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New Day Saturday

Jay-Z Urged To Drop Barney's Deal; Standoff In California Ends, Four Officers Wounded; Flames Erupt At Macy's Flagship Store; New Details In Jonbenet Murder; Olympic Torch At North Pole; Frigid Night In Atlanta; U.S. Allies Angered over Spying Allegations; What's Behind Obesity: Fats Versus Sugars?; U.S. Spying on Allies; Tennis Stars Come Together; Holiday At A Hidden Gem

Aired October 26, 2013 - 08:00   ET


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Thank you so much for starting your morning with us. We appreciate it.

MIGUEL MARQUEZ, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning. Former Phoenixian (ph) here.

PAUL: I know.

MARQUEZ: Former Phoenixian friends.

PAUL: Wouldn't feel it in Atlanta.

MARQUEZ: We have much more ahead in your NEW DAY which starts right now.


PAUL (voice-over): It was a murder that shocked the country and immortalized the memory of a 6-year-old beauty queen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There's a killer on the loose. I don't know if it's a he or a she.

PAUL: Now, newly released grand documents show possible signs of cover-up.

SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLORIDA: Everyone spies on everybody. I mean, that's just a fact.

MARQUEZ: As the saying goes, keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

So, if the U.S. has been spying on its allies, what does that make them?

PAUL: And it's a question plaguing us for years. Which is worse, fat or sugar? Sanjay Gupta has the answer to finally end the diet mystery.


PAUL: We're going to tell you about that as you're eating your donuts and your eggs this morning. But we're so glad that you're with us. I'm Christi Paul.

MARQUEZ: And I'm Miguel Marquez, who thinks both fat and sugar are good. It is 8:00. This is NEW DAY SATURDAY.

High end New York retailer Barney's is coming under fire after a second shopper is coming forward with allegations of racial profiling.

PAUL: Both shoppers claimed that they had proper I.D. to make the purchases, but they were confronted by New York City police officers once they left the store.

MARQUEZ: And now one of those shoppers is asking for rapper, Jay-Z, to get involved. Nick Valencia is following the story. Nick, why involve Jay-Z in all this?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, Jay-Z is a rap superstar, we all know that, but he's also a businessman. He's preparing to launch a new holiday collection at the high-end Barney's fashion store. There are people that are asking him to reconsider especially this young college student, Cayla Philips says as she was leaving the Barney store, four undercover police officers approached her.

She says she attacked. She was asked, stopped and frisked. Asked how she got the money to pay for all of this. She said she was embarrassed. She didn't even receive an apology. She's claiming she was racially profiled and now her lawyers are seeking $5 million in punitive damages.

This also comes coupled with another incident of another young also black college student, 19-years-old. He bought a high end belt. He was targeted, detained in the store, asked to verify his check card. It was a big mess. Now it's a very big mess for this high-end fashion, Barney's in New York.

PAUL: You have to wonder how Barney's is responding to this. What are they saying specifically about these two incidents?

VALENCIA: Yes, it's a nightmare for them. So much that the CEO of Barney's is responding, I want to read you a statement that we have. In part it says, "No customer, should the unacceptable describe in recent media reports and we offer our sincere regret and deepest apologies. We want to reinforce that Barney's New York has zero tolerance for any form of discrimination." Now getting back to that petition, asking Jay-Z to step aside and end these partnerships. It's got 5,000 signatures, up from 3,000 yesterday, just picking up a little bit of steam here.

MARQUEZ: But not a huge amount. Let's see where this goes though. Nick, thank you very much.

The White House says the Obamacare web site will be running smoothly by the end of next week. The feds have hired an outside firm to fix technical problems that left many Americans frustrated and downright angry. Republicans have hammered the president over the web site's disastrous debut. Some Democrats want enrolment deadlines extended to give people more time to sign up.

And breaking overnight from California, a police standoff is over this morning. Here's brand new video of the suspect just into CNN. Samuel Duran gave himself up after he hid in a vacant house for six hours. It happened overnight in Roseville, California just outside Sacramento.

SWAT teams converged on the empty house. They only got gunfire in return. They eventually sent in a robot to communicate with the suspect and urge him to surrender. He did. Federal agents say this whole started when they tried to arrest Duran. Police say he started shooting and ran for the neighborhood ending up in a house. His aunt begged him to give up.


