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New Day Sunday

Coast-to-Coast Protests Denounce Trump Administration Policies; Trump-Like Candidate Expected to Become President; Trump Says He Won't Ask About Overturning Roe V. Wade; Tariffs May Force Largest Nail Manufacturer in U.S. to Close; Capital Gazette: Healing, and Reporting. Aired 7-8a ET

Aired July 01, 2018 - 07:00   ET


RYAN NOBLES, CNN WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT: -- law, politicians will last the motivation to keep the progress going.

[07:00:06] Back to you.


MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: That new CNN original film "American Jail" premieres tonight at 8:00 Eastern Time.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are here to say families belong together. We are begging, demanding that policy change.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We need to rebuild our immigration system from top to bottom, starting by replacing ICE.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We should protect families that need our help and that is not what ICE is doing today and I think you should get rid of it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This issue is finally getting the attention it deserves.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Well, good morning to you. It's 7:00 on the dot this Sunday. And we are always grateful to have you with us. I'm Christi Paul.

SAVIDGE: And I'm Martin Savidge, in for Victor Blackwell.

PAUL: So, coming up, national outrage over the treatment of immigrants to the U.S.

SAVIDGE: Also ahead this hour, after satellite images reveal upgrades for a nuclear facility, "The Washington Post" is reporting new evidence of North Korea's efforts to conceal its warheads.

We'll take a closer look at President Trump's relationship with evangelical voters and the politics of religion.

PAUL: And Mexico chooses a new president today who stands to inherit a bitter trade battle with the U.S. and widespread corruption and crime at home.

SAVIDGE: And then how tariffs could force the largest nail manufacturer in the U.S. to go out of bounds or move south.

Your NEW DAY starts right now.


PAUL: Again, so grateful you with us here this morning.

Now, listen, they are promising to keep up the fight you saw the last 24 hours from San Francisco to Chicago, Atlanta, New York, hundreds of other cities in between. There were thousands of marchers who ignored the summer heat and who hit the streets and marched for miles. Their message to the White House was families belong together. And it's time for action.

SAVIDGE: You know, joining those protesters were activists and Hollywood stars, and even potential 2020 candidates. Here is CNN correspondent Polo Sandoval.


POLO SANDOVAL, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): These are the rallying cries heard across the country Saturday.

PROTESTERS: Where are the kids?

SANDOVAL: Protesters led by immigrant rights groups marching in masses with a message for President Trump to eliminate his zero tolerance policy, calling for the prosecution of people crossing the board illegally.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The thought that my own family would have difficulty coming across the border if they needed to do seek asylum for any reason chills me to the bone.

SANDOVAL: In New York, a mile and a half march from Manhattan to Brooklyn, a symbolic moment ahead of a big pause in the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge looking towards Lady Liberty, reciting the pledge of allegiance.

PROTESTERS: One nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all!

SANDOVAL: Speakers in podiums from coast to coast demanding children be reunited with their parents.

LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA, CREATOR OF "HAMILTON" THE MUSICAL: We are here because there are parents who can't sing lullabies to their kids.

ALICIA KEYS, SINGER: This is all of our fight, because if it can happen to any child, it can happen to my child and your child and all of our children.

SANDOVAL: In the nation's capital, a 12-year-old of an undocumented family sent a message to children still in the care of the government.

LEAH, PARENTS ARE UNDOCUMENTED: I want to tell kids at the border and all over the country not to give up and fight for their family. We are all human! And deserve to be loved and cared for! We are children!

SANDOVAL: Fiery Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren also spoke to the masses in Massachusetts.

SEN. ELIZABETH WARREN (D), MASSACHUSETTS: This is about babies scattered all across this country. This is about mamas who want their children back.


President Trump seems to think that the only way to have immigration rules is to rip parents from their families, is to treat rape victims and refuges like terrorists, and to put children in cages.

SANDOVAL: Trump signed an executive order last week reversing his administration's practice of separating families, but more than 2,000 children are still waiting to be reunited with their parents. Though protests across the country remained peaceful, dozens were treated for heat-related emergencies.

