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New Day Sunday

Deadly California Wildfire Doubles In Size; Giuliani: Cohen "Tampered" With Trump Playmate Tape; Trump-Cohen Joint Defense Agreement No Longer In Effect; Paul Manafort's Trial Begins Tuesday; President Trump To Attend Campaign Rallies; President Trump To Meet Italian Prime Minister; Civil Rights Icon Congressman John Lewis In Hospital Aired 6-7a ET

Aired July 29, 2018 - 06:00   ET




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Get out of here as quick as you can.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whole neighborhoods have disappeared as a result of this fire.

HEBRARD: Leave when we ask you to leave.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is almost apocalyptic.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have determined the fact he can't --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michael Cohen, himself, is not a reliable narrator in this story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It would be better if Michael Cohen were to raise his right hand and come back to our committee or the House Judiciary Committee or even talk to Bob Mueller.


CHRISTI PAUL, CNN ANCHOR: Well, good morning to you. We are so grateful to have you here early on a Sunday. I know. I'm Christi Paul.

MARTIN SAVIDGE, CNN ANCHOR: And I'm Martin Savidge in for Victor Blackwell. This morning more than 40,000 people are out of their homes as a massive wildfire rips through Northern California.

PAUL: Yes. We are learning the search for that woman and her two great children that we were talking to you about yesterday that were missing, unfortunately we understand that they have found dead. Family members say Melody Bledsoe and her two great grandchildren five-year-old Emily and four-year-old James died Thursday after her home was engulfed by flames there. The Carr fire is -- this thing is massive, folks. This has doubled in size in just hours. Now at 80,000 acres and it is still growing.

Thousands of homes and businesses are threatened. Officials say residents shouldn't wait for an evacuation order at this point. If they don't feel safe, they just need to get out.


HEBRARD: Leave when we ask you to leave. And a very important point the sheriff made is if you feel like you need to leave and nobody has told you, leave. Is there a reason the hair on the back of your neck stands up sometimes.


SAVIDGE: CNN's Paul Vercammen is joining us now live this morning from Redding, California. Good morning to you, Paul. But I'm sure it's not going to be another good day there.

PAUL VERCAMMEN, CNN CORRESPONDENT: No, Martin and Christi. It's a sad day. After all you pointed out that those young children passed away along with their great grandmother in the fire.

You might wonder, well, how in the world could they not get out? But if you look at this devastation this not their house but this is another one of those completely ravaged neighborhoods in West Redding. The fire will tear through and take everything to the ground.

The progress has slowed a little bit. The last update we had on numbers of acreage burned, almost 84,000, 536 homes destroyed, just like this one. And of course, the numbers go up because the swath of destruction is so wide that firefighters go into these neighborhoods and start counting them.

And as for those firefighters, lots of fatigue there. Horrible conditions, 108, 110-degree temperatures. Their boss is urging them to stay hydrated, get food, get sleep.

Some of them working 24-hour shifts on, then 24 off. But it's not just the firefighters that are suffering from a form of fatigue. They are having massive equipment failures throughout this firefighting effort.

Let's listen to what a Sacramento battalion chief and public information officer -- safety officer had to say about this firefight.


GREG POWELL, BATTALION CHIEF, SACRAMENTO FIRE: We are used to hot but, you know, 116, 117 degrees on the fire line. Humidity is hovering around 10 percent or less during the day which is critical fuel moisture for us, which means that we have 100 percent probability of ignition.

So we are just battling those two things right there, just the fatigue on the firefighters putting out fires is horrendous, let alone the equipment fatigue because just absolutely heat is causing equipment to overheat, helicopters are overheating, have to put down to cool off. So it's putting a dramatic step back as far as fighting the fire.


VERCAMMEN: And he said the two key pieces of equipment that are failing are those helicopters. They need to get rested if you will and bulldozers are breaking down and those are critical in cutting those protective fire lines.

Back to you Martin, Christi.

SAVIDGE: All right. Paul Vercammen, thanks for following it for you. We will be back in touch.

PAUL: You know, fire fighters are battling the deadly Carr fire came across frightening scenes. We want to show you what we're seeing here.

Do you recognize the flames whipping and whirling there? That is called a firenado. You see the funnel of fire and ash and that reins down hot embers on emergency vehicles nearby.

SAVIDGE: We want to bring in CNN meteorologist Allison Chinchar now. And, Allison, you've seen this remarkable video of this firenado. What can you tell us about it?


