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Clinton Campaign on Trump's Mexico Trip; Chris Brown Charged; Clinton Foundation Ties. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired August 31, 2016 - 08:30   ET



[08:32:54] (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

MIKE PENCE (R), VICE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I don't know where Hillary Clinton is. I heard she's going to Cincinnati today. But I think the American people can see quite a contrast between Donald Trump, who gets an invitation from a world leader, drops what he's doing, even with a major speech on the schedule for tonight, and heads down to Mexico to sit down with the president of that country to begin a conversation about - about how we - how we move the interests of the American people forward.


ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: That was Donald Trump's running mate, Governor Mike Pence, weighing in on Trump's surprise trip to Mexico today to meet with President Enrique Pena Nieto. This trip comes just hours before Trump's highly anticipated immigration speech tonight in Arizona.

Joining us now is the Clinton's campaign's director of Latino outreach, Lorella Praeli, to weigh in on the response to Mike Pence, as well as the trip.

Good morning, Lorella.

: Good morning.

CAMEROTA: Let's start with that. What is your response to what VP Nominee Mike Pence just said, basically Donald Trump is seizing this opportunity to go and speak to the president of Mexico. Where is Hillary Clinton?

LORELLA PRAELI, HILLARY FOR AMERICA LATINO OUTREACH DIRECTOR: I actually think Donald Trump has one purpose for this trip, which is to distract the American people from what has been at the core of his campaign message and policy throughout the last 14 months. He launched his campaign by calling Mexicans rapists and criminals. That has been who he is. He has consistently talked about his policy to deport not only 11 million undocumented Americans in this country, but also go after kids who are born in the United States and are citizens by birth to also deport them. So that has been his policy. This is just another - a deliberate attempt to draw attention away from that. CAMEROTA: Well, regardless of his motivations, will Hillary Clinton

accept the invitation from the president of Mexico to go there?

PRAELI: The secretary last met with President Pena Nieto in 2014 and she looks forward to doing so again in the future.

CAMEROTA: So - but she does feel the need to do it during the campaign?

PRAELI: I think the secretary has spent the last 14 months talking about what is important to the American people, talking to Latino voters about what her plan is. And she couldn't be in a more different place than Donald Trump on this issue. She launched her campaign by meeting with dreamers and listening to them and bringing their policy into that conversation.

[08:35:08] She used the Democratic Convention to bring that family forward, to talk about the issues that our - that immigrants are facing in our country and to talk about how to fix the issue. Donald Trump launched his campaign trashing Mexicans, by talking and spearing hatred and bigotry throughout the campaign. He then took the national convention and began to spread more hate. And so they couldn't be in a more different place. The secretary looks forward to an opportunity in the future to meet with President Pena Nieto.

CAMEROTA: So, Lorella, why do you think President Pena Nieto invited Donald Trump, a man who he has said recently that he thought that Trump's rhetoric sounded like Hitler's and Mussolini's. So why do you think he invited him and what do you think he's expecting out of this visit?

PRAELI: You know, I think that we have to let President Pena Nieto decide that for himself and explain that himself. I think we have to remind ourselves about what is really happening here and stay focused on that. Donald Trump has spent the last two weeks trying to use different rhetoric, but his policy remains the same. His son was on TV today, Governor Pence was on TV today saying nothing has changed from his policy. His policy is to go around, round up and deport 11 million undocumented immigrants from this country. His policy is to build a concrete, giant wall along our southern border. And so that is the focus of this. His policy is to take away deferred action from childhood arrivals, to take away protection from deportation, from dreamers in our country and put them on a path to deportation. That is the plan here.

I don't want to get distracted. I don't think the American people will allow themselves to get distracted when Donald Trump has made this the core of his campaign. The one policy that he has explained to us over the last 14 months is his immigration policy. And that is exactly what is happening here. We cannot allow ourselves to get distracted by changing headlines or an attempt to distract us from his real policy.

CAMEROTA: I mean, so since this is an opportunity, since these two men will be having a one-on-one meeting, what do you want President Pena Nieto to explain to Donald Trump? PRAELI: I think - I think Donald Trump needs to explain himself. But I

also feel like he has been explaining himself for the last 14 months. As I said, and I'm going to continue to say this because really this is an attempt to distract what is happening in his campaign and how he's led us to this moment. Donald Trump, from day one, has used this campaign to demonize immigrants in this country. He has not only gone after immigrants, he's then gone after Mexican-Americans. And you saw that with Judge Curiel when he went after him and said he was less American, that he could not do his job because of his Mexican heritage. That is, I think, the conversation they should have. I'm not going to weigh in on what President Pena Nieto should press him on in that meeting.