DONNA SANDOVAL, SUSPECT'S AUNT: Sam, I love you. Just come home. Just come home. We have grandma's party, you know. What can I say? All I'm asking you guys.


MARQUEZ: Now authorities have not explained why they wanted to arrest Duran. He was out of prison on parole.

PAUL: Firefighters raced to save one of the most iconic department stores in New York. A fire broke out at Macy's flagship stores in Herald Square in New York City's midtown, of course. Flames erupted in a building apparently last night. That sent smoke billowing into the store. Macy's was evacuated. The fire was put out and thankfully no one was hurt, but the cause of that blaze, well, that's what is under investigation now.

MARQUEZ: Amazing pictures.

Now new details in a sensational cold case, the 1996 murder of 6-year- old beauty queen, Jonbenet Ramsey. CNN's Ana Cabrera has the story from Boulder, Colorado. Good morning there, Ana.

ANA CABRERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Christi, Miguel, the newly released documents show that a grand jury in 1999 voted to indict John and Patsy Ramsey in the death of their daughter. That never happened. DNA evidence eventually exonerated the family. But now new information is raising more questions about what really happened the night Jonbenet died.


CABRERA (voice-over): It's a murder mystery that remains unsolved after 17 years, who killed Jonbenet Ramsey? Apparently a grand jury in 1999 believed her parents had something to do with the 6-year-old's death. A Colorado judge just released previously sealed documents, four pages from a 1999 grand jury indictment. The document showed the grand jury voted to indict John and Patsy Ramsey on two counts, child abuse resulting in death and being an accessory to the murder. Yet charges were never filed. At the time then District Attorney Alex Hunter said there wasn't enough evidence.

DANNY CEVALLOS, CNN LEGAL ANALST: Although the grand jury concluded there's probable cause that is not anywhere close to this the same standard as beyond a reasonable doubt.

CABRERA: All along, the Ramseys claimed an intruder killed their daughter.

JOHN RAMSEY: We think it was a pedophile. We think it was a male.

CABRERA: The Ramsey family was eventually cleared in the case by DNA evidence. In response to the newly released documents, Ramsey family attorney, Lin Wood, released this statement saying, quote, "The released documents from 1999 were the product of a grand jury that did not have the benefit of the conclusive 2008 DNA testing that led to the unequivocal public exoneration of the Ramsey family by the Boulder district attorney."

Nearly two decades after the heinous crime, the search for Jonbenet's killer continues. The DNA evidence is still considered the biggest clue in the case, but no match has been found.


CABRERA: The Boulder Police Department confirms this is still an open investigation. But it's a cold case, meaning they are not actively investigating. A spokeswoman for the police department says they continue to receive tips, but have not received a credible tip for a long time and she says right now there are no solid leads -- Christi, Miguel.

PAUL: All right, CNN's Ana Cabrera in Boulder, Colorado there. Thank you so much. In just a couple of minutes, I'm going to be talking live with this man, the former lead investigator in the Jonbenet Ramsey murder case. We're going to ask what is in the documents that were not released. Have you been outside this morning?

MARQUEZ: Jack frost is already nipping at the noses. It's cold here in Atlanta and this is a live look at Boston where it's in the 30s right. We got your forecast coming up.


PATSY RAMSEY: There is a killer on the loose.

JOHN RAMSEY: Absolutely.

PATSY RAMSEY: I don't know who it is. I don't know if it's a he or a she. But if I were a resident in Boulder, I would tell my friends to keep -- keep your babies close to you. There's someone out there.

(END VIDEO CLIP) PAUL: Who could forget that? Jonbenet Ramsey's mother, Patsy back in 1997. It's been almost 20 years since someone killed her daughter. As we told you moments ago, newly released documents showed a grand jury sought to indict the parents of the murdered 6-year-old beauty queen. She was found dead in her home the day after Christmas again, back in 1996.

No one has ever been charged in this case. But James Kolar is the former lead investigator of it. He's also the author of the book "Foreign Faction: Who Really Kidnapped John Jonbenet?" Did the grand jury made the right decision in 1999? That's the first question I have for you, James, what do you say to that?

A. JAMES KORAL, FORMER INVESTIGATOR, BOULDER DISTRICT ATTORNEY'S OFFICE: Well, I think it shows that they had the same evidence that Boulder police investigators were considering at the time that they attempting to identify the perpetrator in this crime. Based upon their review and the new release of the documents about the indictments, it seems to me that they believed the family was involved in some fashion and decided to indict on those two charges that were considered.