ALLISON CHINCHAR, CNN METEOROLOGIST: Right. So not only does it look scary but this is actually very dangerous in terms of spreading the current fire that is already ongoing. You've seen the video. Now let's explain why this is happening and why this is so dangerous. OK?

Basically, here is what you have. You have the fire that's already in place, OK? We know this. Heat rises and that hot air is going to go up.

Well, here is the thing. New air then comes back into replace that but it's coming from multiple different directions. So you're naturally going to get that rotating motion of air as it goes up, that's where you get the firenado or fire whirl, if you will.

The problem is while it looks like a tornado it's not a true tornado in a sense. However, like a tornado it can still pick up debris but instead of pieces of wood and cars, what it's taking with it are the embers and putting them back out and spreading that fire possibly to places where it never existed before. And that is a very big concern.

But one of the other concerns we have is also the topography that we have here in California. You've got valleys, you've got mountains, you've got a lot of slopes to deal with, and that is a big concern.

Here is why. At a 20-degree slope after hill, fire travels about 20 miles per hour uphill. But if you change that slope by only 10 degrees, you've now upped that speed double.

It's now 40 miles per hour. This effectively means the topography there makes it harder for the firefighters to fight these fires than it would be if these fires were in a flat place, say, like Florida or Oklahoma. It's the topography that is at play here and that is another big concern.

Also, keep in mind, with all of that smoke that goes out from these fires, people are breathing that in. You've got a lot of people that are trying to evacuate their homes, get as many things out of these homes as possible all the while they are breathing in that smoke in the air. So we are also dealing with incredibly poor air quality. Not just in California but in multiple states.

And again we cannot emphasize this enough. The forecast does not look good for these fires. We have triple digit temperatures around that Carr fire location, expected to stay that way for at least the next three to five days. Humidities are expected to remain incredibly low, Martin and Christi, and again absolutely zero chance of rain in the forecast.

SAVIDGE: It's a fascinating and frightening breakdown of the science behind the flames.

PAUL: Yes, no kidding. Allison, thank you so much.

SAVIDGE: President Trump is returning to Washington later today before meeting with Italy's prime minister tomorrow.

PAUL: Yes. The president has got a quiet schedule so far this weekend. It hasn't stopped his lawyer though, Rudy Giuliani, from firing back at the president's former lawyer, Michael Cohen.

Giuliani now says Cohen tampered with his tape of then candidate Trump talking about a payment to a "playboy" model.


RUDY GIULIANI, PRESIDENT TRUMP'S ATTORNEY (on the phone): I always thought of Michael Cohen as a responsible guy. I used to hear rumors about his character and some of the things he did. And now I find he does things like record his client, doesn't even tell them.


SAVIDGE: President Trump is staying at his golf resort in Bedminster, New Jersey. CNN White House reporter Sarah Westwood is nearby.

Good morning, Sarah. How do things look there today?

SARAH WESTWOOD, CNN WHITE HOUSE REPORTER: Well good morning, Martin. And President Trump may be enjoying this relatively quiet weekend here in Bedminster, New Jersey, but his lawyer has been hard at work defending the president against these bombshell new allegations about the Trump campaign contacts with Russia. And as we just heard Rudy Giuliani had already accused Trump's former attorney Michael Cohen of being a liar after Cohen signaled his willingness to tell investigators that Trump knew in advance of that infamous 2016 meeting at Trump Tower involving his son in a Russian promising dirt on Hillary Clinton. But last night, Rudy Giuliani accused Cohen of tampering with the recording he made of a September 2016 conversation with then candidate Trump.

We should of course note that there's no evidence to suggest the tape was altered but here is what Giuliani had to say about it.


GIULIANI (on the phone): We got to hope it exists. This could be a recording of a recording. We are not sure yet.

That, they can probably determine. And then you're right, we may never be able to determine that, but we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly, mid conversation, turned it off.


WESTWOOD: Now the Cohen camp is responding by mocking Giuliani. A source close to Michael Cohen said this to our colleague Jake Tapper.

"You mean Rudy is floating reckless, fact-free, false, wild speculation as if he were unhinged? Obviously it's a lie.



