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Cameron Boyce's Fatal Seizure Caused by Epilepsy; Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) is Interviewed about Immigration Raids; Female Reporter Blocked from Mississippi Campaign Trip. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired July 11, 2019 - 08:30   ET


[08:30:00] DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: People who have had epilepsy for a long time often have an idea of what some of the triggers might be and an avoidance of those very important. Alcohol can be associated with this. Just simple things, like not enough sleep as well.

So, again, we don't know that to be the case. The L.A. coroner is investigating this. We'll have an actual result from them six to eight weeks from now. But that's -- you know, from what the family has said, from his medical condition, this is sort of where -- where things are pointing.

ALISYN CAMEROTA, CNN ANCHOR: But medicine -- medication can stop seizures like that? I mean what happens exactly during a seizure?

GUPTA: Well, when you're thinking about seizures overall and the brain and looking at the function, you're seeing basically a burst of electrical activity in a particular place in the brain. That's what a seizure is.

Now, demanding on where in the brain this is happening, different symptoms can occur. So sometimes it's hard to first attribute new symptoms of a seizure. But once someone is diagnosed and has a seizure like this, the concern with SUDEP is that right after the seizure, the brain is affected in such a way that the person may develop apnea, again stop breathing, or this heart rhythm abnormality that can be fatal. And that's -- that's what SUDEP is.

CAMEROTA: And does -- can medication control that?

GUPTA: Yes. I mean, you know, when it comes to -- to this, SUDEP itself is so particularly rare, one in 1,000 people, they try and figure out who is most -- who are these one in a 1,000 people. And what they have found is that people who haven't taken medication are more likely to develop SUDEP, but that's by no means always the case. There people who have done everything right, they've avoided their triggers, they've taken their medications as prescribed, they've had good control of epilepsy over their lifetime and yet they still develop it, which makes this so, so tragic again.

CAMEROTA: And so scary. But, Sanjay --

GUPTA: So scary. Unexpected. CAMEROTA: Yes. I mean terrifying.

But, Sanjay, thank you very much for explaining all of that to us this morning.

GUPTA: Yes, thank you.

CAMEROTA: All right, so "The New York Times" is reporting that widespread raids on undocumented immigrants are set to begin this weekend, but it is unclear if anyone in Congress has been briefed on this operation. So next we'll ask Senator Joe Manchin what he knows about it, next.


[08:36:10] JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Joining me now is the Democratic Senator from West Virginia, Joe Manchin.

Senator, thank you very much for being with us this morning. Always great to see you.

SEN. JOE MANCHIN (D-WV): Thanks for having me, John.

BERMAN: Let me read you a little bit from "The New York Times" this morning which says that several thousand migrants and their families could be targeted, but more people could be arrested as well.

"The New York Times" says, the raids, which will be conducted by ICE over multiple days, will include collateral deportations, according to the officials. In those deportations, authorities might detain immigrants who happen to be on the scene even though they were not targets of these raids.

Based on what you know or have read or have been briefed on, do you approve of this operation?

MANCHIN: Well, John, here's the thing, you know, we wouldn't even be having this discussion in 2013 if we'd have passed the massive immigration reform bill that we passed in the Senate. It was done in a bipartisan way. It was all about border security, building secured walls and structures that would protect our borders, but also having a legal pathway forward for those people who came here for a better quality of life. And it's a shame we can't get that done, taking care of DACA and dreamers, all the things that we could do.

Now it's being used as a division for our country and separating us further. The inhumane treatment of people who basically want a better quality of life for themselves and their family is something that should be afforded in the greatest country. I've said, people come here two ways, John. They came here the wrong way for the right reason, the wrong way for the wrong reason. We want to get rid of the wrong way, wrong reason people. And now that they've been here and this is part of their live, and their children only know this as their country, shouldn't they have a chance, an opportunity to be productive citizens? We can work through this. This is wrong of what's -- the way we're

doing it basically to further divide the country and it doesn't need to be done.

BERMAN: So -- so it's wrong the way we're doing it. You say "The Times" also says these nationwide raids to arrest thousands of members of undocumented families are being used as a deterrent, a show of force to deter families from approaching the southwest border.

Do you think this is the right way to deter families from coming?

MANCHIN: John, I'm -- we need to change the asylum. I've said that asylum should be done in countries. The countries they're in rather than pulling the money away. You know, in America, in most all countries, we have domestic violence shelters to protect families, children and spouses of domestic violence. If people are fearing for their life and their children's life, they'll do whatever they can to protect them. Can't we do something more humane than allowing the cartel to have a business operation preying on humans and taking advantage of them?

I think there's a better way and America can show its true heart and soul. That's what I'm looking to do. I'm looking to find a pathway forward. People just rushing to our border because of our asylum laws, and they need to be changed, but more of a human touch to it.

