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New Day

Hillary Clinton Preparing To Testify Before The House Select Committee On Benghazi; Late Night Hosts Going Back To The Future To Poke Fun At The Donald; Ben Carson Leading Donald Trump. Aired 7:30a- 8:00a ET

Aired October 22, 2015 - 07:30   ET


[07:33:31] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN HOST OF "NEW DAY" PROGRAM: Hillary Clinton preparing to testify before the House Select Committee on Benghazi this morning. The democratic frontrunner will face eight hours they predict of questioning. So, let us go inside politics with Political Correspondent for "The New York Times" Patrick Healy and Columnist for "The Daily Beast," Patricia Murphy.

Great to see both of you. Patrick, let me start with you. We have seen it already this morning on our program. Democrats and republicans complete at odds about what is going to happen. Democrats say, "All of the questions have been answered. Nothing to see here. This is just more of the same." Republicans, say, "No, we have new information. Here is new e-mails that we have inert since the last time she appeared. Which one is it?

PATRICK HEALY, POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT FOR "THE NEW YORK TIMES": Right. And, no matter how republicans frame this, the democrats are going to say, there is nothing new here. Anything that is relevant is not new. Anything that is new is not relevant. Those were the talking points that Hillary Clinton's campaign was putting out last night to its supporters.

CAMEROTA: In this book. I mean they have a massive book about what they planned to do?

HEALY: They have incredible lieutenants. And, look, yesterday, they were starting a real push to get a lot of those Joe Biden donors, supporters, people who are sitting on the fence, democrats to start coming into their camp. A big part of that is to tell them, "Look, the Benghazi hearings have nothing that is new.

The republicans -- what they need to do, though, is have something. Have at least sort of a few -- sort of either e-mail or lines of questioning that come to be takeaway, so the democrats cannot just say, "You know, this is partisan. There is nothing here. She is just being roughed up."

[07:35:02] CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST OF "NEW DAY" PROGRAM: Well, Patricia, if it is not a smoking gun that has been found in the Stevens e-mails, what would be something that could be brought out as, let us say, connective tissue, in terms of what was known and what was done that leads to Hillary Clinton that would substantiate the demands of this committee?

PATRICIA MURPHY, COLUMNIST FOR THE "The DAILY BEAST": Well, I think what the republicans would like to do would be to tie Hillary Clinton to the decision not to provide new security to the ambassador when he requested it. There is no smoking gun, as you said.

What they would like to do is push her to her emotional brink and get her to admit to that. I do not think they are going to be able to do that. But, she, as somebody who is very controlled, somebody who is very -- usually cool under pressure. She has cracked a couple of times talking about Benghazi.

CUOMO: Well, she certainly got upset.


CUOMO: But, first of all, I am not saying there is no smoking gun. I am saying they would need to evince one out of these e-mails.

MURPHY: Right. Yes. We have not seen one yet.

CUOMO: But, have she been asked what her connection was?

MURPHY: Yes. She answered that.

HEALY: Over and over and over again.

MURPHY: She said that those requests did not make it up to her love ones.

HEALY: If it is we know, Hillary Clinton has sort of a sarcasm trigger, where it can be the likable Hillary Clinton, then the unpersonable Hillary Clinton. And, what they need is, you know, 10 seconds, 5 seconds, either of a video clip that can be shown in Iowa, again and again and again. And, that is -- let us be -- let us be -- that is part of what the takeaway is on the hope of republican candidates here.

CUOMO: But there is something going on here. I will tell you why. There is somebody, who is somehow connected -- a staffer connected to the committee, who did a nicely hit piece on me yesterday. And, it was so beautifully intentional. I said that -- she spoke for over 6 hours to them.

They said, "No, it was only 5-1/2. And, there I go back to the Clinton people, then I go, "Well, she was there for over 6 hours." But, to write a memo, saying "Cuomo got this wrong." And -- Look, he said that she talked about the threat. She talked about what she knew. She talked about before and after. It is all false. She never really did it.

HEALY: Right.

CUOMO: And, they parsed my words so carefully. The intentionality is very extreme. What does it say to you? HEALY: Absolutely. It says that their goals. It says there is

rough up anyone that you see as a potential enemy, threat, spin -- you know, frame things to whatever sort of talking points that we need.

You know, look, they are going to come out of this wanting to go after either whatever kind of media is either suggesting that there is nothing here for Hillary. That it is tough for Hillary. I think what you are seeing is both sides are sort of arming up for what this --

CUOMO: I am just saying if it is not about politics, why are both sides playing this politically.

CAMEROTA: Well, I mean, of course, it is about politics. And, Patricia therein lies the rub, because this will affect her campaign. In fact, there is new poll numbers out just 37 minutes ago that talk about whether or not how they think she has handled this. And, this is everybody. OK?

This is not just democrats or republicans. This is everybody. And, her poll numbers are going in the wrong direction. Are you dissatisfied with Clinton's handling of the Benghazi attack. Now, 59 percent are dissatisfied. So, this is a pivotal moment for her campaign.

