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New Day Saturday

Giuliani: "These Things Get Cleaned Up" With Pardons; Giuliani: Trump Will Not Pardon Anybody In This Investigation Yet; At Least 2,000 Children Separated From Parents At Border; White House: Trump Supports Both Immigration Bills; Giuliani Calls Joe Biden A Mentally Deficient Idiot; Illegal Honduras Immigrant Fears Deportation And What Will Happen To Her American Children. Aired 8-9a ET

Aired June 16, 2018 - 8:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- we started back in 2014 making maybe 500 out of our house. Now the production facility behind us here can make 20,000 a day and they are being sold in 205 grocery stores throughout Texas. In the early days we got involved with the communities and then a lot of organic growth happened through that. A lot of good will ambassadors.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We have four flavors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think the industry as a whole is moving towards smaller bite-sized foods. Maybe for portion control but also very convenience. I think everyone is looking for that.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Former Trump campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, is headed to jail.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's some 18 counts here in Virginia, seven in D.C., I mean, they're piling up.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA: I feel a little badly about it. It went back 12 years to get things that he did 12 years ago.

RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY: He's not going to pardon anybody in this investigation. He is not obviously going to give much his right to pardon. It's a miscarriage of justice presented to him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Two adults, four children just finished crossing the Rio Grande are in custody of border control.

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I hate the children being taken away. The Democrats have to change their law.

SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM (R), SOUTH CAROLINA: If you don't like families being separated, you can tell DHS to stop doing it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's disgusting that people are trying to use the bible in the way they used the bible to justify slavery.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: So, it is 8:01 on a Saturday morning. We are so grateful to have you with us. I'm Christi Paul.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: I'm Martin Savidge in for Victor Blackwell. As President Trump wakes up at the White House this morning, Paul Manafort, his former campaign chairman, is waking up in the VIP Section we're told of the Northern Neck Regional Jail in Virginia.

PAUL: We don't know what that means to be in the VIP Section, but he arrived there last night. This was video captured after his bail was revoked, of course. He may remain in jail until his trial on four lobbying charges starts in September.

SAVIDGE: President Trump called the treatment of Manafort, quote, "unfair." Then hours later, his attorney, Rudy Giuliani, says pardons could be in the pipeline if the president thinks his former staffers are prosecuted unfairly.


GIULIANI: My advice to the president of the United States as his lawyer is no pardons. It would completely change the momentum that we have right now because it's very strong right now. You can see the polls moving in the president's favor and against Mueller.

CUOMO: Then why just suggest it?

GIULIANI: I didn't suggest it. I said he shouldn't pardon anybody. The president said to me he shouldn't pardon anybody. I said after the investigation is over, it has to be considered a governmental matter, not by me. What the history has been is these things get cleaned up. Ford did it. Reagan did it. Carter did it. Clinton did it, and Bush did it in political investigations.

CUOMO: So, you're saying after the probe is over, it may be cleaned up with any pardons?

GIULIANI: If people were unfairly prosecuted.


SAVIDGE: So, it's pretty clear this morning the question is, is Giuliani sending a message?

PAUL: CNN politics reporter, Jeremy Herb, joining us live from Washington. Jeremy, what is your take on that? What are you hearing from Washington about that argument that maybe he's sending a signal here to Manafort and the others to say don't worry about it. I've got it taken care of. JEREMY HERB, CNN POLITICS REPORTER: Yes, that's right. This is the latest mixed messages I think we've heard from Rudy Giuliani hours before he said that to Chris Cuomo, he suggested in the "New York Daily News" that pardons could be used to clean up this case.

So, the question really is, what is Giuliani and the president trying to say to Paul Manafort and others who potentially could be implicated in the special counsel case. The president tweeted that this was a tough sentence on Manafort although he hasn't actually been charged. His bail was just revoked by a federal judge.

But the question of pardons has obviously been swirling out there. The president has issued several pardons already to people who aren't involved in the special counsel case and a lot of suggestion it's a signal that if the special counsel gets too close to the president that a pardon could emerge.