Now, Trump has largely avoided speaking out about the Cohen controversy so far this week and said he has been touting economic growth and unveiling plans to campaign extensively on behalf of Republicans this fall. But after President Trump heads back to the White House later tonight he'll likely has to confront these questions about Cohen when he meets side-by-side with the Italian prime minister tomorrow at the White House. Perhaps we'll see him address the controversy before then but so far Trump has been uncharacteristically quiet on social media this weekend as well -- Martin.

SAVIDGE: Yes. He has been extremely quiet. Sarah Westwood, thank you very much.

PAUL: So, we have Joey Jackson with us now, CNN legal analyst and criminal defense attorney; as well as Julian Zelizer, CNN political analyst and historian, and professor at Princeton University. Gentlemen, thank you so much.

Joey, let's listen here as well to more from Rudy Giuliani, more of what he had to say about -- about Michael Cohen and those tapes. OK. I'm sorry, we don't have that sound but let me read it.

He said, "We have to hope it exists. This could be a recording of a recording. We are not sure yet.

That, they can probably determine. We may never be able to determine that, but we have determined the fact that he tampered with the tape in the sense that he abruptly, mid conversation, turned it off."

If he turned off the tape, does that immediately point to some sort of contamination of the tape? Rudy Giuliani is asserting --

JOEY JACKSON, CNN LEGAL ANALYST: Good morning, Christi. Good morning, Washington.

PAUL: Good morning.

JACKSON: Good morning, Julian. Let me just make some broad observations, Christi. I, as a member of the bar, I'm disgusted quite frankly by Mr. Giuliani's representation.

Let's understand something. His lawyers were advocates, we hit and we hit hard, but there are rules of engagement, right? Boxing -- it's like boxing. It's a sweet science. It's not MMA were you just do whatever you want, you violate any rule, you say whatever you want.

Let's back up a minute. Giuliani is the person who says that, you know, the president knew there was reimbursement for Stormy Daniels and then he says well, he didn't know. He is also the guy a week ago was it who was saying Cohen is honorable, he has always been an honorable man, he's truthful, and now he's on the attack that Cohen has no credibility at all.

You know, as lawyers all we have is our credibility and at this point Giuliani has zero. And so that is troubling to me. To the tape and to your question, the fact is that, you know, look as lawyers we want to question the authenticity of a tape but to suggest you have proof, we have proof it's altered, it's tampered with.

The fact is this is a distinction to be clear, between tampering with, which suggests and implies an alteration of something, and abruptly shutting it off, which might suggest that it's being viewed not in the context in which it should. And so if you want to make that representation and argument, fair game, please do so. But don't throw out these wild conspiracy theories.

And the last thing I'll, Christi, is that we are living in some altered reality. I've never seen it this bad. There are alternative facts, people could throw out theories of what they want, you could say whatever want. There is some report that has the president lying 2,100 times and telling five lies a day.

I mean, you know, it's just let's level with the American people. Law is about getting in the arena, people have different perspective and different point of view, make your argument, advocate for your client, advocate zealously but let's not confuse and deflect and disregard and make up things and mislead the American people. It's just wrong.

PAUL: But this is what is interesting. So, Rudy Giuliani is seen as doing that right now but Cohen has been seen to be doing that in the past as well. Cohen is the guy who at one point said I would take a bullet for President Trump, Julian. So when you look at these two people, Rudy Giuliani and Michael Cohen, who is more credible?

JULIAN ZELIZER, CNN POLITICAL ANALYST: Neither is particularly credible. You know, President Trump surrounds himself with many figures who say many things, who are not truthful in front of the public, or even behind the scenes. And so you have this chaotic moment where people without credibility are making all kinds of accusations.

That said, Cohen has tapes and tapes are very different in that you can actually hear the principal speak and I think that's what has the Trump team so scared. But it's not a surprise that they are going to go after his credibility. This is what President Trump and his allies do to everyone who is antagonistic to them.

PAUL: I want to ask you, Joey, about some news out this morning also from Rudy Giuliani who confirmed that the joint defense agreement that President Trump's legal team had with Cohen's legal team apparently has been dissolved. What do you make of that?

JACKSON: I make of that that it's a very public and very bitter and very nasty divorce and the fact is that, you know, the reality is that Cohen is doing what he said he would do. Is that it's about my family and country first.


And I think perhaps there were overtures initially about, hey, look, pardon me, what do you want to do? He was left hanging in the wind and now he's fending for himself.

