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Nancy Grace

Baby Doe ID`ed as Bella Bond. Aired 8-9:00p ET

Aired September 22, 2015 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Mystery as the body of a little girl toddler just a few months from her 3rd birthday washes ashore.

One nationwide publicity campaign, joined here on our program, and 60 million social media views later, a single person`s brave act helps ID the

girl tot known only as Baby Doe -- and that person joins us tonight -- now revealed to be toddler Bella Bond, just 34 months old, wrapped in a zebra

print blanket, wearing polka dot leggings. Police track down the tot`s ID, even using pollen and dirt samples in the trash bag containing little

Bella`s body.

Bombshell tonight. In the last hours, the case takes a bizarre twist as we learn why Mommy and boyfriend both say, We`re not guilty.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Bond told police McCarthy punched her in the stomach, claiming Bella was possessed by demons and that it was her time to


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: DCF twice closed the case on Bella Bond after reports of neglect.


GRACE: We know how dangerous social media is for children. Tonight, chilling proof caught on video.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So right now, I`m texting her that I just got here. All right, I`ll just wait, see what she says. She said, OK, I`ll be

there in five minutes. Michaela (ph)? Remember?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michaela! Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind!





GRACE: And live, a gorgeous 2-year-old little boy seemingly vanishes into thin air. Tonight, the search for little Kyron Knox. (ph)

Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. And I want to thank you for joining us tonight.

Bombshell tonight. Mystery as the body of a little girl toddler just a few months shy of her 3rd birthday washes ashore. One nationwide

publicity campaign, joined here on our program, and 60 million social media views later, a single person`s brave act helps ID the girl tot known only

as Baby Doe. And that person is joining us tonight. Now Baby Doe revealed to be toddler Bella Bond, just 34 months old.

In the last hours, the case taking a bizarre twist, as we learn why Mommy and boyfriend both say, We`re not guilty. I want to go straight out

to not only Jean Casarez, CNN correspondent joining us, but Jan Ransom joining us, reporter with "The Boston Globe."

First to you, Jean Casarez. This is what we are learning. We are learning in the last hours that DFACS, Department of Family and Children`s

Services, has been in this home many times. They have taken two siblings out of the home, but they leave the most defenseless child in the home.

And we learn why Mommy and boyfriend say, We`re not guilty. What is their defense, Jean?

JEAN CASAREZ, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Their defense is that the other one is responsible. That`s what it is, pointing fingers at each other.

First of all, the boyfriend in all of this, he is saying that she, the birth mother of little Bella, is pinning it all on him, that he did all the

actions, that he did the killing, that he put the body in the refrigerator, to really save herself, and that he had been told all along by Bella`s

mother that Bella was with the Department of Children and Families.

GRACE: You`re taking a look at little Bella, known as Baby Doe. In the last hours, in a bizarre twist, we learn that the mother is claiming

she didn`t know what was happening.

But Jean, how could she not know what was happening when she says she goes into the room, she sees her live-in boyfriend standing there over the

child. Jean, the girl is lying on the floor on a mattress, OK? She says that the boyfriend, the live-in, McCarthy, is standing up, but his hand is

next to the girl`s abdomen. That`s physically impossible. She also says the baby`s face is already gray.

There`s McCarthy right there in court.

Another thing. She says she goes along with him putting her baby in a trash bag, putting her baby in a trash bag and putting the baby in the

refrigerator. Now, what mother is going to let their child be put in a trash bag in the refrigerator, then weeks, months go by, and she never

calls police, she never calls 911, she calls nobody to help baby Bella? Now, how is that not murder one for the mother?

[20:05:09]CASAREZ: Let me add to that, Nancy, because I`m reading right now a summary from the state police of Massachusetts, and they`re

saying that when she -- and this is her story. When she walked into the bedroom, she not only saw him standing over the mattress with his hands

out, but absolutely hitting baby Bella in the abdomen area.

And then this summary says that she witnessed him taking the remains, putting them in the big, heavy duty plastic bag, and putting them in the

refrigerator. She had no involvement to helping him put it in the refrigerator, she says, but she was right there.

GRACE: And she went along with hiding the body, and she never called 911.