Now the point sheer that Manafort is now going to be under even more pressure to flip on the president and start cooperating in this case because instead of being in the comfort of his own home, under house arrest, he is now in a federal prison.

PAUL: All righty. Jeremy Herb, thank you so much. We appreciate it.

SAVIDGE: So, here's the other question -- can anything or anyone stop the president from freely using his power to pardon?

PAUL: Page Pate, CNN legal analyst and criminal defense attorney with us right now. So, let's talk about that real quickly because we heard Giuliani say at one point the president is not going to let go of or give up his right to pardon if he sees there's a miscarriage. Nobody is asking him to do that, though.

[08:05:06] PAGE PATE, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Not yet, though. Right. They've already sent the message they think at least Trump and his team thinks that Manafort is being treated unfairly. That's basically what he said.

The question is when are you going to issue that pardon? Are you going to do it now, which he could and immediately he'd be released from jail or wait until the process is over? Wait until the investigation is complete? Wait until Manafort's two trials have been completed and wait until he's convicted?

PAUL: OK. So, we want to listen to Rudy Giuliani again because he did also in his conversation with Chris Cuomo talk about what he believes is a critical error Bob Mueller made.


GIULIANI: I believe that Bob made one critical error that's going to doom this investigation. No matter what he writes.

CUOMO: Which is what?

GIULIANI: Hiring those people. I would never have done it. If you look at special independent counsel probe, they generally get nonpolitical people. Three-quarters of the prosecutors of high regard in this country, I'm talking about federal now, are not involved in partisan politics. I wasn't involved in partisan politics until I ran for mayor.


PAUL: Page, is that true? Generally, is that true?

PATE: What we are seeing here and been seeing from the very beginning is the Trump team attacking the investigators instead of the substance of the investigation. That's something defense lawyers always do. I'm always going to focus on any issue I can find to attack or at least bring into question the credibility of the agents and the other investigators who are involved in the case.

But how do you screen everyone who has some political belief, some political feeling? You get to a point where you'll not have anyone investigating the case. So, while the credibility of the investigation is critically important, a particular investigator's political views are not necessarily important unless they affect the conduct of the investigation.

We've not seen that here, even though I am certain Bob Mueller wishes those tweets and messages had never been sent out, the tweets back and forth between the agents and that.

SAVIDGE: But it works into the hands of the president and, of course, Rudy Giuliani by just insinuating that the whole process is flawed, that there's a political method to this madness going on here. So, I mean, it works for them to continually try to erode the competence in this investigation.

PATE: And they have an audience for that. Already a number of people in this country believe this investigation is purely politically motivated. It's a witch hunt. When you have something like this, these text messages that clearly never should have been sent, it just adds fuel to that fire.

PAUL: And the talks of the pardons, Rudy Giuliani, he tried to walk that back a little bit. Let's listen here.


GIULIANI: Let me make it clear.


GIULIANI: He's not going to pardon anybody in this investigation. But he is not obviously going to give up his right to pardon if a miscarriage of justice is presented to him --

CUOMO: Doesn't that wind up meaning --


PAUL: OK, you are shaking your head.

PATE: There's no doubt that President Trump is going to pardon Paul Manafort. The only question is when. I think the concern that Rudy Giuliani and others have is some people could say you can use the pardon power in a manner to obstruct justice if you do it during the course of the investigation, especially if there's reason to believe that the people on the receiving end of that pardon could testify against you. So, I think it's --

PAUL: Why are you so certain, though?

PATE: That he's going to be pardoned?

PAUL: Yes. Why are you certain that President Trump is going to pardon Manafort?

PATE: Giuliani says he's willing to use the pardon power if somebody has been treated unfairly in his view. And then President Trump tweets out he thinks the sentence is wrong. He already tells us he thinks Manafort is being treated unfairly. He's sitting in jail and hasn't been convicted.

So, I don't doubt that's coming, but I can understand the reason why they want to wait because the optics of pardoning someone during the investigation before it's complete could look like obstruction.

