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New Day Saturday

DiMaggio and Anderson Spotted in Wilderness; Filner Leaves Therapy Early; More Rain on Tap in Soaked States; Obama Wants Surveillance Changes; Usher Keeps the Kids; Tensions Rising Again in Egypt; China Confronts Human Trafficking; Oprah Claims Racism; Search for DiMaggio, Hannah Anderson Continues; Oprah's Return to Big Screen

Aired August 10, 2013 - 06:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The blue Nissan Versa was discovered covered in brush.


BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR: New developments this morning in the Amber Alert case that has the entire country on the lookout. We will take you live to Idaho where a fresh lead gives new hope.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. Thank you.


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Gut-wrenching testimony in Usher's child custody case. What prompted the judge to remove the superstar's ex- wife from the stand?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (through translator): It would be very strange to me if she would have refused to show a bag.


KEILAR: The plot thickens in the case of the Swiss handbag. What the Zurich shop is now saying about the incident that has Oprah claiming racism.

Good morning, everyone. I'm Brianna Keilar.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. It's 6:00 here at CNN world headquarters in Atlanta. This is NEW DAY SATURDAY.

ANNOUNCER: This is CNN breaking news.

KEILAR: We have breaking news overnight. The worst fears of one family confirmed in the tragic case of a California kidnapping. BLACKWELL: The San Diego County sheriff says the second body found in last week's fire is Ethan Anderson. Authorities are now searching for his sister, Hannah, in Idaho where they found that car of alleged kidnapper James DiMaggio.

KEILAR: The pair thought to be in the Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness Area.


ANDREA DEARDEN, ADA COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: There was nothing immediately alarming about this pair the rider said. They did appear to have gear with them. They had camping equipment it seemed to him. I think he described the interaction as odd but nothing alarming.


BLACKWELL: CNN's Miguel Marquez is in Cascade, Idaho.

Miguel, the wilderness area is 2.3 million acres. So what are authorities doing there to find them right now?

MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: It is a huge area, Victor. And right now what they're doing is they've cordoned off some of the perimeter of it, blocking it off and monitoring all traffic into and out of the forest area. And they believe they've cast that net wide enough so any direction they would have gone over the two days since they've been spotted, they'd still be within that area.

They're also preparing hundreds of searchers to get up there in vehicles, horseback, and by helicopter in order to get into specific areas and try to figure out where they might be and look for any signs of life in this vast wilderness area.


BLACKWELL: Miguel, what do authorities make of this characterization from this person on horseback that this was odd but there was nothing alarming, suggesting that she didn't seem particularly agitated when they saw her?

MARQUEZ: Yes, I spoke to investigators yesterday and they said that she did not appear to be under duress. That the person on horseback had said that it seemed odd. It's not clear whether or not the -- their actions or behavior was odd or whether or not just them being out there in the middle of nowhere was odd.

I do know that they had fairly light camping gear, medium to light camping gear. Not the sort of heavy, rugged stuff you'd expect to be several days into a very back wilderness area like they were. And he also didn't come to that conclusion that it was odd until after he realized that they were -- the people that were being searched for in the Amber Alert.

So it's hard to draw a lot from that statement. We were trying to talk to that person on horseback to get a little more clarity on that, Victor.

BLACKWELL: Yes, a very difficult week for this family and hopefully they get some answers soon. Miguel Marquez in Cascade, Idaho, thank you.

And be sure to stay with us because later this morning we'll speak with a friend of Hannah's to ask about the relationship between DiMaggio and Anderson and his so-called crush on her.

KEILAR: Now, we also have some new information this morning about embattled San Diego Mayor Bob Filner. He, of course, is mired in a sexual harassment allegation controversy. He has left, we found out, a behavior therapy program a week early. That is according to his chief of staff.

BLACKWELL: And recall efforts are ramping up, including a letter from personal friend Senator Barbara Boxer urging him to step down. Nick Valencia is following this story.

Let's start with this departure from this intense therapy. What do we know about that?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This is so bizarre, isn't it?


KEILAR: Really.

VALENCIA: I mean when you look at this. He checked in early, that's what his office is saying, so that's why he checked out early. But his critics are saying he just, you know, used this as an excuse to get out of a deposition, a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by his former communications director. He was supposed to give this deposition on August 9th, while he was in rehab. He got a note from his doctor saying that he couldn't show up. So his critics are saying he just used this as an excuse to get out of that. He didn't want to commit perjury.

But his office is saying that he's going to continue in an outpatient program. It's unclear, though, when he'll go back and if he'll be able to even get into his office. A local affiliate in San Diego reported that the locks were changed on Mayor Filner's office overnight. So we're waiting to get comment from Mayor Filner. He has not spoken at all about this. It's unclear who ordered the locks changed on the office or why, but the city attorney's office told our local affiliate that they agreed with the move.

