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Isa Soares Tonight

Supreme Court Mistakenly Posts Abortion Ruling Doc; Trump and Biden Make Final Preparations Before Debate; Julian Assange in Australia As a Free Man After U.S. Plea Deal; Kenyan President Withdraws Finance Bill; Israeli Airstrike Kills Eight People in Beit Lahia; Rescue Operation Devastates Gaza Family; U.K. General Election Next Week; French Parliamentary Election Just Days Away; North Korea and South Korea Balloon Battle; Seoul Activists Create Smart Balloons. Aired 2-3p ET

Aired June 26, 2024 - 14:00:00   ET



ISA SOARES, CNN INTERNATIONAL HOST: A very warm welcome to the show everyone, I am Isa Soares. Tonight, breaking news from Washington. A

mistake by America's top port tips its hand regarding one of the most contentious issues in America. Then a look at how this could impact final

preparations, of course, as well as strategizing ahead of tomorrow's debate between U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump right

here on CNN.

But we begin of course with that breaking news from the U.S. Supreme Court on abortion, something that's divided voters as you all know for half a

century. Now, according to "Bloomberg", the high court is poised to allow abortions to be performed in the case of medical emergencies in Idaho, the

opinion was apparently inadvertently posted briefly on the court's website.

And to be clear here, this is a draft of an opinion and not yet a ruling. In response, the high court referred to the opinion as a document. Let's

get more now from our justice correspondent Jessica Schneider who joins us from Washington. So, Jessica, just explain to -- here, what are you

learning about what happened here?

JESSICA SCHNEIDER, CNN JUSTICE CORRESPONDENT: This is really a stunning error made by the Supreme Court's staff here. And at this point, the

Supreme Court is in fact admitting this was an error. They just released a statement, they said that the court's publications unit inadvertently and

briefly uploaded a document to the court's website.

They don't allude to affirming that this was in fact the opinion for this abortion case. Instead, saying, we will be issuing the opinion in due

course. So, maybe, tomorrow or Friday. But it appears that somebody in that core publication unit inadvertently put up the opinion related to abortion

when they weren't supposed to, when the court wasn't officially ready to release this opinion.

But somehow, reporters -- you know, when these opinions come out, we're all sitting on the Supreme Court's website refreshing it. And when an opinion

comes out, it pops up on the website. And these reporters at "Bloomberg" law, they must have seen it, inadvertently posted, somehow none of us saw

it or at least, you know, nobody else in news organizations that we know of saw it.

So, this was posted, and what it tells us is that the Supreme Court will essentially be side-stepping this Idaho abortion law issue, Isa, and by

side-stepping it, it means that the Idaho abortion law that severely restricts abortion and doesn't allow for any exception in the emergency

room when a woman faces severe injury, that law will no longer be able to stand in that context.

So, in the short term, this is a win for abortion rights advocates in Idaho, because doctors in Idaho now in the emergency room will now be

justified in performing abortions if need be to help out women who are facing severe injury when the Idaho law said that they couldn't.

But I will note, as part of this opinion that "Bloomberg" reporters saw, even though this was a 6-3 decision, and the liberals signed on board

Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson of the liberal wing. She did sort of warn in an opinion that we will see eventually -- just saying that this isn't

really a win.

She said this is not a victory for pregnant patients in Idaho because what it does is, it just lets the litigation and the lawsuit continue in this

case while putting a pause on Idaho's law, but it doesn't definitively settle the issue, so, you know, we could still see Idaho's law prevail, but

for now, Idaho's law is being put on hold while this continues to move through the courts, or at least that's what we're seeing from the opinion

that is still yet to be released. But as at least been previewed by what -- by what "Bloomberg" law saw.

SOARES: Yes, I do wonder though, Jessica, now that, you know, it's been inadvertently in this era, obviously, apparently, inadvertently posted

briefly, I wonder where they have to rule in much quicker now. Make a decision come --

SCHNEIDER: You would think --

SOARES: Out, right?

SCHNEIDER: Yes, I mean, given the fact that this is kind of been put out there on the website briefly, a news organization caught it, now, we're

reporting on it. It would seem to me --

SOARES: Yes --

SCHNEIDER: That they would have to release it tomorrow. Tomorrow is an opinion day, Friday is an opinion day. You would think that the court would

say we got to act on this and get it out onto the public tomorrow.


SOARES: Yes, and as you were talking, we are looking at the countdown clock to the presidential debate. This is --


SOARES: Important. It's important that we frame this as well around this presidential debate that CNN --


SOARES: Is hosting. Jessica, appreciate it, thank you very much. Just get more on this. Joining us now is former federal prosecutor David Weinstein

and Brittany Fonteno; the President and CEO over the National Abortion Federation. David, first to you, you heard what Jessica was saying there,

an error it seems. What do you make of it?

