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New Day

Clinton, Trump Lay Out Closing Arguments; Trump to Early Clinton Voters: 'Change Your Vote'; Cubs Rout Indians, Force World Series Game 7; Trends Examined in Early Voting. Aired 6-6:30a ET

Aired November 02, 2016 - 06:00   ET



DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Obamacare means higher prices, fewer choices and lower quality.

[05:59:28] HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision!

TRUMP: For any Democratic voter having a bad case of buyer's remorse, you can change your vote to Donald Trump.

CLINTON: The American dream itself is at stake.

TRUMP: Hillary is not the victim. The American people are the victims.

CLINTON: Why does he do these things? Who acts like this? I'll tell you who. A bully.


ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Chris Cuomo and Alisyn Camerota.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Welcome to your NEW DAY. It is Wednesday, November 2, 6 a.m. in the east. Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump laying out their closing arguments, Clinton going after Trump's character, lashing out at his divisive vision.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Meanwhile, all -- Trump is trying to keep the e-mail issue at the forefront. He has a new pitch to voters who have already cast their ballots for Clinton: change your vote.

We're now only six days from election day, and we have it all covered for you. Let's begin with CNN's Phil Mattingly. He is live in Orlando. Give us the latest, Phil.

PHIL MATTINGLY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, good morning, Alisyn.

Look, for the Clinton campaign, the calculation is simple, but important. They do a lot better when Hillary Clinton is talking about, say, Donald Trump, not the FBI. That is exactly what happened here in Florida in the ever-important battleground state that Hillary Clinton must win, if she wants to win the White House.


CLINTON: Why does he do these things? Who acts like this? And I'll tell you who, a bully. That's who.

MATTINGLY (voice-over): Hillary Clinton trying to turn the page and get the focus back onto Donald Trump.

CLINTON: We've never had someone so unqualified and unfit to be president and commander in chief.

MATTINGLY: After days of intense scrutiny over a new FBI review of e- mails that could be related to her private server, Clinton campaigning in Florida with the woman she thrust into the national spotlight at the first debate: former Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

ALICIA MACHADO, FORMER MISS UNIVERSE: He even called me names. He said to me, "Miss Piggy, Miss Housekeeping, mean eating machine (ph)."

MATTINGLY: Deploying a new ad attacking Trump's incendiary remarks towards women.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you treat women with respect?

TRUMP: I can't say that either.

MATTINGLY: All part of Clinton's pitch to female voters, a crucial voting bloc for a campaign looking to regain its momentum.

Clinton also using a tried and true campaign attack, slamming Trump over not paying taxes.

CLINTON: He took everything our great country has to offer. He scooped it up with both hands and then paid nothing to pay to support us. And then he has the nerve to call our military a disaster, to insult POWs.

MATTINGLY: Clinton's campaign raised $11.3 million in just 72 hours after the FBI director's letter to Congress, cash immediately put to use to hit Trump with attack ads in four states that have leaned blue.

Clinton's frustration with Trump's rhetoric reaching a boiling point, as she confronted a heckler at a rally last night.

CLINTON: I am sick and tired of the negative, dark, divisive, dangerous vision and behavior of people who support Donald Trump.


MATTINGLY: And Chris, one of the most interesting developments over the course of the last couple of weeks has been the state of Arizona, a state that the Clinton campaign points to and says, "We're not looking at that because we want to expand the map. We actually think it's a legitimate toss-up, a legitimate battleground state because of the early vote they've seen with Hispanics, in particular.

Hillary Clinton is actually going to be on the ground in that traditionally red state today. Why is she allowed to make that trip? Why can she afford to? Because of her surrogates. The quantity and the quality, stretching out all over the place, trying to reach into states that Clinton needs to lock up, both Democratic-leaning states, where those new ad buys kind of raised some eyebrows yesterday, but also battleground states.

Joe Biden here in Florida, President Obama in North Carolina, Elizabeth Warren in Nevada and, also importantly, Bernie Sanders in both Wisconsin and Michigan, two states the Trump campaign is pointing to as possible flips they want to get to all those all-important 270 electoral votes -- Chris.