And you talked about that personal letter, right, the Barbara Boxer letter. He's getting criticism from all sorts of angles, including his personal friend who wrote an open letter which said in part - I believe we have a graphic here on this. It says, "I must say this directly to you: Bob, you must resign because you have betrayed the trust of the women you have victimized, the San Diegans you represent, and the people you have worked with throughout your decades in public life." He's just getting it from all angles, guys.

KEILAR: And what's made it very clear that he just really kind of wants to hang on right now -


KEILAR: To power as mayor of San Diego. He has not appointed an interim mayor.


KEILAR: He went off to this program.

VALENCIA: HE wants to stick it out, right?


KEILAR: He wants to stick it out. Maybe some people have said, is he trying to run out the clock? A lot of folks have said he's not going to have luck with that. Some people want to recall him. Where does the effort stand?

VALENCIA: So this is where it gets tricky. Bob Filner could be in office until early 2014, because of all the red tape surrounding a recall. Not only could it be very expensive, "The Washington Post" says as much as $6 million to have this recall, but it takes time. This group has to collect the signatures and they have to get, you know, stamp of approval by the city clerk. Then the city council has to vote on it. All of that could take up to months. So it could be as early as November that we see this recall go forward or as late as early next year. So Bob Filner, you may be hearing this name for a long time to come.

BLACKWELL: It's interesting they changed the locks.

VALENCIA: No kidding.

BLACKWELL: He hasn't resigned.


BLACKWELL: There's been no recall. But someone says he shouldn't be back in. We'll see where that goes.

KEILAR: That says -- that says you're not welcome here, doesn't it?



KEILAR: All right. Appreciate that, Nick.

BLACKWELL: Well, the rain is still causing a lot of trouble across the country. Wow.

KEILAR: Holy cow.

BLACKWELL: Those cars were just washed off the highway in Manitou Springs in Colorado. This morning, parts of 17 states are under a flood watch or warning. Let's go to meteorologist Jennifer Delgado in the CNN Severe Weather Center.

Jennifer, this video is amazing.

JENNIFER DELGADO, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Incredible video. Yes, we are talking about flash flooding, as well as a mudslide. You saw those cars just washing away. And, Victor and Brianna, we have seen scenes like that coming out of the Midwest, as well as the Plains over the last couple days, but coming out of Manitou, want to point out to you, here's the cell that moved through. It was quite strong and produced roughly about 1.5 inches of rainfall. But the problem is, it's a burn scar area and that allowed for even greater runoff and that's from the fires from last year alone. That's the result of that.

Now as we look at the radar right now, notice what's happening there. Showers and thunderstorms once again just training parts of Missouri, as well as into Arkansas. A sprinkle. You are getting a break from that. But the heaviest rainfall right now in the southeastern part of Missouri, that's why we have flood warnings and watches in place through today. A lot of these flash flood warnings are going to expire right around 9:00 local time, but some of these watches are going to last until 1:00, and that means it's still going to be dangerous out there. You still need to make sure you're paying attention to those roadways and not driving through or walking through some of those flooded streets.

Now, as I point out to you some of the rainfall totals, look at this area, some of these picked up more than 15 inches of rainfall in five days. That's why we're talking about all this flash flooding. And more is on the way. Now, we point out for areas like southern Missouri, we could see another 2 to 4, especially in the southeastern portion. But anywhere in yellow, that's where we're going to see our heaviest rain over the next couple days.

On a wider view, out in the west, if you want some sunshine, you want some dry air, you need to go out in that direction. And then for areas including the northeast, we'll see some scattered showers around here. Your high temperatures for today, 100 degrees in Dallas. It's going to be hot down in the south. And then for Atlanta, steamy hot.

Back to you guys.

BLACKWELL: All right, Jennifer Delgado, thank you very much.

KEILAR: This is what happens -- when I leave D.C., the weather gets nice there. And when I come to Atlanta it gets hot here.

DELGADO: It happens all the time.

KEILAR: I can never -- I'm always missing the good stuff.

BLACKWELL: Absolutely.

DELGADO: And then when you go back, it will be bad.

KEILAR: Right.

BLACKWELL: I like the little dance you're doing.

KEILAR: I know.

BLACKWELL: You should see her really dance. That's -

KEILAR: Thanks, Jennifer.

DELGADO: You're welcome.