SAVIDGE: But if you think they're going to flip, would it be possible to try and cut that off?

PATE: It's possible, absolutely, but then and we'll get into the legal weeds here. If you pardon someone early enough where they're not facing any criminal exposure, then they have no Fifth Amendment privilege.

Then Bob Mueller or another prosecutor could call that person as a witness and force them to testify about what they know because they can't say I'm not going to talk because you may prosecute me. Once you've been pardoned, you don't have that same Fifth Amendment right.

PAUL: Do you think Paul Manafort has been treated unfairly?

PATE: No. I don't know about the substance of the case against him. There are a lot of charges, money laundering fraud. But if you violate the bond conditions while you're out on pretrial release, you're going to go to jail. So, put all the other stuff aside, he didn't follow the rules. If you don't follow the rules in federal court, you'll wait in jail for your trial.

PAUL: OK, all righty. Page Pate, always appreciate your expertise. Thank you for being here.

PATE: Absolutely.

SAVIDGE: We'll have more Rudy Giuliani ahead, giving us his take on Trump's 2020 prospects, making some really harsh comments about former Vice President Joe Biden. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

[08:10:05] GIULIANI: He's dumb. I think Joe's last in his law school class. He had a plagiarism problem in law school, as senator, which I think indicates something even about character.


PAUL: Also, the scoreboard on fire at the World Cup. Six goals were scored. Three by one man as he makes his case for being the greatest of all time.

SAVIDGE: Also, controversy at the border, now we are getting an idea of how many children have been separated from their parents.


PAUL: This morning, we're getting an idea of the scope of the family separations that are happening right now at the U.S. border with Mexico. The Homeland Security Department now says at least 2,000 immigrant children were separated from their parents just over the last six weeks.

SAVIDGE: That number is for the period in April and May when the U.S. government started enforcing a zero-tolerance policy for adults caught crossing the border illegally.

[08:15:05] Part of that policy, of course, includes the controversial practice. It has created anguish at the border. That is without a doubt, confusion and frustration in Washington and drawn criticism from the religious community.

PAUL: We'll talk more about the politics of all of this in a moment, but we want to talk more about the people who are living the story. CNN's Ed Lavandera has been speaking to some of those families. He joins us live from McAllen, Texas. I say the number 2,000, but this isn't about a number. This is about children and families.

ED LAVANDERA, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Yes, the number is to capture the scope of what is going on. That's fascinating to think about that number just includes those separated between April 19th and May 31st. It doesn't include the last two weeks. So that number is only expected to go up.

And the Trump administration has had to open up another temporary facility out in far west Texas to house these children. One of the things the Trump administration has been saying all along, especially Attorney General Jeff Sessions is that they hope as news of this spreads through central America that this will serve as a deterrence. But as we saw firsthand yesterday, that isn't necessarily the case.


LAVANDERA (voice-over): It's hard to see people moving through the thick South Texas vegetation. The Rio Grande rolls by just beyond the tree line. Then just like that, they appear out of the brush. A small group of undocumented immigrants walking into a public park.

(on camera): We just came across this group of undocumented immigrants here in the town of Mission, Texas, two adults, four children. Just finished crossing the Rio Grande here a little while ago. Now they're in the custody of border patrol.

(voice-over): This group is actually made up of three different groups. They say they met along the journey from Honduras and decided to enter the United States together. Border patrol agents give them water, and they sit in the shade as they wait for a vehicle to take them to a border patrol station.

There's Jonathan Ariel, 11 years old. He says he left Honduras with his cousins, but they abandoned him along the way. His mother lives in Virginia and told him not to make the journey alone, but now he's here. "I told her I wanted to come," he says, "but she said it's very dangerous."

(on camera): Are you scared?

(voice-over): "A little," he says. It's a brief conversation that leaves you with many more questions about how a young boy can get to this point as an unaccompanied minor he will likely end up for the time being in a children's shelter like this one as federal authorities try to connect the boy with his mother.

The rest of this group is made up of two adult women with their children. Dahlia Sayupa (ph) is 24 years old, and she crossed the border with her little boy.

