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New Day Saturday

Make Or Break For Cruz In Indiana; Cracks Emerging in Cruz, Kasich Deal; Three Medical Calls In Three Years Before Prince's Death; CDC: Painkiller Abuse "A Serious National Problem"; Seven Dead, Dozens Hurt In Kenya Building Collapse; Rape Victims Feel Backlash From BYU. Aired 8-9a ET

Aired April 30, 2016 - 08:00   ET



ANA CABRERA, CNN GUEST ANCHOR: And good Saturday morning to you. We made it to the weekend. I'm Ana Cabrera in for Christi Paul. Thanks for being here.

VICTOR BLACKWELL, CNN ANCHOR: And the weekend is a great place to be. I'm Victor Blackwell. Good to start this Saturday with you.

CABRERA: These images less than 24 hours ago, protesters, a throng of demonstrators, hundreds outside the GOP state convention in California just before Trump was scheduled to speak. It got physical there between protesters and officers and at one point they were even throwing eggs.

BLACKWELL: It got so bad that it forced Donald Trump to watch this, hop down this little ramp, climb up the embankment and go into the back entrance of the hotel which he compared to crossing the border. Watch this.


DONALD TRUMP (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: That was not the easiest entrance I've ever made. My wife called. She said there are helicopters following you and then we went under a fence and through a fence and -- oh, boy, felt like I was crossing the border actually.


CABRERA: Well, Trump taking a break from campaigning today. Ted Cruz will now be addressing that same crowd at the California state convention for Republicans.

I want to bring in our White House producer, Kristen Holmes, who is covering all things political this morning. Kristin, clearly California is seen as an important state this election cycle for all of these candidates.

What do you think Cruz will try to say today or try to say to convince people to follow him and stop Trump from reaching that delegate threshold? KRISTEN HOLMES, CNN WHITE HOUSE PRODUCER: Ana, I think he's going to say a lot of what we've heard before which is he thinks he's the only candidate that can unite the party. He says he's the only one that can bring people together, that Trump is divisive.

We've also heard him in Indiana, now that is where the story is right now because Cruz needs Indiana in order to stay in the race. He has to slow Donald Trump down because of the frontrunner's massive win in five north eastern states so he's been traveling around the state.

He got the endorsement of Governor Mike Pence saying that Trump is a bully and the ultimate Washington insider. Now a lot of analysts say that Cruz has to win Indiana in order to justify staying in the race.

The Trump campaign agrees. The campaign manager for Trump saying that it's Cruz is to lose there so we'll see how that plays out this week, but I think in California we'll hear a lot of calls for unity, a lot of call that Ted Cruz says that he's the one that can lead the party.

CABRERA: All right, Kristen Holmes, we'll be watching for us. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Donald Trump also in California called Ted Cruz a cheat who might bribe his way to the nomination. Watch that.


TRUMP: He has no path to victory. It's impossible for him to win with the votes. The only way he can possibly win is if things go terribly wrong and he goes through the back door and he bought all of these delegates and I would never use the word like bribe. So if he bribed the delegates, but I don't call bribe.


BLACKWELL: Well, Donald Trump has also released a new ad slamming what he calls Cruz's job killing deals.

CABRERA: Let's talk about Ohio Governor John Kasich, who says he has no regrets about the deal he brokered with Ted Cruz to divide and conquer the remaining primary states in his effort to stop Donald Trump. This morning, Kasich says he is confident there will be a contested convention.


JOHN KASICH (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: You allocate your resources based on where you think you can do best, and look, I've been out spending this campaign by 50-1 by virtually everybody and we're still standing and no, I think we did the right thing for ourselves.

I think we are most likely headed to an open convention and when we get there, the day Donald Trump gets there will be his best day and then from there he's going to decline because he can't win in the fall.


BLACKWELL: All right. Joining us now to talk about this Cruz/Kasich deal is Steve Lonegan, a former mayor and also New Jersey state director for the Ted Cruz campaign, and Peter Hoekstra, a former congressman from Michigan and a John Kasich campaign surrogate. Good morning to both of you, Gentlemen.

[08:05:05]Congressman, I want to start with you with a simple question. Does John Kasich, the Kasich campaign want his supporters in Indiana to vote for him?

