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New Day Saturday

Trump Lawyer Rudy Giuliani Makes U-turn On Ukraine Trip; U.S. Deploying Warships, More Missiles Amid Iran Tensions; Trump Orders More Tariffs On China After Trade Talk Deadlock; Utah Mother Sues Bus Driver After Son Is Dragged 150 Feet; Mother Of Maleah Davis Blames Child's Stepfather For Disappearance; 20 Million People Under Flood Watch On Gulf Coast. Aired 7-8a ET

Aired May 11, 2019 - 07:00   ET



[07:00:00] RUDY GIULIANI, ATTORNEY TO PRESIDENT TRUMP: I've decided -- Shannon, I'm not going to go to the Ukraine.

SHANNON BREAM, HOST, FOX NEWS CHANNEL: You're not going to go.

GIULIANI: I'm not going to go because I think I'm walking into a group of people that are enemies of the president. In some cases, enemies of the United States.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Rudy that I knew and worked with would never engage in this kind of conduct.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: President Trump jacked up tariffs on thousands of goods.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I like the president a lot. He's a friend of mine, but I'm representing the USA and he is representing China.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The question here in China is not if China is going to retaliate, but how and when.

DON LEMON, CNN HOST: The president also lost another battle in the war over his tax returns today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need to move this along. We need to send a clear message that this is not just all talk. It's spoke in mirrors, but we're serious about getting this information. Mr. Trump is making it very clear that obstruction is his middle name.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Good morning and happy Saturday to you. I'm Christi Paul.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Martin Savidge filling in for Victor Blackwell who is off today.

PAUL: We're glad to have you here. So, the top stories this hour. Rudy Giuliani making an about face, it seems. The president's lawyers says, guess what, he will not be going to Ukraine to push for an investigation of Joe Biden.

SAVIDGE: That trip cancellation came hours after the president told Politico that he was going to talk to Giuliani about it. Also, in that Politico interview, the president says it wouldn't be OK for his attorney general to investigate a rival and compare Joe Biden's primary search to his very own.

PAUL: And thousands of products coming in from China are going to be more expensive soon. Trade talks ended in deadlock. Where do we go from here?

SAVIDGE: We're going to begin with Rudy Giuliani and Ukraine. He announces he's not going. Here is what he told Fox News.


GIULIANI: I will get out of it. In order to remove any political suggestion...


GIULIANI: I will step back and I'll just watch it unfold.


PAUL: Now, Giuliani had originally said he wanted to convince Ukrainian leaders to look into Biden's call to remove a top Ukrainian prosecutor back in 2016. The former vice president was joined by other world leaders in making that call, but his opponents point to the fact that the prosecutor had been investigating a Ukrainian natural gas company that's connected to Biden's son. The investigation was later dropped after the prosecutor was removed.

SAVIDGE: President Trump seems to thinks, though, that it would be OK for his attorney general to investigate a political rival.

PAUL: Yes, and he left that possibility open in an interview with Politico. Joining us live from the White House now, CNN White House Reporter Jeremy Diamond. Jeremy, what are you hearing about this article?

JEREMY DIAMOND, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, the president very clearly stating in this interview that he is, indeed, keeping the door open to directing his attorney general, Bill Barr, to investigate the man that he sees as the most likely rival to his presidential re- election campaign in 2020, Joe Biden. The president telling Politico in an interview, yesterday: "Certainly, it would be an appropriate thing to speak to him about, but I have not done that, as of yet." He also says, "It could be a very big situation."

It's important to note that the president says, in this interview, that he had not previously thought of this idea until it was raised to him in this interview. But at the same time, we know that the president previously pushed the bounds of his political executive powers and his powers to investigate. We know that he previously urged his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, to unrecuse himself and prosecute Hillary Clinton, his formal rival in 2016; also urging other top justice officials to investigate Hillary Clinton -- and perhaps as well, the former FBI Director, James Comey.

But what's especially notable about this now is the fact that the president views Joe Biden as his most likely rival in the 2020 presidential campaign. The president comparing Joe Biden's early surge in the 2020 Democratic Primary to the president's own performance back in 2016 where he quickly rose to the top of the pack, outpacing many of his rivals in the 2016 campaign, ultimately to capture that Republican nomination.

