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New Day Saturday

Yosemite Fire Doubles in Size in a Day; Remembering the March on Washington; Filner's Last Week as Mayor; Obama's Plan to Reduce Student Loans; Interview with Martin Luther King III; National Zoo Welcomes Baby Panda; New Dating App for Ladies Only

Aired August 24, 2013 - 07:00   ET



BOB FILNER, SAN DIEGO MAYOR: I started my political career facing lynch mobs. And I think we have just faced one hear in San Diego.


IVAN WATSON, CNN ANCHOR: He may be out of a job, but he's going down swinging. We have Mayor Bob Filner's bizarre exit speech, and what he got in exchange for his resignation.

BRIANNA KEILAR, CNN ANCHOR (voice-over): It was a speech that defined a moment and inspired a nation. Now, 50 years after the march on Washington, Martin Luther King Jr.'s eldest son joins us live to tell us whether his father's dream has been realized.

WATSON: The newest batman has been chosen. And not everyone is thrilled. The agony, the ecstasy, and the Twitter rage that's got fans fired up.



KEILAR: Good morning, everyone. I'm Brianna Keilar.

WATSON: And Ivan -- I'm Ivan Watson. And I'm having trouble saying that.

KEILAR: It's so early. It is so early, folks.

WATSON: It's far too early. In fact, on the East Coast, it's 7:00 and this is NEW DAY SATURDAY.

KEILAR: Now, first on NEW DAY: wildfire raging in California's Yosemite National Park. It's threatening at this point, 4,500 structures this morning.

WATSON: And the fire is so ferocious that it doubled in size in just a day. And its impact may be felt 200 miles away, all the way in San Francisco.

KEILAR: We will explain that in just a moment. But first now, let's go to CNN's Nick Valencia. He's outside of Yosemite National Park.

Anything, any significant progress overnight? And I'm kind of afraid how you're going to answer that question.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, good morning, Brianna.

There is some slightly good news. In the last couple of hours, we learned that fire officials have made a little bit of progress on this fire. Containment is up to 5 percent from 2 percent. But let's not get confused here, this is a fast moving fire and has potential of being one of the largest fires in California state history.

Rough terrain and inaccessible terrain has really made this a big problem for fire officials. It's three times the city of San Francisco or roughly the size of the state of Connecticut. And with just 5 percent containment, parts of this area in Groveland, where we're at today are still under evacuation warnings. Yesterday, our local affiliate caught up with one of those residents who was evacuated.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's part of the gamble. You know, we're on the biggest corridor to Yosemite National Park, the pros comes cons, because we're in an isolated area surrounded by wilderness. So that's part of the beauty, the charm and part of the downfall as well.


VALENCIA: We're just a few miles away from Yosemite National Park, as you mentioned. And that's a big concern for the tourists there. This fire just in recent days has encroached on the western boundary of Yosemite National Park. And right now, officials are scrambling to try to get this fire under control -- Brianna, Ivan.

WATSON: Nick, it seems that the fire has prompted some sort of a state of emergency in San Francisco. Why is that happening?

VALENCIA: So this is the interesting part. And just to give some context to our viewers, San Francisco, the municipal city of San Francisco, gets their power, their electricity, their water, from this area. So, two of the power generation stations are located in this area.

Yesterday, Governor Jerry Brown, the governor of California, issued a state of emergency for the city of San Francisco and the county because the electrical assets and water assets have been threatened it just gives you a sense -- you know, San Francisco is 200 miles away from here. It gives you a sense of how big this fire is and how much impact it's had on areas nowhere near here -- Ivan.

KEILAR: All right. Nick Valencia, thanks so much. We're going to be checking back with you later in the morning.

But let's check now for the weather there in Yosemite, how it's going to impact the firefight. WATSON: That's right. CNN meteorologist Alexandra Steele joins us.

What's the news there?

ALEXANDRA STEELE, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Well, the news isn't good. Obviously, the weather has exacerbated this fire. It doubled in size because of two factors, the winds and also, the terrain, the topography there. What there are are canyons and ridges.

And so, when the wind gets funneled through the canyons, like say you're in New York City, and you're walking through the buildings, you know, between the buildings, the narrow spaces. When air blows through those narrow spaces, what happens, the air gets squeezed and accelerates and we call that the canyon effect. We call that the canyon effect, and that is essentially what's happening and exacerbating this fire, and there's no rain to help out as well.