PETER HOEKSTRA (R), FORMER MICHIGAN CONGRESSMAN: Well, John has been very clear on this. We're not going to tell the voters in Indiana how to vote, but it's clear, you know, that for John Kasich or for Ted Cruz to have an opportunity to be the nominee in November and beat Hillary Clinton we need to move to an open convention, which means we need to deny Donald Trump 1,237 delegates and by doing that, Ted Cruz and John Kasich have to be winning primaries as we move forward.

BLACKWELL: Congressman, I don't know that I've ever interviewed anyone affiliated with any political campaign who could not just say vote for my guy, vote for the candidate and the Kasich campaign cannot say whether or not they want Kasich supporters in Indiana to vote for him or not?

HOEKSTRA: Well, no, obviously if people are committed to John Kasich in Indiana, they vote for John Kasich. Voters vote for who they have a passion for and who they believe will be the next president.

BLACKWELL: Let me take it a step further, do you want Ted Cruz, does the campaign want Ted Cruz to win Indiana?

HOEKSTRA: John has said that winning Indiana is not critical to this campaign. That's why we pulled our resources out. We don't want Donald Trump to get those 57 delegates. The only way that that happens is Ted Cruz wins.

BLACKWELL: But do they want Ted Cruz to win Indiana?

HOEKSTRA: We want Ted Cruz to win Indiana.

BLACKWELL: OK. All right, let's get that on the record. Let me come to you now, Mayor Lonegan, the element about staying out of Oregon and New Mexico, is there under this deal that was announced the Cruz campaign said they would clear the path for Governor Kasich in Oregon and New Mexico. Is there any scenario under which Ted Cruz will campaign in Oregon or New Mexico?

STEVE LONEGAN, NEW JERSEY STATE DIRECTOR FOR CRUZ CAMPAIGN: I think that if John Kasich is out of the race, that it very well could happen. Other than that, the Senate will honor his deal because he's a man of his word. But the operative word here is deal.

Ted Cruz put together a very good deal and he's beaten Donald Trump at the heart of the deal and he's supposed to be the best deal maker. You know, Victor, everybody knew, the campaign knew that Donald Trump would win the north eastern states. That was no surprise.

We also know that coming off of the wins in New York, Pennsylvania, et cetera, that the press would be talking about how it was in the bag for Donald Trump. May is a whole different month.

Yes, Indiana is very important. The Senate will do very well in Indiana, but we have ten delegate rich states in the month of May. Two weeks from now when I'm back on the air with you, people are going to be talking about how it's a new race again, that Ted Cruz has new life. That's how this is going to play out.

BLACKWELL: When you say if John Kasich is out of the race, do you mean if he withdraws then and only then Ted Cruz would go in or are you talking about math?

LONEGAN: Ted Cruz is not going to violate his gentleman's agreement with John Kasich. He's not that kind of guy. However, there is a long way to go for John Kasich. He has no money left.

I guess, Ohio was the last one he won. I don't where he is going at this point. So a big win for Ted in Indiana which I'm expected on Tuesday followed by other wins. By the time we get to those June 7th primaries and later May, it could be a whole different ball game.

BLACKWELL: We heard from Governor Kasich being questioned about this deal. He said that of course he wants people in Indiana who support him to vote for him. We just heard it from the congressman as well that -- well, he didn't say it explicitly, but if people have made their minds up about Kasich, they should support him. Do you see that as a violation of this deal? Is that a violation of the clearing of the path that was agreed to?

LONEGAN: Well, I think what's implied is pretty clear. John Kasich has conceded Indiana to Senator Cruz. In essence he's endorsed Senator Cruz in Indiana so he might as well get on the campaign trail with him as far as I'm concerned.

But again, May is going to be a whole different month. Ten very delegate rich states. The numbers will change a couple of weeks from now. So we have a long battle ahead.

We knew this was going to happen, Victor. We expected -- it's playing out just the way we expected. But I do want to point out something else that the senator mentioned two days ago.

It's been 50 days since the Republican Party has had a debate between the leading candidates. And a debate is the only way to clarify Donald Trump's real positions on the issues.

