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New Day

Final Goodbye to "The Greatest"; Obama, Biden & Warren Endorse Hillary Clinton; NBA Finals: Cavs Look to Even Series. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired June 10, 2016 - 06:00   ET



[06:31:58] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: A final good-bye today for one of the great American icons of the 20th century, Muhammad Ali. A funeral procession through the home streets of hem hometown of Louisville, Kentucky, this morning followed by a public memorial service for tense of thousands of his fans.

CNN's Martin Savidge is live outside of Ali's childhood home.

Good morning, Martin.


It's going to be a day befitting of a champion, and it's a day of celebration. The family wants to make that very clear here. Not a time for sadness. It's a time to celebrate a remarkable life. Day two, by the way, of a two-day farewell.

And, also, make no mistake that all of what you are seeing here is either been planned by Muhammad Ali, expressly asked for, or he has signed off on the plan in a plan that's been ten years in the making. So, that is why it will be such a tremendous day.

It will begin with a procession that starts at 9:00 Eastern Time. It's going to wind through the streets of Louisville, Kentucky, to allow as many people as possible to have their own private time to say their farewell. It's going to pass right by his boyhood home here, go through the neighborhood he grew up in and make its way to the cemetery.

The last stretch of road to the cemetery will be covered completely by rose petals, and among the pallbearers will be actor Will Smith, and Lennox Lewis, one of the great boxers. So, that's that.

And then, there is the very public ceremony that's going to take place. This is the memorial service. Tickets were gone in a matter of minutes.

Bill Clinton among those who will remember the great one. It will be quite a day -- Chris.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Right. And, Martin, as you know, what they call "the book", the preparations for what happens when Ali is gone is about the pomp and circumstance and also the legacy of all the causes that mattered to him and why. So, we'll take people through that as well.

Michael, thank you very much. We'll check back with you.

Coming up in our next hour, Ali's daughter Laila is going to share memories of her father. And in the 8:00 hour, we're going to talk to another champ, former heavyweight boxing champ Evander Holyfield.

So, please stay with CNN for coverage of Ali's funeral and memorial service. That will be starting at 1:30 p.m. Eastern.

CAMEROTA: I look forward to hearing from both of them.

All right. With President Obama formally endorsing Hillary Clinton saying he is ready to hit the trail on her behalf, will President Obama take on Donald Trump and how? And could that backfire? All of that is next.


[06:38:22] CUOMO: President Obama has hit the field. He's got one arm around Clinton and the other one around the neck of Trump. Here's a taste of Obama on "The Tonight Show."


JIMMY FALLON, TONIGHT SHOW HOST/COMEDIAN: Do you think the Republicans are happy with their choice?

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: We are. But I don't know how -- I don't know how they feel.


CUOMO: Joining us now, CNN political commentator Bakari Sellers, a longtime Clinton supporter, and CNN political commentator, Ben Ferguson, host of "The Ferguson Show".

Good to see you both, fellas. The president is in the game.


CUOMO: The endorsement is the least of it. It's what he's going to do going forward.

What do you see and expect from the president, Bakari?

BAKARI SELLERS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Well, first and foremost, I think the president is doing a wonderful job beginning to unify the party. It's one thing to just bring Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders into the fold, but we have about 10 million other American whose went out and voted and gave their blood, sweat and tears for Bernie Sanders, and we need to bring them into the fold as that's not going to be easy. So, that's going to be the first and foremost.

And second, she going to continuously pummel Donald Trump over his unfitness to be president of the United States. I think it's both political and personal for Barack Obama.

CUOMO: Ben, we were all ballplayers. Somebody used to say, I got my five. Who's your five? The five that Clinton is lining up seems to be Obama, Biden, Clinton, Sanders, and Warren. Who are Trump's five?

FERGUSON: I think he' still trying to figure out who that five are going to be and he likes being a one-man show when it comes to the center of attention. I think he feels like bring them on. He loves being ganged up here.

[06:40:00] Having Barack Obama out there for Hillary Clinton is obviously going to a big asset for her. He loves the campaign trail. One of the things he was incredibly good at the first time he ran.

You can tell that he enjoys it. This is also for him a victory lap. He's going to go around the country, people are going to love hearing from him and seeing him on the Democratic side and they're going to -- he's going to enjoy I think every moment of that.

For Donald Trump, I don't think he's overwhelmed by this. If you look how he's been able to handle all the Republicans that ganged up on him for example at the debates, after the debates, all the establishment that ganged up on him trying to take him down, I think he relishes this moment to go toe to toe with Barack Obama.

