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New Day

Four Dead After Gunman Opens Fire at Tulsa Hospital Building; JPMorgan Chase CEO Says, Brace for Economic Hurricane; Queen Elizabeth Marks 70 Years on the British Throne. Aired 7-7:30a ET

Aired June 02, 2022 - 07:00   ET



BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: Fewer than ten people are wounded, none with life-threatening injuries.

The community is in a state of shock, now questioning if any place is safe anymore.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's so sad. I was coming to the doctor and I got my grandkids with me and this terrible scene. It's awful. It's sad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it's very scary. You can't even go to a store. You can't even go to school.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now you can't even go to the doctor.


JOHN BERMAN, CNN ANCHOR: Also on the very same day, a young man was shot and injured in front of a Los Angeles high school. Police say they believe the incident is gang related. A woman was injured in Pennsylvania after a gunman fired several shots outside a Walmart. The shooter is still at large. And a 16-year-old in California was arrested for allegedly recruiting students to carry out a mass shooting and bombing at Berkeley High School. Police say, quote, when the patrol officers searched the teen's residence, they discovered parts to explosives and assault rifles, several knives and electronic items that could be used to create additional weapons. Authorities have arranged for a mental health evaluation for that boy.

KEILAR: Joining us now to talk about the shooting in Tulsa is Democratic Oklahoma State Representative Melissa Provenzano. She represents Tulsa in the state legislature in Oklahoma. Thank you so much for being with us.

Can you just give us the latest if there have been any updates since last night?

STATE REP. MELISSA PROVENZANO (D-OK): Certainly. Thank you so much for having me. First, I want to express my profound sorrow to the families of the victims here in Tulsa. I just can't imagine what it would be like to be in that situation, as well as sincere thanks to our Tulsa police, the highway patrol, the county officers, the light force (ph) and our first responders, they got the call, and three minutes later, they were in that building and we just couldn't have asked for more.

So far, you know what I know at this point. We are still just taking a look and seeing, they have not released the names of the victims and we're just kind of waiting with bated breath.

KEILAR: I mean, this is an incredible loss that your community is going through, and I know that you are talking to people about it and you have been to the hospital.

You said you're waiting to hear who these victims are. Do you know anything about them?

PROVENZANO: I do not. You know, the sad thing s you know -- someone at St. Francis, if you are not working there, you are heading there for care. I was just there yesterday morning in a different building. And then last year, they worked to save my dad's life when I brought him there for COVID treatment. And it's just -- you know, as we continue to unpack this and learn more, I'm sure that many lives across Tulsa will be impacted.

KEILAR: So, you've been there. People in this community, they've been there, right? If they're going to the hospital, they are likely going to this one. What is security like there?

PROVENZANO: You know, it's -- it's as expected and what you would think for any hospital. And, you know, the sad thing is why was it necessary in the first place. You know, these people, these victims deserve better. They deserve us to do better here in our state and there are things that we can do to put in place that prevent these sorts of things or help to prevent these sorts of things from happening and at the state level. It's time for us to pick up that load and start moving forward with that.

KEILAR: If someone has a weapon, can they -- can they walk in? I mean, I know when I think of hospitals that I go to or have been to. There are only so many security precautions in place. What do you recall about this one?

PROVENZANO: You know, the campus is large and vast and, you know, I've actually been in that very building on the fourth floor where I go to get my annual mammogram and it's next to impossible to secure every single entrance at this point in time just because, gosh, just like everywhere, our hospitals are short-staffed and they are doing everything they can.

But what we need to do, you know, here in Oklahoma, we have a law that we passed just three or four years ago where anyone can walk in and purchase a gun and walk out and walk down the street with it with very little training, no background check. And it's far past time for responsible gun legislation, gun reform here in Oklahoma. KEILAR: Representative, there is a council member in Tulsa who told CNN the shooter was looking for a specific physician at the hospital. Do you know anything about this?

PROVENZANO: I can't comment on that at this time.

KEILAR: Do you have any information about the shooter's motive?

PROVENZANO: I do not. I know that there was an effort overnight and is ongoing to a possible connection to a bomb threat in Muskogee and I know we are investigating that matter now and they will update us as soon as they know anything.


KEILAR: Do you know when we will get our next update today?

PROVENZANO: I believe it's scheduled for 10:15 Central Time.

KEILAR: All right. Representative, we are so sorry for what your community is enduring, as so many communities are, and we appreciate you sharing what you know with us. Thank you.

PROVENZANO: Thank you so much.

BERMAN: So, is there an economic hurricane on the horizon? That is what JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon is now saying.


JAMIE DIMON, CEO, JPMORGAN CHASE: Right now, it's kind of sunny, things are doing fine, you know, everyone thinks the Fed can handle this, that hurricane is right out there, down the road, coming our way. We just don't know if it's a minor one or Superstorm Sandy or -- yes , Sandy or Andrew or something like that. And you better brace yourself.