We need to have a real serious debate so voters can make an intelligent decision. He might have gotten away with not debating in the north east, but I don't think it's going to work in the Midwest.

BLACKWELL: All right. I want to get the congressman back in here. Just to respond to what Mayor Lonegan just said about endorsing Ted Cruz in Indiana. I'll give you a moment to respond to that. You said that you want him to win there. What did you consider a violation if Ted Cruz were to campaign at all in Oregon or New Mexico?

[08:10:06]HOEKSTRA: Well, I think the -- this gentleman's agreement as it's been described is very, very clear. John is pulling all of his resources and has pulled all of his resources out of Indiana. Didn't campaign there.

The expectation and we believe that Senator Cruz will honor this expectation is that he will not campaign in Oregon and New Mexico. It's very clear.

LONEGAN: I agree with the congressman on that.

BLACKWELL: Mayor Lonegan and Congressman Hoekstra, both of you stick with us. We'll continue this conversation in just a moment.

CABRERA: Also want to talk about the Democrats. Hillary Clinton says she couldn't care less about those taunts from Donald Trump and she's brushing off the accusation that she's playing the woman card and that nickname Donald Trump gave her "Crooked Hillary."

In our exclusive interview with our colleague, Jake Tapper, Clinton touted her experience with men who step out of line.


HILLARY CLINTON (D), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: I have a lot of experience dealing with men who sometimes get off the reservation in the way they behave and how they speak. I'm not going to deal with their temper tantrums or their bullying or their efforts to try to provoke me. He can say whatever he wants to say about me. I could really care less.


CABRERA: Clinton also hinted at how she plans to get Bernie Sanders' supporters behind her if she wins the nomination and we'll hear much more from her as she sits down with Jake Tapper for an exclusive interview tomorrow morning on "STATE OF THE UNION." Ted Cruz is on the show. Those candidates will join Jake Tapper tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. Eastern only on CNN.

BLACKWELL: So what happened with the Cruz/Kasich deal? Both candidates now saying there's no such thing, other times saying there is a deal. We'll continue our conversation with our guests from each campaign in just a moment.

CABRERA: Also ahead, students outraged at Brigham Young University after rape victims are scorned and expelled from classes after reporting their assaults.

BLACKWELL: And this horrible discovery in Texas. Toddlers found chained, one of them found chained to a tree there. We've got all the details. They are deflating and horrific. We've got them for you in a moment.


BLACKWELL: All right, back with us to talk about the Cruz campaign, the Kasich campaign, Indiana and beyond, we've got with Steve Lonegan, a former mayor and New Jersey state director for the Ted Cruz campaign, and Pete Hoekstra, a former congressman from Michigan and a John Kasich campaign surrogate.

Good to have both of you back and I want to start with you, Mayor Lonegan, with something that Ted Cruz said on Fox News last night. We'll watch and then talk.


SENATOR TED CRUZ (R), PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE: It gives me great comfort that this primary is going to be decided by the Midwestern common sense of the Hoosier state.


BLACKWELL: So he says there the primary is going to be decided by the Hoosier state. If Ted Cruz loses there, is it over for him?

LONEGAN: It's not over, but a win there is very, very important. There's still quite a battle ahead. I wouldn't say it's over. Ted will go right through the entire convention, but a win on Tuesday is very important.

But let's face it, Victor, the Midwest is a lot different than the northeast. The northeast is much more liberal Republicans. The Midwest much more conservative. Fertile grounds and territory for Senator Cruz's message.

So I expect a great day in Indiana on Tuesday especially with the endorsement of Mike Pence with his new running mate, Carly Fiorina. He's brought real energy to the campaign. He's broken the Trump news cycle coming out of the north east and put focus back on the issues.

BLACKWELL: He should have won Michigan then. If the Midwest is fertile ground for the Ted Cruz campaign, what happened there?

LONEGAN: We had other candidates and other dynamics and it was much closer than people realize it.

BLACKWELL: OK, let's turn to John Kasich and something that was said by Carly Fiorina and I'll come to you with that, Congressman. Let's play what Fiorina said.


CARLY FIORINA, TED CRUZ'S RUNNING MATE: Just to be clear, a vote for John Kasich is a vote for Donald Trump because John Kasich has absolutely no path to the nomination, not now, not at a contested convention. John Kasich is throwing your vote away.

