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CNN Larry King Live

Interview with Snoop Dogg

Aired March 26, 2010 - 21:00   ET


LARRY KING, HOST: Tonight, Snoop Dogg is back.


KING: And he's talking Tiger.


SNOOP DOGG: Nobody's perfect and everybody makes mistakes.


KING: His drug of choice.


SNOOP DOGG: I know it should be legalized. Legalize it and I (INAUDIBLE).


KING: And one of his favorite singers.


KING: What about Susan Boyle?

SNOOP DOGG: She's a great artist. I'm looking forward to going to the studio with her.


KING: So get in.


KING: Whoa.


KING: Relax.




KING: Come along for the ride.


KING: I'm a G now, right?

SNOOP DOGG: You a double O-G.




Snoop Dogg is in the house. He's a multi-million platinum hip- hop icon and entertainer, creative chairman of Priority Records. His new album, "More Malice," released this week -- a follow-up to "Malice in Wonderland." The movie, "Malice in Wonderland" was also released this week.

Always a pleasure and a lot of fun to welcome Snoop Dogg back to LARRY KING LIVE.

You're going to see some extraordinary things during this hour, including me in a crazy car. We'll talk about the car later.

"Malice Madness," what -- what is the story?

What is that?

SNOOP DOGG: It's me and my new record. This is my fifth solo record, I might add. I just went in and just made a record that felt good to me, that was, you know, more about me just having a good time and putting people in the spirit of just enjoying some good music.

KING: But malice implies bad?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, because in the beginning of this record, I had a lot of malice in my heart. And I was kind of frustrated and upset with the whole industry. And then, toward the end of this record, I found myself being in a place called Wonderland. That's why the record is called "Malice in Wonderland," because I finally made it to happiness.

KING: What changed?

SNOOP DOGG: I think just, you know, my family being around me and just me en -- enjoying the fact that people still want to listen to me, from -- from being, you know, of working in 1992 to still being here and people still loving my music.

So that -- that got me in the great spirit of just turning it into a positive.

KING: All right. The latest single, "I Wanna Rock," generated some huge buzz, we understand.

What was it like to re-record this with Jay-Z and other rappers?

SNOOP DOGG: I mean, this was a big record for me because it -- it actually opened the door again and showed that the West Coast is clearly here to stay. And then, at the same time, this is a great record because it makes people understand that hip-hop is a great thing and it's universal and it's bicoastal.

So to have Jay-Z on the record and to have other rappers putting their verse on the record just shows that, you know, hip-hop is here to stay and it's bicoastal.

KING: When rap first started, a lot of people put it down.

Has it changed?

SNOOP DOGG: I believe that rap is the most important form of music right now, because it's the -- it's the -- it's the change and the choice of the new generation. Because if you notice, any sports venue or anything that has to do with entertainment, they always have to involve rap, because rap is the number one source of music right now.

KING: But is it music?

I mean, can you hum it?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, you can hum it if you -- if you do -- if you dealing with Snoop Dogg, you know what I'm saying?

I've got music that you can hum, like da, da, da, da, it's the one and only beagle double G. You can do me.

KING: I'm a G now, right?

SNOOP DOGG: You're a double O-G.

KING: I'm a double G. You're going to learn that later, how I became a double G -- a new -- a new thing.

You were proud of the "We Are the World"/Haiti remake.

What was it like to pass the torch?

What was it like to sing with that group?

SNOOP DOGG: I mean it was special, Larry, for them to even call me and have me in the room with all of those great singers. It was special because, you know, I was a kid watching it 25 years ago, seeing Michael Jackson, Lionel Richie and Ray Charles and all of the great musicians, you know, put a song together that meant so much. And for them to have me come be a part of the anniversary, it felt good to me.

KING: Well, we've got a little toss here. The Bikini Glove Bling Bling Girls certainly weren't going anywhere during the making of Snoop's first single, "Gangsta Luv." And we were there.

Take a look at the some of the behind the scenes actions -- and I do mean behind.

SNOOP DOGG: Ooh-wee.


KING: We'll talk about it more later.

What's with you and cars?

SNOOP DOGG: I've always had an infatuation with cars, especially old school cars, anything out of the '60s, '70s, '50s, '40s, '30s. I just liked it when cars were being made at the highest level, you understand?

To me it's like...

KING: They were better then?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, they were way better. And they just mean a lot more to me to have an antique car.

KING: Do you have many?

SNOOP DOGG: I have 25 cars, Larry.

KING: Where do you keep them?

SNOOP DOGG: I've got a little space, I call the Doggy Dizey (ph) in the front of the Kezetin (ph), you know what I'm saying?

KING: No, I don't, Snoop.


KING: Where do you keep them?

SNOOP DOGG: I've got a little space out like the Bat Cave. You know how Batman got the little underground cave where he come out with his little whoo-whop (ph) when he need to?

That's what I've got.

KING: Snoop Dogg, I'm -- I must be going crazy. I'm beginning to understand you.

SNOOP DOGG: I love that.

KING: Did you invent this language?

SNOOP DOGG: No. I believe it's something that's, you know, hereditary. I believe it's something that's, you know, accustomed to us from where we come from. It's a ghetto thing. You know, we have our own little slang that we use in the ghetto and it becomes our own language and our own lingo.