And this also comes as sources have told us repeatedly that the president views Biden as the biggest threat to his 2020 re-election prospect. That's one of the reasons that many of his advisers are so upset that the president continues to give Joe Biden so much oxygen as he tries to compete in this 2020 Democratic nomination process.

SAVIDGE: All right, Jeremy Diamond, that sets the table for us. Thanks very much from the White House.

[07:05:01] PAUL: So, after President Trump said he felt it was OK to investigate his a potential 2020 rival, it provoked this tweet from Richard Painter, a Law Professor and former Bush White House Ethics Lawyer. He writes this: "This is what the justice minister does in a dictatorship: he investigates the president's political opponents." With us now: Deborah Barfield Berry, Washington Correspondent for USA Today. Deborah, it is so good to have you with us this morning. Thanks for being here. And I just want to point out, when the president was asked whether he would consider this, whether he'd direct Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate the Bidens, he said, certainly it would be an appropriate thing to do.


PAUL: Is it appropriate, in any way?

BERRY: Well, according to the experts, it's not appropriate. I mean, especially to investigate one of your opponents into -- and he's not even quite, actually, his official opponent, yet. But no, experts say that no, it is not the appropriate thing to do.

PAUL: If it's appropriate to investigate Biden, I guess, you wonder, why would he allow Giuliani to travel there? I mean -- now, Giuliani says he's not going to go. But is there any sense that well, he says he's not going to go, that could still be in question.

BERRY: Well, if you think about the timing of it, though, too. The interview with Politico, he said that he didn't really know much about it. And then a few hours later, Giuliani reverses his position. So, there may have been push back, of course, whether it'd be publicly or not, that maybe this is not the thing to do, this is not the move to make, especially considering all the other things going on in terms of investigations in foreign countries, even with his own administration.

PAUL: Yes. Yes, very good point. I want to stay on the Biden topic for a moment, because we have 22 Candidates right now.

BERRY: Right.

PAUL: On the Democratic side of things. And here's what the president said when he was asked in this interview with Politico yesterday, about Biden. He basically was saying he looks at it like his race, because Biden is so far ahead already. He said, "If you remember from the day I came down the escalator until the end of the primaries, I was in the number one position, I was center stage every debate. And you know, nobody came close." Now in actuality, Politico did point out that President Trump and Candidate Trump was in the bottom 12 of the 12 candidates. But he rose and he stayed in that position, certainly. So, do you think that this is a sign that President Trump, perhaps has some respect for Joe Biden? Kind of saying, listen, he's kind of in the same position I was or that he fears him?

BERRY: Again, as (INAUDIBLE) I would think that it sounds like he might consider him more of a threat. I mean, like you said, there's a big field -- there's what, 22 candidates, and yet, Biden was the one who as soon as he jumped in he became one of the front-runner -- still is the front-runner. Most of the attention now is focusing on Biden. So, with that said, it kind of draws away from other candidates, if he kind of focuses in and zeroes in on him.

PAUL: Do you think there's a possibility that there's a strategy here to what the president is doing? That he's calling maybe on his supporters saying, listen, Biden is the guy. Biden is the guy that I have to watch out for -- you all go do your job?

BERRY: Right. I mean, that's happened in 16 as well, kind of put the focus on who you think or who you consider the threat or who you think might the biggest threat, and then the surrogates do their thing, do what they do. Giuliani being one of them. Focus the attention on -- or even the media attention, really, if you will, on things that could draw attention to Biden, what he's done right, what he's done wrong and make sure you kind of, I won't say take him down, but take a look at his record and why he might be a threat.

PAUL: Sure, and what they can do to beat him.

BERRY: Right.

PAUL: I want to get to foreign policy and North Korea. Because the president had an interesting revelation in this conversation with politico when they asked him about North Korea's recent decision to launch the short-range missiles. Here's what he said: "They are short range, and I don't consider that a breach of trust at all. And you know, at some point I may, but at this point, no, these were short range missiles and very standard stuff," very standard. Now, the president has made it very clear: North Korea shouldn't be launching anything. How are we to read into what the president is doing? Do you think, at this point, maybe this is a sign he's just trying to keep the lines of communication open between himself and Kim Jong-un?