(END VIDEO CLIP) BLACKWELL: Now for two campaigns that had struck this deal, it seems like there's now this fire coming from the Cruz/Fiorina campaign. Congressman Hoekstra, you say what about that?

HOEKSTRA: Well, number one, I'm assuming she's talking about Indiana where we've pulled out of that state and we do want Ted Cruz to win and withhold the delegates. But John Kasich has as much of a path to the nomination as what Senator Ted Cruz does once we get to an open convention.

That's where the delegates will decide. They'll take a look at the track records, the electoral success and most important who can win in November.

When you start looking at a governor like John Kasich that gets 64 percent of the vote in a state like Ohio, which you have to win if we're going to have a Republican in the White House on January 20.

The delegates are going to recognize that John Kasich has the track record both politically and electorally and is our most viable candidate. So John's got as big of an opportunity as Ted Cruz or Donald Trump in a second, third or fourth ballot in Cleveland.

BLACKWELL: I mean, that is the feather in the governor's cap that he has 15 plus of those polls going on for several weeks now saying that he is the only candidate of the three that can beat Hillary Clinton in November. What does Ted Cruz have to combat that if this gets to a second ballot and the candidates get another opportunity to address the delegates?

LONEGAN: Donald Trump has been pounding away at Ted Cruz which is going to drive up his unfavorables. John Kasich has been relatively untouched so once you get into a real campaign come September and Hillary Clinton start stumping her billion dollars crushing Donald Trump and going after any candidate, it changes altogether.

Ted Cruz has the clear conservative message of jobs, freedom and security that this nation wants. But again, I have to remind you, Victor, that going into Indiana, Donald Trump has yet to release his tax returns. We don't know what he's hiding, his college transcripts.

That infamous tape of him with the "New York Times" and he won't debate Ted Cruz. Voters deserve the debate and we're lacking that in this Republican primary.

BLACKWELL: Congressman, very quickly, this week John Kasich said that his team was starting to vet potential running mates. Should we expect an announcement from the Kasich campaign of a running mate before the convention?

HOEKSTRA: I don't think so. I think the process of vetting has begun, but right now this is all about getting John to the nomination. We want to be prepared when we get to Cleveland, but I'm not expecting a vice presidential nomination any time soon.

[08:20:07]BLACKWELL: All right. Former Mayor Steve Lonegan and former Congressman Peter Hoekstra, great to speak with both of you.

CABRERA: Still ahead here on NEW DAY, new details on some emergency medical calls from Prince's home in the years before he died and what they may tell us.

Also ahead, Kenya set to burn millions of dollars' worth of ivory. Authorities will set fire to nearly 7,000 elephant tusks. We'll tell you why, next.



JAMES KEITH, SPOKESMAN, BEXAR COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE: The little boy was chained to the ground. The little girl was tied up with a dog leash to a door. It was obvious they'd both been there a while. There was obvious signs of abuse.


BLACKWELL: We use the word shocking on television often, but this is indeed shocking to hear about what happened to these children. Police initially were alerted by reports of a child crying and they found in the middle of the night two badly injured toddlers tied up like dogs behind this home in San Antonio.

Six other children were in the house, but no adults there. The mother of the children in that home was eventually arrested and charged. She was believed to be responsible for those toddlers. The father though, has not yet been charged.

All of the children were immediately turned over to Protective Services. The two toddlers were taken to a hospital. That little girl is in intensive care.

CABRERA: It's so disturbing. Storms moving through the central U.S. triggering tornados in Texas and Oklahoma. This damage you're seeing here, homes torn apart.

[08:25:03]This is in a city about an hour south of Oklahoma City where several homes were destroyed. Fortunately no injuries were reported.

BLACKWELL: Up next, we go live to Minnesota with new developments in the investigation of Prince's death, but first, a New York startup company takes a fresh approach to buying a bed. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): A mattress on a bike? That's how sleep startup Casper rolls.