Back in the '70s, it was called jive talking. Now we -- we call it Snoop talking. It's just (INAUDIBLE).

KING: Where did you grow up?

SNOOP DOGG: East Side, Long Beach.

KING: Is that a tough area?

SNOOP DOGG: It was tough, but it was fun. It was a great experience for me. I learned a lot, you know what I'm saying?

There was a lot of positive people, a lot of great people to learn from and a lot of negative people to learn from. So it was a great experience.

KING: OK. Snoop's got some relationship advice for Tiger Woods. That's ahead.

And as we go to break -- you're going to enjoy this -- here's some more of "Gangsta Luv".







UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Snoop-a-Loop, bring your green hat. Let's go. Come on, everybody. We're going.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got a call about the music.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don't hear any music, but we'll try to keep it down for you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't try, son, do it. And burn some incense as well.

SNOOP DOGG: Turn that shit (EXPLETIVE LANGUAGE) back on, 'cuz.

Testicles, one, two. Testicles, one, two.

Hey, y'all, what's cracker like?

This is your soul playing chauffeur, Captain Antoine Maxby (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It sounds nice.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like your Lincoln.

SNOOP DOGG: It's a '76. It would be out 'til next year. But I know some people that know some people that robbed some people.


SNOOP DOGG: This little meeting, it never happened.




KING: You've got some big stars working with you.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.

KING: Snoop Dogg is our guest.

Tell me about "Malice in Wonderland".

What is it about?

SNOOP DOGG: It's about a musical experience through the mind of Snoop Dogg. And it's supported by my movie, "Malice in Wonderland," where I play a super hero named Malice who's trying to clean up a community called Wonderland, where he lives at, and overthrow a dictator named Cain.

KING: I get it.

In "Malice in Wonderland," Snoop plays a corn rowed super hero.

Let's take a look.


UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE: Wonderland. Wonderland.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (singing): Wonderland.

We've known this man for years. This is the modern day Robin Hood. Malice!

SNOOP DOGG: I greatly appreciate you guys for coming out tonight. Wonderland, right now, is in desperate need for us to become one. Everybody know that me and Cain got a thing. I don't like him, he don't like me. I've come to find out that it's about all of us becoming one, to unite, to fight against that man called Cain. We'll become untouchable.


KING: Snoop, we had a tough time taking clips out of there for a -- you know, a family show.


KING: Why are you so gritty?

SNOOP DOGG: I mean, it's needed sometimes. You know, I do have family time. I had a family show that I had on the air for two years called "Fatherhood" with my wife and my beautiful kids. So I do find time to give up a little family time.

But people tend to love the edginess of Snoop Dogg. So I've got to give them what they want, Larry.

KING: Yes, it's -- in other words, that's -- you've got to do what you've got to do.

SNOOP DOGG: I've got to give them what they want.

KING: Because the last time you were on, you showed a wholesome side, a family life, as you said, the husband who reconciled with the wife. Much of this was shown to the world.

Snoop Dogg's "Fatherhood," why did it get canceled?

SNOOP DOGG: I believe the show was too positive and too enlightening. I think people...

KING: Wait a minute...

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, I mean and they expect...

KING: Too positive, too enlightening, too good, too wholesome, too (INAUDIBLE)?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes. Yes. Because they wanted some drama. You know, you've got -- you've got to understand, I'm Snoop Dogg. So you want confusion and you want, you know, disruption. And my house is not like that. My wife does a great job of running my house and my kids are in line. So it's a beautiful situation.

KING: How is the reconciliation working?

SNOOP DOGG: Oh, it's beautiful. We've been on the right track. Really, we don't look back no more. We're all about moving ahead.

KING: How long were you apart?

SNOOP DOGG: About six months.

KING: Was it hard? SNOOP DOGG: It was hard for me, because I realized that's where I wanted to be and where I needed to be. So I had to get my mind that right and focus on what was important to me.

KING: But if you look at all these videos and stuff, you look like a player.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, because that's -- that's who I am when I'm playing that role, you understand me?

I'm great at what I do, Larry, you understand me?

And it's only a few that can do what I do.

KING: You -- you've been -- you've admitted your own infidelity at times, right?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, I have.

KING: What do you make of Tiger Woods?

SNOOP DOGG: I make, you know, nothing of it. You know, that's a proximal issue with him and his wife. And I feel like it's been blown out of proportion because he was looked at as, you know, somebody who was perfect.

But at the same time, nobody is perfect and everybody makes mistakes. So let's let him get his wife back with his wife and move on.

KING: Do you think he's going to do good in the Masters?

SNOOP DOGG: I think he's going to do real good -- real well in the Masters and he's going to do real good in life, you know, just getting his life back right and understanding what's important, because sometimes it takes a negative situation like that for you to really turn it into a positive.

KING: Yes. It takes a down to get up.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.

KING: Do you -- do you think the temptations of Hollywood and the music industry are worse now?

SNOOP DOGG: Definitely, because there are -- there are so many ways to -- to have access to them, even if you're not in Hollywood. It's like that computer game is so -- so crazy now. It's so exposed, everybody knows everything now.

