on an Israeli group blocking aid to Gaza. We will tell you what they're being

accused of doing and our coverage on the worsening situation in Gaza with the World Food Programme now fearing extreme hunger. Those details ahead.

We hear from a young patient in urgent care -- in the urgent care.



NEWTON: The Biden administration has announced sanctions on an Israeli group blocking aid to Gaza. The announcement was made earlier Friday. The

State Department says the group, Tzav 9, has repeatedly obstructed the delivery of humanitarian aid. And this includes blocking roads, damaging

trucks, and dumping aid onto the road. The group is made up of reservists, families of hostages and settlers.

Joining us now from Washington with more on this is Jennifer Hansler. Wondering here why the Biden administration chose to put these in place and

why they believe they may be effective?

JENNIFER HANSLER, CNN STATE DEPARTMENT PRODUCER: Well, Paula, this is clearly an effort by the Biden administration to not only send a clear

signal that this kind of obstruction, these acts of sabotage, as the State Department called them, cannot stand. But it is also an effort to get the

Israeli government to do more to also try to deter these efforts.

The State Department spokesperson in a statement earlier today made very clear that the U.S. would not tolerate what he described as these heinous

acts. And he called on the government of Israel to also do more to hold these individuals accountable and to ensure that this critically needed aid

gets to the people of Gaza.

As you noted, this organization, Tzav 9, has been placed under U.S. sanction. They received punitive measures by both the State Department and

the U.S. Treasury Department earlier today. We will see whether these actually impact the group, but it is a notable public signal. The State

Department said that for months, this group has been working to disrupt the aid that is going to Gaza.

In a statement today, Tzav 9 said that they were doing so because they think this aid is going to Hamas. They called it shocking that the Biden

administration would put sanctions on them. We should note that there is no proof that Hamas is engaged in widespread diversion of the aid, according

to aid groups and according to the United States and U.S. officials.

They have seen very little instances of this happening. There have been occasional efforts by Hamas to divert the aid. But on a wide scale, this is

not happening. It is getting to the people in Gaza. And, of course, that brings up the biggest situation of all, is that this aid is critically,

critically needed on the ground, Paula, as thousands and thousands of people there are reliant on it.

Organizations, humanitarian organizations, have said that they are on the brink of famine, if not already there. Paula?

NEWTON: Yes, the need in Gaza, never in dispute there. Jennifer, thanks so much for bringing us that story. Appreciate it.

Now, continuing on with the humanitarian situation in Gaza, the World Food Programme says its operations have been severely impacted by the intense

fighting in Gaza. WFP reports in the north, they did not see a single building intact. And in the south, extreme hunger.

CNN's Paula Hancocks reports on the story of one 9-year-old girl in Gaza who has been severely burned by a recent airstrike. And we want to warn our

viewers, this report is disturbing and very difficult to watch. But the mother of the injured child says she wants this to be seen.


PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Hanan Aqel had gone out to buy some sweets when the airstrike hit. "I miss seeing mama," she says. "I

miss my mama and my sisters."

9-year-old Hanan has not been able to open her eyes since the strike 10 days ago. Doctors say she has 20 percent burns on her face, hands, chest

and leg. One of thousands of patients trapped inside Gaza without hope of the treatment they need. Her mother says, "She tells me I want to play.

What have I done to deserve this?" She can't sleep properly because of the pain. Her whole body hurts.

Surrounded by war for eight months, this was Hanan just hours before she was hit. They had been forced to leave their home in Rafah when the Israeli

military moved in and were sheltering in someone's garden in Al-Breej.

Hanan says, "My sister went to her grandfather and asked for one shackle for her and one for me. I went to the shop and was about to pay the man and

a missile fell. I didn't hear the whizzing, I just saw a red light."

Hanan's doctor says she was in critical condition when she arrived.


They removed shrapnel from her face and reconstructed her nose. He says they now have no choice but to wait to transfer her out of Gaza, hoping her

wounds don't get infected. "Most children need medical transfers," he says, "for a more qualified treatment than here. We don't have the treatment, the

tools, we don't have the supplies."

The Rafah crossing has been closed since May 7th when the Israeli military took control. Egypt says it will not open the crossing until the Israeli

military withdraws for security reasons. One Egyptian soldier was killed last month in a fighting along the border. Israel says they will not hand

over control of the crossing to Palestinian authorities, fearing Hamas would use the area to smuggle in weapons.

DR. RIK PEEPERKORN: The Rafah crossing should be reopened as quickly as possible or there should be an alternative. We have no estimation at the

moment how many of the patients, which should have left, actually have already passed away.

HANCOCKS (voice-over): Khloud Al-Sharqi says she was displaced three times while pregnant. Her baby, Malak, born four days earlier, has a heart

defect, spending most of her young life in an incubator. "The doctors did what was necessary," she says, "but they said that she must be transferred

out of Gaza quickly." She adds, "One of the doctors told me not to have high hopes. That sentence is so difficult to hear."

Malak is not the only baby desperately needing medical treatment outside of Gaza. Her doctor confirms if these children do not get treatment, they are

likely to die. Ali Darwish has a broken spine, ribs and leg after an airstrike hit his house, killing his siblings, his aunt says. Without

urgent specialized treatment outside of Gaza, she has been told by doctors he may be paralyzed. For these children, escaping Gaza may be their only

hope of a future.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Tel Aviv.


NEWTON: We're going to take a short break, stay with CNN.


NEWTON: And finally for us tonight, excitement is indeed building and exploding for some football fans with Euros kicking off in Germany in just

a few minutes from now.


NEWTON: All right, yes, bagpipes in Germany. The hosts are playing Scotland and Munich in that opening match. And although very much the underdogs,

thousands of Scottish fans, as you can imagine, have converged in Germany. Of course, they had to for this tournament, and they are brimming with

pride. Listen.


ALLY PAUL, SCOTLAND FAN: This is amazing. I mean, there's so many Scots here. Everybody's having a great time. It's a big special day for Scotland,

not just Scottish football, but Scotland as a whole. This is -- Scotland's opening the European Championships 2024. That's an absolute privilege.


NEWTON CLIP: The Kilt Brigade is there. I'm not exactly sure how the German fans thought about the national anthem with bagpipes, but apparently that

happened as well. Listen, look at these people. They are having a great time. We wish everyone a great Euro, some great competition on the pitch,

and you can stay right here at CNN for all of it.

I want to thank you for watching tonight. Stay with CNN. "NEWSROOM" with Jim Sciutto is up next.

