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Stocks Fall Over Possible Tax Cut Delay; Weather Forecast; Biden Not Closing Door on Run; GOP Women Problem; Louis C.K. Admits to Misconduct. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired November 13, 2017 - 08:30   ET


[08:33:44] POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: It is time for "CNN Money now."

Doubts over the Republican tax plan weighing a little bit on Wall Street this Monday morning, pushing stocks further away from those record highs. Our chief business correspondent Christine Romans in the Money Center to tell us how the market is reacting or expected to react.


You know, as Washington gets to work on tax reform, real work this week, both the Dow and the S&P 500 are lower last week for the first time in nine. Why? Well, a delay of those long-promised corporate tax cuts. Tax cut hopes have fueled this rally. This current rally. The Dow is up, look at this, nearly 28 percent since Election Day, driven mainly by the idea lower taxes will make companies even richer.

But the House and the Senate have introduced competing tax plans. And not only does the Senate version delay cutting the corporate rate to 2019, but a dramatic showdown over tax policy could end reform entirely. And that failure would trigger a big selloff.

Now, don't feel too bad for corporate America, though. Still making a lot of money, even without those tax cuts. Profits are near record highs.

In fact, Poppy, Wall Street bonuses are set to climb 10 percent this year, the biggest jump in four years, in part because the financial sector is doing so well on the promises of deregulation under this administration, Chris.

CHRIS CUOMO, CNN ANCHOR: So you have deregulation. You then have lower taxes. And then you have anticipation. And, really, let's be honest, these guys are always looking for some reason, the men and women on Wall Street, to trade. They just like the action and they'll trade on the information no matter which way it goes.

[08:35:06] Christine Romans, thank you very much.

CUOMO: So this week we're going to bring -- we're going to -- I'm not going to bring anything, but hopefully we'll get some warmer temperatures in the northeast. There is some heavy rain expected in the Pacific Northwest. So to unpack it all for you, we've got meteorologist Chad Myers with the forecast.

If only I could control the weather.

CHAD MYERS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: I know. I would be rich. And you would be, too. I'd let you in on it.

CUOMO: You are rich in spirit, Chad. You're rich in spirit.

MYERS: Thank you very much. That's what I need.

Hey, this weather's brought to you by Keurig. Brew the love. Brew it this morning in the northeast where it is cold. Snow, upstate. Rain in the city. The rain ends, I think, by about 2:00 in Manhattan. So there's something there. The rain continues for Long Island and Rhode Island and in the Cape for most of the day.

Yes, the sun comes out tomorrow, but we only warm up a few degrees because now the sun is low in the sky. It's not as bright and warm as it was in the summertime. So we're not going to really rebound much there. Just a few degrees. The sunshine will feel better tomorrow.

The Pacific Northwest, you mentioned it, Chris. It is a big storm. Major storm. Three to four feet of snow in the Cascades. And that's not all. The winds will be blowing today. Some of the wind gusts over 60 miles per hour.

Now, rain in Seattle and Portland. I get that. But it's the mountain snow that's important for all those people who want to go play in it later in the season.


HARLOW: I saw my first snowflakes Friday in Michigan. And I'm kind of excited for them to come here to us. We'll be watching.

Chad, thank you.

MYERS: You're welcome.

HARLOW: All right, is former Vice President Joe Biden considering a run for president in 2020? Not the first time you've heard this question, I know. But does he think he could have beaten President Trump? We'll get "The Bottom Line," next.


[08:41:10] CUOMO: Joe Biden is talking about the presidency, again. He says he doesn't know if he could have beaten President Trump, but the former vice president is not closing the door on running against him in 2020. Here's a little bit of his interview.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think you could have beaten Donald Trump?

JOE BIDEN, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S.: Oh, gosh, I don't know. I mean, you know, the polling data at the time said yes and since then. But, you know, listen, I wasn't in the race. You've got to be in the race. It's a tough game.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are you in the race for 2020?

BIDEN: No, I -- look, I can tell you honestly, if the Lord Almighty came down and sat in the middle of the table and said, Joe, the nomination is yours but you have to take it now, I would say no.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you're not closing the door on it?

BIDEN: No, no, I'm not closing the door.


CUOMO: All right, let's get "The Bottom Line." Professor Ron Brownstein, CNN senior political analyst and senior editor for "The Atlantic."


CUOMO: What did you hear there? What's your take on Joe?

BROWNSTEIN: I think that's where we are, right? I mean I think this is something that's going to be out there as a possibility. And he's probably going to go back and forth a lot. In many ways, he is a -- former Vice President Biden is a good matchup against Donald Trump because he has some of that irrelevance, doesn't seem like a typical politician, but projects more confidence.