BERRY: Yes. And, partly, too, it's been clear along the way that he's talked about developing a relationship with them, he's kind of walked the line in terms of what he calls him out on or what he hasn't called him out on. So, this just kind of plays into let me make sure I don't look like I'm wrong about him. Don't make sure I haven't done the wrong thing when it comes to trying to develop a relationship with him. So, even though it may look like he's doing the wrong thing, he still kind of says, it wasn't as bad, no he didn't go that far. So, he still hasn't called him out.

[07:10:11] PAUL: Yes. Very good point. Deborah Barfield Berry, good to have you with us here. Thank you, ma'am.

BERRY: Thank you for having me.

SAVIDGE: Well, the White House is fighting a battle on all sides as congressional Democrats escalate their efforts to get the president's tax returns. On Friday, House Ways and Means Chair Richard Neal issued a subpoena for President Trump's financial records, increasing pressure on the IRS and Treasury Department to turn over the documents. Steve Bannon, President Trump's former Chief Strategist told Anderson Cooper, he thinks going after the president's taxes is a losing issue for Democrats.


STEVE BANNON, FORMER CHIEF STRATEGIST OF PRESIDENT TRUMP: I really don't think, Anderson, somebody's taxes from 30 years ago, and we don't even know what these -- if there's a summary of taxes, what he did on depreciation. He's a real estate developer. You know, you'd have to go through the whole thing. I don't think it's going to make a big deal -- I think it's going to make any real difference. I think the issues are the issues of today. And voters are going to say, hey, we thought about that in 2016. We voted for the guy or didn't vote for the guy on other reasons.


SAVIDGE: These subpoenas give the IRS and treasury secretary until May 17 to return Trump's tax information.

PAUL: Well, CNN has learned that former White House Counsel Don McGahn refused to White House request to publicly state the president did not obstruct justice. This appears that request was one of many attempts by the White House to paint the Mueller report as a total vindication of the president. Now, the House Judiciary Committee has subpoenaed McGahn for documents and testimony related to the Russia investigation. The White House has instructed McGahn not to provide documents. It's not clear, though, whether McGahn will testify yet.

SAVIDGE: This morning, we're hearing from the former top lawyer of the FBI who is countering conspiracy theories pushed by the president about why the Russian investigation started in the first place. For weeks, President Trump has called that Russia investigation an attempted or even failed coup. James Baker, the former General Counsel for the FBI says the Russia investigation was only ever about Russia.


JAMES BAKER, FORMER GENERAL COUNSEL FOR THE FBI: There was a point in time relatively recently, where I just became sick of all the B.S. that is said about the origins of the investigation, and I just got fed up with it. The case was about Russia. We've written about this. It was about Russia. Period. Full stop.


SAVIDGE: Trump's allies in congress are pushing him to declassify the warrant applications used to start the Russia investigation, accusing those in the senior ranks of the Justice Department and the FBI of being bias against the president.

PAUL: Well, the U.S. is sending more missiles to the Middle East to counter a threat from Iran. What we're learning this morning about President Trump's moves, just ahead.

SAVIDGE: Plus, one of the suspects accused in the Colorado school shooting reportedly always joked about killing his classmates. Coming up, the possible warning signs that may had been missed.

PAUL: And there are several film companies pulling out of Georgia over the state's new anti-abortion law, which is now the most restrictive in the nation. We'll tell you more about the fallout.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our industry is taking a stand. Women are taking a stand, and we're saying no more.



[07:16:31] SAVIDGE: U.S. and Iran tensions are heating up. The U.S. is sending a warship and more missiles to the Middle East, that according to the Pentagon. President Trump is also telling Tehran to call him.

PAUL: He shared a phone number with the Swiss for the Iranians to go ahead, give them a call. Iran had already said it will not negotiate with the White House. CNN's Ben Wedeman is live from Beirut. Ben, (INAUDIBLE) from you this morning, what is the reaction from Iran regarding the missile movement?

