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New Day Saturday

Tornado Pummels Parts of Nebraska; Midwest and Plains Hit Hard by Storms; Gulf Coast Braces for Tropical Storm Karen; Two Bikers in Custody; Obama &Boehner Stand Their Ground; Miriam Carey and Postpartum Depression; U.S. Government Shutdown; Shipwreck at Lampedusa Island

Aired October 05, 2013 - 06:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hard wedge (ph). Violent, large tornado! Wow!


VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Breaking overnight, tornados strike the Midwest, destroying buildings, rolling cars, injuring people who live there. One local mayor says the damage is just heartbreaking.

POPPY HARLOW, CNN ANCHOR: And more extreme weather. Tropical Storm Karen closing in on the Gulf Coast. Now federal workers are being called back from furloughs and Gulf states have declared a state of emergency.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: I don't (ph) think they (ph) can - I mean we're going to win - we, I think, well, I know we don't want to be here, but we're going to win this I think.


BLACKWELL: Hot mike. Hot mike. Nothing like a hot mike to keep you honest. What a not so secret conversation says about the GOP shutdown strategy.

We have to remember that we're wearing hot mikes, too.

HARLOW: All the time.

BLACKWELL: So we know the hot mike lesson.

HARLOW: We know it very well.

Good morning, everyone. Happy Saturday. I'm Poppy Harlow.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. It's a pleasure, as always, to have you with us. Welcome to this NEW DAY SATURDAY.

HARLOW: First, let's go to Wayne, Nebraska, which was shocked last night by a tornado. And this morning, residents there waiting for the sun to rise to see the damage left behind. Fortunately, it looks like no one was killed, but as many as a dozen homes were lost. It is rare to see a tornado at this time of year, but it's not unheard of. And while there's a lot of rebuilding to be done, people there are just grateful they escaped with their lives.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hard wedge (ph). Violent, large tornado! Wow!

HARLOW (voice-over): As afternoon turned evening, this massive twister kept Wayne's 10,000 residents frightened and in search of cover. In these pictures, you get a sense, if not the scope of the destruction. Trees split in two, taking power lines down with them. Businesses, like this one, crumbled. Even big semis were no watch for the powerful winds.

This woman told reporters that as the skies darkened and the winds begin to howl, she and her husband feared the worst.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just knew that there was a tornado. The sirens went off in town. My husband was out watching. I heard it on the radio that it was going to hit the town of Wayne. He ran in, and we went to the basement.

HARLOW: When the couple emerged from their shelter, their home was gone. Thankfully, she said, their children spent the afternoon elsewhere and were fine. Meanwhile, Mayor Kenneth Chamberlain said while the damage is immense, he's just thankful no one was killed.

MAYOR KEN CHAMBERLAIN, WAYNE, NEBRASKA: Everybody that we know of is safe and sound. There were some injuries. Those folks have been taken to the hospital and treated.


HARLOW: Well, Nebraska was not the only state hit hard by storms. Let's bring in meteorologist Alexandria Steele here in the CNN Weather Center.

Alexandra, good morning to you. Where else are we seeing damage this morning and what's expected all weekend?

ALEXANDRA STEELE, AMS METEOROLOGISTS: All right. Well, good morning to you, Poppy. Good morning, everyone.

It was 17 reports of tornados in three states. Iowa was one of the biggest areas hit with a mile-wide tornado. Let me show you some video. It was tornadoes and also part of the same system was snow. This is Nebraska. Now, you know, Poppy mentioned it, June is their biggest month for tornadoes. Of course, it's spring. But it's the clash of air masses, whether it's spring or fall. It's that hot and cold coming together. So - and they have had them before in October here. In 2001, there were 11. But, obviously, certainly it's rare for this time of year.

Iowa, mile-wide tornado in Moville, Iowa. But also part of the same system to South Dakota we go where three feet of snow. So on the back side of this potent storm, where it wasn't the heat like we're seeing here with the tornadoes, it was the cold air from top to bottom through all the layers of the atmosphere. More snow today, Rapid City, South Dakota, potentially a foot, which will put it potentially in the top 10 snowstorms on record.

To Wyoming, more snow there. Today, it is eastern Wyoming. Heavy, wet snow, and again, part of this same system that is all pushing eastward. So, more snow today in eastern Wyoming. But here's a look at the radar picture currently and really this is the swath of concern today for severe weather. Not as intense as we saw yesterday. So the tornado threat not as bad. But what we're going to see are the winds that will be a factor and also hail.

