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New Day Saturday

Search For Motive In Deadly School Shooting; School Nurse Looking Forward To Life After Ebola Fight; Case Builds Against Suspect Jesse Matthew; New York and New Jersey Order Mandatory Quarantine for People Who've Had Direct Contact with Ebola Patients; Grief and Search for Answers in Aftermath of School Shooting in Washington State; Nice Weather for Much of the Country; Tom Fuentes Analyzing Recent Lone Wolves Terrorist Acts in New York and Canada

Aired October 25, 2014 - 06:00   ET



VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: Popular, friendly, the homecoming prince. So how did this high school freshman become a killer? We're learning more this morning about the chaos in a high school cafeteria.

ALISON KOSIK, CNN ANCHOR: The tragic end to the mystery in Virginia. The remains of sophomore, Hannah Graham, finally identified. Now the focus shifts to the man police say is behind it.

BLACKWELL: After New York City's very first Ebola patient, now a second scare. A female health care worker is being quarantined this morning in neighboring New Jersey.

KOSIK: Good morning. I'm Alison Kosik in for Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. It's 6:00 here on the east coast. Good to have you with us this morning. Another community is searching for answers after a popular freshman started shooting at a crowded high school cafeteria.

One girl at Marysville-Pilchuck High School in Washington State was killed in what witnesses described as a chaotic and bloody scene. Now four others, two boys, two girls, they are fighting for their lives.

KOSIK: Police say the shooter, Jalen Fryberg, ultimately turned the gun on himself and by all accounts, Fryberg was popular, named homecoming prince just a week ago. But classmates have told CNN of a recent fight and suspension. And point to some of Fryberg's tweets as evidence he was troubled.


FRANKIE PINA, FRIEND OF SHOOTER: It just came out of nowhere. Honestly wouldn't expect it. I heard like his girlfriend broke up with him and the tweets that everyone's been like re-tweeting throughout the past couple of days of their conversations has been pretty brutal, honestly. So that could have been affecting him.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BLACKWELL: And our Dan Simon is in Marysville, Washington, this morning. Dan, from social media and from friends we're learning more about this young man. What else you have learned also about the gun he used?

DAN SIMON, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Well, good morning, Victor and Alison. We are at Providence Hospital where two of the victims are receiving care, both said to be in extremely critical condition after suffering what could only be described as horrific injuries shot at very close range by the shooter as you said identified as 14-year-old Jaylen Fryberg.

The weapon used we are told was a 40-caliber berretta handgun apparently registered to the suspect's father. The shooting happening just after 10:30 in the morning at that school cafeteria. This is not a random shooting.

According to eyewitnesses, the shooter targeted a specific table. He knew who those people were, approached them from the back and began opening fire so this was not a random shooting.

And the shooter doesn't seem to fit the narrative in terms of what you see with other shootings. As you said, he was popular, well-liked, and was the homecoming prince about a week ago.

BLACKWELL: Typically what we hear in this case is a desponded teenager bullied teenager who was bullied. Are the survivors' families this morning, are they saying anything?

SIMON: We're not hearing had much, but one dimension of all of this, is we are told from a grandfather of one of those wounded that two of the victims are said to be relatives of the shooter. They're said to be cousins. So that adds a whole new dimension into this.

So what ultimately set this shooter off, we don't know. Some have speculated perhaps there was a breakup over a girlfriend and you also talk about a fight. We can say that the shooter was a member of the Tulalip Native American tribe.

And during this alleged fight that took place apparently about a month ago, there was a racist language that was used and some have speculated that that fight may have led to some of the troubles.

BLACKWELL: All right, Dan Simon reporting not only did this young man know these shooting victims, but this morning, according to the grandfather, two of them were relatives. Dan Simon there outside of hospital where two of these young teenagers are. Thank you, Dan.

Now, to another story we're watching this morning, a health care worker is being tested for Ebola at a hospital in Newark, New Jersey.

KOSIK: Now, the woman just came back to the U.S. yesterday from West Africa. New York and New Jersey are now ordering a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning from the Ebola zone in West Africa, who had direct contact with an Ebola patient.

BLACKWELL: Dr. Craig Spencer, the first person diagnosed with Ebola in New York City, he's in isolation in Bellevue Hospital.