BERMAN: So, how do we brace ourselves?

Joining us now, Business Insider Columnist Linette Lopez as well as Business Journalist Marc Stewart.

Linette, when you hear Jamie Dimon say, the hurricane is coming, what do you think he means?

LINETTE LOPEZ, COLUMNIST, BUSINESS INSIDER: Well, I think he's saying that there is a lot of uncertainty in the economy but what the Fed is doing is working, it's raising interest rates and that is meant to slow down the economy, to cool down inflation. And when interest rates rise, things get affected. You know, it's harder to get a loan, it's -- you know, money is not as easy as it used to be. And so it will slow the economy. That's what's coming.

BERMAN: Because it sounds ominous. When he says hurricane, it sounds ominous.

MARC STEWART, BUSINESS JOURNALIST: Well, it's not just the interest rates, which are the challenge. We also have the war in Ukraine which he talked about. And war doesn't just impact energy prices, John, it also impacts materials that we use to build things like cars and electronics. That impacts the supply chain and also inflation.

The other ingredient in this hurricane, which I am hearing from economists, is the fact that China as well is having a very tough time. It went under lockdown because of COVID. Now it's trying to rebound. Right now, unemployment is very high, young people can't get jobs, growth isn't happening at the rate the government would like. Those are other ingredients in this bigger hurricane that's providing so much uncertainty around the world.

BERMAN: So, if there is this hurricane, which everyone seems to agree is coming, to what degree is the question. You know, President Biden is facing this and the American people are asking to an extent what can be done and the president says at least on inflation in a few areas, there's not a lot that he can do. Listen.


JOE BIDEN, U.S. PRESIDENT (voice over): The idea we're going to be able to, you know, click a switch, bring down the cost of gasoline, is not likely in the near term nor is it with regard to food.


BERMAN: What do you think of that?

LOPEZ: It's true. You know, the Ukraine conflict also affects food because 20 percent of grain is -- comes from Russia and Ukraine. So, everything is affected by this crisis. Global prices are set for oil, energy prices, not a lot that Biden can do. He needs to be comforter in chief right now to tell the American people that we are going through hard times. This is a hard time.

Unfortunately, there are a lot of politicians in this country who want to use this as a way to take down the Biden administration, say that they could have done more or could have done less with, you know, stimulus during the COVID situation. But I don't necessarily think that's true, you know, we've starved the American people of help during downturns before and the results are not good. What we have to realize now is that we are in a global economy and what's happening around the world affects us and this one is affecting us in a negative way.

BERMAN: And, Marc, your reporting, I mean, doing more, the idea of just saying do more sometimes would include some unpalatable situations, I think.

STEWART: Well, I think there's also concern about what kind of role any additional government intervention would have. I was talking to a supply chain expert last night. You know, the supply chain issues, such as with food or with fuel and everything else in between, these have been building for a long time before the pandemic. And I think there is a feeling among people who study supply chains that the government doesn't necessarily have a full understanding and that lawmakers don't necessarily have a full understanding.

So, in some regards, I think there is a big school of thought that allow for things to unfold, for lack of better words, organically as opposed to having more government intervention because these decision- makers may not be as in touch with the obstacles than they may think.

BERMAN: Be careful what you ask for, in other words, if you're saying you want the government to do more.


BERMAN: Look, gas prices, new record high today. Are Americans just going to have to come to grips with this? Is this going to be something that Americans live with for the foreseeable future?

STEWART:: One thing Jamie Dimon talked about in his speech yesterday was the price of oil, anywhere from $175 to $180 a barrel, I think we talked before, John, and I heard estimates of anywhere up to $200 a barrel.


That's what some economists are predicting.

Depending, too, with what Europe does in the fuel picture with Russian imports, there is room, unfortunately, for growth and that's upward.

BERMAN: Upward growth in gas prices.

LOPEZ: Yes, it could get worse is what he's saying, yes.

BERMAN: All right. Linette and Marc, I appreciate you being with us. Some tough medicine right there, but I think some realism as well. I appreciate it.

70 years on the throne, the platinum jubilee for Britain's longest reigning monarch, stunning imagery, pageantry, pomp and circumstance currently under way in Britain. We have a live look at the festivities very shortly.

KEILAR: And soon, Queen Elizabeth will take a salute from Buckingham Palace. Later, the royal family will make an appearance on the palace's balcony. CNN's special live coverage from the palace ahead.



KEILAR: The festivities are well under way for Queen Elizabeth's historic platinum jubilee. No other monarch in British history has achieved the queen's 70 years of service.

CNN's Royal Correspondent Max Foster joining us live from Buckingham Palace with all of this. Tell us, Max.

MAX FOSTER, CNN ROYAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, Brianna, we're hopefully about to see the queen. She wasn't able to make up to the main military event. This is to mark her birthday but also the platinum jubilee, but she is going to present herself to the military as they return to the palace. We hope to see her coming out on the balcony and we do know that she is in residence because the royal standard is flying proudly above the palace, the massive version that they bring out on state events.