For some marchers, their protest isn't over. They plan to make their voice heard come November during midterm elections.

[07:05:01] UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want people who want to come here, who want refuge in our country to know that there are many, many citizens of the U.S. who do not agree with is what going on now.

SANDOVAL: Pablo Sandoval, CNN, New York.


PAUL: And, listen, these protesters made some clear demands, some of them from right outside the resort where the president is spending the weekend. In response, the president tweeted a line here. Democrats want open borders and are weak on crime, he says.

Joining us with more, CNN White House reporter Sarah Westwood.

Sarah, what are you hearing there this morning, Sarah?

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well, President Trump spent the weekend here in New Jersey at his golf resort working on filling the Supreme Court vacancy that Anthony Kennedy will soon leave. He made calls to his White House counsel Don McGahn who is leading the search. But just a few miles outside of his golf resort, people who were protesting his still very unpopular zero tolerance immigration policy, demonstrators took place around the country against the Trump administration's policy of separating families at the border. And this came against the backdrop of growing calls among Democrats to

abolish or reform Immigration and Customs Enforcement, an agency that did play a part in perpetrating the family separation policies.

Now, Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts was among those Democrats who are calls for sweeping changes to ICE. Take a listen.


WARREN: The president's deeply immoral actions have made it obvious, we need to rebuild our immigration system from top-to-bottom, starting by replacing ICE with something that reflects our morality and --



WESTWOOD: Now, President Trump responded on Twitter by defending ICE and saying he would resist any of these changes to that Immigration and Enforcement Agency. President Trump then accused any Democrats who oppose his immigration priorities as being weak on border security and weak on crime -- Martin and Christi.

PAUL: Sarah Westwood, we appreciate it. Good to see you this morning. Thank you.

SAVIDGE: Democrats are definitely at a crossroads on a number of political fronts here. There are growing calls as you heard to reform ICE. A 20-year incumbent was unseated by a newcomer, a progressive, and now, a Supreme Court vacancy. And all of this while the Democratic Party is still very deeply divided.

Joining me to discuss this, Washington bureau chief of the "Chicago Sun-Times", is Lynn Sweet.

Lynn, thank you very much for joining us this morning.


SAVIDGE: You know, I got to say this talk of replacing ICE came out of the blue for me. I did not see this one coming and it does seem to be distracting Democrats away from a subject that was working well for them, and that is the separation of immigrant families that was taking place. Is this the right policy that Democrats should be focusing on?

SWEET: Well, it seems not because President Trump easily turn the matter from separation of families, which is on his plate and his responsibility and his controversy to making the reorganization or abolishment of ICE, which then turns the matter into security and this old charge that always gets leveled against Democrats, not true that they are weak on crime.

So, as a matter of strategy, some Democratic leaders think this is not the way to go just like calling for the impeachment of Trump is not the way to go. You know, the issue with government are the people who run government, the policies, the priorities and the laws. ICE doesn't seem to me the issue. You're always going to have some immigration authority. So, I think, Martin, it's an ill-conceived and questionable path that some Democrats are taking.

But if I could quickly add, I understand why we are getting, you know, closer to the 2018 elections and 2020 contenders like Warren and Gillibrand are out there and it plays to the left of the party which is the most activist energized wing of the Democratic Party.

SAVIDGE: And -- yes, that seems to be the problem now because, you know, we have just seen the defeat of Congressman Joseph Crowley and he upset by a political newcomer there, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. It's a blow, of course, to the party establishment but I'm wondering, you know, is this changing of the guard, which this definitely is, what the Democratic Party needs at this time?

SWEET: Well, so, this is a crossroads. You have this issue and an internal debate over abolishment of ICE. And then you have the establishment Democrats in the House, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, especially Pelosi, the spotlight is on her, because Congressman Crowley who you're talking about who is defeated, was seen as the person to be speaker, for some reason, Pelosi wasn't.