KEILAR: Well, let's head overseas now. The U.S. consulate in Lahore, Pakistan, has been evacuated due to a terror threat. It does not appear to be connected to the greater threat that closed multiple embassies last week because of a threat from al Qaeda. Meanwhile, though, a senior State Department official says the U.S. will reopen 18 out of those 19 embassies. The U.S. embassy in Yemen will remain closed.

And with his administration under fire, President Obama is taking steps to try to assure Americans that U.S. surveillance programs don't cross the line. CNN's Rene Marsh reports.


RENE MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): President Obama says, while government surveillance programs have not been abused, he needs to do a better job explaining them.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: A general impression has, I think, taken hold, not only among the American public, but also around the world, that somehow we're out there willy nilly just sucking in information on everybody and doing what we please with it. Now that's not the case.

MARSH: At the same time, he says leaks from former NSA contractor Edward Snowden have given the programs a bad rap.

OBAMA: No, I don't think Mr. Snowden was a patriot.

MARSH: To give the American people more confidence, he's proposing working with Congress to put more safeguards on The Patriot Act program that collects their telephone records, an independent voice to challenge government claims when it asks a judge to approve the programs, that the intelligence community create a website detailing what it does and doesn't do, and that the Justice Department make public the legal basis for the programs. And he wants outside experts to review whether there are new ways, including technology, to prevent abuse.

OBAMA: If I tell Michelle that I did the dishes, now, granted, in the White House I don't do the dishes that much, but back in the day, and she's a little skeptical, well, I'd like her to trust me, but maybe I need to bring her back and show her the dishes and not just have her take my word for it.


KEILAR: Show her the dishes. That's what he's saying. Rene Marsh joining us now live from Washington.

Rene, one of the, I think, perhaps complicating factors here is Congress. I mean Congress will have to get involved here. How likely is it that they'll be able to act?

MARSH: Right. You know, you're right about that, Brianna, because you heard the president in his own words yesterday. He said that he does plan to work with Congress to reform The Patriot Act, which we know allows the government to collect Americans' phone records, specifically the phone numbers and the duration of the call. So the goal would be to improve privacy protections.

We do know that following the president's press conference, the Senate Intelligence Committee announced already that they're planning on holding some major hearings on this very issue. But your question, how likely is it that Congress will act? Well, we know that there are some deep divides over this. Lawmakers who say the program is working well as is. But there are other lawmakers who say the president must do a better job at balancing national security along with privacy rights. So you know what that means when there is a divide. It means that we're setting up for another fight and you know how that works here in D.C., Brianna.

KEILAR: That's right. And it is so weird, Rene. I think a lot of people looking to this because you have some folks on the right and on the left who feel similarly about these programs. They don't like them. So it's going to be a very interesting fight come fall.

MARSH: Right.

KEILAR: Rene Marsh for us in Washington, thanks.

MARSH: Sure.

BLACKWELL: We have new video this morning of Derek Medina. He's the 31-year-old man in Florida accused of murdering his wife and then posting a photo of her dead body on FaceBook. Look at this. What you're seeing here is Medina turning himself into police. And the man with him is his father. Medina is being held without bond on a preliminary murder charge.

The 17-year-old in Kentucky accused in the beating death of his step brother has been found not guilty. The jury deliberated for eight hours before reaching that verdict. Young, is that young man's name, was found not guilty of tampering with evidence. His father pleaded guilty to murder and was sentenced to life in prison.

KEILAR: An East Haven, Connecticut, neighborhood can only wonder what caused a terrible plane crash. One that left two houses destroyed and two children dead. And -


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is very difficult.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Step down.



KEILAR: Raw emotion, tears, and even hugs in a custody battle between Usher and his ex-wife just days after their five-year-old nearly drowned. We will take you inside the courtroom. You're watching NEW DAY.


KEILAR: Investigators are trying to learn if weather played a role in a plane crash yesterday in East Haven, Connecticut. As many as six people were killed in this crash.

BLACKWELL: A former Microsoft executive was piloting this turboprop plane that smashed into two homes. Two boys ages one and 13 were killed in one home. The fire and a flooded basement kept firefighters from searching for more victims.

A judge has ruled music mogul Usher can keep custody of his two young sons. This decision was made Friday in an emergency custody hearing in Atlanta.

KEILAR: And CNN's Alina Machado has more on this.



ALINA MACHADO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): An unexpected embrace between Usher Raymond and his ex-wife moments after a judge ruled in the singer's favor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm dismissing the motion.

MACHADO: The emergency custody hearing played out in a packed courtroom Friday. First on the stand was Tameka Foster Raymond, who was hoping to get temporary custody of her four and five-year-old sons after one of them nearly drowned in a pool earlier in the week. Her testimony was emotional.