So, here's a look at the current conditions. Right now, 41 the winds are pretty calm. For the most part, the winds are coming from the south-southwest but they have been erratic and at times blowing in disparate directions, which is certainly exacerbating this even further. Forecast winds for today can see a southerly components of the wind and when we talk about wind, we talk about the direction from which it comes, meaning coming from the south-southeast, blowing eastward and that's what's blown this fire now into Yosemite National Park.

So, sustained winds, between about 10 and 15, gusts stronger than that. Yesterday, gust is 27 miles per hour. We should see that again today. The problem, you can see no rain in sight. The air is so incredibly dry. The humidity is low and the dew points are low.

And the irony with this, there's a tropical storm west of Baja bringing in flooding rain and moisture just not getting, guys, as far north and as far west as we need it. So, there will be flooding in the south and dying for rain further north.

KEILAR: All right. Just take that monsoonal moisture and just push it. You can just push it right up there, right where we need it.

WATSON: That would be nice.

KEILAR: Alexandra, thank you.



REV. MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., CIVIL RIGHTS ICON: Now is the time to rise from the dark and desolate valley of segregation.


WATSON: It's a day in history. Fifty years ago, the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr. led 125,000 people on the march on Washington. KEILAR: At the Lincoln Memorial, Dr. King gave his famous "I Have a Dream" speech. And today, marchers will be retracing those steps. So, let's go now to CNN's Chris Lawrence in Washington.

Chris, tell us a little bit more of what's happening today?

CHRIS LAWRENCE, CNN PENTAGON CORRESPONDENT: Yes, Brianna, right now, a start of a beautiful day here in the nation's capital. Where you can see behind me, where they're sort of going through sound checks. People are getting set up for what's going to start up in the next couple hours.

We expect the families of Martin Luther King, Jr., the families of Trayvon Martin, as well as a number of elected representatives, Nancy Pelosi, Representative John Lewis, to come down here to sort of kick off this week of commemoration, looking back on that historic march on Washington. And I can tell you, you can see some of the crowd starting to filter in, even as early as right now.

WATSON: And, Chris, what do the participants hope to achieve from today's rally? It's not just a commemoration of this historic march half a century ago.

LAWRENCE: No, Ivan, good question. The word they're using there is "continuation," not "commemoration." Really looking back at the roots of the march, which although it became synonymous with freedom, with the civil rights movement, really started out as a movement for jobs. And it had a lot to do with the economy, looking to increase the minimum wage, looking to increase employment opportunities.

And really, in some ways, it's come full circle because a lot of the folks are talking about those economic issues. You've got people down here who are going to be arguing for legal causes, the New York stop and frisk law, the stand your ground law in Florida, as well as issues like immigration, gay and lesbian equality, immigration. All of these issues are really bringing people out to sort of argue their causes on a very public stage.

KEILAR: And I bet if you were to ask people if they recalled it was for jobs, they wouldn't have remembered that's what the event was about.

Chris Lawrence for us, thank you so much.

And Martin Luther King Jr.'s oldest son -- his eldest son, I should say, will join us on NEW DAY at the bottom of the hour. He is going to be speaking at today's events there in Washington. Martin Luther King III will tell us what he hopes his the commemoration and rally will achieve.

WATSON: And new this morning, Bob Filner will be San Diego's problem for just one more week.

KEILAR: Caught up in a massive sexual harassment scandal, the mayor has resigned but he seems to blame everyone but himself for his predicaments. WATSON: CNN's Kyung Lah has more on what he said.

Good morning, Kyung.

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Brianna, Ivan, San Diego Mayor Bob Filner will no longer be mayor in one week. The embattled city mayor submitted his resignation to the city council. The city did accept. But he added another twisted tale in the seven-week saga.

Filner who has been publicly accused by 18 women of sexual harassment apologized in front of the city council, but not to the women. Here's what he said.


MAYOR BOB FILNER (D), SAN DIEGO, CA: I have never sexually harassed anyone. But the hysteria that has been created, and many of you helped to feed, is the hysteria of a lynch mob.

Now, as I said, I faced lynch mobs many times when I was younger. No evidence was needed. The mob knew who was guilty, who need due process.