So, Chicago to St. Louis, there's the line of rain right now. Kansas City down toward Oklahoma City. It is all moving eastward. So in Chicago and Madison, Wisconsin, down to Indian St. Louis, again not as intense but gusty wind and hail. And then on Sunday, the threat pushes eastward. Actually even into Buffalo, New York. And this day it will be very gusty winds that will be the biggest threatening aspect. Again, certainly a lot less in terms of the tornado aspect.

Forecast radar. Today you're going to watch it light up here. Chicago down to St. Louis and all the way even toward Oklahoma. And then it pushes eastward on Sunday. You can see kind of the robustness of this a little bit less, but still. And then on Monday, it pushes eastward.

So, of course, huge story. Not only the tornadoes, the record snow. But we've got tropical weather, Tropical Storm Karen, of course, guys in the Gulf. And Indra is live and will pick it up from there.

HARLOW: Right.

BLACKWELL: All right, thank you, Alexandra.


BLACKWELL: Let's go to Indra now and talk about Karen. You know, Karen could bring heavy rain to a lot of parts of the Gulf Coast, lead to flooding. A problem residents are all too familiar with having. CNN's Indra Petersons is in Pensacola Beach, Florida, with more.

Now, I know folks there have seen storms worse than this one.


BLACKWELL: Are they taking this threat from Karen seriously?

PETERSONS: You know, the thing is, this storm continues to weaken. People are very aware of what is going on out here. They're closely listening to all the latest advisories. I think the biggest difference this morning is you can really tell the seas are starting to pick up here. So we know it is getting closer, but we continue to get good news after good news. The biggest one this morning now, instead of this storm being borderline tropical storm or category one hurricane, today it is at 40 miles per hour this morning. That is actually just one mile per hour over a tropical storm. So now it's just borderline tropical depression or tropical storm. So they're listening to those warnings and they're saying, OK, we're going to continue to monitor this.

I want to show you, the biggest concern here is actually - which is a good thing - is that it has slowed down, only now moving to about eight miles per hour. With that, it's actually stuck in this zone and it's kind of tearing the top off of this guy. You can almost see the center of circulation trying to make its way north. And really all that you see, all those reds and greens, all that, is really kind of moving off to the east. So the top's getting ripped off of it. It is stuck in a very dry area. It needs to get through what I want to call a speed bump in order for it to stay together. We obviously hope it doesn't do that. But eventually if it does curve to the east, as it is expected to do so tonight, that's what's going to allow it to hold together and that's, of course, why we're standing here in Pensacola.

We have those tropical storm watches really anywhere from metropolitan New Orleans, really all the way to the panhandle here today. What are we talking about rain wise? It has diminished since the storm has diminished, about one to three inches, but still storm surge and high winds. Those are going to be the big concerns. We're going to continue monitoring it here for you guys.

BLACKWELL: Indra Petersons in Pensacola for us, continuing to monitor Karen. Thank you very much.

HARLOW: Yes, thanks, Indra.

All right, want to bring you some breaking news from overnight. New York Police have two bikers in custody accused of involvement in that crash between a group of bikers and an SUV driver earlier this week. A NYPD spokesman says these two men turned themselves in late last night.

BLACKWELL: Now, one is named Reginald Chance. Police say he's the one you see here with that helmet that he smashes into the driver's side window and he's also suspected of beating the driver. The other guy is Robert Sims. He's in custody. He tries to open the driver's side door in the video.

HARLOW: And our CNN national correspondent Susan Candiotti has been coverage this story from the beginning and she has more from New York.



An off duty, undercover cop was along for the controversial ride involving an SUV on Sunday. The NYPD officer may have seen most, if not all of what happened, including the assault of the SUV's driver, according to a law enforcement source. But this officer only came forward to tell his story Wednesday night, four days after the incident. It's unclear whether the delay violates the law or NYPD rules. Internal affairs is looking into it. NYPD and the D.A.'s office have no comment.


CANDIOTTI (voice-over): Police have now tracked down the motorcyclist who shot this helmet cam video, questioning him and taking the video as evidence. Until now we've only seen an edited version posted online. It cuts off moments before authorities say Alexian Lien was pulled out of his SUV, beaten and slashed in front of his wife and two-year-old child. The family now issuing its first statement since the incident.

"Our plan last Sunday was to celebrate our wedding anniversary by having a nice family day out with our two-year-old daughter. Unfortunately, instead, we were placed in grave danger by a mob of reckless and violent motorcyclists."

Lien's wife defended her husband's decision to peel away from the crowd surrounding their SUV, rolling over bikers in the process, critically injuring one.

"My husband was forced under the circumstances to take the action that's he did in order to protect the lives of our entire family."

CNN has learned it was Mrs. Lien who made the last of three 911 calls the couple made as her husband was being attacked.