CUOMO: So Phil Mattingly reports that Hillary Clinton goes strong after some protester, and the Trump campaign says, "Hillary Clinton admits she is sick and tired."

Phil Mattingly, you're supposed to smile. There you go. Thank you very much.

Donald Trump staying disciplined, on message, focusing on Clinton's e- mails and getting rid of Obamacare. He's making waves with his pitch to early Clinton voters saying, "Go change your vote."

CNN's Sarah Murray is live in Washington with more -- Sarah.


Well, one of the problems with late-breaking revelations is that, of course, some people have already gone to the polls. They've cast early ballots. They voted absentee. Now Donald Trump is saying, "Oh, wait, I have a solution for that. Just go ahead and change your vote," something that's actually legal in a couple of states.


TRUMP: This is a message for any Democratic voter who have already cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton.

MURRAY (voice-over): Donald Trump making a pitch to Hillary Clinton's early voters: It's not too late to change your mind.

TRUMP: You can change your vote to Donald Trump. We'll make America great, again. OK?

MURRAY: Taking that message to Wisconsin, one of several states where voters can legally switch their vote.

TRUMP: A lot of things have happened over the last few days.

MURRAY: Trump arguing the FBI's decision to investigate e-mails sent from one of Clinton's top aides is reason enough to reconsider Clinton.

TRUMP: She has really no one else to blame but herself.

MURRAY: Despite the FBI admitting it doesn't know if the latest batch of e-mails is even significant, Trump claims...

TRUMP: She is likely to be under investigation for many years. Probably concluding in a very large-scale criminal trial.

MURRAY: Trump also taking an apocalyptic tone on Obamacare.

TRUMP: If we don't repeal and replace Obamacare, we will destroy America health care forever.

MURRAY: Stumping with running mate Mike Pence as the two seized on premium hikes and rolled out their own health care proposal.

GOV. MIKE PENCE (R-IN), VICE-PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE: Obamacare is a catastrophic failure.

TRUMP: Our health plan includes health savings accounts, a nationwide insurance market where you can purchase across state lines and letting states manage Medicaid dollars so much better.

MURRAY: In the election's final week, Trump's campaign says it's launching a $25 million ad blitz in battleground states. The campaign throwing a Hail Mary, going after states that currently look out of reach, while Pence makes overtures to those Republicans put off by their own nominee.

PENCE: It's time for us all to say with one voice to our fellow Republicans and conservatives, it's time to come home.


MURRAY: Now, the travel schedule for Mike Pence and Donald Trump today gives you an idea of how they're trying to play offense and defense at the same time.

Mike Pence is headed to Arizona. This was a state that appeared to be safely Republican but now looks like it might be in play. But he's also going to New Mexico and Colorado, both blue-tilting states.

As for Donald Trump, he is going to be headed to a much more traditional battleground. He is spending the day in Florida, where we're expecting him to focus heavily on the economy, maybe meet with some pastors, as well as some Cuban-American voters.

Back to you guys.

CAMEROTA: OK, Sara, thanks so much.

Let's discuss everything with our panel. We have CNN political commentator and political anchor of Time Warner Cable News, Errol Louis; national political reporter for "The Boston Globe," Matt Viser; and CNN political analyst and "Daily Beast" Washington bureau correspondent, Jackie Kucinich. Great to see all of you.

Errol, do you agree that, six days out, we are now hearing the candidates' final arguments? And if so -- we'll start with Hillary Clinton -- is she making the argument not so much about her vision or her plan, but that his on fitness is just disqualifying?

ERROL LOUIS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Right. She's going right back to the argument that Donald Trump has disqualified himself.

You can sort of read between the lines. This wasn't the argument that they had hoped or intended to make in the closing days, but different events -- and we can thank FBI Director Comey for this, I think, in part -- have made it impossible for her to get to that. So she's going to go with what has worked so far and what the polls, the focus groups and everything else has suggested works. Which is disqualify him and you sort of get a twofer. You rally the Democratic base, which you need to get out these final days of mobilization, and you also sort of cream off some of his Republican voters. You either get them to stay home or to stay committed to the down-ticket race but not to Trump, or to even cross lines and come to Hillary Clinton. It's inexorable.