You now, part of it is generational, but part of it is just the strategy.

[07:10:00] You had another blow to the Democrats this week with that court ruling in the Janus case that weakens labor unions. So, this has been a very tough week for Democrats and at the moment, if they're not unified on immigration, you know, it just makes it tougher for them and tougher for them to figure out who their leader should be.

SAVIDGE: And the issue that I thought being Democrats, especially now would be talking about, is the Supreme Court vacancy and what to do about it and that would energize people to get to the polls, but it's not the forefront of the conversation.

SWEET: Well, I think it will be very soon once the nominee comes on July 9th which President Trump has promised, because all of the issues we are talking about them are knitted together then. When you talk about the future of the Supreme Court if a hard line replaces Justice Kennedy who is seen as the swing vote on social issues the swing vote, then have you something to talk to about a Democratic base and independent swing voters.

SAVIDGE: And, you know, that is the issue because, of course, you know, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal of Washington said that, quote, if we have to pay attention -- or we have to pay attention to our base. That energy combined with the real threat of a second Supreme Court justice that could strip away women's reproductive rights and a lot of other rights that people have come to rely on, I think is even a bigger call to action. That does seem to be something you can point directly at and say, this is the line in the sand we need to draw. It's not something, talking about ICE.

SWEET: Well, it would be, except ICE is symbolic. I think this call to abolish ICE is just a kind of catch phrase, but it's dangerous for Democrats because Trump is very, very talented at figuring out the weak part of a message, as he did just in that tweet.

You know, the other thing is about using this at a rallying cry, the Supreme Court vacancy for 2018. There will -- there's going to be a name and a confirmation fight well before people start voting in November. So, the Republicans do have the upper hand in the Senate on this one. So, the attention for practical matter, Martin, really isn't on the Democrats, if you want to impact the Supreme Court choice, it's on few Republican senators like Lisa Murkowski of Alaska or Susan Collins of Maine, to see if they could somehow be influential in this election.

SAVIDGE: Yes, you're right. Lynn Sweet, thanks very much. Good to see you this morning.

SWEET: Thank you.

PAUL: And breaking news overnight. Police in Boise, Idaho, are looking for a motive in a knife attack in the city's refuge community. And questioning man who they say stabbed nine people at an apartment complex. This happened yesterday afternoon. All nine of those people were taken to the hospital. Four have life-threatening injuries. Investigators say the 30-year-old suspect didn't know any of the victims. He was not provoked and they have no motive.

SAVIDGE: The U.S. intelligence officials are telling "The Washington Post" this morning, North Korea will not fully surrender its nuclear arsenal and, in fact, is planning to actually hide some of its weapons, although CNN cannot independently confirm that. Officials say they obtained evidence during the June 12th summit in Singapore showing that North has facilities the U.S. knows nothing about and it's using them to make fissile material for nuclear weapons.

Just this week, President Trump continued to mark the summit as, quote, a great success. There has been no comment from the director of the national intelligence on this story yet.

PAUL: Well, there are voters heading to the polls today in Mexico, and they may elect a very Trump-like candidate as their next president. How this election could affect the U.S.

SAVIDGE: Plus, the largest nail manufacturer in the U.S. lays off dozens of people and could be forced to completely stop production. They blame tariffs, so what could be done to save these hundreds of American jobs?

PAUL: And we take a closer look at President Trump's relationship with evangelical voters and the politics of religion.


[07:18:02] PAUL: So glad to have you here. We are breaking news to tell you about this morning.

Texas has a new congressman. CNN can project that Michael Cloud will win more than 50 percent of the vote for the 27th district there. That's along Texas's gulf coast.

Cloud is a strong Trump supporter who was endorsed by Texas Governor Greg Abbott. Now, the special election was called to replace a disgraced former Congressman Blake Farenthold. He resigned amid sexual harassment claims.

