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New Day Saturday

Donald Trump's Delegate Counts; Rape Victims Feel Backlash from BYU; Comedian Larry Wilmore Prepares for Hosting Gig; Seven Dead, Dozens Hurt In Kenya Building Collapse; Anti-Trump Protests Turn Violent; Clinton: I Can Deal With Men Off The Reservation; Tornadoes Damage Homes In Texas And Oklahoma. Aired 6-7a ET

Aired April 30, 2016 - 06:00   ET




ANA CABRERA, CNN GUEST ANCHOR: It's a busy Saturday. Good morning and thank you for joining us this weekend. I'm Ana Cabrera in for Christi Paul.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Victor Blackwell. Good morning to you. Always great to start a Saturday with you.

We are starting this Saturday with breaking news out of Nairobi, Kenya. A seven-story apartment building there collapsed. Rescue workers and residents are working side by side.

You see them moving the metal and rubble there trying to find anyone who may be alive. Just a short time ago, we got this video for you here. It is an incredible moment.

A baby girl, you see her there dressed in pink, pulled out alive, hoisted there above the crowd. They started cheering and applauding. The collapse happened overnight when many people had already gone to bed.

CABRERA: That's right. We know seven people are confirmed dead, dozens more are hurt. Fears now that other building could come down. Neighboring apartments have been evacuated.

I want to get to CNN's Robyn Kriel following this story from Nairobi, joining us on the phone right. Robin, where do the rescue efforts stand right now?

ROBYN KRIEL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): At the moment the death toll is at seven. But the good news is that hundreds of people according to police, have been rescued from this. You can just see incredible pictures coming from this terrible building collapse that occurred at around 9:00 p.m. on Friday night inside Nairobi.

Now just to give you a bit of context, Ana and Victor, it has been pouring with rain for days. It is rainy season in Kenya and there has been massive flooding across the city. People were killed in their cars, for example, once rivers overflowed. We do know that this particular area is quite low and it is quite

prone to flooding and to landslides. In fact I have covered a very tragic landslide there a few years ago where a number of people were killed when rocks landed on their shacks in that area, low-income area.

Just incredible pictures, as you can see. Seven stories and only seven dead thus far. We're hoping that the death toll does remain that low throughout the day. Emergency workers having to work through that torrential rain throughout the night and into the day.

Kenyan defense forces also called in to try and help. They don't have the normal sort of thermal imaging or rescue dogs that you would use perhaps in the United States or if there was an earthquake in some countries that have that sort of equipment and disaster management.

But what we do have here in Kenya is an enormous amount of heart. You see the Kenyan Red Cross working tirelessly to pull people from the rubble. Good stories, babies being pulled.

The question is how many people are buried under this rubble and how long is it going to take rescue authorities to get to them. Apparently, they have been speaking on the phone to some people who are still inside and thankfully are still alive, but it is a race against time here in Nairobi.

BLACKWELL: All right, Robyn Kriel there for us reporting live on these remarkable pictures and this rush to find survivors after this building collapse in Nairobi. Thank you so much, Robyn.

Angry protesters outside a Donald Trump event. This is in Burlingame, California. You see here it gets physical, pushing and shoving between protesters and the police there. You can hear the chanting.

Protesters saying "Dump Trump." All this forced Donald Trump's motorcade to pull over so he could sneak in to the hotel's back entrance. You see him here on the side of the road hopping over this pathway up the embankment and crossed the road to get into the back of that Hyatt hotel.

[06:05:03]And of course, Donald Trump took the opportunity to talk about what happened outside that meeting.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That was not the easiest entrance I've ever made. My wife called, she said there following you and then we went under a fence and through a fence. Oh, boy, felt like I was crossing the border actually. You know? It's true.


BLACKWELL: Let's bring in Maria Cardona, CNN political commentator and Democratic strategist, and also a Hillary Clinton supporter, and Scottie Neil Hughes, CNN national political commentator for USA Radio Networks, radio commentator and Trump surrogate. Ladies, good morning to you.

Scottie, I want to start with you. For those people who are undecided ahead of the next few contests, maybe even leaning toward Donald Trump, what do you say to those people who watched what happened Thursday night in Costa Mesa and yesterday in Burlingame?

And we should say that these are the protests outside of the event, but believe that it will be difficult, if not impossible, for Donald Trump to go on for six months with these types of national aesthetics and win a general election.