KING: Any -- any downs, by the way, the hood and Hollywood?

SNOOP DOGG: Well, I call it Hollyhood.

KING: Hollyhood? SNOOP DOGG: Yes. And I -- I just walk the fine line. And I just -- you know, I do me at all times. As long as I do me, I'm going to be able to walk between the corporate world and the streets.

KING: What's your name -- your real name?

SNOOP DOGG: My real name is Cordozar Calvin Broadus.

KING: Cordozar?


KING: How did you come up with Snoop Dogg?

SNOOP DOGG: My mother started calling me it...

KING: From Peanuts?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, I used to watch "Charlie Brown" and there was a character on there I used to always imitate.

KING: Snoopy?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, the dog.

KING: That's still a great cartoon.

SNOOP DOGG: It really is.

KING: He's gone. There's never been anything like "Peanuts".


KING: What do -- what do you think about Obama?

How is he doing?

SNOOP DOGG: I think he's doing a great job, you know, considering all the pressure that he was up against, you know, taking over a bad situation in the beginning and trying to clean up and -- and move forward and get us back on the right pace.

But to me, you know, he's doing a great job, because we're in a better state than we were in two years ago.

KING: OK. You want Snoop Dogg to get you to your next meeting?

He's going to do it with turn by turn directions on your GPS. It's a demonstration with me. You're not going to believe it. You're not going to believe it. It's coming up.



KING: Good night, everybody. SNOOP DOGG: Turn right in 20 yards.

KING: I feel like I'm being controlled by my GPS. I'm turning right as instructed.

SNOOP DOGG: Make another right in 40 yards.

KING: I'm sneaking deftly into the right hand lane.

SNOOP DOGG: Proceed east and turn right in 40 yards.

KING: This machine is good. OK, I am now turning right.

SNOOP DOGG: Proceed south and turn right in 40 yards.

Turn left. Turn left. Turn left.

KING: Because I had to turn right.

The machine...

SNOOP DOGG: Didn't I tell you to turn left?


KING: Hey, if you'd like Snoop to tell you where to go -- and I mean that literally -- he'll do it when you program your car's GPS with his voice. It's pretty funny. It makes a trip to the dry cleaner's more entertaining.

I got a chance to take it out -- check it out on a ride with Snoop.



KING: This still drives like new?

SNOOP DOGG: It drives good. It rides like an airplane. It's a real smooth, slow motion (INAUDIBLE).

KING: Now, when you have us sitting in it, we're -- we're going to go up and down bouncing (INAUDIBLE)?


KING: For what purpose do you have that?

SNOOP DOGG: That's called a low ride. That's called hitting the switch. That's dippin', you understand me?

On the West Coast, that's what we do. We like to make the car low.

KING: I'm West Coast and I dip -- I don't dip. SNOOP DOGG: Let me show you...

KING: My car don't dip.

SNOOP DOGG: I'm going to show you how to dip, Larry.

KING: All right. Let's do this.

SNOOP DOGG: Don't worry about nothing. Let's get it in. Yes, dip it.

KING: What was your model number?

SNOOP DOGG: 1967 Pontiac Parisienne.

KING: I never heard of a Parisienne.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes. It's low to the floor, too.

KING: Whoa.


I told you it was low to the floor.

KING: I'm low to the floor. Whoa.

SNOOP DOGG: You need some of this here.

Turn around when possible and keep it G, Gadi (ph).

After 300 yards, you have reached your destination.

Thanks for the ride, man. I had the time of my life. Ooh-whee.

KING: Here we go into Snoopville.

What's the name of the magic?

SNOOP DOGG: This is the magic.

KING: I'm still on the brake.

Why are we moving?

SNOOP DOGG: That's me hitting the switch, baby.

KING: Oh, you're controlling the gas?

SNOOP DOGG: That's me controlling it.


KING: Bye.

(MUSIC) KING: I can't reach the gas.


KING: Now, by the way, if you want to have Snoop do your GPS, all you've got to do is go to, right, and bring it down?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.

KING: and Snoop can drive you home.

SNOOP DOGG: Lada (ph).

KING: Lada.

How did you come up with it?

You know, I wanted to do that. I want to do GPS.

SNOOP DOGG: Well, you know, Larry, I just had to tell myself one day, I have to be real creative and different than everybody. You know, I was looking at -- at the cars and I was riding in my car, hearing this lady tell me where to go everyday, getting tired of hearing her voice. I said, man, it would be real cool if I were doing this. So I reached out to the people from TomTom Club and GPS and whatnot and we made it happen.

KING: But you don't get mad?

I get -- I would want to get mad.

SNOOP DOGG: I mean that's how you would do it, Larry, because, you know, you've got that kind of attitude. Me personally, I'm too cool to get mad.

KING: No, what -- a guy -- I tell the guy to make a left, he makes a right, he misses his turn. I don't want to do that to him anymore.


KING: I get mad.

SNOOP DOGG: I've got you.

KING: All right, I get it.

By the way, you did Letterman's Top Ten, right?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.


DAVID LETTERMAN, HOST: The Top Ten Things That Sound Cool When Said by Snoop Dogg.

Here we go, number 10...


LETTERMAN: Number nine.

SNOOP DOGG: I'm following Wolf Blitzer on Twitter.