On the other hand, she doesn't seem entirely happy about it. She seems, you know, really kind of upset that she has to do this and that she can't use that powerful line that Michelle Obama always uses about they go low, we go high.

CUOMO: Well, in part, it's because it's not a great battleground for her, right?

I mean, Jackie Kucinich, this has always been, arguably an election that was a war of attrition. Who is less bad? Right?


CUOMO: Donald Trump is supposed to be a change agent, but he's so flawed as an individual that he gave Hillary Clinton an opening, when she was supposed to be the only truly flawed person over time in this race.

So, as you come near the end, do you really have another option, other than to just keep swinging at your opponent and hoping that they're more bloody than you at the end of it?

KUCINICH: You know, it did seem like the Clinton campaign really wanted to be talking about her policies and a more positive message, but to Errol's point, they really don't have that opportunity.

And to the extent that this has been sort of a race to the bottom in terms of favorability, I think that's why you see Donald Trump giving -- I mean, it wasn't the most deep health care speech I've ever seen in my life -- but trying to talk a little bit more about policy and what he would do rather than tearing Hillary Clinton down.

Now, of course, there has been quite a bit of that, and he is still continuing to hammer her on the e-mails. You do hear him trying to turn the page a little bit and talk about what he would do, rather than how bad Hillary Clinton is. And maybe that is a way to show voters that he's not, you know -- it's not just a storm cloud or something, rather than just purely that.

CAMEROTA: Don't break into "Stormy Weather," everyone. We'll save that for the commercial break.


CAMEROTA: Matt, let's play a moment of that. OK? So that was -- this was Donald Trump yesterday in Pennsylvania on the campaign trail, talking about one of his big issues: repealing Obamacare. Listen.


[06:10:05] TRUMP: When we win on November 8 and elect a Republican Congress, we will be able to immediately repeal and replace Obamacare. Have to do it. I will ask Congress to convene a special session so we can repeal and replace.


CAMEROTA: So, Matt, it's been pointed out he doesn't need a special session.


CAMEROTA: Congress will be in session. But, I don't know that his, you know, supporters care if he doesn't exactly understand the three branches of government.

MATT VISER, NATIONAL POLITICAL REPORTER, "THE BOSTON GLOBE": Right. And, I mean, the thing with health care with Donald Trump is he's talked about it a lot, but he hasn't necessarily made it the centerpiece of his campaign the way that Mitt Romney did in 2012, that Republicans did in the midterms in 2010 and to an extent, 2014, as well.

You know, so Trump, you know, is trying to capitalize on the latest news, you know, dismal news for the -- Obama's health care plan. But it is not as effective as it would be, had he sort of laid the groundwork for months, hammering away at this and offering sort of a cogent alternative to the plan.

So, I mean, I think it's an effective line. And I think it could be much more effective if he had created this narrative for longer.

CUOMO: But Romney -- Errol, what I'm trying to get at here is that this election is so different than it was in 2012. Romney was an entirely different level, not just human being, but intellectual when it came to health care. He architected his own plan in Massachusetts, that many people believe was a template for the ACA.

Donald Trump doesn't sell people on what he's going to do differently. They don't care that he's wrong about needing a special session. They like hearing him say he would do that. They don't care that he can say, "We just learned things from Comey about the e-mails" when they know from the news, there is nothing new about the e-mails. They don't care. They want something different.

Hillary Clinton's challenge -- you know, Jackie said they don't have the opportunity. That's not true. The Clinton campaign has an opportunity every time out to talk about whatever they want. They've chosen to make this a battle of attrition. They could have gone high. They didn't want to, because negative works best. Isn't that the story of the election?

LOUIS: Negative works best, especially if you're getting pounded. And let's be clear, with Donald Trump, I think what he's trying to do by talking about policy, by promising, you know, I think it would be maybe the 63rd vote to repeal Obamacare, what he's talking about is really sort of bringing in the Republican base.