SCOTTIE NEIL HUGHES, NATIONAL POLITICAL COMMENTATOR FOR USA RADIO NETWORKS: Well, it depends on who you're watching. Are you watching the maybe thousand or hundreds that were on the outside that were jumping on police cars that might have actual grievances on it?

However, the way that they're choosing to voice those grievances and I have to tell you, sitting there and watching the Mexican flag being flown, I don't think they're taking the best way of putting their message forward.

I think it actually might even backfire or are you watching the people inside, that peaceably are gathering and just want to hear from a potential candidate that they may vote for in the California election.

So I think right now it just depends on who you are watching and who actually has a better way of delivering their message. There might be some actual grievances that the Latino community has with Mr. Trump's plan.

However what we are seeing in these scenes right here are not the best way to get them across. They have the right to gather. They do have that freedom, but it's to peaceably gather, not to sit there and to cause physical or violent damage and attack Trump supporters, or those who might just be wanting to attend a political rally.

BLACKWELL: Yes, let me bring that to you, Maria. Michael Smerconish was on live as this was happening yesterday. He said for many people when they see this happening outside of a Trump event and the attempt to stop him from speaking, that will embolden his message and help him. Your concerns there.

MARIA CARDONA, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: Sure, it will embolden his message and it will embolden his supporters. That's what we have seen from the moment that he jumped on to the political scene. But what it won't do, it won't bring people together and make them think that this is the best person to become our commander in chief.

Our commander in chief, the president of the United States, should be somebody that is bringing people together, that is exactly the opposite of what Mr. Trump has done from the moment he came on to the scene, the day that he announced his candidacy, calling Mexican immigrants rapists.

And I could go on from there in terms of the insults of the different groups of people that he has denigrated, that he has insulted. And so this is a huge problem I think for the GOP moving forward.

There is a reason why there is a never Trump movement. Because they know that having Donald Trump as the standard bearer for the Republican Party, who is in desperate need of growing the demographics within the country to be able to support their party to be able to get to the White House.

And I can name you Latinos, women, young people, African-Americans, multi-cultural Americans. These are the demographics that he has time and again insulted. There's no way that he has the path to the White House without growing.

BLACKWELL: Speaking of insults, one of the person he insulted was Hillary Clinton and Hillary Clinton spoke with our Jake Tapper about some of those criticisms. Here's what she said.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. I'm not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me. He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I couldn't really care less.


BLACKWELL: That was in response to one of Jake's questions about Donald Trump's characterization of Secretary Clinton as "crooked Hillary." We saw that low-energy Jeb Bush, little Marco, Lyin' ted, those things stuck. Is that the most effective response, do you believe, Maria, to ignore those criticisms?

CARDONA: I don't think she was ignoring them. I actually think she was answering them in a pretty direct manner, but in a way that makes her look above board and above the ugly, disgusting, divisive political rhetoric that he's using.

He's -- she's using it to focus on her actual message because what she continues to say is that she doesn't care if he insults her.

[06:10:05]She can take it. She's been in this business for more than 30 years. She's a big girl. She's been knocked down and she's been getting up every single time.


CARDONA: But what her focus is, is that she will be there to speak up for all those women who he also speaks about and insults. And they're the ones who need a voice.

BLACKWELL: I've got to get to Scottie very quickly here. Is this different because now you're dealing with Hillary Clinton? You're dealing with a female opponent? We saw what happened this week after his use of the word -- the phrase "the woman card." HUGHES: That's the double standard Hillary Clinton's trying to

invoke. Don't say you want to be counted equal as a man when you the first thing you do is pull this gender card, "I only deal with men." I would have a lot more respect for Mrs. Clinton's statement if she'd have set gender neutral and men and women have thrown temper tantrums.

She's already attacking Mr. Trump as a man. That is exist which is what I think you're going to see her main type of deflection when it comes to any policy or criticism in rightfully so of her. It is the gender card she plays. Not necessarily Mr. Trump.

BLACKWELL: All right, they are both turning toward the general election now. Scottie Neil Hughes, Maria Cardona, thanks so much.

Up next, a milestone for Donald Trump and his delegates in the count surpassing the 1,000 mark. The focus is on Indiana. Why the Hoosier state is critical in this quest for the nomination and Ted Cruz says it could all come down to this state.

