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New Day Saturday

Arthur Downgraded To A Tropical Storm; More Illegal Immigrants Arrive In California; Officer Caught On Tape Punching Woman; Clashes Follow Palestinian Teen's Funeral; Brazilian Star Neymar Out Of World Cup; Analysis of Legal Situation of Father Who'd Left His Son in a Car; Joan Rivers Lashes Out on Journalists for Questions about Wearing Furs; Fabien Cousteau's Talking about his Mission 31; Seinfeld Show Started 25 Years Ago

Aired July 05, 2014 - 06:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Beautiful weather, great people and an opportunity to celebrate freedom. We're having a wonderful.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How many times did he hit her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've seen 11 on the video. He took more shots than that. I think it's around 15 shots. Punching, it's not just jabs.


ALISON KOSIK, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning, everyone. I'm Alison Kosik. I'm in today for Christi Paul.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Victor Blackwell. It's 6:00 now on the east coast. This is NEW DAY SATURDAY. You know even a threat of a hurricane.

KOSIK: Yes, couldn't keep the American down. Patriotic revelers from all across the country gathering to celebrate our nation's founding last night. In New York, yes, and I missed all these, by the way. The 8th River was lit up by 57,000 pounds of explosives to the delight of tens of thousands who had gathered to watch. Fireworks were even shut up the Brooklyn Bridge.

BLACKWELL: I was going watch it with a big show there at the National Mall in honor of the 200 anniversary of the Star Spangled Banner. It was back of September actually of 1814. The new arrangement debut featuring new additions and choirs and canons.

KOSIK: And in Miami, there were festivities there too, 25,000 people gathering to watch a massive fireworks display at the Billboard Hotel. And the crowd turned up at Chicago's (AD Pier) last night as well. More than 100,000 people came out for the annual fireworks display, but if you don't make it in there, don't worry there is going to be another show tonight. BLACKWELL: And if you're here in Atlanta, the city skyline will be the fitting backdrop to the annual display of Centennial Park. This was the one that woke me up, yes, yes. This woke up and I was like who is shooting outside and then I had that moment of it's the 4th of July fireworks. But I was like they are shooting.

KOSIK: Don't let those clear skies last night fool you though. Arthur has been downgraded this morning to a tropical storm, but it's still posing a threat for high winds and rains into eastern Canada.

BLACKWELL: Yes, the storm may have passed over the eastern seaboard, but its aftermath, still remains. If you are headed out to the beach this weekend, be sure to watch out for those rip currents, they can be powerful, of course, then deadly.

KOSIK: Alexandra Field is going to get us caught up on the storm right now.


ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): From North Carolina all the way up to the north east, high winds, big waves, drenching rain and now powerful rip tides. Arthur lost force while heading north, but it was enough to leave a mark, 100-mile per hour winds and 35-foot waves were reported at the peak of the storm when Arthur made landfall Thursday night over North Carolina.

ALINA MACHADO, CNN CORRESPONDENT: We are just absolutely getting slammed right now by Arthur. You could see the wind gusts rally pick up here and the rain is just coming down.

FIELD: Though Arthur had more bark than bite, North Carolina took the brunt of the storm with some damaged and thousands left in the dark.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Emily blew a lot harder than this one. This one we are really fortunate. We didn't have a lot of weather this time.

FIELD: By Friday, the Category 2 hurricane was downgraded, but churned deep into the Atlantic, and today, Nova Scotia is feeling its effects.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How was that vacation going so far?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was going pretty good until a few hours ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tough conditions?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, not too bad, but you know, you can't -- you're kind of stuck inside. You can't really do anything outside.

FIELD: The first hurricane of the season coinciding with the busiest travel week of the summer busted some holiday plans. Prepared for a wash out, Boston moved up its annual 4th of July celebration. The fireworks went off a day early. In Washington, D.C., the fast moving storm cleared up just in time for a Friday night light show. But there are big concerns about what's left in Arthur's wake along the eastern seaboard, possible rip currents. The National Weather Service calls the spurts of back-flowing water, the worst danger at the beach.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even though many of the beaches are open and we're still evaluating some of the outer bank beaches, please, listen to lifeguards. Look at the warning flags.

FIELD: Alexandra Field, CNN.


KOSIK: All right, so let's go ahead and bring in meteorologist, Karen Maginnis, for the latest on Tropical Storm Arthur.

BLACKWELL: Karen, good morning. Now downgraded, just about an hour ago.

KAREN MAGINNIS, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Exactly. We received our latest update from the National Hurricane Center, and it is at tropical storm intensity and it's racing towards the Canadian Maritimes. We've got some thunderstorms developing across the Midwest, but until then, take a look at what's happening with Arthur.