DAVID WEINSTEIN, ATTORNEY & FORMER U.S. FEDERAL PROSECUTOR: This is not the first time we've had this type of error. I mean, the last error we saw

there was a leak related to another opinion. There was an investigation, this time it seemed like more of a technical glitch where somebody pushed

the wrong button and they published momentarily an opinion that was to be issued perhaps tomorrow, perhaps on Friday.

So, not quite as much investigating is going to go on as it did with the last one. But the opinions out there, and so, it appears that we all know

which way they're leaning.

SOARES: And David, just clarify what was the previous leak?

WEINSTEIN: Well, the previous leak dealt with the Dobbs opinion. And there was this information and an entire investigation that was going on and the

justices were very upset with the early leaked version of that, that turned out to be an earlier opinion. It wasn't one that was necessarily a final


This one I have to believe if you're this close to finishing off the release of the opinions before the recess, this is the final opinion. It

just wasn't supposed to go out today.

SOARES: Yes, of course, and we know Dobbs is a major ruling that we saw -- where we saw the overturn of Roe versus Wade. Let's bring in -- I want to

bring in Brittany to this. And Brittany, obviously, as we had from Jessica, it would be siding with abortion opinion here, and if -- I wonder if this

ruling then holds, if we do -- if it does stick to this according to what "Bloomberg" is saying. Speak to the impact of this decision, of this


BRITTANY FONTENO, PRESIDENT & CEO, NATIONAL ABORTION FEDERATION: The impact of this ruling would be quite significant. It would provide a

momentary sigh of relief for abortion providers, patients and advocates across the country, it would show that state bans that are extreme, and

that are anti-abortion do not actually trump federal protections.

However, I think it's really important that we don't lose sight of this. And that is that, this case should have never found its way up to the

Supreme Court. Supreme Court justices and politicians should not have any say in emergency medical care. That is a conversation that is best left

between patients and providers.

SOARES: Yes, I mean, this is a conversation that we have seen being debated. We know that this is something that the Democrats have been

focused on. We expect that to be part of the presidential debate. So, David, I mean, if going back to you -- just this decision -- well, it's a

no decision. It's a draft, right? Just speak to the timing of this politically as well.

WEINSTEIN: Well, you know, quite frankly, it would seem to me that they intended not to release this today or even tomorrow, but rather on Friday,

so, it didn't become a topic and focal point of the debate that's going to take place tomorrow. They could still do that, despite the fact that it's

been leaked, despite the fact that it appears everybody knows what the answer is, it becomes more of a hypothetical.

They could say we're not going to be pressured to release it until we want to release it. And so, we're not releasing it tomorrow. On the other hand,

with so much of it having been out there and a lot of people wishing to speculate about what they might do, what they might not do, perhaps they

will release it tomorrow. So, there's no question as to which way they rule it.

SOARES: Yes, exactly. Well, look, like Jessica said, I think now that this has been mistakenly put on the website and then taken down, really pulls

their hand, drags their hand further intend coming out with a decision. Brittany Fonteno as well as David Weinstein, thank you to you both for

coming to us on this breaking news story, really appreciate it.

Well, the accidental posting of course, on the Supreme Court's site comes just one day before pretty historic rematch as David and I were just

discussing there here on CNN. U.S. President Joe Biden and his predecessor Donald Trump getting ready to square off at our headquarters in Atlanta,


Sources say Mr. Biden is expected to go on the offensive, focusing on the danger he says Trump presents to the nation as to our democracy. Trump's

advisors meanwhile are urging the presumptive Republican nominee to focus on policy and some of Trump's talking points could include inflation,

immigration as well as crime.

I want to welcome in Michael Smerconish; the host of "SMERCONISH", Saturdays here on CNN. Michael, great to have you back on the show. Let me

pick up really with the breaking news that we had in the last few minutes in fact, that according to "Bloomberg', the high court is poised to allow

abortions to be performed in the case of medical emergencies in Idaho.

Just put this with a political framing here, and given that we are 33 or so hours until this debate.

MICHAEL SMERCONISH, CNN HOST & POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Isa, I pulled a cynical gene from my father's DNA. I find it very interesting that we have

had two leaks in the modern era. I don't remember any other leaks, and both of them had to do with abortion.


So, I'll be keenly interested to see whether we learn exactly how this occurred. It guarantees that this is going to be a focal point of tomorrow

night's debate, and abortion rights surely would already have come up. Abortion rights are so important for Joe Biden, the Dobbs decision

overturned Roe versus Wade, and in the last two years since that occurred, abortion rights are undefeated at the ballot box.

