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New Day

Trump Conjures Up Rape Crisis; National Guard to Mexican Border; Trump on Voter Fraud; Spieth Overshadows Tiger; Parkland Injured Student Returns to School. Aired 6:30-7a ET

Aired April 06, 2018 - 06:30   ET


[06:31:22] ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: Documents reveal that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is using information related to searches of Paul Manafort's personal belongings now in the Russia investigation. Prosecutors obtaining a warrant to get information connected to five AT&T phone numbers. The information is reportedly not related to the criminal prosecutions of Manafort. The former Trump campaign chairman faces indictments in Virginia and Washington, D.C., related to his foreign lobbying business from before the campaign. He has pleaded not guilty to both cases.

DAVID GREGORY, CNN ANCHOR: And in other law enforcement news, New York City Police say UFC star Conor McGregor charged with three counts of assault and one count of criminal mischief after an alleged attack -- that's alleged all right -- on a bus carrying rival fighters. Video capturing McGregor throwing something through a window on the bus. Police say a passenger was injured. McGregor was arrested following the incident at Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Thursday. He's due to appear in court this morning.

I mean, shocking only -- I mean it's not exactly -- this wasn't like he was part of a caravan of the New York City Ballet. I mean these are UFC fighters. I mean this is not like the most uncharacteristic behavior of this guy.

CAMEROTA: You know what. Well, seeing him in tights, looks like he's a member of the New York City Ballet.


CAMEROTA: He could -- and his --

GREGORY: Well, he was -- he was mad. He just wanted to be allowed to --


GREGORY: To wobble back to his corner. Remember when he said that after the fight this summer? You weren't watching the fight this summer?

CAMEROTA: No, I wasn't.

GREGORY: Mayweather? OK. CAMEROTA: But I did hear about it.

GREGORY: Anyway. Yes.

CAMEROTA: It is ringing a bell.

All right, President Trump goes off script, literally, and the facts are the first casualty. He again makes false claims about voter fraud and some alarming statements about migrants. We discuss all of that, next.


[06:37:01] GREGORY: New example this morning of President Trump tossing some red meat to his base in West Virginia and ramping up immigration concerns by making some alarming claims about women coming to this country from Central America. Listen.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: And remember my opening remarks at Trump Tower. I used the word rape. And yesterday it came out where this journey coming up, women are raped at levels that nobody's ever seen before.


GREGORY: The president yesterday in West Virginia.

We'll bring back John Avlon and Brian Karem.

John, what is he talking about? You know, throwing this out there, what crisis specifically is he mentioning without any -- without any information or any of it?

JOHN AVLON, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Without any information or context. And the question, what is he talking about, is actually a very good lens to put on much of the president's public comments, unfortunately. He was recalling his announcement in July of 2015 in which he famously said Mexicans were coming into the country and raping people, but some of them were good people.

I'm not sure why he's recalling this as a greatest hit. I think in the context of the moving National Guard to the border is saying that some of the human traffickers, you know, there's a pattern of sexual abuse and rape. That is a --

CAMEROTA: Sure. That's a real problem.

AVLON: That is a real problem.

CAMEROTA: As migrants and people seeking asylum are trying to get to the U.S., they are raped. Not on this caravan they're not.

AVLON: Right, not on --

CAMEROTA: I mean that's why they're traveling in a caravan, for safety.

BRIAN KAREM, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: And it's not a new problem. It's been an ongoing problem.


KAREM: It's not a growing problem. It's -- it has been a problem since people began coming across the border and you pay coyotes to bring you across the border.


KAREM: Having patrolled that border, this is not -- it's not a -- it's -- it's a disingenuous deflection of what the real issues are. And it's by alarming people by saying --

CAMEROTA: Right. But it's also suggesting that this caravan of people seeking political asylum, that they're rapists coming.


CAMEROTA: That they're --

KAREM: And that's not the case.

CAMEROTA: Not only is it not the case.


CAMEROTA: I mean let me just go to our -- there was a Buzzfeed reporter traveling along with this caravan. Here's what he reports.

I've been with the caravan for 12 days. Haven't seen or heard of anyone being raped at levels that nobody has ever seen before. To be clear, I haven't heard of anyone being raped in or around the caravan.