Now it is pummeling some sections of New England, all the way from Portland and extending into Nova Scotia and Halifax, and for Prince Edward Island, and Boston. We're seeing two, three, four inches of rainfall. The flash flooding potential persists across a good portion of Maine, but flash flood warnings and watches.

You'll see some high winds, but that threat for the rip current is going to be very great, up and down the eastern seaboard. If you're wondering what a rip current is, essentially it's going to be the water drawing you back in. So you'll struggle trying to get out of the water. We have to remember safety items, and that is to just to kind of follow the shoreline and eventually you'll make your way in, but it can be quite powerful, and very, very dangerous.

All right, as we go into the forecast, you're probably wondering. Can you salvage the weekend after Arthur? We've got a ridge of high pressure dominating the weather feature along the eastern seaboard, once we get rid of Arthur. This morning, you're waking up to some pretty good thunderstorms in Omaha. Strong storms, and also into Iowa. We'll keep you updated. Another update in another hour. Back to you guys.

KOSIK: OK, Karen Maginnis, thank you.

BLACKWELL: All right, breaking overnight, another flight carrying illegal immigrants from Texas has arrived in Southern California. This is the second one this week. The migrants reportedly boarded three buses to a processing center in San Isidro District of San Diego.

KOSIK: The drivers stirred clear of nearby Murrieta where protesters this week forced another fleet of buses to turn back. It's the latest flashpoint in a broiling national debate and our Kyung Lah is there.

BLACKWELL: Kyung, good morning.

KYUNG LAH, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Alison and Victor, immigration and customs enforcement has kept the arrival of any undocumented immigrants in this town under wraps, the concern is security. The anticipation was that they may arrive on the holiday and why protesters did as well.


LAH (voice-over): Celebrating the 4th of July.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stop illegal immigration.

LAH: By using the right of assembly to scream at each other. Separated by police, this is the second time pro and anti-immigration forces faced off at the Murrieta Patrol Station. This week's flashpoint for the immigration debate. Earlier in the week, they blocked the entrance to the station. Buses of undocumented immigrants from Central America were forced to turn around.

In Texas, an influx of undocumented migrants, many of them children, crammed facilities. There aren't enough bed, bathrooms or food, a 60,000 to 80,000 children without parents expected to cross illegally this year. To cope the government is putting them on buses and planes to nearby towns and processing them at border patrol centers in smaller towns, like Murrieta.

A second round of buses was anticipated on July 4th. Murrieta protesters came on this Independence Day to say, they're not welcome.

JASON WOOLLEY, MURRIETA, CALIFORNIA RESIDENT: We're not going to stand for it. That's just how it is. There's thousands and millions of other people who have done the right way, but for people to just come in here and ask for a free handout, that's my money.

LAH: Migrant rights supporters say on this holiday Murrieta should recall America's own history of its birth and that it's a nation of immigrants.

SARA GLANZETH, PRO-MIGRANT PROTESTER: From 1800 up to 1900, now crises happening other places and trying to come through the borders, suddenly it's different because we have divisions based on be race, language and chauvinism.

LAH: While both sides engaged in plenty of free speech, the protest was relatively peaceful. Though several were arrested.


LAH: The buses never did show up. But if they do return, protesters promise, they'll be here to greet them -- Alison, Victor.

BLACKWELL: Kyung Lah for us there in Murrieta, California. Thank you. Very passionate. KOSIK: It's not going away anytime soon.

All right, this is going to be difficult to watch. I'm warning you. It's really shocking to see. This is a video of a woman in California being punched in the face by a highway patrolman. CNN has been working on getting the story behind it, and we're going to tell you what we've discovered.

And anger boiling over in the Mideast after the murder of a Palestinian teen. Dozens injured in violent protests including our own Ben Wedeman. We'll talk to him next.


BLACKWELL: So we showed a bit of the video a few moments ago, and the question is, what is going on here? That California Highway Patrol officer we showed a moment ago is on administrative leave this morning. If you didn't see the video a driver recorded him punching a woman in the face over and over again.

KOSIK: The woman was taken to the hospital and the incident under investigation. CNN's Sara Sidner is looking into the case for us -- Sara.

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Victor and Alison, the witness says that he was in very heavy traffic, basically at a standstill when all of this happened right in front of him.


SIDNER (voice-over): Video from a California freeway shot by a driver stunned by what he was seeing unfold. A woman being punched over and over and over again by a California Highway patrolman.

DAVID DIAZ, EYEWITNESS: You see it, heard it, it was like, thump, thump, thump, and then you see her head bouncing, bam, bam, on the concrete.

SIDNER (on camera): How many times did he hit her?

DIAZ: I've seen 11 on the video. He took more shots that than, I think around 15 shots, to her head.

SIDNER: Punching?