And remember, this has been festering a while. Barack Obama took a lot of shots at Donald Trump at that White House correspondents' dinner. Don't think for a moment that Donald Trump has forgotten about that night. He's ready to go toe-to-toe with him. I think he's going to be very entertaining.

CUOMO: All right. So, now, let's look at the balance of it, OK, because it's not a basketball game, it's about the future of this country.

So, Bakari, you have temperament, OK, that's what we are seeing, measured and tested against Trump right now, right? It's not just what came out of his mouth that people in Ben's party, even in the leadership, are saying he's either bigoted and/or racist but how he's dealing with it verse ethics. OK? Because that's why Hillary Clinton's negatives are as high as his are in terms of the unfavorable ratings.

How do you think Clinton deals with her own challenges? Whether it's Benghazi, e-mail or any of the other sundry scandals that are coming out and will come out again?

SELLERS: Well, I think first and foremost, Chris that is the balance of this election. And I think what Hillary Clinton has to continue to do whether or not it's the 11th hour she spent in front of the Benghazi committee or whether or not he's dealing with these challenges from Donald Trump as they come. I think she has to not only show and prove to this country she is trustworthy, not only does he has to continue to show that and show that Donald Trump is unfit, is temperamentally unfit.

So, I thin it's a delegate balance. But she has to open up and continue to push back on that if she moves forward in this race.

CUOMO: Now, in fairness, Ben, you have been in no rush to lionize Donald Trump, I remember that. I'm not using you as a postcard for the party right now, but it a precarious position. You have people coming out and saying, what the guys said is bigoted, some are saying racist. And we don't like it, it's unacceptable, but he's our bigot. So, we're going with him because we're going to run him against Clinton.

That's not an easy thing for you to say, Ben Ferguson. How do you rationalize this?

FERGUSON: Well, I think there's two things here. Donald Trump, you know what you get. He won't apologize and he's not going to pull back from things he says. He doubles down when people put pressure on him. That's why people like him, ease authentic and not overly calculated like you see from Hillary Clinton.

I think the other point he's going to make is, I may have made a comment that you don't like about a judge, but at least I didn't lie about my e-mail server and classified information. He's also going to point out clearly that she has a trust issue.

Donald Trump does not have a trust issue. People, in fact, trust him. They love him. That's why he had so many people came out and voted for him. So, that is where you're going to see a big -- hey, you may not like what I say all the time. I'm Donald Trump, I'm going to be blunt but at least I'm not Hillary Clinton when it comes to national security other issue, flat our lying or telling the truth.

CUOMO: It seems like your party begging, the bigoted trying to get away from.

Ben Ferguson, well argued, as always. Bakari Sellers, always a pleasure. Great to have you both on the show.


CAMEROTA: Let's talk sports, Chris. The Stanley Cup was in the house in Pittsburgh, whatever that means, but no one got to drink from it just yet. Andy Scholes will explain all of this in our bleacher report, next.


[06:48:00] CAMEROTA: The San Jose Sharks staying afloat in the Stanley Cup Finals with a win over the Penguins last night.

Andy Scholes has more in this morning's "Bleacher Report."

Hi, Andy.


You know, one of the hardest things to do in sports is win on the road when you're facing elimination. And with their backs against the wall, the Sharks, they squashed the Penguins party last night.

Check out the scene outside the arena. Thousands of fans in Pittsburgh ready to celebrate a championship, may have been more fans outside than inside. One minute into the game, the sharks on the board. His fabulous beard, put them up 1-0. Martin Jones, hero for San Jose. He had the most saves in a Stanley Cup finals game in nearly 50 years. Sharks win it 4-2 staying alive sending the series back to the Bay.

All right. The city of Cleveland will once again be rocking tonight for game four of the NBA finals and like game three, LeBron says this is a must-win for the Cavs.


LEBRON JAMES, CLEVELAND CAVALIERS: It's the same mindset. We cannot go out 3-1 going into their building. So, it is a do-or-die game for us still.

STEPHEN CURRY, GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS: We're 2-1. We're up 2-1 right now. The story is still unfolding.


SCHOLES: Tip-off tonight at 9:00 Eastern, and, Alisyn, this game likely deciding the series as the Cavs can't afford to go down 3- 1 heading back to the Bay Area.

CAMEROTA: Andy, great to see you and have you back. How's Baby Beckett?

SCHOLES: Baby Beckett is doing awesome. And I'll tell you what, my wife is doing a fabulous job with those late-night feedings.


CAMEROTA: Ah, that's great! Great to hear, Andy. Great to have you back.

SCHOLES: All right. Thanks so much.

CAMEROTA: All right. President Obama does late night and slow jams the news. You've got to see this. We'll have it for you, next.