SAVIDGE: In just hours actually, voters head to the polls in Mexico, in an election that could put a Trump-like candidate in power. The expected winner is Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, a populist candidate who like Trump, dislikes NAFTA and thinks that his country got a bad deal. He also insists that Mexico will not pay for Trump's border wall.

PAUL: This election has been increasingly violent and deadly though. There are dozens of politicians who've been killed across country. It's also key to the future of Mexico, though, with more than 600 positions up for grabs here. And the country's relationship with the U.S., of course, is at a crossroads.

Here is CNN's Leyla Santiago.


LEYLA SANTIAGO, CNN CORRESPONDENT (voice-over): Even in Mexico's largest stadium, he fills nearly every seat.

Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador known as AMLO, once Mexico City's mayor, now a man on his third attempt to become Mexican's president. The leftist candidate just promised to crack down on corruption and violence. And at a time when homicides are at an all-time high, and the current president's approval rating is remarkably low, the populist candidate's message for change is resonating with voters.

ANDRES MANUEL LOPEZ OBRADOR, MEXICAN PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE (translated): Neither Mexico, nor its people, will be a pinata of any foreign government.

SANTIAGO: He has vowed to put Mexico first.

CLIFF YOUNG, IPSOS: He is one more example of a populist wave that Trump was part of as well. You'll have Trump's make America great again versus AMLO's make Mexico great again.


[07:20:12] SANTIAGO: At a rally earlier this month, he carefully chose his words. He called President Trump passionate and claimed he is the man to stand up to Trump.

He's even written a book called "Listen, Trump," in which he pushes back on Trump's wall.


SANTIAGO: Nothing can be resolved by building walls, he says, and that is not the only issue he'll have to take on should he become Mexico's next head of state.

DONALD TRUMP, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If we don't negotiate a great deal with Mexico and Canada, we will terminate NAFTA and we'll start all over again.

SANTIAGO: NAFTA, the controversial free trade agreement that has become a point of contention.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I propose we keep the agreement.

SANTIAGO: As Mexican business leaders you recall AMLO to support the agreement, he has pledged, much like Trump, to make sure it's a good deal for his country -- protecting Mexico's interest, always.

Leyla Santiago, CNN, Mexico City.


SAVIDGE: Just two days before the election, another Mexican journalist was killed. Colleagues protested the murder of reporter Jose Guadalupe Chan. He is the seventh journalist killed in Mexico this year. The organization Reporters Without Borders ranks Mexico as one of the most dangerous countries for journalist.

PAUL: Listen, there is a move coming up that could motivate President Trump's base in the elections. Will a conservative pick for the Supreme Court secure support from evangelicals who may not be too happy right now? That answer is coming up.


[07:26:28] PAUL: So glad to have you with us. Welcome back. I'm Christi Paul.

SAVIDGE: And I'm Martin Savidge, in for Victor Blackwell.

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators say they plan to keep up the fight. They were on the streets yesterday across the country protesting the administration's zero tolerance immigration policy which prompted family separations at the U.S./Mexico border.

They demanded the government quickly reunite families.

PAUL: Actress Laura Dern was one of several celebrities who participated in the demonstrations. She's demanding policy change immediately.


LAURA DERN, ACTRESS: We are here saying families belong together and we are begging and demanding policy change so families are not only reunited but this ends immediately. We ask for other countries, our allies to support us. We are founded on being an asylum, a place for safe hasher for families. And we cry together at night considering that other families have been separated in this horrific way.


PAUL: Now, President Trump is expected to name a conservative to replace Justice Kennedy on the Supreme Court next week. Kennedy has been a key swing vote on the high court and critics say another conservative could jeopardize abortion rights and major equality.

Well, Kent Ingle is an evangelical Christian and a Trump supporter.

Kent, thank you so much for being with us. We appreciate you being here.

I wanted to ask you, there is a 2017 Pew Research Center survey that said 70 percent of white evangelicals thought that all or most abortions should be illegal, but there are people who have some real questions about what's happening at the border right now as well with these family separations.

