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New Day

Voice of Roger Stone from Danish Documentary shown at Hearing; Committee Votes to Subpoena Trump, "We want to hear from him"; New Inflation Data shows Americans Punished by Rising Prices; Musk's SpaceX says it can't Pay for Satellite Services in Ukraine; New Research: Epidemic of Early-Onset Cancer may be Emerging. Aired 6:30- 7a ET

Aired October 14, 2022 - 06:30   ET



ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN HOST, NEW DAY: The filmmaker has followed Stone over the course of three years while shooting their documentary and captured these moments and many more. The Committee obtained their footage after issuing a subpoena.

Joining us now are the Director of Photography Frederik Marbell, and the Director and Producer, Christoffer Guldbrandsen, the team that produced the documentary a Storm Foretold. Gentlemen, thank you so much for joining us this morning!

This video, of course, not only fascinating to watch, but pivotal in the investigation by the January 6th Committee Frederik, I want to start with you. Tell us what you were thinking about the time as you were filming that, versus the context that it is now in that it's being used in.

FREDERIK MARBELL, DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY, "A STORM FORETOLD": I mean, way, when we were filming it, we had no idea. I think a lot of people during the course of the Trump Presidency, they have gotten so used to this outrageous rhetoric that you couldn't, you didn't believe what they were saying is just thought that it was bravado, and so on.

So we didn't - we didn't give it much thought. We just thought that they were sort of like ranting in the moment. But I mean, in hindsight, it, of course, showed that they communicated that out in the open their plans, and so on. And of course, to document such things and having it used in the in the context of U.S. Congressional hearing is - yes, I have no words for I mean; it shows that it's very confirming in the importance of the work that we're doing.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN HOST, NEW DAY: It wasn't just bravado.

CHRISTOFFER GULDBRANDSEN, DIRECTOR AND PRODUCER, "A STORM FORETOLD": No, it turned out to be, yes, they were foretelling what was going to happen. And, yes, I think - I think, yes, we obviously we come from a small European country, so we have a different perspective. But I think we ended up in the same situation as most Americans, just not believing what was being said, as we progress towards the election, and then progress towards Inauguration Day. It just, it was just, you kept - you kept being surprised about the outrageousness of what was going on?

KEILAR: Tell us what January 6 was like with Roger Stone?

CHRISTOFFER: Well, it's very difficult to put into what we were I think we were the you can safely say we were the only reporters at the Willard Hotel, which is this Washington, D.C. hotel where a lot of the Trump Advisors were gathered, and were pushing to the very last minute trying to overturn the election in an increasingly desperate way.

And we were there with Mr. Stone - Roger Stone and a group of Oathkeepers. This militant movement, Joshua James was now pleading guilty in the charges, so it was a really bizarre and intense atmosphere.

And again, I would say it was the same as it has been throughout those three years. I did not expect what happened that day. I mean, it was just escalated and escalated. And in America, you know, again, we're coming from a small European country the American democracy is something democracies all over the world - countries all over the world look to as an example.

People were fighting for human rights were fighting for, for all these for fair and transparent elections in American. The American democracy has been historically been a beacon, and something to be inspired by, and now, it were transforming into something you just couldn't believe or I couldn't believe.

MARQUARDT: You talk about the intensity of the moment. I want to play another clip of your video that just shows how intense those words that Roger Stone was using actually were let's take a listen.


ROGER STONE, LONGTIME TRUMP ALLY: Excellent - the violence, - the voting, let's get right to the violence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let's get right to it.

STONE: Shoot to kill. See an ANTIFA. Shoot to kill done with this bullshit.


MARQUARDT: Frederik, what was going through your mind when you heard him talking about shooting to kill and laughing about it?

MARBELL: I mean, in the moment, I thought that they were I mean, it came off jokingly. But, I mean, I think when you engage with people like the Proud Boys and the Oathkeepers, who have a tendency to engage in violence, I think you have to be - you have to be mindful of how you communicate. Because I mean, even if it's - even if Roger says it jokingly, there's people on the other end who received this message.

KEILAR: Do you think he was joking? GULDBRANDSEN: Roger Stone, obviously Roger Stone is not a violent person. But the people he surrounds himself with are the Proud Boys, the National Chairman of the Proud Boys Enrique Tarrio, who's very close to Roger. Joe Biggs, Stewart Rhodes, the Leader of the Oathkeepers these are all people that engage in political violence and they surround him and they listen to him.