KOSIK: And CNN's Alexandra Field joins us now from Bellevue. Alexandra, what are you hearing about Spencer's condition at this point? We did hear late yesterday that she had suddenly had a fever, a temperature? Is that the case?

ALEXANDRA FIELD, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Guys, at last check, we had heard that Dr. Craig Spencer was in stable condition here at Bellevue, first reported on Thursday was brought here and put in isolation.

Mayor Bill DeBlasio here in New York City saying the doctor was well enough to be maintaining some conversations with the people who are around him. So that is some encouraging news as we wake up this morning on that front -- Alison and Victor.

KOSIK: Tell us about some of those restrictions that are now being imposed by New York and New Jersey. Are these actually above federal requirements?

FIELD: Yes, these are. Look, there's been a lot of talk of what the federal requirements are. Just yesterday, we saw the governors of New York and New Jersey come out and say that they want to go a step beyond.

The new policy means that there is a mandatory quarantine in place for anyone who is returning from the affected area of West Africa who has had direct contact with Ebola patients. The governor spoke yesterday explaining why they are taking this extra measure.

Listen to what New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo had to say.


GOV. ANDREW CUOMO (D), NEW YORK: We feel it's appropriate to increase the extreme procedures for people coming from affected countries from the current CDC screening procedures. We believe it is in the state of New York's and state of New Jersey's legal rights to control access to their borders.


FIELD: All right. So under this policy, officials can decide whether or not it is necessary to quarantine someone or to actually hospitalize them. We saw this policy go into effect just yesterday on date it was announced.

That's when the health care worker returned from West Africa. She arrived at Newark, has been put in isolation at University Hospital in Newark. We don't know have an update on her condition at the moment, but we do know that she is being tested for Ebola as well -- Victor, Alison.

KOSIK: OK, Alexandra Field, thanks.

BLACKWELL: Let's get more on these new developments this morning. Dr. Joseph McCormick joins us now from Brownsville, Texas. He is the regional dean at the University of Texas School of Public Health.

Should Dr. Craig Spencer, the doctor in New York, diagnosed with Ebola, do you think that he should have been quarantined earlier, knowing that he came straight from the hot zone after treating Ebola patients?

DR. JOSEPH MCCORMICK, DEAN, UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS SCHOOL OF PUBLIC HEALTH: I suspect that he should have, yes. I think that when you are exposed to the level of virus that we're seeing in West Africa, you clearly have a risk that's higher than if you're exposed, say, to somebody in a hospital here in the U.S. So, yes, I suspect that would have been a good policy.

BLACKWELL: So, do you think, let's pull the thread and take a step further, do you think this should be a national policy? The CDC should then follow the lead of New York and New Jersey here?

MCCORMICK: I think for someone who has cared for patients in West Africa, it would be very prudent to put them into, certainly, a very limited travel and contact with the public. Whether it's a full quarantine, I suspect you may have to do a full quarantine in order to have an effective procedure.

BLACKWELL: But in the case of Thomas Eric Duncan, he, as we know from his family, did not know that he was in that case of the pregnant woman who collapsed, quote/unquote, "caring for a person with Ebola" and he brought it here to the U.S.

So should it then be expanded to everyone who comes into the U.S. from those three afflicted countries?

MCCORMICK: No, I don't that's realistic because what will happen is you'll have so many people under quarantine. You lose your focus on those who are really at risk. What I can say about Mr. Duncan is that he was clearly exposed probably even more than the two people you're talking about now. We just didn't know that.

I think if anybody had known that, he would have been a person who should have been quarantined. But trying to put everyone under quarantine will simply divert resources from the ones that are really at risk.

KOSIK: Can you tell us how people can contract Ebola? You know, hearing about Dr. Spencer riding the subways. I live in New York. I ride the subways every day. We all touch the same poles. We're all packed in like sardines. Can we get it on the subways? How can people contract Ebola?

MCCORMICK: So the only way you can contract Ebola is to come into direct contact with bodily fluids from someone who is symptomatic. If you're symptomatic with Ebola, you're highly unlikely to be travelling on a subway.

KOSIK: What if that person sneezes, I mean, when you sneeze, you can't help, but you know, a little saliva comes out there?

MCCORMICK: If they're not symptomatic, if they sneeze, they're not going to do anything anymore than anyone else.

BLACKWELL: All right, Dr. Joseph McCormick joining us from Brownsville, Texas. Doctor, thank you so much.