DIAZ: Punching. Not just jabs. These are hooks. Those are lights out punches. Those aren't like taps.

SIDNER (voice-over): The highway patrol report says the woman posed a danger to herself and other drivers because she was walking within traffic lanes at times and when she was asked to stop, she continued ignoring the officer's command and ultimately she becomes physically combative, it says.

ASSISTANT CHIEF CHRIS O'QUINN, CALIFORNIA HIGHWAY PATROL: The tape only shows a small part of what transpired. There were events that led up to this, until all that's collected and put into perspective, we aren't going to be able to make a determination.

SIDNER: The eyewitness who goes by the name David Diaz, says he saw exactly what led up to it, before he started recording.

DIAZ: When you see the video, the first thing you hear is me laughing. The reason why is, before we got the video starting, they were playing, like a ring around the rosy behind that red truck. It's a grown man and grown women running around the truck. Kind of like a Benny Hill moment, right?

SIDNER (on camera): She's avoiding him?

DIAZ: She's avoiding him. Almost like when we laugh when someone runs on the baseball field.

SIDNER (voice-over): He says she did eventually started walking towards the officer, and that is when the takedown began.

DIAZ: He grabs her. Resisting, in terms of natural reaction, and then he then grabs her, throws her to the floor and then gets on top of her, which then you would think, OK, he's going to wrap her up, call it another day in Los Angeles. No. This wasn't the case.

SIDNER: The CHP says the woman who carried no ID was taken to the hospital for a physical and mental evaluation.

O'QUINN: The report indicated that the individual was not injured and the officer didn't notice any injuries on the individual.

SIDNER: Diaz has a hard time believing that, after seeing and hearing this --

DIAZ: She didn't put up restraint. She did what anyone else would do when getting pounded, to go like this, to go like this. And now saying, restrained? Excuse. Given too many excuses. No more rationalizing this. We need to stop this. That's why I posted the video.

O'QUINN: We're going to make a determination as to what transpired in this situation, and we will do the right thing.

SIDNER: The officer involved has been put on administrative duty while the case is investigated.


SIDNER: Witness Diaz has not spoken with anyone from the California Highway Patrol and that if they call him, he will discuss what he saw with them -- Alison, Victor.

KOSIK: Sara Sidner, thank you. You know, it's amazing that this whole thing was recorded and they have a witness who saw everything.

BLACKWELL: Yes, because clearly, that video does not correspond with the report that the woman was not injured and the officer did not notice any injuries. Clearly a lot of questions there. We'll stay on top of it.

KOSIK: Certainly. Now to the Mideast, where Jerusalem is on the edge this morning after violent clashes have left more than 60 people injured.

BLACKWELL: Now the violence erupted after thousands marched in the funeral for a Palestinian teenager who was snatched off the street and killed. CNN senior international correspondent, Ben Wedeman, joins us now live from Jerusalem, and, Ben, we know that you were hurt in the clashes yourself. Tell us what happened and how are you?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Yes, I'm fine. It was really just scratch to the head, lots of blood, but not too much pain. Quickly taken care of. Now, the situation here is calm at the moment. Keep in mind, it's the holy month of Ramadan. People are fasting from sunrise to sunset. So we don't usually expect any sort of problems until the afternoon, but with tensions still high, the possibility of further clashes is also high.


WEDEMAN (voice-over): Mourners carried the body of Mohammed Abu Sadir home. He's been dubbed the dawn martyr, murdered by unknown abductors early Wednesday morning. The Israeli police are investigating, but is widely believed to have been revenge for the murder of three Israeli teenagers kidnapped last month. Israeli police blocked up all entrances to the Palestinian neighborhood where the teen lived, but that didn't stop thousands from attending the funeral.

Emotions here further inflamed by images captured by a resident and broadcast on Palestinian television that appeared to show Israeli police beating and kicking a youth on the ground. CNN has learned the youth is a 15-year-old, a U.S. citizen.

The funeral was followed by more clashes. By nightfall Friday, more than 60 protesters and 13 policemen had been injured. As well as this correspondent, hit in the forehead with a rubber bullet. A minor wound promptly treated by medics. While Jerusalem smolders, Israel and Hamas and Gaza continue to exchange missile strikes and air strikes.

In April, the U.S.-led peace process collapsed. July and a far darker process is in full swing.


WEDEMAN: And we are also getting reports of protests and clashes. Not in Jerusalem or the West Bank, but within Israel itself in predominantly Palestinian-Arab communities.

KOSIK: Ben Wedeman, thank you.