LETTERMAN: Number eight.

SNOOP DOGG: Let's go to The Gap and buy underpants.

LETTERMAN: Number seven.

SNOOP DOGG: Shalom and Happy Purim to all.

LETTERMAN: Number six.

SNOOP DOGG: Instead of eating Hagen Dazs, I might as well apply it directly to my thighs.

Am I right, ladies?

LETTERMAN: That's great. You are right, Snoop.

Number four.

SNOOP DOGG: John Mayer is like sexual napalm.

LETTERMAN: Number three.

SNOOP DOGG: Could you please pass the rice-a- motha-(EXPLETIVE LANGUAGE)-roni?

LETTERMAN: Number two.

SNOOP DOGG: My CD "More Malice" is available March 23rd. And if you illegally download it, I'm coming to your house.

LETTERMAN: And the number one thing that sounds cool when said by Snoop Dogg...

SNOOP DOGG: I'm just a simple old hockey mom from Alaska. You betcha.


KING: What did you make of that whole Letterman-Leno thing?



SNOOP DOGG: I think it was a -- I think they all cool with each other. They all friends. It was like some made up, scripted feud. KING: You didn't buy it?

SNOOP DOGG: I didn't buy it. I think they all like each other and it was a money thing.

KING: Snoop. How skeptical you are.

SNOOP DOGG: That didn't seem like a real feud to me. Nobody hit nobody, nobody got violent.

KING: Oh, now you're going back to the hood.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, exactly.

KING: Right?

SNOOP DOGG: I mean that's where I'm from.

KING: They had to be there on the street and...

SNOOP DOGG: Exact -- that's where I'm from, Larry.

KING: -- punch, right?

SNOOP DOGG: So I mean, where I'm from, if you don't hit nobody, it's really not a -- really a conflict.


KING: We'll come back with an e-mail question.

Snoop is a growing presence in mainstream media. He starred on a soap, entertained Stephen Colbert, coming up.

Stick around.



KING: We're back with Snoop Dogg, a special appearance on LARRY KING LIVE, with some extra added throw-ins, cars and stuff.

Are you still actively involved with the Youth Football League?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, my Youth Football League, the Snoopy Football League, has been up for six years now. We're doing a great job. We have our first set of kids that are on their way to college. And we're just doing so many great things in the inner city right now, it's a beautiful feeling to be a part of it.

KING: Flag or tackle?

SNOOP DOGG: Oh, it's tackle. It starts off as flag at age six and then they work their way up to the age of 13 to play tackle.

KING: Can anybody around there lay play?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.

KING: Or do you have to live within a certain neighborhood?

SNOOP DOGG: No, you can live -- all over LA, South Central, Compton, Long Beach, Pomona. All you've got to do is hit us up at and get at Commissioner Wadu.

KING: How about a couple of white kids from Beverly Hills?

SNOOP DOGG: Why not, not why?

KING: Because I've got two pretty good ones.

SNOOP DOGG: Come on, let's play.

KING: I mean what if they were to win the Snooperbowl?

Would that embarrass you?

SNOOP DOGG: No, that would make me feel good, because football has no color barriers.

KING: You've got 3,500 kids in the league.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir.

KING: How did you start that?

SNOOP DOGG: Well, I started it six years ago with my oldest son, you know, Corde. He was playing Little League football. And we were playing in a league that I didn't feel that was really, you know -- really meeting the needs of what we needed as far as an inner city football program.

So I went back to the community that I come from and created a football program for the kids who didn't have money, who didn't have the necessities that they needed to really pay that $300 or $400. And I made it $100 a kid so it could be more accessible to the kids from the hood.

KING: You're a good guy.

SNOOP DOGG: Thank you, Larry.

KING: We've got an e-mail from Mike in Maine: "Who do you listen to in your free time? What do you listen to in your free time? And who were your musical influences growing up?"

SNOOP DOGG: I like listening to Frank Sinatra, Sam Cooke, Marvin Gaye. My musical influences growing up were George Clinton, Curtis Mayfield, Earth, Wind & Fire.

KING: Earth...

(singing): What goes up...

KING AND SNOOP DOGG (singing): Must come down.

KING (singing): Spinning wheel...

SNOOP DOGG: Get it, Larry.

KING: Oh, I love that. I love that. You know, Earth, Wind & Fire were pretty good.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, they were.

KING: I went to the concert one night, though, but Wind was sick.


KING: Anyway...


KING: I think that's funny.

You're involved with your fans through Twitter, TV, live chats.

How -- how often do you Twitter?

We Twitter.

SNOOP DOGG: I've got a thing called Ustream TV and I have my own show called "The Wake & Bake Show," where they can actually look and see me personally. And then I hit them on Twitter through my conversation, because it's kind of hard for me to be trying to type all of my fans at one time. So what I do is I take the messages along the side and I talk with them and they have a chance to ride with me and roll with me while I'm playing great music and letting them be a part of this Snoop Dogg thing.

KING: You're very involved with your fans, right?

SNOOP DOGG: I'm a...

KING: You're easy access?

SNOOP DOGG: -- up close and personal.

KING: It's -- you know, what's hard to read about you is where does most of your income come from, records?