MCCORMICK: You're welcome. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Our nurse, Nina Pham, good news here, back in Dallas, Texas.

KOSIK: And her dad greeted her at the airport. She got a welcome home surprise -- a surprise home gift, scrubs signed by her colleagues at Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital. Pham is now Ebola-free.

BLACKWELL: And at the White House yesterday, Pham got a hug from President Obama. She is one of two nurses, who had infected after caring for Thomas Eric Duncan. We know the Liberian man who died of the virus. Pham says she is eager to get on with her life.


NINA PHAM, NURSE: Although I no longer have Ebola, I know that it may be a while before I have my strength back. So with gratitude and respect for everyone's concern, I ask for my privacy and my family's privacy to be respected as I return to Texas and try to get back to a normal life and reunite with my dog, Bentley.


KOSIK: That's sweet. Amber Vinson, who is the other Dallas nurse diagnosed with Ebola. She remains in the hospital. We're going to have more on her condition coming up later this hour.

A shooting spree in California ending with two deputies dead, the hunt for the suspect and lives violently cut short.

And this huge auto recall. Have you heard about this? It could get even bigger. More cars could soon join the list of vehicles needing new air bags because they could explode with potentially fatal consequences.


BLACKWELL: Welcome back to NEW DAY. It's 14 after the hour now. We've got a lot going on this morning. Here's the "Morning Read."

KOSIK: Officials are calling a hatchet attack on a group of New York police officers an act of terror. They say the attacker, Zael H. Thompson was a self-radicalized convert to Islam, but was not tied to any terror group.

He charged the police officers with a hatchet Thursday striking one of them on the back of the head. The officers are still in critical condition.

BLACKWELL: Chicago police will be randomly checking bags more mobile explosives on CTA trains starting next month. The officers will slide passengers' bags with a claw then inserted into a machine to detect the presence of explosive compounds.

Maybe you've seen this at airports where they swab your hand and place into a machine. If a passenger refuses to comply, they will be denied entry and could be arrested under the officer's discretion.

KOSIK: The massive air bag recall could be expanding. Senior federal administrators tell CNN it could go nationwide after increasing pressure from lawmakers.

Right now, the recall mainly affect regions with humid climates like Florida and Puerto Rico, almost 8 million cars involving nine automakers are being checked for exploding air bags. The devices can shoot out sharp metal pieces when they are deployed.

BLACKWELL: The National Weather Service says the severe weather that swept through Southwest Washington State Thursday turned out to be an F-1 tornado. Our affiliate, KPTV, reports the storm touched down in Longview. It left lots of damage to homes and businesses there. Good news is there were no injuries reported.

A lot of the students evacuated after Friday's fatal shooting in Marysville, Washington, described their panic and their fear and shock as soon as they heard the crackling of gunshots.

They said they began to run and take cover wherever they could. Some even came face-to-face with the shooter now confirmed by police as Marysville-Pilchuck student, Jaylen Fryberg.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I heard the guns and I turned around he was just shooting everyone. There is blood everywhere.


BLACKWELL: Police say Fryberg killed one student and shot four others before turning the gun on himself. Those four students are now fighting to stay alive.

We have on the phone with us now, Dr. Joanne Roberts, chief communications officer at Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett. Dr. Roberts, good morning to you. How many students are you still treating at that hospital and what do we know about their conditions?

DR. JOANNE ROBERTS, CHIEF COMMUNICATIONS OFFICER, PROVIDENCE REGIONAL MEDICAL CENTER (via telephone): We have two students still left at our hospital. I believe you heard that one suffered relatively minor injuries and we have sent that patient on to another hospital. A second suffered severe injuries, went to surgery, and we moved that patient to a pediatric ICU in downtown Seattle, Harborview.

BLACKWELL: Is there any more, of course, respecting privacy, any more you can tell us about those injuries?

ROBERTS: The two that we have remaining at Providence Regional Medical Center remain at very critical condition. Their families remain at their bedsides and their families continue to ask that their identities not be released and let them be with their loved ones.

BLACKWELL: And we respect that. You've been quoted as saying, we dreaded this day in this community. Go ahead, expound upon that if you would, before I get to the question?

