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Poll: Tump, Clinton on Top Despite Low Favorability; CNN Hero Looks to Skies to Bring Water to India; Clinton Uses GOP Leader's Own Words Against Him; Report: Biden Family to Discuss 2016 Run this Weekend. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired October 07, 2015 - 08:30   ET



[08:31:34] CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: What do you want first, the good news or the bad news? You're a positive.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Oh, I'm a good, good. I'm going to go with good.

CUOMO: Yes, always. That's why - that's why we work together -


CUOMO: Because I'm always the bad news. But here's the good news. The 2016 frontrunners are looking fuerte -

PEREIRA: Fuerte.

CUOMO: In the key battleground states in a new poll. Both Clinton and Trump maintaining solid leads. Trump actually rivaling Hillary in duration of dominance.

PEREIRA: That's right.

CUOMO: However, they both have the worst overall favorability ratings of any leading candidate. Que paso? How do these go together?

PEREIRA: He went all Spanish on you.

CUOMO: Let's break down the figures. And why did I?


CUOMO: Because joining us this morning is CNN political commentator and Jeb Bush supporter Ana, elmosa, Navarro and CNN political commentator and Democratic strategist Donna, elmosa, Brazile.

PEREIRA: He's pandering to Ana, don't you see. OK, there we go, equal time, equal pandering.


ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I know. You know - you know, he knows better. CUOMO: The numbers.

NAVARRO: Because Donna's on the set tomorrow, so be nice to her.

CUOMO: I know. Listen, I'm nice to whose ever close to me.

The numbers -

BRAZILE: Oh, baby, I'm coming. I'm on my way.

CUOMO: That's how I like to hear it.

Put up the poll numbers.

BRAZILE: And, let me tell you, I'm going to be the sugar in your coffee tomorrow.

PEREIRA: Oh, Lord, the wheels have come off.

CUOMO: Oh, that's - that what - why don't you say more like that.

BRAZILE: And you don't have to have it black tomorrow because I'll be there to provide that too.


Let's look at the numbers before we derail the program entirely this half hour.

CUOMO: I'm liking this.

PEREIRA: And - and inflate his head.

CUOMO: Must be my new cologne.

PEREIRA: All right, Florida, Republican's choice for nominees, Trump now at 28 percent, 16 percent for Carson. Rubio and Bush trailing behind in their own state. What say you, Ana Navarro.

NAVARRO: You sure you don't want to continue talking about coffee?

PEREIRA: I do. I do.

CUOMO: The insinuation is your boy needs a fresh cup, Jeb Bush. Got to wake him up.


CUOMO: What do you see in this Rubio/Bush (INAUDIBLE)?


NAVARRO: What - what I see in these swing state polls, when it comes to the Republicans, what we're seeing nationally, which is that the outsider are rising. That there is incredible dissatisfaction with anybody that is seen as politics as usual, with anybody that is seen as a Washington or government insider, and you see a rise in numbers by Fiorina, by Carson and Trump holding the lead and even rising in some of these.

PEREIRA: So why aren't your guys doing more to counteract this then?

NAVARRO: You know, I think they - I think they are. And I think you're going to - I mean I think that - I think that Trump's numbers are going start to fall because he's now -


NAVARRO: Diluting himself, you know -


NAVARRO: In the sense that at the beginning he was straight - he was straight and focused on Jeb Bush for about three months. Now he's, you know, fighting with Marco Rubio, fighting with Carly Fiorina, fighting with Ben Carson, fighting with Jeb Bush.

PEREIRA: Chris Cuomo.

NAVARRO: Fighting with Chris Cuomo.

CUOMO: I haven't even declared yet.

BRAZILE: Come on.

CUOMO: So, Donna, you're saying no, no, no, you don't think Trump is going anywhere. Neither does he. Neither do his supporters. His numbers, in fact, up in some of these recent polls. What do you see?

NAVARRO: She lights a candles to Trump every night.

BRAZILE: No, just on Tuesdays. I think - I think Donald Trump is here to stay for obvious reasons. It's not just his outsider status. I think he's speaking to some of the things that Republicans have been saying for the last couple of years. He's coming across as somebody who's decisive, who's going to make some bold decisions, and what's that the Republican primary base voters want to see in their next leader.