CABRERA: He's calling it a cliff for his own campaign.

Also people in the plains waking up to piles of debris. Lot of damage this morning after tornadoes ripped through the heartland last night.



CABRERA: Hillary Clinton says she couldn't care less about those taunts from Donald Trump. Brushing off the accusation that she is playing the woman card and some of those nicknames like "Crooked Hillary."

In an exclusive interview with our colleague, Jake Tapper, she also hinted at how she plans to get Bernie Sanders supporters behind her if she wins the nomination.

I want to bring in CNN political commentator and political anchor for Time Warner Cable News, Errol Louis. Errol, thanks for joining us.

First, let's talk about those comments Clinton made, those "off the reservation" comments saying she knows how to deal with those kinds of men who go off reservation. Of course she didn't mention any names here. Do you think that was intentional that she kind of left it vague?

ERROL LOUIS, CNN POLITICAL COMMENTATOR: I think it's probably the sum total of a long career in which she's had to encounter, who knows what, you know? I'm sure you've got stories. I don't know a professional woman anywhere, including my three older sisters, who doesn't have a whole treasure trove of stories of this, that and the other.

There is an entire archive on the way of sexist comments directed toward Hillary Clinton. It includes one little nugget that we've all forgotten from 2007 when there was an entire set of coverage, like 20 minutes of coverage, over the "cleavage" she was showing because of the blouse she wore on a particular day.

She has been subjected I think over the years to any number of different strange comments, habits, all kinds of discrimination. Some subtle, some overt. That's all I took from it. Anybody who has spent time in the U.S. Senate knows that it is very much an old boys club, literally.

CABRERA: Not only being in the U.S. Senate, but also being in secretary of state where she is going and interacting with world leaders, including people like Vladimir Putin. So you could say that that comment may apply to some of them. You never know.

But you mentioned her gender, as we were just discussing the answer. The last segment Victor spoke with Scottie Neil Hughes who is a Trump supporter. She said that Clinton's comment was sexist and specifically targeting men. Do you agree?


CABRERA: Flat-out no.

LOUIS: I understand the role of surrogates and it is to sort of defend their candidate no matter what. In this case I think the weight of facts is so far on one side, the weight of history is so far on one side, the notion that men are being discriminated against, poor billionaire Donald Trump being discriminated against? No, sorry.

CABRERA: Let's move forward and talk about the Democratic race as it stands. Sanders we know taking a little break from his campaign stops in Indiana. Clinton also taking a break, but she does have her husband in the state campaigning still. Do you think this is just a break right now for both campaigns or are we seeing a new day as a Democratic race, essentially Bernie Sanders throwing in the towel here?

LOUIS: Well, I think it is both actually. In the case of Hillary Clinton, I think as she tries to pivot and get ready for a general election campaign that she thinks she will be the nominee participating in.

I think we're going to start to get a little taste of the extraordinary number of high-powered, high-level surrogates that she's going to have at her disposal.

If you think about the notion of, say, a Michelle Obama out campaigning for Hillary Clinton, of a Joe Biden out campaigning for Hillary Clinton, and Bill Clinton himself out there for the ticket.

The Democrats I think are going to have a pretty impressive lineup going in to the general election. So I think we're going to start to see more and more of that.

As far as Bernie Sanders, he's got some really hard decisions to make. When you fire hundreds of campaign workers, the morale among the remaining staff is really pretty shattered. He's got to build that up. He's got to get ready for the convention. He says he's going into the convention with either an audacious plan to snag the nomination or a plan to change the platform of the Democratic Party.

Either way, that's going to take some thinking and you can't do that if you're out on the campaign trail day after day.

CABRERA: I wish we had more time to discuss the strategy on the Democratic side moving forward, but we'll save that for another segment. Errol Louis, thanks so much for being with us.

LOUIS: Sure, thank you.

BLACKWELL: Be sure to watch Jake Tapper's exclusive interview with Hillary Clinton Sunday on "STATE OF THE UNION." Ted Cruz is on the show too. The candidates join Jake on "STATE OF THE UNION" tomorrow morning at 9:00 Eastern only on CNN.

When we come back, homes ripped apart as path of destruction from Oklahoma to Texas. Severe storms spawned several tornadoes.