PAUL: All right, so we know those charges, child abuse resulting in death and accessory to the crime. What evidence was missing that kept the D.A. from going forward?

KOLAR: Well, that's a very complicated question. I think there could have been a lot of things that could be considered missing from the D.A.'s perspective to be able to bring them to a threshold of prosecuting beyond a reasonable doubt. I think there's been a lot of discussion about the threshold for indictment in saying this probable cause that an officer would have for arresting someone. But they have a higher standard when they decide to prosecute someone for events.

PAUL: Well, I know the attorney for John Ramsey issued the following statement. I want to read that to you, "Public release of the allegations of an unprosecuted indictment only serves to further defame him and his late wife." So a lot of people are saying why release these documents now? Is it fair?

KOLAR: Well, I think it's an important piece of the historical history of this investigation. The grand jury considered evidence and apparently did both to indict on two specific charges. The prosecuting attorney decided not to file two charges, but the record stands that Foreman and the grand jury felt that there was sufficient grounds to arrest or at least charge and that's why they signed the indictment at the time back in 1999.

PAUL: OK, so what were in the other documents and why not release all of them at this point?

KOLAR: That's a question I think that everyone is asking. Alex Hunter at the time could have indicated that the grand jury did find true bills on two specific charges. He chose not to do so for whatever reason. He could have also indicated that perhaps he felt there were no sufficient grounds for him to prosecute. PAUL: You know, number seven from this grand jury basically said that they knew who killed her, but covered it up. They looked at 30,000 pieces of evidence, dozens of witnesses over 13 months. Did you see any evidence of a cover-up and what you uncovered?

KOLAR: I think it's extremely unlikely that an intruder was involved in this situation. What's frustrating for me is that the DNA evidence continues to be told as proof that an intruder was involved.

PAUL: So who do you think was involved, James?

KOLAR: I do not think an intruder was involved. There was more than one sample of DNA that was discovered over the course of this investigation. Touch DNA that was done late in 2008 and 2009 revealed additional unknown, unidentified samples of DNA on the evidence used in the murder of Jonbenet. If you look at the totality of those circumstances, there are six unidentified samples of DNA, trace amounts --

PAUL: So do you think the parents are incriminated in this case based on all the evidence you've seen?

KOLAR: I believe a strong look was warranted by investigating the family as a possible --

PAUL: OK, but when you say investigating the family, do you mean specifically the parents or do you mean someone else in the family?

KOLAR: There were three people in the home that evening. I think investigators needed to look at all three of them.

PAUL: OK, do you think -- boy, at this point, do you think this case is ever going to be solved? That we're ever going to know?

KOLAR: It's very unlikely, unless there's a confession or someone else comes forward that has information that has been shared with them. There is one other possible lead that I propose to the Boulder Police Department and the D.A.'s office over the course of writing. And that was another grand jury inquiry and calling for Berk Ramsey to the stand in that event.

Would anything come of that, I couldn't say for certain, but he turned efforts away from investigators to interview him back in 2009. A grand jury may be another opportunity to see if they can get that interview.

PAUL: OK, and again, who is it that you would like to have an interview?

KOLAR: Berk Ramsey?

PAUL: And Berk is?

KOLAR: Berk is the son who was in the home at the time of the homicide.

PAUL: The 13-year-old, did you interview Berk yourself?

KOLAR: No, I did not interview him. Boulder police attempted to interview him after Chief Beckner called a full case task force meeting to review all the circumstances before he took the case back in the D.A.'s office. Those efforts to speak to him -- he is now an adult, were not granted. So that's one additional possible lead I think that could be followed upon.

PAUL: So this is a cold case, which means it's not closed. It's still open, but what kind of efforts are being made to close it at this point? Has opening up these documents publicly renewed any sort of effort?

KOLAR: I think they renew an interest. I don't think that they add to any effort for prosecution. Grand jury found probable cause on two different counts back in 1999. The D.A.'s office chose not to prosecute at that time. So that did not necessarily mean that he could come in and prosecute now. The statute of limitations has run on those offenses.

PAUL: Well, A. James Kolar, we so appreciate you taking the time to talk to us today. We're so grateful that you talked to us especially considering the fact that you're one of only people who know all of the evidence that have been laid out there. We publicly have not been able to see that yet, but thank you for taking the time, very grateful.

