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Source: Paris Ringleader Returned to France Via Greece; Trump Says It's An Honor to Be Complimented by Putin; Arrest Warrant Issued for "Affluenza" Teen. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired December 18, 2015 - 06:30   ET



[06:31:48] MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR: New details emerging now about how the ring leader of the Paris terror attacks made it back to France to carry out that massacre. It's likely to stir up more calls for tougher controls of refugees from war-torn Syria.

Sara Sidner joins us live from Greece with more for us -- Sara.

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Michaela, recently, what we are hearing from investigators is that Abdelhamid Abaaoud was able to make it from Syria, likely been to Turkey and onto the Greek island of Leros. And that island, very, very, very close to Turkey. I mean, we can see Turkey from here on this Greek island, very close, and able to get on the boat somehow and potentially make it there, along with many, many other refugees.

And that's what they're trying to figure out is whether or not he used the refugee crisis as a cover, so that he was able to use that same exact route. And there will be calls for more security. There are already have been, because he is one of three, they believe two other of the attackers did the same sort of thing, ended up on the Greek island of Leros, and then somehow found their way into Europe. And we have to also remember though that they did have European passports, most of them, including the ring leader, who was a Belgian Moroccan.

And so, a lot of the details, we will have to find out how they were able to make it into Europe undetected from Syria. We should also tell you that the refugee crisis is not in any way slowing down. We have seen dozens and dozens and dozens of people, men women and children, coming to this Greek island of Lesbos today alone -- Alisyn.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Sara, that is such an important reminder, that even we're not necessarily playing the pictures, the refugee crisis continues. Thank you for that reporting.

Well, back here at home -- an unlikely bromance brewing between Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin. The Russian president calling the GOP frontrunner bright and talented. What does Donald Trump think of Putin? And where is this heading?


[06:37:45] JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Donald Trump getting a vote of confidence from a man most world leaders prefer to distance themselves from, Russian President Vladimir Putin. Putin called Trump bright, talented, saying he's the absolute leader in the U.S. presidential race and now, Donald Trump is returning the love.

Peter Beinart is a CNN political commentator and associate professor at the City University of New York.

Peter, let me read you the Trump response because I think in some ways, it's more interesting than what Vladimir Putin said. Trump says, "It is always a great honor to be so nicely complimented by a man so highly respected within his own country and beyond. I've always felt that Russia and the United States should be able to work well with each other to defeat terrorism, restoring world peace, not to mention trade and all of the other benefits derived from mutual respect."

He calls Putin a man who so likely respected within his own country and beyond.

PETER BEINART, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Right. Well, it's reeling because, of course, Putin is not a democrat, right? Putin is not democratically elected. He's an authoritarian leader. And I think it just underscores the degree to which Trump has authoritarian tendencies himself, right? He sees Putin as a great leader. Putin is, in fact, a guy that's trampled all over Russian democracy. And indeed, I think Trump has some of those same tendencies here at home.

BERMAN: It isn't the type of endorsement most candidates running for president would seek, because let me, Vladimir Putin's approval ratings in the United States right now. Pew University did a poll I guess back in February, favorable 10 percent, unfavorable 76 percent.

So, why on earth would Donald Trump brag about being liked by a guy who is so wildly unpopular?

BEINART: You know, but there's been this weird strain in the Republican Party of admiring Putin because he's strong unlike Obama. And I think that's what Trump is getting at here. He's saying, Putin respect me because I'm strong. He doesn't respect Obama.

It's also worth remembering that Trump is the one Republican who has endorsed the Russian airstrikes in Syria, saying that it's good that Russia is attacking ISIS. So, there's actually a policy overlap here between him and Putin as well.

BERMAN: You know, it's interesting. I was speaking to Sam Clovis, who's a top adviser to Donald Trump, especially in Iowa overnight. And Clovis essentially told me that, look, this just shows how strong Donald Trump is. He's not even president and he's forcing Vladimir Putin to show respect.

