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New Day

CNN Poll: Trump, Carson Neck-and-Neck in Iowa; Police: Fox Lake Officer Tried to Hire Hitman; Bush 41 Blasts Cheney & Rumsfeld in New Book; Hispanic Groups Protests Trump on SNL; Carson Defending His "Violent" Past. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired November 06, 2015 - 06:30   ET



[06:32:13] MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: Confusion at Egypt's Sharm el-Sheikh airport following word that some of the flights meant to the rescue British passengers would not be arriving as planned. However, the British ambassador says no flights have been canceled. The first flights should be leaving soon. There is word that one flight has already departed. Thousands of tourists have been stranded in Egypt since MetroJet flight 9268 crashed.

In the meantime, another major issue for those stranded passengers, security. They're only being allowed to take carry-on bags onboard the plane. No checked luggage allowed.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump and Ben Carson neck and neck in Iowa, in a brand new CNN/ORC poll just out this morning. Trump is at 25 percent, with Carson at 23 percent. Marco Rubio third at 13 percent, that's two points ahead of Ted Cruz. We'll be speaking with Dr. Ben Carson at 7:00 a.m., here on NEW DAY.

As for the Democrats, Hillary Clinton now has a healthy lead in Iowa. She's at 55 percent. That's 18 points ahead of Bernie Sanders.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: A new disturbing twist in the death of a Northern Illinois police officer before staging his own suicide to look like a murder. Police say Lieutenant Joe Gliniewicz explored hiring a hitman to murder a city administrator.

For more, let's turn to CNN's Rosa Flores like from Fox Lake, Illinois.

And, Rosa, this story just keeps getting stranger and stranger.

ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It absolutely does and sources confirming to CNN that Lieutenant Gliniewicz widow and his son are being investigated by authorities for possible connection to embezzlement of thousands of dollars.

Now, remember those deleted text messages that authorities released? Well, sources confirming to CNN that individual one is the widow and that individual two is the son, and that they were heavily involved in that embezzlement.

But perhaps the most shocking revelation, of course, is what John just mentioned, that authorities believe that there was a possible hit on a village administrator. Take a look at your screen, because we have got the text message that gave authorities the clue about this possible hit. I'm going to read it to you here.

It says, quote, "Close to entertaining a meeting with the mutual acquaintance of ours with the word 'white' in their nickname." Authorities telling me that the word "white" was their clue that that was the name of a high-ranking gang member that could possibly be killing the village administrator. All of this according to authorities.

So, imagine the shock by this village administrator. She was stunned, she was scared.

And, one more thing: authorities telling us they found cocaine inside Lieutenant Gliniewicz desk after his death. They tell us they don't know where it came from or what it was for -- Michaela.

PEREIRA: This story has taken so many twists and turns. Rosa, thank you for bringing us up to date on the latest.

This is a really touching on.

[06:35:00] A terminally ill "Star Wars" fan from Texas just got his dying wish, a personal, private viewing of the not yet released "The Force Awakens", the latest in the "Star Wars" epics. Thirty-two- year-old Daniel Fleetwood suffers from a rare connective tissue cancer. He doesn't have long to live. Two of the new films actors and producers got word of a Twitter campaign that's been circulating using the #forceforDaniel and they arranged for a private screening at Daniel's home.

BERMAN: I think that's wonderful. I love when decency finds a way to break into everyday life.

PEREIRA: Sheer humanity, love for one another.

CAMEROTA: Particularly when decency breaks through on Twitter.


CAMEROTA: That's news worthy.

BERMAN: The force is strong with all of them.

CAMEROTA: That's great.

Well, President George H.W. Bush slamming Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney in a new biography, claiming they did not serve his son well when George W. was president. Well, now, Cheney and Rumsfeld are firing back. CNN sat down with President Bush's biographer about all of this, next.


[06:40:02] BERMAN: A new biography of George H.W. Bush shedding new light on his true feelings about his son's presidency. It includes harsh assessments and harsh words for Vice President Dick Cheney and Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, not to mention some biting musings on all sorts of public figures.

The book is called "Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush". It is written by Pulitzer Prize-winning historian Jon Meacham.

CNN special correspondent Jamie Gangel sat down with Jon.

And, I got to say, Jamie, every new detail that comes out this about book is more and more intriguing.

JAMIE GANGEL, CNN SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT: I have to tell you, I read the book twice. It is great. It really is.