NEIL PARIKH, CO-FOUNDER, CASPER: Our mission is to help the world sleep better. When you sleep better, your life is better.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: The business sells only one type of mattress. PARIKH: There is no reason when you to a mattress store you should be looking at 50 different options. Our mattresses a made after memory foam and latex. It's supportive, but it feels like you're getting stuck in it so adding latex to the top keeps it breathable but also provides a bouncy layer.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Ordering is online and the bed arrives in a golf bag size box. Even by bike if you live in New York City.

PARIKH: We basically compress the mattress down, which means that we can ship it out across the country.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Customers can try the bed risk free for 100 days.

PARIKH: In 2 minutes in a mattress store, you're never going to know if this is a product you want to spend the next ten years of your life on.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: The biggest obstacle they faced when they launched two years ago, keeping up with demand.

PARIKH: We sold about $1 million worth of products in our first 28 days and that's what we predicted we'd do in the first two years.

UNIDENTIFIED CORRESPONDENT: Now Casper also sells one style of pillow and sheets.

PARIKH: It doesn't matter if you're 90 or 25. Everyone has to sleep and everyone has to sleep well.


(COMMERCIAL BREAK) CABRERA: A court hearing on Monday will start to sort out what's going to happen to Prince's $300 million estate. This could be a complicated process because Prince's sister says he did not leave behind a will.

This comes as we're learning about several emergency medical calls made from his Paisley Park compound in the years before his death. They date back to the fall of 2013. More calls in the fall of 2015.

The details of these calls are still private, but we do know they were calls for emergency medical assistance.

Let's bring in CNN's Sara Sidner live in Chanhassen, Minnesota. Now Sara, still no cause of death, of course, but a law enforcement source does tell us that Prince had some prescription painkillers on him when he died.

SARA SIDNER, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, that's true, Ana, and also the source telling us that there were some opioid based prescription painkillers also found in his home and at this point so far, investigators have said that they were not able to find any legal prescription for those painkillers, but of course the investigation is still underway.

Let's talk about some of the calls that were made from Paisley Park, the compound and Prince's home that you see just there behind me, behind that memorial that has grown, by the way, exponentially over the days since he's died.

Basically what we were able to ascertain is that 47 calls over the past five years from this particular compound. Those calls were things like suspicious activity, they were things like harassing phone calls that were called into law enforcement authorities, but four of those calls were for medical assistance.

The last of those four was because Prince had died in an elevator. The other three though, we're still trying to ascertain exactly what they were for. Those happened over a three-year period.

And as we understand it, at least one of those calls was likely for someone who was involved in one of the public events that Prince would put on here. He'd do these public dance parties here.

So he may not have been in any way involved in any of those other three call they may have been for folks who come to this compound to take part in whatever was going on, whether it was someone from the band practicing or whether it was the public who was involved in some of those dance parties, but we're still looking into that.

What it does tell us though, is that from investigators' standpoint they are bringing in the DEA to look at this opioid-based pain medication trying to figure out where that came from. And if he did obtain those illegally.

CABRERA: All right, Sara Sidner reporting the latest on the death of Prince as we await toxicology reports that are still to come in the days or weeks ahead. Thank you, Sara.

BLACKWELL: As you heard Sara say there, we still have no idea what killed Prince, but in the discussion of opioid medication it was found as we said, on his body and in his home.

CABRERA: And we do know that type of medication is commonly used as a painkiller. Our Dr. Sanjay Gupta explains why opioids have become so widespread here in the U.S.

SANJAY GUPTA, CNN CHIEF MEDICAL CORRESPONDENT: When talking about opiates what we're generally talking about is the medications either prescription medications or illicit drugs that come from opium, the poppy plant.

So opiates such as morphine, hydrocodone, oxycontin, those are the legitimate pain medications and then there's heroin that comes from the same active ingredient.

Now these pain pills that we've talked a lot about are medications that are used really in staggering amounts in the United States. In fact, if you look at the world's painkiller use, 80 percent of them are used in the United States. Eighty percent of the world's pain pills used in one country that has 5 percent of the world's population and that is part of the significant concern here.

There's certainly a lot of people who can use these medications very, very effectively for their pain and they have no risk of addiction. They have no risk of physical dependence. They have no risk of death.

But there are people who do become physically dependent on these pills. They become addicted to them and even in the absence of those two things can still die from overdoses.