That said, I do believe that people are still shopping. Look, this is still early. We don't know exactly what - where they may end up, but we do know that they love what they're hearing from Donald Trump and, of course, Ben Carson.

PEREIRA: Well, I do love that we - that you both are reasonable on the fact that this is a long game, not a short game. We've got a long way to go in this - this triathlon, marathon, whatever you want to say. But the fact is, look at the unfavorability numbers, if we can pull those polls up. Both - I think it's interesting and indicative for both - for Clinton and for Trump. They have very, very high unfavorable numbers, yet they both lead the polls. This one over here, Mr. Cafe Mocha, will give you his whole dissertation on what he thinks that's about. But what does that mean and say to you, Ana? [08:35:25] NAVARRO: Well, I was really surprised by Clinton's unfavorable numbers on - in this - in the swing states where she has spent some time. They are higher than Donald Trump's. She's in the 60s in some of the unfavorables. Now, the margin of error on some of these polls is about 5 percent. That being said, it's still very, very high up. So despite all of her singing and all of her dancing and her authenticity tour, it seems to me people still don't like Hillary Clinton. She's got the same problem she did in 2008. And it's a very serious problem for her.

BRAZILE: Ana, news flash.

CUOMO: Uh-oh.

BRAZILE: There's a big news flash here.

CUOMO: What is it?

BRAZILE: And you know what that is? Most Americans dislike the politics. They like - they dislike politicians. They dislike most of the institutions in society. I'm not surprised at the two front runners, both Mr. Trump as well as Mrs. Clinton, that they are under water in terms of favorability. People just - they are sick of politics. They're sick of the partisan (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: But they have different - but they have high negatives for different reasons.

BRAZILE: Well, look, I mean -

CUOMO: I think Donald Trump has a high negative because he makes people not like him, but what also makes him effective with his base. And with Hillary, I think that may go to what you're saying, Donna, that she is the tried and true or false, based on how you feel about her actions, her history, her family, how much of it is just baked in her for individually.

BRAZILE: But, you know, just a few months ago Gallup poll had Mrs. Clinton as one of the most, you know, popular woman in America. So it just goes to show you that once you get into the political stream, hello Mr. Biden, guess what, your numbers change. People begin to form opinions. And you have to respect that. She has to go out there and earn every vote and to rebuild the trust with the American people, and I believe that she can do it.

PEREIRA: OK, I wanted to, just really quickly -

NAVARRO: She just mentioned - she just mentioned Joe Biden. And I have to tell you, if I'm looking at these numbers and these unfavorabilities for Hillary Clinton, I think it makes a stronger case for Joe Biden.

PEREIRA: Let's try to - quickly to some comments Ben Carson made a moment ago.

BRAZILE: I disagree with this - PEREIRA: Actually, I need to get this in, guys, because it's important to talk about it.

BRAZILE: Go ahead.

PEREIRA: He was responding to questions about his controversial comments that he made on the Oregon shooting, that he made yesterday. He just made these comments. Let's listen.


BEN CARSON (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I want to plant in people's minds what to do in a situation like this. From the indications that I got, they did not rush the shooter. The shooter can only shoot one person at a time. He cannot shoot a whole group of people. And so the ideal is overwhelm him so that not everybody gets killed.


CUOMO: A highly intelligent man, making a reasonable point of what to do in that kind of scenario, or insensitive criticism of victims?

NAVARRO: I think definitely not insensitive criticism of victims. I don't think he's trying to undermine or criticize the victims in anyway. That being said, I'm not sure it makes any sense for any of us to second guess what we would do in an instance like that unless we are in an instance like that. We have no idea how any of us would react, you know, in a time of crisis like that.

PEREIRA: Donna, your counterpoint?

BRAZILE: Well, I believe it's unpresidential, it's inartful. And let me just say this. I mean we have nine grieving families, we have victims who are still in the hospital and I just want to say to them, I'm a college professor and so I take heart in the fact that these are students who were there to learn, to study and they're not there to figure out what to do if that scenario occurs.


BRAZILE: So I want to be very sensitive to the families. I want to say to their loved ones that we're there for them and that we're praying for them and just ignore these politicians and what they're saying right now.

PEREIRA: Donna, Ana, it happened in the blink of an eye, too.