Unleash the lawyers. Joining me, Troy Slaten out of LA, defense attorney, and Midwin Charles, defense attorney out of Atlanta.

All right, Troy Slaten, to stand by and see this happen to your tot and not call 911, to stand there while you watch your live-in lover beat

your child dead -- are you telling me she doesn`t have culpability?

TROY SLATEN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, she may have some culpability, but even the government here is not charging her with murder one, as you


GRACE: That`s not true!

SLATEN: She`s being charged with accessory after the fact.

GRACE: This has not gone to grand jury indictment yet, Midwin Charles. Anything can happen in the grand jury.



CHARLES: Yes, anything can happen in the grand jury, but yet he`s right. She hasn`t been charged with murder here. Listen, both of these



CHARLES: Both of these people are drug addicts, OK? And...

GRACE: OK, if that`s your defense, I`m not ready to hear a defense about drugs yet.

CHARLES: Oh, well, you`re going to -- oh, yes, you`ve got to hear it, Nancy.

GRACE: I`m asking you right now...


GRACE: ... about what happened initially.

To Jan Ransom joining me, reporter from "The Boston Globe." In court, did the mother, Rachelle Bond, make any eye contact with the live-in she

claims killed the child?

JAN RANSOM, "BOSTON GLOBE" (via telephone): She did not make much eye contact at all. She kept her eyes down for most of the hearing. A couple

of times, she did look out into the crowd. It`s not clear who she was searching for. But at times, she appeared emotional. She appeared to

grimace at certain points of details in the case. But at many points, she appeared quite unemotional.

GRACE: And isn`t it true, Jean Casarez joining us, CNN correspondent -- we know that she`s claiming, He did it, and I had nothing to do with it,

other than putting her in a trash bag and putting her in the refrigerator, and then dumping her body and never calling 911. That`s her own story. I

mean, if that`s what she`s admitting to, was she really -- what`s her real involvement?

But what about the boyfriend who now claims, A -- two defenses, Jean. His bizarre twist is, A, he`s sticking to his story that he thought Bella

was still with DFACS. He didn`t even know she was in the home to be killed. And two, all that aside, that the baby girl was the devil. The

baby girl was possessed by the devil. That`s his defense.

CASAREZ: That is his defense, probably chiefly that she was just gone. And remember, DCF had done several investigations on Bella, so

plausibly, one could believe...

GRACE: Well, you know what?

CASAREZ: ... if his story is true...

GRACE: Jean...

CASAREZ: ... that the baby wasn`t there. So...


GRACE: Jean, I don`t want to even hear the words DFACS, child protective services. They left this baby there to die. They`ve already

put out one statement, and then they realized that statement wasn`t true. Then they put out another statement.

Justin Freiman, tell Jean about the statements we dug up, the stories that DFACS is now trying to tell to totally cover their own rear ends.

JUSTIN FREIMAN, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER (via telephone): That`s right, Nancy. They`re actually out there saying they`re looking to improve what

they call "systemic problems." And this is in reaction to the recent what they call "tragedies" that have happened.

GRACE: Joining me right now is Archie Dutrizac, a neighbor of Bella`s mother, who witnessed Rachelle Bond mistreating her children. Archie,

thank you so much for being with us.

ARCHIE DUTRIZAC, NEIGHBOR (via telephone): Yes, hello, Nancy.

GRACE: You know, what do you think when you hear this biological father, who turns up out of the blue -- he`s never even met the little

girl, but he`s now saying that the mother had nothing to do with it. What do you make of that?

DUTRIZAC: Yes, just like the story (ph), I`m truly disgusted with it. You know, he -- I haven`t even met the child, only through phone calls, he

said. And the daughter didn`t even look like she talked that good. I mean, of course (ph), the mother not teaching her words or not, but you

know, it`s just real baffling that he could just sit there and say that Rachelle had nothing to do with it, she wouldn`t be that way.

[20:10:12]But you know, you`ve got a guy, you`ve got a girl and one child in the house, I mean -- what is he going to do...