ROBERTS: Sure. We have dreaded this day. We've seen several school shootings over the years. Even over the past year, we've seen a school shooting. About two months ago, we asked our emergency and trauma teams to do a drill to -- that would mimic a schoolyard shooting in which two children were brought into hospital in much the same way that happened yesterday. So when yesterday's call came, we were ready. We had just practiced this just a couple months ago.

BLACKWELL: I know that what's paramount here is to save the lives and to care for those children in your care. But tell me, as a resident in this community, what do you feel?

ROBERTS: I feel horrible, obviously, like all of us. We all -- you know, most of us have children. Most of us worry about this. Most of us think about something like this. And the dread and the sad space before all of this unwinded in those first few minutes when staff members didn't know who was going to be coming into the E.R. and they didn't know if they would be their own children.

That was pretty horrible. The whole day -- the whole day was horrible. And the families throughout the day waiting to hear about loved ones, and they weren't even sure who was in the hospital yet.

BLACKWELL: I would say, Dr. Roberts, that it's unimaginable, but unfortunately, we have seen this in this country many times before. And our fear and concern is that we will see it again. We thank you for your work. Dr. Joanne Roberts there from Providence Regional Medical Center in Everett, Washington.

KOSIK: A deadly shooting spree in California leaves two deputies dead. And we'll have details on a veteran lawman taken down in the line of duty.

And officials now building their case against prime suspect, Jessie Matthew, after confirming that a body found along an abandoned creek bed is that of the missing 18-year-old, Hannah Graham.


KOSIK: A tragic end to the search for missing University of Virginia student, Hannah Graham. Officials have confirmed that human remains they discovered along an abandoned creek bed are those of 18-year-old who was last seen on September 13th.

As her parents deal with the heartbreaking news, police are now building their case against Jesse Matthew, the prime suspect in their daughter's disappearance. CNN's Brian Todd has the details.

(BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) BRIAN TODD, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Police now confirm the remains found along this creek bed are those of 18-year-old Hannah Graham. Her parents in a statement say, quote, "We are devastated by the loss of our beautiful daughter, Hannah."

As they deal with the worst possible news, the cases build against the prime suspect in their daughter's disappearance, Jesse Matthew.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are a number of missing people and they have identified a suspect that clearly was involved to some extent with perhaps one or more of these cases.

TODD: The latest case Matthew was mentioned with is missing teenager, Alexis Murphy. She vanished in August 2013. Her body was never found. But her abandoned car was recovered in Charlottesville and another man was convicted of her killing. Local officials tell CNN, DNA in Murphy's car is being retested by the FBI.

MICHAEL HALLAHAN, ATTORNEY FOR RANDY TAYLOR: I'm asking them to take the known sample of DNA from Jesse Matthew that they (inaudible) and compare it to all the unknown DNA samples in that case.

TODD: That's the attorney for Randy Taylor, the man convicted of Murphy's killing after some of her DNA was found in his home.

STEVE DEATON, FORMER PROSECUTOR: I don't think Mr. Matthew had anything to do with that, that's just my personal opinion. I think that case shows how people are straining to pin more and more thins on Mr. Matthew.

TODD: Matthew has already been indicted in another case in Fairfax County two hours north of Charlottesville. He faces charges of sexual assault and attempted capital murder from a 2005 incident where a woman was abducted while walking home from the grocery store.

SCOTT GOODMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Fairfax is a strong case because it's a case that has been in the works for the last nine years. They have a live victim who did come in and testify.

TODD: And there could be a forensic link between that case and the abduction and murder of Virginia Tech student, Morgan Herrington. She vanished in October 2009 while visiting UVA. Her body was found in a farm outside of Charlottesville more than three months later. No one has been charged in Harrington's murder.

(on camera): What is that forensic link? The man who found Morgan Harrington's shirt on this bush in downtown Charlottesville says police later told him they had a DNA match to that 2005 sexual case in Fairfax.

(voice-over): But analysts say prosecuting Matthew in the Harrington case could be tough.

GOODMAN: The weakest case would be at this point on the surface Morgan Harrington's case because there has been no evidence that we are aware of that establishes to any kind of degree or certainty that Mr. Matthew and Miss Harrington were ever together.

TODD: That, of course, departs from the Hannah Graham case where surveillance video and witness accounts put Jesse Matthew and Hannah Graham either together the night she disappeared or at least in close proximity to each other. Brian Todd, CNN, Charlottesville, Virginia.