PEREIRA: That's what we need to keep in mind.

Thanks so much for joining us. A lot of topics to discuss with you today.

BRAZILE: See you tomorrow, Chris.

CUOMO: You know it.

PEREIRA: Look out.

CUOMO: You know it.

BRAZILE: Oh, baby, I'm coming.

PEREIRA: Oh, look out.

CUOMO: Oh, it's going to be a good day.

All right, now we're just six days away from the first Democratic debate.

PEREIRA: If you make it.

CUOMO: Oh, I'm going to make it. Tomorrow's going to be a good day. Hosted by CNN, of course, and Facebook. When? October 13th. Time? 8:30 p.m. Eastern right here on CNN. It will be a big moment for that Democratic side.

PEREIRA: Just how much will House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's (INAUDIBLE) on Benghazi help Hillary Clinton's campaign in the long run? We're going to bring in one of our political experts, the one and only Karl Bernstein for insights, ahead.


[08:43:38] PEREIRA: Time now for the five things to know for your NEW DAY.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter says the U.S. is not ready to cooperate with Russia on air strikes in Syria despite an offer from Moscow. The U.S. - as U.S. officials confirm Russian forces are on the ground in Syria.

The top U.S. commander in Afghanistan saying the U.S. needs a new troop plan there. General John Campbell says ISIS and al Qaeda are building strength in Afghanistan and that the U.S. needs to rethink a scheduled troop reduction.

A new Quinnipiac poll showing Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump leading in three key battleground states, Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

It is the NTSB's first full day investigating what exactly happened to El Faro, as the Coast Guard narrows down the search zone in an effort to find survivors. Key to the NTSB investigators, finding the cargo ship's voyage data recorder.

Flood ravaged South Carolina not out of the woods yet. Officials are closely watching dams, including the Beaver Creek Dam, which is imminently close to failing.

For more on the five things to know, be sure to visit


CUOMO: Mick, we need heroes and here is one. Here's the situation. Much of India, water, scarcity is a way of life. But this week's CNN Hero found a solution for his homeland by looking to the skies. Take a look.


[08:45:00] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Rajasthan is arid, dry. It is the driest region in India. In many villages, the ground water is disappearing. Wells have dried up. Women will have to walk miles to fetch water for their family.

The only time that people get relief is during the monsoon season.

I was born in Rajasthan and came to the U.S. working with the corporate world. In 2003 after my company went bankrupt, I decided I'm going to find a solution for the drinking water.

Aakash Ganga is a rainwater harvesting system. Rainwater is collected from the rooftops through gutters and pipes. The rainwater is divided in two parts. One part for the homeowner, another part for the community.

The main pipe which is buried under the street leads to the community reservoir which is located about 500 meters away.

The rain water is pure, clean, safe.

Today, there has been 10,000 people live healthier lives.

That's what keeps me going.


CUOMO: That's what keeps him going. Just helping everybody else. The time of year that we enjoy and agonize over the most is coming. Anderson Cooper revealing this year's top ten CNN Heroes.

PEREIRA: You get Donna Brazil, I get Anderson Cooper tomorrow.

CUOMO: Well, I don't know. It might be a wash. He'll be here right tomorrow morning on NEW DAY. Stay with us.

Also, House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy's words on Benghazi continue to haunt him. Rightly or wrongly. Did he just give Hillary Clinton's campaign the boost it so desperately wanted? That's next.


[08:50:33] CUOMO: Hillary Clinton's political fate made simple. Ready? The more weight of Benghazi, the more the unfavorability goes up. That is why her campaign is elated about what Kevin McCarthy said that makes Benghazi look like a big political gambit. Are they right? Perspective, please. CNN political commentator, Carl Bernstein, also the author of "A Woman

in Charge: The Life of Hillary Rodham Clinton." A must-read. Carl, thank you for being here.


CUOMO: The connection between the two is obvious. Even I know that. How does McCarthy play into this and how does it move forward?

BERNSTEIN: Well, Kevin McCarthy has given Hillary Clinton, her campaign, the biggest gift that they have had in six months. He's made obvious what's been the case all along, that the Benghazi investigation is a political witch hunt. It should have been shut down before and at the same time it does not obviate the fact that Hillary Clinton has a huge problem because she does not tell the truth very, very often.