TAMEKA FOSTER RAYMOND, USHER'S EX-WIFE: I don't know if my son is going to have a brain defect. I don't know that his heart is operating correctly. I don't know that my son is going to be 100 percent the boy he was before this incident.

MACHADO: She kept her head down as they played the 911 call in court.

CALLER: Is he breathing? Is he breathing? He's breathing.


MACHADO: And at one point, Foster Raymond became so upset, the judge intervened.

FOSTER RAYMOND: And I've not left the hospital ever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And, Ms. Raymond, I know this is very difficult.

FOSTER RAYMOND: This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. Step down.


MACHADO: A sharp contrast from Usher, who appeared calm, even as he described trying to comfort his son the day of the accident.

USHER RAYMOND, SINGER: My son was hysterical and in the back of the ambulance. He was very irate and I did my best to calm him down and help him understand what had taken place.

MACHADO: Rena Oden, Usher's aunt, the woman who was caring for the boy Monday, also took the stand. The judge found her to be a competent caregiver despite testimony from Foster Raymond saying she did not think Aunt Rena could handle the boys.


KEILAR: That's CNN's Alina Machado reporting.

BLACKWELL: Yes, there are times that Foster said while she was on the stand, that she doesn't know where the boys are, she doesn't have a phone number for them, she doesn't know who is with those children. So, obviously, for a mother, some distressing (INAUDIBLE).

KEILAR: And having lost her other son recently.

BLACKWELL: Having lost her other son.

KEILAR: Usher's step son.

Now, the judge went on to say that the boy's near drowning was an awful accident and he's not certain any one person could have done a better job taking care of the boys.

BLACKWELL: All right, was it racism or a simple misunderstanding? You know we're talking about why queen of talk Oprah says she didn't exactly get the royal treatment recently at a boutique in Zurich. Her startling allegation and a response after the break.


KEILAR: Let's go around the world now.

Starting in Egypt, where international efforts to quiet the unrest over the disputed presidency have gone nowhere. CNN's Reza Sayah is in Cairo.

Reza. REZA SAYAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Tensions rising once again here in Egypt as we enter another dangerous phase in this conflict, where on one side you have the military backed interim government, on the other side you have these people, supporters of the ousted President Mohammed Morsy and the Muslim Brotherhood. They've been protesting for more than a month. They won't leave, they say, until Morsy is reinstated again.

Washington and the international community have pushed these sides to sit down and make peace, but the interim president here is saying those efforts have failed. The prime minister is saying these demonstrations cannot continue. Those stark messages signal what could be a crackdown against these demonstrations. Many fear that crackdown could come with more bloodshed and violence.


KEILAR: Thank you, Reza.

And now to China, where some unsettling claims by the families of missing newborns are shining new light on a pervasive problem. CNN's David McKenzie is in Uping (ph).


DAVID MCKENZIE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: This village is an epicenter of the human trafficking scandal that is escalating here in China. So far, at least 55 families have come forward to say that their newborns could have been taken by a doctor and sold on to a trafficking ring. The state media here in China is portraying this as a rapid response to a localized issue, but really China has a massive human trafficking problem. The U.S. State Department recently downgraded the country to its worst possible rating.


KEILAR: Thank you, David.

And finally to Switzerland, where Oprah Winfrey says she was the victim of racism at a high end boutique. CNN's Diana Magnay is in Zurich.


DIANA MAGNAY, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Oprah Winfrey claims a shop assistant here in Zurich refused to sell her a $38,000 crocodile handbag because it was too expensive for her. Was this snooty shop keeping a racist snob, as Oprah suggests, or a simple misunderstanding by a sales assistant not speaking her own language? Because as the manager tells me, who wouldn't want to sell a handbag worth seven times your monthly salary? She also said the customer in this shop, though, is king. And when the queen of talk leaves unhappy, well, the world gets to know about it.


KEILAR: They sure do. Diana Magnay, thank you for that.


BLACKWELL: Well, while the frantic search for Hannah Anderson and her alleged kidnapper goes on in Idaho, her family is coping with the new tragedy. One they already feared.

And despite allegations of sexual harassment, San Diego's mayor refuses to quit. Now some plan to take the decision out of Bob Filner's hands.


KEILAR: Bottom of the hour now. Welcome back, everyone. I'm Brianna Keilar.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell.

Here are five things you need to know for your new day.

Number one, San Diego's sheriff says the second body found in the rubble of a fire is Ethan Anderson. Authorities, meantime, are searching for Ethan's sister, Hannah. Now, she was last seen with her alleged kidnapper, James DiMaggio, in a vast wilderness area in Idaho. Now, hikers say that she appeared calm and the pair appeared to have been camping and had camping gear with them.