That's a key issue for Biden. Meanwhile, Trump has border control, porous borders, the migration issue going for him in terms of driving his base,

and then of course, this is all in the context of economic data. As you know, we say in the states because of James Carville, it's the economy


So, abortion rights, the border, inflation, the economy, those are the dominant themes tomorrow night.

SOARES: And the stakes of course is where what? Thirty one hours or so until this debate, couldn't be higher. And both men here interestingly -- I

mean, they're known entities, to be completely honest, saw many people around the world, but they are men with, you know, diametrically opposed

views, both domestically, foreign policy.

So, I'm only going to sense from you, Michael, in terms of what you've been hearing on your show. What to voters want to see, what kind of clarity are

they looking for here?

SMERCONISH: Well, I think that people say they want to hear about issues and they want to know where the candidates stand. I don't know that I buy

into that. I think instead, people really want to see the two of them on the same stage, they want to evaluate Trump's temperament, can he stay

behaved for 90 minutes?

Many of us have our doubts, and relative, President Biden, it's a question of his mental acuity. There have been a number of gaffes that he's made

that have been shown on a loop by the network that favors Donald Trump, his opponent. And so, I think we want to judge the individuals much as we like

to say, we want to hear where they stand on the issues.

SOARES: On the question of temperament, I mean, we have been here and you would have seen this, Michael too, that President Biden is preparing for

the possibility of a more kind of disciplined Trump, someone who would stick to policies rather than grievances. Do you think that a more subdued

Trump will show up later tomorrow, and will that hurt, Michael, do you think that will help him?

SMERCONISH: I have no idea is the honest answer. I have no idea what Donald Trump shows up or which Donald Trump shows up. I know, Isa, this, I

know that he seems to feed on a live audience. You watch him at those rallies and he's very good at calibrating his remarks to what the audience

wants to hear.

It's almost as if you see the wheels turning in his head as he decides whether he's going to go off teleprompter and speak extemporaneously. There

will be no audience in that room, and it's almost as if they've stepped on his oxygen hose, because he won't be able to feed on the crowd.

So, I wonder if it gets too antiseptic, if it gets too quiet, if all of a sudden it's kind of throws a switch and he becomes the Trump who in the

past has been more of a bully.

SOARES: Yes, I was wondering that, because obviously, not only is there no audience, Michael, like you're saying, but there's also a mute button, and

I wonder whether --


SOARES: He feeds off that energy, and whether the mute button actually doesn't work -- works against him.

SMERCONISH: You know, I'm not a fan of the mute button, even though it's our network that is hosting the debate --

SOARES: Yes --

SMERCONISH: And set the rules and so forth. I mean, I understand why some people think it's necessary, but often times, the exchange that comes

beyond the time parameter is the most interesting of the debate. I'm all for civility. I don't want people in intruding on other's time.

But I hope we won't be robbed of some of those extemporaneous moments. That is the most significant --

SOARES: Yes --

SMERCONISH: I think rule change and intangible for us to watch.

SOARES: Let's focus on President Biden because as we have seen for the last several months, I think to say -- fair to say, he has put democracy,

Michael, as a core of his re-election campaign. Been painting Trump as one of the biggest political threats to democracy, tapping really into his

Achilles heel, right?

Insurrection, convicted felon, as well as chaos. Do you think this will help to kind of sharpen the minds of undecided voters? Just explain, you

know, from those you've been speaking to on the question of undecided voters for us on this side of the pond here.

SMERCONISH: Well, first of all, what you're referring to are the very thin slice of voters --

SOARES: Yes --

SMERCONISH: Who are not committed in this election, because poll after poll, to your point, Isa, shows that there's a bedrock of support for

Donald Trump, come hell or high water, it seems as if his constituency, his primary constituency are not to be moved. And similarly, there are those

who are either aligned with President Biden or they're aligned against Donald Trump.


And it doesn't leave too many people who are up for grabs. That's what's at stake tomorrow night in the debate. It will be very interesting to see how

each calibrates their message to the undecided, very few that they are.

SOARES: Yes, and as you were talking, Michael, we're seeing really a poll that talks about voters trust in candidates' ability to handle threats to

democracy. The majority of voters from swing states, I should add, think Trump would do better. I mean, this is a poll, I think it was from

"Washington Post".

So, I think that speaks to that. I mean, in foreign policy-wise, just for our viewers on this side, how do you -- just put both men, they're so

different in terms of their policies, foreign policy-wise. Where do you think? Do you think that we'll see that shine through tomorrow in terms of

a President -- with President -- with former President Trump on Ukraine as well as Gaza, China?

