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Racial Disparity in Healthcare; September PCE Rises 6.2 Percent; Speaker Pelosi's Husband Attacked. Aired 8:30-9a ET

Aired October 28, 2022 - 08:30   ET




BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: A new study finds black and Hispanic adults are less likely than white adults to receive potential life- saving CPR during cardiac arrest.

CNN medical correspondent Dr. Tara Narula is with us on this story.

Dr. Narula, this is so alarming. You're a cardiologist. Tell us what this study found.

DR. TARA NARULA, CNN MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Brianna, we know that there are definitely racial and ethnic disparities in this country when it comes to health care outcomes and even treatment. And so, in fact, we also know that for black and Hispanic Americans the survival for out of hospital arrest is much lower. But the question is, why.

And so researchers looked at, could it have to do with how often they received bystander CPR. So they looked at over 100,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests that were witnessed from 2013 to 2019. And, in fact, they found, if you were black or Hispanic, your rate of getting CPR that was done by a bystander was about 26 percent lower if the arrest occurred at home and 37 percent lower if it occurred in a public location, which really surprised them. They actually thought if it was in a public location, those numbers might be lower because there's so many people around.

It also had nothing to do really based on the neighborhood, whether it was a black and Hispanic neighborhood, a white neighborhood, the income or what type of public location, public transportation or a workplace.

So, really alarming and definitely, obviously, something we need to work on improving.

KEILAR: So, what factors do explain this?

NARULA: Well, there's certainly a question of implicit conscious or unconscious bias and whether people make assumptions when they see a white person collapsed on the ground versus somebody who may be black or Hispanic. There's also issues around CPR training and education in black and Hispanic communities, which may be much less also -- less available CPR that's done by dispatcher assisted CPR.

And then, what about the mannequins and the videos that we use to teach CPR. Most of them are white males. So, we really need to work on getting this to people where they are in their communities, whether that's churches, schools, in sort of a culturally, language appropriate way.

And, finally, I'll say, there may also be issues with fear and distrust and even calling 911, you know, because of distrust of what might happen with that approach as well.

KEILAR: Yes. Yes. So, let's talk about response rates and why it is just so important for people to know how to administer CPR so that they can help with a rescue.

NARULA: Yes, well, there's over 350,000 out of hospital cardiac arrests a year. We know that the chances of survival in general are about 10 percent. And every minute that goes by that you are not performing CPR, someone's chance of survival drops by about 7 to 10 percent. Three quarters of these arrests occur at home. So, imagine you're at home and somebody goes down in front of you. So, you really have a great chance of improving someone's chance of survival and functional neurological outcome if you know how to perform bystander CPR.

And it's very easy. The American Heart Association has great education videos about hands only CPR. So a lot of people think, I have to do mouth to mouth. That's not the case. Actually, the outcomes with hands only are just as good. So, people can think about, you know, doing hands only CPR to the tune of "Staying Alive," which is about 100 to 120 beats a minute in the center of the chest. You Put your hands, you push down pretty strongly for about two -- two inches deep.

But it's really important because, in general, only about 46 percent of Americans get bystander CPR if they have an out of hospital arrest.

KEILAR: Yes, you really have to educate yourself. It's not a natural thing, right?

NARULA: Right.

KEILAR: So you have to think about it so that if you ever have to do it, it's sort of there tucked away in your brain.

I also do want to ask you -- and, also, it's not what you see on TV. I think we have to make that very clear, too.

I want to ask you about a new study and it suggests that taking medications to treat high blood pressure may actually help avoid dementia later in life?


NARULA: Right. So, we've known from past research that high blood pressure is associated in middle age with a risk - an increased risk of dementia. But what we haven't been able to prove definitively is, if we lower it with antihypertensive medications, can we reduce the risk of dementia? And so this research study basically took five trials, grouped them all together. They looked at about 28,000 people, followed them for four years. These were people average age of about 69 in multiple countries. And they found that, yes, in fact, if you're able to lower the blood pressure with blood pressure medications, even by 10 points, the top number, and four points the bottom number in that first year, you're able to lower the risk of dementia by about 13 percent.

So, you know, this is really a great lesson for people about the value of lowering blood pressure, not only for heart attack and stroke, but potentially for lowering dementia risk. Now, we don't know if there's certain antihypertensive drugs that are better, if there's certain ages where this should be started or even if somebody has a normal blood pressure if we were to lower it could we reduce the risk. So, still lots of questions that we need to answer with research, butt his is definitely a big step forward.

KEILAR: Yes, this could be huge.

Dr. Narula, thank you so much.