KING: Because that business is hurt.

SNOOP DOGG: I mean I'm just a hustler. I just know how to get it in all different ways. You know, like you've got the GPS. You've got the -- you know, the Football League. You've got the clothing line. You've got the, you know, TV shows. You've got movie deals. Everything that I do is always about trying to get to the next level, whether it's financially, spiritually or just mentally, you understand?

I'm always trying to get to the next level.

KING: Is that sweat suit part of your clothing line?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes. I'm down with Adidas. That's who I represent now, you know what I'm saying?

So three stripes is how I run.

KING: And why the green, blue and yellow?

SNOOP DOGG: Because it's a beautiful color. It's like that Bob Marley feeling. Sometimes I feel like I'm Bob Marley reincarnated and it's got that Jamaican feel on it.

KING: I'm going to make you like me even more. I knew Bob Marley.

SNOOP DOGG: You did?

KING: I interviewed him.

SNOOP DOGG: Man, I really wanted to meet him. That's one person that they always said that's somebody that you can work with and that ain't here right now...

KING: A special guy.


KING: His sons around the...

SNOOP DOGG: I work with all of them.

KING: Yes.

SNOOP DOGG: They're my partners.

KING: Well, some of the highlights of your past year -- get this, recently named creative chairman of Priority Records.

What does that mean?

You -- you pick all of the artists?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, I'm Frank Sinatra up in there now.

KING: You're the man?

SNOOP DOGG: I'm Old Blue Eyes.

KING: You're chairman of the board? SNOOP DOGG: I'm Old Blue Eyes. I'm back.

KING: He was something.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, he was.

KING: You've got to love him. Yes.

Hosting "Monday Night Raw for WWE, what's that all about?

SNOOP DOGG: Wrestling, man, one of the biggest sports in the world. People love wrestling and they love Snoop Dogg and I'm a fan of it. And Vince McMahon loves me and I love him. And they've got money and we love doing business.

KING: You get -- you ever get in a ring?

SNOOP DOGG: I got in the ring a couple of times. And I did a few moves, too. I'm there.


KING: Yes, but they're much bigger than you, aren't they?

SNOOP DOGG: I'm there, Larry. I don't -- don't let the smooth taste fool you.

KING: In other words, you rehearsed it pretty good?

SNOOP DOGG: It wasn't no rehearsal to this here, Larry. Don't let the smooth taste fool you.

KING: You went into a wrestling ring without rehearsal?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes. With no rehearsal. This is what I do.

KING: OK. Ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, with no rehearsal.

KING: Well...


KING: It doesn't -- it's not hard.

Well, what stock were you pushing?

SNOOP DOGG: I was pushing the -- what was I pushing?


SNOOP DOGG: I forgot what I was pushing. I was just --

KING: That's when you made it, man.

SNOOP DOGG: Exactly.

KING: You're ringing the bell at the New York Stock Exchange --

SNOOP DOGG: And you don't even know what you're pushing.

KING: -- and you don't know what you're pushing.

Buy this today, folks.



SNOOP DOGG: What was you feeling --

KING: And you did a dramatic role in "One Life to Live."


KING: You're a soap opera person?

SNOOP DOGG: You know what, Larry?

When I was a kid, I got in a little bit of trouble at school and got suspended and had to come home a couple of times. And one time I came home, those soap operas was on. And I kind of fell in love with "One Life to Live." And once I became successful, I reached out to them and let them know I was a fan of the show and wanted to be a part of it.

KING: And. You're going to see it coming back.

Don't go away.





KING: We're back with Snoop Dogg.

He ventured into the world of daytime TV when he played himself on "One Life to Live".

Watch and see if an Emmy is coming his way.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you know what happened with Noramy (ph)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mom, can we order some pizza? I'm starving.

SNOOP DOGG: Man, I could use some, too. For shizzle.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Calvin, this is my son.

SNOOP DOGG: Kid, Buchanan. Soon as your pops even knows he's a cop. Think your mom's a court, but her son is a tort. Got out your seat, now you're back on your feet.


SNOOP DOGG: Flavor man. You ain't never heard that kind of flavor with me --

KING: Did you remember that or read off a prompter?

SNOOP DOGG: That was off the top of my head. Come on, Larry. You know how I do it.

KING: Yes, I know.


KING: OK, you sat down with Stephen Colbert to talk about marijuana -- his need for weed.


STEPHEN COLBERT, "THE COLBERT REPORT": You're a well known pot smoker.

SNOOP DOGG: I wouldn't say that. I would say that I'm a stoner.

COLBERT: You are aware that that is illegal, sir. You are breaking the law. You are a criminal. You are a criminal.

SNOOP DOGG: No, I actually am under the influence of medical marijuana. Actually, a doctor prescribed --

COLBERT: Was it Dr. Dre.


KING: Marijuana has been kind of a trademark with you.

You still smoke it?

SNOOP DOGG: Every blue moon.

KING: How many blue moons are they?

I don't keep count.

SNOOP DOGG: There's a blue moon every day.

KING: Do you think it should be legalized? SNOOP DOGG: I know it should be legalized. Legalize it and I will advertise it.



Can you perform just as well a little high?

SNOOP DOGG: How about I've never performed without it?