BEN WEDEMAN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Iran has made it clear that it is going to continue with its nuclear program within the guidelines of the nuclear agreement, but with certain modifications. As far as the American statements are going, we've heard some Iranian clerics, for instance, saying that one missile could destroy America's fleet in the region. However, that appears to be just rhetoric at this point. What we do know is the United States is dispatching a patriot missile battery to the region, but it's important to keep in mind that a few months ago, pulled four batteries out of the Middle East. We've also learned overnight that they will be dispatching the USS

Arlington, which is an amphibious vessel. But it is actually -- that was a scheduled deployment. It may be somewhat accelerated, but that was designed to replace another, somewhat older vessel of similar specifications. This comes after a late Sunday night announcement from U.S. Security -- National Security Council Adviser, John Bolton saying that the USS Abraham Lincoln carrier group was being dispatched to the Middle East as a result of unspecified Iranian threats. It's important to keep in mind, however, that deployment of the Abraham Lincoln and its carrier group was actually announced a month before.

Now, as far as the intelligence behind this goes, CNN has been told by unnamed officials in Washington, that they believe that the Iranians are moving short-range ballistic missiles and cruise missiles around the gulf in boats in addition that there's an increased level of threat against the approximately 5,000 U.S. troops in Iraq. But the initial intelligence that apparently prompted Mr. Bolton to make his Sunday statement came from his Israeli counterpart who met with Mr. Bolton in Washington two weeks before.

SAVIDGE: Interesting developments, but still very concerning. Ben Wedeman, thanks very much for the update from Beirut.

PAUL: We're talking about goods worth $300 billion that could be facing a new tax. There's a U.S. trade representative who said President Trump is pushing to add tariffs to, essentially, all remaining imports from China after trade talks with top Chinese negotiators failed the deal. What this means for you?

SAVIDGE: Plus, new details in the disappearance of 4-year-old, Maleah Davis. The mother says there is surveillance video that may help police in their investigation. What the mother claims is on that video, that's just ahead.


[07:23:29] SAVIDGE: As the trade war between the U.S. and China heats up, President Trump is beginning the process of increasing tariffs on all remaining imports from China. Those imports are said to be valued at approximately $300 billion. So far, by design, most consumer electronics, shoes and toys were not affected by the trade war. But this new threat will lead to higher prices on pretty popular items including iPhones, Nike apparel, Barbie dolls and other toys, sporting goods, clothes. Those costs are going to add up. A family of four would spend an extra $767 a year and the economy would lose nearly 935,000 jobs, to some surveys that have been done. Joining me now to discuss all of this is Robert Holleyman, he's the President and CEO of CNN International, a former U.S. Deputy Trade Representative under President Obama. Thanks for being with us this morning.


SAVIDGE: This brinkmanship, in other words, we continue to get messages that the talks are going well, things seem to be OK, and yet the president is going ahead and putting these tariffs on. It's already gone into effect.

HOLLEYMAN: What we're seeing on this is really the president doubling down on his strategy of putting tariff taxes on Chinese products are being sold in the U.S. As your chart showed, that clearly has a negative impact on American consumers and businesses. But the president's calculations seem to be that it has, also, the potential to hurt China, perhaps, in a way that is a greater harm to China than two American consumers. So, it's really doubling in on the strategy. I mean, the rational, in part, is because there are differences between the two countries and how they approach these issues, and those differences need to be narrowed. I continue to believe that they can be and that the deal could be reached, but there's a, sort of, doubling down on this tax strategy by the U.S.

SAVIDGE: And there is. I just want to play this sound bite from Chinese Vice Premier Liu as sort of, he describes where things stand right now. Take a listen.


LIU LE, CHINESE VICE PREMIER (through translator): At present, both sides have reached consensus in many aspects. But frankly speaking, differences still exist. We think these differences are crucial issues regarding our principle. Every country has its principle, and we will make no concessions on matter of principle.


SAVIDGE: Now, just knowing how strategies go when it comes to negotiation, you tend to get the easy stuff out of the way first. And it's -- the hold-up stuff at the end that can become the most problematic and potentially drag this on. How long do you think we could be going here?

HOLLEYMAN: Well, ten days ago, we thought we would be wrapping up a deal this week. Clearly, we moved to further escalation of the taxes in the U.S. to try to put more pressure on the Chinese. I think the parameters of a deal are still very much on the table. I dealt, on many occasions with the Vice Premier Liu He, you know, he is an articulate spokesman for his country. He represents or certainly speaks to the tone of the reformers.