Well, ladies and gentlemen, democracy needs due process. San Diego needs due process. Those of you in the media and in politics who fed this hysteria, I think, need to look at what you helped create because you have unleashed a monster. And I think we'll be paying for this affront to democracy for a long time.


LAH: A source in city hall said people were looking at each other as Filner was speaking. They were shocked.

There was swift reaction from California's attorney general's office confirming that a criminal investigation is under way.

In a separate reaction, a source close to the investigation says this is certainly not over. A criminal investigation is under way. Mr. Filner's resignation does not change that. Filner still does face a sexual harassment lawsuit -- Brianna, Ivan.

KEILAR: CNN's Kyung Lah, thank you.

WATSON: This morning, it appears a federal lawsuit against southern cooking queen Paula Deen has been resolved. Lawyers signed a deal to dismiss the final part of a discrimination and sexual harassment lawsuit against her. But it's unclear if money will change hands.

The celebrity cook said, quote, "While this has been a difficult time for both my family and myself, I'm pleased that the judge dismissed the race claims, and I'm looking forward to getting this behind me, now that the remaining claims have been resolved."

What remains to be seen is whether Deen can make a comeback, after admitting in a deposition, that she used the "N" word, a, quote, "very long time ago."

KEILAR: Well, jurors took less than seven hours to find Army Major Nidal Hasan guilty of 13 counts of murder in the mass killings of military personnel at Fort Hood, Texas, nearly four years ago. Now the jury will deliberate his fate. And that begins on Monday.

In documents leaked to the media, Hasan has indicated the death penalty would make him, quote, "martyr". The husband of one of Hasan's victims said death would be too lenient.

WATSON: U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Robert Bales will spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole. A military jury decided Bales' fate Friday in the killing of 16 civilians last year. Bales was spared from the death sentence after pleading guilty to the murders. Nine children were among those killed in shooting spree in Afghanistan's Kandahar province.

Still to come on NEW DAY, if you think that crushing student loan debt isn't your problem, we've got a harsh reality check. We'll tell you why you could be on the hook for almost $1 trillion in debt, even if no one in your family has student loans.

KEILAR: Plus, the photo that we have all been waiting for, Kanye West gives the world its first look at baby North.



BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: One of the problems we found is that a lot of students, because in part, they're not well- informed, they're taking out a lot of loans. But they're not thinking through how fast they need to graduate.

They never graduate. They can't pay back the loans. That means the taxpayers get stuck. And the young person is no better off than they would have been. They're worse off.


WATSON: That's President Obama in an exclusive interview with CNN's Chris Cuomo. Talking about the rippling effect student loan debt can have on the taxpayer.

KEILAR: Yes, 37 million Americans have outstanding federal student loan debt. We're talking about $864 billion. And if someone defaults on those loans, it means you and I are on the hook for it. The president is hoping that's a bit of an incentive to make changes happen.

WATSON: All right. Now, Alison Kosik is live outside of New York University, NYU.

How does the president plan to fight college cost, Alison?

ALISON KOSIK, CNN BUSINESS CORRESPONDENT: You know, what the president is doing is throwing out ideas, but this point, they are just ideas, but you've got to start somewhere, right? So, the crux of one of these ideas is to actually create a new rating systems for colleges and universities across this country and actually tying financial aid to these rating systems depending on how the institution performs.

So, the question that he would is, basically, are these students coming out of these universities without a job and with a heavy amount of debt, or are they graduates universities with less debt and are they getting a job?

Let me throw out a few numbers why he's coming out with the idea here at New York University. The typical student leaves New York University with $35,000 in debt. You know, it costs $64,000 a year just to go here. And that includes room and board. You see how hefty this can get.

So, President Obama is asking, why are these costs going up and why are they going up so quickly? Just to give you an idea of how much they're going up, you look at 2000, and 2012, the average cost of a private school tuition was $32,000. At public school, it was $15,000. And then you see in 2000, how much that has gone up since.

So, what President Obama is doing is he's proposing this one idea, having this rating system tide how much financial aid is allocated. Here he is talking about that.


OBAMA: One last element to it, once we develop the rating systems, part of what we're going to argue to Congress is that we should tie in some way the way federal financial aid flows to schools that are doing really well on this, and not so much on schools that aren't. So, if a school has a higher default rate than it does a graduation rate, then we should give them a chance to improve. But, ultimately, we don't want kids saddled with debt. We want them to get a degree and a good job.