So, with that said, which is more of a defining moment for evangelicals in this case? Is it immigration or is it the SCOTUS?

KENT INGLE, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN: Well, first of all, thank you for your invitation to be with you today.

I think the issue of freedom, liberty, and fairness. And I think that goes to both issues. And when we look to the Supreme Court justice nominee and the selection that hopefully the president will make, I appreciate how he has been going about this. He has not rushed to a decision in presenting a nominee but he is taking time to listen, to learn, to discover, to collaborate.

In fact, last week, he actually brought senators together on both sides of the aisle hopefully to be able to talk about presenting a candidate that will actually provide, I think, a sense of respect and value for all Americans as it relates to these issues of liberty and freedom and respect.

PAUL: President Trump says that he is looking at five people we know, including two women to replace Kennedy. Let's listen to what he said about those picks. He said this just a couple of days ago.


REPORTER: Are you looking for somebody who would overturn Roe v. Wade?

TRUMP: Well, you know, it's a -- it's a great group of intellectual talent, but we really, you know, they are generally conservative. I'm not going to ask them that question, by the way. That's not a question I'll be asking but it is a group of very highly talented, very brilliant, mostly conservative judges.

REPORTER: And LGBT rights?

TRUMP: Because again, I think -- I won't be discussing that because I think it's inappropriate to discuss. So I won't be discussing that.


PAUL: I want to make sure. I don't know if you can hear but he said he is not going to be asking the question of any of these potential nominees about how they feel about Roe versus Wade or talk to them about their thoughts on where they might stand on that, which way they go.

[07:30:01] What -- do you think that the president should ask that question?

KENT INGLE, EVANGELICAL CHRISTIAN: Well, again, I think at the heart of this issue is -- you know, when I think about the phrase, that's above, you know, the doorway or the entrance to Supreme Court building, it's all about equal justice under the law. And I think you have to take into account that when you look at what is the responsibility of the Supreme Court, it's to be fair, it's to be -- provide justice to the context, to the issue, to the person, to the people group in that situation.

And we want someone who will not legislate from the bench, but will be someone who will look at the issue at hand under the law, and provide the kind of justice that is needed to be fair, to be right, that supports values and respects people in their personal right and choice. And when you look at Justice Kennedy, that is exactly the kind of justice that he was. You look at his record. He was often that swing vote person, why, because he took the time to look at the law, to look at the context, to understand the people, to understand the issues and to make the right decision and the right choice.

And when you think about it, Justice Kennedy was actually nominated by one of the most conservative Republican presidents in our history Ronald Reagan, who had a deep conservative belief and value, and also a deep faith value. But he was able to choose someone who would be fair, who would be able to celebrate and understand the rights of every person.

I think that's what we want. We want a nominee who will defend the Constitution of the United States, one who will protect our freedoms, and one who will properly apply the law to the situation or to the context.

PAUL: So, when you talk about, you know, being compassionate and having the rights of all people at the forefront, how do evangelicals feel about what's happening at the border right now, about these family separations?

INGLE: Well, it's horrific and nobody should ever go through that kind of experience. As a parent, I can't even imagine what that would be like to have my children taken away from me and that's why, I think, again, it goes to the issue of liberty and freedom and respect. And when it comes to the issue of the border, yes, we need to provide protection but we also need to have compassion.

And that's why we need to urge our elected representatives to look at the issue, to come together, to collaborate and look at ways we can be protective in the way we legislate but also filled with compassion that comes across with, you know, respect to human dignity and has love and care. And I hope that would be the issue that we -- we look to when we make these kind of decisions.

PAUL: All right. Kent Ingle, we appreciate you being here. Thank you, sir.

INGLE: Thank you.

PAUL: And Reverend William Barber is with us now as well.

Reverend, thank you for taking the time to be with us today as well.


PAUL: Your reaction, first of all, to what we just heard?

BARBER: Well, it's really concerning because white evangelical, the so-called white evangelical -- I don't like that term because I'm an evangelical, millions of people that are that don't agree with that interpretation from the Scriptures. Jesus said real compassion as a nation is carrying for the stranger, the poor, the sick.