GREGORY: Well, here's -- and here's the other problem. What we know about a lot of particularly women with kids who are seeking asylum from Central America is that they are -- and Mexico as well, they are trying to escape abusive situations.


KAREM: By coming here, right.

GREGORY: And there's been nobody in the administration who says, well, we have to patrol the border and enforce laws. We have a real concern about what happens when these folks are just turned around and right (ph) back.

KAREM: Well, let's talk about how this all came about. This whole issue came about because he had a press conference this week, a joint press conference, in which he took one question from an American reporter. And the issue he decided to talk about was the border. He switched gears and started talking about the border and said, hey, we're going to bring in the military. Now, afterwards, many reporters, me included, went back to the White House and said, hey, what about the Posse Comitatus Act.

AVLON: Right.

KAREM: You can't really use the military --

AVLON: Right.

KAREM: To police the border.

[06:40:03] Now, there are exceptions for the National Guard. And several people in that administration did not know what the Posse Comitatus Act was and then said, hey, well, in an account of a national emergency, surely you can. No, he cannot.

So then they went and did the research to see if they could back up what the president said. And then he came out with the National Guard. And then he doubled down by throwing away his -- his --


KAREM: His script --


KAREM: And then doubled down again with the border. And it all conflated itself.

AVLON: Which is --

GREGORY: Right. Sure.

KAREM: This is typical -- this is typical Trump behavior.

AVLON: This is --

GREGORY: Well, and other -- and other misinformation, when he started talking about voters.

AVLON: Which is why it's really important to reality check the president's comments.


KAREM: Every day.

AVLON: Right? I mean, look, you know, first of all, illegal immigration across the border, illegal crossings, have been declining since 2004. That's important. So the urgency around this is political. It's too often the president plays the fear card with regard to illegal immigration rather than dealing with the facts. We are deploying -- he is now deploying National Guard troops to the border. But that -- nobody seemed to be --

KAREM: Well, he has -- he's not done it yet. AVLON: He has made -- he has issued the proclamation.

KAREM: Called for it.


KAREM: But like the tariffs, it may not occur.

AVLON: And it looks like it will be -- no, well, this will almost certainly occur because there's no constraining factor.

KAREM: We'll see.

AVLON: But that numbers that are probably -- are -- seem to be between what President Obama deployed, 1,200, and what W. Bush deployed, around 6,000.

CAMEROTA: Yes. There was another moment yesterday where the president brought back up something that has been debunked over and over, and that is that millions and millions of illegal people voted in the election, the 2016 election, in California. Secretaries of state have been interviewed about this, questioned, across the country. We did not have a voting crisis -- a voter fraud crisis.

GREGORY: Yes, this --

CAMEROTA: It does happen in small pockets. Not to the millions and millions. Here's what he said yesterday again.


DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: In many places, like California, the same person votes many times. You probably heard about that. They always like to say, oh, that's a conspiracy theory. Not a conspiracy theory, folks. Millions and millions of people.


AVLON: It is a conspiracy theory, Mr. President.

CAMEROTA: A conspiracy theory. That's the definition.

KAREM: Yes, that is a --

AVLON: That is a conspiracy theory.

KAREM: That is the very definition of it. And I have but one question. If, in fact, this occurred, does this invalidate his election?

CAMEROTA: No, because he says they voted for Hillary Clinton.

AVLON: Right. Right, but --

KAREM: Yes, that he knows, right?

AVLON: Actually one of the reasons he can't resist this conspiracy theory is that it rankles him that he lost the popular vote.

KAREM: Right.

AVLON: And so he says California had millions of people voting illegally. And so if you take that into account, he would have won the popular vote.

GREGORY: Let's just focus on the facts, though. He had a commission to look into this.

CAMEROTA: Of voter fraud.

GREGORY: They came up with nothing. He had to shut it down.


GREGORY: So, I mean, the best way --

AVLON: Because they had (INAUDIBLE).

GREGORY: I think the most important thing that people can take away is that there's no factual basis for a claim. Remember, this is also the guy who came into national political prominence claiming that our first African-American president was not born in America. So --

KAREM: Of course.

GREGORY: This is a problem because he'll go to places and people will hear it enough and say, this is true. (INAUDIBLE).

KAREM: I want to -- I want to pair him up with the Flat Earth Society. I mean together perhaps they'll come up with something.