KEILAR: Number two. San Diego Mayor Bob Filner is out of counseling a full week earlier than expected. Filner told reporters he'd spend two weeks in therapy, but he was there for just one. Eleven women accuse Filner of sexual harassment. He refuses to resign, though, saying that he will be vindicated.

Number three. And this is just amazing video here. This scene coming from Manitou Springs, Colorado, where heavy rain funneled flood water through a canyon just sweeping cars away in two to three feet of muck there. Three people were hurt

KEILAR: Number three, and this is just amazing video here, this scene coming from Manitou Springs, Colorado where heavy rain funneled flood water through a canyon just sweeping cars away in two to three feet of muck there. Three people were hurt and reports say that one person may be missing.

BLACKWELL: Here's number four. Four former Vanderbilt football players are facing aggravated rape charges this morning. Authorities in Nashville say the men sexually assaulted an unconscious woman in the dorm in June. And the university kicked the players off the team shortly after the incident came to light. One suspect is now in custody. The whereabouts of the other three are still unknown.

KEILAR: And number five, new surveillance video shows Derek Medina turning himself into police. He is the south Florida man who allegedly killed his wife and then posted a photo of her dead body on Facebook. The man behind Medina is his father. The man that you will see. Medina has been charged with first-degree murder. He is being held without bond.

Now, calling the search for Hannah Anderson and James DiMaggio difficult is really an understatement. The pair, thought to be in a wilderness area more than 2 million acres. Plenty of room to get lost in the wild. All of this started a thousand miles away with an amber alert and a deadly fire.


BRETT ANDERSON: Just let my daughter go.

KEILAR: Brett Anderson desperately wants his daughter Hannah back. Police believe his friend of 20 years James DiMaggio snatched Hannah sometime after the 16-year-old finished cheerleading practice late Saturday afternoon. Sunday, San Diego County firefighters respond to calls of DiMaggio's house engulfed in flames only to find the body of Hannah's mother inside. They also find the remains of Hannah's eight- year-old brother Ethan which have now been positively identified by the San Diego crime lab.

Monday California goes statewide with an amber alert for DiMaggio, Hannah, and Ethan. For the first time California sends amber alerts to cell phones statewide. Tuesday hundreds of tips pour in to authorities. By Wednesday potential sightings of DiMaggio's blue Nissan Versa prompt Oregon, Washington, and Nevada to issue their own amber alerts. On Thursday, a chilling comment from police. DiMaggio may have booby-trapped his Nissan and abandoned it and they say the suspect may be carrying explosives.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our investigation today has brought to light the possibility that he has explosives on his person.

KEILAR: Police say DiMaggio may be headed to Canada or Mexico or just about anywhere really or they say he could be hunkered down in one of the Pacific Northwest's vast wilderness areas. Friday his car was found in Idaho. For Brett Anderson an agonizing wait.

BRETT ANDERSON: I can't fathom what happened to Jim's head. What - what happened - he obviously just lost it.


BLACKWELL: So how has DiMaggio managed to evade capture and just how challenging is this man hunt? Well, Harold Copus is a private investigator, former FBI special agent, and he has been with us several times before, he is back with us to talk about this. And we appreciate it. So, let's talk about this wilderness area. 2.3 million miles. I mean, how do you search something so large?

HAROLD COPUS, INVESTIGATOR, COPUS SECURITY CONSULTANTS: Well, you can't - so what happens is you have to zoom back in where those guys on horseback spotted these folks.


COPUS: And you start from there.

BLACKWELL: OK. So, how does that happen? I mean, is there a perimeter that you set? Walk us through that step.

COPUS: Well, what is going to happen, they're going to have to -- you can't go - you can't drive in. So they'll have to set up checkpoints at trailheads. In my mind this is this guy's last stand. He's left San Diego. He's made it up here. Now what do we do? And I'm telling you, it would be my opinion, is that if I can't have her no one else can. I think it is a very dangerous situation.

BLACKWELL: So you believe that, I mean, it's an uncomfortable thing to discuss, but if they don't come out of here by - with police getting them you think this is going to be it for both of them?

COPUS: I think it could be and let me tell you why. He - we know that he couldn't have brought in that much food. He's got to stay near water. You can look at maybe, you know, this bear grills on TV and see, you know, how he can live out in the wilderness for a week with a shoestring or whatever. These people aren't like that. They've got to stay near water. The problem is if you don't treat the water they will have a horrible dysentery problem.

So, there's going to be a lot of issues here.

BLACKWELL: And this person on horseback says they had light camping gear, just a few things with them.