What we see happening is the white evangelicals that call themselves that, they have, in fact, emboldened President Trump. They have given him a false form of a gospel, a theological malpractice and they talked about compassion on one hand but his policy "America first" has come to mean separating families from their children, separating children and families from health care, separating children and families from living wages and separating children and families from food stamps.

That is not the gospel. That is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, a false form of the gospel. In fact, there's a Scripture in Zachariah 70 said, whenever you hear women and children and immigrant and poor, it's called devising evil. And so, when we talk about constitutional conservatism, I don't like that term either, because many of the constitutional conservatives are extremists.

In the last week few weeks, we've seen five judges attack voting rights, attack the rights of Muslims and people from other countries, give one man the power to say who can come in and out of this country. They've attacked union rights. And that is not compassionate, that is not conservative and it is shameful the way in which certain people it uses religious terms, but they are supporting someone who has been mean, who has been racist, who has been immoral, who has been unconstitutional and has acted in un-American ways.

PAUL: So, Reverend --

BARBER: We need prophets to the nation and not merely puppets to the nation.

PAUL: So, this is my question. There is a separation of church and state certainly. But everybody comes to the voting booth with their own experiences and their own values.

[07:35:04] How do people reconcile how they feel about their faith and politics?

BARBER: Well, there is not -- there is maybe a separation of church and state per se, but our Constitution says certain alienable rights that come from the divine. That is not separate and the fact of the matter is, there is not a separation from the gospel, and that's where I'm challenging so-called while evangelicals as an evangelical. You can't go around and make up things.

Notice that the so-called white evangelicals or leadership, not a lot of people don't say but leadership, they never say Jesus says separate children from their family. Jesus says deny people health care. They cannot do that. And the fact that they have time and time again gone in and prayed for this president, P-R-AY, and Ryan McConnell, while they preyed, P-R-E-Y, on the least of these and hurting, things that are contrary to the gospel, you cannot use the language of compassion and then support someone without criticism who is engaging in everything that is antithesis to the gospel. That is the challenge.

And it goes back, my sister, to slave master religion that on Sunday talked about Jesus but on Mondays, it put people in slavery or Jim Crow religion --

PAUL: Reverend --


PAUL: I'm so sorry. I only so 10 or 15 seconds left.

BARBER: I understand.

PAUL: But I just wanted to ask you, if you could sit down with President Trump, what would you say to him before he makes this decision?

BARBER: Well, first of all, I would challenge him on all of his policies. I would bring a coalition of ministers -- in fact, we offered to do that and say, Mr. President, if you're going to do these things, stop claiming that they are right, starting claim that they are constitutional and stop claiming that they are Christian and just say they are your ideas. But if you want to line up with the policies of God, then do right by the immigrant, do right by the poor, do right by the sick, do right by women and do right by children, and then you will be lined up with our constitutional moral values and our deepest religious principles.

Otherwise what you're doing is sin, is wrong, and it's unjust, and immoral.

PAUL: All right. Reverend William Barber, thank you for taking the time again to be with us.

BARBER: Thank you.

PAUL: Absolutely.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: Just as Canada slaps new tariffs on the U.S. one American company asks the Trump administration for an exclusion. Without it, they say the largest nail manufacturer in the U.S. may close.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In my hometown of eastern Pennsylvania, nothing stood taller than the jail on the hill. Every family had been touched by it. We all had tales of broken men in and out of lock-up. I just assumed I would end up there too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How many of you know someone who has been in jail?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait a minute. You've been in jail?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If Americans knew what was happening in prisons and jails, they would demand change.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It's inevitable to end up here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If the jails were filled with white kids from the suburbs and they're making those white kids work for no money, how long do you think that operation would be allowed to continue?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The criminal justice system in this country's only real function is controlling poor people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I went away as a kid, it taught me nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They got to change it around in here!