On the other hand, there is a major challenge within China because the U.S. is trying to get China to agree to make fundamental changes in its state-controlled economy in a way that will allow U.S. companies to compete there. Those are things that go to the heart of the Chinese resistance. So, I think this will continue for certainly weeks ahead, but I do believe that when President Trump and President Xi see one another, which will happen next month when they are both at the G-20 summit in Japan, I think those personal interactions will probably speed up the process by which we end up getting a final deal.

SAVIDGE: And can I get your thoughts on a point the president seems to makes over and over? And I'm not sure he's accurate -- he sort of implies that -- well, we know the tariffs are essentially a tax. But the president has implied: well, China is going to pay this tax. China is not paying this tax. It's the American consumer or the corporations that import the products from China to pay this tax, correct?

[07:27:55] HOLLEYMAN: That's absolutely correct. This is a, you know, the reason why the U.S. historically shies away from putting tariff taxes in place is because they hit U.S. consumers and U.S. businesses. The first 250 billion of these that the U.S. has put in place have been targeted more toward larger enterprises, the supply chain where the immediate costs that will become less apparent. But in this new step that (INAUDIBLE) is doing as of next Monday, to go to all the rest of the $300 billion of imports, that's going to hit everyone in the U.S. Chinese exporters do not pay the tax. That is paid by the importer, the company that sells that in the U.S. We import more from China than any other country in the world, which means our taxes will go up on the largest number of products that are bought from consumer goods, to steel, to other products. So, it will hit Americans in our pocketbooks, even beyond what we've seen today.

SAVIDGE: Not good news. All right. Robert Holleyman, thank you very much for coming in this morning.

HOLLEYMAN: Thank you very much.

PAUL: Troubling information about one of the two suspects in the Colorado school shooting this week. We're hearing from a former classmate who says one of those suspects always joked about killing his classmates.

SAVIDGE: Plus, Georgia's recently passed anti-abortion bill is sending the film industry to other states. How Georgia's decision to pass one of the nation's most restrictive abortion laws is affecting future film production. That's next.


[07:32:57] PAUL: There's a mom in Utah who is suing a former school bus driver. Because she says he targeted her son trapping the boy's backpack in the bus doors and driving away. So, the boy was essentially being dragged.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: There is a lot behind the story. CNN's Stephanie Elam reports.


BRENDA MAYES, MOTHER OF 14-YEAR-OLD DRAGGED BY SCHOOL BUS: My initial thoughts were, I was glad he didn't kill him. His body didn't go under the wheels.

STEPHANIE ELAM, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Children lined up getting off a school bus when suddenly the doors closed just as a 14-year-old boy is exiting. His backpack is caught in the door. Then, the bus starts to move. For about 20 seconds, the boy's body is dangling outside the bus, held up only by the straps of his backpack.

MAYES: As the driver's driving, he looks over three times as he's going forward. He's driving forward, he's looking -- looks -- he looks over. So, he knew what he was doing. The children were very animated, he knew exactly what he was doing.

ELAM: Brenda Mayes is the mother of that 7th grader. She says her son called her after the February 4th incident, sounding "terrified and embarrassed"

MAYES: And he had said that he felt pressure across his chest, but he didn't have like injuries, but he could that's how where he'd been pinched there.

ELAM: Mayes believes this was no accident but was done on purpose by the bus driver, John Naisbitt. In a lawsuit that names the Davis School District, its transportation director, David Roberts, and Naisbitt as defendants.

Mayes, claims the bus driver has a history of targeting biracial students.

ROBERT SYKES, LAWYER FOR BRENDA MAYES: All of this was based upon race, OK? That was racial discrimination, racial assault, and it was unconstitutional conduct. And Davis School District, suborned it. They passively approved it because they did nothing. OK? Until this event.

ELAM: In a statement, the school district said, "When issues of discrimination are raised at any time, they are investigated thoroughly. The Davis School District takes any claims of racial discrimination seriously and does not tolerate any form of racial discrimination in our schools.

Roberts' had no comment. But Naisbitt, who the lawsuit claims was forced to retire soon after this incident had this to say to CNN affiliate, KSTU.

[07:35:17] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would you say that you're racist?



NAISBITT: Look at my dog. He's as black as can be.

ELAM: Mayes, says a criminal investigation into Naisbitt's actions is ongoing. Stephanie Elam, CNN.