(on camera): Why did you come?

(voice-over): She says gang members left a note at her home threatening to kill her and that's when she decided to flee.

(on camera): Are you afraid they're going to separate you from your son?

(voice-over): Yes, he's my son, and I love him, she says. I have carried him throughout my journey. Dahlia says she did not know that she might be separated from her son once she was taken into custody in the United States. But she says, "I have nothing in Honduras." The families are loaded up and taken away, unsure of what happens next.


LAVANDERA: And so that is the question, what happens to these young children now? As you mentioned, Jonathan there, because he's an unaccompanied minor and that's different from children who come with their parents or guardians, he's automatically kind of cast into another situation.

That's why I mentioned he may be put into a detention facility while they try to connect with his mother. I spoke with his mother yesterday afternoon. She said she had already heard from him and was waiting to hear from immigration authorities as to what happens next. As far as the other two adults and their children, this is where the situation gets murky. Even though the Trump administration has been saying that it is pushing for 100 percent enforcement of illegal entry that federal misdemeanor charge, that is not happening.

We have seen throughout the week here in South Texas a number of undocumented immigrants with their children who have been captured and released given a court date and a GPS ankle monitor to track their movement.

So, it is not 100 percent, but DHS, Department of Homeland Security folks will not explain how these decisions are made. Why some people are prosecuted and why others are released. So, what happens to the other part of that group is still unclear today -- Martin and Christi.

PAUL: All right. Ed Lavandera, thank you so much.

Now listen, Attorney General Jeff Sessions and other administration officials have defended the practice as being biblical. Lawmakers in both parties we should point out, along with religious leaders have criticized the family separations.

SAVIDGE: Even President Trump has suggested that it's cruel, but there has been some confusion over what he would do about it. Republican leaders in Congress plan to put their plans for an immigration bill that could address the separations on hold. They say because the president said Friday that he wouldn't support it.


[08:20:12] UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A couple of different bills on immigration probably next week.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One of them, the Goodlatte bill, the other is something more moderate. Would you sign either one of them?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: I'm looking at both of them. I certainly wouldn't sign the more moderate one. I need a bill that gives the country tremendous border security. I have to have that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Got to have the wall?

PRESIDENT TRUMP: We have to have the wall. We don't have the wall, there's no bill.


PAUL: All righty. Later, White House official said the president misunderstood that question and, quote, this is from the White House, quote, "Fully supports both the Goodlatte bill and House leadership bill. He was commenting on the discharge petition in the house. He would sign the Goodlatte or leadership bills." That again from the White House. SAVIDGE: Page Pate is back with us. Now also joining us is CNN political analyst and White House correspondent for American Urban Radio Network, April Ryan. Good morning, April. Let me start with you. The president calls it cruel but according to "The Washington Post," he is using this family separation issue as a negotiating tool. I'm wondering your thoughts on that.

APRIL RYAN, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Well, any time this president has a chance to use something to his advantage, he will. And it's unfortunate that lives are in the midst of this tool, using them as a tool or as a pawn in a game to get what he wants for immigration.

But at issue, Martin, you know, this president -- nothing is going to happen. No immigration bill is going to be signed before the midterms because it is too divisive. It could cost them the election.

But you have to remember, this president came into the White House talking about a wall, talking about immigration, the immigration system is broken. How do you fix it? Is this how you fix it with something that people are considering cruel? Separating families. Separating mothers from their children?

I mean, you even have religious leaders who stayed away from this president's moral issues, from alleged infidelity and things of that nature, but they're weighing in on this talking about the family.

Franklin Graham is saying that this is not right. Family is important if you want to bring in religion. It's about family. And family if you're looking at religion, is the first ministry. This president says he's Christian. Family is the first ministry in the home.

PAUL: OK, so Page, I want to ask you something, there may be some motivation when you think about it for President Trump to stop this practice, and it's this. The U.S., when they absorb these children and take them into their custody and their care, the U.S. now opens itself up to liability of these children if they -- if something happens to one of them if one gets lost or hurt or gets abused. How liable is the U.S.? I mean, who would pay a price if somebody -- if one of these children disappears?