MURPHY: It is a very big moment for her campaign. Democrats have had this date circled in red on the calendar for a long time. This is the moment where Hillary Clinton can put this behind her and say, "I have answered all of your questions. I have sat in front of you for 8 hours. You asked every question, I gave every answer."

So, yes, she can put this behind her. But, to Patrick's point, republicans just want something, one moment -- one moment to put in front of voters, frankly, and -- which they have already done, actually, with a number of ads to say Hillary Clinton is not telling you the truth.

We know that her handling of the same old situation that has come out of this Benghazi panel is what -- is bringing her numbers down. She needs to turn those numbers around. And, this is the moment republicans believe they can push her right over the edge, hopefully, for them. But, democrats believe this is the moment that they can say, "Look, you asked, we answered. It is over, new story."

HEALY: And, when we talk --

CUOMO: Patricia -- go ahead.

HEALY: One thing about democrat, when we talk about turning points, remember, the democratic primary base is very enthusiastic for Hillary Clinton when it comes to the Benghazi Committee hearing. This is not about rallying democrats behind her. They are going to be behind her and they are going to sort of see this is just sort of a partisan witch hunt.

What this is about for her is the electability question. Coming off of Joe Biden's announcement yesterday, there now -- there is going to be a reckoning within the Democratic Party. But, can she win, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, New Mexico, the states that Obama won in 2008.

Because if Florida and Ohio are kind of off the table, if it is a Bush or Kasich on the ticket, she got to win those states. So, the concern today is not so much about the democratic primary. They think they are solid there. It is looking ahead toward the general. And, is there anything that comes out today that really gets at bad judgments on her part, that can be really kind of whacked over and over next fall.

CAMEROTA: Yes. Patrick and Patricia, thanks so much for helping preview it for us. We will be watching very closely. Thanks, guys.

[07:40:01] CUOMO: All right. Another story that we are covering here that really is a window in the violence in America. A dramatic confrontation caught on video. We are going to speak to a genuine hero.

A police officer, who was stabbed over and over with a knife and screwdriver and still prevented catastrophe in Miami. We will show it to you. And, you will get to hear from him.



CUOMO: All right. You are going to see video this morning that is new. It is graphic and I think you should see it, and here is why. It is a window into the reality that officers face keeping us safe. What you are watching is a deranged assailant repeatedly stabbed a police officer with two different weapons.

That officer's name is Mario Guttierrez, and he survived that attack. And, is now back at work keeping people safe. And, he joins us this morning. Mario, thank you for joining us. Most importantly, how are you doing?

MARIO GUTTIEREZ, POLICE OFFICER, MIAMI-DADE POLICE DEPARTMENT: I am doing good, sir. Thank you for inviting me.

CUOMO: No, no, no, the pleasure is ours. I know you do not remember a lot about the incident. When you saw this video, when they showed it to you when you were ready to handle it, what did you think of what you saw?

[07:45:03] GUTTIEREZ: It was a vicious attack. It also, you know, let me see what I was not able to remember. And, it came close -- he game close to killing me.

CUOMO: Well, his intentions were certainly clear. Now, what I understand is, you came upon this scene at the gas station. You thought that this guy looked suspicious. May have been doing something to -- to set up an explosion or do something, otherwise. Do you recall now what it was about, and why you came up there? GUTTIEREZ: Yes. I initially saw -- the smoke. And, when I

moved my vehicle, I realized. I saw the fire. And, I saw him grab the hose from the pump to try to fuel the fire. So, that is when I acted right away. I knew he was very close to blowing up. So, I hit the emergency shutoff button that is on the outside of the building to shut down the pumps.

And, then I went to, basically, try to incapacitate him, put him, you know, with a taser. Put him in handcuffs. Arrest him, and call for the fire -- to put out the fire, and try to, you know, prevent an explosion.

CUOMO: You do not remember --

GUTTIEREZ: That was my intention.

CUOMO: You do not remember what happened in those horrible moments. But, you do remember what was motivating you to continue fighting. And, man, did you fight like heck in the situation, where many would have succumbed to what was going on. What was that motivation?

GUTTIEREZ: My family. I realized that, you know, I wanted to see them again. And, I said, no, he is not going to kill me. I am going to win this. I need to see my family again. And, that is what gave me the strength to push through.

CUOMO: Did you ever second-guess going back to the job?

GUTTIEREZ: No. I could not wait to go back. I love what I do. And I look forward to it, and I am happy to be back.

CUOMO: What do you say to people when they are trying to understand these police shootings that we see in the news about what it is like to be out there every day on the job. And, what your concerns are as an officer when you come into an altercation?

GUTTIEREZ: Well, people need to understand that police officers are necessary. They are the ones who go towards the bad thing that everyone is afraid of. And, they go in there willingly, and they take on that bad thing, you know, with no hesitation.

And, there is a lot of negativity out there now, but, you know, cops, you need them. And, there is a lot of good men and women out there that will put it out there. And, take care of business.

CUOMO: What do you tell people when they say, "Well, what about the bad cases? What about cops when they do the bad things, and you know, they do the shootings are unjustified, the force is unjustified. What is your answer?

