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New Day

Divided House Approves Rules For Trump Impeachment Probe; Rep. Katie Hill Says Double Standard Forced Her Out; Beyond The Call Of Duty: Five Officers Team Up To Save Choking Toddler. Aired 7:30-8a ET

Aired November 01, 2019 - 07:30   ET



ANA NAVARRO, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: -- blindly, cultishly loyal to Donald Trump --


NAVARRO: -- as are some Republicans outside of Congress, as well.


I don't think impeachment is something -- when I say we had a good day it's not because it's good that we're -- that the Democrats, and only Democrats, want to impeach the president. I actually think what's good about it is that if there are no crimes and if they don't come forward with articles that show any criminality --

But just like your polling that you guys have done --

CAMEROTA: Matt, it doesn't have to be a crime. That's just misleading.

SCHLAPP: Ana got to talk for two straight minutes, Alisyn. Let me talk.

CAMEROTA: But you're -- but you need to not be misleading. You know that a crime is not the standard, Matt.

SCHLAPP: No, you can't -- don't have these asymmetrical -- don't have an asymmetrical standard. You're going to let her talk --

CAMEROTA: Don't use misinformation.

SCHLAPP: Let me -- I am not lying.

Name one lie. If you think there's a crime you give me the code right now. Give me the code. What's the crime?

CAMEROTA: Matt, it doesn't have to be a crime.

SCHLAPP: Don't say that I'm lying.

CAMEROTA: It doesn't have to be a crime, Matt. You know that.

SCHLAPP: It has to be a crime or a misdemeanor. It's in the Constitution.

CAMEROTA: You know that -- Matt, you know that high crimes is open --

NAVARRO: Why don't you just play the video of Lindsey Graham saying over and over again?

SCHLAPP: Lindsey Graham was wrong.

CAMEROTA: -- to interpretation.

SCHLAPP: Lindsey Graham was wrong. He's not one of our founding fathers, Ana. I know he's a great guy and all but he doesn't get to write the Constitution. The founders and we, the people, wrote the Constitution.

NAVARRO: He's chair of Judiciary Committee in the Senate.

SCHLAPP: This is a silly conversation. Look --

CAMEROTA: Listen, Matt, I agree with you.

NAVARRO: I agree with you.

SCHLAPP: This is dumb -- this is dumb.

NAVARRO: Very silly.


SCHLAPP: We should only impeach a president -- my belief -- let me just tell you my opinion.

CAMEROTA: Yes, go ahead.

SCHLAPP: You can have yours.

My opinion is we shouldn't impeach a president unless there are serious crimes -- not even just like a jaywalking crime.

I think Bill Clinton, when he committed perjury and he had his MeToo moments -- I think those were pretty serious. But even in that situation, the Republicans paid a price because it looked like they were being partisan.

If the Democrats look like they're being partisan with the impeachment of Donald Trump, I do believe -- as your polling that you've done a good job on explaining this morning -- will actually -- will demonstrate -- that it will benefit the president in the election.

CAMEROTA: OK, that's fair. So, Ana, just comment on that. So do you think that at the end of the

day that this will backfire on Democrats for the reasons that Matt has spelled out?

NAVARRO: I don't think we know. I don't think we know and I think that's yet to be seen. And I think that that's why they have to treat it with a great deal of gravitas and seriousness.

I do think there is a crime because I think that when -- that it is a campaign violation to get something that is worth money from a foreign government -- from any foreigner. I think that is a campaign violation crime.

SCHLAPP: It is not.

NAVARRO: And I also think -- well, that's my opinion.

CAMEROTA: Open to interpretation right now --

SCHLAPP: Fair enough.

CAMEROTA: -- what's being decided.

NAVARRO: And it's going to be up to a judgment. I think that asking anybody to interfere in -- any foreigner to interfere in U.S. elections is a federal election crime.

SCHLAPP: Then Clinton should be in prison and so should Joe Biden under these standards.

CAMEROTA: But, Matt, if you -- I mean, now you're veering off. If you don't like that -- if you don't like what's happened in the past then you shouldn't like what's happening now.