You know, I mean, when he talks -- when he reads off a teleprompter and talks about the standard stuff about -- that the Republican base loves to hear, about cutting taxes, repealing Obamacare, loosening regulations, this is what he needs to do in order to make sure he gets the core Republican vote to take a second look at him after Hillary Clinton has tried to disqualify him as unfit and unprepared and so forth. So that's what he's doing.

But, yes, Hillary Clinton could try and have a policy discussion while there are raging crowds in the streets, you know, talking about all kinds of different things. But, you know, that's not the way to make sure you get the vote in.

CAMEROTA: Look, she addressed it. Yes. I mean, Jackie, in your defense, Hillary Clinton addressed this. And I'll just quickly read it, since we're running out of time. She says, "I would frankly rather be here talking about nearly anything else, like how we're going to create new jobs in the economy. But I can't talk about all the good things we want to do, because people are making up their minds. This is a consequential choice." So she has to point out how bad he is.

CUOMO: But where is the logic in that?


CUOMO: I'd love to talk to you about good things, but I can't, because people are voting, so I need to talk about bad things.

CAMEROTA: She thinks it's disqualifying. I mean, she thinks it's that big, that she has to point out his...

KUCINICH: And if she was more ahead, she would be talking about policy ideas, frankly.

CUOMO: But that just makes my point. My point is negativity is the differentiator in elections. And to suggest otherwise is just impractical. It always comes down to this. Just this.

CAMEROTA: Panel, if you have more you'd like to say to Chris, stick around and have another hour after this.

CUOMO: On Twitter my screen name is @alisyncamerota, with a "Y."

All right. From the election to some true breaking news out of Iowa. There is a massive manhunt under way in the Des Moines area. Why? Two police officers were shot and killed. The police fear these were separate ambush attacks.

Police say officers were responding to a shots fired call shortly after 1 in the morning. They arrived, and they found a police officer shot and killed in his car. Twenty minutes later, police found another officer shot in his car, just blocks away.

Right now, police are working on a description of the suspect or suspects. Officers are not identifying the victims at this time. This is just developing now. We're bringing you an update.

You see that the police there are dealing with nasty weather on top of a very horrible situation. As we get the information, we'll give it to you.


[06:15:006] Meanwhile, there's new analysis that reveals Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 may have had no one at the controls as it plunged towards the sea. Australian officials analyzing a piece of the plane's wing say it was not deployed when the plane vanished, suggesting that no one was flying the jet. Satellite communications also show the plane was spiraling in its final moments, falling up to 25,000 feet a minute.

CUOMO: Iraqi forces are advancing on Mosul, bracing for what's expected to be the fiercest fighting yet.

Now, there is a huge concern here that militaries had to deal with in this ongoing war. You have thousands, thousands, tens of thousands of kidnapped civilians and others, including women and children, living there, many being used as human shields. That's why we have to keep close contact with the events on the ground.

CAMEROTA: OK. On a much lighter note, history will be made tonight when the Cubs and the Indians play a winner-take-all game seven of the World Series. Andy Scholes is live in Cleveland with "The Bleacher Report."

How's it going, Andy?

ANDY SCHOLES, CNN SPORTS: Well, Alisyn, I tell you what: doesn't get any better than this. The greatest two words in sports: game seven. And we've got one tonight in the World Series. Here's the cover of "The Plain Dealer" this morning. It says, "Buckle up," because the misery finally ends for one of these two teams tonight. Cubs 108 years without a championship, Indians 68 years. Fitting that they would go the distance in the World Series.

And I tell you what, the air let out of the building here in game six last night at Progressive Field. From the get go, top of the first. Kris Bryant hit a solo home run. Then with 2 (ph) and Addison Russell hit a pop fly to right center. But the Indians have a miscommunication. The ball drops. Two runs come in, made it 3-0.

Then Russell back up at the plate in the third inning with the bases loaded, crushes this one to left center. That's a grand slam. Russell's 22 years old. Second youngest player ever to hit a grand slam in the World Series, behind only Mickey Mantle. He ended the game with six RBIs, trying a World Series record. Cubs win big, 9-3, to force a winner-take-all game seven later tonight.