Emily, Royal Contributor, this is a moment, isn't it, where you always look forward to seeing the queen, we get to see how she looks, she's obviously scaling back but she is still well for her age.

EMILY NASH, CNN ROYAL CONTRIBUTOR: This is why there are thousands of people lining the MalMax (ph). They want to catch a glimpse of the queen on this very, very historic occasion. And it's a chance to see her. For people catching sight of the queen, it becomes a lifelong memory and something they will treasure forever. So, there's always huge excitement about her appearances.

FOSTER: We see here the carriages returning from horse guards (ph). You can see the front one, the three children, George, who will be king one day, and his siblings as well with the duchess of Cambridge and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall, who will be queen consorts as well in future. So, we're seeing lots of optics as well play out here today, Bianca.

BIANCA NOBILO, CNN ANCHOR AND CORRESPONDENT: Plenty of optics. And you say pointed out, Max, it's really an interesting moment because, potentially, a high watermark for the popularity of the monarchy in modern times in Britain because Queen Elizabeth II is so revealed and respected. But it comes at a moment where there are more question marks about the monarchy and Prince Charles who would succeed her.

We are also seeing a streamlined version of the monarchy, which Queen Elizabeth has been speaking about, Prince Charles has committed himself to, and we are likely to see the exemplification of that on the balcony later on.

But it has come at a difficult time for the royal family. There have been scandals with Prince Andrew, his civil sexual assault case, of course, Megxit or the Sussexes moving to America, but there are signs that that part at least is improving.

FOSTER: Yes. It's interesting, though, isn't it? We just saw obviously the senior carriage, which was the duchess of Cornwall and Cambridge, and after them the Wessexes, and they've been elevated in the absence of the Yorks and the Sussexes.

NASH: Absolutely. I mean, they have always been there working away in the background but they've suddenly been thrust into the spotlight as a result of the Sussexes and Prince Andrew having left royal duties. So, it's a step up for them, perhaps not one that they were expecting.

FOSTER: So, here, we have the balcony moment. This is not the balcony moment. It is a balcony moment. It is where the queen will come out and take a salute. And then later on, we will have the wider family.

For the very first time in royal history, we can have only working royals on the balcony, when in the past, it was basically the family. It's been stripped down and it's been widened to reflect more austere times, but actually we've always seen the family.

And, Bianca, I mean, what do you make of that? I mean, it's a fundamental redefinition of the optics of monarchy that the queen is trying to achieve here. She's saying, you have to be working to be part of this machine.

NOBILO: Yes. And I think it's responding to modernity, in general, and where the country is at. Obviously, Britain in 2022 is fundamentally egalitarian. There is a very big issue for most people with inherited privileges, especially white privilege when you think about the colonial history of the British empire. All of those issues, it's hard to reconcile the modernation with the building behind us and all of the riches and influence and opportunities given to the royal family.

So, I think streamlining is a necessary response to that. It's saying that people need to be earning their right to have the opportunities and the wealth.

FOSTER: Yes. But there is so much in these images, aren't there? You were in Barbados. Were you in Barbados?

NASH: I was in the Caribbean most recently with the Cambridges.

FOSTER: Yes. So, I was in Barbados and I saw how they became a republic and speaking to people there, saying it's just not relevant. But the more dangerous -- more recent optic, I would say -- and we've always had republican demos on these tours but what's changed is this way that people are attaching the issue of slavery and how that links into modern day racism to the royals and that's quite recent.


NASH: It is and it's a huge problem for the monarchy. It's something they will be taking stock of. Of course, it would be the British government to make an announcement on reparations or something like that and they're kind of -- as the symbolic figure heads in this very difficult position, but it's something that obviously they are taking on board and lessons have certainly been learned from recent tours.

NOBILO: I thought it was very constructive in Barbados when the country was becoming independent. I remember hearing from a nine-year- old girl, maybe have been in your coverage, Max, talking about how -- she thought the queen was very nice. But the idea of having a woman, a white woman culturally different from her so far, far away ruling over their nation felt very uncomfortable.

FOSTER: Well, it is illogical on the face of it, isn't it?

NOBILO: Yes, it is. FOSTER: That was always the traditional issue the family dealt with, but they're struggling with this, I think, attachment to slavery, they're becoming this touchstone for slavery and they are not able to respond, are they, in a comprehensive way, which is what people want.

NASH: No. Absolutely, I do think that we may see in the future post transition more outspokenness on this, but for the moment it's a difficult one.

FOSTER: And also this is meant to be a fun day.

NASH: This is.

FOSTER: You go down, speak to the crowds, I've been with them, and it's all about celebrating and coming together, actually, after Brexit, after the pandemic, after war. And here is the queen taking the salute.