NARULA: Thank you.

ALEX MARQUARDT, CNN ANCHOR: And just in, the latest inflation report is here.

CNN chief business correspondent Christine Romans is also here and has the numbers.

Christine, what are you seeing in this report?


Look, this is the last big inflation reading before the Fed's next meeting next week where the Fed is expected to raise interest rates sharply again because of high inflation. I think this number will pretty much bolster the Fed in its decision to raise interest rates.

You've got the September PCE, the Personal Consumption Expenditures price index, up 0.3 percent from August to September. That matches the prior month's growth. And year over year up 6.2 percent. So you can see that again is exactly what it was the month before. So, 6.2 percent for consumer inflation. Those are still numbers that are running pretty hot and uncomfortable. The Fed is trying to, you know, get this inflation so it's not entrenched in the overall economy. So the final reading of consumer inflation really before the Fed's next meeting.

And when you look at the core rate, the year over year core rate, a little bit hotter than the prior months. So, again, that shows you the six-months now of Fed interest rate hikes have not been able to dislodge this inflation. The Fed likely to keep going here, raising interest rates, trying to correct the trajectory, you guys.

MARQUARDT: Yes, another raise expected coming up. Christine Romans, thank you very much.

ROMANS: You're welcome.

MARQUARDT: Now, second gentleman Doug Emhoff telling our Dana Bash in an exclusive interview how he approaches his role in the Biden administration, a position that had never been held by a man before.

KEILAR: And she was recognized for her amazing work bringing beauty and hope to the men and women living on Los Angeles's skid row. We'll check in on the 2021 CNN's Hero of the Year, next.


SHIRLEY RAINES, CNN HERO OF THE YEAR 2021: I've always said this from the beginning, I don't do hero stuff. You know what I mean? I do human stuff.




KEILAR: We have some breaking news.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband has been attacked in his home -- in their home.

Dana Bash is back with us now to tell us what we know about this, Dana.

DANA BASH, CNN CHIEF POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT: Horrifying. What we know is a statement from Speaker Pelosi's office explains some of the details. Here's what it says.

Early this morning, an assailant broke into the Pelosi residence in San Francisco and violently assaulted Mr. Pelosi. The assailant is in custody and the motivation for the attack is under investigation.

Mr. Pelosi was taken to the hospital where he is receiving excellent medical care and is expected to make a full recovery, which is great news. The speaker was not in San Francisco at the time and they are saying that they are grateful to the medical professionals and asking for privacy at this time.

I mean, absolutely horrifying, terrifying. We have been talking about experiencing sort of the violence across the board. And whether or not -- this is very clear the motivation for the attack is under investigation -- whether or not it is politically motivated, we do not know yet.

Regardless, if someone like Paul Pelosi, who clearly lives in a place where I would imagine they have a pretty darn good security system, can be the victim of such a crime, it's pretty eye opening and, again, horrific. KEILAR: Yes, and clearly he suffered some injuries here as he is in

the hospital expected to make a full recovery but he is receiving medical care in the hospital right now.

BASH: Yes, he is. And, you know, our hearts go out to him and to their family and just hope his recovery is swift. And, obviously, as you said, the key is, we don't know a lot of details about who did it and why they did it.


MARQUARDT: Well, our thoughts certainly with the Pelosi family and hope to learn more soon.

You have also spoken with the husband of another high-profile female politician, Doug Emhoff, the husband, of course, of Vice President Kamala Harris. We have a clip of your interview with him.

Let's take a listen.


BASH: I know there was no manual to be the second gentleman, because it didn't exist before, but to be the second spouse?

DOUG EMHOFF: There's no manual. And Dr. Biden said as much to me, because I did ask her, well, you had this role, what can I expect? She said, first, you won't believe me if I told you. And, two, it's just going to be different for you because you're a man and she's a woman and you're the first one and kind of the times we're in right now. But just be yourself, be authentic and support her.

BASH (voice over): The term second lady was first used in the 1890s, but there wasn't much of a public role until Pat Nixon started traveling independent of her husband to promote causes. There are now five living former second ladies, Marilyn Quail, Tipper Gore, Lynn Cheney, Jill Biden and Karen Pence.

BASH (on camera): Who'd you talk to?

EMHOFF: Well, I talked to Mrs. Pence. I talked to -

BASH: Was she helpful?

EMHOFF: She was. She was. We had a very nice conversation.

BASH: What was the most important advice she gave you?

EMHOFF: She was very helpful just having been in the residence right before. There's a lot of, you know, just non-intuitive things that happen living in this type of situation that she was very helpful with.