KRIS BRYANT, CUBS THIRD BASEMAN: Anybody who plays this game, you know, grows up dreaming of winning a World Series and, you know, we play in a game seven tomorrow. That's pretty special.


SCHOLES: Now ticket prices soaring for tonight's game. It's going to cost you about 1,000 bucks to get into Progressive Field. That's a standing-room-only ticket.

Indians got their ace, Corey Kluber, on the hill. He's already won two games in this series, the Cubs carrying with Kyle Hendricks.

I'll tell you what, Chris, this could just be Chicago's week. The Bears beat the Vikings on Monday night football. The Bulls are 3-0. And now the Cubs one win away from their first World Series title in 108 years.

CUOMO: Everything pales in comparison to this, as you well know. We'll be watching it. Andy, enjoy it, my friend.

All right. So tens of millions of Americans have already cast their ballots in early voting in the presidential election. What are you seeing in those numbers, specifically in the battleground states? We're going to discuss, next.


[06:22:19] CAMEROTA: It's still six days before election day, but more than 24 million Americans have already cast their ballots. So what do those votes tell us?

CNN Politics executive editor Mark Preston is live at our decision desk with the numbers. What are you seeing, Mark?

MARK PRESTON, CNN POLITICS EXECUTIVE EDITOR: Well, Alisyn, as you said, more than 24 million people have already cast their ballots right now in 38 states. More than half of this number right here has been in the 12 battleground states that we are following right now. This is really the path to the 270 electoral votes that Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton need in order to win the White House.

But let's take a look at one state in particular, the state of North Carolina. Vice President Joe Biden was there yesterday. Barack Obama will be there in a few hours today on behalf of Hillary Clinton.

Let's take a look at where we stand right now in the state of North Carolina. About 1.6 million people have already voted. If we go a little bit deeper into these numbers right here, look at this right here. Democrats have an advantage over Republicans. It is about a 220,000-vote advantage at this point.

However, it's not necessarily great news, because back at this time in 2012, they had a 291,000 vote advantage at this same time. So, why is that? Well, we go a little bit deeper into the numbers and let's look at the Obama coalition, specifically race. Let's look at the white vote and the black vote. Right there the white vote is about 73 percent right now, and the black vote is about 23 percent. If we go back to 2012, look at where the African-American vote was at that time. There is about a 5 percent deficit right now in turning out African-American voters in this state.

The gender vote is about the same, Alisyn, as we saw from 2016, 2012. As you can see, there's a pretty big discrepancy there between women voters and men voters. And then young voters, as well. If we look at this right here, this is where we stand right now. These two columns to talk to, they are younger voters. These two bottom two tend to be Donald Trump voters. If you look at this right here, the older voters are performing better, the younger voters are not performing as well, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: OK, Mark, thanks so much for all of that.

CUOMO: All right. Let's discuss. Let's bring back our panel. We've got Errol Louis, Matt Viser and Jackie Kucinich.

So, let's take a look. You've got early voting. We've seen the numbers. They show, Errol, a trending for Democrats that is equal to or better than they were four years ago. But in the actual battleground states -- let's put it up and see how that reflects, let's say, what, general enthusiasm. What do you see on the map?

LOUIS: Well, that's right. I mean, it's not just general enthusiasm but there may be some structural things going on there, as well.

I mean, in North Carolina, for example, I mean, when you see the fall off in different categories that are part of the Obama coalition, what it says to me, among other things, is that they've got a problem. I mean, you know, if 100,000 fewer people are coming out, and this was a state that he lost. Even with the big advantage last time in the early voting, it looks like four years ago the Republicans sort of came back and kind of snatched it away from the Dems in the closing days.

[06:25:18] So, if they repeat that, again, this is really bad news for the Democrats.

And of course, President Obama going there, you know, repeatedly; Michelle Obama, Joe Biden, they feel bad that this is the closest state that they lost. They won it in 2008. They lost it in 2012. They want revenge. They want to sort of make a statement. They want to try to redrew up the Democratic map, one of their legacies politically. So they're going to put a lot into this. But right now, it's not looking so good.