SMERCONISH: Right. I think the stakes are enormous relative to the United States standing on the planet. Think about this. I mean, there's a

significant disagreement between the two relative to NATO and our support of NATO. And you just identified three -- two of them I think are really


There's a big difference I believe between the ongoing support of the Biden administration and that which it has shown for Zelenskyy and for Ukraine

versus what Donald Trump and his relationship with Putin might hold for the future. And similarly, relative to Israel, relative to the situation in


I believe that a President Trump would be lockstep with Prime Minister Netanyahu and probably give him whatever he wants. Meanwhile, the Biden

administration, as you know, has been trying more to rein in Israel, to rein in the IDF as they continue their ground assault in Rafah. So,

diametrically, different views on two fundamental issues on the world stage.

SOARES: Yes, and we know for domestically economy, one of the key issues as well, and I'm sure this is something that the former President Donald

Trump, particularly inflation will want to focus on. Michael Smerconish, always great to get your insight, thanks very much, Michael --

SMERCONISH: Thank you --

SOARES: Good to see you, I appreciate it.

SMERCONISH: Nice to see you, thank you.

SOARES: Likewise, thank you. Well, the two candidates as Jeff was saying - - as -- pardon me, as Michael was saying, are expected to present contrasting visions for America's future. That much is clear. Jeff Zeleny

joins us now from our studios in Atlanta. So, just set the stage here for us. What can we expect in this debate and explain more importantly, how

both men are preparing.

JEFF ZELENY, CNN CHIEF U.S. NATIONAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, I mean, this debate is certainly the biggest moment yet in this presidential

campaign. And perhaps, one of the most monumental events in the entire campaign. It has been four years since Joe Biden and Donald Trump have been

in the same room, but alone on the debate stage together.

The stakes are incredibly high for both of them, for President Biden, he is running a bit behind in most battleground polls and national polls as well.

But more importantly, just in the minds of some of the very people who supported him four years ago. So, he is trying to show through much

practice really over the last week or so at Camp David that he is up for the task, not only for debating Donald Trump, but up for the task of

serving a second term and winning election before that.

But look, he is trying to draw a sharp contrast and kind of shake Democrats if you will, to look perhaps more carefully at the contrast between the

Biden administration and the Trump administration. Talking to one official, they said he's trying to remind American voters what Donald Trump was like,

not to define him necessarily, just to remind them.

Now, for the Trump side, they are trying to make this all about Biden's record, about the record on inflation, on immigration and his record abroad

as well. So, certainly, many differences between the two, but perhaps the most important thing of all, just how do both of these men look?

The oldest presidential candidates in the history of the office, 81 for President Biden, 78 for Donald Trump. How do they perform? How do they

stand up literally on stage?

SOARES: Yes --

ZELENY: For 90 minutes.

SOARES: Definitely be unlike any other debate, I think here in modern history. But, you know, Jeff, I don't know if you're -- I'm guessing you've

seen this, this is breaking news we've had in the last what? Twenty, twenty five --

ZELENY: Right --

SOARES: Minutes from the Supreme Court. I mean, what has been the reaction to what -- to this apparent error from the Supreme Court?

ZELENY: Look, this is at least, politically-speaking, a victory, short- term, at least, for the Biden administration that has been trying to restore access to abortion rights, even in emergency cases in a state like

Idaho, that's how the administration argued, but politically-speaking also, you have to wonder if this sort of softens or perhaps weakens their overall

argument that this Supreme Court is a dangerous one in the eyes of progressives and liberals in terms of abortion policy.

Donald Trump, of course, has really not wanted to talk much about abortion. He believes it's been a losing issue, politically-speaking for Republicans.

So, it flips that a little bit politically, but there could be other rulings tomorrow.


It could be other opinions tomorrow. In the immunity case, does -- do former presidents have immunity from prosecution? Of course, that could be

front and center. So, both sides clearly are being a little flexible in their preparations to what could come from the Supreme Court.

And certainly, today was a surprise. The abortion ruling being posted briefly, but the real rulings on this and other cases can come tomorrow.

SOARES: Yes, it's a draft it seems as well. Thanks very much, Jeff, appreciate it, thank you. And tune in, of course, to see the CNN

presidential debate right here on CNN on Thursday at 9:00 p.m. Eastern, of course, we will replay the debate in full in case you can't join us live.

You can watch it on Friday at 7:00 a.m. if you're watching it in London, but it's 2:00 p.m. if you are watching us in Hong Kong or indeed you can

watch 12 hours later, 7:00 p.m. in London, 10:00 p.m. if you are watching us in Abu Dhabi. You do not want to miss it.

And still to come tonight, the founder of WikiLeaks is now a free man. Details on what may be the final chapter in his 12-year legal saga. And

then the "Wall Street Journal" says to even call it a trial is a farce. It's reported Evan Gershkovich appeared in a Russian courtroom today before

secret proceedings on espionage charges began. We have both those stories after this very short break. You are watching CNN.