ANNOUNCER: "American Jail", a CNN film, premieres tonight at 8:00 on CNN.



[07:42:46] SAVIDGE: Canada just hit back on its tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum. Starting today, it will impose penalties on American imports totaling $12.6 million. Canada's foreign affairs minister says the U.S.'s goods are being hit with the tariffs and they include everything from maple syrup, orange juice and whiskey.

PAUL: They're retaliation for President Trump's tariffs on exported Canadian steel and aluminum here. So, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau says Canada had no choice but to retaliate.

SAVIDGE: Tariffs could force the largest nail manufacturer in the U.S. to close or at least move to Mexico. PAUL: Yes, the Mid-Continent Nail plant in Poplar Bluff, Missouri,

laid off 60 of its 500 workers last week because of those increased steel cost. A manager say the company is in danger of shutting down production by Labor Day unless the government grants it an exclusion from paying the tariffs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What's happened is the tariffs which are called Section 232 tariffs, 25 percent tariffs a big tax, go on the raw material, the wire that is used to make nails. So Mid-Continent has to absorb a huge increase in the cost of making nails. Meanwhile, the Chinese use their raw materials at home, make the nails at home, ship them to the United States, there is no tariff. So, they can easily undercut the price of any American nail producer and Mid-Continent is the largest nail producer in America.

So, one consequence of this could be that there won't be any nail producers in America any more and that all of your nails are going to come from China. And that is, again, the opposite of what this policy is supposed to do.

But President Trump can fix things by granting an exclusion. The company does not want to move to Mexico. Absolutely, period. But I'd be foolish to say that is not an option that the company may have to consider at some point.

We don't want to do that. We want to keep the jobs here in Poplar Bluff, Missouri, which, by the way, is Trump country. I mean, this county, Butler County, went 79 percent for Trump in the election. So, it would crazy to have this plant shut down.


[07:45:00] PAUL: Because of those tariffs. And despite the impact of the tariffs, (INAUDIBLE) says people there still believe that President Trump is the right person to save their jobs.

SAVIDGE: He is the editor of "The Washington Post," one of the most powerful newspapers in the United States. Why Martin Baron says newsroom across the country need to take a stand.


SAVIDGE: It has been three days since the shooting of the "Capital Gazette" newspaper left five journalists dead and its survivors have not missed an edition yet.

PAUL: Yes, I want to show you today's cover. It says "Shots, sounds, silence." And on the opinion page, quote: This is America. Do something about it.

Senior media correspondent and host of "RELIABLE SOURCES", Brian Stelter, is joining us now.

All right, Brian, here's what's interesting. I know you talked to some of these survivors. Yes?

BRIAN STELTER, CNN SENIOR MEDIA CORRESPONDENT: Yes, they really have two assignments at this point.

[07:50:00] They are grieving the loss of their friends and colleagues, and at the same time, they're reporting on this story, and trying to get to the bottom of exactly what happened. You know, there's still a lot we don't know about the suspect. We do know he had a longstanding grudge against the paper and sued the paper unsuccessfully at one point.

But police are still investigating this shooting and what exactly happened on Thursday in the newspaper office. Meantime memorial services have started to be scheduled for some of the victims. And a few of the survivors, three of the survivors are going to join me on "RELIABLE SOURCES" later today.

They told me that they have been spending time with friends, spending time with family. While at the same time, trying to file stories and get this paper back up and running. Like you said, they have not missed an edition yet. They're a seven day a week paper. And so, they are going forward without the five slain staffers you see on screen.

It was notable in this motion's edition, the Annapolis mayor is quoted as saying he's worried the national media is already moving on, we're onto the next story and next attack, onto the next spasm of violence somewhere else in the country. He's urging flags to be at half staff as a memorial. You see this morning's cover, really remarkable because it's a story retracing what happened.

I think more broadly, the shooting attack clearly brought new attention to what journalists do every day in local communities like Annapolis and also in big city papers like the "Washington Post."