KEILAR: So, Alison, what are students and the families saying about the plan, do they like it?

KOSIK: Of course, they like it, Brianna, but they're skeptical how things like this is going to happen. You have to realize, tying a rating system to what aid is allocated would require congressional approval.

We did speak with some parents and students. Listen to what they had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With the endowments that colleges have and everything. I think that there has to be some combination of them using their endowment and maybe -- I don't know, some way of using that to help the kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think if like NYU's constantly put down lower because of how high the tuition is it might be a kick in the butt for them and other universities as well.


KOSIK: So holding universities and colleges sort of holding their feet to the fire, Brianna and Ivan is the idea that President Obama wants to move forward. But the question is how realistic is it -- back to you.

WATSON: And what could be the time frame on this?

KOSIK: Well, that's the thing. I mean, you know, it would take congressional approval. Who knows how much time that would take? And there's a lot of back and forth with this.

I mean, you're dealing with universities and colleges that are acting like businesses these days. You know, many have operating costs. Many have to bring in enough revenue. They've got overhead costs.

So, a lot of times, you can look at universities and colleges these days as businesses and try and work through that and work through Congress. Who knows how long something like this could take?

WATSON: Probably people aren't getting relief anytime soon from crushing debt, student debt.

KOSIK: No, when not when you're relying on Congress so much. Alison Kosik -- unfortunately -- at NYU, thank you for your report.

WATSON: Thanks, Alison.

KEILAR: And still to come on NEW DAY, it was a one-man market push on Wall Street. We will tell you why this had investors cheering for his departure.

WATSON: Plus, forget the Red Bull. This is all you need, in a convenient spray-on form, but does it work? I tried it a little while ago? Brianna did also.

KEILAR: I really tried. I tried it. Didn't I?

WATSON: We both tried it. We're still here. And she's going to tell all, next.


KEILAR: All right. So check this out. It is caffeine that works like a perfume. It's called "sprayable energy."

You spray it directly on your body, preferably on your neck. I've actually already done it. I'll do it again. It's like a quarter cup of coffee right there.

WATSON: Right there, huh.

KEILAR: A quarter cup there.

WATSON: I tried dome earlier.


KEILAR: -- some in my mouth. Not really tasty.

WATSON: It doesn't smell like coffee.



KEILAR: And I wonder if it's like a placebo effect. I feel awake. I don't know.

WATSON: I put some on --

KEILAR: Your wrists.

WATSON: By your advice, I put some on my wrists, two sprays. So, that's -- how much si that? That's a half a cup of coffee?

KEILAR: And I feel as if you are just a little more energetic.

WATSON: But I was drinking coffee at the time.

KEILAR: OK. So for this cup of coffee, and the company that's making them now touts them as no calories, no artificial ingredients. You can spray it up to six times an hour, no more than 24 times a day. And don't drink it, even though I just sort of accidently did a little, we'll see if I'm all right.

WATSON: I don't know if I like this delivery system. But it could take some getting used to.

KEILAR: It's convenient. If you don't like the bitter taste of coffee, it's an option.]

WATSON: You can take it camping with you, too.

KEILAR: Exactly.

WATSON: Right.

KEILAR: Ivan, you've seen water skis.

WATSON: Right. And you've seen jet skis, but have you seen jet packs?

KEILAR: These are all the rage.


KEILAR: You can tell because Richard Quest is using one there.

WATSON: That's our Richard Quest. Let's talk to him about it. He says it's the best thing he's ever done. Better than skydiving, anything.

And with the jet packs, it's about 1,000 gallons per minute getting sucked up through this machine. You can go 30 feet in the air, up to 32 miles an hour and super expensive and a little hard to run. Richard, he told me he pressed the wrong button and slammed down into the River Thames there in London.

This equipment could cost as much as $100,000. It costs about $200 per hour to rent. Again, that's our Richard Quest there flying around.

KEILAR: Because he took his hands off. You never take your hands off the wheel, Ivan, right? What was he expecting?

WATSON: Well, yes, and he's wearing a wet suit, not a pinstripe suit for a change.

KEILAR: That's pretty funny. I always enjoy watching Richard Quest into a little bit of trouble.

Well, you know, Wednesday marks the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s momentous "I Have a Dream" speech. Marchers are gathering at the national mall again today.