PATE: The United States will because -- and this reminds me of exactly the way the Trump administration rolled out the first travel ban. It's as if they're not thinking two or three steps down the road.

These children are not in legal custody as far as being detained because they've broken some law, but they are nonetheless in the custody of the United States. So, that means we need to take care of their health care, whatever mental or emotional issues they may be having because they've just been separated from their parents.

And how long does this last? We know it's happening to some of their parents. They're being prosecuted and deported, but the children? I don't know that they've thought this out at all.

And then we heard Ed Lavandera's reporting about they're not even following the 100 percent rule about prosecuting all these folks for their misdemeanors. They can't because the court system cannot absorb it.

So, again, I don't think this policy, regardless of whether you think it's a good idea or bad idea, has really been thought out as far as the implementation of it.

PAUL: It's not sustainable.

PATE: It's not sustainable in the long term absolutely not because we're going to be responsible for all of the children that are being separated from their families.

SAVIDGE: April, you know, we mentioned that the president seemed to come out in the morning yesterday and said he wasn't going to vote for a bill. Then later the White House came out with a statement that seemed to clarify that the president does support both GOP bills of this. I'm wondering about whiplash, but then this clearly seems to be an issue now that could come back and haunt Republicans and it's one of their own making.

RYAN: Yes, it's going to haunt them. I'm going to go back before we really get into this piece what Page said. The White House and Jeff Sessions has said it recently that no matter whether you are adult or child if you cross the border, you are illegally crossing the border. It's a crime.

So, they're looking at it as a crime. Now the devil is in the details. The president has Goodlatte that is very conservative and the House leadership bill that's moderate. He wants what he wants. He wants the wall. He wants to enforce the law, creating something where if you cross this border, you will be punished.

[08:25:03] And this is punishment and Page is right. They haven't thought this out down the road. When you look at what the president wants, he keeps talking about the wall. That's not the only way people across the border.

You have people stuffed into trunks. We don't hear the president or White House talking about smuggling people across the border and you have hundreds of people who die throughout the year coming through the border and these hot trucks on different types of vehicle to get here.

So, this bill -- the president is thinking has a lot of holes in it when it comes to immigration. It's not complete and they are just going by the seat of their pants. And Page is absolutely right.

If something happens to anyone in our custody, and they -- it's like someone, one person may get one type of justice and another may get another, depending upon who is there at the time to make the decision.

This could have tremendous ripple effects with our neighbors to the south and government to government relations. This just does not sit well with a lot of people in Washington and globally.

PAUL: So, Page, when we look at -- we just talked about the sustainability or non-sustainability of this practice. Is there a way, and I know there's not a lot of hope going into Tuesday for a bill to be passed or reconciled for this in terms of two that are being proposed, but is there a way to deal with this singular issue to reconcile this without having to wait for some legislative fix as a whole?

PATE: If the president wanted to change it, he absolutely could change it with a phone call. I mean, what's happened here is the president has the authority to enforce immigration law as it stands currently in the country. Congress makes a law. The president enforces it.

And within that prerogative of enforcing the law, the president can make decisions like they're being made in this particular policy. He can change it like that if he wanted to or Congress can address it. But that's more of a political question.

We've seen the back and forth, but perhaps this issue is finally going to be the last straw and that we will now address immigration in a common-sense way and it takes care of both children and people that are trying to come into the country for the long term, not just the short term.

SAVIDGE: But you have to go through something horrific just to get there.

PATE: It's unfortunate but apparently so.

PAUL: Page Pate, April Ryan, we're so grateful that you took the time to be with us today. Thank you.

Still ahead -- name-calling, accusations of plagiarism, Rudy Giuliani says he loves these accusations at former Vice President Joe Biden. Why? We'll tell you.



PAUL: Good morning I'm Christi Paul.

SAVIDGE: I'm Martin Savidge in for Victor Blackwell.