BASH: Like what?

EMHOFF: You know, just from paying the bills, how does food get in, and just, you've seen a lot of the security, so just the basics of everyday life.


MARQUARDT: And, Dana, he's a very active second gentleman. Do you get the sense that he enjoys the role?

BASH: He is loving it. It's really pretty clear that he is loving it because it's certainly something he didn't expect. He was an entertainment lawyer in Los Angeles. And what's really notable, and one of the things that we talk extensively about was his decision to give it all up and move here and be here with one role. He says his job - I said, what is your actual job? He said, it's to support my wife, to support the vice president. How often do we hear a man saying their job is to support their wife? Their actual job. Not their -- what they do at home, but their actual job.

And so to have the conversation, we really went in depth about it and what it means to be a man and how -- and, frankly, redefining masculinity, which he is aggressively trying to do being in this role. And it makes me think of Paul Pelosi, because Pelosi, again, we hope that he is - he is doing so much -- doing well, doing -

KEILAR: Sounds like he is, which is good news.

BASH: Yes. Yes.


BASH: But he is also a man who has a very important -- big job back in California, but he lives in the shadow of his wife. And I've actually asked Nancy Pelosi about that, you know, do you need a certain kind of spouse, a certain kind of partner to be OK with the wife, the female, getting all of the glory and, frankly, having the much more important job. When you're speaker of the House, that's it. When you're vice president of the United States, that's it. And it's definitely sort of a broader conversation that we, as a society, are starting to have as more women are in positions of power. And they're important conversations to have because it's not just about the woman if they have a male partner, it's about the man too.

MARQUARDT: You can tell that both men are so proud of their spouses when you see them in person.

BASH: Yes. Yes.

KEILAR: It even goes to the paternity leave conversation that Chris Wallace was having with Pete Buttigieg.

BASH: It is.

KEILAR: So, it's a great conversation and thank you so much for sharing it with us. Dana, we appreciate it.

BASH: Thanks, guys.

MARQUARDT: (INAUDIBLE). KEILAR: "Being the Second Gentleman" is going to air tomorrow night at 8:00 Eastern right here on CNN.

MARQUARDT: And next week we will be announcing this year's top 10 CNN Heroes," one of whom will then be CNN's Hero of the Year next.

Now, last year you chose an incredible woman named Shirley Raines for that top honor. She fiercely protects and serves people experiencing homelessness on Los Angeles' skid row.

So, before we kick off voting for this year's CNN Hero of the Year, we wanted to check in on last year's hero, giving you a peek inside her big win, the reaction from her community on skid row and what she's been up to.



SHIRLEY RAINES: As much as you want to live in the moment and say it doesn't really matter, let's be real. I wanted to bring that prize money, that win and that recognition to the community. I really wanted them to have that platform.

Good morning, you guys!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Congratulations, Shirley.

RAINES: Congratulations to y'all.

The world had an opportunity to vote for ten amazing organizations, and they chose one that dealt with homelessness, which I think to them might say, oh, my God, people really are paying attention.


People really are looking. People really do care.

I'm hoping that this win will bring more eyes down here. There's a massive need for blankets. There's a massive need for tents. I've always said this from the beginning, I don't do hero stuff. You know what I mean? I do human stuff.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I knew there was something about you.

RAINES: I knew there was something about you too.

Honestly, all the stuff I've been through in my personal life, I think it's amazing to have gotten this far, because I came from, oh, my God, the bottom. And I was on the CNN Heroes (INAUDIBLE). It definitely should give hope to other people.


MARQUARDT: To see Shirley in action on skid row and catch up with the community that has shared her honor, go to right now and get ready.

Next week we'll be announcing the top 10 CNN Heroes of 2022.

And "The Good Stuff" is next. Stay with us.



KEILAR: Here's our "Good Stuff" today.

Terrifying video of an Iowa home engulfed in flames. There were children inside, completely unaware. But a man, who just happened to be passing by, immediately sprung into action.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just felt like somebody was in there because it was so late at night, you know? I just knew that I had to act quick.


KEILAR: So, he yelled at them to get out of the house. Brenden Bert (ph) is his name. He says he turned onto the street by accident and happened to see the fire start. He started banging on the house, screaming to alert anyone inside, and he woke up the three kids and their 22-year-old brother who were inside. You can see all four of them escaping out of the front door. They narrowly escaped this fire. Their mother, who was out of town, says Bert is a part of the family now.

MARQUARDT: What a relief.

And we are staying on top of breaking news. The husband of Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Paul Pelosi, attacked at their home in San Francisco. CNN's coverage continues after this break.