[06:53:25] CUOMO: President Obama in one of his most comfortable roles on late night TV, a straight man in chief on "The Tonight Show". It was one of the funniest slow jams at least a while.

CAMEROTA: Also watching his face while it's happening.

CUOMO: One line in particular really got us. So here it is with Jimmy Fallon. Watch.


BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES (slow jams): It's been an honor and a privilege to serve as your president over the past eight years. When I first took office, our nation was facing one of the worst recessions in its history. Since then, we've added more than 14 million new jobs and lowered unemployment to under 5 percent. Through the actions of my administration, we were able to stimulate the company and get our country back on track.

JIMMY FALLON (slow jams): Ah, yeah President Obama stimulated long-term growth in both the public and the private sector. In 2008, the country wasn't feeling in the mood it was too tired and stressed, said it had a headache. But Barack lit some candles and got some silky satin sheets silky satin sheets, now told the American people, yes, we can.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, we ca it's all right he created tons of jobs for you and me and he's got one more left for Hillary.


[06:55:00] OBAMA: As President I'm proud of the many progressive steps our country has taken in recent years, both socially and environmentally. The United States has been a leader in developing clean energy to ensure the health of our planet for future generations. Thanks to the Affordable Care Act, an additional 20 million Americans now have access to quality health care. And same sex couples across the country now have a constitutional right to marry.

In short, climate change is real, health care is affordable, and love is love.

FALLON: Commander and preach. You gotta listen to my man, Bar- eezus. He's accomplished a lot in eight years. Even when congress tried to block him, he found a way in through the back door.

When Republicans gave him lemons, he made so much lemonade, Beyonce started calling him "Barack-y with the good hair".

Barack-y with the good hair. His first two terms ended in such a hurry. Wish he could go for three like my man Steph Curry.

OBAMA: Now, now, there will be no third term. I can't stay forever. Besides, daddy's got a wild vacation booked in about 203 days, but who's counting?

That being said, the American people faced an important decision this fall. The entire world is watching and they look to for stability and leadership. Now I know some of the presidential candidates have been critical of my foreign policy.

I don't want to name any names.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's talking about Donald Trump.

OBAMA: But I believe it is of the upmost importance to work along side of the world leaders. That's why I signed Iran nuclear deal. That's why we reopened diplomatic ties with Cuba. And that's why I negotiated the new trade deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the TPP/

FALLON: Now hold on there President (INAUDIBLE)

Are you saying you're down with TPP?

OBAMA: Yes, you know me.

Look, Jimmy, the TPP allows American physicists to sell their products both at home and abroad. The more we sell abroad, the more higher paying jobs we provide here at home, it's that simple.

FALLON: So what you're is this trade deal will help put every day Americans back to work, work, work, work, work.

Put it back to work, work, work, work, work. He put it back to work, work, work, work, work.

OBAMA: Work, work, work, work, work.

FALLON: Now Mr. President since you're here I got to ask, have you been watching all the election covers this week about Donald Trump?

OBAMA: No but I have been watching my new favorite show, Orange Is Not the New Black.

FALLON: Woah, woah, woah. I'm going to need you to Netflix and chill.

I get it if you're a little wound up after all this time. I mean, I can't imagine what it'd be like to do the same job for eight straight jobs.

OBAMA: Jimmy, you probably never will.

America's best days are still yet to come.

FALLON: Thank you, Mr. President, for all that you've done.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This country's on track and that is a fact. Once you go Barack, you will never go back. Thank you for leading the red, white, and the blue.

FALLON: That is how we slow jam the news.

OBAMA: Oh yeah.

FALLON: Give it up for the president of the United States, Barack Obama.


CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh. Wow!

CUOMO: How does they keep a straight face?

CAMEROTA: That was one of the best parts. Watching the president try to keep a straight face during those -- great jokes.

CUOMO: They blocked him in the front door and went through the back --

CAMEROTA: That was the one moment where he was like, oh, boy.

CUOMO: Yes, I know. He's going through the layers of how this is going to play out. But that was funny.

CAMEROTA: Chris and I are going to slow jam the rest of the show.

But we're following a lot of news this morning. Democrats uniting behind their presumptive nominee. So, let's get right to it.


OBAMA: I am fired up, and I cannot wait to get out there and campaign for Hillary.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D), MASSACHUSETTS: I am ready to get in this fight and work my heart out for Hillary Clinton.

OBAMA: I don't think there's ever been someone so qualified to hold this office.

CUOMO: The Republicans are trying to figure out how to get behind a man they keep calling a bigot.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I feel like a broken record. I continually am disappointed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He's trending the wrong way with me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An America, we have such poor choices.

JOSEPH BIDEN, VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: To intimidate and undermine an independent judiciary would be blatantly unconstitutional.