KING: Well, how about learning, maybe you'll be better without it?

SNOOP DOGG: Let's try that one time.

KING: Try it one time, Snoop.

SNOOP DOGG: We'll do it together.

KING: I'll go on with you.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, we'll do it together. Happiness is togetherness.


KING: A Jew finds relief.

Anyway --


KING: An e-mail question from Sarah in Orlando: "How do you pronounce your real name and why did you change it? What would you say if your son asked you if he wanted to change his name?"

Why did you change it at all?

SNOOP DOGG: I didn't change it, I put my middle name first.

KING: No, but Snoop Dogg, I assume, is a --

SNOOP DOGG: Oh, you mean why did I change that?

KING: Yes.

SNOOP DOGG: Oh, that's the name that I was always called as a kid. My mother never called me by my real name. I never heard my real name unless I was at school. So, you know, the name that I was accustomed to was Snoop at home, or Snoopy or Snoop.

KING: Who came -- how did they come up with Cordozar?

SNOOP DOGG: My mother came up with that name.

KING: It sounds like a salve for sores.

SNOOP DOGG: That's what it sounds like to you?

KING: Yes, don't forget to buy Cordozar at the drugstore --


KING: -- on sale this week, two for $5.

SNOOP DOGG: I can actually -- the way you said it, it do sound like --

KING: It sounds like Cortisone.

SNOOP DOGG: See, but I always say it like Cordozar.

KING: Cordozar.

SNOOP DOGG: Cordozar?

KING: Cordozar?


KING: It changes the whole image.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, put that flavor on it, because I am E-talian, you understand that?

I've got that good blood and that good skin and that good hair.

KING: I have the feeling I'm being put on.

OK, the last time we talked, you had some problems back in the U.K.

Are they letting you back in the country?

SNOOP DOGG: As we speak, Larry, I have been reinstated and I am on my way back to the U.K. So I want to shoot a shout-out to all of the beautiful people that allowed me to come back. See you in a minute.

KING: What changed on their part?

SNOOP DOGG: They went to court a couple of times and just appealed it and just tried to see if there were ways to keep me out. And there was no way to keep me out. I've done nothing wrong over there to, you know, prohibit myself from being there. I'm all about the people. The people love me. I'm going there to do what I was there to do.

KING: OK. Now, there's another rumor and we're going to check it after the break, that Snoop is going to record with Susan Boyle.

(LAUGHTER) KING: I think this is another put-on, but we'll tell you about it after the break.


KING: In case you don't know who this is, he is Snoop Dogg, the multi-platinum hip hop icon, creative chairman of Priority Records. His new album, "More Malice," released this week, and the movie, "Malice in Wonderland." The album, new movie, "Malice in Wonderland," also already -- he's out there. He's everywhere, everywhere.

What about Susan Boyle?

SNOOP DOGG: She's a great artist. I'm looking forward to going to the studio with her.

KING: You are going to record with her?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, why not?

KING: Have you picked out a song?

SNOOP DOGG: No, we -- I think we're going to have to get our minds together and figure out what we're going to -- what we're going to sing about.

KING: How about something like an operetta?

SNOOP DOGG: I'm down with that.

KING: Do you think you could sing like a, say, a Mariachi?

SNOOP DOGG: There's not much I can't do, Larry.


KING: When the moon hits your eye, like a big pizza pie --

SNOOP DOGG: OK, see, that's your version.


KING: Dean Martin is spinning.

Anyway, OK, hey, I have not forgotten about chicken and waffles. We ate it together. I brought it home. Everybody loved it.

Do you still dine on chicken and waffles?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, that's why I look so physically fit years later. You see I'm still at the -- I've got my look together, Larry. That's what it is, my diet consists of that Rosco's those chicken and waffles. I think I've got some here right now.

If you don't mind, I'll have a -- well, they brought big blocks of corn bread, too, and three chicken wings. KING: I don't see any waffles.

SNOOP DOGG: They didn't bring no waffles. They flipped the script today.

KING: Now --

SNOOP DOGG: They went with the --

KING: -- why corn bread?

I love corn bread.

SNOOP DOGG: Me, too.

KING: Why is corn bread so good?

SNOOP DOGG: See, it depends on who makes the corn bread.

KING: Where you buy this?

SNOOP DOGG: It ain't -- ain't gonna be no Jiffy. You're talking about some handmade corn bread.

KING: Well, what store was this?

Oh, you made it at home?

SNOOP DOGG: Albertson's.

KING: Albertson's?

SNOOP DOGG: Safeway.


KING: Is this Snoop Dogg corn bread?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes. You can only get it at those stores.

KING: Wait a minute. I can go into Albertson's and I can buy Snoop Dogg corn bread?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, you can.

KING: Let me taste it, because I like corn bread.

SNOOP DOGG: It's sweet, too, Larry.

KING: I know. It's good. You've got a big -- a pretty big piece there.

Who's going to eat this there --

SNOOP DOGG: Well, they made --

KING: -- the joker?

It's good. Now, it's very -- yes, it's very good. However, it's very hard to host this show --

SNOOP DOGG: And eat corn bread.

KING: -- while eating corn bread.

SNOOP DOGG: So let me take over for you.