PAUL: So glad to have you here at 8:32 right now. And I know you're wondering what does this mean for me? This tit for tat trade war brewing between China and the U.S. after China retaliates with their own set of tariffs on U.S. products.

Of course President Trump slaps tariffs on $50 billion worth of Chinese goods. Well the tariffs from China are set to go into place July 6th. And they target farm products. Soy bean, cars, seafood, tariffs on some chemicals, medical equipment, energy products. That is going to start later apparently.

But the movement's sparking fears of a global trade war. That can potentially do some serious damage to you, to Main Street. The headline in fact on the Des Moines Iowa register this morning, take a look at it. It reads China tariffs on U.S. soy beans could cost Iowa farmers up to $624 million dollars.

SAVIDGE: And in other news President Trumps Attorney, Rudy Giuliani is taking aim at the Presidents 2020 reelection prospects. He made some vary harsh comments about former Vice President Joe Biden last night.

PAUL: He called him a moron. And I quote "mentally deficient idiot" those are his quotes. Not ours. The name calling it didn't' stop their either. Joining us live now CNN White House Reporter Sarah Westwood, where did this come from Sarah?

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: While the Presidents outspoken top lawyer. He's making waves once again for going off script. Rudy Giuliani telling the "Huffington Post" that he considers former Vice President Joe Biden to be a quote "mentally deficient idiot", like you mentioned.

Now Giuliani appeared with our own Chris Cuomo last night and defended those comments. Arguing that he was merely remarking on Joe Biden's past decisions and his potential future decision to challenge Trump for the Presidency. Take a listen.


CHRIS CUOMO, CNN HOST: Let's start with something that has nothing to do with anything.


CUOMO: But you made it relevant today. Why would you call Joe Biden what you called him today.

GIULIANI: That he's dumb?

CUOMO: No. That would have been a compliment.

GIULIANI: Oh, that's what I thought I said.

CUOMO: That would have been like an invitation to the prom. You called him a mentally deficient idiot.

GIULIANI: Oh, I didn't mean that. I meant that he's not - he's dumb. I think Joes last in his law school class. Joe -

CUOMO: He wasn't last, but he was low.

GIULIANI: Actually he was second to last. Then guy died and he ended up last.

CUOMO: We had it as a different number. But he didn't do well. I'll give you that.

GIULIANI: And he had to plagiarism problem in law school. He had a plagiarism problem as a Senator. Which I think indicates something even about character. Constantly making faux pas.

CUOMO: But why talk about Joe Biden?

GIULIANI: Well because I was asked would he a formidable candidate? I said no. He'd be somebody that I think the President would like to run against. He never did well as a national candidate. The President did fabulously as a first time national candidate. And I -

CUOMO: Do you really think Joe Biden is stupid?

GIULIANI: No. I think he's - in that -

CUOMO: Because you said that.

GIULIANI: In that category I think he is.

CUOMO: You were very (inaudible).


GIULIANI: I think that explains the plagiarism. I think the plagiarism is very serious. I don't think he'll ever get beyond that.


WESTWOOD: Now Giuliani's comments did not sit well with Meghan McCain, the daughter or ailing Senator John McCain. Meghan McCain responded on Twitter.

Saying I am disgusted by Giuliani's abhorrent and idiotic comments about Joe Biden. Joe Biden is one of the great political leaders of all time. One of the truly decent men left in politics and someone my family has look to for strength during the most difficult time in our lives.

Of course Senator McCain and Joe Biden have been friends for years. And this is not the first time that Giuliani has caused problems for the White House distracting headlines. By venturing away from his legal purview, he's of course commented on the Iran nuclear deal, negations with North Korea and even the first lady's private thoughts, Martin and Christi.

SAVIDGE: This is as you say not the first time. Sarah Westwood, thank you very much.

PAUL: Well still to come a 29 year old mother of three believes she's going to be murdered by the MS-13 gang if she get's deported to Honduras. The real consequences for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. we're going to talk about that next.



PAUL: Here we have a reminder for all of us. Really about the true worries and consequences for undocumented immigrants living in the U.S.. There is a mother of three who fled Honduras because of the damage the MS-13 gang had already done to her family.