KOLAR: You're welcome. Thank you for the invitation.

PAUL: Of course, Miguel, back to you.

MARQUEZ: Fascinating stuff there, Christi. Thank you.

A search this morning for the bodies of a mother and her two missing kids is now focusing on a landfill. We'll look at why her husband is being held but not charged with murder.

It's cold out there. Don't believe us? Take a look at the snow here in Ohio or just ask Karen Maginnis.

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: And we do have cold temperatures in Atlanta. We'll tell you about the deep freeze encompassing much of the eastern third of the United States. We'll bring you details as NEW DAY SATURDAY continues.


MARQUEZ: The Olympic torch has been just about everywhere on the planet.

PAUL: Except the North Pole, never to the North Pole, until Russia decided to take it there. A nuclear powered ice breaker took the torch to the North a week ago. The ship set a speed record too, reaching the Pole in 91 hours. This is according to the Associated Press. Russia's torch relay is 39,000 miles, the longest in Olympic history. The winter games, by the way, begin February 7th. MARQUEZ: They have to get their passport for that, Santa Claus?

PAUL: Very nice. Good point.

MARQUEZ: It's not quite that cold here in the U.S. no ice breaker needed.

PAUL: It might feel like it in a couple of places. A lot of you are feeling weather that feels more like February. CNN's Karen Maginnis, she's kind of feeling the pain today outside of Atlanta's Piedmont Park. So we know it was nearly a record setter in Atlanta, is that right?

MAGINNIS: I don't believe we set a record. We'll have to double check that. I think most of the temperatures are cold. Not so much record setting temperatures but very cold for this time of year. We're seeing a lot of temperatures two or three weeks early for seeing temperatures like this. For Atlanta you have to go back 60 years to see temperatures this cold for this time of year.

I am at Piedmont Park. They're selling flowers and organic foods. I just saw some apples from North Georgia. A lot of people selling jewelry and different types of things, this will go on until the beginning of December. But the deep freeze, it looks like that is here, at least for the weekend.

And just how cold is it? All the way from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania down to Mobile, Alabama, we have frost and freeze watches and warnings out. Look at this.


MAGINNIS (voice-over): Across a large swath of the U.S., the deep freeze is on, with this morning's low temperatures dipping into the double digits below average.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A surprise coming this early, still October. Not used to that in these days, you know.

MAGINNIS: Cleveland area residents got hit with an early Halloween trick up to 5 inches of snow in some place, downing power lines and neighborhood trees.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're bored and pacing around. We're used to having the electronics on and then --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got to talk.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know. We were forced to sit in the same room. It was driving us crazy.

MAGINNIS: These winter-like conditions are stretching this morning from parts of the Midwest to the Mid-Atlantic and Deep South with at least a dozen states right now reporting frost advisories or freeze warnings. The winter-like conditions are also causing treacherous driving on the roads. In South Bend, Indiana, black ice caused several accidents. Fortunately no one was severely injured. But in Michigan, a multivehicle accident turned deadly. Two people were killed including a Good Samaritan after a car slid off the side of an interstate. For some this early sign of winter was a treat, a chance to fine tune a snowman or hit the links for one more round.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Got a vest. It's actually made here in Milwaukee and as you can see here it's electronic so it has coils running through it.


MAGINNIS: Well, the temperatures warmed up a little bit in Atlanta. We are at 43 degrees and believe me, that couple of degrees makes a huge difference. We'll hold it down here and show you how cold it was this morning and will be going into the weekend -- Christi, Miguel, back to you.

MARQUEZ: All right, Karen Maginnis, thank you very much.

PAUL: Still to come on NEW DAY, some of America's top allies slamming President Obama over new spying claims.

MARQUEZ: But do they have the right to be outraged? Are all governments keeping an eye on each other? We asked a spy expert next.

PAUL: But first, Christine Romans has a preview of "YOUR MONEY" coming up at the top of the hour.

CHRISTINE ROMANS, HOST, CNN'S "YOUR MONEY": Hi, Miguel and Christi. Its $17 to $20 is what it will big institutional investors to buy Twitter stock when it debuts. What will it cost you? Should you buy it? We're going to play buy or sell on all new "YOUR MONEY" at 9:00 a.m. Eastern.


PAUL: Hey how is Saturday treating you so far; I know it's still early. We still have a ways to go. But I'm Christi Paul. And we're glad to have your company.