And just one thing. It begs the question if Cohen is such a dishonorable person and he's such a liar and he has no credibility, why the president keep him around as his fixer for 15 years? Generally, people around this, Christi, who we dispute their credibility, we don't think they are good people, we don't think that their veracity and truthfulness is particularly something that we want to associate with, we break ties.

And so you don't break ties, you're with them for a decade and a half and now all of the sudden he is the worst human being known to mankind. It just doesn't make sense from a common sense perspective but I just think -- you know, look, Cohen is looking out for Cohen right now. Trump is looking out for Trump.

But I think in the midst of it we should keep accusations and there are all kinds of accusations but let's make them based upon credible evidence not wild speculation.

PAUL: Yes. So, Julian, you know, with that said, is there speculation or is it possible that when he served with -- with President Trump, then, you know, citizen Trump for 15 years, did he see him as loyal or did he just see him as maybe knowing more than anybody else knows about him behind the scenes? ZELIZER: Well, I think they both could be true. You know, President Trump, at the time, or citizen Trump saw him as useful. They knew who he was, they knew what kind of law or fixing he practiced but he was in their inner circle.

And as a result, he was very close to whatever they were doing. He knows a lot about everything from the business to the politics but now he is no longer useful so they are going after him. The problem is he was there.

So he does have a lot of information, a lot of knowledge and this is what is causing jitters in team Trump.

PAUL: Sure. Joey, how admissible are these tapes that we keep hearing about anyway?

JACKSON: They could be very admissible. What happens is is that something is admissible in court if it's relevant, right? If it tends to prove or disprove any particular fact what you have to then do is authenticate it -- right -- which is a different issue just to establish whether or not it's an actual authentic recording of the party.

And so once that happens in the event we hear all of the tape maybe it was abruptly cut off to be fair but then say that. And say that, look, it's being played out of context, not it's tampered with which sends a far different message.

And so tapes are admissible in court every day of the week and twice on Sunday. How they are viewed and evaluated is another matter. And if you want to state what is on the tape and, you know, spin what's on the tape, that's one thing, but to just throw out things it's altered, we have evidence, it's just problematic.

PAUL: Julian, I have 15 seconds left. Any possibility that what Giuliani is doing is employing a tactic of distraction here?

ZELIZER: Distraction and challenging credibility. This is what they do time and time again and I think that's exactly what is he doing with Cohen. So it's not facts, it's not about rational analysis, it's about politically attacking your opponent.

PAUL: All right. Joey Jackson, Julian Zelizer, we appreciate you both so much. Thank you.

JACKSON: Thank you, Christi.

ZELIZER: Thank you.

SAVIDGE: Russian president Vladimir Putin showing off Russia's new warships in his annual Navy day parade. We will tell what this display of military might -- could mean for the U.S.. That's just ahead.

PAUL: And it is a powerful earthquake. At least 10 people have died on an island in Indonesia. We have details for you ahead on the search for survivors right now.

SAVIDGE: Also, a manhunt is under way in New Orleans after gunfire near the French quarter leaves three people dead and several others injured.


CHIEF MICHAEL S. HARRISON, NEW ORLEANS POLICE: They appeared to have fired indiscriminately into the crowd, striking all 10 of those individuals. We need, more than anything for people to come forward, to help the NOPD right now to solve this case.




SAVIDGE: President Trump has a very busy week ahead. He is going to hit the campaign trail, visiting Florida and Pennsylvania for election rallies. And he is also hosting Italy's prime minister that will happen tomorrow.

But let's not forget that Trump's former campaign chairman, that's Paul Manafort, his trial begins this week. So, of course, that means we have got a lot to discuss here.

Let's bring in once against Julian Zelizer, CNN political analyst; and Kelly Jane Torrance, deputy manager editor for the "Weekly Standard." Good morning to both of you.


ZELIZER: Good morning.

SAVIDGE: Kelly Jane, let me ask you this. The president is going to be meeting with Italy's prime minister and there is usually a Q&A session at some point. No doubt, I am sure many of these reporters are going to ask about Cohen.

How do you think he's going to handle that?

TORRANCE: Well, you know, we've seen the -- we've seen how he handles questions from reporters and even when he has a seasoned leader by his side like Vladimir Putin he sometimes has difficulty handling it. Well, at least prime minister is, you know, a bit of an outsider like Trump, himself. And so it's very hard to say how he is going to handle it.