BEINART: Yes, that's ridiculous. Really what's happening here I think is, the best explanation, is that because Trump has endorsed what Vladimir Putin is doing, Putin is endorsing Trump, right?

[06:40:06] It's not that complicated. But Trump has this megalomaniacal view that because he's such a great deal maker, he'll be able to get in the room with every world power even though he's basically ignorant about the policy issues involved, and cut his great deals for the United States.

BERMAN: What about the flip side of this? You don't hear a lot of world leaders offering praise for Donald Trump. I mean, David Cameron has gone out of his way to say Trump would not be welcome in the United Kingdom, certainly Muslim leaders around the world not happy with Donald Trump.

What does Vladimir Putin get out of saying pleasant things?

BEINART: Well, there's another interesting theme here, which is that you notice that Russia has been very hostile to refugees coming into Europe and Russia has been portraying itself as the kind of leader -- new leader of the West against this, quote/unquote, "Islamic invasion", very culturally conservative, Putin. So, in a way, there's an ideological connection you see between the way Putin has been responding to the Middle East and the way Trump has been responding.

BERMAN: Does Putin -- I mean, there are a lot of Muslims who live in Russia.


BERMAN: Does Putin pose risks to himself by praising Donald Trump, a man who called on banning Muslims from the United States? He can't ban Muslims from Russia. It's a huge Muslim population.

BEINART: Right. Well, actually, Putin's greater danger is that all of this bombing he's doing in the Middle East is actually leading, there are already have been some terrorist threats in Russia from Muslims inside Russia itself.

A lot of people think that's going to be a big problem for Russia. But Putin doesn't seem concerned about that. He wants to position himself, part of re-establishing Russia as a great power for him is re-establishing Russia as a kind of defender of the West.

BERMAN: Do you expect to hear Donald Trump bragging about Vladimir Putin more?

BEINART: Look, you know, Donald Trump is incapable of not bragging about anything. So, I think it makes -- anything that is for his wheel house he'd brag about.

BERMAN: Peter Beinart, great to have you with us. Thanks so much.

BEINART: Thank you.

BERMAN: Michaela?

PEREIRA: Hey, John, I don't know if you saw this video from the game last night. The wife of PGA star Jason Day leveled by LeBron James. That collision so jarring, she was taken from the arena on a stretcher. Ahead, we're going to get an update on her condition and also the King's reaction.


[06:45:54] CAMEROTA: President Obama planning a stopover in California tonight to meet with family member of the San Bernardino terrorist attack. He says the homeland is safe for the holidays with no specific or credible threat. He's defending his strategy to defeat ISIS despite claims from critics who say he's not tough enough on terror. The president heads to Hawaii after his stop in San Bernardino for a 16-day vacation. Mr. Obama will hold his year-end news conference at 1:50 p.m. Eastern. We will carry it live on CNN.

BERMAN: The Chicago police officer who fatally shot teenager Laquan McDonald set to appear in court today. Earlier this week, Jason Van Dyke was formally charged with six counts of first degree murder and one count of official misconduct. The officer expected to plead not guilty once a judge is assigned to preside over this case.

PEREIRA: History being made in the Catholic Church. Pope Francis approving a second miracle attributed to Mother Teresa, enough to make her a saint. The miracle involves the healing of a Brazilian man who had several brain tumors. Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003 after Pope John Paul II approved her first miracle. The canonization ceremony for Mother Teresa is expected in September.

CAMEROTA: I didn't know any were still waiting for that. I thought she had been approved.

PEREIRA: Due process.

BERMAN: I think there are a lot of people who would say she was a saint while she was alive.

CAMEROTA: Absolutely.

PEREIRA: Touched so many lives.


BERMAN: A courtside seat turned out to be in the danger zone for the wife of pro-golfer Jason Day. This is awful.

Coy Wire has more of the bleacher report.

Hey, Coy.


Day and night trip to see LeBron and the Cavs turned into a trip to the hospital for PGA champion Jason Day's wife last night. Now, the couple was sitting courtside when King James came crashing into their seats when chasing this loose ball.