MARQUEZ: And it's treating Miguel Marquez -- I like to talk about myself in the third person -- very well. I'm with Christi Paul.

PAUL: Thank you so much.

MARQUEZ: Bottom of the hour now. Here are that the things you need to know for your NEW DAY.

Number one, $5.1 billion -- that's how much JPMorgan will pay to settle claims it misled Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac during the housing boom that went bust. The banking giant faced allegations it sold risky mortgages and mortgage securities while claiming they were sound investments. PAUL: Number two Newtown, Connecticut moves one step closer I guess towards closure. Contractors are tearing down Sandy Hook Elementary School where 20 children and six adults were killed last September. Workers are being ask to destroy all materials completely erase the building from the site there. A new school is expected to open in about three years.

MARQUEZ: Well it breaks my heart.

Number three police in central Florida are searching a landfill for the bodies of a mother and her two kids. Yessenia Suarez and her children were last seen Tuesday after a fight with her husband. He's in custody on a domestic battery charge. Police call the husband a person of interest in the murder case.

PAUL: Number four, Toyota has agreed to pay $3 million to the driver and the survivors of a passenger killed in a 2007 Camry crash. The driver says the accident was caused when the car accelerated on its own. And the jury in the case found the car maker liable of quote, "Reckless regard for public safety" and may award more money in punitive damages.

MARQUEZ: Number five. An off duty police officer kidnaps a fellow officer at gunpoint in Carbon County, Pennsylvania. The hostage situation ended in a struggle. Authorities say the alleged hostage- taker shot himself in the head and later died. Investigators haven't said anything about a motive.

PAUL: We want to tell you about a close call for a group of high school students from Kentucky. This video really shows that the students got out of this bus just before it was engulfed in flames. This is on I-75. They were on a field trip to the great Smokey Mountains when someone noticed smoke apparently at the back of the bus. It is a total loss obviously except for a few pieces of luggage. But just thankfully all of those kids are ok, first and foremost.

MARQUEZ: Wow that's --

PAUL: Can you imagine driving by that thing?

MARQUEZ: Yes, I can't imagine being on that thing. Good call of students.

America accused of spying on our friends and world leaders and the entire world, well, they seem pretty mad about it.

PAUL: Yes. In the most recent leak by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden documents show the U.S. government may have been keeping a very close eye on friends and foes alike.

MARQUEZ: Now forget the likes of Iran, China and North Korea. We're talking about close allies -- France and Germany. In fact Germany's leader, Angela Merkel called President Obama the other day to call him out. She's since told the world "trust in the U.S. needs to be rebuilt". Jim Lewis is the director and senior fellow of Technology and Public Policy. So first, these leaks, Jim -- anything new and anything that our allies didn't really know about at the time?

JIM LEWIS, TECHNOLOGY AND PUBLIC POLICY: No, they should have known all this and particularly Angela Merkel. If you're talking on a commercial cell phone you have to expect people are listening in. This shouldn't have been a surprise.

PAUL: All right. If they -- I mean let's listen real quickly to what Senator Marco Rubio told CNN's NEW DAY yesterday.


SEN. MARCO RUBIO (R), FLORIDA: If you are a U.S. Government official traveling abroad, you are aware that anything you have on your cell phone, on your iPad could be monitored by foreign intelligence agencies including that of your own allies. So I think a lot of what you're seeing from these European leaders is for the domestic consumption of their own public. But at the end of the day everyone knew there was gambling going on in Casablanca.


PAUL: All right. So is everyone is gambling? I mean does everyone spy on everyone?

LEWIS: Yes everyone spies on everyone but the cardinal rule in espionage is don't get caught. So we're in a different game now than we were before. And the Germans have a right to be a little upset I mean when you're caught out like that you have to do something different. You can stonewall or you can apologize. But we're going to have to do something to make them feel better.

MARQUEZ: Jim, it's not a very good explanation when -- when we are a free country that you know has free speech and we have our western freedoms and all of these -- these ideals that we live. It's not a very good answer to just say well everybody does it therefore it's ok.

I mean we're talking about -- and it's not very clear what exactly was happening -- but we're talking about dozens, perhaps hundreds of leaders, the heads of countries being listened to by the NSA. I -- I mean is that sort of stuff -- should we really be doing it just because we can?