GULDBRANDSEN: So I can - I certainly agree with what Frederik is saying. But there's also there's a sense of, you know, there's an old quote of you're in a bathtub and they're pouring in hot water when do you out of shout out of pain.

When you are under this situation that's awkwardness and it's uncomfortable, but you don't know when to say stop or if you can follow me it's very difficult to - when is the breaking point. And I think what we have learned in this process by looking at the United States and its democracy is that it is happening, the things that they are threatening or alleging.

There's always this double side to what they're saying. It seems like its humor, but it really isn't. There's always this double entendre to it.

MARQUARDT: Well, you may say that you're from a small European country, but you have certainly played a role in American history. So thank you for that and thank you for sharing your footage. Frederik Marbella, Christoffer Guldbrandsen your documentary is called "A Storm Foretold", thank you so much for joining us this morning. I appreciate it.

Alright, surging prices and recession warnings the headlines painting a grim picture of the economy that's coming up next plus, SpaceX says it can no longer afford to fund its vital internet service for Ukraine as the war there rages on. Who the company wants to start paying that bill? (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

GEORGE CLOONEY, ACTOR: I was kind of hailed as the worst Batman in the history of time. Fair enough I was.


KEILAR: CNN's Chris Wallace shares more of his conversation with Legendary Actor George Clooney ahead.



KEILAR: A week of grim headlines for the economy from surging food prices to mortgage rates hitting a 20 year high and expert warnings about a "Serious recession ahead". Here to break it all down for us is CNN Chief Business Correspondent, Christine Romans Christine?

CHRISTINE ROMANS, CNN CHIEF BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: What a year this week has been Brianna? I mean, there's been just so much there. Let's start with the inflation news. Because this was really troubling yesterday, this is the number that really got everybody's attention.

This is core CPI. It excludes food and energy. These are consumer prices stripping out food and energy up 6.6 percent. That is the fastest pace since 1982, which shows you that inflation is really stuck here in this economy, even after the Fed has been raising interest rates so much.

Food prices still going up it means as you're heading into the holiday season; your grocery bills are still higher too high for comfort. And producer prices these are a little bit up the food chain is with factory level inflation these also running hot here the near the highest in 40 years month over month of 0.4 percent.

So what is the Fed doing about it? The Fed has been raising interest rates aggressively. You're not seeing that yet and cooling these inflation numbers where you are seeing it mortgage rates. Anybody who's in the market to buy a home or refinance the home knows this is happening. 6.92 percent for mortgage rate, that's the highest since George W. Bush was in office.

And let me put that into very, very simple terms. Suppose you have a $400,000 mortgage, a 30 year fixed rate mortgage a year ago, that mortgage at 3.05 percent would have been a monthly payment of $1,697. Today that's 26.40 at 6.92 percent. That's real money.

That is where you're seeing the Feds interest rate hikes really starting to affect the economy right now? It hasn't called inflation yet, but it is at play in the housing market, Brianna.

KEILAR: And we're getting all of these recession warnings.

ROMANS: Yes, I feel like this week it was just one after another of these blows of recession warnings and concerns. You heard JP Morgan's Jamie Dimon warning of a recession in six to nine months. He had warned of a hurricane maybe six months ago. He's very concerned about what he sees in the future.

The IMF issued this recession warning the worst is yet to come. And you had Bank of America say you're essentially going to start to see job losses next year because the Feds medicine will slow the job market so much. So those are the scary warnings we saw this week.

KEILAR: All right, Christine, thank you for taking us through that.


MARQUARDT: And now to some of my new reporting. Elon Musk's company SpaceX after months of providing critical, expensive technology to Ukraine's fighters on the front lines; they're now saying they can't keep paying the bills.

SpaceX is now asking the Pentagon to start picking up the tab for its Starlink satellite systems in Ukraine. The company says it has spent close to $100 million. And now it's time for Washington to step up. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

MARQUARDT (voice over): In Ukraine's fight to push out Russian invaders one of the most critical pieces of technology doesn't fire rockets or bullets. It's small, easy to use satellite internet terminals called Starlink made by SpaceX, the Rocket and Satellite Company founded by Elon Musk. According to SpaceX, there are around 20,000 Starlink terminals in Ukraine. And they've been vital for soldier's communication, flying drones and artillery targeting

SETH JONES, SENIOR ADVISER, CENTER FOR STRATEGIC AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES: Starlink is the glue really between the forward deployed drone and the artillery that's conducting the strike against Russian positions.