SCHLAPP: I don't like the fact that they're having a partisan impeachment. I do think the President of the United States has a right --


SCHLAPP: -- to follow our treaties on corruption with the Ukraine --


SCHLAPP: -- to make sure they root out corruption.

I think what Joe Biden did with his son, Hunter --

CAMEROTA: Yes, got it.

SCHLAPP: -- and I don't think Joe Biden will be the nominee.

CAMEROTA: Yes, I hear that you have deviated. Got it.

SCHLAPP: Well, let me -- let me finish.

CAMEROTA: Matt, you've got five seconds.

SCHLAPP: I think what Joe Biden did with Hunter was appalling and I think it's good that the American people are rejecting him for it.

CAMEROTA: That's --

NAVARRO: Yes. Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner are making $82 million --

CAMEROTA: That's interesting that you think it was appalling with --

NAVARRO: -- inside --

SCHLAPP: Jared's doing nothing wrong.

NAVARRO: -- while working inside the White House.

SCHLAPP: All right, there's nothing wrong with being rich.

CAMEROTA: All right.

NAVARRO: I mean, really, corruption?

SCHLAPP: Nothing wrong with being rich.

CAMEROTA: Got it, got it. I see we have a lot of new material --

NAVARRO: Nothing wrong with being corrupt if your last name is Trump.

CAMEROTA: -- for another segment.

Ana Navarro --

SCHLAPP: That's slander, Ana. That's slander.

NAVARRO: Yes, right.



CAMEROTA: We've got a lot more to talk about. Thank you, both.



AVLON: Meanwhile, freshman congresswoman Katie Hill delivering a fiery farewell speech on the House floor.


REP. KATIE HILL (D-CA): I will never shirk my responsibility for this sudden ending to my time here, but I have to say more because this is bigger than me.


AVLON: Why she says there's a double standard for men and women in power amid allegations of a sex scandal. That debate, next.





REP. KATIE HILL (D-CA): I am leaving now because of a double standard. I'm leaving because I no longer want to be used as a bargaining chip.


CAMEROTA: Democratic Congresswoman Katie Hill's last day in Congress is today. She says a double standard forced her out following allegations that she had an inappropriate sexual relationship with a staffer. Hill addressed the issue in her final speech before her colleagues on the House floor.

CNN's Kristen Holmes is live on Capitol Hill with more. What a rise and fall of this political career.


Well, that speech was just so raw -- the final speech there before stepping down amid, as you said, those accusations of inappropriate relationships with staffers, as well as following the publication of those nude photos of the congresswoman, published without her consent. Hill saying that she could barely get out of bed after those photos leaked, and calling the events surrounding her resignation the dirtiest gutter politics she'd ever seen.


HILL: This is the last speech that I will give from this floor as a member of Congress.

HOLMES (voice-over): Freshman Democratic lawmaker Katie Hill giving her final speech in Congress.

She denies having an improper relationship with a member of her congressional staff but admits she had an inappropriate relationship with a campaign staffer before taking office. Private photos of her and the staffer leaked online by a conservative blog. Hill soon admitting to the relationship, calling it inappropriate.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without objection.

HOLMES (voice-over): In Thursday's speech, Hill apologizing to constituents -- HILL: To those who felt like I gave them hope in one of the darkest times in our nation's history, I'm sorry. To my family, my friends, my staff, my colleagues, my mentors -- to everyone who has supported and believed in me, I'm sorry.

HOLMES (voice-over): -- and calling out a double standard in politics.


HILL: I am leaving now because of a double standard. I'm leaving because I no longer want to be used as a bargaining chip --

HOLMES (voice-over): Hill then slamming conservative media.

HILL: -- used by shameless operatives for the dirtiest gutter politics that I've ever seen and the right-wing media to drive clicks and expand their audience by distributing intimate photos of me taken without my knowledge, let alone my consent, for the sexual entertainment of millions.

This is the most important seat in --

HOLMES (voice-over): Hill saying she was driven to step down by online threats causing her to fear for her life and the lives of those she cared about.

HILL: Today is the first time I've left my apartment since the photos, taken without my consent, were released -- and I'm scared.