LEWIS: Probably not. And that's one of the reasons we are doing it. It's so easy and you know when you ask an intelligence agency to get information, say you ask what's Germany going to do on the bailout for Greece? Are they going to keep the Greeks afloat and intelligence agency is going to get the answer by spying. And maybe we didn't calculate the risk enough.

Saying everybody does it isn't going to get us off the hook. On the other hand, countries need to understand that the U.S. will do what it needs to do to protect itself. And I don't particularly feel bad about that. PAUL: Ok but what -- what's most at risk here now after the fallout eventually?

LEWIS: What's most at risk is really our transatlantic relationships, particularly with Germany. Germany is the key country in Europe and we have to now figure out a way to go to the Germans and say, you know, we apologize. We didn't know -- you may now want to do this publicly, you know a lot of times this isn't done in public. But you want to make them realize we recognize their concerns. We'll do something about it. And this won't happen again.

MARQUEZ: Yes. And look, we know that France has a pretty -- and other countries have a fairly aggressive spying operation, for at least industrial espionage in the U.S., and clearly it happens but especially with Germany and France and other countries the counterterrorism piece. I mean we have to trust each other in this world where you know these thoughts are hatched over countries and over the phone and e-mail and text messages and everything else. Yes?

LEWIS: No German official ever said, "Oh no thanks. I don't want that intelligence information on terrorists living in Germany because you may have gotten it through espionage." We'll be forced to cooperate. I mean we are all three democracies. We don't always get along on everything but we face similar problems and the U.S. needs to take that first step and go and say to these people we have shared interest. We face shared risks. Let's get back on track.

PAUL: All right. Hey, Jim Lewis, we appreciate you being here with us. Thank you.

LEWIS: Thanks a lot.

PAUL: Sure.

Ok I'm really switching gears now. Too much fat in your diet or too much sugar? What is really making Americans fatter and more prone to heart disease? You know what -- the answer might just surprise you. But we have it for you.


PAUL: Look at all our friends out there in Atlanta. Good morning to you. There's a live look downtown and what a gorgeous day. Cold, mind you, but gorgeous for the breast cancer walk where all those folks are gathering and getting ready to do a run for a very good cause. If I were not here, I assure you, I would be out there.

MARQUEZ: Sure to be walking faster today.

PAUL: Yes, yes you need to. But you know those people that -- I've done them before. You know I've done the walks before. And you get all warm and cozy because you're in groups. So it's all good. Good luck to all of them there. And thank you for what you're doing raising money for breast cancer research.

Ok if you're trying to lose weight, you want to take better care of your health, you may think that you need to limit your saturated fat found in foods like bacon or dairy products.

MARQUEZ: I'm just going to eat bacons.

PAUL: Are you that hungry?

MARQUEZ: But a new study found the fight against saturated fats is wrong and the real problem might be too much sugar. CNN's chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta is here to break down the research -- Sanjay.

DR. SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: Well Christi and Miguel as you might imagine this isn't just a black and white issue. But it is an interesting one something that we have been reporting for some time. This idea that sugar could be doing specific things to the body that we typically associate with certain kinds of fats -- the bad fats, saturated fats.

What is interesting if you look at the United States overall, over the last 40 years we sort have made a decision in this country to focus on a lower fat diet, you know, low fat became synonymous with healthy.

But in order to make food taste good and when they took the fat out they started putting sugar in it. That's what has been happening over the last four decades. And look at our country we have the highest rates of obesity in the developed world, childhood obesity. Heart rate and heart disease rather remains a big killer both men and women alike -- the biggest killer.

So the idea was could sugar have been the problem all along? And that's the focus of this editorial in the British Medical Journal.

It's interesting if you look over the last 40 years we really didn't cut out as much fat out of our diet as we think -- at least saturated fat. So it's not to say that fat doesn't have any responsibility here, but sugar has probably really worsened things over the last four decades.

And it's also interesting what sugar does to the body. It gets into the body it hits the liver really hard and then the liver starts making these really bad cholesterol particles which are so associated with heart disease.

We used to get sugar literally once a year when fruit fell from the trees. And even honey was protected by the bees. But now we eat about 138 pounds of sugar a year. And that therein lies part of the problem.

People often asked, well what's the best kind of diet? I mean if you're worried about heart disease you probably still need to cut back on sugar and fats. But the -- you know I think the best thing I tell a lot of my patients is to essentially eat real food. If you're eating real food you'll probably going to get a lot less sugar which is used in a lot of processed food and you'll probably going to cut back on your fat as well. I hope that helps.