You know, he is probably going to be a little angry but I still wonder if he is holding back a bit, you know? As I was saying yesterday on the station, you know, he has not given Michael Cohen one of those crazy nicknames. I mean, we knew the break with Steve Bannon was complete when he called Steve Bannon sloppy Steve on Twitter. He has not done that yet with Michael Cohen. I wonder is he still hoping for some kind of rapprochement. I'm not -- you know, I'm not sure.


SAVIDGE: It's interesting. If you don't get a nickname, there is a still of threat of hope for you somehow.

TORRANCE: Exactly, exactly.

SAVIDGE: Julian, I know the president was very quiet this weekend. It's possible that he was still hoping that the new cycle would focus on the positive -- the economic figures that came out GDP 4.1 percent on Friday. You wrote an interesting article which is to say that historically, that doesn't necessarily bode well for a president even with the midterms around the corner.

ZELIZER: That's right. In midterm elections very often good economic news does not bring good political news. There's many midterms where the economy was doing well like 1966 but the party of the president does poorly.


And in this case as you're saying he himself and his news about this ongoing scandal often overwhelms the good news that the administration can be boasting. So there is no reason to think what we heard about on Friday will translate into good results for the GOP in November.

SAVIDGE: And we know, Kelly Jane, that he is going out on the campaign trail this week, going to Florida and going to Pennsylvania. My question is they seem to be wanting to get him out of town and get him out to where he is very comfortable, which is, of course, in front of his supporters. Do you think that is part of the strategy here?

TORRANCE: You know, that's a great question, Martin, because we saw even -- you know, even shortly after he had been elected, people started talking about some things that were that not comfortable for Trump and he started having campaign rallies. You know, I understand that in America, people are always campaigning and, you know, the day after the election, you're already thinking about the next one but this was a little unprecedented where he was selling tickets to events right after he was elected because he feels very comfortable.

I mean, he -- you know, as we know, he -- well, as we think we know from "Fire and Fury," he was actually a little surprised he was elected president and I think he does feel most happy on the campaign trail, surrounded by people who love him. And Washington, D.C. facing tough reporters with tough questions like those from CNN, not as comfortable for him.

So, yes -- you know, I think part of is to get out of town and, of course, you have people covering those rallies and when you hear, you know, he's speaking and people are cheering him on, he wants that kind of coverage and it's not what he is going to get when he is in Washington.

SAVIDGE: No. That's exactly right. Julian Zelizer and Kelly Jane Torrance, good to see you both. Thank you.

ZELIZER: Thank you.

TORRANCE: Thank you. Have a great day.

PAUL: And, listen. Don't miss "STATE OF THE UNION" with Jake Tapper today at 9:00 a.m. Eastern. He is going to be joined by President Trump's academic adviser Larry Kudlow, former New Orleans Mayor Mitch Landrieu, and Anthony Scaramucci.

Well, civil rights icon and Georgia congressman John Lewis is in the hospital. He is expected to be released today. CNN's --

SAVIDGE: CNN's local affiliate WSBT-TV has reported that Lewis became ill on a flight to Atlanta and his spokeswoman says that Lewis is under routine observation.

PAUL: Seventy-eight year old Lewis has represented Georgia since 1986. And in 2011 he was presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom, remember.

Listen, there is a manhunt under way in New Orleans right now after two people opened fire into a crowd, killing three people, wounding several others. We are going to hear from the police chief.



PAUL: It is good to see you. Thirty-two minutes past the hour this Sunday. I'm Christi Paul.

SAVIDGE: And I'm Martin Savidge in for Victor Blackwell.

There is a search under way in New Orleans this morning after two people opened fire, killing three people and wounding several others. Three miles from the French quarter. Police say --

PAUL: Yes. Police --


PAUL: That's OK. Police say the suspects approached the victims from behind and they just started shooting.


HARRISON: What we know right now is that we believe that there were two individuals clothed with what we believe to be hoods that approached from behind to right front the daiquiri shop right behind us and opened fire. One with, we believe, a rifle and one with a handgun on the crowd shooting multiple subjects and 10 in total. A lot of people were out here tonight. A lot of people we know saw what happened, heard what happened, and we need, more than anything, for people to come forward to help the NOPD right now to solve this case by helping us find more evidence, find out who is responsible for this, so we can hold them accountable.


SAVIDGE: The other victims were taken to several hospitals in the area. One is currently in critical condition and, of course, we will bring you more information the moment we get it.