CAMEROTA: Hey, Matt, many of us have been surprised to learn that in seven of these early voting states, if you have changed your vote, if you've changed your mind since the day that you voted, you can change your vote. That is what Donald Trump, in fact, is advising some voters to do who may have voted for Hillary Clinton.

CUOMO: Tell them about Wisconsin.

CAMEROTA: Yes, in Wisconsin.


TRUMP: This is a message for any Democratic voter who have already cast their ballots for Hillary Clinton and who are having a bad case of buyer's remorse. In other words, you want to change your vote. You can change your vote to Donald Trump. We'll make America great again. OK?


CAMEROTA: Matt, here are the places where you can change your vote: Wisconsin, Minnesota, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Connecticut and Mississippi. In a country that's had a bit of a checkered past with just regular voting, how will this be counted if people start going in to change their votes?

VISER: I mean, it is striking. I mean, the process to changing your vote, they have to sort of physically go and track down your ballot that you cast in an early vote and allow you to change that.

You know, there's a couple states in there that would matter in this election. Pennsylvania, maybe Wisconsin or Michigan. But, you know, I mean, I don't know that there would be that many people that change their vote.

Hillary Clinton, you know, the latest news on her e-mails, that sort of narrative has already been baked in, you know, to her campaign and to her negatives. So, if people have already voted for Hillary Clinton, you know, the latest news, you know, incremental maybe that there's not sort of been some massive change in that story, you know, unless -- unless Comey comes out with any more information.

CUOMO: Well, but also, remember, Trump is putting an edge. What you're saying is completely accurate. However, Trump is putting an edge on it. He is making a suggestion in his sell to voters that there is new information, that Comey coming forward is proof of more trouble for Clinton. He's using that because, frankly, Comey gave him the opportunity to by creating this void.

So, let's take a look at the polls, and they will reflect the intentions of where people are putting their energy in this race.

So you have the ABC tracking poll comes up, putting Trump up one point yesterday.

CAMEROTA: That's a daily poll.

CUOMO: Our poll of polls, which is the last few big polls that we average for you, still keeps Clinton up four, but it's definitely closing. So let's look at the maps, and you'll see how those polls reflect the

campaign's intentions.

Clinton is hitting certain states, obviously, Arizona and Nevada, trying to break into areas that would give her great advantage.

Trump, you have in Florida. He is all in their personally. Now, what you see with Clinton, she has a team effect. She has surrogates. Trump is a one-man band. So he's going to be where the emphasis is. Pence to a lesser degree. Clinton has this team fanning out on places she needs to lock up, Alisyn.

CAMEROTA: So Jackie, what do you see here?

KUCINICH: Particularly President Obama being in North Carolina, again, is noteworthy. I know we just talked about it. But you can't say enough how much they want to win this for Hillary Clinton.

And the other thing about some of her surrogates -- and, again, President Obama, either last night or the day before, they all kind of run together. He can make the case, sometimes better for Hillary Clinton can, for Hillary Clinton. We saw that with Michelle Obama, as well.

So the fact that she has these strong surrogates mean they can spread out a little bit, a little bit more than, say, the Trump campaign. Which is why it was striking you saw both Pence and Trump in Pennsylvania yesterday.

CAMEROTA: Mark, we have a little bit of interesting Bush family news. Not Billy Bush. This is George P. Bush, who is Jeb's son, and he said yesterday that he felt, believe -- maybe he had some insider information -- that his uncle, George W. Bush, 43, was going to vote, or could likely vote for Hillary over Trump.

And, of course, this follows the news this summer that his grandfather, George H.W. Bush, was considering voting for Hillary over Trump. What do you make of all that?

VISER: Not a shocker. No doubt. Listen, the Trumps and the Bush [SIC] hate each other. There was a very bitter battle between George P.'s brother [SIC], Jeb Bush, as our viewers all know, during the Republican primary.

At the same time, you had Donald Trump.