CAMEROTA: But, I mean, Brian, this is the point -- David's point, is that I've done these voter panels where they quote that back to me because they have so metabolized it, it is part of their reality now. They've read it. They've heard it. They heard the president say it. And so they believe that and we have to debunk it.

KAREM: People stay inside their own philosophical cul-de-sac and then whatever they hear that echoed back to them reinforces it.

AVLON: Sure.

KAREM: It's what they believe.

AVLON: But all the more reason that it's important that the president has some fidelity of facts, and this one does not.

KAREM: And never has.

AVLON: And what has the net effect of doing -- what has the net effect of doing is, unfortunately, decreasing faith in our democracy. Adding ballast to that argument that this is a rigged system, even though he won the election and demonizing illegal (INAUDIBLE).

KAREM: I'd go further than that. It destabilizes the entire world. I'm sorry. You look at it. That's the bottom line.

CAMEROTA: Brian Karem, John Avlon, thank you both very much.

GREGORY: Serious stuff, but what about golf?

CAMEROTA: Let me tell you.

After a two-year hiatus, Tiger Woods officially returning to the Masters. But he gave fans little to cheer about, David. Details in the "Bleacher Report," next.


[06:47:57] CAMEROTA: OK, watch what we're about to do with sports. David Gregory is here for the assist.

Tiger Woods is the main attraction at the Masters. But the other co- favorite sits at the top of the leaderboard. Whatever all of that means.

David Gregory is here to explain.

GREGORY: It's not so much your lack of knowledge, it's just your contempt for sports that I thinks is a concern.

CAMEROTA: It is. That's true. No, I -- I -- this is -- I suffer through this.

GREGORY: All right.


You're going to make it exciting.

GREGORY: All right, Coy is here with our "Bleacher Report" this morning.

CAMEROTA: Oh, come on.

GREGORY: Coy, go.

CAMEROTA: Coy, this is going to be a joint effort.

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: Good morning to you guys.

Hey, Jordan Spieth crushing it at the Masters is almost as automatic as Alisyn and David Gregory crushing it on NEW DAY. He's played 17 rounds at Augusta National in his career and he's been the leader or co-leader in over half of them. Nine times.

He was on fire, especially on the back nine yesterday. He only took 10 putts. He made five straight birdies. That is a career best for him in majors. He was the runner-up at the Masters in 2014 and '16. He won it all in 2015. Thursday he finished a sixth under 66 with a two-shot lead heading into the day's second round. What's up with Tiger Woods? He appeared frustrated at times, calling

some of his shots terrible during his first round. His game could have gone completely off the tracks, but he pulled it together. He's seven strokes behind the lead after shooting a 73. That's just one stroke better, actually, than his opening round the last time he won the Masters in 2005. We'll see how he does today.

You can tune in to CNN tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 Eastern for "All Access At Augusta," a CNN "Bleacher Report" special. Word on the street is Hines Ward does an impression of Tiger Woods and Rory McIlroy. Sounds like must see TV to me.

CAMEROTA: You know something about impressions, David Gregory.

Were you watch -- are you a golf fan? Were you watching?

GREGORY: I'm not a huge golf fan, but I do like the Masters. I like the ambiance of the Masters.

CAMEROTA: Of course you do.

GREGORY: You put it on. You hear the -- you know, the salty tones.

CAMEROTA: Of course you do. The (INAUDIBLE).

GREGORY: No, but I'm actually -- I'm very interested in the Tiger story. I mean, I think, you know, we're seeing in the era of Roger Federer at his age reestablishing dominance. I think it would be pretty cool to watch that.


[06:50:00] GREGORY: Anyway, the Parkland student -- Parkland high school student credited with helping police find the killer is returning to school for the first time this week after getting shot. We're going to check in with him, coming in next.


CAMEROTA: The students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School are still trying to cope with the aftermath of that February 14th massacre. Freshman Kyle Laman returned to school this week for the first time after he was shot in the foot and endured three surgeries. Kyle came face-to-face with the shooter and he gave a description of him to police, which eventually led to the gunman's capture.

Kyle joins us this morning with his mother Marie Laman.

Kyle, how you doing?


[06:55:01] CAMEROTA: I'm doing well.

What's it like for you to go back to school this week? K. LAMAN: It was really overwhelming and, well, mostly fun. I had a

carrier with me, which was really cool. I had a bunch of friends with me when -- when I was -- when I was transitioning through classes and stuff. So it was really fun. I got to see all my friends.