Why don't we put some peanut butter on it and I won't come back?

SNOOP DOGG: That would be groovy.

KING: We're going to sing a little later. We'll do Sinatra together.

SNOOP DOGG: OK. That will work. Or maybe some Sam Cooke.

KING: Yes, I like Sam Cooke, too.

Did you ever do "American Idol?"

SNOOP DOGG: I've never done "American Idol".

KING: Want to do it?

SNOOP DOGG: I like "American Idol." I think would be a perfect host to fill in.

Who just left the show?

KING: Who left?

Paula Abdul.

SNOOP DOGG: I think I'd be perfect.

KING: You'd be a good critic. You'd be great.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, because I understand music -- the dynamics of music and I see stars before they made. You know, sometimes I feel like they be passing up on some good people because they don't really have it together on their first try.

KING: What is the secret to the success of that show, other than my man, Ryan Seacrest?

SNOOP DOGG: I think the secret to success with that show is that it's interactive with the people. Anybody can become a star. And when you start selling people a real dream that could become reality, it's -- it's everyday life. So you've got people who are watching the show who are feeling like they could become that next "American Idol," as well. KING: Do you watch it?

SNOOP DOGG: I watch it occasionally. I -- I like to see what they do, you understand, because it's always some new talent that's hot. The four or five people that I've seen that won the show are still doing well. Ruben Studdard, Fantasia, Jennifer and the boy that played the harmonica. He did a little show with me.

What his name is?

KING: I don't know.

SNOOP DOGG: Me neither.

KING: We'll be back with Snoop Dogg millionaire --


KING: -- right after this.






KING: We're having a lot of fun with Snoop Dogg tonight. What a great guest to kick into the weekend. What a talent, too, and what a good guy. He's a good guy, the Snoop -- the Snoopster.

SNOOP DOGG: Larry, I want to give you something here, my new headphones.

You know I make headphones too?

These are the (INAUDIBLE) by Snoop Dogg so whenever you listen to that Frank Sinatra and Sam Cooke, you can enjoy your music heavily.

KING: You make headphones now?



KING: Thank you, Snoop.

SNOOP DOGG: Well, thank you.

KING: I love this. I like the design, too.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, sir. That's

KING: What's with you and the Los Angeles Lakers?

SNOOP DOGG: I've been a Lakers fan since the early '70s. I grew up loving Magic Johnson, Kareem Abdul Jabbar and Chick Hearn. I had a chance to meet Chick Hearn --

KING: A great announcer.

SNOOP DOGG: -- and to work with Chick Hearn and I mean I'm just a die hard Laker. I love them to death. They can't do no wrong to me.

KING: You go to every game?

SNOOP DOGG: I go to as many games as I can when I'm in town. I just love to support them. If I'm not at the game, I'm at home watching them on Prime Ticket, you understand?

We'll either watch them on Channel 9, KCAL.

KING: Do you ever go on the road with them?

SNOOP DOGG: I've been on the road with them before. When they won their championship in New Jersey, I was right there on the floor when they did that.

KING: Did you ever play ball?

SNOOP DOGG: I played football and basketball as a youngster coming up on the east side of Long Beach. And I took it to a level that I thought it -- it was the highest level that I thought I could take it to. So I never wanted to play high school or the next level. I went to the level that I thought I was just playing.

KING: Did you go to a high school?

SNOOP DOGG: I went to high school but I didn't -- I didn't never try out for high school sports. I was more into trying to create this music thing. I had a -- a niche for it and I really wanted to stick to it.

KING: You were always a music guy?

SNOOP DOGG: Always a music guy/comedian/class clown.

KING: Why the sunglasses?

SNOOP DOGG: So you can see what I'm saying.

But I mean I can take them off.

KING: Well, yes, but it's part of your persona, right?

SNOOP DOGG: At times.

KING: Do you design those, too?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, you know I got to have my flavor.

You see that matchbook with the headphones?

That's that flavor, that paisley.

KING: Oh, yes, yes, the paisley stuff.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, that's what I do. That's that Snoop Dogg flavor, Larry.

KING: What don't -- what have we done -- what haven't you done you'd like to do?

SNOOP DOGG: I'd like to start a chain of Snooper-markets.

KING: Selling what?

SNOOP DOGG: Every --

KING: Groceries?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, groceries. Anything -- everything in my store would be under 20 dollars. There would be nothing in there over 20 dollars.

KING: Clothes, too?

SNOOP DOGG: Everything under 20 dollars.

KING: Snooper-markets?


KING: Well, have you talked to people about it?

SNOOP DOGG: I'm talking to them right now.

KING: Not bad.

SNOOP DOGG: I mean, you hear them talking back?

KING: What did you make about Michael Jackson passing?

SNOOP DOGG: I was --

KING: Did you know Michael?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, I knew Michael Jackson. I'm a close friend of the family. I love Michael Jackson and what he done for music, what he done for life and I'm just -- you know, I'm just a fan, you know?

So I love everything that he done. He could never do no wrong in my eyes. I mean, I love the music that he made, the spirit that he brought, just showing people how to love and how to reach out and then give back, because that's what he did with most of his time and his money. It was spent on giving back. He was never about himself. He was always about others.