And it's Bush 41 like you've never seen him before. Jon Meacham was given exclusive access to Bush Senior's never before released diaries. These are taped diaries that bush recorded his whole life right through the Oval Office, on board Air Force One. And Meacham also got insight on everything from what Bush thought of the Clintons, to his own sons' two terms in office.


GEORGE H.W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT: I accept your nomination for president.

GANGEL (voice-over): This is George Herbert Walker Bush unleashed, sharing his most private thoughts on everything from his time in office to his family. --

GEORGE W. BUSH, FORMER PRESIDENT: This administration is not going to rest.

GANGEL (voice-over): -- to his son's presidency.

JON MEACHAM, AUTHOR: He handed over four years of diaries in the White House with no strings attached.

GANGEL (on camera): And he said to you --

MEACHAM: Call 'em like you see 'em. Let -- you're going to sort it out.

GANGEL (voice-over): Among the many revelations, Bush 41 is bluntly critical of the men who served his son in the White House. He calls Vice President Dick Cheney "Iron Ass" and former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld an "arrogant" fellow.

But perhaps the biggest surprise, Bush is critical of his son for his hot rhetoric.

(on camera): We've never heard him criticized his son before as president.


GANGEL: Why do you think he went public now?

MEACHAM: I think with the distance of history, he believed so strongly in the fact that force and diplomacy have to be complementary, not competitive that I think he wanted to put on the record that he doesn't think the president has accomplished very much by swaggering. They should be strong but they don't need to be needlessly provocative.

GANGEL: So, is this a father worried about his son's policy being criticized, not being right? Is there a father/son here?

MEACHAM: There's always a father/son thing here. Of course. I mean, how could there not be.

GANGEL: Was George W. Bush at all defensive about the criticism from his father?

MEACHAM: He was surprised by it. I think it's safe to say, he said, dad never said any of this to me, either during the presidency or after. He said he never would have said, "Hey, you've got to rein in Cheney, he's going to ruin your administration. And anyway, I disagree with him. These were my policies."

He knew he would never say these things directly to him, which is in and of itself fascinating.

GANGEL: And other insights include a blunt assessment of Bill Clinton as a draft dodger and a liar. And Meacham writes the Bushes were, quote, "horrified" by the Monica Lewinsky scandal.

But later, Bush acknowledges he couldn't help but like the guy.

(on camera): Do you think it's a genuine friendship?

MEACHAM: For George H.W. Bush I think it is.

GANGEL: And for Bill Clinton?

MEACHAM: You never know, do you?

GANGEL (voice-over): That said, the Bushes don't seem to have the same warm feelings toward Hillary Clinton calling her, quote, "militant and pro liberal".

(on camera): Why do you think they let you go public while they were still there because they are both very -- she may be blunt, but they are old school.

MEACHAM: They are old school but they are also old school in this sense, which is that history will sort it out. I think they are fearless about history.

GANGEL (voice-over): Just one example, this is an excerpt from Bush's diary which he dictated on Air Force One in the lead up to the Persian Gulf War. It is the first time we're hearing it.

GEORGE H.W. BUSH: It's been probably the most hectic 48 hours since I've been president and for terms of serious national security interests, I've been on the phone incessantly.

GANGEL: Another disclosure, what the family says about political competition between George W. and brother Jeb.

(on camera): There is this narrative around Jeb that he was supposed to be the one to follow in his father's footsteps, and both he and his father said on the record not true.

[06:45:09] MEACHAM: George H.W. Bush said, all the talk that Jeb was the one, that's (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

GANGEL (voice-over): The diaries also reveal that none other than Donald Trump played an earlier unusual role in Bush political life. In 1988, Trump apparently volunteered to be Bush's vice president.

(on camera): And what did George Bush think of this?

MEACHAM: Strange, unbelievable I think is the quote. But it does show you that Donald Trump has been eyeing that real estate for a long time.


GANGEL: For the record, George W. Bush had this to say about Cheney and Rumsfeld. He said he is proud and grateful for their service. Cheney told Jon Meacham he smiled when he saw it and said, fascinating. And he said he never did anything he felt that bush didn't want.

And this response from Donald Rumsfeld, quote, "Bush 41 is getting up in years and misjudges Bush 43, who I found made his own decisions. There are hundreds of memos on that represent advice DOD gave the president."

PEREIRA: It's almost as though the way George senior talks about both of those men and their response cements about how he feels about them. It's very interesting.

GANGEL: One of the things is, so Bush 41 says Cheney is a good man. He was his own secretary of defense and I think they had a long, good history, no matter what he says. Donald Rumsfeld, as my teenagers would say, not so much. There is a long -- there's long, bad blood.