SAVIDGE: But now under the administration's new immigration policy she is scared to show her face. And fearful that she's going to be deported and separated from her children. CNN's Nick Valencia has her story.


JOANNA, ILLEGAL IMMEGRANT (through translator): If you go back to Honduras they'll kill you.


NICK VALENCIA, CNN CORRESPONENT: In many way's Joanna feels like she's already dead, an undocumented immigrant from Honduras. She's too scared to show her face or use her real name. She say's MS-13 gang members murdered her brother and two relatives back home, which is why in 2011 she fled. If sent back she say's she will most certainly die.


JOANNA ( through translator): You'd rather they kill you here than you die there.


VALENCIA: For the last seven years Joanna and her American born children have lived in the shadows of America. She thought fleeing MS-13 gang violence and being a victim of sexual assault would help her qualify for asylum. She applied in 2011 but admits like so many others she was too scared to show up to her court date.

Now with the new (inaudible) from the Trump administration her greatest fear is what will happen to her children when or if she's deported. She has three children, all U.S. citizens under the age of seven.


JOANNA (through translator): What will happen to my kids? Will I be able to take them? If I go alone what will happen to my children who are here practically alone?


VALENCIA: On Monday she's in court for driving with out insurance and a license. She could be detained by immigration officers.


JOANNA (through translator): With the orders that the President gave to get out all of immigrants. Why doesn't he take the time to know how someone's life is? Why on the boarder are they treating us like animals? That's not being human, to not feel the pain of someone else. (END VIDEO CLIP)

VALENCIA: Joanna say's under President Obama she was aware that deportations were at an all time high. But she still had hope with the prospect of asylum. Not anymore. Now the only thing she can think of is how best to shield her children from the strong chances of her being sent back.

Joanna has been getting help here from an immigrant's rites organization called Voces De La Frontera. They say not only is she at risk of being deported but so is her husband who's been detained since early May. Joanna tells her children that their father is on vacation.

And when I asked her what she's prepared to tell her own children after her court date on Monday where she may be deported. She say's she's yet to express that out load to them. Because expressing it would make her chances of going back, she say's, all the more real. Martin, Christi.

PAUL: Nick thank you so much. Not the controversial immigration practice of taking children from their parents at the boarder. That's one of the most talked about issues on social media right now. It's also one of the top trending stories on CNN has crews stationed all along the U.S./Mexico boarder as this story is unfolding. So you can get the latest information as well at

SAVIDGE: And let's move on to something else a little more uplifting. You can call him the greatest of all time, the GOAT. Why am I talking about you?

COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS: Not me. Who is been named the sexiest man of all time an athletic beast. And is not named Martin Savage? Cristiano Ronaldo, we're going to show you why some folks are saying my goodness. Their stopping the middle of the streets in New York, listen.

We're going to show you what he did to make Time Square do this during the match yesterday. Wow.


SAVIDGE: Watching the World Cup? A goal fest is what some are calling it. One of the greatest group stage matches in World Cup history.

PAUL : Coy Wire, isn't it, though? My goodness.

WIRE: It really is exciting. I'm falling in love with soccer. And the U.S. didn't even qualify for this World Cup. To show you how big of a deal this is, we want to show you again that scene from Times Square yesterday during a crucial moment in the Spain/Portugal match. Watch.



WIRE: People on both sides of the street stopping to watch a man making his case for the greatest of all time. Cristiano Ronaldo at 33, This could be his last World Cup. He's a man on a mission, battling younger defenders who are putting him to the test. He puts a penalty kick in the back of the net, putting Portugal up first. Now Spain would strike back tying it just before the half but Ronaldo, a belligerent man, blasting this past the Spanish goalie to put Portugal up 2-1. Then Spain, they felt the pride of their nation. Digging in, they have to make something happen. The second of Diego Costa's two goals of the day.