What often happens is that people start to take more and more of these medications, sometimes they combine them with other medications or things like alcohol and in combination, that can lead to someone's breathing becoming diminished, slowing - down.

And when the person falls asleep, losing that drive to breathe, that reflex to breathe and that is what the concern is in terms of overdoses. You've got a person dying about every 19 minutes on average of one of these types of overdoses.

[08:35:01]There's been a lot of plans in place to try to decrease these deaths. One of the big ones is try to make a medication known as Narcan more widely available. This is essentially an antidote to these opioids and can reverse someone out of an overdose very quickly.

But that is a sort of picture of what opioids are like now in the United States and also the idea of how to curb some of the use going forward. Back to you.

BLACKWELL: All right, Sanjay, thanks so much.

Drug overdoses kill more Americans, consider this, every year than car crashes or fire arms. And these painkillers cause more of those overdose deaths than any other type of drug.

They were involved in more than 28,000 deaths in 2014, the most recent year for data. The CDC says as many as 1.9 million people are struggling with painkiller addictions in the U.S.

Our next guest is working to fight the epidemic. Daniel Salter, special agent in charge of the DEA's Atlanta Field Division. Agent Salter, good of you to come in this morning.

I just want to start with this. So many people lump drug addiction, drug overdoses together if they don't deal with it, but these opioid addictions, the opioid overdoses have really reached crisis level. What are the challenges from a law enforcement perspective?

DANIEL SALTER, SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE, DEA ATLANTA FIELD DIVISION: We are looking at it as an epidemic. We have an opportunity that 78 Americans are dying a day related to opiate and heroin overdoses. If we had one plane wreck with 78 people on it, it would be breaking news for three days so I appreciate the opportunity. Law enforcement, it's a struggle, because we're seeing more and more individuals turning to pain pills as a recreation drug, which they weren't intended for and unfortunately we're seeing the results of that which leads to addiction and a lot of times ultimately death.

BLACKWELL: So these overdoses and addictions, are you seeing that most of them are related to the prescribed medication and taking too much or the graduation to the illicit drugs, the heroin and that causing some of these deaths?

SALTER: I think it's both. I think heroin uses -- four to five heroin users started with pain medicine. So you can't mention heroin without talking about pain medicine.

BLACKWELL: How did it get this bad?

SALTER: Well, I think -- I think commonly, you know, Americans, we're used to taking a pill for everything and also too, it's a society that wants instant relief from pain. Often times pain medicine is overprescribed.

CDC suggests 3 to 7 days for pain medicine and often times you're seeing 30 and 60-day doses, which ultimately end up in your medicine cabinet where many of our young are getting their hands on it.

BLACKWELL: There are a lot of people who have these drugs in their medicine cabinet this morning and we understand that today for a few hours there is a take-back program. Tell us about that.

SALTER: Yes, today's the 11th DEA National Drug Takeback. It's anonymous. Individuals who have medicine in their cabinets and homes, they can take it to a location near them to get it disposed of properly.

We at DEA we attack drug cartels from Mexico, that's our primary work. Unfortunately, there's cartels in each and every medicine cabinet if we don't get it out of the house because a number of users start with the medicine cabinet.

BLACKWELL: There is a cartel in the medicine cabinet. Now we are not talking just about these opiates. You'll take back any of the medication in medicine cabinets anyone wants to get rid of today?

SALTER: That's correct. Anything but syringes.

BLACKWELL: OK. For people who really don't know what they're looking when you say opiate or opioid, what should they be looking for?

SALTER: Hydrocodone, Percocet, anything issued in pain, when you have something that's based out of opiate, same place heroin comes from, there's a number of pain medicines that are closely related that we can dispose of as well. Again, anything that -- we look at it all as addicting so get it out of the house and let's get it where it needs to be.

BLACKWELL: In the fight against the opioid addiction and of course the overdose and deaths, do you feel like you have the momentum now or is this just something that we're talking about it so much that the DEA is starting to get a handle on?

SALTER: Well, we work with our state and local and other federal partners all over the country and we do a phenomenal job. The issue is when you had this amount of addiction, you know, you can't arrest your way out of this.

And we're looking and taking a new approach to getting into education and working with our treatment folks and medical folks and getting not only in our schools where our young people are.