HOLMES (voice-over): The first-term congresswoman also calling out President Trump.

HILL: Yet, a man who brags about his sexual predation, who's had dozens of women come forward to accuse him of sexual assault, who pushes policies that are uniquely harmful to women, and who has filled the courts with judges who proudly rule to deprive women of the most fundamental right to control their own bodies sits in the highest office of the land.

HOLMES (voice-over): In a video released Monday, Hill says she will work against revenge porn, encouraging other young female politicians not to be scared away by what happened to her.

HILL: And I will also take up a new fight. I will fight to ensure that no one else has to live through what I just experienced.

HOLMES (voice-over): Ending her speech by announcing her final vote in Congress.

HILL: Today, as my final act, I voted to move forward with the impeachment of Donald Trump on behalf of the women of the United States of America.

(END VIDEOTAPE) HOLMES: Now, I do want to note here that Hill has accused her husband of leaking these photos as part of what she calls a smear campaign amid divorce proceedings. But it really has brought forward this conversation about revenge porn and revenge porn legislation.

And, Alisyn, I do want to note we have reached out to Hill's husband but have not heard back for comment.

CAMEROTA: Kristen Holmes, thank you very much for all of that reporting.

Joining us now to talk about this, we have CNN political commentators Margaret Hoover, who is host of "FIRING LINE" on PBS. And, Aisha Moodie-Mills, a Democratic strategist. Great to have both of you here.


CAMEROTA: So, Margaret, when she says there's a double standard, is there? I mean, in other words, if there were really compromising photos of a male lawmaker --


CAMEROTA: And it ruined his career. I ruined his career.

HOOVER: -- or -- I don't know --

I mean, look, men have been having sexual exploitations and missteps since the fall of the Roman Empire and surviving, politically.

CAMEROTA: But there weren't photos. I think that that's -- is that the line?

HOOVER: Photos make it -- photos may make a difference.

Here's what I don't understand about her choices. Certainly, she was a victim of revenge porn. Certainly, she made bad choices by having this digital footprint out there available.

But in an age of Donald Trump where -- and in an age of shamelessness where, really, your survival politically depends entirely on how much of your actions can you sleep with -- why didn't she just double down and stay and fight, not from outside of Congress but fight from inside of Congress? Fight revenge porn from there, fight the bad actions that were done to her, make the case, and just say bad things were done to me even if I misacted.

CAMEROTA: Because it sounded like -- it sounds like from the reporting there were more photos that were going to come out and she felt that those were going to be too distracting.

AVLON: Well, and, you know -- in an ongoing House investigation against allegations of an affair with a congressional staffer. But, Aisha -- I mean, should she --

CAMEROTA: Campaign staffer.

AVLON: A campaign -- well, there was both --

CAMEROTA: Oh, there were allegations of that.

AVLON: -- and she's only admitted to one. The campaign staffer is not contrary to any laws or House ethics.

But, Aisha, should she have resigned? And if she shouldn't have resigned, as Margaret's saying, why did Democrats not rally around her? Nancy Pelosi is saying unfortunately, she seems to need to go.

MOODIE-MILLS: Yes. So there is obviously a double standard. I'm really disappointed that she went ahead and resigned.

Look, you've got Duncan Hunter sitting right there, from California, who this guy has been indicted. We know that he is a crook, first of all.

He is also being investigated for spending taxpayer dollars on all of his affairs -- at least five of them that we know of -- with congressional aides. And this guy is refusing to step down.

So there is a major double standard here and I'm sorry that she stepped down. She shouldn't have.

But I think, too, getting to the heart of the heart of what's going on with the Democrats, at the end of the day, she didn't want to be a distraction.

And you can kind of appreciate the fact that this woman now -- I believe the last number if saw there might have been something like hundreds -- like 700 photos out there that could have come up. Some Republican operative bragged about having all these pictures of her.

Who wants to be humiliated in that way and have all of these pictures -- these private pictures that you take in the comfort of your own home in a safe space and a loving, presumably, relationship -- come out publicly about you? It is just a disgrace and it's just so despicable that she had to lose her job over it.