"We would like to thank the brave citizens who risked their own safety to intervene on our behalf. They truly helped save our lives."

New video emerging showing bikers gathering before Sunday's rally and riding on sidewalks, prompting the politicians who released it to call for more enforcement.

ADRIANO ESPAILLAT (D), NEW YORK STATE SENATE: I don't see why you can have 500 motorcycles that are doing wheelies and that are out of control, stopping traffic, totally stopping traffic in the highway or in some streets and doing whatever they want.

CANDIOTTI: One of the motorcyclist, Jerome Davis, witnessed the confrontation and told "OutFront" they're not just some wild gang.

JEROME DAVIS: It's not a gang. We're not a gang.

ERIN BURNETT, HOST, CNN'S "ERIN BURNETT OUT FRONT": And how would you describe it?

DAVIS: As a gang?

BURNETT: Yes, I mean, instead of a gang. What's the right word, do you think?

DAVIS: Family.

BURNETT: A family?

DAVIS: Unity. Friends. CANDIOTTI: Susan Candiotti, CNN, New York.


BLACKWELL: All right, Susan, thank you very much. There are a lot of people who watched that and I think Mark Geragos told Anderson Cooper something really interesting this weekend, it depends upon which party here you relate to more.

HARLOW: That's a good point.

BLACKWELL: If you're a parent who drives an SUV with a kid in the car, maybe you'll see the Lien side of this. But if you're someone who's out on a bike, motorcycle or bicycle where you're riding or running with a group, maybe you see the other side of this. So --

HARLOW: Yes. And later in the show, we're going to have someone who was a former street bike enthusiast who's going to talk about the culture of it, what he did, the danger that he didn't even realize that he was putting himself and others in. So that's in our 10:00 hour.

BLACKWELL: Yes, we'll continue that conversation.

Also, we want to talk about the sisters of the woman who led police on that chase at the White House and then to the Capitol before she was then shot to death. They're now trying to understand what happened.

HARLOW: Right. In an exclusive interview with our Anderson Cooper, Miriam Carey's sister said that Carey, the mother of a one-year-old, had been diagnosed with postpartum depression with psychosis, but she told Anderson that her sister seemed to be getting better. Listen.


ANDERSON COOPER, HOST, CNN'S "AC 360": How was that manifested in her life? Was that something you saw in her life?

AMY CAREY-JONES, MIRIAM CAREY'S SISTER: No, we -- it wasn't something that was displayed. It was a momentary breakdown. When she had to go have emergency care, once she understood what the diagnosis was, she knew how to move forward. She had her challenges as a new parent and I always spoke closely with her. I am a parent. I have two children. So, you know, she's just like anyone else, she had questions and, you know, we dealt with that as a family. But there was nothing out of the ordinary.

COOPER: Did she seem, in recent days, to be off medication or to be unstable?

CAREY-JONES: No, she didn't appear to be unstable.

COOPER: The care she got when she had the psychosis and the depression, how long ago was that, do you know?

CAREY-JONES: The diagnosis came a little bit after her birth of her daughter. Maybe a few months after.

COOPER: And her daughter's about a year old, is that correct?

CAREY-JONES: Her daughter's a year. She's one-year-old. I did recently ask her about the medication. I talked to her often about that. And she told me that the doctors told her that she was -- she didn't need the medication anymore because the plan was for her to come off of the medication within a year. And they were confident that she was better. They tapered her off her medication and she said she felt fine.

COOPER: Do you know for a fact that that was something that the doctors had recommend she get off the medication, or is that something that she - she told you?

CAREY-JONES: No, that's what the plan was. The plan of care for a patient that has depression with psychosis is medication and treatment and not to have long-term medication like a bipolar or schizophrenic. She didn't have any prior history of any type of psych history. So that is why they told her one year and they did go with the plan.


HARLOW: All right, one of the very important things to remember here as we cover this story and as we learn more about it is that there is a significant difference between postpartum depression and postpartum psychosis. So coming up later in this hour, we're going to speak to a doctor to get a better understanding of the afflictions and where the difference is.

BLACKWELL: So this morning, we would like to - oh how we would like to tell you --

HARLOW: Didn't it happen overnight?

BLACKWELL: It certainly did not, but we'd like to tell you that the politicians in Washington, they agreed to reopened the government while you were sleeping.

HARLOW: Yes, not so much.


HARLOW: If we did, it would just be a dream. Day five of the government shutdown. We're going to tell you where things stands?

BLACKWELL: The Eurythmics, yes!