But also to our medical clinics and our doctors where there are academies of pharmacy boards and talking about the concerns and the scare of being overdose -- overprescribed.

[08:30:00]BLACKWELL: All right. Special Agent Dan Salter, thanks so much for coming in and discussing something that frankly we don't discuss often enough, drug dependency and these really strong opioids that grab so many people when they are young. Thanks so much. Again, that takeback is today -- Ana.

CABRERA: Thanks, Victor. Still ahead here on NEW DAY, rescuers and residents working side by side in a race against time. These are images that are heart wrenching. They'll give you goose bumps. They're looking for people buried in the rubble of a building collapsed in Kenya. They just pulled another person out. We'll show you the pictures just ahead.

Also here, protests at Brigham Young University where several students tell us they were punished after reporting rape or sexual assault. Their stories coming up.


CABRERA: This incredible moment we want to share with you this morning just in to CNN. Hours after a building collapsed, killed at least seven people in Nairobi, Kenya, this man was pulled alive from the rubble.

Rescue workers are still trying to make sure he has enough oxygen, people there are praying. More moments like this come through as rescue crews race to find anyone who could still be trapped.

Correspondent Robyn Kriel staying on top of this story joining us in Nairobi this morning. What is the latest in these rescue efforts? Are there still missing people, Robyn?

ROBYN KRIEL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (via telephone): Yes, there are still missing people. The good news is that we're told by rescue officials that they are in contact with them presumably by cell phone.

So there is still hope that they can get to these missing people before it is too late. So what we know is they have pulled a number of people out of this rubble. [08:45:01]Kenya police saying more than 100 people have been rescued from this catastrophic building collapse, seven stories in the middle of torrential rains, some of the heaviest rainfall that Kenya has received this year, really.

We can also tell you that rescue operations were affected by those rains as well as the time it took for rescue officials to get to the scene where this building collapsed.

It happened about 9:00 p.m. on a Friday night, so very bad traffic anyway, and then you can imagine with an accident like this and with rain, flooding on the roads, it really was difficult for rescue officials to get there, but stories of incredible bravery and hope.

You see babies being pulled out still alive. There is huge concern that there are small children still trapped. Rescue officials tell us that they have seen a number of children's backpacks at the scene as well as a number of shoes belonging to children.

But just no real idea of how many people are inside this apartment building because no one seems to know just how many people were living there.

So what the Red Cross has done is set up different satellite stations where you can report if you know someone that was in that building and they have not been found or they perhaps are not sure where they are, if they're at the hospital, where they could be.

You can go in there and report that your loved one is missing and they will try to track them down for you, but a real race against time for rescue workers.

CABRERA: And those images really do move you when you see that man hoist up the little baby girl who was pulled out of that rubble. Robyn Kriel, we know you'll continue to gather more information on the latest search effort. We pray for those people certainly this morning. Thank you.

BLACKWELL: Still to come on NEW DAY, protests and anger brewing on the campus of Brigham Young University.

CABRERA: A number of female students say they were raped or sexually assaulted and then they were punished by the university after they reported their attacks. Now fellow students and really that whole community are rallying behind these alleged victims.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Not believing us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't know why they feel the need to do a study. There's overwhelming evidence. So many people have come forward.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's just a school whose policies are very much messed up right now and aren't in line with what love and mercy. (COMMERCIAL BREAK)


CABRERA: Welcome back. Brigham Young University is under fire this morning over how the school handles reports of sexual assault and rape. In fact, we spoke to a number of young women who say they were victims of sexual violence, but then were punished by the university after reporting their attacks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He had taken photos and videos during the rape and he threatened me to expose those.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I tried to get up and leave.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I've got these, like strict wise they're not crossing and he didn't care about those.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was just sitting there crying saying I don't want to report, I can't do this, what if BYU finds out?

CABRERA (voice-over): Their stories of rape and sexual assault traumatic and horrifying.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What does it take to change the way we address sexual assault?

CABRERA: But it's what happened after their school found out that's sparking the outrage. Brooke's nightmare began in February of 2014. She says she had taken hallucinogenic drugs just before being assaulted.