BLACKWELL: All right, some haunting new images to show you of the sunken "Costa Cordia." Remember that ship, the ocean liner that ran aground off the coast of Italy back in January of 2012. Italian police just released this footage recorded by divers there. KOSIK: There were more than 4,000 passengers onboard, 32 people died. If you'd like to see more of the video, just go to

Imagine this, being underwater for 31 days? Is that even possible? Actually, yes, it is, and we're going to talk to the guy who did it, Fabian Cousteau.

BLACKWELL: And it's the 4th of July weekend. Hotdog, steaks, burgers on the grill, had some tasty Mac and Cheese yesterday. How about a python? We'll tell you how this happened.


BLACKWELL: He goes by "Jaws." Joey Chestnut. The Coney Island hotdog eating champ once again. I cannot look at the video. He scarfed down 61 hotdogs in just 10 minutes.

KOSIK: Yes, but I was just telling you, being there is different. The heat, the smell of the dogs. Watching this guy do this -- yes. OK, but I have a real crowd pleaser, Victor. He got down on one knee and proposed to his girlfriend of three years. She said, yes, but apparently he did this before he scarfed down the hotdogs. I want to know what happened if she said no, would he have gorged himself even more because of self-pity?

BLACKWELL: Here's the thing. I'm glad he did it first. Can you imagine the guy with all the like, meat and filler and bread?

KOSIK: Something tells me she's got to get used to that. I wonder if he does that at home? Does he eat like that at the table?

BLACKWELL: I hope not. Look at this, a 12-foot python. Yes. This is in a Miami neighborhood, at least near Miami. This is from a CNN affiliate there that reports the folks there trapped the snake inside a barbecue grill.

KOSIK: But, dinner?


KOSIK: They happen to keep it in the grill until police came. Apparently caught it just in time. A boy saw it eyeing his neighbor's cat. After that, they just cooked it for dinner. I'm joking.

BLACKWELL: Send all comments to Alison Kosik. Brazil.

KOSIK: Brazil.

BLACKWELL: The host nation's top scorer will miss the rest of the tournament.

KOSIK: Neymar fracturing bone in his spine during yesterday's game. More in today's "Bleacher Report." Is this really true?

LAURA RUTLEDGE, "BLEACHER REPORT": You know, when we saw it, it looked pretty bad. And yes, it's true. Sad news for Brazil. It was a party last night after the host nation knocked off Colombia 2-1 in the quarter finals, but the celebration turned bittersweet when the news about Neymar came out. If there was a guy Brazil didn't want to lose, the man wearing the number 10 jersey.

Neymar was kneed in the back as the match was winding down and knew it wouldn't be pleasant. Writhing in pain. Immediately stretchered off and taken to the hospital. Brazil's semifinal opponent, Germany, are probably licking their chops at the idea that they won't have to deal with Neymar in their quest to win the World Cup. Wonder, who will step up in Neymar's place? He had four goals and one assist in the tournament.

We have an intriguing matchup in the women's Wimbledon final. It will be the 20-year-old Bouchard first-ever grand slam title. Won once before in 2011 and seems comfortable on the Wimbledon grass, but she's becoming a star before our eyes.

The Super Bowl of bicycle racing gets underway today. This year the Tour de France will actually start in England and it's not unusual for the race to pass through neighboring countries. Two years ago, the tour began in Belgium. The 21-state race finishes in Paris on July 27th, and some fantastic scenery on that. I would love to@ ride my bike through there. No. I probably couldn't keep up, though.

BLACKWELL: You don't need 21 stages of it. Nice afternoon, we got it.

RUTLEDGE: Stop off, get a croissant somewhere.

KOSIK: Definitely that would slow you down.


BLACKWELL: Laura, thank you.

KOSIK: A serious radio show host, fired over some controversial tweet.

BLACKWELL: Also we are getting new details about this case out of Georgia so many are talking about. The kid who died unfortunately in that hot SUV. There are new questions about not one but two insurance policies on that 22-month-old's life.


KOSIK: Bottom of the hour now. Welcome back. I'm Alison Kosik.

BLACKWELL: And I'm Victor Blackwell. Good to have you with us. Let's start with five things you need to know for you NEW DAY. Up first, about 90 minutes ago, Arthur was downgraded to a tropical storm, but still a threat to the east coast. The National Hurricane Center is warning of possible coastal flooding along Cape Cod and high winds in Nova Scotia. Last night, Arthur drenched Massachusetts, the powerful winds, the driving rain knocked out power to thousands from Nantucket to Boston. Rescheduled some Fourth of July celebrations, too.

KOSIK: Number two, a second flight carrying illegal immigrants from Texas has arrived in southern California. They reportedly boarded three buses to this processing center in the San Isidro district of San Diego. The drivers steered clear of nearby Murrieta where protesters this week forced another fleet of buses carrying immigrants to turn back.

BLACKWELL: Number three, Anthony Cumia, a part of the Sirius XM radio show, "Open Anthony" was fired for a racially charged rant on Twitter. Have you read it?