BLACKWELL: Seventeen minutes after the hour. It is good to be with you this NEW DAY SATURDAY. Here's what's going on today. It is day five of the government shutdown. The House plans on vote on several bills to pay for certain government programs. President Obama has already rejected this kind of piecemeal approach.

HARLOW: Yes. BLACKWELL: CNN's Jill Dougherty takes a look at the two men at the center of this standoff.


JILL DOUGHERTY, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): For two guys who once claim they liked each other, President Obama and House Speaker Boehner sure are getting personal.

BARACK OBAMA, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: Speaker John Boehner won't even get the bill get a yes or no vote because he doesn't want to anger the extremists in his party.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER (R), HOUSE SPEAKER: I talked to the president earlier tonight. I'm not going to negotiate. I'm not going to negotiate. We're not going to do this.

DOUGHERTY: This Friday at lunch hour, the president and vice president said they were starving and walked over to a nearby sandwich shop.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, you should get the ray street (ph), it's really good.



OBAMA: OK. Well, let's check this out.

DOUGHERTY: But not without taking a swipe.

OBAMA: I am happy to have negotiations with the Republicans and Speaker Boehner on a whole range of issues, but we can't do it with a gun held to the head of the American people.

DOUGHERTY: It wasn't always this bad. Back in 2009, President Obama ribbed the speaker about his year-round tan.

OBAMA: After all, we have a lot in common. He is a person of color, although not a color that appears in the natural world.

DOUGHERTY: In June 2011, Obama and Boehner, both avid golfers, hit the links together in what is dubbed "the golf summit." But the next month, they got stuck in a sand trap when the U.S. was facing another debt ceiling deadline. Their grand bargain failed, and their relationship started to stuffer.

BOEHNER: Dealing with the White House is like dealing with a bowl of Jell-o.

DOUGHERTY: During last December's fiscal cliff crisis, the dueling duo became fodder for "Saturday Night Live."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE, ACTOR, "SATURDAY NIGHT LIVE": I had the leverage. Why give in? Well, simply put, I felt sorry for this man.

DOUGHERTY: But, can they shake hands, make up and save the country? Sure doesn't sound that way.

BOEHNER: This isn't some damn game.


DOUGHERTY: And Speaker Boehner continues to tell his Republicans that they are locked in an epic battle and they should hang tough. Meanwhile, President Obama continues with his mantra, which is pass the budget and end the shutdown.


BLACKWELL: All right, Jill Dougherty, thank you very much, reporting from the White House.

HARLOW: All right, let's face it, politicians and frankly most of us are much more candid when the cameras and microphones aren't around.

BLACKWELL: Oh, are we? But two Republican senators, they put their shutdown strategy out there despite the obvious camera and the obvious microphone. Watch this.


SEN. RAND PAUL (R), KENTUCKY: Do you - do you have a second.

SEN. MITCH MCCONNELL (R), MINORITY LEADER: I'm all wired up here. Umm --

PAUL: I just did CNN and I just go over and over again, "we're willing to compromise, we're willing to negotiate." I think - I don't think they've poll tested "we won't' negotiate." I think it's awful for them to say that over and over again.

MCCONNELL: Yes, I do too. And I just came back from the two hour meeting with them and that was - that was basically the same view privately as it was publically.

PAUL: I think if we keep saying, "we wanted to defund it, we fought for that, but now we're willing to compromise on this," I think they can't - I mean we're going to - we, I think - well, I know we don't want to be here, but we're going to win this, I think.


BLACKWELL: Yes, we heard that, senators. Kentucky Senator Rand Paul saying Democrats' refusal to negotiate on the Obamacare plan - well, law, won't fly with the public.

HARLOW: All right, still to come, more of the impact of the government shutdown. It means key pieces of information are being kept under wraps. We're going to tell you which once and when they could be released.


HARLOW: Hey there. Welcome back, everyone.

Well, markets closed mixed for the week after four days of a government shutdown. We are on day five. But we did manage to eke out some gains for the market on Friday. The Dow gained 76 points to bring it back above the 15,000 level. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq also finished the session higher.

BLACKWELL: Well, normally on the first Saturday of the month, we'd have unemployment numbers for you, but not this week.


BLACKWELL: Yes. The government shutdown means the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the group that puts out the report every first Friday, it isn't collecting any data. And this is the first time a jobs report has been delayed since 1996 when a similar government shutdown delayed it by a couple of weeks.

HARLOW: And new this morning, we're hearing from survivors of last night's tornados. This severe weather hit across the country.

From a tropical storm to blizzard conditions, right, Alexandra?