On the other hand, Chris, each time, as you know, he ran for president on his own, both in 1988 and 2008, he struggled. So I think it's -- you know, I think it's going to be something that is going to be hanging over the Democratic race for a while.

But there is certainly a lot of Democrats who believe that he is one of, if not their best matchup against Donald Trump, with the one big exception, that he would be 78 years old by the time he took office.

HARLOW: Yes, some talked about the reason this first time around in 2016 would he run saying this is -- I'm only going to run for one term, et cetera, et cetera.


HARLOW: When I was in Michigan all day Friday, to a person -- and these are Republicans I was speaking to who supported President Trump, none of them care that he has not gotten any big legislation through. None of them care.


HARLOW: He excites them. He speaks to them. And it's the same thing we heard from them a year ago before the last of all of these legislative accomplishments.


HARLOW: What do you think Joe Biden has or does he have that excitement factor as well and does that matter?

BROWNSTEIN: I don't think it matters that much because I don't think -- I think what you are seeing is the part of the Donald Trump base and the Donald Trump coalition that is the least likely and, in fact, the most unlikely to breakaway at any point. You know, I have always felt that Donald Trump was more of a cultural than an economic phenomenon. That he mobilizes what I call the coalition of restoration, with are the voters who are the most uneasy about the cultural and demographic and economic changes underway in the society. And the fact that he speaks their grievances against institutions that they feel slight or looked down on them is pretty much all that he has to do.

But that isn't all of his coalition. And as you saw in Virginia, if you lose the more upscale independent end of that, what's left is not enough to win. Ed Gillespie ran every bit as well as Donald Trump did among blue collar and rural whites. But he was annihilated in the suburbs, as Republicans were in the suburbs of New York and Philadelphia in local elections, and Seattle in the state party election, in the state legislative election. And if that projects forward till 2018, it doesn't guarantee Democrats can take the House without breaking through to the other part that you're talking about, Poppy, but it puts them right on the -- right in the ballpark, right in the (INAUDIBLE).

CUOMO: I mean, look, the president's challenge has been the same from jump. He has the base. You have to give it to him for connecting to a group of people that he really, on paper, would not have been (INAUDIBLE) with.

HARLOW: That Biden, on paper, could connect with given his background maybe.

BROWNSTEIN: Right. Right.

CUOMO: Maybe. Maybe.


CUOMO: But his base is what it is. It's going nowhere. He had to grow. And we haven't seen that growth of anything we've seen a little bit of a compression of his numbers.

HARLOW: Good point.

CUOMO: So that takes us to a look --

BROWNSTEIN: Yes, and I've seen an erosion.

CUOMO: Yes, a little bit. Now let's take a --


CUOMO: Now, that's episodic. Numbers can change. We know that.

When you look at -- from an endemic perspective, in terms of on a systematic level with the GOP, the Axios (ph) guys come out with a piece that says --


CUOMO: They have a gender problem within their party. Is that true? Do you see the proof in that piece or outside of it?

[08:45:04] BROWNSTEIN: I think it's too simple to say that. I mean I -- I -- you know, the principle reason, I've said to you before, I think the principle reason Donald Trump is president is because so many white women without a college education, working class white women, voted for him. He won 61 percent of non-college white women and he won them in big numbers in the Midwestern state and tipped the elections.

Now, there has been some decline in his approval rating among them around health care, in particular. They really did not like the idea of repealing health care. But it did not translate into votes for the Democrats in Virginia.

Where he is eroding, Chris, college-educated white women. Republicans were crushed by them in Virginia. And that, I think, along with the men, is the big threat in 2018, those white collar suburbanites.

HARLOW: Ron Brownstein with "The Bottom Line." Thank you, my friend.

BROWNSTEIN: Thank you.

HARLOW: So comedian Louis C.K. confirming, saying, yes, I did it to these accusations of sexual misconduct by five separate women. One of those women to whom he personally apologized will join us next about her experience and why she's speaking out now.


[08:50:00] HARLOW: Five women accused Louis C.K. of sexual misconduct. The comedian now admits to all those stories saying, yes, they are true.

With me now, Rebecca Corry, one of those five women. She is an actress, a writer, a comedian.

Rebecca, thank you for being here.

You have experienced something no one -- no one should have to experience. You have lived through this. You have lived through years and years after it. You call Louis C.K. a sexual predator and you say, I don't think people truly get it. They don't really understand. What do you mean?

