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New Day

Florida Community Demanding Answers After Police Officer Shoots Drummer; Prison Hosts Father/Daughter Dance; "Back to the Future" Day. Aired 7:30-8a ET

Aired October 21, 2015 - 07:30   ET



CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Unsurprisingly, a Florida community is demanding answers after a popular drummer was shot dead by a plain clothed police officer in the middle of the night.

Police in Palm Beach say Corey Jones was waiting for help after his car broke down off a highway early Sunday morning, that's when an officer reportedly approached Jones who was armed. We don't know what happened next but the interaction ended with Jones dead.

Ben Crump, attorney for Corey Jones' family joins us now. Counsel, good to see you, not for this reason. What do you understand about this situation that you believe is important for people to know?

BEN CRUMP, ATTORNEY FOR COREY JONES: That Corey Jones was on side of the road, Chris, at 3:00 a.m. In the morning waiting for a tow truck. And what he needed from the police was a helping hands and all he got was bullets. And from that moment to this one, when his family is still demanding answers of why their god loving, god faring brother and son would be shot down by police.

CUOMO: Well the police say that Newman Raja, the 38-year-old police officer was in plain clothes, that adds an element to this situation about who knew what about whom.

That he pulled over on the side of the road to inspect what he thought was an abandoned vehicle. We don't know what happened. So how do we know what the nature of this situation was before it turned deadly?

CRUMP: Well Chris, we don't know what happened but we're certainly not going to take the word of the man who killed him as to what happened. We do know that he was on the side of the road. He had just got help from his (band) mate pushing his vehicle to the median off of I-95. And while he was there, apparently this plain clothed police officer in an unmarked van at 3:00 a.m. in the morning approaches him. He doesn't know if this is a police officer or not. His family believes he went to his grave not knowing who this person was. We don't know how many times he was shot. We don't know whether he was shot in the back. We don't know any of these questions.

But what we do know is that this street was surrounded by businesses with surveillance video. There was a streetlight that had video cameras on it. And what we want is this all to come out. If the police have video cameras with information, don't hide it from the family. Don't hide it from the community. We want you to come forward with it.

CUOMO: Well look, I'm sure everybody involved should want that. I mean very often video provides clarity. Certainly this is a situation we don't have one. A lot of this is the unknown and we have to wait and we have to know. You know that.


But there is one premise that I think we should another look at. You said we're certainly not going to accept the man of the word who shot him. Now, this is not some he said/he said on a street corner in the middle of the night. You're talking about a police officer. A police officer with a clean record who was plain clothed and stopped that night. Ben, do you want to re-think how to characterize the nature of that testimony from that person?

CRUMP: You know, I'm sure there was a clean police officer in Jonathan Wallace's case in Charlotte, North Carolina. There was a clean police record in Walter Scott's case in North Charleston, South Carolina. But when you look at this situation, all the policies and regulations that this police should have been trained seemed to have been just forgotten about that night.

CUOMO: How do you know Ben?

CRUMP: He didn't call it in.

Because this is the information -- the little information they did tell us, is that he did not call in this on his regular channel. That he should have called for backup. He should have told somebody he was going to approach this vehicle. And if we're going to look at what happened, and we talk about giving benefit of the doubt, there is nothing, Chris, and Corey Jones' character or history by all accounts that suggest he would ever shoot a cop.

In fact, his family, his brother told me that he went to get the gun. He wanted to make sure it was done legally. He made sure he had a concealed weapons permit. He was with his legal rights as an American citizen to have a gun for protection. And so for all we know, he was in the median of that road at 3:00 a.m. waiting for the tow truck just like he had got off the phone from his brother a few minutes ago, just waiting.

There is no reason he should be dead. And this is a situation that cries out for answers. It cries out for transparency. It cries out for the police to give this family information. Give this community information.

CUOMO: All of those things -- all of those things at this point, should be taken as true. The gun was purchased a few days earlier. We don't know why. You say for protection. We don't know if there was a specific threat feared. There's a lot of information that needs to come out. All I'm saying is, why tilt the scales of what to believe and what not before we know all the information, Ben. I'm saying that's where --

CRUMP: Chris Cuomo, who's tilting the scales ---

CUOMO: I'm just saying that's where the optics -- but your saying I'm not going to listen to what the cop has to say.

CRUMP: No, no, no, no, no Chris, his family isn't tilting the scales. Nobody's tilting the scales. We're saying we want answers. We don't want it to be swept under the rug.

CUOMO: Absolutely understood.

CRUMP: And so nobody is tilting the scales. All we're asking for is information. Don't try to put words in my mouth or the family's that we're blaming the police or something.

CUOMO: No, no, that's not my intention --

CRUMP: We want information.