Christi, Miguel -- back to you. PAUL: Yes health no more cupcakes, come on. Dr. Sanjay Gupta, thank you so much.

Eavesdropping on the former top spy boss --

MARQUEZ: Find out who dared to do it and why it caused a sensation on Twitter.

PAUL: But first, actress Susan Sarandon is known for her passion both on and off screen. Well she was recently honored to her commitment to ending world hunger through her work with Heifer International. Here's Michaela Pereira with how Sarandon is impacting our world.


MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN ANCHOR (voice over): It is a day of celebration at a village in Cambodia. Oscar-winning actress Susan Sarandon and her daughter have come to watch one of Heifer International's core programs in action.

SUSAN SARANDON, ACTRESS/ACTIVIST: Heifer International figured out a very efficient way to spend your money by having you sponsor an animal for a family that they then help for a year to make sure that they understand how to nurture that animal. And when that animal has offspring, they pass that on.

The feeling of pride and satisfaction at being able to pass on something this valuable as that gift to another person is as important as filling their bellies.

PEREIRA: Heifer believes empowering women is the key to ending world hunger and poverty.

SARANDON: The families that I was fortunate enough to visit in Cambodia, is certainly a testament to the power of women. They are the glue that bonds the community together. They showed me just how much we can accomplish, when as women, we recognize our ability, our voice and the fact that we can pull together to create some kind of change.



MARQUEZ: Well, we've got a special Washington edition of "Tech is ruining my life" this week. First up, Obamacare -- the Web site has been live for about 26 days. There's been lots of problems. You may have heard about them. The designer got called in front of the house committee. Republicans got a boost to their anti-Obamacare campaign.

PAUL: Yes. Well, let's talk about Angela Merkel, too. She makes an angry phone call to President Obama. Actually makes the call herself saying "Are you bugging me?" Merkel calls U.S.-Germany relations "severely shaken" -- that's a quote. Not good for the formerly friendly relations. We'll keep you posted. MARQUEZ: But anybody can have problems here. The former top spy chief Michael Hayden makes a confidential phone call while riding on Amtrak and caught chatting with journalists. But he's overheard by a guy on the train who starts live tweeting the whole thing. It turns into a Twitter storm -- maybe. Hayden got a call from a friend who tipped him off that his cover was blown -- not very sensible. Hayden played nice though. Even took a photo with the guy who created the Twitter storm.

PAUL: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, is that what they say? Just kidding.

Allegations this morning that the U.S. is spying -- actually it's been (inaudible) -- on even our closest allies.

MARQUEZ: But it's all done in the name of national security, isn't it?

PAUL: Isn't that right, Erin?

ERIN MCPIKE, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's what we're told. But the U.S. in the hot seat this morning over all of this.

I'm Erin McPike, live in Washington with just more on how angry our allies are and how the U.S. is responding -- Christi and Miguel.

PAUL: All right. Thank you.

Tired of the same old -- same old vacation spots? How about going to one you have never heard of. We're about to give you a sneak peek when NEW DAY SATURDAY comes back.

But first --

MARQUEZ: With the men's tennis season winding down, some of the biggest names in the sport got together recently for a reunion. Here's this week's "Open Court".


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean it when I say it's an honor to be the worst player in this room.

MARQUEZ: The current and the previous number ones from the past 40 years were invited to this first ever ATV Heritage Reunion.

JOHN MCENROE, FORMER TENNIS PRO PLAYER: I didn't know I would be sitting or could be able to sit so close to Ivan and Jimmy after all these years. And I'm sure they felt the same -- they feel the same way. And that's what makes number one so special.

MARQUEZ: It was a special night where the tennis heroes of today met the men who inspired their careers, all sharing one stage and standing still just long enough to be part of history.




JAY LENO, TALK SHOW HOST: The White House now says the Obamacare Web site will be fixed by the end of November. So if your doctors only given you three weeks to live you are screwed. They'll say you got screwed. Sorry, pal. You're out of here.

JIMMY FALLON, TALK SHOW HOST: A new report found that 700 IRS employees owed a combined $5.4 million in back taxes. When the IRS workers got the news, they're like, "Oh, man. I hope I don't find about this. This is just -- can I betray (ph) myself?"