PAUL: Parkland student activists are traveling across the country, speaking out against gun violence as a part of a Road to Change bus tour. The mission is to get young people involved, to get them empowered.

Today student leaders are hosting a rally in Atlanta. There's going to be town halls, voter registration events, and barbecues to get more people to register to vote and support stricter gun control laws. Two Parkland students that are attending the rally with us now.

Jaclyn Corin, co-founder of March For Our Lives and a senior this year, and recent Stoneman Douglas graduate Daniel Williams. Thank you both for being here. We appreciate it.

As you -- you're in Tallahassee right now, will be at Atlanta later as you are at these rallies, as you are at these events that you've coordinated, I'm wondering you must talk to a lot of people, they must ask you a lot of questions.

Daniel, what stands out to you, about what people ask about? Is there any particular story? Any particular question someone asked you that has stayed with you?

DANIEL WILLIAMS, STUDENT ACTIVIST, MARCH FOR OUR LIVES: Well, something that comes up in talking to a lot of people is what exactly standing -- there's a lot of confusion exactly of what we're trying -- the message we're trying to push. We have 10 policy points on our Web site that list exactly what we are trying to do.

A lot people will say, so are you trying to take away all of our guns? And we're saying, no, we are not. There are very specific things we want to do.

For example, we want to have universal background checks.


That's something very simple that 97 percent of us Americans can agree on. You know, there aren't (ph) anything other -- anything as much as we do on universal background checks. And so we just talk to people and clarify exactly what we are talking for.

PAUL: Jaclyn, I -- I know you're starting school on August 15th. So with that said, you're back in school. Daniel, I know that you're going to college.

What is the next phase of this movement for you? What comes next?

JACLYN CORIN, CO-FOUNDER, MARCH OR OUR LIVES: Well, (INAUDIBLE) for (ph) change (ph) we're definitely going to be very active with March For Our Lives. There are so many students around the country that we're going to be reaching out to especially college students. So we are going to be essentially traveling to colleges and have voter registration parties and concerts there. Because, obviously, the student population is very dense at colleges and a lot of people are qualified to register to vote there.

And we're also going to be teaching people what absentee ballots are and just reaching out to more young people. We are not stopping our travels once the school year begins.

PAUL; Daniel, do you get the sense that Congress is listening to you? We see some of the pictures of all these people that are coming out to your rallies.

What about any Congress members? Has anyone reached out to you? Has anyone spoken with you?

WILLIAMS : Well, on social media, we can see a lot of Congress members reaching out and actually coming to some of our events which is very nice to see. We are just hoping that what we are doing actually gets their attention and that they are actually paying attention and that we are actually being heard up there in Washington.

PAUL: Jaclyn, as I said, I know that -- I believe it's August 15th you start school again. Yes?


PAUL: OK. And you're going into your senior year as senior class president. Congratulations to you.

Did you have any hesitations? I mean, how are you feeling about walking back into that school at just about the six-month mark from when this happened?

CORIN: I really don't have any hesitation at all. I think school is a really welcoming environment at this time just because I like feeling empathy, I like -- because all the time, every day we feel sympathy but it's nice to be surrounded by people who understand the pain and understand the grief that we are going through. And it's a very welcoming environment and everyone is just really going through the same thing so we can be there for each other.

But at the end of the day, we have to continue our education. We have to continue as normal students. And in order to go to college and make it in our lives, you know?

PAUL: Well, Jaclyn Corin and Daniel Williams, we appreciate that you took time to talk to us in between your travels, I know, as you're on this mission. Thank you for being here and best of luck to both of you as you continue.

CORIN: Thank you. By the way (INAUDIBLE).

WILLIAMS: We understand that he was hospitalized today (ph) so we just hope he's (ph) doing (ph) well (ph) and that he can be back on his feet in no time.

PAUL: OK. John Lewis, yes. Yes.

He is getting out of the hospital today so we will see if that happens. Thank you both. Take good care.

SAVIDGE: A Mississippi Police Department has fired an officer who used a stun gun on a handcuffed suspect. Authorities say Meridian police officer Daniel Starks hit the suspect with his forearm and then later pressed his stun gun into the man's back shocking him. The suspect was complying with orders during his arrest and Meridian's police chief says, Starks actions were an excessive use of force.

Other officers did not step in at the time but a spokesman says they did report the incident almost immediately. Starks has not been charged with the crime and can appeal his termination. The department has reported the incident to the FBI civil rights investigators.