MARQUARDT (voice over): Starlink arrived in Ukraine as the war started earning Musk global praise and thanks. CNN has now exclusively obtained documents showing not only that SpaceX is just one part of a large international effort getting Starlink to Ukraine's front lines, but now seven months into the war SpaceX is warning the Pentagon it is facing the difficult choice of reducing or stopping service.

JONES: Why at this moment Starlink is raising this issue it just - it's really bad timing.

MARQUARDT (voice over): The company says it has spent almost $100 million and quote "We are not in a position to further donate terminals to Ukraine or fund the existing terminals for an indefinite period of time".

SpaceX has now requested the Pentagon pick up of the tab $124 million for the rest of 2020 to a rate that would translate to close to $400 million for the next year.


DMITRI ALPEROVITCH, CHAIRMAN, SILVERADO POLICY ACCELERATOR: SpaceX is not a charity of course and they're losing a lot of money right now as a business, so I'm sure they're trying to recoup some of their costs.

MARQURDT (voice over): SpaceX's request came after Ukraine's Commanding General - he wrote in July directly to Musk the letter obtained exclusively by CNN. Starlink units provide exceptional utility; the general wrote then asked Musk for almost 8000 more terminals.

Instead, SpaceX said they told Ukraine to send a request to the Pentagon, adding we have now exceeded our original agreement with Ukraine. Without Starlink Ukraine says it can't fight. Last week, reports emerged of widespread sudden Starlink outages on the front line, as troops fought to take back territory.

ALPEROVITCH: They are puzzled about why that's going on. Is that something that's SpaceX is doing intentionally? Is that coming from Elon, no one is quite sure. MARQUARDT (voice over): The outages and news of the funding request to the Pentagon come as Musk's support of Ukraine is also questioned after he proposed a peace deal, suggesting that Ukraine relinquished Crimea to Russia and hold U.N. backed referenda for parts of Eastern Ukraine.

He told a private audience that Ukraine doesn't want to talk about peace negotiations while he says Russia would accept those terms.


MARQUARDT: And in the backlash that has followed that proposed peace plan, Musk has repeatedly insisted that he's pro Ukraine. This week he tweeted at a Ukrainian official who thanked him for Starlink services saying "You're most welcome. Glad to support Ukraine".

Now in reality, that support is much more complicated.

So the same time that Musk is saying that he's glad to support Ukraine, his company, SpaceX is saying that that support may soon slow down or end. And Brianna after he proposed that peace plan a Ukrainian diplomat told Musk to eff off and Musk has responded today saying we're just following his recommendation so confirming that they are trying to stop sending so much support to Ukraine.

KEILAR: And we have to use my Twitter account to look at his tweets now because you can't look at them. Do I have this correct?

MARQUARDT: I actually couldn't see that response because he has blocked me; this crusader of free speech on Twitter has blocked me for reporting something that he himself has confirmed.

KEILAR: Oh, no something's going there.

MARQUARDT: Yes. Well, moving on new this morning, a deadly rampage inside a neighborhood and one officer has lost his life.

KEILAR: Well, just in prosecutors in the Parkland trial is demanding an investigation into reports that one juror was threatened by another.



MARQUARDT: This morning two Connecticut police officers are dead and a third is seriously wounded after being shot while responding to a domestic violence call. The police are saying that it appears that the 911 call was a ploy to lure law enforcement to the scene. The Police Chief honored the fallen officers during a news conference on Thursday. Take a listen.


CHIEF BRIAN GOULD, BRISTOL POLICE: Our men and women of the Bristol Police Department are privileged and honored to serve on the front lines protecting and serving the community of Bristol and that's what these heroes did last night. They answered a call to duty and they responded without hesitation.


MARQUARDT: CNN's Alexandra Field joins me now Alex, what more are you learning?

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning Alex. According to police, their fellow officers appear to have been led directly into an ambush.