STEELE: Oh, you absolutely got that right. It's the weather trifecta. A land-falling tropical storm, the blizzard, even a fire danger. I've got it all, meteorologist Alexandra Steele, and we'll detail it coming up.

BLACKWELL: And we're hearing from the family of the woman shot and killed by Washington, D.C. Police. Hear their side of things, next.


HARLOW: Bottom of the hour now. Welcome back, everyone. I'm Poppy Harlow.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell.

Here are five things you need to know for your new day.

At number one, a tornado last night smashed as many as a dozen homes in Wayne, Nebraska. Incredibly, no one was killed. You hear those sirens there. The mayor says several people were hurt. And the American Red Cross is sending teams to the area to help.

HARLOW: Number two, a man is hospitalized in critical condition after reportedly setting himself on fire at the National Mall. This happened yesterday afternoon. And witnesses used their clothes to try to put out the flames. Paramedics rushed him to the hospital and police are investigating just why this happened.

BLACKWELL: And you'll get a kick out of number three. Workers at the National Weather Service in Alaska hid a clever message in their forecast. Look at the yellow here. The letters down the left side of this bulletin spell out "please pay us." The weather service is operating with a reduced staff during the federal government shutdown. Right now, employees are not getting a paycheck.

HARLOW: Number four, fall just started, but hey, it looks like the dead of winter in South Dakota. Some parts of the state could get more heavy wet snow today. Tens of thousands of people already without power. Officials are using - urging drivers to stay off the roads. And number five, that heavy snow also caused power outages and shutdowns in parts of the interstate in neighboring Wyoming. High winds caused snowdrifts four feet high. Making it tough for troopers to reach stranded drivers.

Let's bring in meteorologist Alexandra Steele in the CNN Severe Weather Center.

It's just amazing to me. It's not even Halloween and we're having this weather. Is it here to stay?

ALEXANDRA STEELE, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Yeah, it is. You know, three of the top five we had weather as issues. And, you know, you haven't even mentioned some of the issues we've got also, extreme fire day danger and tropical storm making landfall. So, here's a look. Again, bull's-eye here. Especially Rapid City, South Dakota, western South Dakota historic and certainly record-breaking snow. Another 20 inches potentially today. Of course, we talked about the tornadoes yesterday. Reports of 17 in three states. Now the axis of tornadoes today shifts eastward. Madison, Wisconsin, to Chicago. Down to St. Louis. Again, the greatest threat today will be winds, though, and even some hail. And of course, Tropical Storm Karen, there it is in the gulf. Where is it going and when will it make landfall. Two potential landfalls here. I'll show you where we could see that coming up, guys.

HARLOW: All right, thank you so much, Alexandra, I appreciate it. We want to move on to this story now. We're learning more about the woman who police in Washington say led them on a frightening chase this week. In the end she was shot dead.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, Miriam Carey's family said she had suffered from postpartum depression with psychosis.

HARLOW: Her boyfriend said that Carey had trouble sleeping. He also said that she had delusions that she was under some sort of surveillance, he was worried about the safety of their child together. Carey's relatives say they want an investigation into her death and they also question what the boyfriend was saying about her being delusional. Take a listen.


AMY CAREY-JONES, MIRIAM CAREY'S SISTER: It's very unfortunate that Miriam is not alive right now. And a lot of things are being said that she seemed to be crazy or schizophrenic or things like that. I can tell you that she was a woman that was a law abiding citizen. Carefree, loving just like anyone else. She had a baby and she did suffer from postpartum depression with psychosis, which comes along with medication and therapy. Which she did. She was very compliant with her medication. At the time that she was diagnosed with that, as you know, depression can have a certain level of instability at that time which is why she was diagnosed.


HARLOW: Well, the role that mental illness may have played in Thursday's Capitol Hill shooting has a lot of people searching for answers this morning, including Carey's family.

BLACKWELL: So, let's open this up, answer some questions here, what are postpartum depression and psychosis? And what are the warning signs for both the new mothers and for their families.

HARLOW: All right, so joining us to discuss all of this psychologist Erik Fisher known as Dr. E. Let's begin with this. I think it's a very important differentiation to make.


HARLOW: Postpartum depression is fairly common for new mothers. And postpartum depression with psychosis or postpartum psychosis is very rare. So, let's talk about the difference.

FISHER: Well, I think first we want to start off by talking about the baby blues. The baby blues is very common. Because you have this rush of hormone activity after the child's born it can affect somebody's emotions and these hormones are going to influence, you know, our neural biologies, which is going to affect our perception of the world reality. Postpartum depression occurs in about nine to - anywhere from nine to 19 percent or what different studies say. Postpartum psychosis is about 0.1 percent.