KING: How did Dr. Dre find you?

SNOOP DOGG: His brother, half-brother, Warren G. Was in my group, 213 -- me, him and Nate Dogg. And we had a cassette tape and Warren G took it to Dr. Dre's bachelor party. And the music had cut off from the bachelor party. So he slipped my tape in and when my tape came in, people was dancing to it.

And Dre was like who was that?

He was like, that's my homeboy, Snoop. He introduced me to him and the rest is history.

KING: When we come back, we're going to meet young Snoop. That isn't his name. His son is -- his name is Corde. His dad calls him Spank. I call him Snoop, Jr.

He'll be with us after the break.



SNOOP DOGG: Get in the back, old school.

KING: Do I sit on top.

KING: Yes, that's how we do it. We don't sit in the chair. We sit on the back. We don't sit on the front. We sit in the back. Just like that, on top. Now you're official. Don't bounce too much. You know Larry back there ain't holding on too tight.



KING: Back with our remaining moments with Snoop Dogg.

And we are joined by his son, Corde.

Is this the oldest boy?


KING: How old are you, Corde?


KING: You're tall for 15.

CORDE: I'm about to turn 16 in May.

KING: What do you think of your father?

CORDE: He's -- KING: Truth.

CORDE: He's cool and --

KING: Is he weird?


KING: What was he like as a father growing up?

CORDE: He was a good father and --

KING: You don't sound too sure of that, Corde.

CORDE: No, I -- I do. I'm just saying he was --

KING: Are you nervous?


KING: OK. What was -- what's on -- what's the -- what's the thing on your arm?

CORDE: Oh, it's a tattoo.

KING: What does it say?

CORDE: My nick name.

KING: Spank?


KING: Do you approve of tattoos on your kids?

SNOOP DOGG: I took him to go get it.

KING: What do you mean?

SNOOP DOGG: I went with him when he got the tattoo, man. He didn't come home with that. He went with me to go get that.

KING: What do you want him to do in life?

SNOOP DOGG: I want him to have fun and to be a respectable man and just enjoy life to the fullest and be what he wants to be.

KING: Do you play ball, Spank?

CORDE: Not anymore.

KING: Do you -- what do you want to do?

CORDE: I want to be a football player or a basketball player.

KING: Athlete then? CORDE: Yes, athlete.

KING: What college do you want to go to?

CORDE: Oregon.

KING: Oregon, why Oregon?

CORDE: Because everybody goes to USC.

SNOOP DOGG: Look at that. He's just trying to make me mad right now.

KING: Oh you're a USC fan?

SNOOP DOGG: You know I'm a die-hard USC fan.

KING: Oregon has got those crazy colors, though. They're hard to watch.


KING: And you like green and white, though, Snoop?

SNOOP DOGG: I like green. Green is for the money.

KING: And the nickname. They're the ducks.

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, quack, quack.

KING: All right. You could be in the stands going, quack, quack.

Are you going to tour Europe?

SNOOP DOGG: Yes, definitely. I'm going in May, a little bit in June. I'll be out there in Europe.

KING: Are you going to do another reality show?

SNOOP DOGG: I might do a reality show on him. He wants to be a model, so I'd like to see what I can do to get him --

KING: Oh, you want to be a model, too -- a clothing model?

CORDE: Um-hmm.

KING: You got a girlfriend yet?

CORDE: Uh, no.

KING: What do you mean uh, no?

Uh implies other than no?

(CROSS TALK) KING: It don't imply no when you say uh.


KING: Are you going to do stand-up comedy?


KING: No, you.

SNOOP DOGG: I'm going to a little bit. I'm going on a tour with Mike Epps. We've got a tour called "Imagine That." And we've got --

KING: Why is Corde laughing at that?

SNOOP DOGG: Because he know I'm funny. That's one thing I am, I'm very funny.

KING: Was it tough when he was living apart from mom?


KING: So you're glad they're back together?


KING: Are you close to your mother?


KING: Is she a good mom?

Has to be to put up with --

CORDE: A perfect mom.

KING: Perfect to put up with --

CORDE: Snoop.

KING: Snoop, yes.

Do you call him Snoop or dad?

CORDE: Coach Snoop.

KING: Coach Snoop?



KING: Head man.

SNOOP DOGG: Respect in my house. I'm a football coach first. When I coach my kids and I give them that love. You know what I'm saying?

KING: Well, you're a great little kid. The best luck. You're following in great stoops -- Snoop's steps.


SNOOP DOGG: You're following in some great Snoop steps?

KING: Snoop steps.

Here is a couple of Snoop CDs. Snoop Dogg, "Malice in Wonderland" -- that's the new one -- and Snoop Dogg, "More Malice." There he is.

His son is Corde. He's been our guest for the hour. He's treated us to everything -- his GPS, his cars.

Thank you, man.

SNOOP DOGG: And some corn bread.

KING: And some corn bread. I'm still getting it out of my teeth.

Thank you, Corde.

Thanks for joining us.

Have a great weekend.

And Anderson Cooper is standing by.

He ain't going to top this.


KING: With "AC 360" -- Anderson.

SNOOP DOGG: "A.C. 360" -- I like that show.

CORDE: He loves it.

KING: Thank you, guys.