Dr. King's eldest son, Martin Luther King III, will be joining us here on NEW DAY, straight ahead.


KEILAR: Mortgage rates jumped this week, take a look.


KEILAR: Bottom of the hour now. Welcome back, everyone. I'm Brianna Keilar.

WATSON: And I'm Ivan Watson.

And here are five things you need to know for your NEW DAY.

Number one, crews in Yosemite National Park have a long way to go to wrangle a wildfire. It's just 5 percent contained this morning. Flames have put 4,500 structures in jeopardy. The fire could also impact the flow of water and electricity into San Francisco.

Number two, San Diego's mayor has one week left in office. The city made a deal with Bob Filner where he'll resign as of Friday. Eighteen women now are accusing him of sexual harassment. And the rather feisty Filner spoke to the city council yesterday. And he blamed politicians for feeding what he called the hysteria surrounding those allegations. Number three, a Department of Homeland Security employee is on administrative leave. Ayo Kimathi seen in a YouTube video has been identified as a man behind a Web site that advocates a race war. He writes, quote, "In order for black people to survive, we're going to have to kill a lot of whites." The Web site also disparages gays and people of mixed race.

KEILAR: Number four, authorities in Washington state are searching for a second teenager expected of beating of World War II veteran to death. Police are calling Kenan Adams-Kinard a danger to the public. Another 16-year-old is in custody charged with murder. Police say 88- year-old Delbert Belton was just waiting for a ride when he was robbed and assaulted.

WATSON: And finally, 11-time Grammy winner Linda Ronstadt is battling Parkinson's disease. She told she can no longer sing because of the disease which attacks the central nervous system. Ronstadt says she may have been experiencing symptoms for years, but thought her singing difficulties and trembling hands were the result of other illness.


MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR., CIVIL RIGHTS ICON: Free at last, free at last, thank God Almighty, free at last!


KEILAR: Wednesday marks the official 50th anniversary of the march on Washington. But thousands are gathering on the National Mall this morning to mark the historic occasion.

WATSON: Among them, the eldest son of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a human rights activist in his own right. Martin Luther King III was only a child when his father delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech in 1963.

KEILAR: And he is joining us live.

Good morning to you. Thanks for being with us.

MARTIN LUTHER KING III, HUMAN RIGHTS ACTIVIST: Good morning. Thank you for the opportunity.

KEILAR: Can you just give a sense what the goal is to today's march and how this is going to differ from the original one?

KING: Well, in a real sense, this is really the continuation of the struggle. In 1963, the march was for jobs and freedom. Today, the march is for jobs, justice and freedom.

If we look at what has happened over the last two months, that is the Voting Rights Act being gutted, and the verdict in the Trayvon Martin decision.

There are a lot of concerns in this nation, specifically around employment. And when you look at the fact that between the ages of 18 to 30, the unemployment rate start as low as about 18 percent to 19 percent. And go as high as 40 percent. We have a disastrous situation across our nation. And so the goal, this is an action march. This is not just a commemoration. Yes, we're commemorating 50 years. But commemorative activities will take on the 28th, the actually day that dad delivered his speech in '63.

But today, we are really repositioning and creating a new coalition of conscience. So, we are launching the national action initiative to realize the dream.

WATSON: Now, you wrote a children's book, describing what it was like growing up the son of a famous leader. Of course, we're familiar with Dr. King, the civil rights leader. But give us some insight of Dr. King the father, what was it like to have him as a dad?

KING: You know, dad, was as many fathers most loving but he was a good athlete. A lot of folks didn't know that, dad was probably about 5'7", he was a good football player, good baseball player, and used to swim avidly, taught us how to swim.

But in the book, I talk about life lessons. One of the lessons -- we had been influenced by the nonviolence tradition so significantly. One of the things, we had toy guns, and someone gave them to us. We took those toy guns and put them in an incinerator and burned them up, we believed nonviolence even as children, 7, 8, 9 years old.


KEILAR: Now, can you tell us some of your personal memories? You were obviously very young 50 years ago. Were you at the speech, and if so, what do you remember?

KING: What I remember is the fact that when dad and mom came home from the march, how much excitement there was because of the fact that this demonstration, in 1963, our nation was segregated. But this was an integrated demonstration, a peaceful, nonviolent demonstration. So there was great jubilation, great hope, to what our nation could become. That's what I remember about 1963.