HOOVER: And there's this other piece, though. I mean, 700 photos of you intimately.

Matt Gaetz, a Republican representative from Florida, had said that in the millennial age this is -- this is a generational difference, right.



HOOVER: That baby boomers and the Gen X doesn't have -- hasn't had to think about it or do this.

The one thing I would say besides the fact that this sounds like Matt Gaetz laying a future defense for himself --


CAMEROTA: Hold on. Let me just read it so that everybody understands.

HOOVER: He jumped at it.

CAMEROTA: This is what Matt Gaetz who is, of course, not on the same side politically --

AVLON: Nope.


CAMEROTA: -- with the Democrats.

He says, "We cannot adopt an ethic that some bad thing or embarrassing thing that you've done, released through the inflamed passions of an ex, somehow impairs your public service or fitness as a candidate."

That is awfully magnanimous coming across the aisle.

AVLON: That is -- that is wope (ph) of Matt Gaetz (INAUDIBLE).

HOOVER: It's just -- it's just -- it's like slightly out of character in terms of --


HOOVER: -- who he normally believes to defend.

But if you're a millennial and you have grown up with your life truly as a digital native, you have -- everything you've done in your life has been documented online. You have -- you've been taught -- from job applications to college applications to everything you've done, you've been aware that this is a risk. Actually, millennials should be more aware of this risk than not. So it does beg a question of judgment.

MOODIE-MILLS: But the thing is that we can't keep blaming the victim here, though.

HOOVER: Not that she should learn her --


HOOVER: No, no, no. I'm not saying she should --

MOODIE-MILLS: We can't make this out to be -- so, at the end of the day, the problem here is this prudishness -- this conservative prudishness around sexuality. That's really what this, at the end of the day, if about, too. CAMEROTA: Well, hold on a second. Do we need to see hundreds of photos of intimate, naked behavior?

MOODIE-MILLS: We shouldn't be seeing them. And the only reason that we saw them was because her ex-husband or soon-to-be ex-husband put them out there.

But I don't think that there's any wrong with someone doing whatever they want to do in the confines of their home. The problem is that he is the one who has broken the law by sharing those photos. She's not the one who's problematic for having taken them.

And I think that this attitude -- this is why we have the double standard because --

AVLON: And --

MOODIE-MILLS: -- because we're saying oh, well, she shouldn't have done it. She shouldn't have done it. Well, she was in a loving, committed, married relationship.

HOOVER: But --

MOODIE-MILLS: It's his -- it's his criminal act that has publicized all of her dirty laundry.

HOOVER: I'm not -- I -- this I -- I just have to push back.

This is not a conservative prudishness about taking nude photos. It's an awareness that as a millennial, you have a risk -- and you know this and you've known it since you've been engaging in the Internet and since you've been online -- because you're a digital native. That if you have naked photos out there, that is a risk. And one has to know that, right?

And then -- and then, use that to defend to fight for this revenge -- for a fight against revenge porn. Do whatever you're going to do to fight against it. But don't let yourself be a victim about it.

MOODIE-MILLS: We're not talking about Duncan Hunter right now and calling on him to resign.

CAMEROTA: If there were photos -- if there were tons of photos of him naked --

MOODIE-MILLS: It really makes me sad. Like --

CAMEROTA: -- maybe we would be.

MOODIE-MILLS: I agree he's got to go.

CAMEROTA: Maybe that is the difference. I don't know.

AVLON: No. I think photos do change the awareness of it but not the underlying facts --

CAMEROTA: Yes, I think that that's a great point.

AVLON: -- and there is an important point about double standards being made.


AVLON: Thank you, guys, both, very much -- Margaret.

CAMEROTA: Thank you both very much.

All right, breaking news in the 2020 race. A brand-new poll shows a big shift at the top of the Democratic race.



CAMEROTA: OK, some breaking campaign news for you.

We have a brand new poll out of Iowa. There is now a four-way fight for the top spot in that state. This is a "New York Times"-Siena College poll and it shows Sen. Elizabeth Warren, Sen. Bernie Sanders, Mayor Pete Buttigieg, and former vice president Joe Biden all battling it out with no clear winner, John.