KOSIK: Oh, it's terrible.

BLACKWELL: Well, apparently he was attacked by an African-American woman in Times Square. Then Cumia sent a series of profane laced tweets calling the woman among other things an animal, ranted about the violence in the black community. His twit history was apparently deleted overnight, but he promised to address the story online next week.

KOSIK: Number four, New Orleans police tell CNN they've arrested the alleged Bourbon Street shooter. They are charging Trung Le with one count of first-degree murder and nine counts of attempted first degree murder. They say he opened fire in the crowded New Orleans clubbing area. One woman was killed.

BLACKWELL: Number five, now convicted killer Joran van der Sloot is a newlywed and is about to be a father. He's in prison, but remember, that the laws are different there in Peru. His attorney says van der Sloot married a pregnant Peruvian woman yesterday at Limo prison. He is serving a 28-year sentence for killing Stephany Flores back in 2010. Now, when he is eligible to get out of prison he's expected to be extradited to the U.S. to face charges in the disappearance of the Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. Apparently, I was reading there in Lima, the visitors can go inside the jail cell with the incarcerated. So, that's how the whole thing happened.

KOSIK: Apparently, for a long enough time.


KOSIK: The guesting is done.

BLACKWELL: Yes. So, that's how it happened - he's going to be dad and the husband soon.

KOSIK: All right, moving on, according to warrants obtained by CNN, the father whose toddler died after being left in a hot car made comments to family members regarding a $27,000 life insurance policy that he had on his son.

BLACKWELL: And of course, we're getting this new information right after the hearing, where prosecutors described Ross as -- Ross Harris, rather, as an unfaithful husband who was in financial trouble. He even alleged he spent his day sexting with a half dozen women, including one who was under the age of 18. 16 at the time, I think the detective said. The whole time his 22-month-old son Cooper was left to die in the back seat of his SUV. Let's bring in defense attorney Page Pate now with more on this. Page, we've been talking about this nonstop since I started covering it and you came in to talk about it. When we hear about these sexts and the underaged girl, what is this accomplishing for the state?

PAGE PATE, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, I think two things. Number one, it's getting the public to realize that this is a bad character and they are using this bad character evidence to try to taint or push public opinion away from him. I don't think we're going to see anymore online petitions to not charge Ross Harris. The second thing is, I think it's laying the groundwork for the possibility, the possibility, that the district attorney could pursue a death penalty charge. Now, they're on the clock right now. They've held him without bond so they have 90 days to determine if they're going to indict him, present it to the grand jury and then at the arraignment they will have to make the decision if they're going to charge the death penalty.

KOSIK: So, it's all these horrific - all these horrific details coming out and all this media attention now. The tide has certainly turned, because it certainly began very differently with a lot of empathy and sympathy for this guy. As defense attorney, how do you start preparing for this case in the public eye? How do you defend against it when it seems - it seems that - I mean it almost seems like he's convicted already?

PATE: A lot of people just want to go ahead and close the book on him. I mean after hearing the evidence that we did at the probable cause hearing, there's a lot of evidence. It's a hard case to win. The first thing the defense attorney has to do, though, is tell your client to stop talking. I mean apparently these new warrants are based on information that he's trying to arrange the recovery of the proceeds on the life insurance policies while he's in custody. I cannot think of any better evidence for the state to show motive than trying to get the money from the life insurance policy. So tell him to be quiet. That's the number one thing.

BLACKWELL: You know, the warrant says that, as it relates to these two policies. One is $2,000 that comes through his employer, Home Depot. The second was $25,000, but according to the investigator who was on the stand, it was taken out in November of 2012, just months after the child was born essentially. So, my question is, does it matter essentially when he started to talk about this, if he asked his family before the child's death, after the child's death, when he's in custody or if it was months ago?

PATE: I think it does matter. I mean obviously, the closer in time to the incident, the more guilty he appears. There is another explanation. And I'm sure we're going to hear something from the defense once they review all the evidence. They need to put forth some theory. I mean why would he do this, other than to kill his child?

KOSIK: Why? Why would someone take out a life insurance policy on their 22-month-old kid?



PATE: I think a long time ago it made sense financially. A big whole life policy, maybe it's some sort of an investment for the child. But in this case, I think the circumstances point to a bad motive, unfortunately.

BLACKWELL: You know, for so long we were asking where's the defense here, where's the family, where are the friends? Well, Michaela Pereira of "NEW DAY" during the week had a conversation with someone who says that this is just not the Ross Harris they know. Let's listen.


KRISTIN RIKER, COLLEGE FRIEND OF ROSS HARRIS: Before this tragedy I never heard anyone say a bad thing about him. He was just an overall great guy.