But I've had the opportunity to be engaged in these demonstrations. These kind of anniversaries for my mom, the 20th anniversary, the 30th anniversary, the 40th anniversary, and now we're at the 50th.

WATSON: We can hear you there with the loud speakers in the background as things are gearing up there.

Mr. King, is there anybody today you that think say civil rights leader the same caliber of several rights ago?

KING: The question is, is there a civil rights leader?

WATSON: Yes, of the same caliber, do you think?

KING: Well, you know, I think another Martin Luther King Jr. could in fact be in our midst. That's partly why it's important to -- I'm saying that there could be. I don't know that at this particular point. But we certainly must create and till the soil so that other Martin Luther King Jr.'s can be able to be developed in the society.

It may be someone in the second or third great at this point. One of the things I did, I worked with JPMorgan Chase to digitize my father's papers and writings. And as a result, people can come to the Martin Luther King Memorial and see that exhibit which is voluminous, but it's -- there's a technologically educational experience.

Those are the kind of things, I think, help to create new Martin Luther King Jr. in our society.

KEILAR: We just want to thank you for taking the time to talk to us. We know you have a very busy day there. Martin Luther King III, thank you so much.

KING: Thank you for the opportunity.

WATSON: Thank you.

Now, I've got a few thoughts about this next subject coming up. Maybe we'll wait a minute for that. This is the Batman backlash.

It's official actor Ben Affleck will replace Christian Bale as the new Batman. Coming out with geeks, they have a lot to say, myself included. So, why some say Affleck isn't fit to you play the legendary man of steel.

KEILAR: And she's back. Music legend Cher is making her comeback with a new music video. But at 67, can she the key with the nation's biggest names? I say yes.



WATSON: Welcome back, everyone. We're in the E-block and that means time for entertainment news.

KEILAR: So, let's start with a story that's just about exploded online. I mean, we can't stop talking about it. This is the announcement that Ben Affleck will play the caped crusader in the next Batman movie.

Yes, you heard me right. Christian Bale out, Ben Affleck in.

And V103 radio personality Kendra Gilliams joining us now live to discuss.

Kendra G --


WATSON: Hi there.

KEILAR: Yea or nay? GILLIAMS: OK. Well, first of all, I'm going to say nay. No hate against Ben Affleck. Come on now, Channing Tatum is the sexiest white man alive. Next is the producer of the segment and also next to you, of course.

WATSON: OK, right.

GILLIAMS: He would be perfect Batman. I think Ben Affleck, I mean, unless you go back to the J. Lo days when he had like the swag with the grease on his head, I'm not really feeling him as Batman.

WATSON: Can I interrupt and just take a comment from the geeks' perspective on this, all right? He's supposed to be side by side with Superman. From what I understand, he's supposed to play like an older guy to Superman. So, Channing Tatum, he's not old enough.

GILLIAMS: Yes, he is. He's sexy enough, though. That man needs to have a swag.

WATSON: OK. But I have another problem with this, too. Ben Affleck already played "Daredevil." And any self-respecting comic book geek knows "Daredevil" from Marvel universe of comics --

KEILAR: Cross pollination, unacceptable.

WATSON: Exactly. And Batman is from DC comics, DC universe. You can't bring these two universes together. It's just crazy.

KEILAR: Ivan's a purist. And I am not. Here's what I will say, fine jaw line, "Argo." Only one shirtless scene. I need to see Ben Affleck in more anatomically molded rubber. I'm fine with that.

WATSON: He doesn't have the jaw line for Batman.

GILLIAMS: You know, you made it too complicated. I'm basing it all on sexiness. Yes.

KEILAR: Me, too.

OK, so, let's see. We want to go on now to Cher.


KEILAR: Cher -- you know the video I'm talking about back in the day?


KEILAR: Where she's like on the destroyer.


KEILAR: She's 67, she's back with a new video called "Woman's World." Here's a look.

(MUSIC VIDEO PLAYS) KEILAR: OK. So she does have more clothes on, although still pretty tight. This is the Cher that we know and love. What do we think about this?

GILLIAMS: OK. Cher is a legend, first. She's a pop icon. She's 67. She does have enough money to have a 40-year-old body.

I'm not mad at it. I love the star. She's going to well at the techno clubs.