BERMAN: Forty years of bad blood between the two of them.

GANGEL: A lot of competition. Who would become president, I think there.

BERMAN: So, Cheney, one of the things that's interesting, is so many people asked in the last 24 hours, why is this coming out now? You know, poor Jeb to have this book be dumped in the middle of a campaign when he's trying to be president.

GANGEL: So, it was absolutely accidental. The decision to do this book was made years ago. The publication date was made before Jeb even decided to announce.

PEREIRA: But they're so careful about everything.

GANGEL: This is not -- this was not in the Bush's control. This was Jon Meacham. So, it had nothing to do with the family. And remember, everyone thought for a long time Jeb was going to be the leader. So it's not as if Jeb's down, you know?

CAMEROTA: Just fascinating to hear all of these behind the scenes stuff. Thanks so much, Jamie. Great to see you.

PEREIRA: Well, meanwhile, this weekend, Donald Trump is gearing up for a little "SNL" tomorrow night. It's likely going to be a ratings hit. There's a lot more than just ratings at stake for both Trump and NBC.

We're going to discuss it all ahead.


[06:52:07] PEREIRA: Donald Trump hosting "Saturday Night Live" is likely to be a ratings bonanza. There's a lot at stake I'd say for both the candidate and NBC, the network, facing a bitter backlash from several Hispanic advocacy groups.

Want to the discuss it all with CNN contributor and author of "The War for Late Night", Mr. Bill Carter, who was up late last night watching late-night TV, and CNN political commentator and Democratic strategist Maria Cardona.

Good to have you guys both here.

Maria, we've got to get your perspective on this, because we know that you work with a lot of Latino leaders and advocacy groups. And we know that they've been pretty vocal, there have been demonstrations, calling for him to not be on "SNL" this weekend.

When asked about it, he said I think they should demonstrate, the ratings will go even higher. Probably huge is the word he wised to use.

What's your take on it?

MARIA CARDONA, CNN POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, look, Latino leaders are upset about this. And I think rightly so. What they see in "SNL" giving this huge platform to Donald Trump is frankly a network and a program that is sanctioning bigotry, racism and hate speech.

And what is so curious about this, Michaela, is that back in June, NBC actually slashed ties with Donald Trump after he announced his candidacy and after he uttered those misguided words about hatred towards Mexican immigrants, calling them rapists, calling them criminals. NBC putting out a statement saying what Donald Trump said does not comport with the principles and values of NBC.

So, what happened in five months? Clearly, they saw that he is, he continues to be a ratings juggernaut. That he is at the top of the polls. And so, for ratings expediency, their values and principles go out the window.

CAMEROTA: Bill, is that how you see it? What is Lorne Michaels' calculus here, with keeping Trump on despite all the protests?

BILL CARTER, CNN CONTRIBUTOR: I think it is a challenge for the show. The show has to deal with it. They have to deal with it.

I don't want to prejudge and say, well, they shouldn't put him on because of what he said in the past, or whatever. He's a leading candidate. He's in the news. He's a factor. That's what they like to do. They like to keep up with the current, you know, events.

So, that's legitimate to put him on. The show has to confront this in some way. There has to be a sketch or something that's done that shows they acknowledge this is going on.

Now, there's a potential protest for someone going to shout in the audience. That's a weird, too, is someone is putting up a bounty for this to happen.


PEREIRA: Let's explain that. There's a group that's offered a $5,000 bounty for anyone willing to disrupt the programming, the taping of "SNL." In fact, I think there's an ad to show you what "Dump Trump" is about.


TRUMP: When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists.


PEREIRA: So to that end, that is something that they're going to have to logistically deal with that.

[06:55:03] CARTER: Yes, exactly.

PEREIRA: I mean, obviously, at NBC headquarters where they tape the show.

CARTER: And you don't, you can't question somebody.

PEREIRA: What are you intentions?

CARTER: What are your intentions?

So, that's going to be interesting to see if that occurs in the middle of the show.

And all this makes this must-see television. This is what Trump will be able to boast about. I think he will bring big ratings to the show.

BERMAN: They'll have ratings and Trump will win on that.

See, Bill, I remember Andrew Dice Clay.

CARTER: Yes, of course.

BERMAN: Andrew Dice Clay hosted "Saturday Night Live" and some of the women on the cast refused --

CARTER: Refused to be on the show. Yes.

BERMAN: To go on.