GRACE: We`re showing you the bio dad. Archie -- Archie, let me tell the viewers -- there`s the bio dad in the blue shirt right there. He is in

court right now. Now, he`s never met the little girl. He moved to Florida immediately after she was conceived. He has moved to Florida. He married

somebody else.

He says, Justin, that he shows up on a search for Bella and that he spent 24 hours with the mother, Rachelle Bond, on the beach watching the


FREIMAN: That`s right, Nancy. He says that he was actually with her and they spoke for about 24 hours together, and that`s when she finally

told him that Bella was dead.

GRACE: But then he changed that story. Or you know what? It doesn`t mean he changed it. He may have just added to the story. But did he call

police when the mother said Bella`s dead?

FREIMAN: He did not. He did not call police, nor did the mother.

GRACE: Why? Why isn`t anybody calling the police? I mean, forget DFACS. They`re totally worthless. But what about police, Justin?

FREIMAN: He doesn`t say. He just says that they spoke about possibly calling the authorities, but never did it.

GRACE: Now, did he alter his story? Did it change between versions? It may not be so much as him changing his story as adding to his story.

FREIMAN: It does seem that he seems to add more to the story about how he was told and when he was told about it. But he was actually living,

it seems, in Florida when Bella originally went missing.

GRACE: Everyone, this all went to court, and I`m going to let you hear just what happened in court. But in a bizarre twist tonight, the

boyfriend, who is accused of actually killing the baby girl that DFACS was totally ignoring, claims she was possessed by the devil.

Another question. Out to Dr. William Morrone, forensic pathologist, medical examiner and renowned toxicologist. Dr. Morrone, another thing the

mother is saying doesn`t add up. She`s saying -- in one story, she walks in -- I`ve heard so many defendants say this. They seem to always turn the

other way right when the gun goes off or right when the critical moment occurs.

She`s saying in one statement, she walks in and the baby is already gray, and he`s already killed her. All right, then there`s another

statement where she says he`s punching the baby in the tummy because she won`t go to sleep.

But here`s the thing. The medical examiner, we`ve been told, sees no outward sign of abuse. And if he had punched her so hard in the abdomen

that she died, wouldn`t there be bruises?

DR. WILLIAM MORRONE, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Well, if the punch precedes an immediate time period, a window of immediate death and

fatality, you need blood flow to cause the bruises. So if his blunt force trauma was so hard, it caused the heart to stop and kill the child, then

you don`t have blood, vital force to cause a bruise.

GRACE: OK, you know what? I know I`m just a JD, as you have so often and accurately reminded me, but that doesn`t make any sense to me, that you

punch somebody so hard, their heart stops and they die, but you don`t leave a bruise. See, I don`t believe that. Sorry. I know you`re the expert,

but that doesn`t make sense to me.

MORRONE: This is a very tender, friable, fragile person.

GRACE: That`s a baby doll.

MORRONE: And the amount of force it takes...

GRACE: That`s a plastic baby doll. OK, fragile I understand, but still no bruise. That`s my question.

MORRONE: Well, you have to have blood flow to an area that`s damaged. And if the heart and circulation stop because of that injury -- in other

words, if you shock somebody and you kill them and then you hit them one minute later, they`re not going to form a bruise. The -- there`s likely

suffocation and other internal trauma.



[20:18:26]UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The tipster told investigators he witnessed Bella being called a demon, and her mother and boyfriend locking

her in a closet for up to an hour at a time.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... while she screamed to be let out.


GRACE: The baby is dead. And now at the vigil they held for baby Bella last night, where all the politicians showed up and they`re all

talking about how there`s a systemic problem with DFACS and they`re going to fix it -- you know what? I`m happy they came to the vigil, but where

were they when baby Bella was being beaten dead?

Where were they when DFACS drops the ball? They take two siblings out of the home on two separate occasions. They have two investigations on

baby Bella as to how she is being treated. They close the book on baby Bella. They go home and put their head to the pillow, and they sleep just


They dropped the ball. They are responsible for this! No, they`re not the one that killed baby Bella, but they left baby Bella in the home to

die. They took two children out, older children. But they left the baby?

Joining me, Jean Casarez, Jan Ransom, and shortly joining us, the woman that calls in to identify Baby Doe and crack this case wide open.