But what we have to understand are the difference in the symptoms from somebody who's having a baby blues where they might have bouts of sadness, difficulty eating. Mood swings, things like that, hard time sleeping to more significant issues of depression that come with a postpartum depression. This can also come with difficulty of attaching to your child. Thoughts of hurting your child and even some isolation issues that can occur on that. Postpartum psychosis, the difficulty with that you're really losing touch with reality. And you can have delusions. You can have auditory and visual hallucinations. And the key to depression and psychosis both of them need to be managed often psychiatrically with medication. It's not something that people can just work their way through like the baby blues.

BLACKWELL: Now, the Carey family wants to know if protocol was followed properly in this situation. Is there any way with a woman who was driving this, as it's been called 1400 pound weapon, to reason with the person who is in this state?

FISHER: You know, when people get in the state of delusion, you know, delusional beliefs, what they believe is they are right. That's the way they see the world. One of the things about - she might have been treated and come through this very well. However, sometimes even menstrual cycles can trigger a relapse of some symptoms. So, we don't know what happened here. And I think that's - it's important that we kind of talk generally about this situation. But you have to look at other risk factors, too. Traumatic brain injury can be a risk factor. Previous history of psycho-effective disorders in a family. Any other traumas could be triggers that could lead down this road to some of these outcomes that we see in this situation.

BLACKWELL: All right, Dr. E. We appreciate your expertise. There's still some discrepancies on any injuries, anything that might have happened leading up to this.

HARLOW: A lot of questions.

BLACKWELL: -- build out that full fixture. We may never know exactly what she was thinking then. But we thank you for discussion.

HARLOW: Thank you for joining us.

BLACKWELL: Thanks for having me.

HARLOW: I appreciate it.

BLACKWELL: OK, so, you have to admit, the government shutdown is not much to see, actually. There are no explosions, no wreckage, raising and raging fires or rushing floodwaters or anything like that.

HARLOW: Although people are that angry.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, that's true, some people are.

HARLOW: But the war of words coming out of the mouths of politicians, they've been dropping like 4th of July fireworks over the Washington Monument.


REP. DEBBIE WASSERMAN SCHULTZ (D-FL), DNC CHAIRWOMAN: We will not associate jeopardizing the economy with whether or not everyone in America is going to have access to health care. That's irrational and irresponsible.

REP. JOHN BOEHNER, (R-OH) HOUSE SPEAKER: Senate decided not to work yesterday. Well, my goodness, if there's such an emergency, where are they?

SEN. TED CRUZ, (R) TEXAS: I think we ought to start passing continuing resolutions narrowly focused on each of the things the president listed.

SEN. DICK DURBIN (D) ILLINOIS: For goodness sakes this is irresponsible and it's reckless. Why do these senators of the Tea Party Republicans think they can pick and choose the priorities of the American government?

BOEHNER: All we're asking for here is a discussion, and fairness for the American people under Obamacare. I wish, I would hope that the president and my Democrat colleagues in the Senate will listen.

SEN. CHARLES SHUMER (D) NEW YORK: Speaker Boehner's in this position because sadly he's become a puppet with Ted Cruz pulling the strings.


REP. PETER KING (R ), NEW YORK: Those who have spoken to him think he's crazy.

SEN. HARRY REID, (D), MAJORITY LEADER: John Boehner, this is not about you, and it's not about Harry Reid. It's about our country. It's about our national security.

BOEHNER: This isn't some damn game. The American people don't want their government to shut down. And neither do I.


HARLOW: Well, you heard it right there.


HARLOW: War of words and it continues.

BLACKWELL: Apparently we're going to hear more.

HARLOW: All right, also coming up, swarms of killer hornets. This is very serious. Sounds like a crazy movie but it's serious. They're terrorizing people across China.

BLACKWELL: While experts say these giants are a bigger problem than ever.


BLACKWELL: With so many troops returning home for more severely wounded, a lot of people need a lot of help and that's where this week's CNN heroes steps in rallying communities to embrace in the troops with the tools necessary for a new successful life. Meet Michael Conklin.


MICHAEL CONKLIN, COMMUNITY CRUSADER: The first trip to Walter Reed was one of my toughest trips when I saw the amount of wounded. It was shocking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Both my legs are amputated above the knee.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I lost my right eye. I have a titanium in my leg.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was on my fifth deployment, when I got my traumatic brain injury.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I gave up the idea of having a wife and even a family.

CONKLIN: I wanted to take them all home.

I'm Mike Conklin, my organization helps our severely wounded members in the armed forces reach their full potential.

My own son was wounded in Tikrit, Iraq. His whole group was wounded. We have a very tight cohesive family. Not all of them do. Some of them don't have anybody to come home to. We just can't forget them.