BERMAN: Let me ask you --

MANCHIN: Let's go to Honduras. Let's go down to the areas where people are coming from (INAUDIBLE) and basically protecting them in those areas there, trying to help change the country. Columbia has done a great job of changing. Can't we do that more in more areas?

BERMAN: Let me ask you very quickly, we just learned a few minutes ago the president is holding a news conference in the Rose Garden and we're told it's to announce some kind of executive action on a citizenship question with the census.


BERMAN: Now, the Supreme Court ruled that the way that the White House was asking for this before didn't pass muster. Do you think that an executive action is the way to go?

MANCHIN: I -- I don't think so, John. When the court -- if we're a rule of law -- if we're a land of laws and we believe in the rule of law, the courts have spoken. You can't do anything and nothing should be target towards suppressing people to have the right to vote that are citizens, legal citizens of this country. And if they're afraid of that because of the trickle effect it could have on members of their family that are trying to become citizens, it's a very difficult situation.

[08:40:00] It should not be a contentious question to say, are you an American citizen? Most people believe that is not a contentious question if it's used for the right purpose to make sure of equal representation where you live, your representation in Congress, making sure that the opportunities and basically the resources you need are going to be equally divided. That's what it's about and that's what it should be about.

Again, all we're doing is pushing people and dividing this country and it's not the right way to govern.

BERMAN: One thing that's brought this country together over the last several weeks is the World Cup champion soccer team.

MANCHIN: Yes, it sure has.

BERMAN: And, Senator, you have proposed a measure that would basically say that the men's World Cup, which takes place in the U.S., Mexico and Canada in 2026, you want to deny all federal funding unless the women's team gets equal pay. Explain.

MANCHIN: First of all, I have granddaughters who are very active in the soccer world and I'm very proud of them.

Next of all, it's just fairness, John. My goodness, when you look at viewership, in the last few years the viewership is -- I think the women's viewership was $3 million more. The paraphernalia basically selling their goods and selling their shirts and things of that sort have been off the charts. Everything they've done. And revenue coming in has been almost a million dollars greater than the men. And now you're going to say they only get 38 cents on the dollar, when they're outperforming and we are so proud and there's just so much national pride they've brought to our country? I just think it's a matter of fairness and why this is not being done. So all we're saying is, if you're expecting federal help, if you're -- which they always do in one way or another, then we're going to deny that unless you've corrected this injustice.

BERMAN: Senator, I have just a few seconds left. I do want to ask you, you voted to approve the nomination of Alexander Acosta as Labor Secretary. Based on what you have heard and what you are learning about the plea deal that he struck, the sweetheart deal for sexual predator Jeffrey Epstein in 2008, do you have concerns now about his ability to do the job?

MANCHIN: Absolutely, John. Here's the thing that -- the concern is, first of all, I've worked with Alex Acosta and we've had a good relationship. He's come to West Virginia. I've taken him to the coal mines. He sees what hardworking people go through and the protections they need. He's been very, very in tune to that, so I appreciate that.

Knowing what we know today, if it all proves to be accurate from OPR, with the Justice Department Office of Professionalism, then I would not have supported him. I'm not even sure Alex would have gone through the vetting -- made it through the vetting process. That didn't come out until after he had already been confirmed and it's a shame that that -- and this comes out and now we have to deal with this. But if it proves accurate, I'd have made a mistake and I would not have voted for Alex.

BERMAN: Senator Joe Manchin from West Virginia, thank you for being with us today.

MANCHIN: Thanks -- thanks for having me, John.

CAMEROTA: All right, wait until you hear this story. A reporter was denied access to a Mississippi gubernatorial candidate twice unless she brought a male colleague along with her. She calls that blatant sexism. He says it's common sense in the Me Too era. We will speak with both of them, next.


[08:47:16] BERMAN: A Republican Gubernatorial Candidate in Mississippi, Robert Foster, is under fire this morning for denying a female reporter access to a ride along with him and his campaign, that is unless a male colleague joined her. Foster saying this could create a, quote, awkward situation.

Joining us now to discuss this is the reporter, Larrison Campbell. She's with "Mississippi Today," and Mississippi State Representative Robert Foster, a Republican running for governor, is joining us by phone.

It's great to have you both with us this morning.

Larrison, first to you. This is something that your news organization did, and was provided for with the other candidates. What were you going for and what were you told?

LARRISON CAMPBELL, DENIED ACCESS TO CAMPAIGN TRIP DUE TO GENDER: Absolutely. So, you know, in the months leading up to the Republican primary, we've really been trying to give our readers kind of an inside access to all of the campaigns. And we have three Republican gubernatorial candidates. So we've been doing these ride alongs sort of to let our readers see, you know, what it's like on the campaign trail and kind of give them a perspective into these candidates' positions by watching them interact with supporters out there. You know, we really -- we really want to give our readers as much information about these campaigns as we can.