But you guys think about it. Her fans are still 67. They might be in a home, being a grandma, they won't be on YouTube like the younger pop stars like --

KEILAR: You think they're in a home at 67?


WATSON: You don't think new fans will discover her?

GILLIAMS: Well, new fans, but she might be kind of old for new fans, to be realistic.

But, I mean, she got enough money. The body looks good. She's got a 40-year-old body.

KEILAR: She looks good and kind of like the message with all the different changing bodies and people and kind of --

GILLIAMS: She can't dance that much. She's got other people to move for her.

KEILAR: And she has the hair. All that interesting hair.


KEILAR: OK. Kendra G., clearly, you're into fashion.


KEILAR: I mean, I wait, every week --

WATSON: It's a fantastic outfit.

GILLIAMS: Well, thank you so much.

KEILAR: Every week, I wait to see what she's wearing, and I get very excited about it. So we're going to ask you what you think of Madonna's latest fashion statement.

GILLIAMS: Oh, gosh.

WATSON: Oh, boy.

KEILAR: Do you know what this is, Ivan? Old girls?

WATSON: I have heard about this over in the Middle East.

KEILAR: Well, this is what -- they do, right?

GILLIAMS: I don't like it at all?

WATSON: You don't think that maybe she went to her orthodontist or something?

GILLIAMS: Madonna is a legend. She's a pop icon. She really could do no wrong.

But I don't like grills, period. First of all, your breath is going to smell bad.

WATSON: Oh, really?

GILLIAMS: Yes, because --

KEILAR: Explain what a grill is.

GILLIAMS: Grill is like a mold --


WATSON: But gold smells bad or just --

GILLIAMS: Because your food get caught inside the - -

WATSON: Do you think she's eating with that, though?

GILLIAMS: I think she may. She may have eaten that day and food is stuck. I don't like grills.

KEILAR: I don't think she ate because it was at the opening of like her fitness studio or something?

GILLIAMS: Isn't that uncomfortable? You can't even smile. It's just nasty.

WATSON: I suspect Madonna doesn't eat solid foods.

KEILAR: Ivan. I love that you both are concerned about her orthodontia. You're so cute.

OK. Finally, this is very important. This is like the baby -- remember we're all waiting for Suri Cruise back in the day. Finally, we get to see this baby, North West. This is the baby of Kim Kardashian and Kanye West.

GILLIAMS: This little girl is so adorable. You know, she was revealed (INAUDIBLE) season finale that Kanye West was on and Kim Kardashian uploaded the pictures to Instagram.

We've been dying to see this girl, 3 months old, and she's so cute. Look at those cheeks. I love her.

And Kanye West -- I know you're not too informed. Let me inform you.

WATSON: No, I'm not too informed.

KEILAR: He didn't know they were together.

WATSON: I had no idea. I have been doing other things. So --

KEILAR: He's been in Egypt and, you know --

GILLIAMS: Those are kind of important. But this is like the most important I'm doing. I'm joking. I'm joking.

WATSON: It's big news.


Kanye West revealed how much he truly does love Kim Kardashian on the season finale. I thought was cute because I wasn't sure they would get married some day but he's in awe of this family. The baby is adorable. She looks like a perfect version of Kim and Kanye.

Kim's got features and she's getting that complexion from Kanye which I love.

KEILAR: Beautiful baby.

WATSON: Right. Kendra G. from V103 -- thanks for catching me up-to- date on some of this stuff and it's a pleasure meeting you.

GILLIAMS: Thank you. And also my stylist who does all my outfits.

WATSON: Fantastic (INAUDIBLE) there.

KEILAR: I think he will send them over to Madonna.

GILLIAMS: Oh, yes, no grills.

KEILAR: Kendra, thank you so much.

Still to come here on NEW DAY, they say that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned? Well, a new app has all the ladies talking. The ex- boyfriends may not be so pleased.

Plus, you know what else people are talking about? Pandas. Always. Panda obsession, baby pandas. We're going to be giving you a sneak peek at the newest adorable addition to the National Zoo.

It's so cute. Well, will be cute. Kind of little, and a little ugly right now.

WATSON: Not yet, no hair yet.


DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: This week on "THE NEXT LIST": urban bee keeper Andrew Cote. ANDREW COTE, BEE KEEPER: Maybe it begins as a hobby and might work as a small business and just an obsession. And then you know just turning back. It's like craft.