Now, LeBron is 6'8", 250 pounds. That's a freight train, guys, coming down the tracks. Ellie Day was carried out of the arena on a backboard, taken to the hospital -- actually back to the hospital. She just gave birth last month.

Now, the good news is she is expected to be OK. After the game LeBron tweeted an apology and invited her back to another game.

So, good news there.

Now, who wins the battle between ketchup and mustard? Buccaneers and Rams?

That was the question as both teams sported their color uniforms Thursday night. Jameis Winston would throw a career best, but this was all about the Rams. They never trailed on their way to the 23-31 win. Some say Rams owner could be moving the team to Los Angeles next season, possibly making that the last home game in St. Louis.

So, fans were chanting "Keep our Rams" during the game. It was an emotional night. We'll see what happens after this season -- guys.

BERMAN: Todd Gurley is good, Coy.

WIRE: Big boy.

BERMAN: I like watching these running backs. I like the number one backs. I missed them. It's great to see.

WIRE: Old school smash mouth. He can play.

CAMEROTA: That's great, Coy. Thanks so much.

WIRE: You're welcome.

CAMEROTA: Meanwhile, a developing story this morning, the FBI and U.S. Marshals are joining the search for the so-called affluenza teenager who got probation you'll remember for a deadly drunk driving crash. Well, a Texas sheriff vows to find him. We have the latest on the search, next.


[06:53:09] PEREIRA: The FBI and U.S. Marshal Service now joining the search for Ethan Couch. Why is that name familiar? Well, that Texas teen went missing while serving probation for a deadly accident he caused.

At his sentencing, his defense team said Couch suffered from "affluenza", because they say his wealthy parents didn't teach him right from wrong. Couch and his mother went missing after video surfaced allegedly showing him at a beer pong party.

Joining us now, our wonder team of CNN legal analyst, Danny Cevallos and Joey Johnson.

There is a whole lot of outrage about this story, first off, right? I mean, we all think about what were these parents thinking? You've got this kid doing crazy things, is not held accountable. A lot people are upset about the fact that he got probation. We now know the U.S. marshals and the FBI formally joining the search.

Danny, how is that going to change the game when this young man is apprehended?

DANNY CEVALLOS, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Well, it's going to change it greatly because the federal government has tremendous resources in tracking down fugitives. They are outstanding at it. And I'm sure, as two defense attorneys, we can tell you that when the U.S. marshal decides they want to track somebody down, they're very good at it.

And the other part of that is --

PEREIRA: They get their man.

CEVALLOS: Yes, they do. But increasingly, a guy, especially a kid like Ethan Couch is somebody who leaves a digital trail. This is not somebody who will be able to slip into the corn like "field of dreams." He's somebody who's going to leave a trail. He's got friends. He's not a survivalist.


CEVALLOS: He should be found eventually.

PEREIRA: However, Joey, the thing is, he is, we've -- it is believed that he is traveling with his mom or left with his mother. He has an adult with him, and these people have means.

JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: That's the issue. That's why -- you know, in a typical case where someone doesn't have the resources that he has, it's another matter. When you have resources and potentially you plan to do this, you know, it may be a long time come before they get him, you know, in light of that.

[06:55:01] But what I find ironic about this whole thing, Michaela, just for one moment backing this up -- we talk about affluenza, which is the defense that was raised regarding not being held accountable and there not being consequences to anything you did. Then you get a sentence which pretty much, you know --

PEREIRA: Reinforces.

JACKSON: -- corroborates -- exactly -- there's no consequences there either. I do think ultimately he'll be brought back.

PEREIRA: You do think -- you both feel he'll be brought to justice?

CEVALLOS: Yes. There are defendants who go on the run and disappear. This is not one of those defendants. This defendant is a young man who is not used to being on the lam. So, he will in all likelihood be found.

PEREIRA: Slip up.

JACKSON: But the fact that he has the resources just make it prolong it that much more.

CEVALLOS: He has the resources but he doesn't have a stack of cash he's been hiding under a mattress.

PEREIRA: His mom might.