And so we did it with his two opponents and we offered the same thing to him. I was going to cover him. I've covered Representative Foster for a while. And I thought everything was going to be fine and then they kind of came back at me with this one caveat.

BERMAN: One caveat, representative, which was that she couldn't do it alone. She needed a male along with her. If a man, a male reporter, had asked for a ride along, would you have granted him a solo interview?


And I appreciate y'all having me on this morning.

I think it's important for everybody, you know, to understand the dynamics here. I've done several interviews with Ms. Campbell over the last few years and I have no problem doing interviews with any reporter.

But this was a different request. It was to be a ride along, as she stated. You know, it was going to be a 15 to 16 hour day. And I have a very small campaign staff at this point in my campaign. I'm, you know, the underdog candidate running with a grassroots campaign and we don't have a big staff and there's a lot of times where my campaign director and I have to go separate ways, even during the middle of the day to try to, you know, cover different things from stop to stop. And I didn't want to end up in the situation where me and Ms. Campbell were alone for an extended period of time throughout that 15 to 16-hour day. And so out of precaution, I wanted to have her bring someone with her, a male colleague.

And it's -- the other thing that I think is important to point out is that this is my truck, and in my truck we go by my rules. And that's -- that's -- that's my rule.

BERMAN: OK, Representative, we understand.

You said it's a precaution. Is it that you didn't trust Larrison or you didn't trust yourself? I'm confused here.

[08:50:00] FOSTER: I trust myself completely. But I don't trust the perception that the world puts on people when they see things and they don't ask the questions, they don't look to find out the truth. Perception is reality in this world and I don't want to give anybody the opinion that I'm doing something that I should not be doing.

BERMAN: Larrison?

CAMPBELL: Yes, so I've got a couple of things to say here.

First of all, like you said, it's your truck, it's your rules. Why is it my responsibility to make you feel comfortable about something that, you know, that is -- that, again, as your campaign director said on the phone with me is this weird request that you have? Why was I the one -- why is the onus on me to bring someone along?

FOSTER: Because y'all wanted to do the interview. I didn't ask y'all to come with me to do the interview. So it's my rules, my truck.

CAMPBELL: But it -- but it's, again, your rule. Again, no other candidate has ever had a rule like this. And -- I mean, OK, let's go back to the appearance of impropriety thing. Why does it appear improper for a man to be with a woman? I mean why wouldn't like a gay affair be construed if you were with a man, unless, at the end of day, what you're saying here is, a woman is a sexual object first and a reporter second. People, when they see a woman with a man, are going to automatically assume that she's there for, you know, with an improper relationship because, again, they see a woman as a woman as a sexual object first and as someone who's doing my job second.

FOSTER: Well, first of all, I'm a married man and I made a vow to my wife. And part of the agreement that we've also made throughout our marriage is that we would not be alone with someone of the opposite sex throughout our marriage. And that is a vow that I have with my wife --

CAMPBELL: Would you --

FOSTER: That I put -- I put that and my faith and my -- and my religion that is the reason why we have that vow above anyone else's feelings, including yours. And I apologize for that, that it may hurt your feelings, but I would much rather uphold my vows to my wife over anyone else.

CAMPBELL: Can I -- can I flip the script for a second? So let's say one of the people running for Attorney General right now is a two-term treasurer, it's a woman, Lynn Fitch. Lynn Fitch has -- I've never heard of her making this request of any of my male colleagues. If a woman did this, if a female candidate did this, people would say she's making men bring people along with her. Like she can't -- if she doesn't feel comfortable doing this, she can't do her job.

How can you do your job, how can you like tell Mississippians that you will be a good governor if you can't, you know, be alone in a room with a woman? I mean look at like our current Governor Bryant's staff. You know, one of his top attorneys, one of his top policy directors, those are all women. How are you going to do that if you can't be alone with a woman?

FOSTER: It's very simple. You always can have the door open and have people right in the room next door. But this is not what we're talking about. We're talking about a 15 to 16-hour vehicle ride in my truck. That's what we're talking about.

BERMAN: Let me ask one question --

CAMPBELL: So why aren't you the one providing someone? Anyway.

BERMAN: No, no, hey, Larrison, you jump back in here in one second.

I just want to ask, representative, what do you think would happen if you were alone in a room with Larrison? She seems to be a professional reporter who asks questions. What do you think happens?

FOSTER: Nothing. And that's what I've just stated. You can have the door open and have people in the room next door. And so that there's nothing there. But that's now what we're talking about. We're talking about riding in my truck for a 15 to 16 hour day.