GUPTA: And social roboticist, Heather Knight, who brings a human touch to technology.

HEATHER KNIGHT, SOCIAL ROBOTICIST: I have this crazy idea that maybe we can come to a world where we replace not people by robots. But computers by robots. How about making technology more human?

GUPTA: Their stories on "THE NEXT LIST," this Saturday, 2:30 Eastern.



KEILAR: Washington's National Zoo is welcoming its newest member. A baby panda who was born last night to Mei Xiang. And now zoo keepers are waiting to see if a twin is on the way.

Yesterday's delivery was caught on the zoo's popular panda cam.

So, the new cub, it's roughly the size of a stick of butter, which we think is a very funny comparison.

And according to Chinese tradition, we won't know what the thing is named because you wait 100 days.

WATSON: Don't call it stick of butter, please.


WATSON: Rene Marsh, she's outside National Zoo this morning with the details on the baby panda -- Rene.

RENE MARSH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Ivan and Brianna, some good news here at the Smithsonian National Zoo, the giant panda here, Mei Xiang, gave birth to a cub and at this point officials say it appears to be in good health.

Based on the panda cams, we know the mom scooped up her baby and started cradling it and caring for it and the baby started was squealing. Officials say it appears to be in good health at this point. It is very tiny, about the size of a butter stick. But we still don't know the sex. We may not know the sex for another two to three weeks, and we won't have a name for another 100 days.

But this is special for a couple of reasons. Panda's are an endangered species, and there are fewer than 2,000 of them on the planet, and a year ago, the same giant panda Mei Xiang did give birth to another cub, however it died six days later.

So, no doubt, the staff here at the Smithsonian National Zoo will be paying close attention to this baby panda to make sure it's in good health. The first 30 to 90 days, very crucial -- Ivan, Brianna. WATSON: That's Rene Marsh at the National Zoo in Washington. Thanks.

Stick with us. We'll be right back.


KEILAR: All right. Showing it as we speak, because if you were single and looking to mingle, well, there is an app for that. But move aside, guys, it's for ladies only.

WATSON: Yes, I guess so because this new app is called Lulu, and it's causing quite a stir, and it's giving women a public venue to dish on their exes and potential love interest. I'm not sure I want to know what's in this.

CNN's Laurie Segall explains.

Good morning, Laurie.

LAURIE SEGALL, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Ivan, Brianna, a new app getting quite a bit of attention, and stirring up a little controversial. Now, it's essentially an app called Lulu that let's women anonymously rate men. So you can pull up the app, and look at your Facebook friends, and you can rate them.

I want to pull up an actual profile, and this is our friend John. He actually gave us permission, let me say that. He has an 9.4 rating, and they reviewed him based on appearance, humor, manners, ambition, very, very interesting categories. And the folks at Lulu like to say that this is hopefully going to make men behave a little bit better, and almost be a bit of a forum for women to kind of express themselves about guys. Maybe they dated and that kind of thing.

And guys, I want to say. I want to say, it's actually interesting, the review process -- let me show you how they review it. They use hashtag. People can use hashtag to review somebody.

I want to read some of the popular hashtag to you. #manchild, #can'tbuildikeafurniture. That apparently can be deal maker for some people. #doeshisownlaundry, very good thing. #stillloveshissex, not so good.

And this is obviously a deal breaker for many, #owncrocs.

So, it's pretty funny, but it is getting a lot of attention, because a lot of guys don't realize they are even on this app. So it's raising questions about being able to rate somebody anonymously. Now, I did speak to Lulu, and what they said is you can go on and you can take yourself off of the app, but a lot of guys, I will say this, they don't have any idea that they are on here.

Back to you guys.

KEILAR: All right. Laurie, thank you so much.

What do you think, Ivan? Ivan hates it. WATSON: What would happen if we came up with an app like this for women? Are there?

KEILAR: There was a Web site like called Hot or Not? So, look, we've been there my friend.

WATSON: OK. All right.

KEILAR: This has been done to us. So, you know what? Payback.

WATSON: And some of those hashtags may have applied to me, don't know how to build IKEA furniture.

KEILAR: Do you wear Crocs?


KEILAR: Well, look, Ivan has that going for him. So, I think you probably get like a 9 or something.

Well, thank you so much for starting your morning with us.

WATSON: The next hour of your NEW DAY starts right now.