The day before the shooting in Annapolis, I spoke with Marty Baron, the head of the "Washington Post" and talked about the need whether it's covering the president or covering a small town, the need for courage. Here's what he said.


MARTY BARON, EDITOR, THE WASHINGTON POST: Look, we're under a lot of pressure. It's something we're going to have to deal with. I think that we need courage in our profession to deal with that. You know, Anthony Lewis, when he wrote a book on First Amendment freedom for the speech we hate, he said that the press has been given tremendous freedom by the Supreme Court. It owes society courage and I very much believe that.


STELTER: And, of course, the next day, it was a day journalists feared for a long time amid the rise of threats and assaults against journalists to see five people slain in an office is a nightmare come true. But I think what we've seen at the "Capital Gazette" since then, stories have continued of publication, this desire to -- this insistence on still publishing, it shows true courage and what journalism is all about.

PAUL: And it shows us what survivor means.

SAVIDGE: It definitely does.


SAVIDGE: Brian Stelter, good to see you, thanks.

PAUL: Thanks, Brian.

SAVIDGE: And, again, remember, you can catch Brian on "RELIABLE SOURCES", 11:00 a.m. Eastern today, right here, of course, on CNN.

PAUL: Well, police in Ohio were called to a boy who was just looking to make a little money this summer mowing his lawns. Coming up the complaint from a neighbor that prompted a visit from police and what that little boy is doing now.


[07:57:24] PAUL: This is a kid, but this week's "Staying Well" looks at how you can literally jump start your health.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Come on, pick it up, pick it up.

JESSICA SMITHGALL, DEFINE ATLANTA: Rebounding is the fitness term for bouncing on a trampoline. Rebounding works out your entire abdominal core, your glutes, your hamstrings, all the muscles in the legs. The basic bounce is the main position we also do jogs on the trampoline, pulling the knees up to the chest and do jumping jacks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fifteen seconds, let's go.

LAURA FRYER, PUBLIC RELATIONS EXECUTIVE: I have always had knee issues. I used to do cross country in high school and had to stop that because I had a lot of joint pain. With rebounding you get the great cardio workout, the great calorie burning, but you don't have the impact on your joints.

SMITHGALL: We try to keep the movements small and controlled. Anyone who has a recent injury should check with their doctor.

RHETT ROBERSON, PHYSICAL THERAPIST: Rebounding is great for circulation. It's great for balance. It's great for improving flexibility, trying to minimize the big wobbles in the physical therapy world is a great way to retrain the muscles and joints, because as the trampoline is constantly changing and moving, the body has to respond to what the trampoline is doing. They could be doing jumping exercises, weight shifting exercises, they could be doing strengthening exercises. FREYER: I did jump on a trampoline when I was a kid. It has brought

back that nostalgic feeling for me and it's a really fun way to work out.


SAVIDGE: Well, a young entrepreneur's business prospects are looking up despite I guess what you would say is a brief hiccup. Someone called the cops on him as he was mowing the lawn.

PAUL: Oh my goodness. Yes, 12-year-old Reggie Fields, his sisters and his cousins and he working on a yard in a Cleveland suburb when a neighbor called police saying that that those children had strayed into their yard, mowing a portion of their grass.

Reggie's customer posted a video about the incident on Facebook. Despite what happened, listen to Reggie now.


REGGIE FIELDS, OWNER, MR. REGGIE'S LAWN CUTTING SERVICE: They say I was cutting the grass but I didn't know. I was like, that's a shame because I'm -- I didn't know. I'm having fun at the same time cutting -- give me a call. I will be there on time.


PAUL: I will be there on time. That is a boy who's going to become a man and he's going to make all kinds of money doing his thing. The Facebook video about Reggie has been viewed nearly a half million times on Facebook. Reggie, if I was there, I would hire you.

SAVIDGE: An empire could be born.

PAUL: You never know.

Thank you so much for sharing your time with us this morning. I hope you make good memories this weekend.

SAVIDGE: "INSIDE POLITICS" with John King starts right now.