KOSIK: Defense attorney and HLN legal analyst, Joey Jackson joining me now. Joey, now that Hannah Graham's remains have been found, where does this lead the investigation? Where to now?

JOEY JACKSON, HLN LEGAL ANALYST: Well, good morning, Alison. The finding of the body is a very significant development, as unfortunate as it is. I'll tell you why. What happens, Alison, is that to the extent that now you have a body there's other evidence and information that could potentially be gleaned from that. Like what?

Like hair analysis, like fibers, like DNA, like blood, something that could potentially link Jesse Matthew, and as we know, based upon science and based upon forensic evidence when you have that link, it's significant.

So where you go is a potential upgrading of the charges. We know now that he's facing the charge of abduction with intent to defile, which is essentially a sex abuse charge, abducting someone for purposes of leading to things of a sexual variety.

I'll just say it that way. Now that you have a body, we're talking about murder and it becomes a murder investigation. I would suspect in due time and in short order, the charges will be upgraded if in fact the authorities find, Alison, that he can be linked positively to her death.

KOSIK: If the suspect that we're talking Jesse Matthew is linked to the death of Hannah Graham and Morgan Harrington or other missing Virginia teens, would these cases be tried separately or how would that be handled?

JACKSON: Well, generally speaking, Alison, each case would have a separate prosecution. Certainly, you know, there would be the defenses in those respective cases would want that because you don't want to taint the defendant in any particular case based on his rights that would be overly prejudicial.

But one of the things that would occur, the prosecution would be seeking to introduce evidence of other instances with Jesse Matthew engaged in prior bad conduct. Why, because it goes to motive. It goes to intent. It goes to a common plan of scheme.

So even though you can see separate prosecutions for each case, don't be surprised if you see information relating to one case introduced in the prosecution of another -- Alison.

KOSIK: It's almost like the investigation is just revving up. Joey Jackson, thanks so much for joining us this morning. JACKSON: A pleasure.

BLACKWELL: So we got the man with the hatchet in New York. And then, of course, the shooter in Ottawa, two of the lone wolf terrorists. And we're seeing this as ISIS calls for followers to take action against police and officials. Are people heeding that call?

Then he was popular, even voted homecoming prince, so why did he had shoot his friends, his classmates, and as we learned from Dan Simon this morning, relatives, investigating his motive. Next on NEW DAY.


KOSIK: Welcome back. I'm Alison Kosik.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell. Here are five things you need to know for your "NEW DAY." Number one, two veteran deputies are dead and two others are recovering after they were wounded in a shooting rampage Friday in California. The alleged gunman and another suspect reportedly are now in custody. Sacramento Deputy Danny Oliver was killed in a shoot-out in a motel parking lot. Also shot dead was Michael David Davis Jr. A homicide investigator in County.

KOSIK: Number two, a health care worker is in isolation and being tested for Ebola at a hospital in Newark, New Jersey. She arrived at Newark Liberty International Airport yesterday after treating Ebola patients in West Africa. A health official says she did not have symptoms when she arrived.

BLACKWELL: Number three, New York and New Jersey are ordering a mandatory quarantine for anyone returning from the Ebola zone in West Africa who had direct contact with an Ebola patient. That's above CDC requirements. New Jersey Governor Chris Christie says the move will help better protect people against the virus.


GOV. CHRIS CHRISTIE (R) NEW JERSEY: We are no longer relying on CDC standards. There are now New York/New Jersey standards for this, and we need New York/New Jersey health officials to work with the CDC to make sure that our standards are met before there's admission to either of our states.

KOSIK: Number four, a scathing new report accusing the University of North Carolina of carrying out the biggest academic fraud schedule in college sports history. For 18 years the prestigious university allegedly kept thousands student athletes eligible to play by letting them take fake classes. Four employees have been fired and five more disciplined because of their role.

BLACKWELL: And number five, grief and search for answers in northwest Washington this morning. A community is trying to understand why a freshman student fatally shot a female classmate and wounded four others before then turning the gun on himself. This happened at Marysville-Pilchuck high school. So why was Jaylen Fryberg angry? Who was he? And why did he go on this shooting spree at high school? School mates say Fryberg was a nice guy. Popular kid. He was the homecoming prince, but something went wrong recently. Here's what a friend recalls.