Marc Klaas, help me out because we already see a defense lining up. And I for one don`t believe the mother. And I want to clear something up.

The biological father is not charged. He was nowhere around when this happened.

[20:20:08]By the time he finally got on the scene to meet his 2-and-a- half-year-old daughter, she was already dead. There he is in court praying and crying. He comes all this way to meet her, only to discover she`s


Marc, I don`t believe the mother. I think the mother is lying. Her stories are changing. And I know McCarthy is lying.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Sure. Yes, Nancy, this is pitiful on every level. Everything that these people are saying is self-serving.

It`s not trying to necessarily get anybody else in trouble, but certainly to keep themselves out of trouble.

But this is a little girl who was failed by everybody, and that includes the bio dad. Let`s be really clear about that. Everybody failed

her, every institution failed her, until it was too late.

And then it became extraordinary because what they did is they reconstructed the face of a little girl who had no chance in life, and kept

it alive. You kept it alive, the authorities did, media did, and social media did until we finally got that one clue that enabled us to bring Bella


If she had received that kind of attention in her life, she would be very much alive today. If there had been that much care and that much love

paid to her, she wouldn`t be dead at the hands of these monsters.

GRACE: Marc, I hear what you`re saying, but if she had even gotten a tenth, a tiny fraction of the attention she`s getting now in death, she`d

be alive today because DFACS would have known that we were onto them, and they would have gone over there to checked on her, all right? There are

over 700 children that cannot be identified right now. Baby Bella is one of them.

Dr. Daniel Bober with us, forensic psychiatrist. I don`t understand the psychology of a mother standing by and watching her live-in beat her

child dead and going along with putting the baby in a bag in the refrigerator, and then throwing her body like she`s trash!

I mean, you know -- maybe I`m projecting here, Dr. Bober, because I wanted children so badly when my fiance was murdered and I thought I would

never have them. And years and years later, I finally get John David and Lucy.

I just don`t understand a mother standing by and letting a man do this to her child! I don`t get it!

DR. DANIEL BOBER, FORENSIC PSYCHIATRIST: Well, Nancy, you know, there`s no more powerful instinct than for a mother to protect her child.

Clearly, there were a lot of things going on in this home. The live-in boyfriend claims that he was -- believed that the child was possessed by

demons, so to me, that would...

GRACE: Can I tell you something?

BOBER: ... suggest some sort of paranoid or religious delusion.

GRACE: Well, you know...

BOBER: Yes, Nancy?

GRACE: ... he may claim that now, now that he`s red-handed been identified as killing a baby. But there are Wiccans and there are

licensed, card-carrying broom-riding, cauldron-stirring witches all across America, and they`re not crazy, all right?


[20:27:16]GRACE: Breaking right now. We are joined by the people who cracked this case wide open. I will never forget when I saw that billboard

that said, "Did you know me?" "Do you know my name?" "Can you call police and tell them my name? Please tell police my name" -- when I saw that,

"Did you know me?" -- if it weren`t for our next two guests, right now, we would still not know who baby Bella was.

Joining me right now is Michael Sprinsky and his sister, Laura. Laura called police and told them who Baby Doe is. She learned this from her

brother, Michael, also joining us tonight.

To both of you, you have no idea what you mean to the crime victim community tonight! And I understand that you`ve been taking a lot of heat

for calling police. And I don`t get it because in my mind, the two of you are heroes. And I just want to thank you so much for what you did.

And I`m going to start with Michael Sprinsky. Michael, I understand that you lived in the home for a while with Rachelle Bond. Is that right?

MICHAEL SPRINSKY, HELPED POLICE ID BABY BELLA (via telephone): I can`t -- I can`t speak about that right -- right now, Nancy.

GRACE: What -- did you ever speak to Rachelle Bond about Bella?

M. SPRINSKY: No. No. I`m very -- I`m very shaken up right now, and the tears that I`m shedding is so emotional. And I haven`t been able to

stop crying. It`s tearing me up inside. It really is. And I just -- I can`t -- I can`t...

GRACE: I hear that -- I can hear that in your voice. Your sister also with us, Laura Sprinsky. Ms. Sprinsky, did you contact authorities

when you found out what had happened?