BROOKE, ALLEGED RAPE VICTIM: Over the course of the next 45 minutes in like different ways, he raped me.

CABRERA: She reported it to police, but too afraid to face her alleged attacker in court decided not to press charges. Three months later she told her school, Brigham Young University.

BROOKE: I thought it would be a simple process to report him and have him be kicked out.

CABRERA (on camera): Because he is a student.

BROOKE: Yes, he was a student there.

CABRERA: But instead of getting support, Brooke was suspended. BYU, a private university run by the Mormon Church determined Brooke had violated its honor code, a student code of conduct that prohibits the use of illegal drugs and alcohol as well as premarital sex.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I waited about four days to report because I was scared of my standing at BYU. CABRERA (voice-over): Matti Barney only reported her alleged rape to police. It happened off campus so she was shocked when she got a call from BYU's Title 9 office, which investigates sexual harassment and sexual violence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What she said on that phone call was we received a police report, and in it a, we think you may have been raped, and b, it looks like you probably violated the honor code as well. I felt so betrayed because they read every single thing that happened to me and they just kind of didn't care.

CABRERA: in fact, she says now she's facing backlash from BYU for not answering all their questions. Her attorney told her not to until after her criminal trial this fall. The school won't let her register for future classes until she talks with the honor code office.

CARRI JENKINS, BYU SPOKESWOMAN: There would never be an honor code review for reporting sexual assault, for being a victim of sexual assault.

CABRERA (on camera): How does that victim then end up being disciplined by the Honor Code Office?

JENKINS: I wouldn't know. I wouldn't be able to speculate on any one situation.

CABRERA (voice-over): While the school can't talk about specific cases, it did issue this additional statement saying in part, "Sometimes in the course of an investigation, facts come to light that a victim has engaged in prior honor code violations.

In all honor code proceedings the university strives for fairness, sensitivity and compassion. The university's overriding concern is always the safety and well-being of its students.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think their first and foremost priority is protecting the university. It's not protecting the students.

CABRERA (on camera): I see you shaking your heads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, they've made that very clear.

CABRERA (voice-over): Since Barney went public with her story other victims have felt empowered to share theirs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You're reporting someone else. You're reporting yourself when you go in. Like that's at least my perception of the Title IX Office. You are presumed to be guilty.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As soon as they got the final documents that he had been convicted that's when they gave me accommodations and helped me to withdraw from classes and they didn't offer any of that until they had the court documentation.

CABRERA: Anger is growing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I'm a sexual assault survivor. I was raped here in this community while I was attending BYU.

CABRERA (on camera): Did you report it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, I did not for this exact reason.

CABRERA: You were too afraid?


[08:55:06]CABRERA (voice-over): (Inaudible) recently led a protest march through campus with a petition signed by more than 100,000 calling on the university to give immunity to those who report rape or sexual assault.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'll be happy to take these and we'll personally deliver them.

CABRERA: The university says it is now studying current practices and procedures.

JENKINS: We want to look at the relationship between the Title IX Office and the Honor Code Office. We want to look at whether around how information is shared. We want to look at the perception that students have.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's not a perception, it's something that's actually happening and that's them again not believing us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don't even know why they feel the need to do a study like there is overwhelming evidence. So many people have come forward.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's just a school whose policies are very messed up right now and aren't in line with what love and mercy is.


CABRERA: Now, for a lot of the people we talked to, this study the school's doing just isn't good enough. They want action and Matti Barney just last week decided to take the matter into her own hands.

She filed an official complaint against the school with the Department of Education's Office for Civil Rights asking federal officials so investigate what happened to her and to others at BYU.

Let's take you live now to Kenya. This is Nairobi and you see that huge pile of tusk. This is where they're going to have an anti- poaching drive today where they're going to light those tusks up to send a message to those poachers.

BLACKWELL: Officials are going to torch what amounts to 100 tons of elephant ivory, other exotic animal goods, equivalent to 8,000 elephants here worth hundreds of millions of dollars on the black market.

We'll have the live burn for you. We'll dip into that coming up in the 10:00 Eastern hour and we'll have much more for you when we come back here at 10:00 a.m. Eastern.

CABRERA: So we hope you'll join us. Don't go anywhere. "SMERCONISH" is next.