NATE HECKENDORF, SCHOOLER'S SCHOOLMATE: There's a lot of stories going about the suspension, and I don't know the full story, so I don't want to put anything out there. I know there was bullying involved and a couple of words said towards him that he obviously didn't like. There was a fight that happened and he was suspended.


BLACKWELL: And at a social media age, you can look to his Twitter account for some clues. Posts on Tuesday hints that a breakup with a girlfriend in recent months. He says it breaks me. It actually does. I know it seems like I'm sweating it off but I'm not. And I will never be able to.

Let's bring in CNN law enforcement analyst Tom Fuentes. Tom, investigators are still looking for a motive behind the shooting spree. But teenagers, we were all teenagers at some point, are dramatic about breakups. Should this tweets have been a sign that's something like this was going to happen?

TOM FUENTES, CNN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Good morning, Victor. Well, I think if they were a sign, we'd be locking up about 100,000 kids in this country and all around the world. You're right, this is, you know, a difficult time of life for many people to transition into being teenagers and young adults. And you're going to have relationship issues and school issues. You know, a number of things. And we look at him from the outside and say, wait a minute, he's popular, he's good looking. He's on the football team. He's a homecoming prince.

You know, on the outside, it looks like everything's going great for him. But on the inside, not really so. And we really don't know the full extent of that. I think the report that he was fighting and got suspended over racial comments made towards him because he's a Native- American, presumably, you know, that - those are accounts that might have been made to him his whole life growing up. And therefore, been brewing as an issue that when a girlfriend breaks up or if another young lady refuses to go out with him, he takes that as additional humiliation in terms of what they've been taunting him about in the first place.

So, you know, many things will be going on in his mind that we wouldn't necessarily see at the time, only now being able to go back in retrospect and piece things together. And as I said, we may still never know for sure.

BLACKWELL: Yeah, and I'm sure those families of not only the young girl who was killed, but also the four who are in hospitals. And all the students there, their families, want to know exactly why this happened. But let's turn to the other story we're following this weekend, the two terror attacks in the U.S. and Canada. We've got the man with the hatchet. He ambushed police officers in New York and wounded two, one critically. We've also got the gunman in Canada who shot a soldier and then stormed into the Canadian parliament. Both appear to be self-radicalized Islamists. Tom, I'd imagine that controlling or getting to these lone wolves, before getting to these organized groups is much more difficult because there isn't this, as it's called, chatter amongst a group of people. You got one guy who heeds a call and then goes on the attack.

FUENTES: Well, that's true, Victor. And the so-called chatter, you know, really has to be specific to do any good. And if there is specifics, then the authorities will be into that plot investigating and trying to thwart it which they have done dozens of times, especially since 9/11. Both in Canada and the United States and in Great Britain, for are that matter. But the difficulty is, you know, all of these -- there's thousands of these websites preaching the kind of hate.

And, of course, ISIS has a very sophisticated multimedia approach to trying to recruit people to either join them in Syria and Iraq. Or join them at home by just carrying out an attack. And in our society, there's no better symbol of the authority of the government than a uniformed soldier or a uniformed police officer. So that obviously creates a target for them to go after. And as these magazines and websites have promoted if you can't shoot a gun if you can't make a bomb, then use your car. Use a knife. Use in this case, a hatchet. Derail a train, do something that you can do, even if you're not a sophisticated, highly trained terrorist.

BLACKWELL: So how do you stop it? I mean, it's easy to -- I won't say it's easy, but I guess it would be relatively easier to embed someone into a group and to break up or to thwart an attack. But if you've got one guy who is listening or reading online, how do you stop these lone wolves?

FUENTES: You don't. That's just the simple truth of this. And we could be experiencing this for the next two generations. Until this poisonous ideology is put to rest, you can't. You know, we can quarantine Ebola. We can quarantine physical viruses. You can't quarantine an idea or an ideology. And this hate-filled ideology is going to go on and on especially with now the modern communication zero of Internet social media.

You know, we have white supremacist groups in this country following Hitler and he's been dead for almost seven decades. And Hitler didn't have social media and the Internet. You know, he made one book while he was in prison in the 1930s. And to this day, we have people shaving their heads, painting swastikas on things and, you know, joining these groups. And there's about 100 according to the Southern Poverty Law Center of these groups here in the United States and then multiple countries around the world. So, if we can't put Nazism to rest after seven decades what are we going to do with this?