SOARES: Well, WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange is back in his home country of Australia a free man, ending a legal battle that lasted 14 years.






SOARES: As you heard there, he was greeted with cheers at the airport. He had faced charges for his alleged role in one of the largest security

breaches of U.S. classified materials. As part of an agreement, Assange entered a guilty plea at a federal court in remote U.S. Pacific island

territory to avoid more prison time.

Here's what his American lawyer and his wife said after the hearing.


BARRY POLLACK, U.S. LAWYER: There's no gag order, there are no other restrictions. He was going to be able to go back to whatever life he

chooses to build with Stella and his family.

STELLA ASSANGE, WIFE OF JULIAN ASSANGE: Julian wanted me to sincerely thank everyone. He wanted to be here, but you have to understand what he's

been through.


He needs time, he needs to recuperate, and this is a process. I ask you, please, to give us space, to give us privacy to find our place, to let our

family be a family before he can speak again at a time of his choosing.


SOARES: Well, the U.S. Department of Justice says Assange is barred from returning to the United States without permission. Now, to the trial of the

first American journalist be charged with espionage in Russia since the cold war. "Wall Street Journal" reporter Evan Gershkovich appeared inside a

glass cage before his trial got underway in Yekaterinburg today.

But the actual proceedings are taking place in secret behind closed doors. Gershkovich was arrested last year and charged with spying for the CIA. His

family, the United States government and the "Wall Street Journal" all call a sham, suggesting Russia is using him as a political pawn. Our Matthew

Chance has more for you.


MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN GLOBAL AFFAIRS CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): This is the first glimpse of Evan Gershkovich for months. The cameras briefly allowed

into the courthouse about a 1,000 miles from Moscow, where his trial for espionage is finally underway.

His head shaved, the 32-year-old "Wall Street Journal" reporter looked calm, but he faces a sentence of up to 20 years if or likely when he's

found guilty. In a statement, the editor-in-chief of the journal wrote, "this bogus accusation of espionage will inevitably lead to a bogus

conviction for an innocent man."

(on camera): Hi, Matthew, from CNN. Is that you're holding up all right.


CHANCE: No questions.

(voice-over): Amid the 15 months, Gershkovich has been held under tight security in Moscow's notorious Lefortovo Prison. He, his employer and the

U.S. government will vigorously deny the spying allegations against him. But Russia appears determined to press ahead despite official U.S.


A new statement from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow says "Evan did not commit any illegal acts and should not have been arrested at all. This trial isn't

about the presentation of evidence, due process or the rule of law. We're talking about the Kremlin using American citizens to achieve its political

goals", the statement adds.


CHANCE: But the conflict raging in Ukraine, Russia began to crack down at home on free speech, silencing dissidents or forcing them into exile, it's

against this backdrop that Gershkovich was arrested on a reporting assignment in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg.

This is video from the website of the tank factory there where Russian prosecutors allege Gershkovich acted, quote, "on the instructions of the

CIA to collect secret information." Although, no evidence has been made public, the trial will take place in the city, which is about a 1,000

miles from Moscow amid an outcry.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Journalism is not a crime.

LAURA COATES, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Journalism is not a crime.

CHANCE: Some of the most prominent journalists in the United States are calling for his release. And Tucker Carlson, even appealed directly to

Putin in his recent sit-down.

TUCKER CARLSON, JOURNALIST & FORMER FOX NEWS ANCHOR: And I just want to ask you directly without getting into details of it, of your version of

what happened, if as a sign of your decency, you will be willing to release him to us and we'll bring him back to the United States.

VLADIMIR PUTIN, PRESIDENT, RUSSIA (through translator): We have done so many gestures of what goodwill -- out of decency that I think we have run

out of them.

CHANCE: But they're not running out of Americans in Russian prison, far from it.



WHELAN: Political kidnapping.

CHANCE: Former Marine Paul Whelan is serving 16 years, what U.S. officials say, what trumped-up spying charges. Dual citizen Ksenia Karelina, an

amateur ballerina from L.A., and journalist Alsu Kurmasheva are also in custody as are Gordon Black, a staff sergeant in the U.S. Army and U.S.

school teacher Marc Fogel.

Critics suspect the Kremlin is collecting U.S. citizens as bargaining chips for a future deal. With his trial for espionage now underway, Evan

Gershkovich is one of the most valuable in the Kremlin's hand. Matthew Chance, CNN, London.


SOARES: And still to come tonight, Kenya's President back-tracks, rejecting the finance bill that sparked Tuesday's chaotic as well as deadly

protests that we brought you here. We'll have a live update for you from Nairobi. Plus, it was hailed as a successful hostage-rescue by Israel.