SAVIDGE: There are new allegations in the disappearance of four-year- old Maleah Davis. The mother told CNN that she thinks the child's stepfather bears some responsibility in her disappearance.

The mother along with the community activist claimed that there is surveillance video that shows Maleah's stepfather Darion Vence leaving their apartment with a laundry basket and a bottle of bleach.


QUANELL X, COMMUNITY ACTIVIST: We want to share with you that there is a video camera at the top of the stairway, by one of their neighbors. And on that video camera will show it to you, it captures the stepdad coming out of the apartment with a bottle of Clorox, a laundry basket, and inside the laundry basket, a garbage bag.


SAVIDGE: Meanwhile, police have recovered the car Vince was driving when he claims he, Maleah and his 2-year-old son were attacked and abducted. Police, say they have not heard from the stepfather in several days since the incident.

PAUL: One of the Colorado school shooting suspects "always joked" about killing his classmates. This is according to a former student at the STEM School in Highlands Ranch. The two suspects were arrested this week after police say they killed one student, injured eight others at the school.

A former student at the school says one of the suspects often talked about going on some sort of rampage.


KEVIN COLE, FORMER STUDENT, STEM SCHOOL: He would walk into the classroom and from time to time, he would say just like it -- we always thought it was a joke, but he would say, "When the pencil hits the floor, I'm going to start shooting." And then, he would drop pencils randomly throughout the class.


PAUL: Kendra Castillo died, charging one of those gunmen. He is now being remembered as the hero, of course, whose parents spoke to CNN's Chris Cuomo.


JOHN CASTILLO, SON KILLED IN COLORADO SCHOOL SHOOTING: You know, it's an emotional rollercoaster, it's a -- you know, we're fine when we're busy and occupied, and there's a lot of that right now. I mean, with meeting people and everyone telling us -- you know, what a hero that our son is, and we love that. But, you know, I'm not going to lie to you, I wake up in the morning and I saw, and then, I cry, and I can't believe that this event has taken place. It's like life has literally stopped. I mean, we -- our purpose has gone away.


PAUL: One of the suspects is being charged as an adult there. Prosecutors are trying to determine how to charge the second suspect who is 16 years old.

SAVIDGE: In other news right now, the Coast Guard is responding to an oil tanker crash. This occurring in Texas, they say, an oil tanker and a tug pushing two barges collided on the Houston shipping channel, near Bay Port.

One barge has capsized and another is, look at that, significantly damage. The Coast Guard says nearly 25,000 barrels of gasoline were loaded on each of those barges. They say they do not know how much product has been spilled. No injuries have been reported.

PAUL: The battle over abortion laws is intensifying across the country now. Georgia has a strict new law on the books. Alabama State Senate is set to vote on what would become the nation's most restrictive abortion law.

But as our Natasha Chen, reports, Georgia's tough new law could impact the state's burgeoning film business.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All those in favor say -- any oppose? Motion passes, committee amendment is tabled.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, Mr. Chairman -- Mr. Chairman, Mr. (INAUDIBLE), there was no motion. There was no motion.

NATASHA CHEN, CNN NATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: This shouting match happens Thursday, as Alabama senators considered a bill that would ban abortions at every stage of pregnancy from conception on, and criminalize the procedure for doctors.

The battle over abortion rights has been raging since the landmark case of Roe v. Wade in 1973 which legalized the procedure nationwide. But now, certain states are drafting restrictive bills in preparation for a lawsuit in the nation's highest court.

ERIC JOHNSTON, PRESIDENT, ALABAMA PRO-LIFE COALITION: This is the first time in 46 years that the makeup on the Supreme Court has changed where there is possibly enough conservatives on there who would believe Roe v. Wade is incorrectly decided.

CHEN: Outside of Alabama, a so-called heartbeat bill has been passed in several states, some already blocked in courts. Those laws prohibit abortions after a fetal heartbeat can be detected about six weeks into a pregnancy before many women know they're pregnant. And that's causing a problem for Georgia's nearly $10 billion film and T.V. industry.

ALYSSA MILANO, ACTRESS: Our industry is taking a stand. Women are taking a stand, and we're saying, no more.