CABRERA: Plus, taking his comedy and satire from late night to the White House. CNN talking with comedian, Larry Wilmore about hosting the White House Correspondence Dinner tonight and why he says he's a little bit nervous.



BLACKWELL: It's 23 minutes after the hour now. Storms moving through the Central U.S. triggered tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma. Look at this, the damage here from a city about an hour south of Oklahoma City. You see here several of the homes destroyed there.

CABRERA: A tornado also reported in Lindale, Texas. Two people were injured there. That's east of Dallas. According to CNN affiliate, KLTV, the county has been declared a disaster area. There are lots of downed trees and power lines still blocking the roads.

BLACKWELL: As the storms move in today, they could bring flash flooding to an area that's already dealt with so much flooding, that's Houston.

CABRERA: That's right. It is still reeling from the effects of all that record setting rainfall earlier this month. CNN's Allison Chinchar is here and showing us what to expect next? Allison.

ALLISON CHINCHAR, AMS METEOROLOGIST: Yes, that's right. Houston already has had its wettest April on record. We still have another day to go. The severe weather from yesterday brought us a total of 65 hail reports, 51 damaging wind reports and a total of at least six tornado reports.

Actually survey the damage to find out what strength some of those tornadoes will be. They'll do that later on today. Here's a look at the current radar, notice we still have very active weather including a watch box that's in effect.

Look at all of the lightning stretching from Kentucky all the way down towards Austin, Texas. A lot of lightning. Even though necessarily tornadoes may not be the biggest threat for this morning, that's going to wait until we get later on in the day.

We still have had tornado warnings so far this morning. The threat again stretches from St. Louis over to Louisville, Nashville, down towards New Orleans.

[06:25:02]For large hail, damaging winds and again, yes, the threat for isolated tornadoes. But there is also the threat, guys, for flooding as well for a lot of these areas that have already been inundated by flooding so far this month.

CABRERA: No rest for the weary. Thanks for keeping us posted, Allison Chinchar.

Coming up, confronted in California. What John Kasich said when asked if he thinks people are born gay?

BLACKWELL: Plus, it could be the last stand during the primaries for the stop Trump movement. The looming Indiana contest. We're going to detail Trump's paths to the nomination in a moment.


CABRERA: You may want to circle May 3rd on your calendar. That's this Tuesday, of course. The Republican presidential race fittingly coming to a crossroads of America, Indiana.

BLACKWELL: Yes, 57 delegates up for grabs there. With Donald Trump now having crossed that 1,000-delegate milestone, if he wins the Hoosier state, he could stomp out potentially any threat of a convention fight with Ted Cruz or John Kasich. Watch this. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE)

CARLY FIORINA, TED CRUZ'S RUNNING MATE: Contested conventions haven't happened in a while, but there's nothing untoward about them.

JOHN KASICH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Remember, of the ten conventions, seven times the person going in there didn't have the majority of the delegates.

BLACKWELL (voice-over): For weeks the political discussion has been dominated by talk of a contested convention, but thanks to a clean sweep in last week's east coast primaries,

[06:30:08] the Republican presidential nomination is now tantalizingly close for Donald Trump.

According to our political number crunchers, he needs to win 49 percent, or 246 of the remaining 502 delegates to lock up the nomination.

DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Get out there on Tuesday and vote!

A clean sweep in Indiana this Tuesday, where 57 delegates are at stake would bring him even closer to 1,237.

BLACKWELL: But it probably will not be until the final day of the primary calendar, June 7th, when California allocates its 172 delegates that Trump will know whether he's done enough to avoid a convention showdown with Cruz and Kasich.

Here's scenario number two, if Trump's momentum dips and he can muster only say 40 percent of the remaining delegates, he would finish short of 1,237. That would lead to a contested convention.

He would still be going in with a strong position, however, because unbound delegates, or in some states delegates allocated to candidates who have dropped out, could vote for Trump and put him over the top on the first ballot.

Then there's scenario number three in which Trump's momentum stalls at around 30 percent. That would leave him some 100 delegates shy of the magic number and in that situation a contested convention will most likely go beyond the first ballot.

In a second round of voting, more than half of the delegates will be unbound according to state delegate rules. And if no one wins the second ballot, well, then most of the delegates will be freed.

And then the real deal making behind the scenes begins.