PAUL: Vladimir Putin touted Russia's defense capabilities at the annual Navy Day parade just this morning. What it could mean for its relationship with the U.S.? We're going to take you there.



SAVIDGE: At least 14 people were killed and over 160 people were injured when a strong earthquake struck an Indonesia Island east of Bali. You can actually see the earthquake hitting here. Right now, volunteers, police, and rescue teams are searching for survivors.

The magnitude 6.4 earthquake causing significant damage. Tourists and residents in Bali said they felt the shaking but U.S. officials say the impact should be relatively localized and the good news also is that no tsunami advisories were issued.

PAUL: Thank goodness for that.

Listen, this morning Russia is holding its annual Navy Day parade. Russian president Vladimir Putin he is at the event which is a chance to show off the country's naval might.

SAVIDGE: The parade is featuring Russia's newest warship which weapon experts say has features that have an advantage over its U.S. counterpart.

CNN's senior Frederik Pleitgen is live from St. Petersburg. Hello, Fred. Good to see you.

President Putin has promised the U.S. and Russia will work to prevent an arms race but seeing how he's showing up the military prowess and hardware here, does he really mean it?

FREDERIK PLEITGEN, CNN SENIOR INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Well, I'm not sure if he really means it but he certainly did show off Russia's new military and especially naval might today, Martin. You're absolutely right.

It was interesting to see the boats that were on display here. On one hand they had a new surveillance ship which is obviously targeted directly at the U.S. and NATO especially in the Baltic theater. Then they had a submarine which is called the aircraft (ph) killer which is designed to actually hunt down U.S. aircraft carries and hit them with long-range missiles.

And the one of the things that was -- something that many people wanted to see or had been looking to see for a very long time is the ship that you were talking about, a stealth ship, a stealth frigate, that is supposed to be difficult for the U.S. to combat and for the U.S. to track as well which is on display for the first time as well. Not all of these ships actually went past here but all of them were part of this very large parade. Vladimir Putin did speak a couple of feet from where we are standing right now and it was interesting to listen to some of his speech.


You're absolutely right. In the past couple of weeks, the past couple of days, Vladimir Putin has said some very nice things about President Trump which President Trump has acknowledged as well saying he wants to invite President Trump to Moscow. He would be willing to travel to Washington and he wants to prevent an arms race. At the same time listening to the very short speech that he gave here today he did say that the Navy was stronger than it had been in a very long time and it had achieved what he called parody in the international theater.

That obviously is something aimed directly at the United States. The Russians there are saying, look, we are willing to talk about this (INAUDIBLE) but at the same time we are going to continue to strengthen our forces that we have and those are forces that can challenge the United States, not only here in this area, but certainly they believe in places around the world, Martin.

PAUL: It's a heck of a parade as we see the pictures of what you were seeing there this morning in Russia. And of course this is in Russia. However, his message, as you said, he spoke to the U.S. but who else --


PAUL: -- do you think? What other message do you think he's sending and to whom with this display? Because he wants more people to watch than just those lined up there that we see.

PLEITGEN: Yes. You know what? You're absolutely right, Christi.

One of the things we saw is that this was really obviously a big naval parade but also a staged managed production. There were cameras everywhere. There were drone cameras.

There were cameras on cranes, everything that you can imagine. So obviously this was something that was meant to sent a message to the Russian audience saying, look, our Navy is getting stronger and is very strong but also, of course, to the U.S. but then also to the U.S.' allies as well, the U.S.' NATO partners.

You look at for instance that surveillance ship. That is something that is aimed directly at NATO nations. You look at the submarine that was on display here, the Orel submarine which stands for eagle. That's something that the Swedes for instance have said they believe had been in their waters and they've been trying to hunt.

So the Russians are clearly sending the message not just to the U.S. but also to the U.S.' allies saying, look, you guys can try and contain us but we are going to continue to get stronger and stronger. And it's interesting to see some of the things they have been putting on display here, Christi, at this parade because some of the vessels that we have seen here are vessels that the Russians have been saying are going to go into service for a very long time, some that have had delays but the Russians now are saying are ready.

And it's also interesting the timing. Because just a couple of days ago the Russians also put out some video saying that they had put on for instance a new hypersonic missile that they launched for the first time from an aircraft, from a MiG-31 aircraft. So the Russians clearly on the one hand talking to President Trump saying that they want this armament but, on the other hand also saying that their military is more combat ready and stronger than it has been in a very long time, Christi.