CHEN: David Simon who created The Wire, said his production company won't film in Georgia anymore. He's joins by Mark Duplass counter- narrative films and killer films. CNN reached out to Marvel, which films Avengers movies in Georgia, and AMC Studios, which films, The Walking Dead in the Peach State. Neither have responded yet. Natasha Chen, CNN, Atlanta.

(END VIDEOTAPE) [07:40:18] PAUL: There was a point at the ACLU are suing the State of Georgia to block the new abortion law. While the states of Vermont, and New York have taken actions to try to protect women's right to an abortion.

SAVIDGE: The gulf coast is under a flash flood watch as rain and thunderstorms threaten to batter the area.


SAVIDGE: It just seems that some parts of the south cannot catch a break when it comes to severe thunderstorms and torrential rain continue to pound Texas, Mississippi, and Louisiana. We want to show this drone footage now. And take a look at that, there is a -- where you can see where the road ends, and water begins, and it goes on to the horizon there.

[07:45:05] PAUL: And it's suddenly, the water that's problematic. There are thousands of people due to enough power. And there are 20 million people are under a flood watch today. CNN's Allison Chinchar is live from the Weather Center. How much rain are we talking about today?

ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Yes. So, in additional amount, likely, widespread about one to three inches, which may not sound like a lot. But you have to remember, it's on top of what they've already had. And look at this, Richmond, Texas has already picked up over a foot of rain.

So, even something simple as say an inch of rain today is likely still going to cause additional problems. And it's not just there, you've got other portions of Louisiana and Mississippi that have also picked up over a half an inch of rain.

But also, see how much more widespread this has become. You can really see some of that heavy rainfall estimated over the last 48 hours. Other places like Baton Rouge, also picking up over half a foot of rain.

Here is a look at the forecast going forward. The one thing to note, finally, for places like Texas and Louisiana, that system is finally going to start to move away from them, allowing them to have a break.

But, that also means, then, it's moving into new states, Georgia, Alabama, portions of the Carolinas. By tonight, you start to see it push into areas of the mid-Atlantic, and even the Northeast.

The best chance for the heavy rain is likely going to be from New Orleans all the way up to Richmond, Virginia. Where you're likely going to have about two to four inches of rain, widespread.

We do still have flash flood watches in effect for four states, including Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Arkansas. Look at this video, this is coming from Texas, just around the Houston area. You can see a lot of these trucks, they think that our high vehicles, they can drive through it. But what you don't realize is what's underneath that water. You could have debris that's flowing underneath it. You could drive over a pothole, sink that car down under, and not be able to get the car back up.

So, the best advice is turn around, don't drown. Just don't go through it. If you can't see the ground underneath it, don't even attempt it. The problem is, it's also not just roadways that are covered in water. It's also the rivers, the creeks, and streams are all swollen, and in some cases, well, over their banks.

You have over 200 river gages above flood stage and over 30 of them that are at major flood stage. And add in -- to add insult to injury, you also have the potential for some severe storms today. The best chance for that is going to be in this yellow shaded area here that does include Jackson, Mississippi, as well as New Orleans.

The main threats guys are going to be damaging winds, the potential for some large hail, but yes, also, the potential for some isolated tornadoes as we head into the afternoon hours.

SAVIDGE: Boy, it is just a one-two punch that doesn't seem to end. All right, Allison, thank you.

PAUL: So, the Navy is saying thank you to a pretty special teacher in a pretty special way. We have her amazing story next.


[07:51:58] PAUL: Do you find it intimidating at all when you're trying to shop for healthy groceries, especially, if you're on a tight budget? Well, there are universities and community groups, now showing people how to navigate the store so we can stay well.


RENEE STACER, NUTRITION INSTRUCTOR, MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY: It is a huge misconception that to eat healthy is not affordable, when, in fact, it's the complete opposite.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A lot of times, people don't know how to shop. They might buy a bunch of fresh produce or vegetables. And they buy it in a quantity that is too high for what they need for their family.

Your internet with a lot of food weighs something as simple as going on the grocery store tour, it can help them fix that problem.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody here goes to the grocery store, right?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We teach people how to prepare meals in a healthy way.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look for the stamp that says whole grains.