BLACKWELL: And John Kasich believes his strongest card in that deal is that the latest polls showing him -- most of them, more than a dozen now, actually, of being the only candidate left in the G.O.P. primary who can beat Hillary Clinton. Now John Kasich today is campaigning and taking that message to San Jose, California.

The Ohio governor facing tough questions about his stance on discrimination and marriage equality during a town hall in the bay area on Friday.

CABRERA: And he made some comments that are really getting a lot of buzz this morning.

Kasich was repeatedly asked by a San Francisco resident whether he thought people were born gay.

Listen to his response.


GOV. JOHN KASICH, (R-OH) PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I can tell you, I believe in traditional marriage. I just went to a gay wedding. Buddy of mine just got married. My wife and I went to the wedding. It was great. It was fine.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But do you feel for some people are born gay?

KASICH: I'm not going to get into all the analysis of this or that. I'm not going to do that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's not analysis. Are people born gay?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our next question --

KASICH: You know, sir? Probably? I mean, I don't know how it all works. OK? I mean, look. Are they? You know, probability they are, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Don't we deserve --


CABRERA: All right, well, background here, the man who asked that question said he was concerned about the recent state laws that are written to protect religious freedom and a lot of people are viewing them, especially in the LGBT community, as discriminatory.

BLACKWELL: Ted Cruz' running mate, Carly Fiorina, says that voting for John Kasich is throwing your vote away.

Last night, Erin Burnett asked the Ohio governor for a response. And this weakening divide and conquer deal between Governor Kasich and the Ted Cruz campaign. Here's his response.


ERIN BURNETT, CNN CORRESPONDENT (on-camera): You know, this deal, alliance, whatever term you want to use it. Ted Cruz was going to focus on Indiana. You were going to focus elsewhere. He and his running mate, Carly Fiorina, were in Indiana today. They talked about you.

And, you know, they said something that I want to get your reaction to what she had to say, because she said anyone who votes for you is wasting their vote.

Here she is.


CARLY FIORINA (R), FORMER PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: Just to be clear, a vote for John Kasich is a vote for Donald Trump. Because John Kasich has absolutely no path to the nomination, not now, not at a contested convention. John Kasich is throwing your vote away.


BURNETT: Throwing their vote away. I mean, if you're in Indiana, do you say to Indiana voters, if you want to stop Trump, the best thing to do is to vote for Ted Cruz? Don't throw your vote away on Governor Kasich? KASICH: I don't say anything. But let me point out something to you. And I don't want go back and forth with the Cruz campaign. But Ted Cruz said when you cannot mathematically win, you should get out.

He cannot mathematically win. And he will not be the nominee. What we've been able to do is to say, you spend your resources where you think you can do best, I'll spend my resources where I think I can do best for the entire purpose of keeping Hillary Clinton from being president of the United States.

I'm not going to comment anymore on Carly, or Cruz, or anything else. I have other things to do.


CABRERA: He's definitely backing down the rhetoric, it seems.

BLACKWELL: Yes. And later this morning, we're going to talk with the Cruz campaign and the Kasich campaign about this deal as Governor Kasich describes it, if that was a mistake.

CABRERA: Let's switch gears here.

Still to come here on NEW DAY, protests and anger really brewing on the campus of Brigham Young University where several female students say they were rape, or sexually assaulted and then they were punished by the university after they reported their attack.

[06:35:10] Well now, fellow students and the community there rallying behind the victims.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That's them again not believing us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know why they even feel the need to a study. Like there's overwhelming evidence. So many people have come forward.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's just a school whose policies are very messed up right now and aren't in line with what love and mercy is.


CABRERA: This morning, Brigham Young University is under fire over how it handles reports of sexual assault and rape that are made to the school's Title IX Office.

We talked to a number of young women who say they were victims of sexual violence and say they were then punished by the university after reporting their attacks.


MARGOT CRANDALL, RAPE VICTIM: They had taken photos and videos during the rape, and he threatened me to expose those. BROOKE, ALLEGED RAPE VICTIM: And he started like touching me and stuff, so I tried to get up and leave.

MADELINE MACDONALD, ALLEGED SEXUAL ASSAULT VICTIM: I've got boundaries. I've got these, you know, like strict lines you're not crossing and he didn't care about those.

MADI BARNEY, ALLEGED RAPE VICTIM: I was just sitting there crying say, I don't want to report. I can't do this. What if BYU finds out?