PAUL: So interesting. Fred Pleitgen, thank you so much for walking us through that.

SAVIDGE: Thanks, Fred.

PAUL: So the Patriots are used to some controversy, right? I mean, it's not unheard of that swirls around their training camp but a little bit different this time though.

SAVIDGE: We will hear the question that caused Tom Brady to do just that. Storm off during an interview. Go figure.



SAVIDGE: We've got some breaking news for you this morning. The Patriots find themselves answering questions about a controversial subject.

PAUL: Well, did they answer questions? Because Tom Brady just kind of walked away.

(LAUGHTER) COY WIRE, CNN SPORTS CORRESPONDENT: You know, that tongue firmly planted (INAUDIBLE). Yesterday, Tom Brady was asked about a possible connection between his personal trainer and his star receiver Julian Edelman who is suspended for the first four games of the season for performance-enhancing drug use and Tom Brady didn't seem happy about it.


BEN VOLIN, NFL REPORTER, THE BOSTON GLOBE: Tom, when Julian tested positive, a lot of connected it to Alex Guerrero. What is your reaction to that? Do you think it's fair?

TOM BRADY, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS QUARTERBACK: I have no comment. It's just ridiculous.

VOLIN: Tom --

BRADY: I'm out.


WIRE: Brady abruptly ending that media session saying, "I'm out." Edelman did take the questions head on and he accepted full responsibility.


JULIAN EDELMAN, NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS RECEIVER: What is in the past is in the past. I love Alex and ultimately I'm worried about just going out here and playing football. I'm not here to talk about or make a headline on something, you know? I'm just here playing football, buddy.


WIRE: All right. Edelman is suspended for the first four games of the season. The Patriots are still favored to win the Super Bowl. We will see if this story line continues to play out.

Now six greats (ph) are going to enter the baseball hall of fame today and Chipper Jones may not even make it to the ceremony because he could get thrown a curveball. The Braves' legend and his wife Taylor expecting a baby boy due this weekend. They have already scoped out a hospital there in Cooperstown.

They've already named their son Cooper. They are ready for a change- up.



CHIPPER JONES, BASEBALL HALL OF FAME CLASS OF 2018: Just doing well. Still pregnant. Still with child.

So hopefully, little Cooper will wait until we get back to Atlanta but if he was to be born here this weekend, it would be pretty cool.


WIRE: Check this story out. Angels' catcher Francisco Arcia taking full advantage of his moment. After spending 12 years fighting his way through the minors, the 28-year-old from Venezuela set the all- time record for the most RBI in his first two games. Ten of them, six on Friday, four more last night.

He may not ever become a hall of famer, but for a few days, he is a legend.

PAUL: Look at that.


WIRE: Imagine going to watch your kid play youth basketball and King James shows up and jumps into warm-ups with the kids. That is what happened in Vegas when LeBron went to see Bronny Jr., his son, play in a game and he hopped in the layup line and just puts on his one-man dunk competition in fronts of the fans. They started going crazy.

He throws down this hammer right here. And remember, guys, this is the guy who said, I kind of wish I didn't name my son after me because it brings too much attention to him.


WIRE: And there he goes out there and puts on a show.

PAUL: I wonder what his son thought about it? Dad, give me my space.


WIRE: Exactly, right.


PAUL: Coy, thank you.

SAVIDGE: I love LeBron James.

PAUL: I do love LeBron James. All right.

SAVIDGE: Ahead, more on the deadly 80,000-acre wildfire in California. We'll update you on the size of this fire. It continues to grow, doubling in just 24 hours.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mark, if somebody was to put the question to you about the magnitude of what you think you've launched, how big do you think your product or your service is? MARK ZUCKERBERG, FACEBOOK FOUNDER AND CEO: Well, it's impossible to tell. When we first launched we were hoping for, you know, maybe 400, 500 people, and now we are at 100,000 people. So who knows where we are going next.

EMILY CHANG, AUTHOR, BROTOPIA: Mark Zuckerberg started this company when he was 19. The culture of Facebook was very growing (ph). They were people in the Facebook offices doing keg stands and Mark Zuckerberg doing an interview in his bare feet.


ZUCKERBERG: Should I put the beer down?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no. Actually, I'm going to mention the beer. What are we celebrating?