AVLON: And, Biden at the bottom of that top rung -- fascinating stuff.

We've got Harry Enten to tell you more about it. Harry, what's up?


AVLON: No one needed the Chuckie reference there.

ENTEN: There you go. What a mess. I mean, this -- and let me tell you, this is a great poll. "The New York Times"-Siena poll was the most accurate pollster in 2018, so I take those numbers very, very seriously.

And, you know, you just look at these numbers right now. This is a four-way tie in the top tier, essentially, when you take into account the margin of error. And that just tells me that this race in Iowa, the first in the nation contest, completely up for grabs at this particular point.

CAMEROTA: Elizabeth Warren has been spending a lot of time there as have a lot of candidates, but she's really put in a lot of work and it seems to be paying off at this point.

ENTEN: Well, I mean, look, if you look at the average of polls you'll see basically the same thing, and that takes into account polls going back over the last month. So she's basically kind of leveled off and stayed steady Iowa, which is somewhat of what we see nationally as we have had that story going on of Elizabeth -- more momentum. It seems to almost have stabled off -- you know, steadied off. And what you basically see if Pete Buttigieg rising in Iowa. Rising

out of the ashes like a Phoenix. And what you see now is essentially, look, he's a candidate who has pretty much just as good as favorable ratings as she does. And you have Biden and Sanders who are basically sticking around there right now.

AVLON: But the Buttigieg point is incredibly important, right, because he's -- here, he's really in the top tier in a way he's not in national numbers.


AVLON: But he's doing very well in Iowa and New Hampshire, two critical states that determine momentum, but states that are notably not diverse --


AVLON: -- and that almost may reflect part of his buoyancy. I mean, do you think he can fight his way out of this corner by doing well in these first couple of states?

ENTEN: And that's exactly the question, right? If you look back over time, if you win Iowa or New Hampshire that really helps you elevate yourself, nationally speaking.

But, Iowa and New Hampshire are demographically unique within the Democratic Party. They are overwhelmingly white states. That's where Pete Buttigieg does his best. That, to be frankly, is where Elizabeth Warren does her best.

Versus Joe Biden, of course, his weakest group is white voters -- specifically, white with a college degree who make up a fairly significant portion of the Iowa Democratic caucus electorate.

And so the question, I think for a lot of us, is can Joe Biden afford to come in maybe fourth place or third place depending -- or even second place -- and then go on to be able to win the nomination?

I think what this poll indicates is whoever finishes in second, third, or fourth may be just a few points ahead of the leader, and that's a very unique picture. I don't know how the press and how candidates are going to react to that.


CAMEROTA: Harry, you're so good at always giving us the historical context. At this point --


CAMEROTA: -- in other presidential races --


CAMEROTA: -- are there four top-tier leaders that we've seen in the past?

ENTEN: Not to this sort of degree.

I mean, take a look. I created this historical slide -- if we can get it up there. And this is a beautiful slide because it gives you a really clear understanding of how low, sort of, the leader is right now in Iowa. This is the lowest a leader has been polling in Iowa at this point since at least 2000 -- only at 22 percent in the average poll -- Elizabeth Warren.

And more than that, if you look at the candidates who have been leading at this point in Iowa, they pretty much have all gone on to lose since 2000, especially those polling at the lower ring of the ladder.

And so, it's just to me -- I don't know what's going to happen and that makes it extremely exciting. But it also makes it extremely difficult to sort of forecast it out.

AVLON: An unprecedented close race. The top tier not necessarily going on to win. Less than 100 days out from Iowa, you got to love it.


AVLON: You've got to love it.

Harry Enten, thank you very much.

ENTEN: Thank you.

CAMEROTA: Harry provides his own musical sting for some reason. I don't know.

ENTEN: Uncle Neil's with me.

CAMEROTA: Thank you.

AVLON: Uncle Neil Sedaka is his spirit animal.



CAMEROTA: -- good to have you.

AVLON: -- now moving forward.

Five police officers in Kissimmee, Florida race against time, going beyond the call of duty to save a choking toddler. And we should warn you the video you are about to see may be tough to watch.