CABRERA (voice-over): Their stories of rape and sexual assault, traumatic and horrifying.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What does it take for us to change the way we address sexual assault?

CABRERA: But it's what happened after their school found out that's sparking outrage.

BROOKE: It was just really scary.

CABRERA: Brooke's nightmare began in February of 2014. She says she had taken hallucinogenic drugs just before being assaulted.

BROOKE: Over the course of the next 45 minutes, in like different ways, he raped me.

[06:40:10] CABRERA: She reported it to police, but too afraid to face her alleged attacker in court, decided not to press charges. Three months later, she told her school, Brigham Young University.

BROOKE: I thought it would be a simple process to report him and have him be kicked out, you know?

CABRERA (on camera): Because he was a student?

BROOKE: Yes. He was a student there.

CABRERA (voice-over): But instead of getting support, Brooke was suspended. BYU, a private university run by the Mormon church, determined Brooke had violated its honor code, a student code of conduct that prohibits the use of illegal drugs and alcohol, as well as premarital sex.

BARNEY: And I waited about four days to report, because I was scared of my standing at BYU.

CABRERA: Madi Barney only reported her alleged rape to police. It happened off campus. So she was shocked when she got a call from BYU's Title IX office, which investigates sexual harassment and sexual violence.

BARNEY: What she essentially said on that phone call was, we received a police report and in it, a, we think you may have been raped, and, b, it looks like you probably violated the honor code as well.

I felt so betrayed because they read every single thing that happened to me and they just kind of didn't care.

CABRERA: In fact, she says, now she's facing backlash from BYU for not answering all their questions. Her attorney told her not to until after her criminal trial this fall. The school won't let her register for future classes until she cooperates with the honor code office.

CARRI JENKINS, BYU SPOKESWOMAN: There would never be an honor code review for reporting sexual assault, for being a victim of sexual assault.

CABRERA (on camera): How does that victim then end up being disciplined by the honor code office?

JENKINS: I wouldn't know. I wouldn't be able to speculate on any one situation.

CABRERA (voice-over): While the school can't talk about specific cases, it did issue this addition statement, saying in part, "Sometimes in the course of an investigation, facts come to light that a victim has engaged in prior honor code violations.

In all honor code proceedings, the university strives for fairness, sensitivity, and compassion. The university's overriding concern is always the safety and well-being of its students."

BARNEY: I think their first and foremost priority is protecting the university. It's not protecting the students.

CABRERA (on camera): And I see you shaking your heads. You guys agree?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Yes, they've made that very clear.

CABRERA (voice-over): Since Barney went public with her story, other victims have felt empowered to share theirs.

MACDONALD: You're not reporting someone else. You're reporting yourself when you go in. Like, that's at least my perception of the Title IX office. Like you are presumed to be guilty.

CRANDALL: As soon as they got the legal document say that my rapist had been convicted, that's when they gave me accommodations and helped me withdraw from classes, and they didn't offer any of that until they had the court documentation.

CABRERA: Anger is growing.

KELSEY BOURGEOIS, RALLY ORGANIZER: I'm a sexual assault survivor. I was raped here in this community while I was attending BYU.

CABRERA (on camera): Did you report it?

BOURGEOIS: No, I did not, for this exact reason.

CABRERA: You were too afraid?


CABRERA (voice-over): Kelsey Bourgeois recently led a protest march through campus with a petition signed by more than 100,000 calling on the university to give immunity to those who report rape or sexual assault.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll be happy to take these and we'll personally deliver them to President Worthen.

CABRERA: The university says it is now studying current practices and procedures.

JENKINS: We want to look at the relationship between the Title IX office and the honor code office. We want to look at whether and how information is shared. We want to look at the perception that students have.

BARNEY: It's not a perception. It's something that's actually happening. And that's them again not believing us.

MACDONALD: I don't know why they even feel the need to do a study. Like there's overwhelming evidence. So many people have come forward.

BROOKE: It's just a school whose policies are very messed up right now and aren't in line with what love and mercy is.


CABRERA: For a lot of the people we talked to, this study the school is doing just isn't good enough. They want action. And Madi Barney just last week filed an official complaint against BYU with the Department of Education's office for civil rights, essentially asking federal officials to investigate what happened to her and others at BYU. We'll be right back.