LENO: And German chancellor, Angela Merkel lashed out at the United States for the NSA is bugging her personal cell phone. It's unbelievable. We bug the phone of the German chancellor? Why. She's not even an American citizen. Why are we bugging Merkel? Why -- it doesn't seem right somehow.


MARQUEZ: Ba-dum-pum.

PAUL: We're going to be talking about that actually in just a couple of minutes on a more serious note.

MARQUEZ: Yes. Well, it is quite serious.

Don't blink. holiday travel season will be here before you know it.

PAUL: But why not consider a different approach this year. Take a vacation with a view. Check out Web sites and apps powered by people who know how to find vacation spots that are true hidden gems.

MARQUEZ: Are there any out there?

Mark Murphy -- he's a 20-year veteran of the travel media industry and author of the book "Travel Unscripted". If anyone knows hidden gems it's him. Mark Murphy joins us from New York. How are you there?


MARQUEZ: Let's start with the Web site How does it --


MARQUEZ: -- how does it work and how do you find the hidden gem on it?

MURPHY: Well this photographer Randy Loft has gone all over the U.S. and done great hikes. And he hikes into these places, gets these beautiful iconic photos. And then he decided to share his photos with people through the site. He GPS maps where that photo was taken and then you can follow that map and that hike height along with the degree of difficulty and capture it yourself, which is pretty neat.

You know, places like hidden gem -- which, you know, the national parks are now back open after the shutdown -- Zion National Park. You can type in Zion, find out where to go, and where to get one of the shots that he has taken.

Another great hidden gem that people don't think about when they go to Oahu in Hawaii is the North Shore, and there he'll show you how to find a secluded beach and capture an amazing shot at sunset. And for photography buffs, he'll even show you what the aperture is and what equipment he used to capture that shot.

So it's just a really neat -- neat Web site.

PAUL: Now that's helpful for all those of us who don't do so well on our vacation pictures all the time.

MARQUEZ: Come on. That's why we have Instagram and you can just foggy it up.

PAUL: Ok. So Mark, listen, take us internationally, what do you recommend?

MURPHY: You know, I love the Andalucia region in Spain. There's a little town called Ronda. It's up in the hills. It's spectacular, has some roman bridges built hundreds and hundreds of years ago. And it's a great place to shoot and capture photos.

Another place I love is Southeast Asia -- Cambodia and Vietnam. And one of the best ways to see that is via a river cruise. So from the deck of the boat you can capture incredible shots and scenes and then what you can also do as you're capturing those scenes, capture the people.

And that's what I love about travel because you meet these people. You connect with them. And you see them in terms of how they're living every day and it's really a neat place.

MARQUEZ: All right, Mark. You have three apps to tell us about that will help you find those hidden gems out there. What are they all about?

MURPHY: Yes. All right. You just mentioned Instagram. Well, Pingspot which is an app which is Instagram for capturing businesses. So let's say I find a really cool noodle shop in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is a crazy city. I want to remember that spot and I want to be able to share it with my family and friends and the people that follow me. So Pingspot is an app that lets you do that. So really capturing business that GPS it, you'll never forget it and then other people can see those places that you've been.

So think about business married with photos. And that's why I give you the Instagram angle.

Another one is Minube. Right now I'm in Time Warner Center in New York. I can go on Minube. It will geo-locate me. I know that 200 yards away from me is Central Park really right across the street. And then I can look at iconic photos that people have taken and shared through this app of Central Park, go right to that exact spot and try to capture a little bit of that magic myself at different times.

And you can talk about places you're going to and put it in, or you can be standing somewhere and find out places which are in walking distance and see the photos that have been captured there.

The last one is Scenespotter. Scenespotter is a brand new Facebook app. You're not going to find it on your iPhone or Android device. Go to Facebook and you'll find it there. And this is in beta. Not many people using it yet but it's created by Lufthansa. And they're leveraging tour guides in the market.

And one thing about tour operators and tour guides, really knowledgeable -- if you want to really explore a destination you've never been there, tap into these tour guides and get their knowledge as they take you around. They also save you a lot of money when you book tours versus booking it yourself. But that's a whole different story.

As far as that goes, it's in beta. There's few people using it right now. And there's little bits of information that's going to grow over time if people embrace it.

MARQUEZ: Mark Murphy, thank you very much for all your help today.

MURPHY: Glad to be here. Thanks

PAUL: We appreciate it.