CEVALLOS: His mom has MasterCards.

PEREIRA: We don't know, really.

CEVALLOS: These are things that leave a trail. Right, we don't know, but --

PEREIRA: So, let me ask you about the mother, what kind of consequences does she face?

CEVALLOS: In Texas, a parent in the juvenile system, a parent can be made part of an order for probation and can have obligations under that order. A parent can be held in contempt. This is an increasing trend we've been seeing, I'm sure Joey has been seeing it, too. In juvenile cases parents are increasingly being held responsible for when their kids violate or when their kids do things wrong.

There are even some jurisdictions that charge parents with misdemeanors when they just don't watch their kids.

PEREIRA: Some were calling for that in the original sentencing, right?

JACKSON: It's not only the fact of what Danny is talking about. It's the aiding, abetting, the assisting someone who should be speaking with their probation officer.

PEREIRA: Well, let's talk about that. I want to show you the video that apparently set this all off. This video allegedly showing Couch at a beer pong party. Now, it does not actually show him drinking but, you know, we all were teenagers. If you're at a beer pong party, likely the chances are pretty high. We don't know that he did for sure.

Is there enough video evidence, Joey, to him have violated his probation, aside from the fleeing?

JACKSON: I think the attorney would have had a challenging but certainly a good argument with respect to this video. Now, it's horrific what we know, he was not supposed to be around alcohol, not supposed to be consuming alcohol.

Not supposed to be -- look, you're 16 years old. You kill four people. You're told to go rehabilitate yourself. You're given an opportunity. Take that opportunity as a second chance for the lease on your life because you took others.

But I think with the video, attorneys could have made multiple arguments. The problem you have now is that it's a violation in and of itself for him not to be in contact with his probation people. PEREIRA: OK. So, Danny, original sentence, ten years of probation,

ordered into a long-term mental health treatment away from his parent's influence. That's the one thing the judge tried to stipulate.

The punishment was widely considered a slap on the wrist. It outrage, especially the families of the four people he killed. We're going to speak with some of them later. Two years into this probation he goes missing. The families, that's what I keep coming back to, those families of the four people he killed, do they have any legal recourse?

CEVALLOS: Other than civil actions they may have filed already in this case, they really don't.

PEREIRA: But the fact that he's now fled, there's no new --

CEVALLOS: They really don't. If he goes back before the judge and gets his probation revoked, even that is not a hearing that typically you're going to have victims come back and testify at. The judge will look at the facts and circumstances and either revoke his probation, send him to whatever facility they can, whether it's juvenile court or adult court, and there really isn't going to be recourse for the parents.

But those who have lost loved ones can and, I believe, have filed civil lawsuits.


CEVALLOS: That is really their only main source of recourse, that and restitution that's been ordered. That's small.

JACKSON: In addition to the victim impact statement. Now, certainly, victim impact statements are critical in instances like this. And now, you have another opportunity for the families to say, you know what, this was serious to me.

If you heard the father speak who lost his daughter and his wife, how riveting and what he has to say.

PEREIRA: Goodness.

JACKSON: How courageous he is, the fact that he talks about going to a dark home. The fact that he says this person, this child has not been held accountable, judge, hold him accountable now. You have every opportunity to do it. Look at what he was doing at that party.

PEREIRA: Let's talk to them, if they happen to be listening or somebody helping them hide or flee -- turn yourselves in because you have to show some modicum of decency here.

JACKSON: It does not help them at all, Michaela. It doesn't help them at all.

PEREIRA: It ends the horror for these families. That's what this is about, really.

JACKSON: No, exactly. What I'm saying to you, it doesn't help him to be on the lam, at all.

PEREIRA: It doesn't, that's true.

CEVALLOS: Not at all. He's adding to whatever punishment he's going to get.

PEREIRA: Well, guys, there's a lot of outrage to this story. Glad you could bring your legal expertise, Danny, Joey.

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Following a lot of news on Friday. Let's get right to it.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Our intelligence and counterterrorism professionals do not have any specific and credible information about an attack on the homeland.