But for one Palestinian family, the operation devastated their lives.


We'll of course share their story just ahead.


SOARES: Welcome back, everyone. If you are just joining us, we are continuing to follow breaking news out of us in the last kind of 45 minutes

or so. The Supreme Court appears poised to allow abortions in the case of medical emergencies in Idaho. Bloomberg reports the decision was briefly

and mistakenly posted on the court's website earlier on Wednesday. The document showed a majority of justices agreed to dismiss the appeal. And

this would allow emergency abortions to continue in Idaho. The document was not the final ruling by the court.

Now, turn our attention to Kenya. I concede, those words coming from Kenya's president, William Ruto, a day after deadly as well as chaotic

protests engulfed the capital.

Speaking earlier, Mr. Ruto said he will not sign the unpopular finance bill after anger at its proposed tax hikes boiled over on Tuesday. Just have a

listen to this.


WILLIAM RUTO, KENYAN PRESIDENT: Having reflected on the continuing conversation around the content of the finance bill 2024 and listening

keenly to the people of Kenya who have said loudly that they want nothing to do with this finance bill 2024, I concede. And therefore, I will not




SOARES: Well, the surprising U-turn comes less than 24 hours after Mr. Ruto denounced demonstrators, if you remember, as "treasonous." The

president said at least six people were killed on Tuesday, but other groups estimate that number to be far higher.

Larry Maddow has been following the story, has been at the heart of these protests for us, and he joins us now from Nairobi. And, Larry, it is quite,

I think it's fair to say, a change of heart from President Ruto. Just tell us what he said and how this is being received, of course, by the young

protesters who have been the driving force here.

LARRY MADOWO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: They're not receiving it well, Isa. In fact, they're calling for 1 million march tomorrow to statehouse where

President William Ruto lives and works. So, that is their response. They feel just a little too late.

What President Ruto said is that he had paid attention and listened to the young people who wanted even more concessions. President Ruto, in this

finance bill, tried to raise an extra $2.6 billion to plug government revenues and pull Kenya from the brink of debt distress. After public

outcry, they reduced that target, made some concessions, and it was now $1.6 billion. But people still said, no, we cannot afford any more taxes.

The cost of living is high enough as it is. And that's where things stand.

So, now, finally, after this chaotic scene on Tuesday, where people were protesting outside parliament, police using live ammunition to protect MPs

who are passing the finance bill, the people outside were telling them not to pass, President Ruto said he cannot sign it because that's not what the

people want.

He said six people died in protests on Tuesday, but other human rights bodies say the number is actually four times higher. Twenty-three people at

least died and they're still looking through mortuaries and other people that remain unaccounted for.

And the Law Society of Kenya now calling for the resignation of the chief of police in Kenya. Listen to the president of the Law Society here in



FAITH ODHIAMBO, PRESIDENT, LAW SOCIETY OF KENYA: There was a clear directive, so to speak, to kill protesters. Well, if by 11:00 a.m. we had

already had four shootings, then I say there was no intent to even, you know, let the protesters peacefully move around.

The escalation that we saw this Tuesday was by virtue of the shootings that were ongoing. After the shootings is when we saw the protesters becoming

aggressive and throwing stones because they were also trying to defend themselves. They are human beings.


MADOWO: We did see some of that chaos, we covered it live on CNN. And so, the police are under the microscope here, Isa, on how they respond if

people go back to the streets tomorrow.

SOARES: So, clearly, plenty of still, Larry, dissatisfaction, disillusionment, but this is what they were fighting for, right? They were

fighting to get rid of this finance bill. Now, that is over. What else do they want to see here? And a very quick question also, how is the president

going to pay for this debt? Where's that money coming from?

MADOWO: He said Kenya must have a conversation about how to plug that deficit now that the finance bill has been abandoned and he will be

engaging these young people to hear their ideas and make sure that they're not overtaxed. So, that is the short answer to your second question.

The first one is, yes, people wanted the finance bill rejected, not amended, and the president has done exactly what they wanted, except it

took him a few weeks to get there.

Yesterday, in the evening, he was defiant, called them treasonous protesters. And then, a few hours later, he had this extraordinary U-turn

and said he has paid attention and he was abandoning that finance bill. But there's still wider national anger. The Kenyan National Commission on Human

Rights telling CNN there's a national anger that President Ruto has to address because it risks becoming a much bigger problem.

SOARES: Larry, appreciate it. I know you'll stay across this story for us. Thanks very much. Larry Madowo for us there, in Nairobi.

Well, health officials in Gaza say 60 people have been killed in Israeli attacks over the past 24 hours. We're about to show you footage from the

scene of an airstrike in Beit Lahia. And we want to warn you, it is disturbing.