All I know is that we've been watching his campaign that as a former undocumented immigrant myself, I have heard him go after my community. I have heard him go after Latinos in America. I have heard him go after my sister by saying he would take away her DAGA (ph) and her protection from deportation. I have heard him go after 11 million people in this country who are working hard day in and day out to provide for their families. He is spurring hate throughout our country and we're not going to stand for it.

CAMEROTA: Lorella Praeli, thank you very much for your perspective and being on NEW DAY with us this morning.

We do have one quick programming note to tell you. On Monday, we'll have two special reports, both - on both presidential nominees with personal stories from those who know them best. You can join us for "Unfinished Business: The Essential Hillary Clinton," that's Monday night at 8:00, followed by "All Business: The Essential Donald Trump" at 10:00. So stick around for that.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Good to know what I'll be doing Monday night.

So, Chris Brown, you know him, big star, facing very serious charges after a 14-hour long standoff with police. Bizarre, even by Hollywood standards. What happened? We know and we'll tell you next.


[08:43:02] CUOMO: The attorney for R&B singer Chris Brown tweeting out he is, quote, "out and well" after being charged with assault with a deadly weapon after a bizarre 14-hour standoff with police at his home, who were called to the scene after a woman said that Brown threatened her with a gun.

CNN's Kyung Lah is live in Los Angeles with more.

How real did the police take what the woman said and what do we believe happens now?

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Certainly enough that he spent a few hours in custody, in police custody, and took a trip downtown, Chris. Let's give you a look at the tweet from Mark Geragos, because that's

the very latest news that we have. Geragos being the attorney for Chris Brown, tweeting, quote, "thanks to everyone for their support and well wishes. Chris is out and well. The allegations against him are demonstrably false." So he was charged with assault with a deadly weapon after that 14-hour standoff that, Chris, you certainly can describe as bizarre.


CHRIS BROWN, SINGER: Barricade myself in my house. Have you seen my house? I'm going to barricade myself in a palace. I'm not coming out. For what?

LAH (voice-over): Singer Chris Brown's social media tirade in the middle of an hour's long police standoff. The singer, inside his Los Angeles mansion. Outside, a growing police presence. Friends interviewed by officers coming out one by one.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He did not pull a gun on a girl?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did the girl say he did?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All these girls are crazy for Chris Brown.

LAH: The LAPD says a woman did call police for help, prompting the law enforcement response. Baylee Curran tells TMZ she's the one who called 911 saying during a party at his house, Brown pointed a weapon at her.

BAYLEE CURRAN, ACCUSED CHRIS BROWN OF ASSAULT: He pulled out the gun and he said, get the f out of here and threatened me with it.

LAH: As the police presence grew, the singer posted videos on Instagram.

BROWN: When I call the police for stalker people that are endangering my life, they don't come till the next day. Let somebody make a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) allegation about me and, oh, yes, the whole (EXPLETIVE DELETED) SWAT team.

[08:45:03] LAH: The rants verging on the bizarre.

BROWN: I don't give (EXPLETIVE DELETED). I don't - I'm not running for politics. I don't give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) if I get personal opinion. All you all can suck a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) for all I care.

LAH: Brown did eventually speak with police at his front door. His long-time celebrity lawyer, Mark Geragos, by his side. Geragos is also a CNN contributor. MARK GERAGOS, CHRIS BROWN'S ATTORNEY (voice-over): My clients position

is, is that we're cooperating. There's no truth to it. and we're going to let it play out.

LAH: The Grammy Award winning singer has a history of assault charges, including felony assault of then girlfriend Rihanna. After 14 hours, this Hollywood spectacle concluding with a mundane drive downtown.

LT. CHRIS RAMIREZ, LOS ANGELES POLICE DEPT.: Mr. Chris Brown will be transported by RHD detectives to robbery homicide division where he is going to be booked for ADW, assault with a deadly weapon.


LAH: Now, bail was set at $250,000. He did pay that. He was released, as you saw in that tweet from Mark Geragos. A court date has been set for September 20th.


CAMEROTA: All right, it will be interesting to see what happens that day.

Kyung, thanks so much for that reporting.

So, what is the future of the Clinton Foundation? Should the Clintons cut ties with their foundation before the election, as some have suggested? We'll debate that, next.


CUOMO: All right, the Clinton Foundation, is it a pay to play organization as part of a Clinton kingdom, or has the foundation become a political pawn in a Donald Trump tirade? That is the issue. And today it's going to be argued by two of the best.

[08:50:08] We have former White House special counsel under the Clinton administration, Mr. Lanny Davis.


CUOMO: And senior adviser to the Trump campaign, Boris Epshteyn.

It is good to have both of you gentlemen.


CUOMO: Let's do this old school lawyer-style. Boris, you start with the allegation and let Lanny respond and counter. Go ahead.