CNN's Rosa Flores has the story.



ROSA FLORES, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These dramatic moments of a toddler nearly choking to death in Kissimmee, Florida all captured on body camera as five police officers worked feverishly to save the boy's life.

POLICE OFFICER: Come on, baby -- come on.

FLORES (voice-over): Amanda Zimmerman's 18-month-old son, Michael -- or M.J. -- was eating Goldfish crackers when he began choking.

ZIMMERMAN: So, immediately, I just turned him over and started doing the back pats. And I lifted him up to look at him and it wasn't working.

FLORES (voice-over): Desperate for help and with time quickly running out, she sprinted outside with M.J. in arms, intending to drive to the emergency room just two blocks away.

ZIMMERMAN: And by that time, he was blue. He was started to go blue. That's when I was in a full panic.

FLORES (voice-over): But before she could even reach her car she ran straight into Officer Miguel Lanzo, who just happened to be driving by.

OFFICER MIGUEL LANZO, KISSIMMEE POLICE DEPARTMENT, KISSISSIMMEE, FLORIDA: At that point, when she's -- when she's approaching my vehicle, I'm not -- at that point, I'm not knowing what's going on.

FLORES (voice-over): Lanzo called for backup and got to work.

LANZO: I'm being flagged down by a female and a baby. I think he's choking.

Just kicking my training in. Just, at first, assess what I have, which was him choking and not breathing.

FLORES (voice-over): The footage shows Lanzo attempting to dislodge the cracker as Zimmerman, screaming helplessly, is restrained by the second officer to arrive on-scene, Lenora Wooten.

OFFICER BAYRON BAEZ, KISSIMMEE POLICE DEPARTMENT, KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA: I saw him on the ground with the baby and I immediately took over. I looked inside his mouth. I couldn't see anything, really, so I started doing the back thrusts again.

FLORES (voice-over): Officer Bayron Baez, arriving just moments later, said the situation was dire.

BAEZ: He was purple.

FLORES (voice-over): Baez made way for a fourth officer, Monica Gavilanes, who then stepped in to try and save M.J.'s life --

ZIMMERMAN: And the longer it went the more I got worried. FLORES (voice-over): Before finally, the fifth, Sgt. Craig Putriment, a seasoned veteran who has had to save a choking child before -- his own daughter.

SGT. CRAIG PUTRIMENT, KISSIMMEE POLICE DEPARTMENT, KISSIMMEE, FLORIDA: I did the abdominal thrusts and he started spitting up.

FLORES (voice-over): At that point, Putriment says M.J. took a giant gasp. But then, something went terribly wrong.

PUTRIMENT: And then nothing -- he stopped breathing again.

FLORES (voice-over): Determined to save M.J.'s life, the five officers continued working as a team until paramedics arrived. M.J. was transported to the hospital where he made a full recovery.

And as the nightmare ended, a new kinship began.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Their family is our family, so it just brings us all closer. We don't see it like hero police officer-type thing. It's our community. Like everybody said, that's what we do.

FLORES (voice-over): Rosa Flores, CNN, Kissimmee, Florida.


CAMEROTA: Oh my gosh, what a story.

AVLON: A powerful story. We thank them for their service.

CAMEROTA: Oh my gosh. Thank God those officers were there.


All right. Well, thanks to our international viewers for watching. For you, "CNN NEWSROOM" with Max Foster is next.

For our U.S. viewers, the first votes are in on the impeachment fight and the partisan battle lines are being drawn. NEW DAY continues right now.


REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): The House takes the next step forward so that the public can see the facts for themselves.

REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): It is a sad day -- it really is for this country -- what the Democrats have put our nation through.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: They gave us absolutely no rights. I didn't have one negative Republican vote.

REP. ADAM SCHIFF (D-CA): There is a pretty consistent narrative here about what took place.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I did sit in the hearing and Tim Morrison absolutely did not say that there was quid pro quo.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He confirms Ambassador Taylor's version of the events and that's extremely damning for the president.


ANNOUNCER: This is NEW DAY with Alisyn Camerota and John Berman.