COPUS: Certainly. And this weather gets cold at night, it will be down to the 40s. During the day it's 80s. He probably can't afford to put on a fire because if he does, that thing is like a magnet. You can see it for miles. So he's doing some pretty rough camping right now.

BLACKWELL: How was it that this man has been able to evade law enforcement across the country looking for him for so long?

COPUS: Well, interstates.


COPUS: He got on that interstate, probably, 5 out of San Diego, drove all the way up to Idaho. Decided that this was the area he is going to make his last stand, gets in there, if he doesn't steal a car he is on foot.

BLACKWELL: Let's talk about the relationship between the two between DiMaggio and Hannah. We've spoken with some people who know them and say that, quote, he is being villainized and that Hannah is not so innocent. Also, this rider says that she didn't seem to be under duress. What does that suggest to you if anything?

COPUS: My first reaction is, if I've got a 16-year-old, I've captured this 16-year-old, I've threatened her to such extent she is probably not going to say anything. So, I don't think you can read a lot into that.


COPUS: I think you have to read a lot into the fact, though, you've got this guy and a 16-year-old young girl. No. She's not there willingly.

BLACKWELL: OK. All right. Harold Copus, good to have you again.

COPUS: Thank you, Victor.


KEILAR: Thank you, Victor. And coming up at 8:30 this morning we'll be talking to Hannah Anderson's best friend who witnessed a disturbing interaction between Hannah and DiMaggio and also the queen of talk is being talked about again. A lot of buzz about Oprah's role in the new film "The Butler."


OPRAH WINFREY: I don't know how many stories you're going to hear. Because they swore him to some kind of secret code.


KEILAR: Lady O. back on the big screen and she is not getting any softball questions from us.


NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Do you feel like you still experience racism in any form?



KEILAR: Good morning, New York. A live look as there as the sun rises up over Manhattan. It's going to be a gorgeous day there in the Big Apple today.

BLACKWELL: Beautiful.

KEILAR: 86 degrees, partly cloudy. So get out there and maybe to Central Park.

BLACKWELL: I really wish you guys could see ...

KEILAR: Relax.

BLACKWELL: ... that Brianna starts to dance every time that music comes on and then remembers ...

KEILAR: I can't dance.

BLACKWELL: I'm not really good at this.

KEILAR: I'm really bad at dancing. I only - I stick to singing, which I also don't do on TV.

BLACKWELL: Oh, she is great at that. Good morning ...


BLACKWELL: ... welcome back to new day, 90 minutes before the time for the hour. An update now on struggling starlet Amanda Bynes.

KELAR: That's right. A judge has now given temporary control over her person and estate to her mother and that means her parents will now decide where she lives, what happens to her savings, which are estimated at $3 million. The 27-year-old actress has been under a psychiatric hold in a California treatment facility since late July.

BLACKWELL: Media mogul, Oprah Winfrey says she was the victim of racism on a recent trip to Switzerland. A store assistant apparently refused to show her a handbag because it was too expensive. Take a listen to the clip from "Entertainment Tonight."


OPRAH WINFREY, MEDIA MOGUL: And I go into a store which shall remain unnamed and I say to the woman, excuse me. May I see that bag right above your head? And she says to me, no. It's too expensive.


BLACKWELL: But the shop's manager says that this entire incident was a, quote, 200 percent misunderstanding and had nothing to do with racism.


TRUDI GOETZ, OWNER, TROIS POMME CHAIN: The employee would be more than happy to sell this bag. The sale of this bag would have been like seven times that of her monthly salary and this would have definitely been a great feeling of success for her.


BLACKWELL: All right, Oprah is also making a big return to the silver screen.

KEILAR: That's right. After more than a decade away from Hollywood she is back with the new film "The Butler" and CNN's Nischelle Turner sat down with Oprah to find out what inspired her to take the role. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

TURNER: So, your first dramatic role in 15 years.

WINFREY: Can you believe that, Nischelle? Can you believe it? I know, really. What made me say yes to that?

TURNER: That was my question. What made you ...

WINFREY: Especially since I was going through it. I was going through building OWN and thank goodness we are on the other side at least headed in the right direction for that and I said to Lee, this is the absolute worst time you could ask me to do anything, Lee. And, you know, he just would not take no for an answer. I think that one of the reasons why there's so much still lingering prejudice and racism is because we don't get to see people as ourselves. And so this was an opportunity, I thought to let the world feel the heart of a butler, the heart of this period that really was a defining period in the lives of many black people but also our nation.

TURNER: The conversation that is had in this film about race, race relations, racism, we're still having that conversation today.