LAURA SPRINSKY, HELPED COPS ID BABY BELLA (via telephone): Yes, I did, right away.

GRACE: Thank God. Thank God. You`re the only one that knew what happened that actually called police. How did you find out, Ms. Sprinsky,

what actually happened to baby Bella?

L. SPRINSKY: Well, I`m actually not able to tell you the particulars of the case right now because it is an ongoing investigation and it is

going to trial. So I`m not at liberty to speak of that.

GRACE: Why did you ultimately tell police?

L. SPRINSKY: Why did I tell the police? Because I found out that there was a murdered child. I called police. It wasn`t because -- the way

you just said something that I called them because I knew it was her. I didn`t 100 percent know.

GRACE: Oh, okay. You did not know what?

SPRINSKY: That the information I had was in fact Bella.

GRACE: You just had a belief. With me, Michael Sprinsky, who was in the home. Did you move out of the home or leave the home?

MICHAEL SPRINSKY: Yes, I moved out of there.

GRACE: Why did you move out?

M. SPRINSKY: I wish I could tell you that. Nancy, like I said, this girl was so deep. Beyond anything that I could ever tell you. This is an

ongoing investigation. And like I said, it did just go so deep. And I`m very disturbed and emotional about everything. And I just -- I just want

to see some justice. And I`m glad law enforcement was able to get these two very quickly. And I`m very grateful for that.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez joining us. Jean, right now the mother and the boyfriend are being held. He is -- she`s on a $1 million bond. He`s

on no bond whatsoever. What about the DCFS workers that did nothing, what about the people assigned to her case? What`s going to become of them?

CASAREZ: We know there is an investigation now. They`re looking back at Bella`s case, which was closed. Let me give you a fast time line,

Nancy. It`s amazing. 2012, Bella is born. 2012, there was a Department of Children and Families in Massachusetts investigation on a neglect of

Bella. It was closed in 2012. Nothing done. Believed it was satisfied.

Next year, 2013, another open case into the neglect of Bella, by DCF. Closed. Nothing needed to be done. 2014, the head of Massachusetts

Department of Children and Families resigned from the position, not voluntarily, we understand. The governor coming out and saying there is an

issue with this state agency here in Massachusetts, the Commonwealth. The next year, Bella is dead.

GRACE: And Jan Ransom, reporter from the Boston Globe, right now they are being held on police charges. Is this going to a grand jury? Can the

charges be upgraded on the mother?

RANSOM: That is a possibility. I don`t think anything can be ruled out at this time. But the two are maintaining they`re not guilty.



GRACE: We know how dangerous social media is for children. Tonight, chilling proof caught on video.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Help! Get off me! Help!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is exactly what you get!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get over here. What`s wrong with you? What`s wrong with you?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What are you thinking!


GRACE: Children, school children, lured by fake Facebook accounts. Lured into potentially meeting child sex predators, all caught on video.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this your address?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to kill him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is this your address?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, that`s my address.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My father will come pick you up. He said I`ll be ready in five minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, little buddy. I`m Amanda`s dad. Hop on back.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s at home. Didn`t she tell you I was coming?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s all right. Come on back. I got you, don`t worry.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What the [ bleep ] is wrong with you? Didn`t I tell you not to do this on Facebook? Watch who you`re talking to? Don`t

you know you never know who is in there? Now what do you do if I don`t find you anymore? I`m out having dinner? Didn`t we just talk about this?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Then what are you doing in here? Why? What if I never see you, they take you away? Then what?


GRACE: Joining me right now, Coby Persin, Youtube star. Coby, you started off as a prankster, but when I`m watching these videos of children,

school boys being lured by fake Facebook accounts, lured into meeting potentially dangerous sex predators by online activity, it`s so scary. How

did you go from prankster to this?

COBY PERSIN, YOUTUBE STAR: It was basically one of my writers saw actually a live news report from He basically saw a 12-

year-old girl -- a 27-year-old man made a fake profile, same thing I did, and he friend requested some girls.


A 12-year-old girl actually let him in the house at night. Luckily the father was there to save the day. But I mean, I saw that.