GUTTIEREZ: Well, I will tell you right now. Policemen will take care of that. They do not want bad policemen in their unit. And, they will get them out of there. You know, we are the first ones to go after them. CUOMO: Well, listen, I appreciate you talking about this. I am

sure it is something you want in your past, but I know it motivates your future as well to keep your family safe and keep the people safe that you protect every day. Mario, thank you very much for being with us.

GUTTIEREZ: Thank you.

CUOMO: And, I love reading that you said that all you want out of life now is peace. To have peace during your time on this Earth and peace beyond.

GUTTIEREZ: That is it.

CUOMO: How is it going so far?

GUTTIEREZ: That is it. So far, so good. I am on my road towards that goal.

CUOMO: What do you tell yourself as a person of faith about why this happened and what it is supposed to do for you?

GUTTIEREZ: You know, I know God was with me that night. And, you know, he pulled me through it. My faith in him and my love of my family helped me in. You know, I am looking forward to the future with God and with my family.

CUOMO: Well, you look great. You have recovered enough to be on the job. And, sometimes, you hear that life puts you through the worst to bring you to your best. And, we hope that for you and your family. Mario, thank you, and thank you for fighting that day.

GUTTIEREZ: Thank you, sir.

CUOMO: Absolutely. Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: All right, Chris, let us have some levity. Late night hosts going back to the future to poke fun at the Donald. We have late night laughs for you, next.



[07:53:16] CAMEROTA: Well, back to the future day gave late- night hosts a chance to mock the present 2016 race. Let us watch.

CUOMO: I cannot wait to see it.


TREVOR NOAH, LATE NIGHT HOST OF "THE DAILY SHOW WITH TREVOR NOAH" SHOW: Happy "Back to the Future" day, everyone! Yes!

(AUDIENCE CHEERING) It turned out that 1989 movie got a lot of things right about the

future. It correctly predicted biometric identification, wearable technology, and Donald Trump's presidency.





JIMMY KIMMEL, LATE NIGHT HOST OF "JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE" SHOW: Oh, Biff! You know what? Biff is here. A few months ago, he lost his job. But he is working as -- he is working for us as our stage manager now.


J. FOX, AS MARTY: Not that Biff. I am talking about the guy from 1985, who became a rich, egomaniacal casino owner and ruined the world.


KIMMEL: Oh! Now, I know who you are talking about. That is why he is running for president right now.




KIMMEL: What did you think of Larry David's impersonation of you o "Saturday Night Light?"

BERNIE SANDERS, (D) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Well, I thought it was pretty -- pretty good!



CAMEROTA: I cannot get enough of that. I cannot get enough of the Bernie Sanders-Larry David stuff.

CUOMO: I love it. And, why these moments are important is because they give the candidate a moment to judge themselves to laugh at themselves, and you will learn a lot. And, Bernie has handled it very well.

CAMEROTA: And, they also give us a break. And, then they give us a break from the intensity of all of the campaign to laugh at them also. CUOMO: But, you know what, though? For Bernie Sanders, there is

no distraction from the passion of the cause. I am surprised he had no further words in middle class --

CAMEROTA: I love when Larry David --

CUOMO: "Some of this rich people, they got three or four pairs of underwear. Hah! That is just so funny!" All right.


[07:55:00] CAMEROTA: It is better than your impersonation.

CUOMO: Well, Larry David is much, much, much better. All right. in fact, it hurts me just to mention it. So, let us move on.


CUOMO: This is a big day. We have been saying it, you know. There is no hype that you can attach to it. You cannot exaggerate the significance of what will happen today when Hillary Clinton goes before the select committee on Benghazi.

There will be a winner and a loser after this. Is there a new information? Is there a new understanding or is this what democrat say, "Just hype"? We will look at the possibilities, ahead.



CUOMO: New poll this morning. Ben Carson leading Donald Trump.


BEN CARSON, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I do not actually think about the other people who are running. I just think about the message that I am putting out.



DONALD TRUMP, (R) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Frankly, I really want to run against Hillary. She is not worthy of being our president.



CUOMO (voice-over): Hillary Clinton testifies before the controversial house Benghazi committee this morning.



rounds of questioning. I really do not know what to expect.



TOM FOREMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: She will have more experience with congressional hearings than most of the people there.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE SPEAKER: It looks like some sort of medical emergency. It is not an accident.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Concession in a fatal road rage shooting.



GORDEN EDEN, ALBUQUERQUE POLICE CHIEF: This is a complete disrespect of human life.



VERONICA GARCIA, MOTHER OF LILLY GARCIA: And she is going to be missed by a lot of people.



UNDIENTIFIED MALE ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota and Michaela Pereira.

CUOMO: Good morning. Welcome to your "New Day." It is Thursday, October 22, 8:00 in the East. And, my friends, today is the day.

[08:00:00] Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton set to eight to ten hours of grilling before the House Benghazi Committee. There will be a winner and a loser after this is all over. And under the microscope --