CARTER: Interestingly, the other problem is, there are no Latino cast members on the show.

CAMEROTA: Yes, I was going to mention that.

CARTER: That's a big factor. There haven't been many in the entire history of the show.

I think you might see interesting cameos. They have to do something. Remember when we didn't have black women on the show, they had a whole sketch with Carrie Washington. She had to play every character. They wound up hiring two black regulars on the show.

PEREIRA: This would be a watershed moment, perhaps, Maria?

CARDONA: Yes. If I could mention a couple other points, these Latino leaders aren't doing this in a vacuum. They've asked for a meeting with Lorne Michaels for the last two or three years to talk about what Bill mentioned, the complete lack of diversity on the show -- 41 seasons and only two Latinos have been on, zero Latinas have been on. He's refused to meet with them.

The second part is that, on Saturday night, Latinos will be watching, Latino leaders will be watching to see who sponsors the show. For a community that represents more than $1.5 trillion of buying power in this economy, I think that's something that sponsors should actually listen to and take note of.

CARTER: I think that that's going to be a challenge. That's why the show has to stand up to it. They'll be judged. Trump is going to be judge and the show's going to be judged.

PEREIRA: How is he going to be judged? Quickly before we leave.

CARTER: He has to be funny, self-deprecating and funny, and his not too foolish.

CAMEROTA: They write that for him.

PEREIRA: Delivery is key. Timing.


CARTER: Exactly.

PEREIRA: We know about that.


PEREIRA: Maria, we appreciate you joining us. Bill, as always.

You can get in on the conversation on social media using #NewDayCNN. Jump on Facebook and comment. We know you'll be watching.

Well, we're certainly following a whole lot of news including interview with presidential candidate Ben Carson. Let's get right to it.


CAMEROTA: Donald Trump and Ben Carson running neck and neck in Iowa.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee are missing the cut for the big kid's table.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Questions of Marco Rubio spending on a Republican Party charge card.

CARSON'S RADIO CAMPAIGN DAD: If we're going to get America back on track we have to vote Ben Carson a matter of fact

BEN CARSON (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I threw a rock and broke someone's glasses.

The person I tried to stab was a close relative of mine.

PEREIRA: Dr. Ben Carson joins us live.

DAVID CAMEROTA, BRITISH PRIME MINISTER: We cannot be certain that the Russian Airliner was brought down by a terrorist bomb.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think there is a possibility that there was a bomb.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The intelligence pointing to the idea of an insider involved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The British government isn't allowing tourists to put any luggage in the cargo hold on their way home.

ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo, Alisyn Camerota and Michaela Pereira.


CAMEROTA: Good morning, everyone. Welcome to your NEW DAY. Chris is off today. John Berman joins us this morning.

We do have breaking news. A brand new CNN/ORC poll out just the last hour shows a Republican horse race in Iowa. Donald Trump leads with 25 percent, Ben Carson at 23 percent and there's a ten-point span all the way to Marco Rubio and third, Ted Cruz in fourth. Still, both of those men are also on the rise.

Meanwhile, there's a new lineup for the GOP primetime debate next week, John. Tell bus that.

BERMAN: Yes. There will be men not on that stage. Chris Christie not on the stage. Mike Huckabee not on the primetime debate, and Lindsey Graham and George Pataki not debating at all.

Of course, while that's happening, we have Ben Carson. He will be joining us live any minute now.

First, though, let's go to CNN's Sara Murray in Washington.

Sara, let's talk about the debate first. We know the lineup, Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee, big hit for them.

SARA MURRAY, CNN POLITICAL REPORTER: Yes, that's a big hit for Chris Christie. And weeks ago, his campaign was telling me it is going to be important for him to end up on this main stage in this debate. You see it's going to be a smaller, sort of big kids table, main debate.

You see there that it's going to be Chris Christie and Mike Huckabee who move to the underground. Lindsey Graham and George Pataki will not be on stage at all.

Let's take a look at our new Iowa poll, we just had up for you a second ago. If you run through, you can see it's two tiers of candidates, Donald Trump and Ben Carson leading the pack. In the teens, Rubio, Ted Cruz, 13 percent, 11 percent. Everyone, Jeb Bush, everyone else stuck in the single digits here.

Meanwhile, Ben Carson today is facing new questions about shifting accounts of his (AUDIO GAP) has been a cornerstone of his presidential campaign. It's talking about these instances when he was younger when he attempted to stab someone, where he attempted to attack his mother with a hammer.