GRACE: Oh, my stars! Okay. Everybody, watch this. Children lured by fake Facebook accounts into meeting potentially dangerous sex predators.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will be in the shower.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Help! Get off me! Help! Help! Please! Get off me!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is exactly what you get! How many times have I told you not to talk to strangers on the Internet! And then you walk

into a stranger`s house, not knowing what to expect!


GRACE: Okay, you know, Coby Persin, I know that it`s an experiment, but just watching it -- Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids

Foundation, just watching these experiments is so chilling, because this is exactly what happens. This is exactly how children get lured online by

real sex predators!

KLAAS: That`s exactly right, Nancy. Coby is performing a very valuable service, because he`s generating a real conversation about the

inherent dangers of the Internet, and people are paying attention to what`s happening here. I can`t commend him enough for taking these actions.

GRACE: I`ve got to tell you, you know, Coby, I know this is your experiment. The children don`t know it`s an experiment. They actually

answer to a fake Facebook profile that you`ve made up. The parents know what`s happening. We see the parents racing in. I`m telling you, Coby, I

don`t even know if I could put my children, much less myself, through it. I know you`re teaching them -- okay, watch this, everybody.


PERSIN: So right now I`m texting her that I just got here. All right. Let`s wait. See what she says. She says, OK, I`ll be there in

five minutes. She`s coming, yep. Michaela?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From Facebook. Do you remember?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michaela! Are you crazy? Are you out of your mind?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He could have been a rapist, he could have been a pedophile. Why would you do this?



GRACE: Dear lord. Okay. The whole time watching that, I`m just imagining my child or my -- the kid turning around and it being my child`s

face answering -- they`re so trusting. They`re so trusting. How do you go about setting up a fake Facebook that you`re using for these experiments?

PERSIN: It was basically, I just got one of my friends who was, when he was 15, I took one of his pictures and said yes, I could use it, and

these girls were talking to me. And they would be like, why do you only have only one friend on Facebook? And I would be like, my mom just let me

get Facebook. And I knew right where they went to school, because they had it on their Facebook profile, so I was talking to them about school, going

to school with them. And I was like, oh, let`s just meet up before school, and after a week they wanted to meet up, and that`s exactly what you saw.

GRACE: Marc Saltzman, joining me, technology expert, Mark, how easy is it to make a fake Facebook account like Coby Persin is talking about?

MARC SALTZMAN, TECH EXPERT: It`s very easy. It does violate Facebook`s policy, I should note, but all you have to do is come up with a

name, Google a photo of what you want to look like.

GRACE: Oh, what, the Facebook police are going to arrest me?

SALTZMAN: And then if you need an e-mail address, to verify it`s really you, you can set up a free webmail account like Yahoo! or Gmail.

Very easy to do so. And then if you are smart about it, you would try to friend people, a lot of people don`t care, they want to have as many

friends as possible. So you may get 10 or 20 people that will agree to be your friend, even though they really don`t know you, and then that will

build trust with a potential victim.




PERSIN: So right now I`m texting her that I just got her. All right. I`ll just wait and see what she says. She says OK, I`ll be there in five

minutes. Michaela?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you remember?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Michaela? Are you out of your mind?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s all right, come on back, I got you, don`t worry.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s wrong with you? Don`t you know you don`t do this on Facebook?


GRACE: School children answering fake Facebook accounts, friends on Facebook. Then lured to meet potentially dangerous sex predators, all

caught on video. Watch this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She better not be coming out.

PERSIN: I see the door opening. I see someone. Shhh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can`t believe this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you Daniel`s father?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. Hop in. He`s in the back.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stop it. It`s your mother and father. Jenna. Look. Turn around. Turn around. Turn around. How could you dare go up

to a stranger`s car?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What -- are you -- thinking? Just explain to me --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Give me your phone right now. Give me your phone, now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What would have happened if you came out and it wasn`t us sitting back here and there were really crazy people back here?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We never would have saw you again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We watched movies together. We looked at newspaper articles on the news about all these things, real-life situations

that have happened.


We discussed them. Do you think it`s fine to go try it out on your own?