When Ryan moved into this unit, we did some things that are very simple. We put in these poles to assist him. Each case is different.


CONKLIN: Some will need service dogs. Housing assistance. Mentors, getting an education.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think those are World War II vets over there.

CONKLIN: It's a comprehensive package.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But do you know about the maintenance contract.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He talked to me every day, he put me back to work. He helped set up where I wanted to go. Today, I'm a husband, father, I have my own company now.

CONKLIN: We don't call this a charity. We really look at it as an investment. These were at one time children who grew up on our baseball fields, went to our grade schools and then left our community to serve us. And eventually, they come back. It's a full circle of service.


BLACKWELL: Next Thursday, we'll announce this year's top ten heroes. They'll be honored during an all-star tribute hosted by our own Anderson Cooper. And one will be named CNN Hero of the Year. You can start voting for your favorite hero next week. Poppy, over to you.

HARLOW: All right, let's take a look at what is happening around the world. First I want to take you to the tiny island of Lampedusa that is where more than 100 people are dead after a tragic shipwreck. The ship caught fire and sank. CNN's senior international correspondent Matthew Chance is there. Matthew.

MATTHEW CHANCE, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Emergency teams here in Lampedusa say their focus is on recovering the bodies from that boat, carrying hundreds of African migrants that capsized and sank off the coast here. Divers have already explored the wreckage which is lying 150 feet under water. And describe horrific scenes. Saying that in addition to the 111 bodies already recovered by their teams. There may still be another 200 still inside. Back to you, Poppy.

HARLOW: All right, Matthew, thank you for that. And I want to take you now to Rome where a senior international correspondent Ben Wedeman is following the pope's trip to Assisi. Ben.

BED WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Pope Francis' visit to Assisi was a tour de force. 11 grueling hours of speeches, prayers and meetings throughout he stressed the need to focus on the poor, the marginalized, the forgotten. He also stressed his desire to shake up the church. He said Friday was a day of tears for the victims of the shipwreck of Lampedusa. And he blasted the modern obsession with money, vanity and pride. And he also shared some usual advice with couples. He said go ahead and fight, throw plates at one another, but at the end of the day, make peace. Back to you, Poppy.

HARLOW: Ben, I appreciate that. Thank you. And now to China where 42 people have died after being stung by giant hornets that are prone to actually chasing their victims. Our Paula Newton is in Hong Kong. Paula.

PAULA NEWTON, CNN INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: It's been a terrifying situation in China. With 42 people killed. More than 1500 others injured. And you're talking about stings that actually look like bullet holes. The venom attacks the red blood cells and that can lead to kidney failure. Why is all this happening? A lot of it has to do with urbanization. The weather has been warmer. That hasn't helped. The government is saying the people to wear long sleeves and be vigilant when those hornets are around. But unfortunately, they've been attacking even children when they are playing in playgrounds or when they are at school.

HARLOW: Absolutely terrifying. Paula, thank you for that. All right, Victor, back to you.

BLACKWELL: All right, Poppy, thanks. A billboard for the new movie about Princess Diana has some people outraged. Not so much the billboard, but where they decided to put it up.


HARLOW: All right. It's been almost a week so we're going to assume that you've seen the "Breaking Bad" finale by now.

BLACKWELL: Wait, I haven't! I haven't!


HARLOW: Victor and I haven't. But you probably had. If not, here's your spoiler warning. "The Albuquerque Journal", a real newspaper ran a real obituary for a made-up man Walter White. "Breaking Bad's" lead character. The write up says the chemistry teacher turned a mass kingpin died Sunday of a gunshot wound. The show's fans paid for that ad.

BLACKWELL: Gone too soon.

HARLOW: All too real.

BLACKWELL: Gone too soon. Hey, here's a hint on who's hosting "Saturday Night Live" tonight, it's Miley Cyrus.

HARLOW: That's your impression?

BLACKWELL: Hey, she does it like every day.

HARLOW: For real?

BLACKWELL: It's been a big couple of weeks for the pop star. She and Sinead O'Connor, a name you haven't heard in 15 years. They've been feuding online, and Miley's twerking performance at the VMA's still getting attention. Still. When did they air? Like August?

HARLOW: A month ago. Month ago.

BLACKWELL: Even Miley poked fun at herself in an SNL promo.


MILEY CYRUS: Hey, I'm Miley Cyrus, and I'll be the host at (inaudible) this week on SNL.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Miley, that VMA's performance, how could you?

CYRUS: I know, how could I?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean it was too much, the children!

CYRUS: And what was I wearing?