CUOMO: Well let's unpack these two.

BERNSTEIN: That's why - Well, they are very related.

CUOMO: I understand that. But, you know, the elements of it. As the investigative journalist of a generation, you say Benghazi political, there is nothing there. Leave it alone. You can say that with complete assuredness that there is nothing worth investigating there?

BERNSTEIN: I've had many investigations -

CUOMO: And so we know -

BERNSTEIN: -- and we -- and I think we know what happened at Benghazi and people can make up their own minds and did Hillary Clinton try to make some political points in her and the State Department's answer to what happened? Yes. Look, Hillary Clinton -- this is not Watergate. Hillary Clinton is not a criminal president of the United States. She has a 60 percent unfavorability and distrustfulness rating in these new polls for reasons. It has do with the fact that she trims the truth and obfuscates and Democrats are concerned about it and its one of the reasons Joe Biden is in a good position if he does come into the race.

CUOMO: Does she trim the truth more than we are used to?

BERNSTEIN: Used to by whom?

CUOMO: By politicians.

BERNSTEIN: She has --


CUOMO: By those who are questioned.

BERNSTEIN: Again, I think that's a really good question, and we don't know the answer except in terms of judging individual candidates. Politicians lie. Hillary Clinton has been around public life for almost 40 years now. And what we see is whenever she is in any kind of trouble, she is unwilling to open up and be transparent. It has dogged her for years and years. And right now it's the biggest problem with her campaign.

CUOMO: But it preceded Benghazi. Will Benghazi make it go away? How much of a gift is this?

BERNSTEIN: The server is what -- the server question is what has solidified this impression because she's been less than truthful. She's been less than open. She has looked for all kinds of excuses, much like she did when she was in the White House as First Lady and the travel office debate came up. Something that should not have been a huge problem for her. The same as this server question.

Had she, at the beginning, when "The New York Times" revealed the existence of the server, said if what seems to be the case, look, my enemies are out to get me. The vast right-wing conspiracy as I've called it? Well, it exists and they are going to go after every e- mail I have so I did not want them to be subjected to that kind of scrutiny. Had she said something along those lines, as difficult as it might be, she wouldn't be in the mess she's in now. It solidified the impression of her as someone who can't tell the truth.

CUOMO: You know politicians and their movements very well for many years. There is a big meeting of the Biden family this weekend, we're told at CNN. What do you see the rhythm of that or the dynamic of that meeting being? Do you think it is those around Joe Biden coaxing him to run? Or do you think it is Joe Biden coaxing those around him to run with him?

BERNSTEIN: People I've talked to who are very close to Joe Biden say that he wants to run. At the same time, he's looking at everything around him, including his emotional temperature, what his family thinks. He's leaning towards running. He hasn't made a final decision yet. And also he's going to wait to see this debate that we have here on CNN on the 13th of October. See how Hillary does. He's going to wait to see how some of these things play out. But these new polls with the distrust factor of Hillary running at 60 percent in key states is a huge, huge factor in the election and perhaps in Joe Biden's decision.

[08:55:03] CUOMO: So you think there is timing involved here, that he wants to see what happens in the debate?

BERNSTEIN: He also wants to see her testimony on the 23rd of the month before the Benghazi Committee. This has all along been a great opportunity for Hillary Clinton to get up before the cameras, to get up in front of her enemies and say what is wrong with you people? Don't you believe in Democratic process? And she can make monkeys out of them and probably will.

CUOMO: What an interesting moment Carl Bernstein has framed for us here, that when Hillary Clinton stands up in front of this committee, the committee that was designed, some say, to take her down, she may do her best work yet in terms of helping her unfavorability and at the same time, she may do the best thing yet for Joe Biden in terms of whether or not he gets in the race.

BERNSTEIN: One of the reasons people in her party like Hillary Clinton is she is the ultimate cultural warrior. And we exist right now in a time of terrible cultural political warfare. And when she stands up to her enemies and goes to the facts and goes to her own record of accomplishment and the issues, she does very well. If she can deflect that, it will be a huge help.

CUOMO: Carl Bernstein, and so are you, a huge help. Thank you for being on NEW DAY as always, sir.

"NEWSROOM" with Ana Cabrera in for Carol Costello is going to begin for you right after this short break. See you.