GRACE: You know, with me is the man responsible for creating these scenarios. His name is Coby Persin. He`s a Youtube star. He`s gone from

being a prankster into using his knowledge to create this and bring awareness to what`s happening to our children every day. School children

answering fake Facebook accounts, they are friending people that aren`t real. And they are getting kidnapped and abducted, molested and killed.



GRACE: Live, a gorgeous 2-year-old little boy seemingly vanishes into thin air. Tonight, the search for little Kyron Knox. Straight out to the

lawyers. Troy Slaten, Midwin Charles, Troy, why didn`t the mother even know the little boy was missing? She said the boy was staying with friends

while she tried to move. She didn`t know her own son was missing? How can that be?

SLATEN: You know, parents entrust their children with people all the time. And you trust that when you entrust the most important thing, your

child, with somebody else, you think they will take good care of them.

GRACE: Really?

SLATEN: Are you supposed to check in on them every minute?

GRACE: How about every day? Yes, you`re supposed to call them. You`re right, Troy. You are supposed to call and she didn`t.

SLATEN: Occasionally.

GRACE: Midwin Charles, how is it that days go by and you don`t check on your child. And then, whoa, you`re surprised that the baby is missing.

CHARLES: Well, in her defense, this is what mothers often have to do. If they have to go off and earn a living and provide for their child, what

they do is they entrust that child with a friend or a family member. There is absolutely nothing wrong. There is no law that says she has to call the

friend or a family member every single day at all.

GRACE: Okay. I think what I just heard you say is there is not a law that the mother has to check on her child. I want to be clear that the

mother of little Kyrian Knox is not charged with anything, nor is she a person of interest or a suspect. What I do know, to Dr. Daniel Bober,

forensic psychiatrist, that what we are gleaning from police reports is that the mom leaves the baby with friends, days go by. Michael Christian,

how many days went by? Then she suddenly finds out, the baby has been missing for a while.

CHRISTIAN: We don`t even know, Nancy. We don`t know when the baby went missing. It hasn`t been explained, which is the biggest mystery of

all here.

GRACE: Dr. Daniel Bober, Midwin Charles and Troy Slate are absolutely right. There is no law that says a mother has to check on her child. But

it causes me to be concerned about her story. What really happened?

BOBER: It does seem to be very neglectful at the very least. It just doesn`t seem consistent that she would let days go by. It`s perfectly

acceptable to allow someone else to watch your child. But most moms in healthy relationships with their kids check on them quite frequently to

make sure they are OK, especially at this age.

GRACE: Yes. Dr. Bober, I have got somebody watching my children right now. Of course I`m watching them with a fleet of nanny cams all day and

all night. Still, I`ve got somebody else watching my children. You`re right. It is acceptable. But not to even bother to call, to find out you

don`t even know how long the baby has been missing?

BOBER: Doesn`t make sense.

GRACE: No, it doesn`t make sense. Dr. Morrone, forensic pathologist. Question. I don`t necessarily know that these are connected. But I think

it is of high coincidence that body parts of a child have been found nearby in a residential lagoon. How difficult will it be to decide whether that

is Kyrian Knox?

MORRONE: What they are going to need is original DNA samples from the home, the hair brush or the clothes to compare to the DNA of the body

parts, and that would be standard. They would be able to do it within a couple of weeks.

GRACE: We`ve got DNA from the mother. That will be mitochondrial, would that work?

MORRONE: Mitochondrial DNA to the mother will be an absolute match. That`s perfect.

GRACE: Let`s remember American hero, trooper Nathan Michael Smith. 27. Killed in a crash on duty with Virginia State Police. Lived his life

serving the public. Survived by parents, two children, and his wife. Nathan-Michael Smith, American hero.

And tonight, the pope, Pope Francis, the people`s pope sets foot on the U.S. for the first time.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is a pope like no other.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tens of thousands of fans. Coming out to see the pope.

POPE FRANCIS: Are you ready?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pope Francis, rock star, reformer. The people`s pope.


GRACE: Plus, he knows how to do the tango. Thanks to all our guests, but especially to you for being with us. Nancy Grace, signing off. See

you tomorrow night at 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.