Hospital officials say at least eight Palestinians were killed in this attack, including three children. Emergency screws, raced to pull survivors

out of the rubble and managed to free two boys as well as three girls. Witnesses tell CNN they were targeted "for no reason, with no warning." And

we've reached out to Israel's military for a comment.

Well, a few weeks ago, the rescue of four hostages by Israeli forces were hailed as a daring success in Israel. But scores of Palestinian families,

if you remember, found themselves caught in the middle of the operation, suffering just unimaginable loss. Paula Hancocks pieces together the

evidence to see how the ripple effects of the rescue affected civilian lives that day. And a warning, her report contains disturbing images.



PAULA HANCOCKS, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): By the time Israeli forces leave this house in Central Gaza, one woman and three children have been

shot. A 12-year-old boy clings to life. This is the story of one Gazan family caught up in the June 8th rescue of four Israeli hostages being held

in Nuseirat.

When Abdul Raouf (ph), the grandfather and owner of the house, saw tanks and special forces arrive on their street, he says his family of 14 hid in

one room in the top floor apartment. What happened next has been relayed to us by seven members of the same family in multiple interviews.

Mohammed Mata (ph), father of four, says he heard the soldiers screaming, shooting, and throwing stun grenades downstairs. CNN has verified that this

IDF video shows troops inside the house. It appears heavily edited, but you can hear what sounds like shots fired.

They came up to the apartment, the father adds, shooting and saying, who's here? We told them we are civilians. Children and women are in this room.

The boy's aunt says, the Israelis came and started shooting at us. I heard someone groaning in pain.

This is the blood of my son, Yaman (ph), says Rasha (ph). He was bleeding here. As soon as the Israelis entered, they shot him. There were bullets in

his leg and stomach.

Twelve-year-old Yaman (ph) later died from his wounds.

My son died before my eyes and I couldn't do anything, she says. He was looking at me, saying, mom, hold me, I'm bleeding.

Rasha says another son, Mooman (ph), 16, was shot in the shoulder and stomach. She wanted to help, but she says the soldiers threatened to kill

them if she did. Another shot grazed the third son, the bullet striking his arm and the leg.

CNN has geolocated the buildings the hostages were rescued from. The family home is over a kilometer away, on a likely evacuation route the Israeli

military used to extract the hostages from Gaza. The IDF says the battalion was there to secure the area during the operation.

Inside the house, the grandfather says he and Yaman's (ph) father were taken to the corridor, hands tied behind their back, gagged and

blindfolded, pointing out the plastic head cover left behind.

The father says, a soldier warned him, tell me where the resistance fighters and weapons are or I will break your heart for your children? And

he did it. He went to the room a minute later, and I heard the gunshots.

It's not clear if any of the family members were hit in the second round of shooting. CNN has reached out to the IDF, but they have not responded to

the specific allegations. The family's testimony matches evidence CNN saw at the scene. We've shown images of the bullet casings on the ground to

weapons experts who confirm they are Israeli manufactured.

The grandfather points to multiple bullet holes in walls, doors, and furniture on different floors of the building. The family says Israeli

troops were in their home for around 45 minutes. One soldier applied a dressing to Mooman's (ph) shoulder wound. before they left.

Outside, the grandfather tries to call an ambulance. He's told they cannot reach him. So, the boys are loaded into a car and rushed to hospital, where

Yaman (ph) is pronounced dead.

Gaza health officials say more than 270 people were killed that day. No breakdown of fighters versus civilians, but this hospital footage shows

women and children in every corner. Israel says the death toll is far lower, blaming Hamas for hiding hostages within the civilian population.

One family's story, one small window into a day of hell for the residents of Nuseirat.

Paula Hancocks, CNN, Jerusalem.




SOARES: Well, U.K. voters will elect a new government in just over a week, and the stakes are high with issues like the economy, immigration, and the

state of the National Health Service, drawing voters to the polls. Polls predict that Britain's Labour Party will win big after being out of power

for the last 14 years. Our Nic Robertson takes a look at the candidates hoping to stay or move into that door just behind me.


NIC ROBERTSON, CNN INTERNATIONAL DIPLOMATIC EDITOR (voice-over): Elections close. U.K. P.M. Rishi Sunak's Conservative Party facing an historic


GIDEON SKINNER, SENIOR U.K. DIRECTOR OF POLITICS, IPSOS: The polls are showing that the Conservatives are in a pretty difficult position. Our

central estimate was having the Conservatives around about 115 seats.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): 650 seats at stake, each week of campaigning, damaging Sunak more than the last. The British prime minister left D-Day

commemorations in France early.

RISHI SUNAK, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: On reflection, that was a mistake, and I apologize.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): More damaging allegations followed. Several of his senior staff bet on the unexpected July 4th election date.