WINFREY: I think we'll be having that conversation for a long time, because, you know, all of this -- conversations about race, the conversations about profiling, regardless of what race is being profiled is really about our march to humanity, it's about our march to not fearing one another. And I think when you don't have stories and you don't have a placement in the culture where people can see that there's a whole tapestry, you know, one of the reasons why I loved this film and wanted to be part of it is because of the tenderness between the husband and wife and the tenderness and nurturing nature of the middle class family. You know, so many images ...

TURNER: I've never seen that before.

WINFREY: I know you haven't seen that before. You know, I know you hadn't seen ...

TURNER: Seriously. I had never seen that before.

WINFREY: ... isn't that just shocking? And when I ask other people, white people, black people, when have you seen a tenderness and honor and respect and longevity, people who have been together and they can finish each other's sentences and you can see the caring, the caring in that family happens not just when they're in bed together, Cecil and Gloria, but when they're sitting at the table and finishing each other's sentences and she says ...

... what was the name of that movie, honey?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "In the Heat of the Night."

WINFREY: "In the Heat of the Night."


WINFREY: You can feel that. Do you feel like you still experience racism in any form?

I -- nobody is going to call up - come up to me and call me the "n" word unless they're on twitter and I can't find them.


TURNER: Twitter thugs, or something.

WINFREY: Twitter thugs. Oh, the twitter thugs, the Twitter thugs. So I've learned to leave the twitter thugs alone. So, I guess - unless - unless - unless - it's something ridiculous, nobody is going to do it. But I experienced racism in ways that you experience when you have reached a level where people can't call you to your face by, you know, other than your name. I experience it through people's expectations and lack thereof. And I use it to my advantage. It is a wonderful thing when people count you out because they think you can't do something.


KEILAR: Interesting take there, isn't that?

BLACKWELL: Yes. "The Butler" hits theaters next weekend, August 16th. But ...

KEILAR: Oh, if you're Victor Blackwell ...

BLACKWELL: Don't do it.

KEILAR: Then it hits theaters like last week.

BLACKWELL: I did see it Thursday. It was ...

KEILAR: Was it great?

BLACKWELL: It is very good.

KEILAR: Was it?

BLACKWELL: It's very good.


BLACKWELL: I'm going to tell you there are two great performances. Forest Whitaker.


BLACKWELL: Oprah is really good. Forest Whitaker and his son Louis in this film.


BLACKWELL: Because Louis goes from a teenager all the way into his, I think, 40s or 50s. This actor plays this.

KEILAR: Holy cow.

BLACKWELL: ... really, really good.

KEILAR: Amazing.

BLACKWELL: I think people will enjoy this.

KEILAR: So, is that sort of the surprise, do you think, maybe, his performance?

BLACKWELL: His performance, Louis's performance and I can't remember the actor's name unfortunately. But also ...

KEILAR: We sure will I bet here in a few weeks.

BLACKWELL: Yes, absolutely. Absolutely. Once you see this you're going to remember this guy's name.

KEILAR: All right. Awesome. Well, he is back.

BLACKWELL: Embattled slugger Alex Rodriguez made his return to New York last night and as expected a lot of fans were not happy to see him. We'll check out all of the A-Rod boos and some cheers. That's next on a "NEW DAY."


KEILAR: Alex Rodriguez played his first game at Yankee Stadium this season and did very little at the plate to win over the home crowd.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, Joe Carter joins us now for this morning's "Bleacher Report." Hey, Joe.

JOE CARTER, BLEACHER REPORT: Hey, good morning, guys. Yeah, the question coming in to last night was how would Yankee fans react to A- Rod's return to the Bronx. Obviously, earlier in the week we saw plenty of Chicago fans boo him when they played the White Sox. But the reaction last night, I have to say, was mixed. Plenty of boos, but he get a lot of cheers. So, here, take a listen to the fans' reaction during his first at bat.


ANNOUNCER: Number 13. Alex Rodriguez.


CARTER: All right. So, there you go. Manager Joe Girardi said after the game he thought it was 50/50. So, very pc of him. Now, Alex Rodriguez' performance at the plate did not help his cause with Yankee fans. He went over four last night, he struck out three times. And it seemed the boos got louder after each strikeout, but later in the game Yankee fans had plenty to cheer about when Brett Gardner hit a walk off single in the bottom of the ten. The Yankees would go on to win for three and it snapped the Tigers' 12-game win streak.

Let's talk a little golf where the PGA field is not chasing Tiger Woods or Phil Mickelson today, they are all chasing Jason Dufner. Dufner shot a 63 yesterday. That is a major record only 24 golfers have ever shot a 63 at a major. This guy had five birdies. An amazing eagle right there and no bogeys. Now, he starts today two shots ahead of everybody else. And Tiger Woods, well, he starts today tied for 38th, he's got a lot of work to do if he wants to be in contention. He is ten shot back - ten shots back and a likely long shot to win his first major since 2008. And now you can go to with a nice breakdown of winners and losers so far. That'll kill.