CUOMO: Absolutely.

CRUMP: And we don't want to rely solely on the police officer who shot him in the middle of the night.

CUOMO: Absolutely.

CRUMP: We want the information to come out.

CUOMO: Absolutely. That's not how you originally put it, counsel, that's why I wanted to go back to that premise. All of us want information.

CRUMP: Now let me ...

CUOMO: ...That's why we're having this conversation Ben, because we care about what happens.

CRUMP: Let me repeat how I answered your -- let me repeat how I answered your question, Chris.


CRUMP: You asked me, you said, there's not much known about this situation. I said there isn't much known about this situation. But what we don't want to do is have to rely solely on the person who killed Corey Jones. His family knows Corey Jones. His community knows Corey Jones. They know his character. There is nothing in his history that would suggest in any way that he would kill a police officer. This was a god faring man, a god loving man who was inspirational to everybody he came in contact with. That's why you see so many people in shock and utter disbelief that this could happen to this good young man, one of the best men our community has to offer.

CUOMO: And that is what is motivating our coverage. We want to find the answers as well. We appreciate your appearance here. As we get more information, counsel, come back so we can continue to tell this story about what was right and what was wrong.

CRUMP: Yes, Chris. Andy body cameras would have helped.

CUOMO: Body cameras would have helped undoubtedly. And if there's surveillance video, it is need. We will press those questions as well. Benjamin Crump, thanks for being on the show. Extend our condolences.


CUOMO: Michaela.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: All right, we're just looking at this amazing clip here of fathers and daughters separated for months, even years.


PEREIRA: But one of the things that's amazing is there's a terrific institution, a correction institution is trying to keep the connection between the fathers and the daughters alive. Lisa Ling discovered the story. She's here to explain to us all about it. This is really moving.


The fathers that are locked up behind bars can go months, years, without seeing their children. One prison in Richmond, Virginia, is taking steps towards building the bonds between inmates and their daughters. This week on CNN's "THIS IS LIFE", Lisa Ling heads to the prison where they host a very special father/daughter dance inside that jail.


LISA LING, CNN HOST, "THIS IS LIFE": The City of Richmond is trying something extraordinary. A father/daughter dance in jail.

How many of you are really nervous about the dance?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Can I put two hands up?


LING: What are you most nervous about?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can't dance. I never danced with my daughter before. It will be the first time she ever seen her dad in a suit.

LING: Are you emotional about it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, you could say that, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was locked up when my child was born and I was barely there, and she's 4 years old now.

LING: So you really don't even know your daughter that well? UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, ma'am. Really, I don't know nothing about her,

for real.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I believe that building a healthy relationship with my children is important, whereas before I really didn't think about it. This dance is an opportunity for me to get to know my daughter for who she is and the chance to build a relationship and a bond that we didn't have in the beginning.



PEREIRA: Joining us now is the host herself, Lisa Ling. We should point out these are offenders that are low-level offenders.

LING: These are low level offenders, and most of them have substance abuse issues.

PEREIRA: And now most of them clearly are sober, they've rethought things, they're trying to re-establish these connections and they're getting the chance. You've been to a lot of -- I don't mean to make it sound like you've done time, but you have been to a lot of these facilities covering stories in your past, but this felt really different to you.

LING: I mean, I've covered so many stories in correctional facilities about gang violence, race wars, unsanitary conditions. But when I found out about this program, this fatherhood program that culminates in this father/daughter dance, I was instantly intrigued.

And the reason why having a program like that is so important is, we have over 2.5 million Americans locked up behind bars and more than half of that number have kids.

They're fathers or -- and mothers. And so many of them didn't have fathers in their own lives. So they don't have any idea how to be fathers.

PEREIRA: Well then you add to the fact that we're talking about race in our country and a good number -- a good majority of those faces are African-American and Hispanic. And it's affecting those communities that are left behind without fathers.

LING: Well, it's a vicious cycle. You're right. And there are so many households that are missing men, particularly in African-American households. And the likelihood of a child whose parent is incarcerated of ending up incarcerated themselves is very high. And so I commend the City of Richmond for really making that effort to reconnect fathers with their children.

PEREIRA: Not just the men that are getting something out of it, too. 'Cause I can imagine for these girls, and varying ages, I saw little ones and then teenagers. The presence of a father in their life, you and I both know this. LING: You know, Michaela, this is why --- this is why I so responded

to what they're doing. Because to me, the father/daughter relationship is one of the most important, most underestimated relationships in society.

PEREIRA: Agreed.

LING: A man's relationship with his daughter can shape the woman she becomes. And so I loved that they're trying to connect these men with their daughters and the time they spent together at this dance for some of them, was the most important time and the longest time they've ever spent with their daughters sober. And the idea is to incentivize them, to give them that desire to want to become productive fathers when they finally get out.