MICHAELA PEREIRA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: So, I can imagine you were probably quite surprised when you heard the news. Tell me about the day you found out about this.

RIKER: I was scrolling through Facebook and I saw people that I know posting about it. We were all in shock, because we all knew him. Just still disbelief, not knowing what to think.


BLACKWELL: So does this help the defense or does this reinforce the double-life narrative?

PATE: It reinforces the narrative that the state wants to use. And another thing about this type of public information, these character witnesses, I think, are going to have a hard time coming back to court to support him, because they're finding out things about his life I am certain they did not know. And this is something the state often does in these cases, so that you don't see as many character witnesses when it comes time for trial.

KOSIK: Let's quickly talk about his wife who seemingly showed little if no emotion in court, which I can't even understand that. Could she be, charged in this? Where does she fit in this?

PATE: She certainly could be charged. Based on the evidence we've heard so far, I don't think they have enough to charge her with felony murder or with cruelty to children. But as the investigation unfolds, I mean we already have her statements to the daycare, which are very strange. Her conversations with her husband while he was being questioned, about, did you say too much? That's very incriminating evidence. And once they look at all of the history, on the computers, the financial information, if it appears that the two of them are trying to get together to now collect on the insurance proceeds, that's strong evidence.

BLACKWELL: You know, I wonder how much his defense attorney knew about all that was uncovered in this, during this hearing. Because there's no discovery before a probable cause.

PATE: That's exactly right. Well, you're right. I mean as a defense lawyer your client's usually doesn't tell you everything. And I've been in that chair many times, and I'm hearing things for the first time that I want to go somewhere, but you can't. You've got to stand strong. So, I'm sure some of this is new. But at the same time, his defense attorney, longtime friends with the prosecutor. He's worked in that D.A.'s office before. So, I would be surprised if he didn't at least get some heads up, as to this is what we have.

BLACKWELL: All right. Thanks. An intriguing case that's happening. And every day more is trickling out. More and more. Page Pate, thank you so much.

PATE: Thank you.

KOSIK: Joan Rivers, doing what she does best. Opening her mouth. Letting controversy fly. Hear what she's saying about the Obamas that's not sitting so well.

And wait until you hear what she said to CNN anchor Fredricka Whitfield. We've got it all for you next.


KOSIK: Who needs the Fourth of July - I mean the fireworks when you have got Joan Rivers.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, you've got her.

KOSIK: The comedienne who lately has been centering hew own typically outrageous commentary, recently officiated a same sex wedding.

BLACKWELL: Photographer asked if she believes the United States would ever have a gay or female president. Here's the response.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And do you think that the country will see the first, the United States will see the first gay president or the first woman president?

JOAN RIVERS, COMEDIENNE: We've had it with Obama. So, let's just calm down.


RIVERS: You know Michelle is a tramp.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm sorry. She's a what?

RIVERS: A transgender. We all know it. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh my gosh.


KOSIK: Oh boy.

BLACKWELL: So, there's that. And you think OK, there are your headlines for the day, Joan. No. She then shocks us all over again.

KOSIK: Here she was promoting her new book when some PETA supporters asked her why she still wears furs, including she's wearing one on the cover of her book.

BLACKWELL: Well, Rivers seemed none too pleased with the question. Look at this.


RIVERS: I will tell you why.


RIVERS: Oh, shut up. You don't know what the [EXPLETIVE DELETED] you're talking about. Not the one - all the fur I wear has been killed over the years, and those furs were lying in a cellar and had gotten to go to the opera. That's number one. Number two, if you're wearing -- I totally agree with you, there are also other issues, but I do agree. Actually -- PETA is right. I also work very hard. I have four rescued animals.


KOSIK: All righty. Trying to backtrack from that. Our colleague Fredricka Whitfield has got to sit down with Joan Rivers.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, and she asked her about criticism she's been getting over those furs. Now, look at this.


RIVERS: You know, this whole interview is becoming a defensive interview.


RIVERS: Are you wearing leather shoes?


RIVERS: Then shut up.

WHITFIELD: I'm trying to ...

RIVERS: You know what I mean. I don't want to hear. You're wearing fur. You are wearing leather shoes.

WHITFIELD: I'm not an activist.

RIVERS: You're eating chicken, you're eating meat. I don't want to hear this nonsense. Come to me with a paper belt and I'll talk to you.


WHITFIELD: But you did hear it in some of those press conferences. There were people who were upset and you're just saying, no way.

RIVERS: You know, I'm going. I really am going, because all you have done is negative.


RIVERS: All you have done is negative.