CABRERA: Well, anyone who's anybody. Clearly, that's not us.


CABRERA: In Washington at least --

[06:47:52] BLACKWELL: I am somebody! I just didn't get an invitation.

CABRERA: No, you didn't get an invite?

BLACKWELL: No, I didn't.

CABRERA: It must have gotten lost in the mail.

To the annual White House Correspondents Dinner.

It is one of the few occasions where journalists, politicians, celebrities, everybody, kind of mixes it up while the president holds court, so to speak. It is also the final dinner of its kind for President Obama.

BLACKWELL: Yes. Tonight's host is comedian Larry Wilmore.

And our John Berman sat down with him to talk about getting ready for what could prove to be one of the biggest nights and one of the toughest nights of his career.


LARRY WILMORE, COMEDIAN: This is true. They are replacing Andrew Jackson who was a notoriously pro-slavery president, as well as the most blood thirsty racist in the Jackson Five. True.

JOHN BERMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Larry Wilmore knows it is way easier to win the nightly show crowd than woe what could be the fiercest, most fickle audience in showbiz/Washington.

WILMORE: It is the most narcissistic room ever, ever invented. Journalists, politicians and Hollywood. And the president. There you go. That room could explode just from the narcissism alone.

BERMAN: But when it comes to the White House Correspondents' Dinner, the explosion is worth the risk.

WILMORE: It's something that I really wanted to do. And if I did it, I really did want to do it for this president. And I thought the time might have expired for that. So to sneak in there at the end was very cool.

BERMAN: The last such dinner for the first black president starring an African-American comic.

WILMORE: Let's be clear about what black face actually is.

BERMAN: Wilmore knows it is historic.

(on-camera): You say you like the president. You say, though, you didn't support him because of his policies.

WILMORE: Correct.

BERMAN: You supported him because he was black.

WILMORE: Because of the policy that he is black.

BERMAN: How has he delivered on that?

WILMORE: I think he's been excellent in it. I think he's actually increased the policy of blackness over the past year-and-a-half, I would say. He has released the black.

BERMAN (on-camera): A classic answer from the 54-year-old comic, both deliberately funny and deadly serious.

WILMORE: If it feels like the nightly show is getting a little repetitive, I totally agree. I mean, at this point, my writing staff just has to fill in the names.

Barely. They barely even show up to work anymore.

[06:50:10] BERMAN (voice-over): 15 months after he took over the time slot on "Comedy Central" vacated by Stephen Colbert, "The New York Times" says he is less preoccupied with humor than anyone else who's ever occupied a mock news chair.

WILMORE: Sometimes I'm not afraid to -- have to provide some glibness in a moment, and to tell a story and to find humanity in the story and get the comedy out of that. Sometimes it works the other way around.

It appears that officers immediately began to cover up Walter Scott's death.

When you are covering a story about a man getting shot in the back by a cop because he's trying to run away, there's nothing funny in that. How do you cover something like that? How many of these murders aren't caught on camera?

People got their panties in a bunch. People are upset about that and then you say like --

BERMAN: He applies that same sometimes frank, sometimes funny take to his views about the election which are admittedly liberal.

(on-camera): Will you say your show trends left? Trends more pro- Democratic policies and politicians?

WILMORE: I would say probably especially with the issues that we tend to take on because a lot of them are cultural issues and that kind of thing.

BERMAN: I want to throw out a candidate's name. There are five left. And I want to know if you have a first impression, or word that you associate with them.

When I say Bernie Sanders, you say --

WILMORE: I say Scrappy.

BERMAN: I say Ted Cruz, you say --

WILMORE: I say creepy.


BERMAN: I say Hillary Clinton.

WILMORE: Hillary Clinton? I say trying to find it.

BERMAN: John Kasich?

WILMORE: John Kasich? I would say -- oh, man.

BERMAN: This is the problem with John Kasich right now. A lot of people are struggling.

WILMORE: That is the problem. That is the problem.

BERMAN: Donald Trump.

WILMORE: Donald Trump? Unbelievable. In every way.

Black people supporting Trump?

BERMAN (voice-over): But when it comes to the Correspondents' Dinner, Wilmore is promising all jokes delivered with the skill and experience of more than 20 years acting, writing and producing on shows ranging from "In Living Color," to "The Bernie Mack Show" --

WILMORE: I have a job.