PEREIRA: Maybe it doesn't matter if you can't dance, you're just going to be so glad to be in your arms.

LING: I saw him dance there too.

PEREIRA: I know, I bet -- there's not going to be a dry eye on "THIS IS LIFE" with Lisa Ling, airing tonight at 9:00 p.m. I guarantee that right here, on CNN. Always great, congratulations on another great episode Lisa, I can't wait to see. Alisyn.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Well that does look fascinating. Can't wait to watch it. All right, meanwhile you know what October 21st 2015 is?

It's Back to the Future day. So what did the movie accurately predict?



PEREIRA: Do you know it was 26 years in the making but today the future is now my friends? A global celebration of "Back to the Future" day. When Marty McFly was flung 30 years forward to the time that happens to be now, October 21st, 2015. How did the movie actually do predicting the present time? Jeanne Moos did a little fact checking.


JEANNE MOOS, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is called Back to the Future but now the future is becoming the past as the time traveling machine's destination and the actual calendar match. Flying Delorean might not but we 2015ers still do. Flying car likes the aero mobile exist. As a business they're barely off the ground. Ditto for the hover board. Up until now they have hardly hovered. As people riding seem to do most of the flying off.

The actors who played Marty McFly and Doc Brown reunited.

Waiting for Nike to match the movie.

An outfit called power lace claims to have the technology. Though they haven't tied up the financing and the lag in laces is being mocked.

[Video] Put these on. Oh Rad. I bet they are futuristic self-lacing sneakers, right doc?

What, No they are called crocs.

MOOS: And this seemed to be a croc as well. It's 2015 and there's still no self-sizing, no self-drying.

Remember when Marty McFly ordered a drink? His Pepsi perfect came with a straw built into the lid.

But Pepsi special commemorative bottle is just a regular twist off, with plain old Pepsi inside.

Pepsi created 6,500 of the bottles and is selling them for $20.15. Get it? 2015.

Back to the Future's most astounding prophecy was this. 26 years ago, there was no team in Miami but there is now. And the forever hopeless Cubs are in the playoffs.

The ride service Lyft is offering free rides for a day in Deloreans. Mercedes jumped on the band wagon with a spot mimicking the movie's floating robot dog walker.

In real life we're dog years behind. With all this "Back to the Future" hoopla, here' a toast to the past.

How time McFlys when you are hydrating pizza.

Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.


PEREIRA: It's incredible isn't it.

CAMEROTA: It's so great.

PEREIRA: We have come a long way. But not.

CAMEROTA: How have we not figured outlet shoe laces yet?

PEREIRA: I know.

CAMEROTA: I mean we do have Velcro, so that's progress but it's not like the zip in crocs.


CUOMO: You know what's interesting, the one thing that's neglected in that, is the internet.

PERIERA: I know.

CAMEROTA: They did not predict that. PERIERA: That's a good point. Cell phones, internet.

CUOMO: Well they had cell phones back then but they were huge.

PEREIRA: But now we have these little communicating devices and there are watches, and glasses. I mean --

CAMEROTA: No-one saw that coming.

CUOMO: Self sizing clothes, would you guys like that or no?

CAMEROTA: Sure yes.

PEREIRA: It would judge me, and I don't want that.

CAMEROTA: You don't have to go (INAUDIBLE), I'd like it.

CUOMO: It would judge me. Speaking of someone who is looking to be judged. Paul Ryan says all right, all right, I'll consider the speaker of the house thing but I got terms and conditions.

Can they be met? One person who knows more about this process than just about anybody is Senator John McCain. We're going talk to him about this and the big day for Hillary Clinton tomorrow.



REP. PAUL RYAN (R), WISCONSIN: My greatest worry is the consequence of not stepping up.

CUOMO: Congressman Paul Ryan saying he is willing to run for Speaker of the House, but there's a but.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He'll get enough votes and it will be a sign of unity.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R-OH), SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE: I expect to be out of there by the end of this month.

CUOMO: Hillary Clinton squares off with the House Benghazi committee.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A multi-front Democratic attack taking shape.

JOE BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: The other team is not the enemy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even though he's not yet a candidate, he's now getting candidate-level scrutiny from the press.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On Wednesday, October 21, 2015.

PEREIRA: My friend, the future has arrived.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 2015? We're in the future! (END VIDEOTAPE)

ANNOUNER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota, and Michaela Pereira.

[08:00:00] PEREIRA: That's you.

CAMEROTA: That's you.

CUOMO: Thank you very much. I was waiting for you to do it.

PEREIRA: We're going to feel it. Letting you go.

CUOMO: Good morning. Welcome to your NEW DAY. Ignore the others.