EPSHTEYN: The allegations as falls (ph). The Clinton Foundation was set up and is operated as a vehicle for international organization and domestic donors and international donors to carry favors and gain leverage with the Clintons. Examples, Rajiv Fernando, a major donor to the Clinton Foundation, being named to a national security board when he had no - no national security background. Gilbert Chagoury, an international criminal, somebody who has given millions to the foundation, pledged billions to the Clinton Global Initiative, attending Bill Clinton's birthday party and then being able to be asked on behalf of to have meetings with ex-ambassadors. Gilbert Chagoury, mind you, is someone who's - who has a relation with Hezbollah that can't even come to this country. The Clinton Foundation is an entity that only spends about 15 percent of the money it has on actual charities. It's not even rated by Charity Navigator. So it's not a real charity. It's a business. "The New York Times" says it should be shut down. It should absolutely be shut down now and the money should be returned.

CUOMO: All right, Lanny, you counter those.

DAVIS: Well, one at a time.

You heard the last absolutely false statement. Charity Watch has confirmed it is -

EPSHTEYN: Charity Navigator, I said, Lanny.

DAVIS: Excuse me. I said Charity Watch. Don't interrupt me. I will speak and you can counter, just as the ground rules indicated.

Charity Watch, one of the nation's leading organizations evaluating charities, has confirmed that the numbers 87 cents out of every dollar is contributed to the poor and charitable (ph) (INAUDIBLE). Secondly, you have not named one facts that any favor, financial gain or policy change occurred by Secretary Clinton because of a donation. And, finally, you forgot to mention the 11 million people who have benefited by the Clinton Foundation because of AIDS vaccines. You have failed to mention the hundreds of thousands of American children who have been documented as benefiting from the Clinton Foundation's work in reducing calories and sugar beverages in school. All the good works and the transparency you failed to mention.

EPSHTEYN: Transparency? That's pretty rich.

DAVIS: And it's been praised and given an "A" for publishing every donor that has ever come into the Clinton Foundation.

EPSHTEYN: That's incorrect.

DAVIS: So you omitted those facts and misstated facts. That's my response.

EPSHTEYN: No. No, this -

CUOMO: Lanny, Boris -

EPSHTEYN: The Clinton -

CUOMO: Boris says that it's Charity Watch you said, right?

EPSHTEYN: Charity Navigator.

CUOMO: Charity Navigator.

EPSHTEYN: It's not even rated.

CUOMO: Charity Watch gave them an A. That's what he's talking about.

So the allegation now is the transparency was the last thing that Boris seized on. You said that they listed all the donors.

DAVIS: Every donor -

CUOMO: That gets them an A. Boris said that's not true.

EPSHTEYN: But - but -

CUOMO: How is it not true?

DAVIS: And, by the way 87 cents out of every dollar -

EPSHTEYN: It's not true. The Clinton (INAUDIBLE) initiative - OK, (INAUDIBLE) - you already said that, Lanny. You already said that.

DAVIS: Eighty-seven cents out of every dollar is passed through to people. You confirm that, Chris, and put Boris back on and tell him to repudiate -

EPSHTEYN: I'm right here, Lanny.

CUOMO: We can - we can -


CUOMO: Lanny, let's refocus.

DAVIS: Eighty-seven cents out of every dollar.

CUOMO: We can say it -

EPSHTEYN: The Clinton - the Clinton -

DAVIS: And you said it's -

CUOMO: We can say it now. Boris, we can say it now. You're picking a different source. Charity Watch says what Lanny's saying, 87 and they're rated an A.


CUOMO: Charity Navigator is something else.


EPSHTEYN: Charity Navigator has refused to even rate it. So the Clinton Health Access Initiative has said that they absolutely did not -

DAVIS: So you can't repudiate 87 cents out of every dollar is - EPSHTEYN: Hold on, Lanny. Now, you're interrupting me, so let me finish. I know you're upset because you're working for somebody who has taken bribes their whole career. So don't -

DAVIS: I'm actually very proud of the thing - the foundation. I'm not upset at all.

EPSHTEYN: So I would - I wouldn't interrupt and let me talk.

So the Clinton Health Access Initiative is an entity that has refused, actually, or just forgot, short circuited to turn over and disclose all of their foreign donations. Hillary Clinton signed a pledge saying that she would not work with a foundation anyway. We know from the A.P. now that almost half of her - more than half of her meetings that were outside of her post as secretary of state were with donors of the foundation. That's pay to play. That's called show me the money.

DAVIS: All right, let me respond. Let me respond to that, please, Boris.

EPSHTEYN: But as far as - why did the foundation have to disclose - have to restate four years, four years of tax returns after they did end up taking foreign donations, even though they said they wouldn't.


CUOMO: All right, so - so, Lanny, how do you respond to those?