BLACKWELL: Especially in this era of as you say, social media. Tom Fuentes, thank you so much.

FUENTES: Thank you, Victor.

KOSIK: He makes very good point there. Ebola patient Craig Spencer didn't have Ebola symptoms before Thursday but he was feeling sluggish before then. So could he have been contagious? CDC investigates.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love running. I feel free. I get to clear my mind. And especially once you get into that shape where you really feel like you can just keep going forever, that's the best feeling. I'm going to be running the New York City marathon on November 2nd. And I'm doing it for charity. I'm doing it for Team for Kids, which we started running groups for kids that otherwise wouldn't have the option or possibility to do sports.

I've never run a race before. It's always been on my bucket list. I've always wanted to run the New York marathon. I'm trying to get kids into sports. I'm breaking their boundaries. I'm aiming for goals that's maybe outside of their comfort zone. So I thought that I would be a great inspiration if I did something that was outside of mine.

I'll be the first active professional athlete outside of runners, obviously, to run a marathon. That's going to be exciting. People obviously think I'm crazy. I dreamt that someone had to get me through the finish line in a wheelchair so I don't know if I'm that confident, but I'm starting to get there.

To be honest, I'm just going to take in the whole experience. I'm going to embrace the crowd. I'm going to embrace their cheers and once I finish and get through that finish line, I think it's going to be -- I'm going to feel so relieved that it's going to be such a huge achievement for me.

JENNIFER GRAY, AMS METEOROLOGIST: And good morning, New York City. Look at this picture. A beautiful sunrise. Temperatures are crisp. You know, we had a rough week across the northeast, throughout this past week with that nor'easter, now things are moving out. It is looking really, really nice across much of the northeast. Temperatures are chilly, starting out, New York here, 51, 43 in Hartford, Boston, you are at 48.

Of course, temperatures are going to be warm across much of the country over the next couple of days. Temperatures running 5 to 15 degrees above normal. 78 degrees in St. Louis. Little Rock at 80. Six, Atlanta, at 76, so we're going to see those temperatures stay above normal throughout tomorrow and early part of next week. So Alison and Victor, it is going to feel a little more like the end of summer for the next few days. But a lot of football this weekend. The leaves are peaking across the much of the country. Get out and enjoy it.

BLACKWELL: Looking forward to it.

KOSIK: I say awesome. Normal weather longer -- I'm all for it.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Thank you so much.

So, there's the Ebola czar. We've got the new response team. Hospitals say they're ready. But it still takes a lot of men and women working a lot of hours, simultaneously, trying to track down people exposed to Ebola patients.

KOSIK: You're right about that. Nick Valencia, he is at the CDC. Nick.

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Good morning, guys. Contact tracing. It's one of the biggest challenges medical detectives have in stopping the spread of the Ebola virus. We'll tell you all how it works right after the break. This is "CNN NEW DAY Saturday."



DR. MARY BASSETT, NEW YORK CITY HEALTH COMMISSIONER: He was feeling well, and we know that when people have Ebola infection and they're not symptomatic, they're not infectious.


BLACKWELL: That is right. Dr. Craig Spencer said he felt fine for almost the entire week since he returned from Guinea where he was treating patients with Ebola. But back in New York City, he was doing the normal stuff. He went jogging, bowling, rode the subway.

KOSIK: But before his fever appeared on Thursday he did feel sluggish. So, CDC investigators are trying to track down all of his contacts.

Nick is at the Centers for Disease Control headquarters in Atlanta. Nick, how do the CDC investigators narrow down his contact list because you have to remember he did take a couple of flights before he came to the U.S.?

NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: And good morning, Alison. It's one of the biggest challenges that medical detectives have in the CDC. It's trying to figure out all of the contacts that so called patient zero came in touch with. Patient zero in this case is Craig Spencer. And it all starts from scratch. Interviews with that patient to see who he had direct contact with. And from there, they do want the two things, they either determine that that person after being evaluated needs to be isolated and quarantined or they say that this person instead just needs to be monitored for that 21-day incubation period. During that process, they do things like checking temperature twice a day. Making sure that this patient or this contact doesn't also show signs or symptoms of having the Ebola virus. And that could be largely difficult.