BERMAN: What happens in your truck that's different than a room with an open door?

FOSTER: It's just the perception. And that's a rule that I've always had and I've always thought. It's a very professional rule that many other people, including Billy Graham and Governor Mike Pence have followed and many other leaders throughout our nation --

BERMAN: Do people have any reason to --

FOSTER: Have followed that rule.

BERMAN: Do people have any reason to think anything of you and who rides in your truck? Why would they ever think that -- that a professional --

FOSTER: I'm not going to give -- I'm not going to give them the opportunity to. And that's the whole point.

BERMAN: Larrison, the idea of equal access, how does this play?

CAMPBELL: Absolutely.

BERMAN: Do you think that male reporters in Mississippi are treated the same way?

CAMPBELL: I mean, no. And I -- and I've actually -- and, you know, I -- I want to kind of take a step back here and say, obviously this is a Mississippi situation that's happened in Mississippi. It's a Mississippi political story. But it's also, I think, it's a bigger story than Mississippi. I've heard from a lot of women in the last 24 hours, like around the country who, you know, whether it's next door in Alabama or it's across the country in like Colorado or L.A. who are like, this is happening. Politics is a men's club. And, you know, for you're a woman, you're seen kind of as an outsider. Again, when you go back to this idea of perception is everything, women are perceived to not belong there because people are -- a large group of people are used to seeing men in those spaces. So --

BERMAN: Representative, I just -- I just got a note from someone who spent a week with Larrison at a conference on health journalism and said that she is a professional and ethical journalist.

[08:55:00] I don't understand from you, as a public elected official, the message you're sending to young girls who want to be journalists, that they can't -- they can --

FOSTER: Well, I think the message --

BERMAN: Hang on, that they can't do the same job that young men can do who want to be journalists?

FOSTER: Oh, absolutely they can do the same job. We're talking about a specific 15 to 16-hour ride along in my truck with -- I had one caveat, that she did not want to follow that rule, and that's OK, and I understand her position, but I have my position and I don't have to break my rule in my vehicle for anyone.

And I think it's also important to point out the fact that because of the Me Too movement now men are under attack all of the time. Sometimes those accusations come out to be true. But there are many times they have been proven to be false. And I'm not going to allow myself to be put in a situation where someone -- and I'm not saying Ms. Campbell would ever do this -- but I'm not going to ever be put in a situation with any female to where they could make an accusation against me and there's not a witness there to refute that accusation.

BERMAN: Larrison, I want to give you the last word here.

CAMPBELL: Yes, I mean, I think, look, there are a couple of things here. I think we've got to go back to this idea. We -- we can't talk about this without talking about perception being everything. And if you're saying that it -- the look of impropriety is out there, it's because you're saying that women don't belong in these spaces, that women -- it's unusual to see women in these spaces, that women are sexual objects. And also, if it is your rule in your truck, then you provide the person.

BERMAN: All right.

FOSTER: That -- that could -- that can be -- that could definitely be arranged in the future. But, again, I wanted to point out that I'm running a very small -- I've only got one staff member with me and he's not always even with me. I'm sometimes alone on this campaign. And so it's, you know, a different stage of this campaign if we make a runoff or make it into the general election, I will have a whole lot different operation. I don't have $7 million like one of my opponents with special interest funding. So it's just a different -- whole different dynamic.

BERMAN: Larrison, you going to keep pushing for this interview?

CAMPBELL: Fine, but it's sexism.


CAMPBELL: What was that, I'm sorry?

BERMAN: No, go ahead, I'll let you have the last word. What did you just say?

CAMPBELL: I would just say, look, we've got to call this what it is. When a women isn't given access to the same things that a man would be given access to, its sexism.

BERMAN: And, representative, just, yes or no, you don't deny, you would give a man this access, yes?

FOSTER: I would. And I stand my ground.

BERMAN: All right, no ambiguity there.

Representative Foster, Larrison Campbell, thank you very much for joining us this morning. That was fascinating.

CAMPBELL: Thanks so much, John.

FOSTER: Thank you.

CAMEROTA: That -- thank you so much. That was fascinating. I really appreciate Representative Foster's candor. He didn't say, no, I didn't say that. He said that that was a compact that he had made with his wife. That was their personal compact. And he's going to, it sounds like, get less press coverage as a result of that compact. BERMAN: All right, "NEWSROOM" with a terrific female journalist that I know who's interviewed a lot of men.

CAMEROTA: Is she alone. But she's alone in the room, in the studio.

BERMAN: All alone. Poppy Harlow is alone --

CAMEROTA: I hope Jim is not with her.

BERMAN: Is alone, next.

CAMEROTA: All right.