It started Wednesday night with a 911 call reporting a domestic incident between siblings it now appears that when the officers arrived at the house on Wednesday evening they were confronted outside by a suspect and neighbor describes hearing a hail of bullets that followed.


ROBYN LAUZON, NEIGHBOR WHO HEARD GUNSHOTS: It was like a burst of 10 or so gunshots and then there was another burst and my husband ran downstairs and looked out the window and then it went off again. And the sirens were crazy and it was just like a warzone.


FIELD: Sergeant Dustin DeMonte, Officer Alex Hanzi both killed by gunshots. A third officer also responding was shot and injured. The suspect 35-year-old Nicholas Butcher shot and killed his brother shot and injured police are now calling this a complex and ongoing investigation Alex.

MARQUARDT: And Alex in that clip that we played you could tell that the chief was emotionally visibly so. We understand these officers were really well respected, revered in the community. So how is that community in Bristol Connecticut responding?

FIELD: Yes, they are reeling from the loss of officers killed in the line of duty and struggling to comprehend whether these officers were part of a calculated shooting all of this weighing heavily on the minds and hearts of those who loved these two young men who had devoted themselves to the community - youth in the community. We know that Sergeant DeMonte is survived by a wife two children. He had a third child on the way. Officer Hanzi survived by his wife. They're both being called brave and exceptional officers Alex.

MARQUARDT: A third child on the way what a devastating story? Alexandra Field thank you so much for bringing us that report. I appreciate it.

Now ahead on "New Day" an alarming study revealing a potential cancer epidemic emerging in people under 50 years old.

KEILAR: And a subpoena of the Former President and never before seen footage of lawmakers scrambling to save the Capitol vivid details coming out of the January 6th hearings.



MARQUARDT: An alarming new trend in the field of medicine not only is cancer still the leading cause of death around the globe, according to the World Health Organization, but researchers have also found that cancers in people under 50 are becoming more common.

Joining us now CNN Medical Correspondent Dr. Tara Narula! Tara, what exactly did researchers find when it comes to this rise in cancer among younger adults?

DR. TARA NARULA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, they reviewed the cancer records from 44 countries. And as you mentioned, they in fact found an increased incidence of early onset cancers under the age of 50. And these were all types of cancers, but really 14 specifically that they looked at eight of whom, eight of which were digestive cancers.

And this was since the 1990s. So for example, when you look at colorectal cancer, we know that one out of 10 is diagnosed individuals who are 20 to 50. They looked at the average yearly incidence increase in colorectal cancer in younger adults in America, that was about 2 percent in the UK 3 percent in Korea, 5 percent.

So these add up over time to really big numbers. They also saw something called a birth cohort effect. So groups that were born at successively later times had an increased incidence of early cancers compared to younger groups so for example, if you were born in the 1990s, a higher chance of these early onset cancers than those who were born in the 1980s.

KEILAR: That is fascinating. What did they attribute is the cause of this alarming rise?

DR. NARULA: Exactly, Brianna, so certainly some of this comes down to better screening, or improved screening technology. But that's definitely not the whole story. And they really hypothesize that this has to do a lot with risk factors and early exposures in life as early as conception in utero.

And then those first years were from birth to 19. Some of these risk factors have to do with things like obesity, sedentary lifestyle, Western diets, sleep patterns changing, and also alcohol and tobacco and then throw in there changes in the micro biome, those gut bacteria, we know that's affected by diet, antibiotic use and when you look at again, the fact that eight out of 14 of these cancers were digestive cancers that may be playing a big role.

And then things like food additives, air pollution, even reproductive factors, the number of births, women have had oral contraceptive use, all of these things have changed over the last 50 to 60 years. The American Cancer Society CEO really calling this a call to arms because many of these cancers are more aggressive they're found at later stages, survival outcomes are worse.

So we really need to teach people to focus on changing their lifestyle. We need to teach this at a young age, invest in research, and we also need to, you know, increase awareness about these risk factors and possibly even change screening guidelines as they did with colon cancer last year to drop the age to 45.

MARQUARDT: There are some very disturbing numbers there. Dr. Tara Narula thank you so much for bringing us that new research! I appreciate it. All right "New Day" continues right now.

KEILAR: January 6th Committee taking its showdown with Former President Trump to the next level with a subpoena.