DAVIS: I'll respond. The Associated Press has repudiated the misstatement of fact about more than half.

EPSHTEYN: No, they've not.

DAVIS: Included in that half was a Nobel Prize winner and heads of state, the Associated Press (ph).

EPSHTEYN: (INAUDIBLE) that's the example you use.

DAVIS: So they've already acknowledged what Boris just misstated.

Secondly, it is ironic and a little bit funny - I'm not upset at all. I'm proud of the foundation. That you mentioned tax returns. Why - just answer this question. Why hasn't Donald Trump revealed his tax returns?

EPSHTEYN: That's a pivot.

DAVIS: Answer the question, Boris.

EPSHTEYN: I'll answer - I'll answer the question, because he has done everything he's had to do under the law, rules and regulations.

DAVIS: Why hasn't he not revealed his tax returns?

EPSHTEYN: He's put out a financial disclosure form.

DAVIS: Why are you evading the question, Boris?

EPSHTEYN: The Clintons are the ones who have been lying to the American people.

DAVIS: Why are you evading my question?

EPSHTEYN: They lied about not taking foreign money. Don't - don't interrupt me, Lanny. You asked me a question.

DAVIS: Answer my question.

EPSHTEYN: The Clintons are the one - the Clintons are the one that have been -

DAVIS: Why hasn't he disclosed his tax -

[08:55:00] CUOMO: Let him - Lanny, let him answer. Go ahead.

EPSHTEYN: Again, this is the attack that the left takes, right? You don't have an answer for the -

DAVIS: Answer my question.

EPSHTEYN: For the way the Clintons have acted.

DAVIS: Answer my question.

EPSHTEYN: They're the ones that have been lying to the American people about not taking foreign money while she was secretary of state. The foundation had (INAUDIBLE).

DAVIS: Answer my question, Boris. Why hasn't he disclosed his tax returns like every presidential candidate ever?

EPSHTEYN: The question - the answer to the question is, he has not broken the law, like Hillary Clinton has her whole career. She (INAUDIBLE) Congress and you know and you should be embarrassed by working for the Clintons. You're ruining (INAUDIBLE).

DAVIS: You notice he won't answer my question. Everybody watching notices you're not answering my question.

CUOMO: All right, now, both of you stop speaking for the last time.

DAVIS: Everybody knows he didn't answer my question. Thank you.

CUOMO: All right, last portion of this, I give you a last close. Give me one quick statement on what you want people to know about this, Boris. You get the last word, Lanny.

EPSHTEYN: Absolutely. Because the foundation is an entity that if everything was fine with it, the Clintons wouldn't be admitting that it was a wrongful entity and everything's going to change if she's elected president. They already promised when she became secretary of state they wouldn't take foreign money. She already signed a pledge that she wouldn't work with the foundation. You know that her chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, worked with the foundation. She had meetings with a foundation while in her post. Huma Abedin was being employed by the secretary of state, the Clinton Foundation and Teneo, a huge conflict of interest. So the whole Clinton orbit is one big mess of pay to play, fraud, bribery and conflicts of interest.

CUOMO: Lanny Davis.

DAVIS: I'd love to be on with Boris again. This is a lot of fun. Not only has the Clinton Foundation not broken a single law or a single rule established between the White House and the State Department in any meeting that happened to occur, but Boris has not been able to cite, and I challenge him again -

EPSHTEYN: I just did.

DAVIS: One fact - one fact that shows that Secretary Clinton changed any policy because of a donation.

EPSHTEYN: Rajiv Fernando being appointed to a -

CUOMO: Let him finish. Let him finish. Let him finish for time, Boris.

DAVIS: All you do - excuse me, it's my final statement.

All you've done is misstate facts and pure innuendo and you haven't answered my question, why won't Donald Trump disclose his tax returns like every other presidential candidate.

EPSHTEYN: He's done it and he's followed the law. Hillary Clinton has not and you know that.

DAVIS: And you won't answer, Boris. And everybody watching knows that you won't answer it.

CUOMO: All right.

EPSHTEYN: Our candidate has done everything under law, rule and regulation.

CUOMO: All right.

EPSHTEYN: Hillary Clinton has repeatedly broken the law.

DAVIS: Everybody knows you did not answer my question.

CUOMO: All right, let's not repeat points.

DAVIS: Thank you.

CUOMO: Lanny Davis, Boris Epshteyn, thank you very much.

DAVIS: Thank you.

EPSHTEYN: Thank you.

CUOMO: In the interest of discourse, we won't just have it here on NEW DAY. Any tweets you guys put out on this, we'll carry it forward, keep the conversation going.

Gentlemen, thank you for putting your minds to it. Appreciate it. That was for you.

"NEWSROOM" with Carol Costello is going to begin right after this short break.