REBECCA CORRY, ACTRESS, WRITER AND COMEDIAN: Well, I mean, it's -- I don't know what you're referring to in terms of people don't understand. I guess that they don't understand how it could be an open secret in Hollywood for so long.

HARLOW: Yes. Yes.

CORRY: But it was. And it's really, really unfortunate because it's had a really negative effect on a lot of people.

HARLOW: You don't want to be sitting here having to be one of the people to come forward, to talk about this. I can't put myself in your shoes. How are you doing?

CORRY: I'm, to be honest, it's like this is not -- this was not on my vision board for life, you know.


CORRY: Sitting here after 26 years of working in this industry and talking about a middle-aged man who masturbates everywhere. That is not -- that is not what -- that's a horrible position to be in and he put us all in that. And -- and it's -- it's gross. And it's not what any of us asked for or wanted. But the right thing to do was to speak out because it's just -- it's intolerable.

HARLOW: It is intolerable.

Part of his statement -- and he refers to you directly by name in this statement apology, call it what you will. He talked about being remorseful for his actions, trying to have learned from them and run from them. He says now I'm aware of the extent of the impact of my actions. There's nothing about this that I forgive myself for. I have to reconcile it with who I am, which is nothing compared to the task I left them -- meaning you and the other four women -- with.

What do you make of that?

CORRY: I mean, that's -- I mean at least, you know, at least he admitted what he did. I just think that what's really, really important is that the people who do come forward and the people like us who did, that they're just -- they're just supported in doing so and not just labeled as victims. I mean we're people who, you know, with stories that do other things. We're not just, you know, Louis C.K. victims or, you know, accusers.


CORRY: We're stories and I think in order to encourage others to come forward and feel safe doing so, I think it's important to keep that in mind instead of just further labeling us. That's the part that's really annoying for us is that, you know, when you Google our names, we're going to forever be linked to this person. And I don't even want to be in the same sentence as him, yet alone, you know, be linked to him forever. So that's an important thing to keep in mind.

HARLOW: Look, you -- this does not define you.

CORRY: No. HARLOW: And it is so important that you're speaking up and what you're saying for our daughters, for our sons, for all of, you know, the children growing up who hopefully will never have to experience something like this.

This happened in 2005. Fast forward a decade, 2015. He e-mails you and then he calls you. What happened?

CORRY: Yes, he -- I was contacted by another well-known comedian friend of his and he had told me that Louis wanted to talk to me. And, you know, it's 10:30 at night. I have -- I had no idea. You can't be prepared for that. And I was genuinely concerned. And so I e-mailed him right away and was like, what did you want to talk about? And he offered to e-mail it to me. But then offered to, you know, we could talk or e-mail. So I suggested to talk.

And when he called me, he just told me that, you know, he owed me a very, very late apology for shoving me into a bathroom. And I said, you didn't shove me into the bathroom. You offered to masturbate in front of me -- in front of my dressing room on the set of our pilot. And he then remembered and, you know, said that he was sorry and, you know, we talked awkwardly a little bit longer and that was it. I just wanted it, you know, to be over.

[08:55:02] I invited him to do an event of mine for my non-profit, Stand up for Pits in New York and, you know, just said come and do it and I want to focus on other things.


CORRY: I just didn't want to be a part of his narrative. I didn't want to be on his call sheet anymore.


CORRY: I just wanted it to be over.


CORRY: And -- and then I never -- I never saw or talked to him ever again. And then a series of things happened over the following two years and then most recently, about two months ago, I had a horrible interaction with someone who's very close with him and I was mistreated horribly at this event. And after that, I just was like, you know what, saying nothing is not doing anything and I'm still having to be, you know, having to deal with being somehow a Louis C.K. person. I don't know. It feels terrible and so I just went -- I'm -- I just decided I'm talking.

HARLOW: Thank you for --

CORRY: Because if I'm going to continue to keep dealing with it by saying nothing, then I'm going to tell the truth.

HARLOW: Yes. Yes. Thank you for talking. Thank you for speaking, doing what is right in the face of so much wrong. We appreciate it. Rebecca Corry, thank you.

CORRY: Thank you.

HARLOW: "The Good Stuff" -- "The Good Stuff." We need some this morning. It's next.


CUOMO: All right, let's get some "Good Stuff" going on this Monday.

Here's a reminder that there are good people out there. One of whom is sitting next to me. A.J. Spooner (ph) left her wallet on the light rail in New Jersey City. OK. Inside of it was 400 bucks. All right. So, Spooner gets back on the train. She learned a group of young men found her wallet and promised to return it.

[09:00:08] So what does she think? Well, Spooner thinks, she's never going to get her wallet back, right? Take a listen to this, though.