KOSIK: You know, I think the difference is, I think if you put yourself out there as somebody who, let's say you're all for PETA and you say, I rescue dogs, I don't wear this, I don't wear that and then you wear it, there's the hypocrisy in it. I think her attacking Fredricka on that is a little -- ah --

BLACKWELL: I think I mean Joan Rivers has been doing interviews since -- literally, before color television, and if you can't take a question about your coat, then should you continue to do these interviews? The questions are going to be tough sometimes. Listen ...

KOSIK: She may be just trying to sell her book.

BLACKWELL: And, you know, the book comes out July 1st. Or came out July 1st.

KOSIK: All right, so be sure to tune in this morning at 11:00 to see what Mrs. Rivers did next. Fred's full interview airs today when she anchors the "CNN Newsroom" right here on CNN.

BLACKWELL: All right, so let me ask you this -- do you think you could live under water for 31 days?

KOSIK: No way. I'm claustrophobic.

BLACKWELL: Well, I know. This is the thing that gets me, is the space. So you're about to meet a man who just came back to the surface from his month-long stint underwater. And you've got to hear some of the big names from Hollywood who dove down to meet up with him.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One year after becoming the first Britain over seven decades to win the Wimbledon men's singles title, Andy Murray finally had the chance to go home to Scotland and share his success with the people to whom it means most. The 2013 Wimbledon champion is also investing in his hometown community, having purchased the Cromlix house, transforming it into a luxury 15-suite, five-star travel destination.

ANDY MURRAY: I was sitting in this room just over a year ago and there was bats in the roof, and, it's changed a bit since then. Came here for my brother's wedding, and about six months, a year or later, we're told the hotel was going out of business, and the property was for sale, and I mean, it's five minutes from my house and I thought it would be a nice thing to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how involved have you been in the revamp and what role has your family played as well?

MURRAY: I've seen a lot of the interiors, I looked over a lot of them with my girlfriend who's been back and forth here. My mum's been up here quite a lot and, you know, a lot of my family have been - they live around here. So, they've also been coming up more to sort of look at it and be nosy.




FABIAN COUSTEAU: I'm Fabian Cousteau and we are living underwater for a full 31 days in the world's only undersea marine laboratory.


KOSIK: That was oceanographic explore of Fabian Cousteau during his 30-plus days under water.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, this is Cousteau and his team during their living 63 feet down and we have got Cousteau now. Welcome back to the surface.

FABIAN COUSTEAU: Good morning, Victor. Good morning, Alison. How are you?

KOSIK: Good morning.

BLACKWELL: So, once you - I mean did you have to get -- I guess when you got back on land, are you a little uneasy? Is it difficult to walk?

COUSTEAU: Well, it's been an epic, exhausting, surprising and very rewarding expedition. The first time we pierced that surface, it was a little surprising. You know? There was the air on your face. The sun, and then there was a lack of sound. A lack of activity. It was only human beings on a boat waiting for me, rather than sea life everywhere around me.

KOSIK: So your underwater lab gave you and your fellow aquanauts a chance to spend long hours on the ocean floor, long hours of scuba dives. You think this led to a change in ocean research? Could we see more aquanauts living under water as well, and also, before I forget, tell us the significance of the 31 days as opposed to maybe just 30 days?

COUSTEAU: Well, the 31ST day is to mark symbolically the next step in ocean exploration. Mission 31 is based on my grandfather's Conshelf II experiments. Where he built an underwater village and lived - and worked under water with his team for 30 days in the Red Sea. You know, as far as mission 31 is concerned, it felt extraordinarily rewarding and there was an insatiable curiosity by the general public, from what we can feel, from not only the news coverage, but all the skype in the classroom session, and the general outreach that we've been able to make for that whole 31 days.

BLACKWELL: So, the mission here of Mission 31, was to study climate change, the fact of pollution on marine life. What did you learn?

COUSTEAU: Well, you know, the science was very solid, of course, and we had some partnerships with Northeastern University and FIU, and we certainly concentrated along those topics, but we have to look at it through the lens of adventure and exploration, which this truly was, and also engage the general public that may not know about these topics or may not have an affinity for them, so that we can get them to really fall in love with the ocean and - it was so successful as a matter of fact that I'm seriously considering creating an ocean learning center in Florida to be able to bolster and continue on the Mission 31 mission.

KOSIK: So I understand you actually had visitors who wanted to come join you for a little bit? I hear from HBO's Entourage?

COUSTEAU: Absolutely. It was pretty amazing. We had visitors such as NASA astronaut Clay Anderson. We had Ian Somerhalder from "Vampire Diaries." We had my father's Jean-Michel Cousteau, (INAUDIBLE), Jim Toomey, the cartoonist from "Sherman Lagoon," (INAUDIBLE). The list goes on and on. It was just an amazing and honor. I was honored by all of these visitors who supported us for Mission 31.

BLACKWELL: So what was the toughest part of your 31 days under water?