SUNAK: Well, I was incredibly angry.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Good for his main opponent, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, you'd think. Not so much. Labour, like Conservative, have

dropped a little in the polls.

SKINNER: Maybe two to three points. The big picture is still that Labour have got a -- on average, a fairly healthy lead.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Healthy meaning about 20 percentage points. Starmer's challenge? Most voters aren't sure what he stands for. Recently

praising his socialist predecessor Jeremy Corbyn, now booted from Labour, saying he would have been a better prime minister than Donald Trump friend,

Boris Johnson.

KEIR STARMER, BRITISH LABOUR PARTY LEADER: Look, look what we got, Boris Johnson. A man who made massive promises, didn't keep them.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Labour's left-wing legacy haunts Starmer, a centrist.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You said he'd make a great prime minister. Did you mean it?

STARMER: It wasn't a question that really arose because I didn't think we were going to win the election.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): His skills so far, uniting his once fractious party. Not so for Sunak. Right-wing Tory voters increasingly tempted by the

upstart right-wing disrupter Reform Party, led by Nigel Farage.

NIGEL FARAGE, REFORM PARTY LEADER: Thanks for coming, everybody.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): Another friend of Trump, who almost a decade ago led the charge for Brexit, now back in the political fray, as ever, pulling

the country right, costing Sunak voters.

The field though, bigger than these three leading parties. Middle class, middle of the road, Liberal Democrats, struggling for attention.

ED DAVEY, BRITISH LIBERAL DEMOCRATS PARTY LEADER: I don't think politicians should take themselves too seriously.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): His stunts paying off, Lib Dem polling up, slightly, mostly at Sunak's expense.


Starmer looking to benefit in Scotland too. The powerful but scandal hit independence driven Scottish National Party, SNP, onto their third leader

in 15 months.

JOHN SWINNEY, FIRST MINISTER OF SCOTLAND: Be careful what you wish for, because the Labour Party is going to pick up where the Tories left off.

ROBERTSON (voice-over): But despite their tough talk, likely losing their dominance north of the border.

ROBERTSON: Polls are notorious, there's no hard guarantee of actual results. And if the most favorable outcome for Sunak is an historic loss,

the worst could leave his party in the political wilderness for years vulnerable to populists like Farage.

Nic Robertson, CNN, London.


SOARES: Well, across the channel, France is gearing up for a snap parliamentary election. Voters will head to the polls on June 30th with a

run off set for July 7th. President Emmanuel Macron called the election after the far-right National Rally crushed his centrist political movement

during this month's European elections.

Many are worried these elections may ignite tensions with Mr. Macron himself saying the hard left or far-right parties could increase the

chances of a civil war in France.

Well, Iranians will head to the polls this Friday to choose a new president. Former President Ebrahim Raisi and seven others died, if you

remember, in a helicopter crash last month. The next president is also likely to be loyal to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. When most of the candidates

running say they'll continue Raisi's economic self-reliance policy, as well as increased business ties to Asia.

Many Iranians are angry over the nation's weak economy, with inflation making the cost of basic goods like meat as well as dairy extremely high.

Years of international isolation and sanctions, of course, are playing a huge role. We're going to take a short break. We'll be back on the other



SOARES: Well, do you remember the balloon feud over the Korean Peninsula that we told you about a couple of weeks ago? Well, it's back. South

Korea's military says North Korea has sent another 250 waste balloons its way after deploying around 350 earlier this week.

Pyongyang insists its retaliation for South Korean activists sending their own balloons into the North carrying leaflets critical of Kim Jong Un's

regime. Meanwhile, a group of activists in South Korea is developing a smart balloon capable of automated drops.


Well, U.S. television network could be taking inspiration for an upcoming holiday film from Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce. The Hallmark Channel,

known for its sappy, romantic comedies of the week, announced they're partnering with NFL and the Kansas City Chiefs on a project called "Holiday

Touchdown: A Chiefs Love Story." The production starts next month. There's no word on whether the film is directly inspired by the pop star's

relationship with the Chiefs tight end, but it's certainly, well, as you can see there, rom-com worthy.

And just before we go, high temperatures have a lot of people losing their cool, but they cause a statue of 19th century U.S. President Abraham

Lincoln to lose, well, his head. The six-foot or nearly two-meter wax statue of America's 16th president was installed in February outside an

elementary school in Washington, D.C.

According to "The Washington Post," it was placed under the trees to provide shade, of course, during the summer months, but the extreme heat

this weekend causes wax head to slump back. The school has removed the disfigured head until repairs are made.

That does it for us for tonight. Thanks very much for your company. Do stay right here. "Newsroom with Jim Sciutto" is next. I shall see you tomorrow.