Then 3-2 on this goal from the one they call Nacho. Look at the precision on that. That's like surgical, right? But all this set up this moment. The final minutes. Ronaldo staring at a wall of defenders. But all he sees is the back of the net. Incredible. Then 3-2 on this goal from the one they call nacho. Look at the precision on that. That's like surgical, right? All this set up this moment. The final minutes Ronaldo staring at a wall of defenders, but all he sees is the back of the net. Incredible. A hat trick for Ronaldo tying the game at three and that's how it would end. Ronaldo against many of his own teammates


from his pro team in Madrid earning Portugal a point with the draw. Ronaldo is the oldest player ever to score a hat trick at the World Cup and first ever to do so against Spain.

Another example of the World Cup hype. Nigeria's jerseys sold out in minutes. Three million orders, they're $85 a piece. The youngest team in the world representing the nation's younger generation, Their mantra, Nija on the jersey. It says it's a movement, a vibrance, this uplifting attitude they've embraced as a nation. The Nigerian fans telling CNN, "We're so fly, you can't blame us." Nigeria plays Coratia this afternoon at 3:00 Eastern.

Now coming up at the top of the hour, in just minutes, the match of the day. Iceland, the smallest nation ever to qualify with a population of 330,000. Lexington, Kentucky, almost has that many folks. Now their coach, he's is a part-time dentist. They're taking on the player who is arguably the other greatest of all time, Messi in Argentina. Iceland, though, has this passion that could give them a chance.




WIRE: Yeah. Go ahead, Martin. I see you wanting to clap. That's the thunder clap; thousands from Iceland making the trip to Moscow. The chant went viral during Iceland's historic Euro 2016 win over England. They say 99.8% of Icelanders watched that on TV. Argentina is still favored but despite all of his mastery on the field, Messi has never led his team to any international championship. Can he do it this time?

All right, the first of four games today, France versus Australia just finished about an hour ago. France winning, 2-1. One last note on the U.S. Open, Tiger Woods' bid for another major title, over essentially before the weekend began. Woods missed the cut after going 10 over par across the first two days. He's 1 of 14 former major winners who won't even be playing anymore. World number one, Dustin Johnson, has the lead at 4 under, and the conditions are so rough, he's the only player in the entire field to be under par.

PAUL: Wow.

WIRE: Yeah.

SAVIDGE: What a wonderful sport to see the whole world get behind.

WIRE: It is. I can't wait until 2026 when it's here.

PAUL: It's going to be so fun.

SAVIDGE: Thanks, Coy.

PAUL: Thank you Coy. We'll be right back.



PAUL: Well, a non-profit in New York City is taking a stand against violent attacks on transgenders. Today's "Impact Your World" shows how the antiviolence project is providing help and hope.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I've been physically attacked. It is a cost for you to be your unapologetic self in this country.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Zakaria Fry, Phylicia Mitchell, Carla Patricia Flores Pavon, these are just a few of the trans people murdered in 2018. More than one in four trans people have been assaulted because of their identity. The New York Antiviolence Project is working to help.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: AVP coordinates the National Coalition of Anti- Violence Programs which is a network of about 50 organizations to end all forms of violence that impact the LGBTQ community. We support survivors through a 24-hour bilingual hotline, staff and volunteers are available 24 hours who can walk people through immediate safety training. We have legal services here and individual counseling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There's a hotline on here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We do outreach and hold safety night giving people information about how to prevent incidents of violence. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I'm better off as a client. I was so empowered by

the services they gave me that I wanted to take it around the whole city.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Until people are willing to stand up in some way, then the violent acts will continue.


SAVIDGE: And one last thing before we leave you now. Jacksonville, Florida skyline is never going to be the same. Moments ago experts used 1,500 pounds of dynamite to implode these two cooling towers. They used two miles of detonation cables and plan on having the towers collapse into each other.

PAUL: Did they collapse into each other?

SAVIDGE: They did. So it worked. Which is cool. Get it, cooling?

PAUL: Nice. Only Martin. I love it. All righty. We'll see you back here at 10:00 Eastern for "CNN Newsroom."

SAVIDGE: Yes, don't forget "Smerconish" is next.