STACER: You can budget and you can give your family the same quality of food at the end of the month as they got at the beginning of the month.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The store tour actually shows you the different area such as produce, canned goods, fresh and frozen, cereal.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With a total of 12 gram.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We talk about sodium, calcium, and various nutrients, and everything, and really how to maximize your food dollars so that we can in away combat food and security for our families.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dollar nine, all right? And this one is $0.59, major price difference.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If we can just teach people how to save in one area, I think that'll translate over into many different areas of their lives.


SAVIDGE: All right, you're going to like the next story. The Joint Base Andrews Air Show: America's Air and Space Expo is happening this weekend in Maryland.

PAUL: And as a thank you for the differences that she is making, this an influential teacher who was chosen to take a demo flight with the Blue Angels. Here is CNN's Kristen Holmes.


TOSIN ADETORO, STEAM TEACHER, THOMAS JEFFERSON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: Happy Monday, hello. Good morning, are you awake? Keana, (INAUDIBLE) now.


ADETORO: Because you're just going to see whatever it is on there.

HOLMES: With 800 students and a hands-on curriculum, she has to.

ADETORO: So, you see all the microscopes? This is a fun time.

HOLMES: Adetoro is a steam teacher at Thomas Jefferson Elementary School in Falls Church, Virginia.

ADETORO: Good job, good job. STEAM stands for Science Technology Engineering, Art and Math. There is a lot of motion, a lot of interaction. Very fast-paced.

Careful, careful, careful, look at mosquitos.

HOLMES: Tying subjects together, and engaging students through problem-solving.

ADETORO: Anyone needs some help? I actually find a lot of those -- the population that struggle in a traditional classroom thrives in my classroom. Look at it now.

HOLMES: Preparing them for a successful future.

ADETORO: I love growing our youth and giving them the power to do anything that they want. Their possibilities are limitless.

HOLMES: Well, her days in the classroom are never slow. Today, she's really picking up the pace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: About 1,000 miles per hour, somewhere in that range it'll get up and go.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, ready, hit it. And there you go. Look over your shoulders, we are climbing away pretty quickly.

ADETORO: Oh, no.

[07:55:09] HOLMES: Inspired to teach by educators who changed her life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- back there, so, no war about falling out of your seat.

HOLMES: Miss Adetoro is now being honored by the Navy for her impact on others. With a flight on a Blue Angels fighter jet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is all that what kind of rushes to your head?

HOLMES: CNN, getting the exclusive chance to fly along.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: -- you can look up, and you see the ground above you.

ADETORO: You know, you get a few of those in your lifetime, so, you really have to embrace it and take it on. So, this was some very special moment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, are you ready to go?

HOLMES: A rare opportunity --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, ready, hit it.

HOLMES: She is learning lessons to bring back to the classroom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you can see a little bit more aggressive, moving faster (INAUDIBLE).

LT. CARY RICKOFF, PILOT, UNITED STATES NAVY BLUE ANGELS: We got to show her what it's like small -- the math and science that goes through one of these jets.

ADETORO: We have wildlife. I'm going to give you plants. I love each and every one of them, and I give that passion at all times.


HOLMES: Passion that Adetoro hopes will one day bring her students to great heights.

ADETORO: Oh, very cool.

RICKOFF: Absolutely. Work on math, science, but anybody can do it. I never thought I'd be here in a blue suit, so, put your head down, try and you never know where you might end up.


HOLMES: Kristen Holmes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And there is half one, there is one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And there's two.

HOLMES: Joint Base Andrews, Maryland.



PAUL: Be as good. And they are -- they are tough. Yes, I thought I was tough because I did this, and I went six geez, he blew me out of the water.

SAVIDGE: Oh, well --

PAUL: 11 geez!

SAVIDGE: 11 geez. But, you know, I love this story because, first of all, educators should be rewarded, if not financially, then with things like this.

PAUL: Absolutely.

SAVIDGE: And who better to explain to children, young people about the benefits of seeing this kind of performance aircraft. I mean, it's a way to pass it along.


PAUL: And she's stayed awake for it.


PAUL: I mend to her.


PAUL: Kudos for her, big time.

SAVIDGE: And also to the Navy as well.

PAUL: Yes, that's true -- that's true. So, listen, China, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela, President Trump's list of foreign policy flashpoints stacking up here. Next hour, Republican Congressman Ted Yoho of the House Foreign Affairs Committee is discussing the major international tests that the president is facing right now. Your NEW DAY continues in just a moment.