CYRUS: Don't forget about the children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: God, the children!


BLACKWELL: What about the children.

OK, so one of the world's biggest pop stars starts off this week's top four.

HARLOW: That's our list of entertainment headlines, a lot of entertainment headlines this week. CNN's Nischelle Turner has the lowdown. Nischelle.

NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN ENTERTAINMENT CORRESPONDENT: Hey Victor, hey Poppy. You know we're wide ranging in top four land this weekend. So, let's get it started, OK, with number four, we're talking Jay Z's sit-down with "Vanity Fair." In the interview, he talks about how his past created the mega mogul that we see today. He says, quote, I know about budget, I was a drug dealer, you need to know what you can spend. And what you need to (inaudible). Now, he does go on to say we should say in the interview that he was being very selfish when he was dealing drugs and he wasn't thinking about how it affected the community. He does have a different outlook on that now.

Number three, Kim and Kanye there in Paris for fashion week, but it's baby North that's making all the headlines. Yes, Kim has been posting pictures like these that we see to her Instagram page showing off the designer fashions that are being gifted to the tiny tot. Things like (inaudible) and that kind of stuff. I got a little message for the Kardashians. Kim and Kanye, go to Target, that baby outgrows it quickly. Don't spend that much money on little baby's clothes.

Number two, bad product placement. Yes, a movie poster advertising the upcoming biopic "Diana" has been posted outside the Paris tunnel where Lady Diana lost her life. And you can bet this is causing many people to cry foul. Yeah, I would think so.

Number one story, on this pop four weekend. I never hated her I just thought she was the "B" word. That's how Cher described her relationship with Madonna. During her recent ask me anything. She went to say that she actually has a lot of respect for Madge despite exchanging insults over the years. That's kind of like a backhanded compliment, don't you think? I don't know. Cher can pretty much say whatever she wants whenever she wants. I mean she is Cher, right? Back to you, guys.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, she is Cher. She's saying a lot of it. Nischelle, thank you. Last time she went on to Miley and now it's Madonna.

HARLOW: I can't wait to see Miley tonight on "SNL."

BLACKWELL: Yeah, I'll be recording it. I'll be asleep.

HARLOW: Me, too.


HARLOW: But I'll be watching it tomorrow.

BLACKWELL: In the morning.

HARLOW: All right, coming up, weather news, get ready Gulf Coast.

BLACKWELL: You have not had much to worry about this hurricane season, but Tropical Storm Karen is about to change that. CNN meteorologist Indra Petersons is in Pensacola Beach, Florida. Indra.

INDRA PETERSONS, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Oh, yeah, we're live in on Pensacola Beach, looking to see whether or not will it or won't it? We'll have the latest update on Karen coming up in just a bit.


BLACKWELL: Baseball season is over for Alex Rodriguez, but his October drama just beginning.

HARLOW: Meantime, the government shutdown will - were you wondering? Not affect today's college football games. Our Carlos Diaz has been viewing another big game in Lincoln, Nebraska. All in this morning "Bleacher Report."

CARLOS DIAZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Poppy, Victor. Yeah, the stores opened early here in Nebraska on game day, some stores opened as early as 6:00 A.M. because the game time is 11:00 A.M. between Illinois and Nebraska. It's homecoming here at husker country. And of course, there is other things going on in sports like Alex Rodriguez making headlines in a big way.

As the arbitration continues to determine whether A-Rod will have to serve a 211-game suspension for allegedly using performance-enhancing drugs Rodriguez is firing back. In simple terms, A-Rod has sued Major League Baseball and Commissioner Bud Selig for improperly marginal evidence to destroy the reputation and career of the Yankee star baseman. Major League Baseball denies the allegations in A-Rod's lawsuit. But Rodriguez didn't stop there, the Yankees slugger also sued the New York Yankees team doctor and a New York medical center alleging malpractice from misdiagnosing his hip injury last year. The Yankees as a team were not mentioned in either of A-Rod's lawsuits.

Now to college football. The government shutdown will not shut down college football games involving the service academies this weekend. The games featuring Navy taking on Air Force and Army battling Boston College will go on as scheduled today. A sellout crowd is expected at the Navy/Air Force game. A game that will be played because the game is not funded by the government. Navy's athletic director called the decision to play a huge relief.

And don't forget, Major League Baseball's postseason is now in full swing on TBS all weekend long. Saturday enjoy American League Action as the race takes on the Red Sox. Followed by the Tigers in Oakland. Poppy, Victor.

BLACKWELL: All right, Carlos Diaz is on the road for us. Thank you, Carlos. And thank you for starting your morning with us.