A little NFL pre-season action last night. Tim Tebow, it's - he made his debut. We could say that, so it's sort of Tebow time. And we - he is certainly the most talked about backup quarterback this preseason and he took on the Eagles last night. And he did take a majority of the snaps because second string quarterback Ryan Mallett was out of the game because of a head injury and his debut, Tebow's was less than inspiring. He only completed four passes. He was shaky at times. But then there were times when we saw vintage Tebow. He would make something out of nothing, which he has done so often. Certainly it will be interesting to see how the Patriots use him if they use him at all this season. I know that is certainly one talked about backup quarterback. He started a quarterback, guys. You have a great video of Peyton Manning and his brother Eli.

KEILAR: I love that video. It's so good. Joe Carter, thank you.

All right. Victor, you have to see this viral video, football on -- this is exactly what Joe was talking about.


KEILAR: Have you seen it? Football on your iPhone starring Eli and Peyton Manning. So bad it's good.

BLACKWELL: So bad it's good.

KEILAR: Check it out.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Football on your phone, so now is your chance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... to have football on your phone and football in your pants.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Look at the guy using his phone as a phone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Your phone ain't for calling ...

MANNING BROTHERS: Your phone's for footballing


BLACKWELL: The good thing about these guys is that they have ...

KEILAR: They can't even repeat that line.

BLACKWELL: The personality. The funny one, the one that made us both laugh here.


BLACKWELL: And these two stars made this rap video for Direct TV, but it is not just a hit online.

KEILAR: No, according to ESPN, the Giants' locker room cannot stop playing or singing football on your phone.


BLACKWELL: OK, we're going to football - OK. So, Brianna, what do you think about this? Do Mannings have a future with this whole - you know, maybe not seriously.

KEILAR: I don't - I mean, look ...

BLACKWELL: But a series of these videos I think would work.

KEILAR: Are they that different from like LMFAO, that group that's kind of like it's almost like in jest? I don't know. I'd listen to their funny songs.

BLACKWELL: I thought LMFAO was serious about their music.



CARTER: Sort of.



BLACKWELL: We'll be back.



JIMMY FALLON, "LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY FALLON": The new iPhone is coming out. I'm excited about this.

It just came out last week and now a new one is coming out in a couple of months, but the new one here is kind of scary. I heard that the new iPhone is going to have a new feature that actually keeps track of your every movement. Yeah.


FALLON: Then President Obama was like, right. New feature. Right, brand new. Never existed before.



BLACKWELL: That was good.

KEILAR: That was good. I like it.

Clothing company Lululemon has made an absolute fortune selling its signature yoga pants, but now it's getting pushed back from some plus size shoppers who accuse the company of discriminating against their size.

BLACKWELL: We'll talk to a former employee who says Lululemon has a bias toward affluent, thin women.

And imagine going from frumpy, flabby to toned and tanned in one hour. This is the same man and, yes. That transformation took him about 60 minutes. You want to know the secret? Of course, you do.


BLACKWELL: Yeah, of course. Everyone does.

KELAR: What is it?

BLACKWELL: We'll talk to him. It's called the tease. And it might have you thinking twice about all those before and after pictures you see, you know, at 3:00 in the morning for those informercials. That's in our 8:00 hour. I'm really looking forward to that one.

KEILAR: Now to our must see moment.

BLACKWELL: Apparently, very other moment it was OK, if you didn't see it ...


BLACKWELL: But this one you have to see.

KEILAR: This one you really do have to, though. A motorcyclist versus a ram. A man in New Zealand was riding his bike when he encountered this guy on the trail. No way.

BLACKWELL: No. This ram ...

KEILAR: No way, says Mr. Ram.

BLACKWELL: His (inaudible) thought the rider was in his territory, on his territory. And decided to head butt the man's bike over and over and over. The biker appears to get knocked off the bike on to the ground, eventually got his hands on to a stick and waved it around to get this agitated animal away from him.

KEILAR: My dog does that to the vacuum cleaner. (LAUGHTER)

KEILAR: And he's like trying to attack him.

BLACKWELL: You know, the idea that you just wave a stick at a ram, this is something no one will ever forget. If a ram ever just head butts your car just wave a stick.

KEILAR: Yeah, I just - go the other way. Yep.

BLACKWELL: Thank you for starting your morning with us. Next hour of your NEW DAY starts right now.