CAMEROTA: And what do you -- what do you mean you had a carrier? What does that mean you had a carrier with you?

K. LAMAN: There was someone pushing the wheelchair.


MARIE LAMAN, SON KYLE SHOT IN PARKLAND SCHOOL SHOOTING: So he actually had the officer who rescued him, Jeff Henrik (ph). He was pushing him. And also one of the -- a friend of ours now, the city council member, Larry McNola (ph). He was also helping -- spending the day with Kyle at school and pushing him around. So they took turns spending the day with him. And then all his friends -- he had a really --

CAMEROTA: Oh, my gosh, that is --

M. LAMAN: Yes.

CAMEROTA: That is cool. But tell me about all of his friends. What was that like? What did your classmates and friends do?

K. LAMAN: They just helped with like -- talked to me and they went to classes with me and they were really comforting.

CAMEROTA: And what did they --

M. LAMAN: It was a really warm welcoming. Everybody was very excited to see him.

CAMEROTA: I can imagine. I mean, because, Kyle, you haven't been back to school in these -- I mean, you know, it's almost been two months.

K. LAMAN: I know.

CAMEROTA: And obviously, as we said, you've had all of surgeries. And I know that people didn't know for a long time if you were going to make it out so well. I mean, obviously, your foot was almost destroyed. Tell us about what happened.

K. LAMAN: Umm, like, what happened at the shooting or --

CAMEROTA: Well, just, I mean, you -- did you --

K. LAMAN: Like or at the school?

CAMEROTA: About your foot. You were shot in the foot.

K. LAMAN: Yes.

CAMEROTA: And I know that you -- you ran on it to get away.

K. LAMAN: Yes.

CAMEROTA: And that's where you encountered Sergeant Henrik, who helped you. And then, I don't know, were there times that you thought that you might not be able to walk again or have use of your foot again?

K. LAMAN: When I was in more of the ambulance, I thought about it. But it wasn't really -- like really in my mind at the time.

CAMEROTA: And you were the person who came face-to-face with the gunman. Tell us what you were able to tell police about that.

K. LAMAN: Well, I was able to tell the police the type of clothing he was wearing, the type of gun, the optics and the magazines that he was using.

M. LAMAN: Where he was located.

K. LAMAN: Yes, where he was located.

CAMEROTA: Well, that really helped them. I mean they were able to arrest him in part because of that.

Marie, what have these six weeks been like for you?

M. LAMAN: It's actually been kind of nice because I feel like we're getting back to a little bit of the new normal. You know, everything's been so surreal and overwhelming. And we've been concentrating so much on his healing. So this is -- I feel like we're, you know, getting closer to our regular, normal lifestyle, which is nice because we missed that.

CAMEROTA: Of course you do.

Kyle, is it nerve-racking to be back at school?

K. LAMAN: Not really. It's more comforting than it is nerve-racking because there's so much people that have been through a lot of stuff and they've seen things and we're all here and I'm here for everyone. And it's all like a big comforting place now.

CAMEROTA: That's so nice to hear that.

And, Kyle, what do you think about what's happened since then? The movement. You know, how so many of your classmates have taken up this cause and how Florida has listened. And lawmakers have changed things as a result of you guys.

K. LAMAN: I think it's great. It means -- it means that we have a voice. And we can -- that we can make a difference. I think -- I think this turned out to be for the best. But -- not in that way, but I think it turned out like there's so much good rather than negativity.

CAMEROTA: Gosh, you have such a great outlook.

Marie, how does he have such a wonderful outlook? M. LAMAN: I have no idea. No idea. But we're -- you know, we do trying to keep everything positive. I mean it's a horrible situation and we're trying to make it into, you know, as -- as light as we can.

I mean everybody's been so good to us. We haven't expected anything. I mean the hospital was amazing. The school was amazing. The community is amazing. Our doctors are amazing. I mean everyone I feel like has been just above and beyond, like, so kind to us and helping us. And it -- it is a horrible situation, but you see so much more good in the world than you do bad. And, I mean, it stinks that it takes something so tragic to see all that --


[06:59:09] M. LAMAN: But, I mean, we do try to stay positive. I try to keep him upbeat. You know, we try to keep everything as normal as possible.