COUSTEAU: I think the toughest part, while -- that's a difficult one. There were a lot of tough parts. Being away from friends and family, obviously, is one of the tougher ones, for many of us. Beyond this, coming back to the surface, because the clock was ticking. It was only a month under water and we were just scratching the surface of learning about our oceanic frontier. If I had another 31 days I think maybe we could do twice as much, but we were able to do three years of research in 31 days which is pretty amazing.


KOSIK: Definitely amazing. An amazing mission. Fabian Cousteau, thank you.

COUSTEAU: Pleasure. Thank you all. . KOSIK: Let me throw a few phrases at you. Let's see if you can

recognize where they come from. Man hands.

BLACKWELL: Yes, yes.

KOSIK: The low topper, the puppy shirt. I think ugly naked was another one.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Yes. There are lots of phrases brought to you by "Seinfeld." You know this show. Today celebrates, or marks, rather, 25 years of the show about nothing. You know. Yada, yada, yada.

KOSIK: Yada.


BLACKWELL: Hey, you need something to make you feel old? Great. I got something for you.

KOSIK: Sure!

BLACKWELL: Got something for you. Today marks the 25 anniversary since "Seinfeld" premiered on NBC.

KOSIK: And CNN's Nischelle Turner reports on it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's "Seinfeld" premiering Thursday right after "Cheers" on NBC.

NISCHELLE TURNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: July 5, 1989. NBC debuts a new sitcom built around stand-up comedian Jerry Seinfeld.

JERRY SEINFELD: It would be great if you could ask a woman what she's thinking.

TURNER: First called "The Seinfeld Chronicles," the title later shortened to just "Seinfeld."

SEINFELD: The show is about -- nothing!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it's not about n nothing.

SEINFELD: No, it's about nothing.

ROBERT THOMPSON, MEDIA SCHOLAR, SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY: Of course, it wasn't about nothing, but it was about the kinds of things that stand- up comedians talked about a lot, but that sitcoms generally didn't.

Issues of, how one eats snack foods.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you just double dip that chip?

THOMPSON: The issues of shrinkage.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm really sorry.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was in the pool! I was in a pool!

THOMPSON: "Master of Your Domain," perhaps the most memorable episode "Seinfeld" ever did.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, that was fast!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It changed television in that. It gave us a whole new way of looking at the world. The whole new kind of comedy.

SEINFELD: I didn't say anything.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was the start of like the alternative family comedies.

THOMPSON: People who are not roommates, who don't live under the same roof, aren't related and don't even work in the same place. "Seinfeld" establishes that, so that becomes completely the norm.

SEINFELD: And now it's weird again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think "Friends" was obviously a young "Seinfeld."


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Every successful new kind of show changes television, because it makes a whole bunch of other stuff possible.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My name's Luis Ceekay (ph) and he said to be here around two.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said? The doctor doesn't make appointments.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, was he? I know him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: "Louis" is probably the closest to thing we have, to a modern day "Seinfeld."

TURNER: "Seinfeld" ended its run in 1998i. There has been no official reunion unless you count this one.


TURNER: Film for curb your enthusiasm, the series developed by "Seinfeld's" co-creator Larry David.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yada, yada, yada. .



SEINFELD: Excuse me?

TURNER: "Seinfeld's" characters live on, just as they were in syndication. Still impacting TV and the culture.

MELISSA MCCARTHY, ACTRESS: Not just influences comedy writers, it kind of influenced everything. It's like, people's dialogue, people's references.

SEINFELD: We're not gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


SEINFELD: He's just a dentist.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yeah, and you're an anti-dentite.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A brazier (ph) from man. The man-zeer. Get it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No tooth for you.

MCCARTHY: Every weird thing that happens in life, turns into like, or, do you remember that "Seinfeld?" It was just the perfect show. Perfect.

SEINFELD: Somebody has B.O., the oh usually stays with the b.


SEINFELD: When the B leaves, the O goes with it.

TURNER: Nischelle Turner, CNN, New York.


KOSIK: Thank goodness for reruns.

BLACKWELL: I love them. The muffin stump episode? Remember, when they just had the tops - and they had the dumpster - stamps?

KOSIK: There are so many memorable moments.

BLACKWELL: Christi loves that show. This would have been her day, to give that big, hello!

All right.

KOSIK: All right, thanks for starting your morning with us.

BLACKWELL: Next hour of your "NEW DAY" starts right now.

(BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We're not going to stand for it. That's just how it is. There's thousands and millions of other people who have done it the right way, but for people to just come in here and ask for a free handout, that's my money.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These conversations happened with these females, of what nature?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The most common term would be sexting.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We believe in the sanctity of life and we continue to believe in the sanctity of life and our message is very clear. There has to be a response.