BERMAN: To starring as the senior black correspondent on "The Daily Show."

JON STEWART, FORMER HOST, THE DAILY SHOW: LARRY, what do you say to those people?

WILMORE: Oh, I don't know, Jon. I would say they should probably go (EXPLETIVE DELETED) themselves?


BERMAN: And this weekend, all targets are fair game.

WILMORE: Take a look at the whole Obama-Saudi Arabia thing.

BERMAN: Including, or especially, the president.

(on-camera): No free pass because this is his last dinner?

WILMORE: I have to keep it 100. And this is the last dinner. What are they going to do? Not enough time to seek the IRS after me. Very little time. Maybe I shouldn't say that on TV. But that's part of the fun. But it's all good-natured fun, you know.

BERMAN (voice-over): The hardest part, he says, having to follow the president on stage. A president now experienced at telling jokes.



BERMAN (on-camera): Do you think you'll laugh at him, or you try not to laugh?

WILMORE: Oh, I'll completely laugh.

BERMAN: You don't want to lower expectations?

WILMORE: Oh, no, no. I'll be a big -- great audience from -- Plus, it will help me not to be too nervous. You know, you get rid of

that air. Ha, ha, ha, that was funny, Mr. President. Ha, ha, ha.


CABRERA: I think it is refreshing to see that he takes his job so seriously.

BLACKWELL: Very seriously.

CABRERA: Yes. Well, we hope he'll join us for CNN's special coverage of the White House correspondents' dinner.

CNN's political reporters mixing it up with some of the hottest names in Hollywood and Washington. Our coverage begins tonight at 7:00 Eastern right here on CNN.

BLACKWELL: And it's interesting, you saw that clip of last year's dinner where President Obama was making a joke at the expense of Donald Trump. And he knew something Donald Trump that no one else knew, that in just a couple of months, he was going to launch his candidacy for the president.

CABRERA: Come full circle.

BLACKWELL: And he's just a few hundred delegates now from wrapping up the G.O.P. nomination.

All right, coming up in the next hour, we've got new details in the investigation of Prince's death. They included reports of several emergency calls from his Paisley Park compound.

We've got CNN's Sara Sidner there in Chanhassen, Minnesota. We'll bring you the latest, live in just a moment.



[06:57:40] JAMES KEITH, SPOKESMAN, BEXAR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The little boy was chained to the ground. The little girl was tied up with a dog leash to a door. It was obvious they'd both been there a while. There was obvious signs of abuse.


BLACKWELL: The details of this story are just deflating. They're heartbreaking.

Police were alerted by reports of a child crying. And then they found in the middle of the night two badly injured toddlers tied up like dogs behind a home in San Antonio.

Six other children were in the house. No adults there. But the mother of the children in that home was eventually arrested and charged. She was believed to be responsible for those toddlers. Their father has not been charged yet.

All of the children were immediately turned over to protective services. The toddlers were taken to the hospital. That girl is in intensive care.

CABRERA: Well, the emergency call that led to the discovery of Prince's unconscious body in his Minneapolis home was the fourth emergency call from the singer's state in less than three years. Sheriff's Department records show paramedics were called to this address once in 2013, and twice last year.

BLACKWELL: The pentagon says it will formally complain to Russia about the, quote, "unsafe and unprofessional actions" of one of its pilots. The Russian SU-27 fighter first came within 25 feet of a U.S. Reconnaissance plane in international airspace over the Baltic Sea.

Now the pilot then performed a dangerous barrel roll over the top of the U.S. plane and came down on the other side. The Pentagon says this is the second such incident this month.

CABRERA: Take a look at this towers of poached elephant tusks and other illegal animal parts will be set ablaze today in Kenya. This will turn more than 100 tons of ivory into ash meant to highlight Kenya's poaching crisis. Those tusks represent 8,000 elephants that were killed to sell their ivory on the black market.

BLACKWELL: Major problem there across that part of Africa.

CABRERA: And really across the country and the world.

BLACKWELL: Well, there's a lot of news to get to this morning.

BLACKWELL: Next hour of your NEW DAY starts right now.

Hello again. Thanks so much for joining us. I'm Ana Cabrera in for Christi Paul.

BLACKWELL: I'm Victor Blackwell.

Good Saturday morning to you. Let's start with this.